Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/15/10

Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/15/10 -- Canada; Friday 4/16/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9378 ~ Victoria Is Arrested

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Patty: (Sighs) Morning, Darling. Reading about Adam's murder investigation?

Jack: Yeah. I'll just be happy when it isn't front-page news any longer.

Patty: Well, there's a TV special tonight.

Jack: Oh, yeah, I saw that. "Death of a Monster -- Who Murdered Adam Wilson?" Catchy title, huh? So how's it feel to be married to a murder suspect?

Patty: Sweetheart, don't joke about that.

Jack: You known what? I'll be happy when the police have eliminated anyone with the last name Abbott from their list.

Patty: I know. I'm just worried about the handkerchief they found in Adam's mouth.

Jack: Yeah, an obvious effort to set me up.

Patty: I don't care what he says. I know Victor's behind it.

Jack: You know what? Right now, I'm more worried about Ashley. She's still grieving, and the reporters won't leave her alone.

Patty: You tossed and turned last night.

Jack: I'm sorry.

Patty: It's okay.

Jack: Did I keep you awake?

Patty: Mm. I'll just get some coffee, and I'll be fine.

Jack: Wait. Aren't pregnant women supposed to avoid caffeine?

Patty: Of course. (Chuckles) Yeah, what was I thinking? It's just new to me.

Jack: By the way, I do want to be there when the doctor gives you official confirmation that you are pregnant.

Patty: No, I... I can’t.

Michael: Victor, I'm sorry I can't make it to Reed's custody hearing today.

Victor: Michael, I pay you an exorbitant retainer. This should be your first priority.

Michael: Yeah, well, something came up. Family emergency.

Victor: You found Lauren?

Michael: She came home last night.

Victor: How is she?

Michael: She's in one piece. Um, still not herself.

Victor: I'd rather we didn't postpone this.

Michael: Well, you don't have to. I'm already sending one of my best associates over there, uh, Julia Randall. I filled her in. She can handle it.

Victor: You send my regards to Lauren.

Michael: I will. Thanks for understanding, Victor.

Michael: (Sighs)

Sarah: Good morning.

Michael: (Chuckles) Morning. How did you sleep?

Sarah: Um, very well. I was lonely without you. I'm hoping you were perfectly miserable on that lumpy mattress in the guest room. So what's on the agenda for today?

Michael: Uh, your doctor's appointment. Don't tell me you forgot that, too.

Sarah: Um, you know, I was thinking about canceling that. 'Cause I'm-- I'm really feeling fine now.

Michael: Well, still, you should at least have your blood drawn. You blocked out 48 hours of your life. Who knows what could have caused that? What could still be in your system?

Sarah: Michael, I'm fine.

Michael: Let's play it safe, okay?

Sarah: I'm not going to the doctor's office.

Michael: All right. All right. Fine. Um, then I'll call them and have them send a nurse practitioner. Uh, unh-unh. Come on. Come on. It'll only take a few minutes, and then we'll know what's going on.

Mac: We're closed.

J.T.: Well, all I wanted was some coffee.

Mac: Good morning.

J.T.: Hi.

Mac: You look nice.

J.T.: Well, the custody hearing's today.

Mac: That's right. It's a big day.

J.T.: Yeah, it's an even bigger day for my son. You know, what happens today could affect him for the rest of his life.

Mac: Yeah, no pressure. How is he adjusting to the new place?

J.T.: Oh, fair, I guess. I mean, he misses his stuff, but... it'll take a while for it to feel like home, I think.

Mac: Well, if you need any help, or a woman's touch...

J.T.: You know what? I'll take you up on that, 'cause I don't even have anything on the walls.

Mac: Oh, well, I can get baseball posters for his room, and, um, maybe sheets with balls and bats on them?

J.T.: Yeah, he'd love that. He'd love that. You know, I want this house to be a place that Reed can grow up like a normal kid away from the Newmans.

Mac: Well, I think that you have a good shot at getting custody.

J.T.: Well, that's what my lawyer says, but, you know, I'm not countin' on it. When it comes to Victor Newman, I've learned not to bank on anything.

Victoria: Do you believe this? That Michael bailed on me?

Victor: Sweetheart...

Victoria: (Sighs heavily)

Victor: He assured me that his associate can handle it, okay?

Victoria: I would much prefer it if he were there himself, Dad. (Sighs) Did Mom talk to you?

Victor: Yeah. She said you had changed your mind. You wanted my help to make sure that you get full custody of Reed.

Victoria: He's my little boy, Daddy.

Victor: I know.

Victoria: I can't lose him.

Victor: Look, Baby, I'll do anything I can to help you, okay?

Victoria: All right. What can you do?

Victor: Sweetheart, Reed is a Newman. He belongs on this ranch with people who love him. I will make absolutely certain that you walk out of this courtroom with full custody of him, okay?

Chance: This is a Gibraltar x100 pen. It is one of the most expensive pens. On our salaries, we won't be making a purchase like this any time soon. It was discovered at the crime scene. The medical examiner has confirmed that it is consistent with the size and depth of the puncture wounds that were found in Adam Wilson’s chest. Right now, the lab is testing out the biological material that was removed from the shaft of the pen, and hopefully we should get the results in confirming it as the murder weapon. Now what we need to know is where it's purchased, who bought it, and how it ended up in the chest of our victim. We have some phone calls to make, so let's get to it, okay? Thank you.

Billy: Hey there, Nephew. Are you busy?

Chance: Billy, if you're here lookin' for a scoop, we're not giving any of the details on an open investigation, all right? So don't even try it.

Billy: That sounds very official, but actually, I'm here to make you a proposition. I have something you want.

Chance: What is that?

Billy: Oh, just a tuxedo jacket.

Chance: Well, where is it?

Billy: Not so fast. First you give me an exclusive on the murder investigation, and then I'll give you the jacket.

Mac: Will Victor interfere in you trying to get custody of Reed?

J.T.: Well, the man doesn't like to lose.

Mac: But it's not his fight.

J.T.: (Chuckles) Tell that to Victor. You know, he thinks Reed is his own property because they share D.N.A. He would do anything to stop me.

Mac: Well, Victoria wouldn't let him do that.

J.T.: Well, see, she and her dad had their own problems growing up. And her solution was to put an ocean between 'em. Look, Victoria knows that Reed is-- is much better off with me away from the ranch, but I don't know, you know? Not seeing her son every day? I can see where she might cave to Victor.

Mac: You're the consistent parent, and you're the one that he relies on. He idolizes you, and you're a good father.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Mac: A fantastic father.

J.T.: Yeah, I don't feel like that. You know, I'm fighting to take my son away from his mom. It's gonna suck either way for him. Is that for Reed?

Mac: No. It's to cheer you up, and I bet you thought I forgot. Happy birthday.

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Victoria: How can you be sure that the judge is gonna rule in my favor, Dad?

Victor: Trust me.

Victoria: (Sighs) Okay. Just promise me one thing, all right? Promise me that you're not gonna let this get ugly, because J.T. is still Reed's father. I don't want him shredded in court. We both have to be Reed's parents. I believe that J.T. has Reed's best interests at heart, even if he's a little bit misguided right now.

Victor: Do you want to play fair, or do you want to win?

Chance: The tuxedo jacket in exchange for an exclusive for "Restless Style" magazine? Billy, that's pretty brazen of you, considering you're a person of interest.

Billy: Come on, we both know I didn't kill anybody.

Chance: (Sighs) Billy, we haven't ruled anyone out as a suspect yet.

Billy: Oh, come on. This is a no-brainer. You need the jacket for your investigation. I've got the jacket. Let's make a deal.

Chance: Hmm.

Billy: Hmm.

Chance: (Sighs) Are you referring to this jacket?

Billy: Where did-- where did you get that?

Chance: Well, Mac mentioned you found it on a homeless man.

Billy: Yeah. I told her I was gonna give it to you, but...

Chance: Well, just in case, I got a search warrant for your office this morning.

Billy: That's cute. Why didn't anybody from my office call me?

Chance: Well, why don't you just check your phone?

Billy: Yeah, I'm gonna check my phone. You know, you're gettin' sneaky, and it's get... damn.

Chance: Billy?

Billy: Yeah?

Chance: I've got a proposition for you.

Billy: What's that?

Chance: I won't charge you with obstruction of justice if you just tell me who was in your hotel room the night Adam was murdered.

Billy: (Chuckles) Man. (Sighs)

Patty: I promise, Jack, I will see a doctor, but not today. I have a very full schedule.

Jack: Hey, it doesn't have to be today.

Patty: Well, it'll take time to get an appointment.

Jack: All the more reason to call now. Unless there's some reason you don't want to go.

Patty: I-I-I know that I'm pregnant. The doctor's just gonna tell me to take prenatal vitamins, and I can prescribe them myself.

Jack: So humor your poor husband. I want an ob-gyn to tell me that mother and child are fine. I want you to have all the information you need to take good care of yourself.

Patty: Okay. I'll make the appointment.

Jack: That's my girl. I'm gonna take a shower.

Patty: All right. (Sighs) (Sighs) (Chuckles) How am I gonna pull this one off? You know, I really wish you hadn't have screwed me over, Dr. P., 'Cause I could really use your help right now. (Sighs) What am I supposed to do? I can't take him to the doctor's with me. He'll find out that I'm not really pregnant. (Sighs)

Sarah: You know, Michael, this is really a waste of time.

Michael: (Scoffs) I would like an explanation for your behavior. I mean, doesn't it worry you? Is there a medical reason? Were you drugged again? Is there some underlying condition that we don't even know about?

Sarah: You know what? I am still the Lauren that you know and love.

Michael: Really? You haven't asked once about Fenmore this morning. Don't you wonder where your son is? It's Friday.

Sarah: Is it?

Michael: You and Fenmore... you make pancakes together every Friday for breakfast. You've never once forgotten that till now.

Sarah: (Sighs) Oh, well... of course it's Friday. I... I just lost track of time. You certainly can't fault me for that. I mean, I've just had so much going on lately. I just-- my head isn't on straight.

Michael: Oh, sure. Sure. And that's why I've arranged for you to visit with a psychiatrist.

Sarah: I-I really wish you had asked me.

Michael: No, it's Dr. Abbott. It's Dr. Abbott. That's Jack's wife. You've met her.

Sarah: Oh, yes. Yes, of course.

Michael: I thought you'd be comfortable with her.

Sarah: You know what I really need is a couple of days of rest. I don't need to see a psychiatrist.

Michael: You don't remember bailing out Ryder and Daisy. You--you disappeared for almost two days. You slept with another man, and you have no explanation for your blanking out or for how any of this happened, and your solution to it all is to--to ignore it, to get a good night's sleep, and it'll all go away.

Sarah: Come on. Come on. We will work on this together.

Michael: There's something wrong. I want answers.

Sarah: There's only one person who can cure me, and that's my sexy husband.

Michael: Don’t. Don’t. I think we should put off being physical for a while. Uh... you told me you slept with another man, and, um... I'm having a difficult time getting past that.

Sarah: I guess I understand intellectually. But emotionally, I'm hurting, too. Don't push me away.

Michael: Talk to Dr. Abbott.

Sarah: Is this your way of punishing me?

Michael: I just need time. I never imagined that... you would cheat on me.

Sarah: But I didn’t. I mean, not consciously.

Michael: However it happened, uh... I'm devastated. Surely you understand.

Sarah: Fine. You need space? Take it.

(Knock on door)

Michael: (Sniffles) (Sighs) Oh. It's the nurse practitioner. Hello. Welcome. Come in.

J.T.: And what do we got here? Oh. Wow, this is great. Yeah, I know exactly where to put this.

Mac: It's your first item to make your new place feel homey.

J.T.: (Chuckles) Thank you for this and for being such a good friend. You know, if I didn't have you to talk to--

Mac: Please, it is entirely selfish on my part. If it weren't for you and Reed, my days would consist of pouring short shots for boozehounds and eating mounds of food alone in front of the television.

J.T.: Well, I'm glad Reed and I could spare you from a miserable existence.

Mac: (Chuckles) What time do you have to be in court?

J.T.: Yeah, I gotta get goin'. Okay.

Mac: Well, I have a good feeling about today. I think things are gonna work out.

J.T.: I hope you're right.

Billy: Obstruction of justice? Are you gonna charge me, Nephew?

Chance: Billy, you gave me your statement saying that you were completely alone in the suite the night Adam was killed.

Billy: Yep. So?

Chance: We--

Chance: How do you explain these? Hmm?

Billy: I don't know. What do you think?

Chance: Well, what I know is that the lab pieced together two shattered champagne flutes on the floor next to the bed. So that's two glasses and two masks.

Billy: Yeah. Well, it doesn't take a genius to put that together, does it? (Clears throat) Okay, uh, you busted me. I was with somebody.

Chance: Who?

Billy: You know, that's where it gets tricky. Um, we didn't really exchange names. So...

Chance: All right, well, then what did she look like, Billy?

Billy: Well... (Stammers) (Sighs) She looked kinda like this, but she had more, like, you know, this goin' on, and--

Chance: Okay, all right. Fine, whatever. Eye color? Hair color?

Billy: (Sighs) You know, I-it's funny. We--we kept the masks on the whole time, and it was kinda kinky, so... but, hey, you know what? If you want to get a whole nude lineup in here, I could come check it out any time you want.

Chance: Damn it, Billy. This is not a joke. Now this woman could be your only alibi, or she could not be. She could easily say that you two were not together at the time that Adam was killed.

Billy: (Sighs) Yeah, you know, I'm sorry. I can't help you further.

Chance: You guys said you had your masks on. Why were they found on the floor?

Billy: I don't know. Maybe it got a little hot, and I was drunk. I mean, the whole night is just a jumble. All I know is I met this woman in my room, and then I ran out after the explosion.

Chance: Billy, why did you lie about it?

Billy: I'm tryin' to, you know, straighten out my life a little bit. And I would appreciate it if you didn't tell Chloe about this.

Chance: I think you're covering for someone.

Billy: Oh, why the hell would I do that?

Chance: I don't know, Billy. Why don't you tell me? You can't protect this woman for long. I will find the truth.

Billy: Should I lawyer up?

Victor: Hey, Judge Wiley. Just the man I wanted to talk to.

Woman: I tracked down the pen.

Chance: Where was it purchased?

Woman: Had some trouble locating the retailer. Turns out it was bought overseas.

Chance: Did you get the name of the store?

Woman: The store, the credit card number used to buy it and the name of the purchaser.

Chance: I'll be damn.

Jack: Did you make that appointment with the doctor?

Patty: Yes, the end of next week.

Jack: Nothing sooner?

Patty: Well, she was booked solid.

Jack: Well, Honey, if she's that busy, find another doctor.

Patty: Oh, Jack, she's the best in Genoa City, and I'd rather wait a few extra days.

Jack: Okay, next week it is. What's her name?

Patty: Dr. Stavropolous.

Jack: Never heard that name before. Um, day and time?

Patty: Friday at 3:00.

Jack: Honey, you know I have a standing squash game every Friday afternoon.

Patty: (Sighs) Oh, God, you know what? Unfortunately, it was the only time she had. Well, we could wait another week.

Jack: No, no, no, no, no. This is--this is important. We'll schedule around.

Patty: Oh, Sweetheart, no. You don't need to do that.

Jack: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Patty: But it's going to be routine, and she's just going to tell us what we already know. Besides, you look forward to your squash game.

Jack: This is our child we're talking about. Nothing is more important than this.

Patty: You are so sweet.

Jack: Uh, listen, I'm heading into town. Can I give you a lift?

Patty: No, I, uh, I have an appointment here at the house.

Jack: I thought we agreed you wouldn't be seeing any patients here.

Patty: Ordinarily, I wouldn't, Jack, but it's Lauren Fenmore.

Jack: Lauren's a patient? How did that come about?

Patty: Well, Michael called me and asked if I'd speak with her.

Jack: I know she's under a great deal of stress right now.

Patty: Yeah, so I've heard.

Jack: Did you know she disappeared for a couple of days without anyone knowing where she was?

Patty: Where'd you hear that?

Jack: Phyllis.

Patty: (Sighs) When'd you talk to Phyllis?

Jack: Last night. Michael called her terribly upset. It's just not like Lauren.

Sarah: The nurse practitioner said I was fine.

Michael: No, she said you looked fine, but the results of your blood work would not be available until she got back to the office.

Sarah: I don't need a shrink.

Michael: Indulge me.

Sarah: I tried to this morning, but you wouldn't let me.

Michael: Emily has a wonderful reputation. She is tops in her field.

(Doorbell rings)

Patty: Hi, Lauren. It's nice to see you again.

Sarah: Nice to see you, too, Emily.

Victor: Where's my grandson?

J.T.: Preschool.

Victor: Victoria and I will pick him up after the hearing, okay?

J.T.: You think this is a lock for you?

Victor: J.T., this may come as news to you. But generally speaking, in a custody battle, the child is awarded to the mother.

J.T.: Unless she's a suspect in a murder investigation.

Victor: You honestly think Victoria had anything to do with the death of Adam?

J.T.: I don't think Victoria had anything to do with Adam's murder. I'm not so sure about other members of her family.

Victor: You say that to anyone in public, and I will sue you for defamation of character.

J.T.: Victor, I've worked with you. I know what you're capable of. Now consider the fact that you're fighting to keep Reed a part of a world with search warrants and cops and dead bodies.

Victor: Now you know damn well that that will not happen.

J.T.: Well, put your pride aside long enough to realize that Reed is better off with me away from the ranch.

Victor: Reed is a Newman, and you will not convince him otherwise.

Bruce: Judge Wiley’s ready.

Julia: Where's Victoria?

Victor: She should be here any minute.

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: Oh! Victoria Newman.

Billy: It's me.

Victoria: (Sighs) Uh, I don't have time. My phone conference made me late for my custody hearing, so...

Billy: Chance busted my alibi. He knows I wasn't alone in my hotel room the night of the ball.

Victoria: Does he know it was me?

Billy: Well, I told him you were a stranger, but the "Boy wonder" detective is hot on your trail, and he's trying to find your identity.

Victoria: (Sighs) Great.

Billy: Now for the bad news. (Sighs) Adam's murder definitely occurred between the time we saw each other at the ball, and, uh, when we... met in the room.

Victoria: So we're not even each other's alibis?

Billy: Nope. Either one of us could have committed that murder. So what's the going rate for a good alibi these days?

Victoria: I'll talk to you later.

Man: Victoria Hellstrom?

Victoria: Yes?

Man: Detective Chancellor needs to see you.

Victoria: Uh, well, tell Detective Chancellor that I will give him my statement tomorrow. I'm on my way to a custody hearing, and I really have to do that.

Man: No, Ma'am. He insists.

Victoria: (Sighs) All right.

Jack: Could I get a small coffee and one of those muffins?

Michael: Make that two small coffees and a muffin, uh, on me.

Jack: Well, thank you, Counselor. How's Lauren doing?

Michael: I don't know. I'm hoping Emily will help out.

Jack: Well, if anyone can help, Emily can. She's the best at what she does. Oh, thank you. So how are you holding up?

Michael: Oh, well, I've been hoping to avoid that question. There's nothing like going home at the end of a long day and spending time with your best friend. Lauren and I have always shared everything with each other. And now suddenly, we've just, uh, lost the connection. It's like being married to a stranger. Oh, I have to make a phone call. Excuse me, Jack.

Jack: Yeah, uh, thanks again for the coffee.

Michael: Yeah.

Jack: Yeah, could you give me a listing, please, for a Dr. Stavropolous at Genoa City Memorial Hospital?

Patty: Here's your tea.

Sarah: Thank you.

Patty: Mm-hmm.

Sarah: I was just admiring your wedding portrait.

Patty: Personally, I hate it. I wish Jack would take it down.

Sarah: Mm, you have such a pretty face.

Patty: It's a little self-indulgent for me.

Sarah: (Chuckles) Who was the painter?

Patty: Oh, I don't remember. Um, if you're interested, I'll--I'll send you an e-mail.

Sarah: Please. Thank you so much for seeing me on such short notice.

Patty: Oh, well, your husband explained the situation.

Sarah: Ahh. So let me, uh... let me ask you a question. How do you feel about Reichian breathwork?

Patty: Well, what do you know about it?

Sarah: Just that I've been doing a lot of reading on it, and I think it's fascinating.

Patty: Well, there's value to all types of therapy.

Sarah: So you don't mind going off the beaten path?

Patty: Oh, not at all. Not at all. Well, let's get back to why you're here.

Sarah: How's married life treating you?

Patty: Jack and I are very happy. Uh, he's a wonderful husband.

Sarah: You light up when you talk about him.

Patty: (Chuckles) Mm. Well, he's my whole world. Who's asking the questions here? (Laughs)

Sarah: (Laughs) It's just my way of getting to know you better.

Patty: Oh.

Sarah: Do you mind if I'm, uh... honest about something?

Patty: Please.

Sarah: I didn't want to come here today.

Patty: Most people are reluctant at first. But how are you feeling now?

Sarah: Quite the opposite. I'm very happy that I'm here.

Billy: Hi.

Mac: Hi.

Billy: Thanks for costing me an exclusive.

Mac: What I did I do?

Billy: What did you do? The tuxedo jacket. That was my leverage with the G.C.P.D. I could have got an exclusive for the magazine.

Mac: It was evidence, and why do you want to write about Adam's murder when you're a suspect?

Billy: Because I sell magazines, and my readers want to know more. They want to know, because he is a Newman, and he's royalty, and they want to know if I did it, and if I covered it up, and I could sell more magazines.

Mac: Well, you better pray that doesn't come back to bite you.

Billy: What is this? Fir--first birthday drink at Jimmy's?

Mac: J.T.'s birthday. Today's gonna be rough for him.

Billy: Custody hearing, huh?

Mac: How did you know about that?

Billy: It's my business to know.

Mac: Well, I hope that it goes his way.

Billy: You know, I thought that a woman carrying twins would have more sympathy for the mother.

Mac: Well, I don't know Victoria all that well, but it sure seems like she doesn't have her priorities straight.

Billy: Well, I don't know her that well either, but, uh, she seems pretty together to me.

Judge Wiley: I won't be able to wait much longer for Mrs. Hellstrom.

Julia: She should be here any minute, your honor.

Victor: I will try again, your honor.

Judge Wiley: In the corridor. We'll take a 10-minute break so you can try to reach your daughter. (Bangs gavel)

Victor: Thank you, your honor.

Bruce: It's lookin' good.

J.T.: This isn't like Victoria.

Victoria: Is it really necessary to drag me down here now when I'm due at a custody hearing?

Chance: Oh, it's important to clear the air.

Victoria: (Sighs) Well, what's wrong with, I don't know, maybe later?

Chance: If I could put this to later, I would.

Victoria: All right, you want my statement about where I was the night that Adam was killed, and I would be more than happy to give that to you. I'd be happy to write it down and sign it and put it on a piece of paper on a gold platter, and have it delivered to the G.C. Police Department, but right now, I need to be at that hearing, or I'm gonna lose my son.

Chance: Some new evidence has come to light.

Victoria: Okay, great. What evidence?

Chance: Do you recognize this pen?

Victoria: (Scoffs) It's a pen.

Chance: This is one of the most expensive writing instruments in the entire world. This is a Gibraltar x100. Now this specific pen was bought at the Al-Fardan Jewellery Store at the Mall of the Emirates in Dubai. You yourself were recently over in Dubai, were you not?

Victoria: Yes. I mean, it's not a secret.

Chance: Right. Well, we just happen to have a faxed copy of that receipt right here. Care to take a look at that? It's a pretty expensive pen, would you say?

Victoria: Yeah, so I bought a-a pen in Dubai. What's your point?

Chance: Well, this pen was found at the murder scene. It's the same shape and size as the wound that was found on the victim's chest. Someone plunged this pen into Adam's chest and killed him. Now would you care to explain how this pen just so happened to end up at the crime scene as the murder weapon?

Jack: Yeah, I wanted to confirm an appointment my wife made with the doctor. Next Friday at 3:00. Emily Abbott. Well, uh, can you check Emily Peterson? No, she's a new patient. We're just confirming a pregnancy. Dr. Stavropolous is a cardiologist? No. No, uh, thank you.

Michael: So everything looks good. There's no drugs in her system, no red flags, nothing. Well, thank you, Dr. Walker. Yes, yes, Lauren is with the psychiatrist now. Maybe Dr. Abbott can get to the bottom of this.

Sarah: Well, it's been very frightening, you know, getting these headaches from the toxic fumes in my office and being drugged by that girl. I don’t... I don't know why I disappeared or why I cheated on my husband.

Patty: Are you not as happy in your marriage as you say you are?

Sarah: Well, I do miss going to the clubs. I was once a singer with Danny Romalotti when I was younger. It gets kind of tiresome, you know? Just being Michael and me and our son.

Patty: Personally, I think it sounds wonderful.

Sarah: I think you'll change your mind after you've been married a long time.

Patty: I wonder if your acting out has less to do with you being drugged and more to do with you wanting to be a bad girl.

Sarah: You are so clever, Doctor. You're right. I do want to be a bad girl.

Patty: What are you... what are you doing?

Sarah: Hey, just a second.

Patty: Get--

Sarah: I'm not gonna hurt you. Okay.

Patty: Stop! What the hell?!

Sarah: You are not Dr. Emily Abbott. You're Patty Williams.

Chance: Adam deserved to be locked up in jail. Please.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Chance: He was an ungrateful son, a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a-a rotten brother. He had been acting so heinous towards others. It's not surprising that somebody wanted him killed. Now Adam's death was a crime of passion. O-of violence that just springs up unexpectedly from your soul, against your better judgment of things, of what may happen and what you may—

(Cell phone rings)

Chance: (Sighs) Victoria, please. Wait. Stop. Don't answer this, okay? I need you to focus right now. I need you to come clean and tell me the truth.

Victor: Sweetheart, where are you? How can I help with Reed's custody if you are not here to speak for yourself?

Mac: I don't mean to come down hard on Victoria. J.T. just wants what's best for Reed.

Billy: Yeah, and that's taking him away from his mother? I mean, look, when Chloe and I were getting a divorce, it just bugged me knowing that my daughter would never have the opportunity to grow up with both of her parents under the same roof. And I just--I did--

Mac: Well, you didn't have that experience, and neither did I.

Billy: No, we didn’t. And look how great we both turned out. Neither one of us can hold onto a relationship.

Mac: J.T. has his reasons for doing this.

Billy: Yeah, fair enough. I wouldn't want my kid growing up around the mustache either, but a child needs his mother.

Mac: If she can offer the better home.

Billy: Okay, you and I can debate this all day, but ultimately it comes down to what the judge decides, right?

Victor: (Sighs) Your honor, I'm sorry, but my daughter's not answering her phone. Something must have happened, because she would not miss this custody hearing.

Judge Wiley: Well, I can't wait any longer. I have another case.

Julia: Your honor, I'd like to request a postponement.

Bruce: If Mrs. Hellstrom was delayed, she should have informed the court.

Judge Wiley: I have no choice but to award full custody of Reed Hellstrom to his father, Jeffrey Todd Hellstrom. (Bangs gavel)

Bruce: Congratulations.

Chance: Look, I am so sorry that you have to go through this. But we can wrap this up a lot more quickly if you tell me how the pen got the crime scene.

Victoria: All right, yes, I bought the pen in Dubai.

Chance: Was it for you, or was it for somebody else? Can you account for your exact whereabouts the night Adam was killed?

Victoria: Um... (Sighs) I was at the ball.

Chance: See, well, no one recalls seeing you around the time that he was killed.

Victoria: Okay, well, we were wearing masks.

Chance: Can anyone corroborate your story?

Victoria: (Sighs)

Chance: Look, if you won't produce a witness or even tell me who the pen belongs to, Victoria, I'm gonna have no choice but to charge you.

Chance: (Sighs) Victoria Hellstrom, you're under arrest for the murder of Adam Wilson.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

J.T.: If you exploit the fact that my wife is missing--

Billy: Your soon-to-be ex-wife.

Daisy: What do you mean, no?

Ryder: I mean I'm not going to help you.

Sarah: I don't care that you're not Emily, because I'm not really Lauren.

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