Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/14/10 -- Canada; Thursday 4/15/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9377 ~ Search for a Suspect
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Chance: So have you guys found Nick Newman's jacket yet? How often do you lose stuff at your dry cleaner's? That's what I thought. All right, um, thank you for your time.
Chloe: Hi.
Chance: Hey.
Chloe: I thought that face could definitely use some cheering up.
Chance: Ah. Ahh.
Chloe: Oh, it looks like all of you need some cheering up.
Chance: (Sighs) (Chuckles) Yes, well, um, what'd you have in mind?
Chloe: (Singsong voice) Dinner.
Chance: What, you made that for me?
Chloe: (Normal voice) No, of course I didn't make that, but my mom did. It was my idea, though.
Chance: Oh, okay. Well, what'd you guys get--
Chloe: Oh.
Chance: What?
Chloe: First things first.
Chance: Oh. Mm.
Chloe: Mwah.
Chance: Mm, come here.
Chloe: (Chuckles) I did think that now that we had gotten "Closer," you'd be spending more time at home, and less at work.
Chance: Yeah, well, go figure. As soon as I find my new favorite hobby...
Chloe: (Chuckles) Well, don't worry. I'll make sure that we find time for that. So did you get any closer in finding out who killed Adam?
Chance: No. I've, um, I've got a ton of suspects. I've got even more questions. I just, uh, I have too few answers. Oh, I love Esther. I really do.
Chloe: Can you please not hit on my mother? It's completely inappropriate.
Owen: Chancellor, you got a minute? Oh, I didn't realize you, uh, had a visitor.
Chance: Uh, no, Sir. Uh, Chloe just brought me some food. That's all.
Chloe: Yeah.
Owen: Hey, you gotta eat, right?
Chloe: Well, I have extra chicken here if you want some, Mr. Pomerantz.
Owen: No, thank you. Listen, I need to talk to you about the Adam Wilson case.
Chloe: Okay, I-I'll go to the ladies' room. I'll be back in a little bit.
Chance: All right, thanks. Uh, have a seat, Sir. (Clears throat) All right, um, well, I have just been going over all of our suspects here.
Owen: All right, what do you got?
Chance: Um, Billy Abbott claims that he was drunk and alone in a hotel suite, uh, the night that Adam was murdered.
Owen: You don't buy it?
Chance: Uh, drunk, yes. But I don't know if he was necessarily alone. We found these in the suite. Now what I can't figure out is why he would lie about being with a woman.
Owen: Maybe he's, uh, protecting whoever this belonged to.
Chance: Protecting her from what, though?
Owen: Having to lie for him, if she saw him kill Adam.
Chance: Mm, Billy can be a jerk from time to time, but I have a hard time figuring that he's a murderer.
Owen: What about his brother?
Chance: Jack Abbott? Well, we found his monogrammed handkerchief shoved down Adam's throat.
Owen: Pretty damning.
Chance: Well, he's cold enough to do something like this, but he's also very, very smart-- too smart to leave an obvious calling card.
Owen: You think he was set up?
Chance: Or someone's trying to throw us off his track.
Owen: Who?
Chance: His wife, Dr. Emily Peterson Abbott.
Owen: Why would she kill Adam?
Chance: Well, she claims that he drugged her right before he escaped from the hospital, so...
Owen: And you don't believe her?
Chance: Eh, I don't know if I believe her story, but, um, I'm gonna keep her on the list for now. One of your own, actually-- Heather Stevens. According to "Restless Style," the A.D.A. was part of the kangaroo court that went after Adam.
Owen: Yeah, it got her suspended. Could be motive.
Chance: It could, but let's not forget that she and Adam were involved.
Owen: Before he got "Involved" with Rafe Torres.
Chance: Yes, two burned ex-lovers. Could have been a crime of passion for either of them.
Owen: Some badly broken hearts in this one.
Chance: Yeah, well, let's not forget dear, old dad, Victor Newman. He had to have been so hurt and pissed by Adam's betrayal.
Owen: Enough to kill him?
Chance: He tried to ditch the watch that had Adam's blood all over it. If he's so innocent, why didn't he just come forward and say that he got into a fight with Adam the night he was murdered?
Owen: Because he's covering for someone else?
Chance: Nick.
Owen: No love lost between him and Adam.
Chance: Well, there have been accusations of the two of them getting into fights in the past.
Owen: Yeah, and the situation must have intensified exponentially when he found out what Adam had done with his baby.
Chance: Yeah, there's lots of animosity between his sister, as well.
Owen: Oh, daddy's little princess, Victoria Hellstrom.
Chance: Word is she's had it in for Adam ever since he got back into town.
Owen: Hmm. Envy, sibling rivalry-- powerful motivations.
Chance: Victoria and Nick have both been acting pretty suspicious since the ball.
Owen: Nick's jacket conveniently disappears, and Victoria can't remember where she was most of the night.
Chance: Yes, and I think there's someone who can shed some light on this entire mystery-- their mom, Nikki Newman. Now she's been known to be fiercely protective of her family.
Owen: Also has the ear of her husband and children.
Chance: Yeah, and she's definitely saying less than she knows.
Owen: What about Nick's wife?
Chance: Oh, Phyllis Newman? (Chuckles) Again, she's not saying much, but there's more there.
Owen: You don't believe her story about the dry cleaners losing Nick's jacket?
Chance: No, not one bit. That's up there with "My dog ate my homework."
Owen: All right, that it?
Chance: No, actually. I am saving the best for last-- Sharon Newman.
Owen: Oh, a wife cruelly betrayed by her husband.
Chance: Adam stole the baby, told her that it had died. It almost destroyed her. But it wasn't the only life that he ruined. Ashley Abbott-- he terrorized her. He tried to drive her insane, which ultimately led to her miscarriage.
Owen: Is there any physical evidence connecting her or Sharon to Adam's murder?
Chance: (Sighs) Other than motive, I've got nothing linking them to the murder.
Owen: Looks like we aren't any closer to solving this thing.
Chance: Look, the suspect that murdered Adam Wilson is in here. All I need to do is just sift through this evidence and I'll be able to find out who it is.
Jack: I hope you don't mind eating a little later. Ashley's on her way over.
Patty: (Sighs) Now?
Jack: She sounded pretty upset. You understand, right?
Patty: Of course.
Jack: Listen, I, uh, I don't think we should say anything to Ashley about your pregnancy, not yet.
Patty: Why not?
Jack: Well, she's still getting over the loss of Faith, and I just don't think we should tell anyone just yet.
Patty: Okay, it'll be our little secret.
(Doorbell rings)
Jack: Oh.
Ashley: Hi, sorry to... bother both of you. Hi.
Jack: So what's going on?
Ashley: Other than a search warrant being served on my house and the police grilling me like I'm a cold-blooded murderer?
Patty: Okay, this is getting ridiculous.
Jack: It sure is. There's no way you could have killed Adam.
Ashley: Any more than you or Billy could have.
Jack: Whoever killed Adam is trying to point the finger in another direction. How else would my handkerchief have ended up in Adam's mouth?
Patty: Well, you didn't put it there.
Jack: Well, it--I didn't even know it was missing until the district attorney told me the next day.
Ashley: Jack, who could have done that to you?
Patty: Well, the only person who would want to hurt you is Victor,
Jack: (Sighs)
Patty: And you need to confront him, force him to tell you the truth.
Ashley: The truth and Victor are not very well-acquainted.
Patty: Well, I can get it out of him. As a psychiatrist, people open up to me.
Jack: Well, I--look, I appreciate the help, but I'd just as soon you steer clear of "The Mustache."
(Cell phone rings)
Ashley: Oh. Excuse me. Hello? Yes, this is Ashley Abbott. Right now? Okay, I'll--I'll meet you there. Um, the district attorney wants to speak to me about Adam.
Victoria: The funeral director will meet us at the airport in Kansas, all right? He will be buried next to his mother's grave. As soon as we have unloaded the casket, we return to Genoa City, because there'll be no service. How soon can we leave?
Man: Just waiting for word that the fog's cleared in Wichita.
Victor: All right, kindly keep me posted.
Nikki: Victor, why are you doing this?
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: The casket, the burial, the trip home? After everything that Adam did to you, why do you feel you owe him anything?
Victor: He isn't the only one who made mistakes.
Nikki: But you're not responsible for what happened to him.
Victor: (Sighs) I know that.
Nikki: If you're doing this, um, out of some sort of guilt, it--
Victor: No, I'm doing this for Hope. I keep on trying to find some shred of decency in that boy.
Nikki: Well, not many people could do that.
Victor: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Yes, Mr. Pomerantz. Tonight? All right.
Nikki: What, the district attorney wants to see you tonight?
Victor: Yeah, that's odd, isn't it? Apparently, there's something he wants me to see.
Sharon: Um, I'm surprised you guys are here so late. Is something wrong?
Nick: (Sighs) Well, the cops never came back, if that's what you mean.
Phyllis: Yeah, Nick is worried about the tux jacket.
Sharon: I told you, I hid that miles from here.
Nick: Yeah, you said, uh, you put it in a dumpster in the alley behind Jimmy's, right?
Sharon: Yeah, no one's gonna find it.
Nick: Well, I couldn't find it. You sure it was behind Jimmy's?
Sharon: Yeah, or the garbage was picked up, and by now, it's under mountains in a landfill somewhere.
Nick: I hope.
Sharon: But you don't think so?
Phyllis: The dumpster was full.
Nick: Pretty much the only thing not in that dumpster was my jacket, which means somebody found it.
Chance: Thank you.
Woman: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Oh, that's great.
Chloe: What do you got?
Chance: (Clears throat) Nick Newman's jacket, or one that looks just like it anyway.
Chloe: Nick's jacket is wanted for murder? Uh, well, it is a killer jacket.
Chance: That's funny, Chloe. Look, this is a murder investigation, all right, not "Top Model."
Chloe: I'm just saying that you get points for creativity. What are you gonna do with it?
Chance: I'm gonna post it anywhere the jacket may have turned up-- missions, soup kitchens, shelters, discount clothing stores, anywhere.
Chloe: Honey, it's a jacket. What do you think it's gonna tell you?
Chance: Who killed Adam Wilson.
Mac: (Clears throat) Thought your late-night drinking days were over.
Billy: Just one. What? Come on. Have a little faith. I've been a good boy lately.
Mac: (Chuckles) If you don't count being a murder suspect, yeah.
Billy: Like half the town. Oh, you don't think I did it, do you?
Mac: No, of course not. I just know that trouble seems to follow you around, and I hope that you have an alibi.
Billy: Well, it's airtight. (Clears throat)
Mac: Okay, what is it?
Billy: What, do you work for the cops now, too?
Mac: You always answer a question with a question when you're hiding something.
Billy: I-- you want to know my alibi? I-I-I booked a room at the G.C.A.C.
Mac: Because...
Billy: Because I drank too much and didn't want to risk getting a D.U.I., so I booked a room. End of story.
Mac: Hardly.
Billy: Okay, what the hell is wrong with you? What's going on?
Mac: I can tell when you're lying. Not that I care. But your lie is a lousy alibi, and I just don't want you to get in trouble.
Billy: Gee, thanks.
Mac: So you gonna tell me the truth?
Billy: (Sighs) You want to know my alibi? Fine. I-I-- (Sighs)
Mac: You were with a woman. That's great.
Billy: That's great?
Mac: Yeah, someone can vouch for you.
Billy: That's kind of the problem. See, I can't, um, tell anybody who I was with.
J.T.: Okay, thanks a lot, Gabby. (Exhales deeply)
Victoria: Is Reed okay?
J.T.: Yeah, Gabby's puttin' him to bed.
Victoria: You know, it kills me that I'm not the one doing that. I hope he doesn't think that I want to be away from him right now.
J.T.: He probably thinks the same thing he thought when you went to Dubai.
Victoria: Well, I hated being away from him then...
J.T.: (Sighs)
Victoria: Just as much as I do now.
J.T.: Well, while you're busy hating it, Reed was gettin' used to the idea of you not being around.
Victoria: You know what? You can't keep my son away from me. The judge is gonna decide that I'm a good mom...
J.T.: (Chuckles)
Victoria: And that Reed should be with me.
J.T.: Look, your whole family is under investigation for murder. There's cops all over the ranch asking questions. The next thing you know, somebody's gonna get hauled off in cuffs.
Victoria: Oh, come on. That's crazy.
J.T.: Reed's my priority right now. I'm not taking any chances. And he should be your priority.
Victoria: He is.
J.T.: Well, then tell the truth, Victoria. Do you really think he's better off with you right now?
Nick: Now you're sure nobody saw you toss that jacket?
Sharon: (Sighs) Nick, I checked that alley carefully. Uh, there was nobody there. It was deserted.
Phyllis: Maybe there was someone in the shadows.
Sharon: Well, I guess it's possible.
Phyllis: Did you hear anything?
Sharon: No!
Phyllis: Footsteps, a car going by, anything, Sharon?
Sharon: Not that I remember.
Phyllis: Sharon, you have to think.
Nick: Okay, Phyllis.
Sharon: Look, I am. I'm thinking, okay?
Nick: Phyllis, take it easy. She said she doesn't know.
Phyllis: Listen, if the wrong person finds that jacket and takes it to the police...
Sharon: Why would they? It's not like it has "Clue to a murder" sewn inside of its lining.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, there's a little issue of, um, Adam's blood on the sleeve. You know, it's a big deal. The police will be all over it.
Nick: That's not gonna happen.
Phyllis: You don't know that. How many times has this family been screwed over by the legal system in this city? I mean, they're gonna be after us, especially after they figure out... (Sighs)
Sharon: After they figure out what?
Nick: Phyllis is worried that... (Sighs) This is another lie that the police can uncover that will make me look guilty.
Sharon: A-another lie?
Nick: Dad told the D.A. he was fighting with Adam just before he died. But he didn't tell them that I was there, too.
Sharon: You were there?
Phyllis: If Pomerantz finds out any of this, it's over for Nick. (Sighs)
Victor: You said you had something to show us, Pomerantz.
Owen: Uh, I think you and Ashley will both want to see this... unless, of course, you've already seen it. You recognize this computer?
Nikki: No.
Victor: That, to the best of my recollection, is Adam’s.
Owen: We confiscated it when he was arrested. He tried to scrub the hard drive, but he was no match for our computer specialist. I think you'll find what they retrieved as shocking as we did.
Nikki: (Gasps) Oh, my God.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: Oh.
Owen: There were also schematics for rigging the entire house with audio and video equipment, and records of the surveillance that was done.
Ashley: (Gasps)
Owen: There were receipts for cameras and condenser mikes purchased online.
Ashley: Oh, my God. That's our bedroom. So it was Adam that was spying on us.
Victor: We suspected as much.
Ashley: I know, but seeing it like this... it just makes me kind of sick to think that he was watching us in our bedroom.
Owen: There were downloaded sound bites of your late wife's voice on the computer, as well.
Ashley: He used those to make recordings of Sabrina’s voice. Remember that?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: And Adam swore he had nothing to do with that.
Jack: That weasel has been planning this revenge for months.
Owen: Sounds like you all knew a lot about this.
Victor: Let's put it this way, we had our suspicions. Now we have proof.
Ashley: I hate that man. I hate him so much, more than I've ever hated anybody. I swear, if--if he wasn't already dead, I would--
Jack: Ash.
Victor: (Sighs)
Owen: You'd what?
Mac: So why can't you tell me the name of this woman who... who can... (Sighs) Oh, Billy.
Billy: You know, I hate it when you say, "Oh, Billy" like that.
Mac: How do you expect me to react to being with a married woman?
Billy: Okay, that's-- that's crazy. You just... read me like that. (Clears throat)
Mac: Right, well, you've got the cops breathing down your neck. Do you really think you need more trouble?
Billy: I've got it under control.
Mac: Yeah, I can see that.
Billy: (Sighs) Look... (Stammers) Enough about me, okay? Let's talk about you. There's gotta be more in your life going on than bartending and pregnancy.
Mac: Um, well, I found a homeless guy outside. He was hungry and cold, and I got him to come in, but he won't eat, so I'm hoping that I can get him to go to the mission for the night.
Billy: Okay, you're still trying to save the world one person at a time, I see.
Mac: Well, someone's gotta counteract all the damage you're doing.
Billy: Ha. All right, well, here, maybe I can contribute something. Maybe I'll get your guy to eat.
Mac: Billy?
Billy: Hmm?
Mac: I know that this fling is fun and games for you, but breaking up a marriage is serious business.
Billy: Yeah, I-- look, this--this--this marriage has been on its way out long before I got in the picture.
Victoria: Okay, listen. I get it. I totally get it. The ranch is not the best place for Reed right now.
J.T.: Well, we finally agree on something.
Victoria: And I'm gonna let him l--stay with you until the murder investigation's over. But, J.T., don't try to keep him away from me.
J.T.: I would never do that.
Victoria: Okay, then let's just forget about this custody hearing tomorrow, okay? You and I, we can work this out together, just you and me, because you and I know what's best for Reed.
J.T.: Yeah, but unfortunately, we disagree on what that is.
Victoria: Okay, then, all right. We'll do whatever you want. You want me to stay away from the ranch? I'll stay away from the ranch. We'll play by your rules, all right? Just--I don't want this to get ugly.
J.T.: This is more than just about keeping Reed away from a murder investigation. This is about your family's influence on my son.
Victoria: Our son.
J.T.: Look, I--the last thing I want is for Reed to turn out like your family.
Victoria: What do you want me to do? Do you want me to cut my family out of my life?
J.T.: Out of Reed’s. Can you do that?
Owen: Well, I'm sorry if seeing that surveillance video upset you.
Jack: The hell you are.
Owen: I thought she'd want to see what her stepson had done.
Jack: No, you thought you could trick her into making a confession.
Owen: Well, you can't deny, she's got strong motive.
Jack: Yeah, there were people all over this town that couldn't wait to see this man dead.
Owen: But only one murdered him.
Victor: Pomerantz, stop your insinuations. Ashley did not kill him.
Owen: Well, you seem awfully sure about that.
Victor: You bet I am.
Ashley: Excuse me.
Jack: Hey, Ash?
Ashley: I just need a second.
Owen: Well, we're finished here. I'll be in touch.
Jack: If you want to talk to my sister again, you want to show her anything, you call our family lawyer first.
Nikki: (Sighs) Darling, I'm so sorry. I mean, to see actual proof of what Adam did to you and Ashley, it-- it's awful.
Victor: To think how she believed in him, how she reached out to him, and to think how he repaid her by nearly destroying her, it sickens me.
Jack: It sickens you, huh? You're the one that caused all this pain.
Victor: You can't turn this around on me, Jack.
Chance: (Sighs) (Sighs) (Exhales) The body that was found in the basement of the Athletic Club... was Adam’s.
[Chance remembering]
Victor: How could you make that identification when the body supposedly was burned beyond recognition?
Chance: Your son's D.N.A. was on record from his time spent in prison. The district attorney had two labs run tests simultaneously, so there was no mistake. The dead man's body was Adam’s.
Nick: So what happens next?
Chance: The family will be contacted to make arrangements once the medical examiner releases the body.
Nick: Where do we want to bury him?
Chance: Well, you see, now it might not be for some time, because the investigation is, uh, it's being treated as a homicide. Mr. Newman, this is a search warrant for the Newman ranch and the surrounding estate.
Victor: What are you looking for?
Chance: A murderer.
Chloe: (Clears throat) Mm...
Chance: Wha--
Chloe: Off.
Chance: Chloe, what are you doing?
Chloe: I am making sure that Genoa City's finest and hardest-working detective is gonna go home and get some sleep. Well, sleep is optional. You just have to get into bed.
Chance: (Chuckles) Chloe, I still have a lot of work I have to get done here.
Chloe: Okay, listen.
Chance: Hello.
Chloe: All work and no play makes your girlfriend very lonely. And do you know what happens when your girlfriend gets very lonely?
Chance: Mm. (Chuckles)
Chloe: Hi.
Chance: Hi. She starts to act like her mom, maybe?
Chloe: No.
Chance: No, no. (Sighs)
Chloe: She comes to your work and seduces you at your desk.
Chance: Mm. Mnh-mnh. Okay, you know what? Let's go.
Chloe: Thank you.
Chance: Yes, you're welcome.
(Cell phone rings)
Chance: Oh, oh, uh, hold on one second.
Chloe: No, no, no. You can't--
Chance: No, just-- Chancellor. Look, I will be one second.
Chloe: (Groans) Mm-hmm.
Chance: Okay, thank you. (Sighs)
Chloe: Let me guess, you have to go.
Chance: Something has just turned up in the investigation.
Sharon: Sounds like Nick calmed Faith down.
Phyllis: Yeah, that voice and that smile... he has every girl wrapped around his finger, doesn't he? Look at Summer.
Sharon: Yeah, she'd do anything for him.
Phyllis: Who wouldn't? How's Noah?
Sharon: He's, um, he's a little shaken. I think he's worried, but you know what? I'm glad he's in Paris right now, even though I know that everything is gonna turn out fine.
Phyllis: Right, as long as Nick's jacket doesn't show up.
Sharon: And as long as the police don't find out that Victor lied to them.
Phyllis: Not that either of those things proves anything, right?
Sharon: No, they're circumstantial.
Phyllis: But people like to jump to conclusions.
Sharon: Well, it was written all over Nick's face that he wanted to kill Adam that night that he was holding Faith in our hotel room. I mean, and the way he taunted us, though, I mean, I wanted to kill him myself. Um, how's Faith?
Nick: (Sighs) She's good. Being with my daughter is... makes me want to do the right thing, so I've made a decision. I'm gonna tell the police the truth about everything.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Victoria: You want me to keep Reed away from my family?
J.T.: Away from your father. He's better off without him.
Victoria: (Quietly) Well, you know what? Reed might not feel that way.
J.T.: Well, Reed doesn't know what's best for him. He's a kid.
Victoria: If you cut Reed off from my dad, you might as well include my mom and Nick and Noah and Summer and all of them. Do you want to do that?
J.T.: I'll do whatever it takes to keep Reed from growing up thinking he can step on anybody and everybody just to get what he wants.
Victoria: Hold on a second. I know my family's not perfect, all right? I admit that. And I said I would do whatever you wanted me to do. I will. The visits with my family can be limited and supervised, but please, J.T., don't cut my family out of my son's life.
Victor: I'm not gonna defend myself to you, all right?
Jack: You can't defend yourself. You bring your psycho son into your home and give him the opportunity to nearly drive my sister insane?
Nikki: Jack, none of us knew how dangerous Adam was.
Jack: Oh, no, Adam didn't just wake up one morning and snap. No, he spent weeks, months under your nose, plotting, planning, carrying out a plan to hurt Ashley.
Victor: Keep it down. He deceived a lot of people, including your sister.
Nikki: Victor's right. Adam was a master of fooling people.
Jack: Oh, no, no. Victor knew what Adam was capable of. He just decided to look the other way. You gave the man free rein of your house to take over your marriage, to destroy it, to drive my sister insane, to kill your own child. Am I leaving anything out?
Victor: Now listen to me. Listen to me. It was because of your machinations that Adam went to jail. Had he not gone to jail, I would never, ever have invited him back into my home.
Jack: Oh, now you're gonna blame this on me?
Victor: Listen, you went after me, and in the process, you hurt a lot of people again.
Jack: You self-righteous bastard.
Victor: You get out before we do something that we will both regret, okay?
Jack: What are you gonna do? Plant more evidence against me?
Victor: What the hell are you talking about?
Jack: I'm talking about the handkerchief that you stole from me the night of the ball and stuffed in Adam's mouth. You really think the police aren't gonna see that for the setup that it is?
Victor: You're really fishing now, aren't you? You have no evidence.
Jack: None that I've found yet, but wait.
Victoria: (Sighs) J.T.--
J.T.: I'll see you in court tomorrow.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Nikki: Oh, Victoria, hi, Baby.
Victoria: Hi.
Nikki: I didn't realize you were here. You just missed your father.
Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah. Is he on his way to the airport?
Nikki: Yeah, I'm gonna meet him there.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: Are you okay?
Victoria: Yeah, Mom, it's just, J.T., uh... I was trying to persuade him to call off the custody hearing tomorrow.
Nikki: And he wouldn't do it.
Victoria: I almost had him convinced, Mom, that... (Sighs) That it would be better for Reed if he and I just worked this out together, and then he saw Dad and Jack going at it.
Nikki: (Sighs) I'm so sorry.
Victoria: Now he's more determined than ever to keep Reed away from me. (Sighs) I can't let that happen, Mom.
Nikki: What are you gonna do?
Victoria: Something that I promised I never would. I'm gonna play dirty. But I'm gonna need Daddy's help.
Phyllis: Please, Nick. Please don't go to the police.
Sharon: Nick, if you admit that you lied to them, it's only gonna make you look guilty.
Nick: It's gonna be a lot worse if they find this out on their own.
Phyllis: None of us is going to say anything.
Nick: What if my jacket turns up? What if somebody saw me fighting with Adam?
Phyllis: Please, please, don't freak out. Please stay calm.
Nick: I hate everybody having to lie for me.
Phyllis: Nobody is going to say anything. Nobody is going to get into trouble. Do you understand?
Nick: I don't know. I'm supposed to be a role model for my kids. What kind of example am I setting for them by lying?
Phyllis: That it's better to be with them than be in prison for 50 years.
Sharon: Phyllis is right, Nick. You can't go to prison. Your girls need you. Noah needs you.
Phyllis: Please, Nick. Please don't do this. We all need you. Please don't go to the police. Just listen to us. Please don't go.
Sharon: Please, Nick.
Nick: All right.
Phyllis: Thank God. Okay.
Sharon: Good. What a relief.
Nick: You two think I'm guilty, don't you?
Billy: Okay, Al, here's the deal. I'm gonna give you $20, and I'm gonna take you down to the mission and you're gonna get something to eat, okay? All right. Try not to get my car too dirty, please?
Mac: So this should be better. It's warmer, and certainly cleaner.
Billy: That sounds like a deal for everybody.
Mac: So let's take this one off.
Al: No, no, no. I like this one.
Billy: Oh, come on, Al.
Mac: Okay, well, I-I will get it dry-cleaned and get it back to you. I promise.
Al: Okay.
Billy: Okay. I thank you. My car thanks you. It's a good choice.
Mac: Here, hold this.
Billy: Oh, come on. That's nasty... and it's Italian... and it's expensive. This is a nice coat.
Mac: Do you think he stole it?
Billy: No, I don't-- I don't think he stole it. I think if a guy's gonna steal a coat, he's going to use something that keeps him warm, not something that he could wear to an opera.
Mac: Well, should we try to find the owner?
Billy: Who's gonna want it now?
Chance: All right, where is it?
Chance: (Clears throat)
Ashley: It was incredible, really. Hi.
Patty: Hi. What happened? What did the D.A. want to show you?
Jack: Oh, just more proof that Adam got exactly what he deserved. I just want to know when Victor's gonna get what's coming to him.
Ashley: Oh, come on, Jack, please. No more talk of payback and revenge. I can't take it.
Patty: Wait a minute. So Victor--Victor was there?
Jack: Oh, yeah, in all his unaccountable glory.
Patty: Did you ask him a-about planting the handkerchief on Adam?
Jack: Yeah, he claimed to know nothing about it.
Ashley: I know Victor's done a lot of questionable things, but do you really think he could kill his own son? I don’t.
Jack: I wouldn't put anything past "The Black Knight." But I have to admit, I don't know when he would have taken my handkerchief from me.
Patty: Maybe you dropped it and he picked it up.
Jack: Yeah, maybe. Or maybe Ashley's right. Maybe somebody else did it. You want some tea?
Ashley: Yeah, I'll help you.
Jack: Yeah.
Patty: [Remembering] Jack, what happened?
Jack: Adam is in the basement.
Patty: Oh, you know what? Let me go. I know I can convince him to give himself up. Please.
Jack: Absolutely not. I don't want you anywhere near him. You stay here.
Patty: All right, you be careful.
Jack: I will.
Patty: Okay. (Sighs)
Nick: Well, here we are out having a cup of coffee.
Phyllis: Yep.
Nick: And it's very late.
Phyllis: It's very late. I just had to get out. Sorry.
Nick: Or maybe you just want to avoid what we were talking about earlier.
Phyllis: No, no, of course not. I don’t.
Nick: You still haven't answered my question. Do you think I killed Adam?
Phyllis: No one would blame you if you did.
Nick: That is not the vote of confidence I'm looking for.
Phyllis: Listen, I support you... completely. That's why I knew it was good to hide that Jacket. I have your back.
Nick: I know you and Sharon are just trying to help me. But I can't stop thinking about how terrible this is gonna look if anyone does find that jacket.
Phyllis: Let's hope no one finds it.
Billy: (Sighs)
Mac: What are you doing back here?
Billy: (Chuckles) I've got some bad news. You are harboring a fugitive.
Mac: What'd you do now?
Billy: It's not me. (Clears throat) It, um... (Chuckles) Well, it's--it's the jacket. The jacket is wanted by the cops.
Nikki: Okay, so the pilot just told me they closed the airport in Wichita. We can't go until the morning.
Victor: (Sighs) We're not going to Kansas.
Nikki: What do you mean?
Victor: After what I saw, this boy does not deserve to lie next to his mother.
Nikki: But what about what you said before? He--he's your son.
Victor: Yeah. (Sighs) He no longer exists for me.
(Casket crashes on tarmac)
Chloe: So you're on your way home?
Chance: I'm afraid not. Something's come up. Just keep the bed warm for me, though.
Chloe: Well, who's gonna keep me warm?
Chance: I'll be home soon.
Chloe: Okay, well, I'll be the one with no clothes on.
Chance: Very soon. (Sighs) A pen killed Adam.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victoria: J.T. has Reed's best interests at heart.
Victor: Do you want to play fair, or do you want to win?
Chance: I won't charge you with obstruction of justice if you just tell me who was in your hotel room the night Adam was murdered.
Sarah: I am still the Lauren that you know and love.
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