Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/13/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 4/14/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9376 ~ Sarah Poses as Lauren
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Lauren: All right, Jana, I think we could overpower Daisy, at least to get through the door a-a-and make a run for it.
Jana: (Sighs) I can't fight now. I definitely can't run. Oh, God. Look... (Sighs) You should go without me if you can, before you're exhausted and starving. Aah!
Lauren: Ryder!
Jana: God!
Lauren: Ryder!
Jana: (Gasps)
Lauren: Ryder!
Ryder: What? What?
Jana: (Sobs)
Lauren: What is wrong with you? After everything that Kevin and Jana has done for you, you're just gonna let her die like this?
Ryder: Nobody is gonna die.
Lauren: (Quietly) You know her medical history. (Sighs) She needs to be in a hospital now.
Daisy: Or maybe a luxury spa.
Lauren: She needs something to eat, and she needs pain medication.
Ryder: Look, it's-- it's not that easy, okay? We can't just go out into the world right now.
Lauren: Oh, and is that what you're gonna tell the jury when you're on trial for murder?
Daisy: Ryder, for God sake, she's faking. She is fine. (Sighs)
Jana: Thank you for trying at least.
Lauren: (Normal voice) Maybe he'll come through for you.
Jana: Seriously, Lauren, if you can, you should just go without me. Michael and... (Groans) Michael and Kevin need to know about Sarah.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: Thank God! Thank God. Mwah, mwah, mwah!
Sarah: I'm just-- I'm sorry I worried you.
Michael: Are you all right? Is everything all right? What--
Sarah: Yeah, I'm--I'm fine... physically.
Kevin: Where have you been, Lauren?
Michael: Mm.
Sarah: Uh, it's a little hard to explain.
Amber: Well, w-- were you kidnapped?
Sarah: No, um, I know you would think that with Daisy and Ryder on the loose.
Daniel: So they didn't have anything to do with you being gone?
Sarah: Not that I know of. Look, you--you all deserve an explanation, but, um, right now, I really need to talk to Michael.
Daniel: Yeah, hey, sure. You know, we're just glad you're okay.
Amber: Yeah, welcome home. Mm.
Sarah: Thank you.
Michael: Mm. (Chuckles)
Kevin: So, um, so you weren't with Jana? You don't know where she is?
Sarah: Oh, no, Honey. I know no more than where she was than I did before. I'm sorry.
Kevin: Well, I'm glad you're home.
Michael: Wait, uh, Kevin.
Michael: So... (Inhales) (Sighs) Tell me. Tell me. Tell me what happened.
Sarah: I will.
Michael: (Chuckles)
Sarah: I really-- I wish I could spare you, because this is gonna be very hard for you to hear.
Olivia: You told everyone that you ran into me at Heathrow?
Malcolm: Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Lily: Wha--I-- I don't understand.
Cane: Why'd you, uh, why'd you make up the story?
Malcolm: 'Cause I didn't feel like answering a lot of questions about what I was doing in town.
Neil: Mm. It's very interesting, though. Did you know that Lily was sick when you got back?
Malcolm: (Sighs) No.
Lily: W-well, why would you lie about that? I wouldn't have expected you to know.
Cane: Is there something you're trying to hide, Malcolm? Like the real reason you're here?
Malcolm: (Sighs) Look, you guys are readin' way too much into this, okay? I was just trying to keep it simple, keep the focus on Lily where it should be.
Neil: Hey, Uncle Malcolm, I'm not buying any of this. You see, either you got something to hide, or lying comes easier to you than telling the truth. I-I don't--I don't know which is more disturbing.
Malcolm: Please, you're not disturbed. It's exactly what you were looking for-- proof that you were right about me all along.
Neil: You want to tell the real story now?
Malcolm: Look, I'm in town for personal reasons that I don't care to discuss right now, okay? But doesn't none of that matter, because when I found out that Lily was sick, e-everything else got pushed out of my mind a-and--and right now, I'm here to do whatever she needs me to do.
Neil: Oh, is that a fact?
Malcolm: Yeah.
Neil: Right, except--except for telling her the truth.
Malcolm: Why are you so eager to take shots at me, man?
Neil: Why were you so eager to avoid this discussion? Oh, no wait. Hold on. Wait. I just got it. You proposed the truce between you and I because you knew this was gonna come out, and--and you didn't want to hear what I'd have to say.
Malcolm: No, I don't want to hear what you have to say on any subject, and especially not when it comes to my relationship with my daughter!
Neil: Oh, okay, a-actually, my-- daughter, okay?
Olivia: Sweet--Sweetheart. Sweetheart, where-- where--where you going? Lily?
Neil: It's your daughter, but really my daughter.
Lily: I need some space, okay??
Neil: You know, I've been the one--
Olivia: Okay.
(Front door closes)
Ryder: If you had it your way, they'd be dead already.
Daisy: (Scoffs) So?
Ryder: So Mama Bear wants them alive.
Daisy: Only 'cause she wants 'em miserable.
Ryder: Just Lauren. She's got nothing against Jana. And anyway, if you were thinking straight, you'd realize that Jana could be useful to us as leverage, but only if she's in decent shape.
Daisy: You are just making excuses for being weak. If we get caught because you were buying medicine--
Ryder: Will you just relax? I'm not stupid, okay?
Ryder: (Sighs)
Abby: Hello?
Ryder: Hey, Abby. It's Ryder. Are you--are you busy right now?
Abby: Not really. Why?
Jana: (Groans) (Sighs) You remember me telling you about that torn photograph of Ryder?
Lauren: Uh...
Jana: The Ouija board said that the, um, the other person, the missing person, was dead.
Lauren: Right. Right. Did you ever find out who it was?
Jana: One of 'em was Daisy, and the other one was this little boy named Max. He went missing and was never seen again. And the last people who saw him were his friends... a brother and a sister.
Lauren: Ryder and Daisy.
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: Do you think they killed him?
Jana: I don't know about Ryder, but I can bet money that Daisy was involved. (Sighs) Aah! (Sobs) Aah!
Lauren: Jana! Jana, Sweetie, I'm so sorry.
Jana: (Sobs)
Lauren: Oh, come here.
Jana: Oh, God. (Sighs) God, the last time I had headaches like this was when Kevin was missing. (Sighs)
Lauren: Does it happen when you guys are separated?
Jana: (Sobs) When he's desperate, when he's ready to give up.
Lauren: He will never give up on you.
Kevin: I felt so positive that they were together.
Amber: Mm, we were wrong, but just because we were wrong about that doesn't mean we were wrong about Ryder and Daisy taking Jana.
Daniel: Amber.
Amber: What?
Daniel: There's just not a whole heck of a lot to back up that theory. I mean, yeah, Jana-- she was suspicious of them before she left. She thought there was some kind of connection. She was right.
Amber: Well, if Ryder and Daisy are the ones who framed you for murder and who disappeared with that little boy, then they're totally capable of kidnapping Jana.
Daniel: Look, you got a letter and a phone call saying that Jana wanted out, right? And I mean since then, plenty of people have seen her around town, chatting people up, shopping.
Amber: Well, what about the text that Kevin got, hmm?
Kevin: Well, whoever sent it knew that there was calliope music in the background when Jana called me.
Daniel: Well, that text said that she was nearby, right? It didn't say that she was being held against her will.
Amber: What are you trying to do?
Daniel: I just don't like seeing you torture yourself over this, all right? Jana is gone, and I'm sorry, but I don't think that hanging on to conspiracy theories is gonna help you get through it.
Amber: It is not a theory that Ryder and Daisy are conspiring. It is a known fact.
Daniel: Which might not have anything to do with Jana leaving.
Amber: Take me to the old amusement park where you were looking for her.
Kevin: Now?
Amber: Yeah, I mean, she's probably not there anymore, but maybe she left some clues or something.
Kevin: Are you coming?
Daniel: Mm, unh-unh. I think you're settin' yourself up for a big disappointment.
Amber: Fine. Let's go.
Lily: Howdy, Stranger.
Daniel: Hey.
Lily: Hey. (Chuckles)
Michael: Here you go. (Sighs)
Sarah: Michael, I, uh, I hardly remember what happened.
Michael: It's okay. It's okay. So did you have a concussion? I mean, were you hurt in the explosion?
Sarah: No, no, no. I-I left the ball before then.
Michael: You left? Why, did-- did you see Daisy and Ryder? Were you running away?
Sarah: I don't think so. I-I... it's so hazy. I get these, um, these flashes of memory. I mean, the last thing I remember was, um, dancing with you at the ball.
Michael: (Chuckles) All right, well, what then?
Sarah: A hotel room. And...
Michael: What? What's wrong?
Sarah: There was, um, there was a man there, but I didn't know who he was. I'm so sorry, Michael, but I slept with him. I mean, I don't understand. (Sobs) Why would I do something like that? Oh, please tell me you forgive me.
Michael: You said your memories are hazy. I don't know. It could be a dream, a hallucination.
Sarah: No.
Michael: Well, when you're drugged, you don't know what--
Sarah: Michael, please, don't make me go into the details.
Michael: Who was he?
Sarah: I don't--I don't know.
Michael: Did you meet him at the ball? Do you remember meeting him at all? Do remember anything?!
Sarah: I told you, I don't know.
Michael: (Sighs) Uh, it doesn't-- you know, it's not your fault. I'm--it's my fault. I don't know how they got to you. I tried. I mean, I don't know how.
Sarah: Do-- you think it's possible that... Daisy and Ryder were at the ball and they spiked my drink?
Michael: (Sighs) (Chuckles) Well, that wouldn't explain what happened before the ball.
Sarah: Before the ball?
Michael: Uh, yeah, you told me that you were going to the boutique... to deal with an emergency, uh, but you made a little stop afterwards.
Sarah: I did?
Michael: Yes. You went to the jail, and you bailed out Daisy and Ryder.
Sarah: Oh, no.
Michael: Yeah.
Sarah: No, no, no, no, no. There is no way that I would do that.
Michael: Oh, there's security camera footage. You were in disguise. I mean, a wig. It's you. You don't remember?
Sarah: It's terrifying. I, uh, I have no control over myself. Wait. Wait. Didn't you tell me that a-- a Sarah Smythe bailed them out?
Michael: Yes, Sarah Smythe was the name that you used.
Sarah: Tell me that there's a real Sarah Smythe.
Michael: Yes. Yes.
Sarah: Tell me that Paul is investigating it.
Michael: Yes, there's a real Sarah Smythe! Good.
Sarah: And? And? What did he find out?
Michael: She's-- she was a nurse, and she lived in Green Bay, and she was acquainted with Tom Fisher. And she was at one time a murder suspect.
Sarah: (Sighs) My God. Where is she now?
Michael: Who knows? I don't know.
Sarah: I-I-I-- I don't understand this. I am--I'm doing things. I, uh, I'm not even aware of. I remember half, and...I what else are we gonna find out that I did?
Michael: Mm.
Lauren: I have to have faith that Michael will see through Sarah. And you... you have to believe in Kevin's love.
Jana: (Sobs)
Lauren: He will never stop looking for you.
Jana: Lauren, these headaches are telling me that--
Lauren: No, they're just-- they're telling you that you're hungry. That's it, Honey.
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: We're gonna fix that. We'll fight it. Ryder! Ryder!
Daisy: Living in a cage looking and smelling like an animal, but still acting like a pampered princess.
Lauren: Where's Ryder?
Daisy: Gone.
Lauren: Is he getting us something to eat?
Daisy: (Chuckles) It's not gonna work, whatever plan you've come up with.
Lauren: I am trying to keep her alive. You should be worried about that, too.
Daisy: Really?
Lauren: Yes, because if anything happens to her, you are gonna spend the rest of your life paying for it! I will make sure of that.
Daisy: You are not in a position to make good on any threats. Now Mama Bear, on the other hand, is perfectly poised to retaliate if you do anything she doesn't want. She is right there in your home with Michael and Fen. All it takes is a phone call from me to tell her you're misbehaving. You know, I might even make something up just to see what she'd do. So get it through your head! I am the one you should be kissing up to, not Ryder.
Amber: Are you sure we looked everywhere?
Kevin: I should have listened to Daniel. This was a complete waste of time.
Amber: I'm so sorry he was so cold.
Kevin: Well, he was just looking out for me in his own way. And you know what? I think he might be right.
Amber: (Scoffs) He is not right.
Kevin: I just feel like I'm making an idiot out of myself.
Amber: Hey, stop it. Listen to me. Deep in your heart, do you really believe Jana left you for someone else? Have you ever believed that?
Kevin: No.
Amber: Good. Then trust that. Stop second-guessing yourself. Just--just focus your energy on finding her.
Kevin: Okay. Thanks.
(Object rattles)
Amber: Who is that?
Kevin: Jana?
Daniel: The doc looks at him, and he says, "Move in with your mother." And the guy says, "Move in with my mother? What--what, is that gonna cure my cancer?" And the doctor says, "No, it's not gonna cure your cancer, but it's gonna make the six months you have left feel like an eternity." (Taps rimshot on table)
Lily: (Laughs) Oh, my gosh. That is really terrible.
Daniel: I know it's really terrible. Aren't you glad I made-- you made me tell you now? Yeah.
Lily: Oh, yes, I'm so glad, so glad. (Laughs)
Daniel: How you doing?
Lily: Um... (Clears throat) Well, you know...
Daniel: Uh, no, I don't know.
Lily: (Sighs) Um, well, there's some new things they can try. You know, like new drugs and clinical trials. Um, but my odds aren't very good. In fact, they're very, very bad, so... (Chuckles) There you go.
Daniel: Well, that's terrible. But it still doesn't answer my question. I want to know how you're feeling.
Lily: (Sighs) I don't know. I'm--I'm all over the place, you know? I'm scared and... furious and... guilty.
Daniel: Guilty?
Lily: Well, because I made this reckless, desperate, selfish decision to bring two babies into the world, and now I don't even know if I'll be here when they're born, so... (Sighs) Yeah.
Cane: Who cares why you are back in town here?
Malcolm: Yeah, my point exactly. It doesn't matter.
Cane: No, what matters is you lied. You knew the truth would come out, and now you've upset Lily.
Malcolm: Look, I-I've been on my own for a long time, okay? So excuse me if I don't feel the need to share every little detail about my life.
Olivia: Okay, you know what? That--that part is actually true. You've always had this need to keep all these secrets, which--which is fine. I really don't care, until it starts hurting this family. Then we have a problem.
Daniel: You don’t know what's gonna happen. I mean, a year ago, could you have predicted any of this?
Lily: I mean, no. But, you know, a few months ago, I-I did know that the chemo might not work. But still... (Sighs) It's like I convinced Cane to take this huge risk by letting Mac be our surrogate. Because to me, you know, it felt beautiful and life-affirming. (Scoffs) Now it's just completely messed up because if I die, Cane will be deported. And then our children will come into this world without a mother and a father.
Daniel: Okay, okay, slow down. That is a worst-case scenario.
Lily: Yeah, a worst-case scenario that could happen.
Daniel: But it might not happen. You know, miracles happen every day, and you of all people should know that, because you and Cane just created two. And you gotta know in your heart that that's what those kids are. They're not mistakes. It's not something that you need to regret or-- or feel guilty about. And those kids are gonna be adored by everyone who loves you, and that's a lot of people. And--and if for some reason you're not here, then all that love, it's gotta go somewhere, right? I-I mean, we're gonna need at least two babies to soak it all up. I...
Lily: (Sighs)
Daniel: And I'm not that convinced that you won't be here, all right? Because I-I think that we've already established that you're about as good at telling the future as I am at telling a joke.
Lily: (Laughs) Well, you've got a point there.
Daniel: I also have another joke. Would you like to hear it?
Lily: No, no. (Laughs) That is okay.
Daniel: Okay.
Lily: Thank you.
Kevin: (Sighs) Abby?
Abby: It's you guys. Uh, I thought it was you.
Amber: What are you doing here?
Abby: I'm hooking up with some friends. We're gonna have a picnic.
Kevin: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I was just thinking this is a great place for a picnic.
Abby: Okay, I am actually meeting a guy, but we would really like our privacy, so...
Kevin: Well, we're just leaving anyway. Our search was a bust.
Abby: What were you looking for?
Amber: Jana.
Abby: Here?
Kevin: I got an anonymous tip that she might be here or somewhere nearby.
Abby: Oh, somebody who saw your posters.
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Amber: Uh, you and your friends know that Daisy turned out to be a total fraud, right?
Abby: Yeah, I heard she got arrested, but nobody's talked to her.
Kevin: Well, I'm sure she's long gone by now with Ryder.
Amber: Yeah.
Abby: Ryder?
Amber: Yeah, they're a team. And Jana found out right before she disappeared.
Abby: That's kind of freaky.
Kevin: Well, if you see Jana...
Abby: Yeah, of course. I'll call you.
Kevin: Thanks.
Amber: Bye.
Ryder: Hey. It's good to see you.
Abby: Did you have something to do with Jana's disappearance?
Sarah: I'm sick-- I'm sick about this. But... this isn't me. This is someone else. This is someone who's manipulating us, and trying to ruin our marriage. Tell me. Tell me you won't let them.
Michael: I love you.
Sarah: Tell me you won't leave me. Tell me that.
Michael: (Chuckles) We'll get through this.
Fen: Mommy!
Sarah: (Gasps) Hey, Fen! (Chuckles)
Michael: (Sighs)
Sarah: How are you? Ohh! How much did you miss your mama, huh? Did you? Come here. Come here. Come here. Oh, boy. I was thinking about you, just sitting here like this. How much do you love your mama, huh? Hmm?
Fen: Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes
Sarah: Fen, I'm just-- I'm trying to talk to you, okay?
Michael: Fenmore. She shall have music wherever she goes. Now Mommy's a little tired to be singing right now.
Sarah: Um... (Chuckles) You know how grumpy I get when I get hungry, right? Do you want to help me make a snack? No, I-I--Fen?
Michael: Fenmore. Fen?
Sarah: I guess he's, um, upset with me because I was gone.
Michael: He doesn't know you've been gone. He's been at Gloria’s.
Sarah: Thank goodness.
Michael: You know what? We've gotta get you to a doctor.
Sarah: No.
Michael: Yes.
Sarah: No doctors.
Michael: (Sighs)
Amber: (Sighs) Maybe you'll get another text.
Kevin: (Sighs) Well, it's been a couple days since the last one. It's probably just a hoax.
Daniel: So, um, what does Cane say about all this?
Lily: Uh, we haven't really talked about it that much.
Daniel: Really?
Lily: Well, I mean, it's not his fault, you know? He's always telling me, "tell me anything," and, you know, he means it. But if I start talking about how scared I am, and if I think I'm not gonna make it...
Daniel: It freaks him out?
Lily: Yes, it freaks him out. It's like I'm torturing him. A I can't do that to him. And my dad, please. (Scoffs) Forget about it.
Daniel: Well, your dad must be scared to death.
Lily: Well, he’s taking it out on Malcolm. You know, there's all this tension there... (Sighs) Which isn't about me, but then it kind of is. It's like we're all just too terrified to talk about how terrified we are.
Daniel: Well, look, any time you need to unload, seriously, um, 3:00 A.M.-- it's not a problem.
Lily: (Chuckles) Thank you. But I don't know if I could handle your jokes at 3:00 A.M.
Daniel: (Laughs)
Lily: (Laughs)
Daniel: Actually, the less sleep you have, the funnier they are.
Lily: Yes, I'm sure. (Laughs) Well, I'd better go. They're probably worried about me, so...
Daniel: (Sighs) Okay, come here.
Lily: Thank you.
Daniel: Yeah. Hey, and remember, anything can happen.
Lily: (Chuckles) Hey, oh, are you looking for me?
Olivia: Yes. Can we talk for a minute?
Lily: Yeah.
Olivia: All right.
Amber: Hey.
Daniel: Hey.
Amber: Go ahead. Say, "I told you so."
Daniel: You know, man, I-I would have loved nothing more than to have been wrong.
Daisy: Mmm. So yummy. Too bad there's not enough to share.
Lauren: (Sighs) You really are Sheila's daughter.
Daisy: I'm gonna take that as a compliment.
Lauren: I took you in. I gave you a job. I welcomed you into my family.
Daisy: Right, inviting me to Thanksgiving. That really makes up for murdering my mother.
Jana: Don't waste your breath, Lauren. She doesn't have a bloody conscience. If she did, she wouldn't be able to live with herself after what she did to poor little Max.
Daisy: "Poor little Max" got off easy compared to what I have in mind for you. (Wrapper crinkles)
Michael: You said yourself you may have been drugged. We have to have you checked out.
Sarah: I'm fine. Whatever was in my system is out now.
Michael: Yeah, well, even if it wasn't drugs, it might have been something else going on.
Sarah: Like what?
Michael: Something psychological maybe, that's what.
Sarah: I-I can't tell anybody else what happened to me. It's too humiliating. I just--I want to-- I want to go to sleep and pretend that it didn't happen. If I'm not myself in the morning, I will make an appointment, I promise. Now in the meantime, I need to call the contractor from the boutique. I went there to get these clothes. (Sighs) I didn't want Fen seeing me in a ball gown when I came home. And you can't believe it. They are completely behind schedule, and the work is unacceptable.
Michael: Come on out here.
Fen: Why was Mommy mad?
Michael: Hmm. Well, she wasn't having the best of days. Not your fault. You know, I was thinking, if you still have that dance mat set up, I would like to challenge you to a rematch. And this time, my friend, I will beat your little bootie.
Fen: Nuh-uh!
Michael: Oh, yes, I will. Go turn it on, and be prepared to lose!
Michael: Yes, hello, this is Michael Baldwin for Dr. Walker. Yes, hello, Doctor. Um, no. Well, not very good. We have reason to believe that Lauren has been exposed to another toxic substance. (Chuckles) Mm. Yeah. We can be there by then. Oh, uh, I would also like to, uh, get a referral for a psychiatrist. Dr. Emily Abbott? (Chuckles) No, no. Nothing wrong. No, I already have that number. Thank you.
Ryder: Wow, I guess I've gotten pretty used to people thinking the worst of me, but I thought you were different.
Abby: Kevin got a tip that Jana was here, and you're here, so...
Ryder: Oh, so that must mean I had something to do with it, right? I mean, you were here last night. Does that mean you did something to Jana? (Sighs) I'm sorry. It's just... you were the one person in this town who I thought, I don't know... you seemed like you understood. But I guess I was crazy thinkin' a girl like you could like a homeless guy. (Scoffs)
Abby: You're homeless?
Ryder: Yeah, I mean, I'm just-- I'm camping out until I get back on my feet. Anyway, thanks for the food. I shouldn't bother you.
Abby: Wait. Do you need anything else? I mean, we have tons of camping equipment that we're not using.
Ryder: Thanks, but, um, I'm fine.
Abby: Well, I'd like to see where you're staying.
Ryder: Maybe next time... if there's a next time. Well, thanks again.
Cane: All right, listen, I'm gonna call Lily and tell her she can come home, so you guys either need to work this out or take it somewhere else, okay?
Neil: So once again, you want to be let off the hook. Sounds like the story of your life.
Malcolm: Hey, my mistakes do not define me, and you sure as hell will not define me.
Neil: So what do you expect us all to do, you know? Just take all this in stride? The--the way you lie? The way you use people?
Malcolm: Use people? Who am I usin', Neil?
Neil: Who do you think you're using? Lily. You're using her illness.
Malcolm: Are you kidding?
Neil: Yeah, it makes you feel good about yourself, right? Painting that picture-- the devoted dad at his sick daughter's bedside. None of it's real. You're--you're not real.
Malcolm: It's not a game, Neil, all right? You think that I'm not scared? You think I don't love my daughter? You think I-- do you think I'm not afraid of losing her?
Neil: Did you hear me say that? That's not what I said.
Malcolm: Well, what are you saying?
Neil: You want to be part of this family, but you're not being straight up with us. You don't belong, man. You cannot be trusted.
(Cell phone rings)
Lily: Hey.
Cane: Hey, so, uh, coast is all clear. Well, um, it should be by the time you come home.
Lily: Okay, um, I'm just with Aunt Liv right now.
Cane: All right, listen, Sweetie, I'll wait for you here, all right?
Lily: Okay, I'll see you soon. Bye. Okay, so you were saying you had an idea?
Olivia: (Sighs) It should have been so obvious. I mean, like, right in front of us.
Lily: What is it?
Olivia: Your babies. They may hold the key to your cure.
Malcolm: I'm leaving because I don't want to cause her any more stress. But I will be here for my daughter when she needs me.
(Door opens)
Cane: (Sighs) All right, listen, um, I get where you're comin' from. I really do. But Lily's gonna need all the support she can get right now.
Neil: Okay, Cane. Lily needs people she can rely on. Do you understand that Malcolm's single best talent is disappearing? Man, I wish he'd do it again.
Malcolm: (Sighs) Keeping our secret is getting harder every day.
Lily: Well, isn't that dangerous? I mean, extracting fetal cells from the amniotic fluid while the babies are in utero?
Olivia: Look, there are some risks, yes. To the babies, and to Mac, and she'd have to agree to do this, but... but if this can work the way that I hope, then, Honey, if their cells can rebuild yours, your children could save your life.
Amber: I thought you were mad at me.
Daniel: I am very, very, very grateful for you, that you're okay.
Amber: Lily's not doing okay, is she?
Daniel: (Sniffles)
Amber: I'm sorry, Baby.
Daniel: (Sighs) We are so lucky.
Amber: I know.
Kevin: (Sighs) No texts, no messages, nothing on the web site.
Amber: Well, you can't give up.
Kevin: Maybe Daniel's right. Chasing down all these crazy leads is making me nuts.
Daniel: I-I don't want to be right, Kevin. I want you and Jana to be together and happy.
Kevin: (Sighs) It's just gettin' hard to have any hope at all.
(Pills rattle)
Ryder: Here.
Lauren: Is the seal still on the--on the bottle? What about the water? Here, Sweetie. I'll open it.
Daisy: Good news. I just got a call from Mama Bear. Michael welcomed her with open arms. It was a short call, though. She had to go. They were getting ready for bed.
Jana: Do not even listen to a word of that, Lauren.
Sarah: Michael? I want to make it up to you. I want to prove to you that this is where I want to be. And I need you to reassure me that we're okay.
Michael: You just told me you s-- been with somebody else.
Sarah: I didn't know what I was doing. You believe me, right?
Michael: I've made an appointment with a-a doctor for a physical for you. And I'm also going to schedule a visit with a psychiatrist.
Sarah: I know this is your way of trying to take care of me, but that's not what I need.
Michael: I am going to stay in the spare room tonight.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
J.T.: I'll do whatever it takes to keep Reed from growin' up thinkin' he can step on anybody and everybody. Just to get what he wants.
Nick: I've made a decision. I'm gonna tell the police the truth about everything.
Jack: What are you gonna do? Plant more evidence against me?
Victor: You're really fishing now, aren't you?
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