Y&R Transcript Friday 4/9/10 -- Canada; Monday 4/12/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9374 ~ Sarah's Identity Is Revealed
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Nick: What do you mean, "They won't find my jacket"?
Phyllis: You can trust me. I have your back.
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Yeah? That's great. Good work. Thank you. Sharon was here when Chance arrived with one of his officers. She took your jacket and put it in Faith's stroller, and then she walked past them. She got rid of the jacket. That was her.
Nick: Why do you and Sharon feel the need to get rid of my jacket from the night of the ball?
Phyllis: Nick, one of the sleeves had blood on it. You can trust me. Did you kill Adam?
Victor: That is mine. I broke it last night.
Owen: At the policemen's ball?
Victor: Mm-hmm, that's right.
Owen: And the blood-- is that yours?
Victor: No, that is Adam's blood.
Owen: I appreciate you being so forthcoming.
Victor: I have nothing to hide, Mr. Pomerantz.
Owen: Why don't you start at the beginning?
Victor: I ran into Adam in the basement before the explosion.
Owen: Can anyone corroborate this?
Victor: No. We were just the two of us.
Victoria: Okay, so you heard the body that they found was Adam.
Billy: Yep, Ashley called me.
Victoria: (Sighs) I learned the news from Nick.
Billy: I would have thrown a party, except for the cops are makin' the rounds.
Victoria: Okay, it was just like we thought. Everyone that was at the cabin that night with Adam is under suspicion.
Billy: Well, thanks to Adam's big mouth.
Victoria: No, no, because it was your magazine that he vented in.
Billy: Hey, all right, do you really want to get into this now? Do you really? Huh?
Victoria: No.
Billy: Fine. Are the cops still at the ranch?
Victoria: I think so. Thank God Reed is in Chicago with J.T.
Billy: How long?
Victoria: Until late, I hope. There was no preschool today, so he was gonna take him to the museums, and then they were gonna go get dinner.
Billy: Mm, that's good. That's good. I mean, he really shouldn't be around when it all hits the fan. I mean, I'm glad that Delia’s at the Chancellors', even though she's too young to understand what's going on anyway. She's a baby.
Victoria: Okay, so listen, we've got to get our story straight-- where we were and what we were doing when Adam was killed.
Billy: You mean since we got sidetracked?
Victoria: This isn't funny, Billy. I don't know about you, but being a murder suspect scares the hell out of me.
J.T.: Look, I don't know why all the cop cars are pullin' up, but I'm gonna find out, okay?
(Knock on door)
J.T.: Hold on a second, Buddy.
Chance: Hey.
J.T.: Come in.
Chance: Thanks.
J.T.: All right, well, look. This is Detective Chancellor. I'm sure he can tell us what's going on, right?
Chance: (Clears throat) Yeah. We're workin' on a case, and we could really use your family's help right now.
J.T.: Well, we'll be happy to help, right, Buddy?
Chance: Tell you what, do you want to see the squad car? Do you want to see the lights?
J.T.: Yeah, go check that out, man.
Chance: Officer Tilmans?
J.T.: (Sighs)
J.T.: Okay, what's really going on?
Chance: We confirmed that the person who was killed at the Athletic Club is Adam.
J.T.: I see.
Chance: Is your wife here?
J.T.: No.
Chance: Do you have any idea where she is?
J.T.: My son and I were in Chicago today. We got back earlier than planned.
Chance: All right, I can question her later. Look, I need to do a search of your house here.
J.T.: For what?
Chance: Well, evidence, clues, anything that might be relevant to this case. I especially need to grab the clothes that she wore to the ball.
J.T.: Wait a minute. Is Victoria a suspect?
Chance: I can't comment on the investigation, but she's a person of interest.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Michael: Well, it's official. It's been almost 24 hours since Lauren vanished, and no one's seen or heard from her. There's been no activity on her cell phone.
Kevin: Well, she'd have called you if she'd been able to.
Michael: Yeah, I know that, and that's what scares me.
Kevin: Well, in a couple hours, you can file a missing persons report.
Michael: Yeah, fat lot of good that did Jana.
Kevin: (Sighs) Well, it helps knowing that they're together... probably.
Michael: I keep imagining that Lauren is--is cold or hungry or in pain.
Kevin: Don’t. Don't go there, Michael. It's not gonna do you any good. Believe me.
Michael: I should never have left her alone at the ball. As soon as I heard that this Sarah Smythe person had bailed out Ryder and Daisy, I-I should have stuck to Lauren like glue.
Kevin: Enough with the guilt, okay? Just--you just have to hope that Paul is gonna find out who this mystery woman is.
Michael: (Sighs) Meantime, Fenmore is with Gloria. He's wondering why he hasn't see Lauren. Kevin, if she doesn't show up, how am I gonna tell that little boy that his mother's missing? How?
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Yeah? Crimson Lights. Okay. Yeah, no. Thanks. It's Paul. He's on his way. He wants to talk to us.
Kevin: What about?
Michael: Sarah Smythe. He says it's urgent.
Kevin: Okay.
Lauren: Oh, my God.
Sarah: (Chuckles) Oh, the look on your face. Technically, our face, but it's priceless. It's making all my planning and biding my time worthwhile.
Lauren: Whatever you have planned, Shelia, it won't work. Not again.
Sarah: Sure, it will. And the fun part? The punch line, as it were? I'm not Sheila.
Billy: Okay, look, we have ironclad alibis. We were both up in my room doin', um...
(Clears throat)
Victoria: No!
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: I told you, nobody can know about that. (Sighs)
Billy: Uh, why? I'm confused. Because you're afraid J.T. might use it in your custody battle?
Victoria: Plus, if my father finds out... (Sighs)
Billy: Oh, I know. I know. The great Victor Newman. He's so tough. He'll be scraping me off the bottom of his shoe.
Victoria: I know. Okay, listen. We need to account for our whereabouts anyway. We weren't in the room the entire evening. We need to agree on what we're both gonna say.
Billy: Okay, you first.
Victoria: All right, well, I think it's best to stick as close to the truth as possible.
Billy: Okay, so what were you doing before you drug me up to my room and seduced me?
Victoria: (Sighs) I was enjoying the party.
Billy: Yeah, where everyone, including us, were wearing masks.
Victoria: Well, I must have been in another part of the club when Sharon announced that Adam was there.
Billy: (Chuckles) Okay, and when the pipe blew?
Victoria: Ladies' room.
Billy: Oh, well, I hope not the one that my mom and Katherine were stuck in. That would...
Victoria: Gotcha.
Billy: Yeah, okay. How are you going to explain why it took you so long to get out of the building?
Victoria: There was confusion and delay, and there was debris and smoke, and eventually, I got my bearings, and I was happily reunited with my parents.
Billy: Okay, yeah, that sounds legit. There was a lot of people. It was packed, and everyone was-- everybody was looking for their loved ones, so--
Victoria: Okay, good. All right. All right, fine. Your turn.
Billy: I'm gonna wing it.
Victoria: Now I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you. The police are gonna know that you booked a room, if they don't already.
Billy: Look, I'm just gonna tell 'em that I had too much to drink, and that I was in no shape to drive home.
Victoria: Oh, so then your usual M.O.
Billy: Thank you. That was nice. That was--
Victoria: No, I'm just saying that nobody that knows you is gonna question that.
Billy: Is my reputation really that bad?
Victoria: What matters is that we both have a story that explains why no one saw us for a while.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: But you have to remember the most important part, please.
Billy: What's the most important part?
Victoria: We were nowhere near each other.
Billy: (Scoffs) Really?
J.T.: Mackenzie and I hung out here with Reed last night.
Chance: Did Victoria say anything when she got in?
J.T.: No, not much. She was pretty wiped out. Hey, Dude, how was the car?
Reed: Awesome!
J.T.: Awesome, all right.
Chance: Tell you what, Reed, how would you like to be an honorary detective?
J.T.: Wow, that's cool. What do you say, man? What do you say?
Reed: Thank you.
Chance: (Chuckles) You're welcome.
(Cell phone rings)
Chance: Oh, you know what? Excuse me one second.
J.T.: Wow, that's neat. Okay, why don't you go to the fridge, and see if you can find some food, and then later, we'll solve the case of the missing dinner.
Reed: Okay.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Chance: Are these your wife's party clothes?
J.T.: Yeah, it looks like.
Chance: All right, do me a favor-- when Victoria gets in, just, uh, give her my card. We'll try and arrange a time when she can give her statement.
J.T.: Will do.
Chance: Okay. Let's go.
Owen: So after Sharon told everyone that Adam was in the basement, you headed down.
(Liquid pouring)
Victor: I found him and cornered him. That boy was so smug about escaping the hospital so easily and sneaking into our ball. And I told him it was over.
Owen: What did you mean by "Over"?
Victor: I told him. I would hand him over to the authorities.
Owen: How did he respond?
Victor: He said he didn't care. He said he had caused me enough pain to last a lifetime, that I deserved every bit of it.
Owen: Well, that must have made you angry.
Victor: I tell you what made me angry-- what he said to Ashley. He said he didn't care that the baby died. The baby was better off being dead than being raised by me.
Owen: So what'd you do?
Victor: (Sets glass down) I backslapped him.
Owen: Which is how you broke the watch.
Victor: You bet.
Owen: And the blood?
Victor: Probably came from my backslapping him. I drew blood when I hit him across the face. Then he fell into a stack of boxes. The light bulb smashed, and the room went dark. Then he ran off. I never saw him again.
Phyllis: After what Adam put you through, I wouldn't be shocked if you snapped, and you lost it, and if you did, Nick, you know I'll take it to my grave.
Nick: I didn't get blood on my sleeve from killing Adam.
Phyllis: How'd you get blood on your sleeve?
Nick: I, um, I came across Dad in the basement with Adam. They were talking. Adam was mocking Dad about the baby he and Ashley lost.
Phyllis: All right, I can imagine how your dad would have reacted to that.
Nick: Dad hit Adam so hard, his watch broke.
Phyllis: I'm sure. (Sighs) Gotta hand it to your dad.
Nick: I guess the force of the blow, uh, cut Adam's cheek. (Sighs) Knocked him backwards. Adam recovered. The look in Adam's eyes-- it was like he wanted to kill Dad, so I jumped in, grabbed him from behind, tried to help out, and that must have been when I got blood on my sleeve. We struggled for a little bit in some boxes, and then the light bulb smashed. (Sighs) I couldn't see anything, and Adam got away.
Phyllis: The only proof of this happening is your dad's watch and your jacket.
Nick: Dad got rid of the watch.
Phyllis: And Sharon got rid of the jacket. So unless the cops find either of these two things, no one has to know.
Owen: Are you absolutely certain that Adam ran off?
Victor: (Sighs) I did not kill the boy, if that's what you're insinuating, Mr. Pomerantz.
Owen: Well, why ditch the watch?
Victor: 'Cause I knew damn well if the body turned out to be Adam's, you would point your finger at me.
Owen: (Chuckles) But you're innocent.
Victor: You know damn well that I was once falsely accused of murder by my son. I was gonna make certain that wouldn't happen again.
Owen: You know, for a man whose son was just killed, you don't seem particularly distraught.
Victor: I think you're aware of my history with my son.
Owen: I know he set you up, had you thrown in jail with a phony diary.
Victor: (Sighs) You got that right. And even after that, I invited him into this home, gave him every chance to redeem himself. How did he repay me? By torturing everyone I love. You know what he did to Ashley? He caused her miscarriage, then convinced her that Faith, Nicholas and Sharon's beautiful little baby, was Ashley’s.
Owen: Sounds like you hated him, which gives you motive.
Victor: Which does not mean that I murdered him. The only mistake I made was not giving you the watch. Now unless you're here to arrest me, this meeting is over. Kindly show yourself out.
Nick: I didn't expect to see you again tonight, Detective.
Chance: That, um, that dry cleaners that you had your ball clothes sent to...
Phyllis: Right. What--what about them?
Chance: Well, I had one of my officers talk to the owner and apparently, your husband's tuxedo jacket was missing.
Phyllis: Oh, wow, that's weird. That's weird.
Chance: You can't explain it?
Phyllis: No, not at all. I mean-- (Scoffs) E-everything was in the bag that the guy picked up.
Nick: Yeah, I-I left it all in one pile.
Phyllis: Yeah, um... (Sighs) I guess they lost it.
Chance: Wow. (Chuckles) Well, I mean, if they lost it that quickly, maybe you guys should consider getting a new dry cleaners.
Phyllis: Yeah, uh, absolutely. We should. I-I'm sorry I can't help you. I'm sorry. Uh, is there anything else?
Chance: Yeah, actually, there is. You know, just in case you left the jacket behind on accident, uh, would you mind if I take a look around?
Phyllis: Absolutely. Help yourself. Absolutely. Go ahead. Okay, mm-hmm.
Chance: Great. Thank you.
Nick: (Sighs)
(Rubbing hands together)
Lauren: Why won't you admit that you're Sheila?
Sarah: Because I'm not.
Lauren: How did you survive after I shot you?
Sarah: Sheila didn't survive.
Lauren: (Sighs) Yes, you did. Yes, you did. You--you changed your face to look like mine instead of Phyllis'. I mean, who else would be that crazy to do this?
Sarah: Wouldn't you like to know? (Scoffs) Keep an eye on the bitch. She's resourceful.
Lauren: Where are you going? Where are you going, Sheila?! Don't you go near my family, damn it!
Daisy: Don't worry. Your handsome hubby and your little brat are safe, at least for tonight.
Lauren: Where is she going? Where is she going? I mean it, Daisy! Tell me.
(Bars clang)
Daisy: (Sighs) I don't take orders from you.
Lauren: Then you tell me that she is your mother. You practically admitted to me that Sheila was alive.
Daisy: Hmm, I don't remember that.
Lauren: You are so out of your league, little girl.
Daisy: Says the lady in the cage.
Lauren: Do you have any idea how many times Sheila’s targeted me? Do you? Do you know how many situations I didn't think I was gonna live through? And yet here I am, aren't I?
Daisy: Your point?
Lauren: Either you help me, and maybe I will show you some mercy, or you'd better prepare to spend the rest of your days behind bars with "Mommy Dearest."
Ryder: She's not our mother.
Daisy: Shut up, Ryder.
Lauren: Then who is she?
Daisy: You'll find out when Mama Bear wants you to.
Jana: (Sighs) God, these bloody headaches. (Winces)
(Latch opens)
Jana: Lauren?
Sarah: Hi.
Jana: Lauren! Oh, my God!
Sarah: Hi, Jana.
Jana: Oh, thank God. Oh, my God. How did you--
Lauren: Daisy-- Daisy and Ryder brought me. It's so good to see you.
Jana: Really? Oh, God. I thought they separated us 'cause they didn't want us talking.
Sarah: (Sighs) Oh, Honey, are you okay?
Jana: (Sighs)
Sarah: Come on.
Jana: Oh, my God. I-I hate that they-- I hate that they did this to you. (Sighs) (Sobs) Oh, I'm just so glad to see someone I know. Lauren.
Michael: All right, so what'd you find out about this Smythe woman?
Paul: A buddy of mine at the jail got me the surveillance footage the night Daisy and Ryder were released.
Kevin: Pays to have connections.
Paul: Yeah, you're not gonna believe what is on this video.
Kevin: Is that Lauren?
Michael: It can't be. What possible reason would Lauren have for bailing out Daisy and Ryder?
Ryder: Why do you have to be so mean?
Daisy: Why do you have to be such a screw-up, talking to that stupid girl?
Ryder: What was I supposed to do? She saw me. Anyway, she's not gonna say anything.
Daisy: For your sake, you'd better hope not. Can you imagine if Mama Bear found out?
Ryder: Daisy, don't say anything to her.
Daisy: I won't, as long as you do everything I tell you. Otherwise, she's gonna hear all about that underage skank who's crushing on you and your touching little meeting. And you know what happens when mama bear gets mad.
Sarah: Did they hurt you?
Jana: No. You?
Sarah: No. No, I'm okay.
Jana: (Sighs)
Sarah: But Daisy and Ryder aren't gonna be when I get my hands on them.
Jana: Oh, God, they are complete sickos, especially Daisy.
Sarah: When I think of what Michael and Kevin and Fen are going through... and for what? I don't even understand why they kidnapped us.
Jana: That is what I was trying to tell you, Lauren, for so long, and... (Sighs) You remember that, Lauren? Daisy and Ryder are twins.
Sarah: What?
Jana: Yeah, and... this is the most shocking part. Sheila's their mother.
Sarah: Sheila?
Jana: Yes, I guess this is all some sort of s-sick revenge.
Sarah: I just-- I-I don't understand. I mean, I thought this was all behind me. I thought when I shot her, I wouldn't have to spend my whole life looking over my shoulder.
Jana: Yeah, I know. I-I know the stories. Oh, God, what you and Michael had to go through at the hands of that lunatic. I... (Sighs) Oh, God. We have to get out. We have to get out now! We need to go. We need to get out now before it's too late, Lauren. We need to go.
Sarah: (Sighs) Well-- well, now that I've disappeared, too, our husbands will connect the dots, and they're-- they're gonna get us out of here, Jana. I promise.
Jana: (Sighs) Oh, God. Oh, God, I miss Kevin so much. Just-- (Exhales) I just want to go home, you know? (Sighs)
Sarah: Bummer.
Jana: (Sighs)
Sarah: 'Cause that ain't happening, Jana.
Jana: What?
Sarah: (Laughs)
Jana: (Scoffs)
Sarah: (Laughs)
Jana: W-what? Why are you laughing?
Sarah: 'Cause you're so clueless. It's pathetic, really.
Jana: Lauren, stop. You--you're scaring me.
Sarah: (Clicks tongue) Hate to break it to you, Jana, but I'm not Lauren.
Jana: (Sighs)
Michael: I admit it looks like her. But the hair...
Kevin: Well, it could be a wig.
Michael: Why would Lauren be wearing a wig? Obviously, somebody tampered with the tape.
Paul: They didn’t. I checked.
Kevin: Look at the time stamp.
Paul: You know, Lauren was late to the ball, at least later than that.
Michael: There was an emergency at the boutique.
Paul: What kind of an emergency?
Michael: I don't know. Something about a customer who didn't get her dress for the ball. Anyway, it was just all some misunderstanding.
Kevin: Was she acting normal?
Michael: Absolutely. And when she heard that Ryder and Daisy had made bail, she was just as shocked as I was.
Kevin: Well, check your bank accounts. I mean, their bail was set really high.
Paul: I already did, at least the accounts that I could, and the credit cards. There was no activity that would account for a sum that large.
Michael: (Stammers) Lauren could have accessed trust funds, stocks, whatever. Why would she? It's ridiculous. Why would she release the people who have been terrorizing her? It is an--a-a ludicrous idea.
Paul: I don't know. I don't know. I have no idea. But I do know that she has been acting bizarre lately.
Michael: Sh-- she has been inhaling fumes, toxic fumes, from her office. She has been drugged.
Paul: Right. Do you think somebody might have drugged her again?
Kevin: Or like Chance said, it could still be in her system.
Michael: You really think she did this? She bailed these two out using the name of a woman associated with Terrible Tom, a name she didn't even know about till last night?
Kevin: Well, maybe she did know about it. Maybe Ryder and Daisy planted it in her head, all part of this--this-- this twisted game that they're playing. I don't know.
Paul: We're just gonna have to dig deeper. We're going to find out everything we can about the elusive Sarah Smythe.
Phyllis: Listen.
Nick: Chance didn't find my jacket, but you can bet he's not gonna stop looking.
Phyllis: It won't do him any good.
Nick: Still, for it to just suddenly go missing like that--
Phyllis: Listen, Nick. Nick. Nick. It would have been worse if they found the jacket with Adam's blood on it. You know that.
(Knock on door)
Nick: Hey, Dad. What's up?
Victor: Nicholas fill you in?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Nick: Yeah, just now. What's going on?
Victor: I had a visit from the D.A. apparently; they found my broken watch in the trash barrel outside.
Nick: (Sighs) How'd you handle that?
Victor: As I told you I would. I left out the fact that you were there when the watch broke.
Nick: Look, I know I told you I was gonna let you do this your way, but I'm startin' to feel like we're digging ourselves into a hole we're not gonna be able to get out of.
Victor: Son, I gotta tell you, I'm on the top of the list of suspects, okay? I don't want you to arrive at the same place.
Nick: So both of you have hid evidence and given false statements.
Phyllis: Nick's jacket had Adam's blood on it. Sharon and I made it go away.
Victor: And you did the right thing.
Nick: No, no, no, no. None of this-- none of this is right.
Victor: Son, I invited that sociopath into my house. I couldn't control him when he was alive. I'm gonna do everything in my power to protect my family from now on. You got that?
Billy: I already gave at the policemen's ball.
Chance: (Clears throat) Billy, this is an official visit.
Billy: Well, mi casa es su casa, Nephew.
Chance: I take it you've heard about Adam.
Billy: Yep, guess you guys want to look around.
Chance: You don't have a problem with that, do you?
Billy: No. Don't steal anything, though. Do you want a statement, too?
Chance: No, I'm sure we can get that tomorrow.
Billy: Aah, come on, let's get it over with.
J.T.: Okay, Buddy, now try and rest your eyes, all right?
Victoria: Hi. I saw the police driving away.
Reed: Mommy!
Victoria: Hi, Baby. What are you doing here? I thought you would still be in Chicago. Hi!
J.T.: Well, we cut our trip short.
Victoria: What? Why?
J.T.: Reed missed you.
Victoria: Oh. I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you. I'm sorry, Baby.
J.T.: Hey, Reed, uh, why don't you go upstairs and pack the rest of your favorite toys in your little backpack, okay? Reed, please do it, all right? Thank you. (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs) Why didn't you call me?
J.T.: I was trying to distract our son while our house was being searched. But now that you're home, we're leaving.
Victoria: Leaving?
J.T.: Reed and I are outta here tonight, and don't bother trying to stop us, okay?
Michael: What I don't understand is why didn't someone think of this sooner. This is ridiculous. There are thousands of Sarah Smythes. When you add "Fisher" to the mix, you just get a lot of articles on Terrible Tom and the Abbotts.
Kevin: Wait, you know what? Ryder was from Green Bay, right? Or at least that's where he said he lived with our dad. So what if we just search for Sarah Smythes from there?
(Computer keys clicking)
Paul: Okay, um, you know, the address that, uh, Sarah gave the cops the night that, uh, she was in the car accident with, uh, Fisher was a fake. You know that, right?
Michael: Aw. Just another dead end.
Kevin: Wait, wait, wait, wait. I think I found something.
Lauren: (Gasps) Jana! Jana! Jana!
Jana: Stop. Oh, God. (Sighs) I don't understand.
Sarah: Oh, the wonders of cosmetic surgery.
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sighs) It's me. It's me. It really is.
Jana: (Sighs) Well, then who is-- that's what she said. (Whimpers)
Lauren: I can prove it. I-I-I can prove it.
Jana: How?
Lauren: Um, do--do you remember before you got kidnapped, we were at the boutique together, and you had your eye on-- on a purple skirt?
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: Yes.
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: Yes.
Jana: It's you.
Lauren: It is me.
Jana: Lauren, it's you.
Lauren: Jana.
Jana: (Gasps) Oh. Oh, God.
Lauren: When we get out of here, I'm gonna give you that purple skirt and the boots and whatever else you want.
Jana: (Chuckles) Oh, God, when we get out of here... that--that's all I can think about.
Lauren: Well, you keep thinking that.
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: Because we're gonna get out of here. And we're gonna see our families again.
Jana: (Sighs)
Sarah: Oh, my God. That's what I said practically word for word. (Chuckles) damn, Girl. I'm almost better at being you than you are.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Chance: Uh, Billy? You got a hotel room the night of the ball.
Billy: Yeah.
Chance: Why?
Billy: Well, I had too much champagne, and thought that I was in no shape to operate heavy machinery.
Chance: I seem to remember you doing the same thing over Christmas, and I had to drive you home.
Billy: Yeah, and you thought I couldn't learn from my mistakes. Anyway, um, so next thing I know, I passed out, but all hell broke loose.
Chance: The explosion, right?
Billy: Yeah. Then I ran downstairs, and I ran into my brother and sister, and then they told me that Adam was at the club.
Chance: Was that the first you had heard of it?
Billy: Yeah.
Chance: One more question.
Billy: Shoot!
Chance: In your hotel room...
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Were you alone?
Billy: Nephew, are you asking me if I picked up some bimbo?
Chance: Well, Billy, it wouldn't be the first time you'd done so, now would it?
Billy: No, and it won't be the last, except for even though the earth did move last night, this time, I had nothing to do with it. I was all by my lonesome. Promise.
Victoria: You are not taking my son.
J.T.: Watch me.
Victoria: Where are you gonna go? Where? It's the middle of the night.
J.T.: We'll go to a hotel tonight. Tomorrow, we'll find another place to live.
Victoria: Oh, you want to leave? Then you leave. But you are not dragging my son out of the only home that he's ever known.
J.T.: He's my son, too, and you left me no choice.
Victoria: What-- what happened to keeping things civil for Reed?
J.T.: Well, that was before Adam was murdered and your family became suspects, which--which reminds me, the cops--they took that dress you wore to the ball to be examined, and, uh, Detective Chancellor needs your statement.
Victoria: The way you say that-- do you think that I killed Adam?
J.T.: No.
Victoria: Then why are you doing this? Why are you trying to hurt me like this?
J.T.: Look, it was bad enough when the Newmans pulled that crap with Adam at the Abbott cabin. But now he's dead, okay? And there's a murder investigation going. There--there's cops swarming the ranch. God knows what's next.
Victoria: That doesn't mean that you can take my son.
J.T.: No, save it. I've already made up my mind. Reed cannot be exposed to this sort of insanity. Tomorrow, I will ask for full custody.
Chance: Is there anything else you want to add, Billy?
Billy: No, I told you everything.
Chance: All right. Well, thank you very much.
Billy: Hey, any excuse to hang out with the men and women who protect and serve.
Chance: (Sighs) This is Detective Chancellor. I need a forensic team to check out one of the suites at the Athletic Club, the one Billy Abbott booked the night of the explosion. Thanks.
Victoria: Please, J.T. Please don't do this. Please.
J.T.: No, look, I-I spoke to my lawyer. I got a really strong case.
Victoria: How can you do this? How can you be so cruel to me?
J.T.: Come on, Victoria. Do you really want to expose Reed to all this? Are you really that selfish?
Reed: Mommy?
Victoria: Hi. Come here. Oh, I love you.
Reed: I love you, too, Mommy.
Victoria: (Sighs) Okay, I'm gonna call you tomorrow, okay? I'll call you tomorrow.
J.T.: All right, come on, Buddy. We gotta go. All right, come here.
Victoria: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Reed: Bye, Mommy.
Victoria: (Sobs)
Nick: If anyone ever finds out that I was there--
Phyllis: That's why it's so important that we stick to our story.
Victor: You know your history with Adam is public knowledge, okay? Your fistfights, the fact that he let you think the baby was dead. The last thing I wanted the police to think is that you were there shortly before he was killed.
Man: (Sighs)
Man: (Chuckles) I'm gonna be stylin' tonight at the soup kitchen. (Laughs) Whoo! (Chuckles) Yeah! (Chuckles)
Kevin: Here. This is from a Green Bay Paper that dates back to 1993. There's no photo, but check it out.
Paul: "Night nurse Sarah Smythe, a single mother of two, has been cleared in the mysterious deaths of elderly patients at Handerville Hospital. However, the investigation remains open."
Kevin: Well, if you keep reading, it says that all the dead patients had been under her direct care.
Paul: That's pretty incriminating.
Kevin: Yeah, I'll say. Maybe the cops couldn't pin anything on her, but that is one sinister nurse.
Michael: Those words just, uh, sent a chill up my spine.
Sarah: (Sighs) Could you two be any more nauseating?
Lauren: Leave us alone.
Sarah: Well, at least you'll be nice roomies while it lasts.
Lauren: You know what? I am sick of you taunting us. Who the hell are you?
Sarah: Oh, you want to know who I am, Lauren? Well, I'm Sheila’s sister Sarah, and I'm here to avenge her death.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Lily: It's possible my babies will grow up without a mom.
Malcolm: Did your heart break for your baby brother when his dream died, or were you lovin' it?
Sarah: You killed my sister. You orphaned her children.
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