Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/8/10

Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/8/10 -- Canada; Friday 4/9/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9373 ~ Search for a Killer

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Victor: Detective, are you here in a official capacity?

Chance: Yes, Mr. Newman, I am. I'm afraid I have some bad news about our husband.

Sharon: What is it?

Chance: The body that was found in the basement of the Athletic Club... was Adam’s.

Victor: How could you make that identification when the body supposedly was burned beyond recognition?

Chance: Your son's D.N.A. was on record from his time spent in prison. The district attorney had two labs run tests simultaneously so there was no mistake. The dead man's body was Adam’s.

Nick: So what happens next?

Chance: The family will be contacted to make arrangements once the medical examiner releases the body.

Nick: Where do we want to bury him?

Chance: Well, you see, now it might not be for some time, because the investigation is, uh, it's being treated as a homicide. Mr. Newman, this is a search warrant for the Newman ranch and the surrounding estate.

Victor: What are you looking for?

Chance: A murderer.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. How did Nick get blood on his jacket?

(Knock on door)

Phyllis: Who is it?

Man: Eddie from the dry cleaner's for your weekly service.

Phyllis: Oh, right. Can you--can you hold on a second?

Jack: You're pregnant?

Patty: (Laughs) Isn't it wonderful? We're going to have a baby, Jack. (Laughs) I know how much this means to you. Oh, we've been talking about this since our wedding day. Mm. I was just as surprised as you were. Oh, but this is so wonderful. God works in mysterious ways. This is a sign. A new life is created amidst all of this chaos we've been through. Oh, Jack, say something. (Laughs)

Jack: Are--are--are--are you absolutely sure? I mean, have you seen a doctor?

Patty: I am a doctor. I don't need to see one. You want confirmation. Okay, take a look. We're going to be parents, Jack.

Lauren: Jana! Answer me! Answer me! I heard them come in! (Sighs) Jana! Where is she? What did you do to her?

Ryder: She's fine. We moved her.

Lauren: Why?

Ryder: I think you've talked enough to each other. Get away from the door. Fine. You don't want this stuff?

Lauren: No. No. No, wait. Wait! Please! No. You've taken me away from my family. My husband... my son, they've got to be frantic. I've never left Fen without saying good-bye... (Sobbing) Or that I love him. (Gasps) I know you know something about having a parent disappear on you. But he's just a little boy. He doesn't understand.

Ryder: I shouldn't be talking to you about this.

Lauren: Why? Why? What are you afraid of? Oh. Someone else is calling the shots, huh? Who is it? Who's making you do this to me? Is it Sheila? Is Sheila your mother? Is Sheila Carter alive?

Ryder: Look, I'm not telling you anything, okay?

Lauren: Okay, look. You... you may be related to Tom and Sheila, but you are also related to some wonderful people like your brother Kevin who... who's worried sick about Jana. (Breathing heavily) Think about what you're doing to him.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Jack: If--if you suspected you were pregnant, why didn't you say something?

Patty: I-I had some nausea, but I just thought that was stress. And then it didn't go away, and so, uh, I took the test. Jack, this is... (Laughs) This is wonderful. I have a tiny baby growing inside me, your baby. It's a miracle.

Jack: Uh, it--it--it's wonderful. I... (Sighs)

Patty: What's wrong?

Jack: I--

Patty: Aren't you happy?

Jack: Yeah, of course I am. I...

Patty: Well, you don't seem happy. I thought you'd be over the moon about this. It's what we wanted. It's what we talked about. (Sighs) It'd just be nice to... to have a smile on your face, that's all.

Jack: Uh, no, no. I-I-it's--Honey, it's just that... (Sighs)

Patty: What?

Jack: We've been through this whole thing with Adam and what he did to Ashley and--

Patty: I don't mean to sound insensitive. I truly am sorry she lost her baby. But that shouldn't stop you from being excited about this.

Jack: Uh, it's-- it's not just that. It--with everything that happened at the ball and to... (Sighs) I'm sorry. I just--I just probably need a couple minutes to wrap my head around this.

Patty: Don't take too long, because right now you just broke my heart.

Jack: E-E-Emily, w-wait.

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: You know how much this means to me. You know how much I loved growing up in this house, how much I've looked forward to raising a child here. I made such a mess of things with Keemo and then with Kyle.

Patty: But Kyle wasn't all your fault. Oh, Honey. Are you afraid?

Jack: It just seems like I did a lot better with my stepsons than I did with my own children.

Patty: But you have me now. I'm here. And this is the perfect place to raise a family. And you... you are gonna be a wonderful, wonderful father.

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: And you are going to be a wonderful mother. And this is great news. And I'm sorry I didn't react the way I should have.

Patty: (Sighs, laughs)

Jack: We're gonna have a baby. That's wonderful.

Patty: (Sighs)

Victor: The staff is gathering in the kitchen.

Chance: Great. Medina, can you go to the kitchen, wait with them?

Medina: Yes, Sir.

Chance: Thank you. (Sighs) Do you mind if we search, uh, upstairs?

Victor: As long as you promise to do it as quickly as possible.

Chance: Okay. Bedrooms. Thank you. Also we are gonna need to collect the clothing that both you and Nikki Newman wore the night of the ball, please.

Victor: Uh, the maid will know where to find that.

Chance: Okay. I need to ask one more thing. We're gonna take statements from all of you later, but if you could remain downstairs while we're searching the house, that would be great.

Victor: Thank you, Detective.

Chance: Thank you.

Sharon: I need some air.

Nick: I'll go with you.

Ashley: How long you gonna keep up this front?

Victor: What are you talking about?

Ashley: (Sighs) Well, I know you said that Adam got what he deserved, but murder? You can't tell me you don't have any feelings about this.

(Footsteps approaching)

Victor: (Sighs)

Abby: Mom.

Ashley: Hi, Honey.

Abby: Why are the police here? You said on the phone you were okay.

Ashley: I am. I'm fine. Come here. I'm okay, Sweetie.

Victor: Welcome home from your trip, Sweetheart. How was it?

Abby: It was fine, but what's going on?

Victor: The body... found at the Athletic Club... was Adam.

Abby: I'm sorry.

Victor: Thank you.

Ashley: Where are you going, Abby?

Abby: My room. I-I want to be alone.

Ashley: You can't go up there right now, Sweetheart.

Abby: Why not? (Sighs)

Victor: Sweetheart, they're searching everything upstairs, okay?

Abby: But Adam wasn't even living here anymore.

Victor: They will search as long as they have to, all right? They're looking for evidence.

Abby: They're not in my room, are they?

Ashley: They might. They might.

Abby: But that's my personal stuff. That has nothing to do with creepy Adam.

Ashley: Abby, why don't you go back to our house and just wait, okay?

Abby: Oh, yeah. Are they gonna search my room there, too? Why do bad things keep happening? Why can't we just be a normal family?

Ashley: Abby, Sweetheart.

Abby: I'll be at Sterling’s.

Ashley: You know, she's been through so much. Do they really have to search her room?

Victor: (Sighs) The D.A. is desperately looking for a killer. Let them search all they want.

Ashley: Well, I better give Jack a heads-up. Who do you think the murderer is, Victor?

Victor: (Sighs) Thanks to Jill Abbott spilling the beans about what happened at the cabin, we are all suspects now.

Sharon: My husband's dead. My husband's dead, and you know what? I-I-I don't even feel-- I don't even feel anything about it. I... do you think that's callous?

Nick: It's not callous at all after what he's done.

Sharon: (Sighs) I was just at... such a low point when Adam came into my life. And he was so supportive and he... just said and did all the right things and made a lot of promises about our future and... (Sighs) I believed him. So much for that dream, huh?

Nick: Doesn't mean it's not gonna happen again with someone else.

Sharon: Well, all that matters right now is that Faith is okay. You know, when I saw him in my hotel room holding her, our baby, in his arms, I-I can't tell you what that did to me, Nick. I would do anything to protect her, and the thought of Adam taking her away from us again...

Nick: (Sighs) I will never let that happen.

Sharon: Well, he's dead. Maybe it's a blessing. We will never have to worry about him again.

Phyllis: Eddie, come in. Hey.

Eddie: Hey, Mrs. Newman.

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Eddie: I heard about the accident. How's your leg?

Phyllis: Oh, it's okay. I'm gonna be off my feet for a while.

Eddie: Yeah?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Eddie: All right.

Phyllis: Um, so thank you. That's everything. Uh, can--can you get it back to me A.S.A.P., just have them clean it right when you get it to the plant?

Eddie: Sure thing.

Phyllis: All right. Thank you. You've been a big help. Thanks.

Eddie: Yeah.

Lauren: (Sighs) Look, I admit that I was hard on you, but I was protecting my family, and you can't blame me for that. But Kevin--I mean, he gave you more chances than anyone deserves. He let you rent that room, you know, so you wouldn't be on the street, and--and Jana, she gave you food and money until you got that job at the bookstore. They cared what happened to you. Just let Jana go. This is not her battle.

Ryder: I tried.

Lauren: You tried what? You know something? The person who is telling you what to do does not have your best interests at heart.

Ryder: And you do?

Lauren: You don't have to trust me. You trust yourself. What could you possibly gain by doing this?

Patty: Mm.

Jack: Here you go.

Patty: Milk? (Laughs)

Jack: For you and the baby.

Patty: (Laughs)

Jack: Feet.

Patty: Ooh.

Jack: Come on. It's all starting to fall into place. I am gonna be a father. That's incredible.

Patty: Jack, I'm so happy to hear you say that. (Sighs)

Jack: I don't know. I guess it just surprised me, that's all.

Patty: Oh, you... (Laughs) You were surprised. I-I couldn't wait to tell you, and I thought you would come in here, and you'd sweep me off my feet, and we would share this extraordinary moment together.

Jack: We're doing that now.

Patty: Oh, Jack. (Inhales sharply) This baby... this baby changes everything. No more problems. We are going to be... deliriously happy. (Laughs) This time... this time, it's all gonna work out. I'm gonna give you everything you want Jack. We're gonna have... (Sets glass on table) A family, children. (Whispers) And I'll give you the peace of a real home. (Normal voice) Oh, God. (Laughs)

Jack: I never figured you for the cookie-baking type.

Patty: Oh, do you remember how pleased you were when you saw Kyle?

Jack: Mm-hmm.

Patty: That was my idea to bring him here. I did that for you. And now... (Sighs) We are gonna have our own baby... (Sighs) Forever and always. And I promise you-- I promise you I will never hurt you like Diane did. (Sighs) I don't like that she took-- wouldn't let you see your son.

Jack: Well, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, no. You know, I would like to see more of Kyle, but Diane and I have been working things out.

Patty: I know you have. I just felt a little emotional. That's all, Darling.

(Doorbell rings)

Jack: I'll get-- oh, let me get that.

Patty: Oh. (Squeals) (Laughs) (Sighs)

Jack: Ash.

Ashley: Hi. I'm sorry to barge in. Oh, hi, Emily.

Patty: Hey.

Ashley: I thought you'd want to know that the authorities ID'd the body they found at the G.C.A.C. It was Adam.

Jack: Well, I guess we knew that was likely.

Ashley: Yeah. They're searching the ranch.

Jack: No doubt they'll come by here, too.

Patty: (Sighs)

Ashley: And to my place.

Patty: Don't they have anything better to do than harass us? (Sighs)

Jack: I guarantee you all of us are on the suspect list because of that "Restless Style" article.

Ashley: I wonder if they're gonna search Heather and Rafe's.

Patty: Adam was a psychopath. He had a lot of enemies. (Sighs)

Sharon: I wish I could put all this behind me, forget Adam ever existed.

Nick: The media's gonna have a field day with this.

Sharon: I think I might go into hiding for a while.

Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, head for the bunkers. I like it. It's a good plan.

(Cell phone rings)

Sharon: I have to pick up Faith.

Nick: Just hold on one second, and I'll go with you. It's Phyllis. Hello.

Phyllis: Hey, Baby. I need to talk to you.

Nick: Yeah, I need to talk to you. The D.A. ID'd the dead man. It was Adam. Phyllis?

Phyllis: Yeah, I'm here.

Nick: All right, just so you know, they're not wasting any time. They showed up at the ranch with a search warrant.

Phyllis: Do you think they'll come here?

Nick: I would think so. The warrant covered the entire premises, so yeah, I'm sure they will.

Victor: We need to discuss something, all right?

Nick: Okay, hang on. Uh, so I got to go. Sharon's gonna come by and pick up Faith, all right?

Phyllis: Are you coming home?

Nick: Yeah, I'll be there soon. Dad needs me.

Phyllis: Um, listen, uh, I need to talk to you. It's really important.

Nick: Yeah, I know. I'll--I'll--I'll be home soon and we'll talk. Bye.

Sharon: Is everything okay?

Victor: Nothing to worry about, Sharon, nothing at all.

Sharon: I just-- I-I don't see how everything's gonna be okay for a long time now. I just... (Sighs) I'm--I have to go.

Victor: It's gonna be all right. Thank you. If the police find anything incriminating, I'll protect you.

Medina: I found this in the trash can as the garbage truck was pulling up.

Chance: (Laughs) Well, bag it and tag it. I'll alert the D.A.

Medina: Okay.

Chance: Nice job.

Lauren: No. No, don't-- don't let your mother and Daisy take you down.

Ryder: No. We already kidnapped you and Jana. There's no turning back now.

Lauren: If you help us now, Kevin will forgive you and Michael, he will help you.

Ryder: (Scoffs) Right.

Lauren: Look, you have been brainwashed into some sort of misguided... (Sighs) Revenge against me. Open up your eyes. See what is really going on here. Look at the family you grew up with and compare it to the family that you could be a part of.

Ryder: (Scoffs) Like you're so perfect.

Lauren: Oh, Lord knows we aren’t. But we do not go around poisoning and kidnapping people. Do you have any idea how many times Sheila has come after me? And all of her schemes have failed. In my heart, I believe that is because good triumphs over evil.

Daisy: I bet you believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy, too. You've fed the animal in her cage. Let's go.

Chance: We're all finished, Mr. Newman. Uh, your staff has all been released. Thank you again for your cooperation.

Victor: All right, Officer. Thank you.

(Door closes)

Nick: Think they found anything?

Victor: I'll deal with it.

Nick: We will deal with it.

Victor: (Exhales deeply) There's no love lost between the district attorney's office and our family, I can assure you.

Nick: You think Owen Pomerantz is gonna focus on us?

Victor: He will try to put someone behind bars as quickly as possible. This is a very high-profile case and a high-profile family.

Nick: How convenient. We're all suspects.

Victor: Whatever happens, Son... you keep everything close to the vest, all right? Just do as I say.

Sharon: Hello?

Phyllis: Oh, good. Good. Good. It's you. Uh, come on--come in quick.

(Door closes)

Phyllis: I need to talk to you.

Sharon: Why? What's wrong? How's Faith?

Phyllis: Um, she's fine. She's asleep. Nick said that the cops are searching the ranch, and I'm stuck in this chair, so I really need your help.

Sharon: Okay.

Phyllis: This is the jacket that Nick wore last night. It has a big bloodstain on the sleeve.

Sharon: Did Nick say where that came from?

Phyllis: No. He never mentioned it. And, uh... Nick wasn't injured, so it's not his blood.

Sharon: You don't think that Nick--

Phyllis: I don't--I don't-- I don't know what to think. I don't know. I have no idea what happened in that cellar. But I do know how much Nick despised Adam, and he has the perfect motive. Sharon, I can't risk the cops seeing this jacket. I have to protect my husband.

Sharon: We both--we both need to look out for Nick.

Jack: So how are you holding up in all of this?

Ashley: Well, I guess you could say Adam definitely got what he deserved. But--thank you-- I'm never gonna know what really happened to the baby I lost.

Patty: Well, let's not talk about Adam and death, not today, please?

(Doorbell rings)

Jack: I'll get that. (Sighs)

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: Mr. Pomerantz, that was fast.

Owen: I assume you've heard the news.

Jack: About Adam? Yeah, what, you're now in the habit of delivering your own search warrants?

Owen: Oh, I'm not here to search your house. He is.

Jack: Help yourself.

Owen: I'd like to speak with you privately for a minute.

Jack: Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of my wife and my sister.

Owen: The medical examiner found something unusual. It's a silk handkerchief. It's very expensive. We traced it to a Seville row haberdasher in London. It's monogrammed. If you look closely, you can read it.

Jack: "J.A." Yeah, that's mine. I have several just like it.

Owen: Did you have one at the policemen's ball?

Jack: I did.

Owen: And where is it now?

Jack: Upstairs in my tuxedo pocket. Why?

Owen: This was found jammed in the dead man's throat.

Abby: Then tell your mom that you're coming over to study. Well, then sneak out. She's not gonna know. No, I'm already here. I got a bottle of wine from my dad's cellar and everything. No, you know what? Forget it.

Abby: Ryder?

Jack: There you are. Everything I wore last night.

Owen: Minus the handkerchief.

Jack: Which I only just now realized was missing.

Owen: So you say.

Patty: You're wasting your time, Mr. Pomerantz. I know my husband better than anyone. He's not a murderer.

Owen: The handkerchief didn't get in the dead man's mouth by magic. Somebody put it there.

Patty: Well, not Jack. It had to have been someone else.

Owen: You have any thoughts on who that might be?

Jack: If I dropped it in the club, anyone could have picked it up.

Ashley: You know, excuse me. Look, I don't think for a minute that my brother killed Adam, but, honestly, do you think he'd be stupid enough to leave a monogrammed handkerchief on the body?

Owen: Look, I specifically asked all of you to leave the search for Adam to the police. And you didn't heed my warning.

Jack: Are you here to arrest me?

Owen: Not at this time. But you are a person of interest. Don't leave town.

Nick: I don't like this. We were both involved in what happened.

Victor: I'm prepared to explain and leave you out.

Nick: Lying to the police is not the way to handle this.

Victor: (Sighs) You have a wife and children to think about. You go home. Take care of them before the cops come back, okay?

Nick: I can't just sit back and do nothing.

Victor: Son, let me handle it, see how this thing plays out.

Nick: You call me if you hear anything.

Victor: Yep.

Phyllis: You know, we could be overreacting. Nick could have picked up this bloodstain from helping somebody after the explosion. There was so much confusion.

Sharon: Yeah, you know, I mean, that blood, that could have come from-- from anywhere. It's just... do we take the chance?

Phyllis: Definitely not.

Sharon: Okay, well, the police are searching the grounds, which means we don't have a lot of time.

Phyllis: Right. So just in case this blood is...

Sharon: Adam’s.

Phyllis: We have to get rid of this jacket.

(Knock on door)

Chance: Mrs. Newman? It's the police. Mrs. Newman? Mrs. Newman, this is Detective Chancellor. If you don't open the door, we'll have no choice but to open it ourselves. Mrs. Newman!

Sharon: Hi, Detective, it's me. Come on in.

Phyllis: Sorry. I'm stuck in this chair, and Sharon was dealing with the baby. Sorry about that.

Chance: We're, uh, here to search the premises.

Phyllis: Oh, o-okay. Help yourself.

Chance: Is there anyone upstairs?

Phyllis: Uh, no. My--my daughter is with a friend.

Sharon: Uh, I'm gonna get the baby out of your way. Phyllis, thank you so much for looking after her.

Phyllis: Oh, my pleasure. She's a doll. Have a good evening.

Sharon: All right, yeah. Feel better.

Phyllis: Oh, thank you.

Chance: I need to ask you a few questions about last evening.

Phyllis: Okay. Ask away.

(Front door closes)

Owen: The door was open. Hope you don't mind.

Victor: Ah, Mr. Pomerantz. Detective whatever-his-name-is and his men searched the house, so they must be on the property somewhere, if you're looking for them.

Owen: Oh, I'm just here to ask you a few questions.

Victor: All right.

Owen: Well, I briefly looked through the evidence collected thus far, and this watch was found in a bag in the trash. It's worth more than an assistant D.A. makes in a year. Why would someone throw this out? All it needs is a crystal replaced... and the blood wiped off.

Abby: I cannot believe that I ran into you here.

Ryder: Yeah, me neither.

Abby: Do you want some? Excuse me? Where are you going?

(Glass shatters)

Abby: What did you do that for? I was gonna drink that.

Ryder: Yeah, well, you shouldn’t. You're underage, remember?

Abby: How can I forget, when everyone keeps reminding me? So did you hear about the explosion at the ball last night?

Ryder: What about it?

Abby: My brother Adam was killed.

Ryder: Um... I'm sorry.

Abby: It's okay. He was kind of a freak. (Sighs) Did some really disgusting things to my family. Convinced my mom that she was crazy and now it turns out that my little sister isn't actually my little sister, and it's all his fault. (Sighs)

Ryder: Weird.

Abby: Yeah, and the police are searching my dad's house right now.

Ryder: Why?

Abby: I don't know. But I swear I think I have the most screwed-up family in the entire world.

Ryder: (Chuckles) You want to bet on that? You haven't met mine.

Abby: Kevin seems nice.

Ryder: He is. Um, I'm glad I ran into you.

Abby: Me, too.

Ryder: Listen, I-I gotta go, but, um, maybe we can do this again sometime. This'll be, like, our secret meeting place.

Abby: That sounds cool.

Ryder: But you can't tell anyone you saw me.

Abby: I won’t. I promise.

Lauren: Ryder? Daisy? All right, Sheila. Show your face. I'm not afraid of you.

Ashley: You know, honestly, I wouldn't worry about the D.A.

Jack: I wish you would think about spending the night here tonight. (Stammers) I hate the idea of you being alone in that house.

Ashley: I'm not alone. Abby's back from her competition, and besides, now that Adam is no longer with us, um, I feel a lot more peaceful. I don't really have any reason to be afraid, so...

Jack: Well, amen to that.

Ashley: Tell Emily I said good-bye.

Patty: Yes, I will tell him. Thank you. Bye-bye. Well, your lawyers are going to inform the district attorney's office that they can't approach you unless he's present.

Jack: Thank you for handling that.

Patty: Mm-hmm. I am not gonna let anyone hurt the father of my child.

Nick: Chance here?

Phyllis: Yeah, he's upstairs.

Nick: Where's Summer?

Phyllis: She's at her play date.

Nick: Oh, yeah, that's right. Stella’s.

Phyllis: Yeah, Stella. Uh, Stella’s mom is making dinner for them. We should call there in a while.

Nick: You okay?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. You don't have to worry about me or anything. It's good.

Chance: Okay, um, I'm gonna need the clothes and the shoes that you wore to the ball last evening.

Phyllis: Oh, okay, um, the shoes are by the door. And the clothes-- oh, uh, the clothes are--are at the dry cleaners.

Chance: Why the rush to get the clothes cleaned?

Phyllis: Well, there was no rush. I mean, they were dirty. And, um, the dry cleaner just comes every week at this time.

Chance: Well, I'm gonna need the name and the address for that dry cleaner then.

Phyllis: Oh, um, well, the claim check is right there.

Chance: Great. Hopefully the clothes haven't been cleaned just yet.

Phyllis: Yeah, hopefully.

Chance: All right, you know, I think that's, uh, that's about it for us tonight. Uh, thank you both for cooperating.

Phyllis: Sure.

Nick: I really hope you find Adam's killer.

Chance: We will. Good night.

Phyllis: Bye, guys. Yeah. Don't worry. They're not gonna find your jacket.

Faith: (Crying)

Sharon: Shh. I know, Sweetie. I know. It's late for you, and it's cold. We'll get back to the car in a second. (Sighs)

Owen: I'm gonna take a leap here and assume that this expensive watch doesn't belong to someone on your staff. It's not that hard to ascertain that you're the owner. So what I need to know is how it got broken and whose blood is on it. Look, it shouldn't be too hard for the lab to I.D. the fingerprints and the blood.

Victor: That's my watch. I broke it last night.

Owen: At the policemen's ball?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Owen: And the blood. Is that yours?

Victor: No, the blood is Adam’s.

Abby: 0605.

(Touch-tones beeping)

Abby: Call me tomorrow, and we'll meet here?

Ryder: Yeah.

Abby: I really like talking to you. Most of my other friends, they just don't get it. All they care about is shopping and talking about boys.

Ryder: You seem older than most girls your age.

Abby: Thanks. Well, you kinda have to be in a family as messed up as mine. So I'll see you tomorrow?

Ryder: Yeah.

Abby: And don't worry. I won't say anything about seeing you here.

Ryder: I know you won’t.

Abby: Bye.

Daisy: "You seem older than most girls your age"? What the hell? How stupid can you be?

Ryder: She saw me. I had to cover.

Daisy: She could blow it for us.

Ryder: She won’t.

Daisy: Why, because she's in love with you?

Ryder: Look, she can help us. We can use her.

Daisy: (Sighs) She better not be more trouble than she's worth.

Lauren: I don't understand how you're still alive. I saw you die. But then, I thought you were dead before, haven't I? (Sighs) You know, when everything started to happen-- the--the rats, the headaches, the drugs, I knew it was you. And everyone told me it couldn't be. But I knew it. What I just don't understand is why. Why are you using your kids? Why are you destroying your children? Why are you turning them into monsters like yourself? I know you're here! Say something. Show your face, Sheila! (Gasps)

Lauren: What?

Sarah: (Chuckles)

Lauren: Wha...

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

J.T.: And is Victoria a suspect?

Chance: She's a person of interest.

Owen: So what'd you do?

Victor: I backslapped him.

Owen: Which is how you broke the watch.

Paul: You're not gonna believe what is on this video.

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