Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/7/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/7/10 -- Canada; Thursday 4/8/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9372 ~ I.D.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Lauren: (Sighs) Sheila?

Daisy: Is mommy dearest.

(Bars clang)

Daisy: Ding, ding, ding, ding. You win the prize.

Lauren: None of this makes any sense.

Daisy: Okay, Ryder's my twin. Sheila's our mom. Tom is our dad. Pay attention. It'll be on the midterm.

Lauren: But how can you be twins? Ryder is in his 20s, a-and you're in high school.

Daisy: Hilarious, huh? I can pass for 18. What can I say? I have great genes.

Lauren: I-I-- I don't understand this. I knew Sheila back then. She didn't have twins.

Daisy: Sheila didn't raise her twins. Doesn't mean she didn't give birth to them and then pawn them off to someone else. Our mother was too busy with her vendetta against you to give us a thought. If it weren't for you, my brother and I would have had a mother, our real mother. And for that, we are gonna make you suffer, like we did.

(Doorbell rings)

Victor: Bonnie, uh, would you make sure to empty the trash tonight?

Bonnie: Oh, certainly, Mr. Newman.

Victor: Thank you.

(Front door opens)

Ashley: Hi, Bonnie.

Bonnie: Please come in.

Ashley: Thank you. Hi. Sorry. I should have called.

Victor: Thank you, Bonnie.

Bonnie: Sure.

Victor: Didn't expect to see you today.

Ashley: I can't stop thinking about what happened last night-- that body they found in the basement of the G.C.A.C. Jack said that the man died before the explosion. So if it was Adam...

Victor: The police are treating it as a murder.

Ashley: Right. Is there anything else you know?

Victor: What are you implying?

Jack: He's not coming back, Emily.

Patty: (Gasps) Jack. (Sighs) Please don't sneak up on me like that.

Jack: Hey, hey, hey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: That is what you're thinking, isn't it? That Adam's still out there somewhere?

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Patty: You know what? You're probably right. I just hate feeling so jumpy.

Jack: We'll have answers soon enough.

Patty: (Sighs)

(Doorbell rings)

Jack: Let me get that.

Patty: Okay.

Jack: Chance, come on in.

Chance: Thank you. (Clears throat) Dr. Abbott.

Patty: Hello.

Chance: Uh, look, I'm sorry to drop in without calling first, but, uh, I have a couple questions about Adam.

Faith: (Cries)

Nick: Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Faith: (Cries)

Nick: Oh, I know. I know. (Gasps) Hey, you okay? Hmm? So what'd you think of your first night in my house, huh? I know things have been kind of crazy, but I just want you to know, you've been doing such a good job.

Faith: (Fusses)

Nick: I'm so proud of you.

Faith: (Fusses)

Nick: Yes.

Faith: (Fusses)

Nick: Hey--

Faith: (Cries)

Nick: Oh, okay. Okay.

Faith: (Coughs)

Nick: Oh, that's a cough. You got a cough. It's okay. I just want you to know something. Daddy's gonna always keep you safe, okay? I'm gonna keep all the bad men away.

Faith: (Coughs)

Nick: Do whatever it takes to protect you. I promise. Yeah, I promise. Daddy loves you.

Sharon: (Gasps) Aah! (Gasps) (Breathing heavily) Where is he? Where--

Doctor: It's okay.

Sharon: Oh, I-- I think I-I was having a dream. Never mind. (Sighs) I thought he was gone. Dear God, I thought he was gone... forever.

Patty: I don't remember anything that happened at the club.

Chance: No, no, no. This isn't about the explosion. I just came over here to get your statement about what happened at Memorial that led up to Adam's escape from custody. That's all.

Jack: Well, that should be no problem. Right, Honey?

[Patty remembering]

Adam: Why would I blow your cover?

Patty: Because you lied to me before.

Adam: If you keep pushing me, I will have to expose you, and I'll have to tell everyone who you are.

Patty: There's not much to tell. I agreed to sedate Adam so that his transfer to the jail would go smoothly. He somehow got out of his cuffs, overpowered me. End of story.

Chance: Was he already out of the handcuffs before you went into the room?

Patty: Of course. I didn't undo them.

Chance: Where was the, uh, the police officer who was on duty? He was supposed to be guarding the room.

Patty: He was in Adam's room with Nikki Newman when I arrived. They left. I assume he resumed to his post outside the door.

Jack: Wait, you didn't ask him to stay?

Patty: Honey, the conversation was privileged.

Jack: But you knew Adam was dangerous.

Patty: I-I trusted the information that was given to me. He was going to be in restraints, a-and there was no reason for me to be concerned.

Chance: Was Adam aware that you were gonna give him a-a sedative? Could anyone in the hospital have, um, clued him in beforehand?

Patty: Hmm?

[Patty remembering]

Adam: Yes, I know. Hand it over.

Patty: I really couldn't say. Last time I'd spoken to him, it was the psychiatric evaluation for the court.

Chance: And did you give the authorities your recommendation?

Jack: You mean whether to warn him or to surprise him?

Patty: I-if I told them anything, it would be not to inform him of the plan.

[Patty remembering]

Adam: Bring the stuff?

Patty: (Sighs) Yes.

Adam: Good girl, Patty. Hand it over.

Chance: At what point did Adam grab the needle?

Patty: When I was preparing the injection.

Chance: Was he behind you, facing you?

Patty: He-- [Remembering]

Adam: Come on. Patty.

Patty: (Sighs)

Adam: Good girl.

Patty: I know never to turn my back on a prisoner. I was preparing the shot so we could take him back to jail. [Remembering] You know, I can let him know that--

Adam: Hey, relax, you're gonna have a bulletproof cover story.

Patty: Aah! Oh, God!

Chance: Dr. Abbott?

Patty: Hmm? What?

Chance: Accuracy is very important here. Uh, if there are any other details that you can remember, times, placement of things, that would really help out. If you can't, that's fine. You can take your time. That's okay.

Jack: Honey, Chance is not interrogating you. You're not guilty of anything.

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: He's just trying to get to the bottom of what happened with you and Adam in that hospital room.

Patty: No, I-I know. I understand.

Chance: Did the police officer who was on guard who was posted outside, did he come into the room at all before Adam jabbed you with the needle?

Patty: Yes. No. I mean, no. He didn’t. I told you all I can.

Chance: Okay, that's fine. Just a couple more questions I have. Uh, what was in the, uh, the needle that you were preparing for Adam?

Patty: What?

Chance: The syringe. What were you preparing? What did you put into it?

Patty: I don't remember.

Chance: Was it something that was going to calm him. Was it gonna--

Patty: You know what? I said I don't remember.

Sharon: I really don't need any pills. I fall asleep just fine. It's the nightmares that get to me.

Doctor: Well, rest assured, nobody's been here except the nurses and myself.

Sharon: Yeah, I believe you. Um, you said earlier that you had some good news?

Doctor: You can go home today. I'm discharging you.

Sharon: I don't really know where that is anymore.

Doctor: Is there anybody you can call to come pick you up?

Nick: Oh, yeah. I think its lunchtime. I got her bottle ready. Do you, uh, you want to feed her? You know, you can hold her.

Phyllis: No, I can’t. According to the expert that Sharon saw, um, she's not allowed to bond with any other women.

Nick: Well, considering the circumstances with Sharon in the hospital...

Phyllis: Well, I want to do what's best for the baby. And according to Sharon, I have to stay clear.

Nick: Okay. Okay. Oh, there we go. (Sighs) Want your bah-bah? Want your bah-bah? Hmm? It's so good. That's so good.

Summer: You're feeding her?

Nick: Yes, I am. Do you like having Faith around? Well, I'm glad, because she's gonna be spending a lot more time with us, okay? And your mommy and I really want you to help us out with her. You know, kind of look after her, love her.

Summer: Like a big sister?

Nick: Yeah, something like that.

Victor: I really don't know any more than you do, but if the body we saw downstairs is indeed the corpse of Adam, then, um, he deserves what he got.

Ashley: You saw the corpse?

Victor: Yeah. The police came upstairs and told Pomerantz that they had seen a body downstairs, and so he and I went down there to identify it.

Ashley: And did you? I mean, could you?

Victor: No, it was so badly charred, so badly burned, that you couldn't possibly identify who it was.

Ashley: I hope it was Adam's corpse, and I hope he's rotting in hell.

Victor: I agree with you.

Lauren: The story of Tom and Sheila being your parents...

Daisy: It is not a story. Listen, Bitch! Ryder and I grew up hating you. We've been setting this up for months.

Lauren: I know you were behind the pictures of Paul and me and--and the toxins in my office. But what else are you responsible for?

Daisy: You're so smart. Figure it out.

Lauren: Wait a minute. Wait. Eden going to Paris? The rat in the store? The rat at the wedding? How far back does this go? Okay, okay, okay. Um, Ryder... worked for Deacon when he first came to town.

Daisy: Ooh, getting warmer.

Lauren: Did you frame Daniel for murder? Are you responsible for that?

Daisy: Burning hot. Boiling.

Lauren: And--and what about Ryder and Kevin's D.N.A. test? Did you manipulate that, too?

Daisy: (Scoffs) Ice cold. Brr. Freezing again.

Lauren: Okay. Okay. Okay. So Ryder and Kevin are brothers. They're Tom's kids. But then all those stories about Ryder's childhood and suffering the same abuses as Kevin... I mean, if Tom didn't raise you...

Daisy: All lies. And they were all worth it. You are going to pay and pay and pay the way we had to our whole miserable lives. Ryder and I waited years for our mother to come back, but she couldn’t. Sheila was either in the hospital or L.A. or South America or some damn place. Why?! Because of you. Do you have any idea what it's like growing up without a mother?

Lauren: Oh, yes, I do. I've been there, Daisy. Joanna was barely around when I was growing up. She was a lousy mother, and she still is. (Sighs) I think I've seen her twice in the last ten years. I didn't even want her at my wedding. Of course, she shows up. I almost asked her to leave. So you see, I do understand the pain and anger that you feel. I understand it, because I have-- I have been there. But I didn't let the hate take me over, Daisy. I didn't, because I'm stronger than that, and I think you are, too. Don't let it consume you. There's another way.

Ashley: As you know, I used to think that there was a part of Adam that was worth redeeming. Well, I was wrong.

Victor: Yeah.

Ashley: I wish to God I'd never met him, let alone put my trust in him. If he left town, I hope he never comes back. And if he was murdered, I hope it hurt like hell.

Victor: Why are you telling me this?

Ashley: We both know what people are capable of when they're pushed beyond their limits.

(Cell phone rings)

Victor: Excuse me.


Victor: Yes?

Nick: So when the guy comes to pick up the dry cleaning, can you give him my shirt and tux from last night? I left everything piled on the bed in the guestroom on the first floor.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'll take care of it.

Nick: Thank you.

Faith: (Cries)

Phyllis: Hey, Nick? Oh, hey, your daddy's coming.

Faith: (Wails)

Phyllis: Don't worry, Baby.

Faith: (Wails)

Phyllis: Nick? Oh, gosh. Here, here, Sweetheart. Come here. Come here. Come--oh, my goodness.

Faith: (Stops crying when Phyllis picks her up)

Phyllis: Okay, listen. Oh, I know exactly how you feel, okay? I know exactly how you feel. (Sighs)

Patty: (Sighs) Detective, I have been over and over this in my head, and if I could remember more, I would tell you.

(Cell phone rings)

Chance: I'm sorry to do this. You'll have to excuse me a second. Detective Chancellor.

Jack: Calm down.

Patty: Get him outta here. I am so not up to this today.

Jack: Whoa, h-he is just trying to help. He wants to find Adam so Adam can't harm anyone else.

Patty: Okay, he's not going to find Adam. (Sighs)

Jack: And how do you know that?

Patty: Adam is smart, and if he doesn't want to be found, he won’t be.

Chance: (Sighs) All right, I have to take off. We just got some lab results in on another case that I'm working on.

Jack: Would those lab results have anything to do with the body that was found at the Athletic Club?

Chance: (Sighs) Jack, you know I can't get into those informational details with you. I hate to do this, but, uh, we're gonna have to reschedule another time that I can come back and finish taking your statement.

Patty: Very good.

Chance: Thank you.

Jack: Thank you.

Patty: (Sighs) God, I'm so glad he is gone.

Jack: Honey, I-I, uh, I have to go, too.

Patty: What?

Jack: I promised Phyllis I would stop by, see if she needed anything. She's kind of stuck there.

Patty: Well, in that case... (Sighs)


Jack: Wow. What was that for?

Patty: That is so you will hurry home. I love you, Darling.

Jack: I love you, too.

Patty: I suppose you think that's funny-- Jack running off to wait on his ex-wife, the one who tried to take him from me before. Well, I am not laughing, Emily, because it's not gonna happen again.

Lauren: I believe that you're a good person. I do, despite the things that you've done. But you've only heard your mother's version of what happened back then. Don't let your whole life be poisoned because of her one side of the story. Please. Kevin needs his wife, and my son's--

Daisy: I-- (Sighs) I don't want to hear about your other sons. Scotty is the reason that our mom wasn't there for us.

Lauren: That is right. That is right, because she was obsessed with Scotty’s father, and then later, him. She was sick, Daisy. She had a mental illness. But you don’t. You're angry-- and it's understandable-- and vengeful, but you're definitely sane. Don't be like her. End this now.

Nick: Look at you.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Nick: They're letting you go tonight?

Sharon: Um, yeah, as soon as I get final word from the doctor. How'd it go with Faith last night?

Nick: Fine.

Sharon: Good.

Nick: Did you get any sleep?

Sharon: Um, well, the nightmares keep me up.

Nick: You still havin' those?

Sharon: You know, I just feel like I'm a bit haunted by some of my mistakes. I was an idiot to trust Adam. I knew he was trouble. And I just ignored my instincts and everyone's warnings, including yours.

Nick: I could see how you felt about him. That's what killed me the most. Your feelings were real, unlike Adam’s. I knew he was gonna hurt you, and there wasn't anything I could do about it.

Sharon: Nick, I know that he's gone, or at least that's what everyone says. But what if he's not?

Nick: Trust me, Sharon. Adam will never, ever hurt you again. I promise you that.

Jack: It's still hard to believe she's not an Abbott.

Phyllis: Yeah, I know. I know how attached you were to her when you thought she was Ashley's, and even before that, you were willing to raise her with Sharon when you knew she wasn't yours.

Jack: Well, we've come full circle, haven't we? Here you are, the proof that Nick cheated sleeping peacefully next to you.

Phyllis: On a cheerful note, why don't you open a window? I'd like to smell the fresh spring air. Since we're on that topic...

Jack: Oh? What topic would that be?

Phyllis: When are you and Emily gonna start cranking out kids?

Jack: (Sighs) Next topic.

Phyllis: Oh. Has it gotten worse? Aah.

Jack: No, she's just so angry and combative and...

Phyllis: Possessive?

Jack: Yeah, that, too.

Phyllis: Yeah, I saw a little bit of that at the ball.

Jack: Every day, I have more and more doubts. Why did I rush into marrying her?

Phyllis: I'm so sorry you're going through this.

(Wind howling)

Patty: (Gasps as she remembers) (Breathing heavily) (Whispers) Not again. I won't let this happen.

Phyllis: Wow, Jack, if it's not right, it's not right. Really, cut your losses and move on. You can get a trial separation.

Segundo: (Barking)

Patty: (Gasps) I killed you.

Jack: Did you hear that?

Segundo: (Barking)

Phyllis: Victor's dog?

Jack: No, it sounded like a person.

(Barking continues)

Segundo: (Barking)

Phyllis: Segundo, what's goin' on, Baby?

(Barking continues)

Jack: Does he do that a lot?

Phyllis: Well, only when he has something cornered.

Jack: Well, hey, Buddy. What is goin' on here? What's goin' on?

Phyllis: Do you see anything?

Jack: Eh, it's a stick. Thank you. He's just playin'.

Phyllis: Yeah. Guess he saw a rodent or something. It makes him crazy.

Jack: Listen, what you said earlier about Emily and me separating, I-I... (Sighs) It might even be worth some thought if I wasn't so crazy about her. This marriage was a new chance for me, a new beginning. I am not gonna just throw it out at the first sign of trouble. What?

Phyllis: I hope you're being realistic. That's all. You know that everybody's on their best behavior their first six months of a relationship. I mean, what if the Emily you fell in love with, the woman you thought you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, doesn't exist? What are you gonna do then?

Jack: (Sighs)

Patty: (Sighs) Aah! There is no such thing as ghosts, Patty. But why is Zapato still alive? Huh? I killed him. (Voice breaking) I killed him because he attacked Mr. Kitty. (Sobs) (Normal voice) And Phyllis is gonna be next if she doesn't shut her mouth about Jack leaving me! That--damn her! The bitch. (Breathing heavily) Oh, God. You know, I took care of-- I took care of Colleen, and I took care of Emily, and Adam, and I thought that would be enough. But that tramp--that tramp-- my God, that tramp! She just doesn't stop sticking her nose where it doesn't belong, and I just-- (Gasps) Stop it. (Chuckles) (Laughs) Stop it. Okay. Mm. (Sighs) Okay. (Exhales) You can't hurt any more people, okay? You-- that's the old Patty. I'm Emily now, hmm? (Inhales deeply) (Exhales) And how would Emily get her husband back? Think. Damn it, think. Think like Emily. Think like Emily. (Sighs) You just have to figure out a way, a much better way. Okay? (Sighs)

Nick: I'm surprised to see you here, Dad.

Sharon: Well, I didn't know who else to call. And since the Athletic Club is closed until the building is sound...

Nick: Why don't you stay at the ranch until you can find someplace more permanent? That is, if it's okay with you, Dad.

Victor: Well, of course it's okay with me. I made that offer to Sharon last night, but she wouldn't hear of it.

Sharon: Well, there are too many memories of Adam there.

Nick: But you and Faith should not be by yourselves right now.

Sharon: I know. But if Adam didn't die in that basement, he's going to come back for me, especially after what I did.

Lauren: Let Jana and me go so we can help you. You know you can't live your whole life with this hate eating away at you. I know you don't want to. I see it on your face. Don't you understand that you and Ryder and I are all Sheila’s victims? That if we just work together, we could do this--

Daisy: Shut up! Shut up! You're screwing with my head. (Sniffles) Now Ryder and I, we know the truth, because we've had to live with it all these years, always, always on the outside looking in.

Lauren: Sheila's gone, Daisy. She can't hurt you anymore.

Daisy: (Chuckles) Sheila is not gone. She is still with me. In fact, she is with me all the time.

Ashley: Thanks. I thought I'd stop by and see how you're doing and, of course, Faith, too. Hi.

(Faith fusses)

Phyllis: We're hangin' in there.

Ashley: Why are you such a little fussy-pants, huh? Why are you so fussy? Not your little happy self today?

Phyllis: I forgot to apologize to you, but I...

Ashley: For what?

Phyllis: Well, if I knew how much pain it would cause, me digging into Adam’s secrets...

Ashley: I'm sorry. You know, um, as painful as it is to find out that Faith isn't mine, you did the right thing. Don't ever doubt that. Although I bet you must doubt it sometimes, right? It's gotta be a little tricky for you suddenly having Sharon and Nick's baby in your home.

Phyllis: When I think about the hell that Adam put us through, and the hell he's still putting us through, I-I just could...

Ashley: Kill him?

Phyllis: Do you think it's Adam’s body they found?

Ashley: If it is, whoever killed him should get a medal.

Victor: What are you referring to? What did you do to Adam?

Sharon: Well, I'm the one that lured him up to the cabin. He must feel betrayed by that. Though I may be rid of him, I'm not really proud of myself for that.

Nick: Sharon, don't waste one minute of your life feeling guilty for him.

Victor: But don't you realize you had to do that for us to get at the truth?

Nick: Look, you need to let us take care of you right now, okay? At least give you and Faith a place to stay.

Sharon: It wouldn't be uncomfortable for you, Victor, knowing that Faith--

Victor: Of course not. You know that Faith will always be part of my family, and so will you. Okay?

Sharon: Thank you.

Victor: All right.

Sharon: I'll come to the ranch then, and it means so much to me that I can count on you.

Doctor: I have some instructions to give Sharon before she leaves.

Victor: All right.

Nick: We'll be right outside.

Victor: Okay.

Doctor: Now...

Victor: Son, if you don't mind my saying so, I get the feeling that Phyllis is trying very hard to accept the situation. But having Sharon and Faith that close, do you think that might put a strain on your marriage?

Nick: I'll talk to Phyllis. She'll understand. We have bigger problems than where Sharon’s gonna live right now.

Lauren: What do you mean, "Sheila’s with you all the time"?

Daisy: What's wrong, Lauren? Are you doubting your marksmanship?

Lauren: No. I shot her. I did what I had to to protect my child.

Daisy: What about Sheila’s children? Did you ever once stop to think about us?

Lauren: You know what? I am sorry that you have this ax to grind. I am sorry that you had a crappy life and that you feel like you had to do this. But I will never, ever apologize for doing what I had to do to protect my children from that lunatic!

Daisy: There's the Lauren I've heard about all these years-- shrill and insulting, borderline hysterical.

Lauren: You got what you wanted, Daisy. Jana's in that crate, and I'm in this cage. If you wanted us dead, we would have been dead by now. So what do you want? What's your endgame? I asked you a question. What are you gonna do with Jana and me?

Daisy: That's not up to me or Ryder. That's somebody else's call.

Lauren: Who? Is it Sheila? Is it Sarah Smythe, who bailed you out? No, Daisy. Daisy. Daisy, don't leave me here! Get back here, Daisy! (Sighs)

Jana: Lauren?

Lauren: Jana! Jana, are you okay?

Jana: Yeah, don't worry. I'm fine. Ryder gagged me again with a rag or something. I don't know. But I-I've managed to spit it out of my mouth now.

Lauren: Have you been listening?

Jana: Yes, but I'm just so confused. If Sheila’s dead, who else could be working with Ryder and Daisy? Is it this Sarah Smythe?

Lauren: I don't know. I can't be certain that Sheila is dead.

Jack: Emily? I'm home!

Patty: Hi, Sweetheart.

Jack: We need to talk.

Patty: Well, I couldn't agree with you more. You were right earlier. I have been acting strangely. Even I realize that.

Jack: You do?

Patty: I couldn't figure out why, but now I know. There's been a really good reason why I haven't been myself. I'm pregnant. (Chuckles)

Ashley: Oh, hi, Sharon.

Sharon: Hi.

Ashley: How are you feeling?

Sharon: Better. Thanks.

Ashley: Good. Um, I was just at the tack house, and Faith seems to be doing well.

Sharon: Good. Yeah, I'm--I'm anxious to-- to pick her up. Um, Nick, will you help carry her things?

Nick: Sure. Let's go.

Sharon: Great.

Nick: Uh, hey, Chance.

Chance: Nick, hello. Sharon, um, may I speak with you?

Sharon: Um... sure. Come on in.

Chance: (Clears throat)

Victor: I assume you're here on official business.

Chance: Yes, Mr. Newman, I am. Sharon, I've got some bad news about your husband.

Sharon: Oh. Um, what is it?

Chance: The body that was found in the basement of the Athletic Club was positively ID'd as Adam’s.

Phyllis: God. (Gasps) Oh, my God, blood. (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Phyllis: This is the jacket that Nick wore last night. It has a bloodstain.

Jack: All of us are on the suspect list because of that "Restless Style" article.

Lauren: You may be related to Tom and Sheila, but you're also related to your brother Kevin.

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