Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/6/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/6/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 4/7/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9371 ~ Last Night Never Happened

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Chance: (Whispers) Hey.

Chloe: Mm.

Chance: Good morning.

Chloe: Mm, good morning.

Chance: Mm. (Purses lips together) (Normal voice) You know, I meant what I said last night. I was waiting for you.

Chloe: Mm. So...

Chance: Hmm?

Chloe: I have to know. Was it... was it worth the wait, or was it, eh, whatever? (Chuckles)

Chance: Mm... (Chuckles)

Chloe: (Giggles)

Chance: No. Put it this way-- because of you, I now know what all the fuss was about.

Chloe: (Laughs)

Chance: (Chuckles)

Chloe: Okay, well, you know me, and I don't do big, open-heart soul-baring or anything like that.

Chance: (Clears throat)

Chloe: So just assume that I said a bunch of mushy, flowery, lovey-dovey stuff.

Chance: Yes, I-- done.

Chloe: Okay.

Chance: (Chuckles)

Chloe: (Chuckles) Mm, I guess we have to get up. We should probably go ask Katherine how much money they raised last night.

Chance: Yeah. Yeah, we should probably do that. Of course, we should also get presentable first, too-- shower, stuff like that.

Chloe: Shower... like "I shower, you shower"?

Chance: No. No, I was thinking more like we could, um, conserve water.

Chloe: One shower?

Chance: One shower.

Chloe: Two people.

Chance: (Whispers) Two people.

Chloe: Wow.

Chance: Wow.

Chloe: Look at us...

Chance: I know.

Chloe: How much we've grown.

Chance: (Laughs)

Chloe: (Laughs) I'm wowed by us.

Chance: (Normal voice) Mm. Wait, wait. One more. One more.

Chloe: (Giggles)

Chance: (Sighs) Me, too.

(Glass shatters)

Billy: Mm.

J.T.: Sorry. Thought you might want a cup.

Victoria: Oh, y-yes. Thank you. Thank you so much.

J.T.: (Sighs) Still wound up after last night?

Victoria: No, I'm not wound up. I mean, I'm--

J.T.: Well, you were--

Victoria: Oh, yeah, right. The--yeah, the explosion at--at the club. I--yeah.

J.T.: Well, you were too worn out to talk about it.

Victoria: Yeah, I just-- I just needed a little time to--just to think.

J.T.: Yeah, me, too. And you know what I-- I couldn't stop thinking about last night?

Victoria: No, it was nothing like clear springs.

J.T.: (Sighs) It made me-- no, it made me crazy thinking something might have happened to you.

Victoria: Why did it make you crazy?

J.T.: Are you serious? Things may be tense between us, but it doesn't mean I don't-- I don't care. And Reed thinks the world just revolves around his mom. I'm just glad you're here for him.

Victoria: I will always be here for him, and nothing's gonna change that.

Billy: Ooh, Daddy sure did need a big dose of Delia this morning, because last night... (Silly voice) Last night... (Normal voice) Last night was a little out of hand. (Growls) Yes, it was. Hey, morning.

Mac: Hi. I heard about the explosion. Makes you think about what really matters, huh?

Billy: Yeah, true that. (Chuckles) So how are the other ladies?

Mac: Um, your mom and grandmother, they're good. They're sleeping. Yeah, they got home late after Grandma was checked out by the EMTs, and evidently, Chance and Chloe slept through the whole thing.

Billy: Well, I guess it pays to be an early-to-bed trooper, huh?

Mac: Last night must have been terrifying. It was a gas leak, right?

Billy: Yeah. There was a, uh, broken pipe-- gas pipe in the basement. It was intentionally cracked.

Mac: How close were you?

Billy: Not that close.

Mac: Thank God.

Billy: Or just dumb luck, right? Because Daddy is the king of dumb luck. Yes, he is.

Mac: (Chuckles) Daddy is lucky because he has you. You know who else is lucky? These two, because they are gonna have someone so cool to look up to, and that's you.

Billy: (Chuckles)

Cordelia: (Babbles)

Billy: Wiggle, wiggle.

Lily: So any word from Jill or Katherine?

Cane: No, uh, not since last night, but they insist they're okay. Have you heard from your dad?

Lily: Um, yeah. He checked in again this morning.

Cane: Okay, what'd you tell him?

Lily: That I'm fine.

Cane: So you lied.

Lily: Um, Mac is... on her way.

Cane: It's getting you-- to you, isn't it? Her not knowing that the cancer isn't gone.

Lily: We have to tell her, Cane... today.

Cane: Yeah, I know.

Kevin: (Sighs) "Remember the music." Well, if she's not at the old amusement park, then where the hell is she? Hey. Anything?

Michael: They, uh, they searched the club again-- nothing. And I have checked every hospital and emergency care facility within 50 miles, and also nothing.

Kevin: She's not gonna be in any of those places.

Michael: No. She isn't, because this isn't about the explosion or Adam escaping.

Kevin: (Sighs) This is about Ryder and Daisy.

Michael: And the woman who bailed them out.

Kevin: Sarah Smythe, who knew my dad.

Michael: It's all there. The three of them, they're the reason that Lauren is gone. God only knows what they've done to her.

Lauren: Hello? Anybody? I-I heard somebody last night. Are you still there?

Jana: Lauren, is that you?

Lauren: What? (Gasps)

Cane: So, uh, you want to do this? Do you want to tell her? I mean, I know you wanted to wait till you had a treatment plan, but...

Lily: Listen, I'm not even strong enough for chemo. And we don't know when I will be.

Cane: Okay, so let's just-- let's just do this. Let's tell her, okay? I mean, she knew about the cancer when she said she'd be your carrier, so nothing has changed.

Lily: Of course it's changed. It's not the same, and you know it. I mean, yes, before, you know, we had the chemo right in front of us. We could sit there and pretend like it was the answer. You know, that I would be cured, and everything would be perfect. But unfortunately... (Scoffs) We can't pretend anymore.

Cane: We weren't pretending.

Lily: (Sighs)

Cane: I believed the chemo would work. We believed the chemo would work, and I believe that still.

Lily: Okay, you know, the cancer is growing inside of me. And those babies are growing inside of Mac. And once Mac knows that... (Sighs)

Cane: You know what we need to do? We need to do a video diary. Yes, we do. A video diary, so we can let our little babies how excited we are to see them, huh?

Lily: (Chuckles)

Cane: Hmm?

Lily: Yeah, or so they can see what Mommy looked like before she went to heaven?

Cane: No, no, no, not this video diary. This video diary is the beginning. It's not the ending. I believe that. It is gonna be the beginning where we can talk to our babies, and I want you to believe that, too, okay? Okay? Come here.

Lily: (Sighs)

Michael: You think I earned this, don't you? Because I refused to listen to you when you told me that Jana would never leave you. That's what you're thinking, isn't it? That this--this hell is my cosmic comeuppance.

Kevin: Wait, what? No. No, no. I was thinking that I get this text about Jana, and I go out looking for her, and I come up with nothing. So what is that? Is it a mind game? A distraction? A real clue? What? I don't know. And--and, yes, I believe that Ryder and Daisy have Lauren, just like they have Jana, and I'm wondering since this Sarah Smythe knew Terrible Tom, if this is some holdover from my psycho dad. And--and I miss my wife. I miss my wife like you have no idea, but you do have an idea now. And I don't think its karma. I think that there are some freaks out there who are trying to make us suffer, and I don't know why, and I don't know where my wife is. That's what I'm thinking.

Michael: (Sighs) I have no idea what their motive is. I don't know who Sarah is. I don't know how deeply involved she is. All I know is that Paul and I were supposed to look after Lauren, and we didn't, so she's gone. And I know she needs me.

Jana: Lauren, it's you? Is it you? Oh, God, maybe it's not. You know, I thought I heard Kevin last night. I was wrong. Am I wrong about this? God, I feel like I'm losing my bloody mind in here!

Lauren: It's me! I was at your wedding at the ashram. I watched Kevin cry as he said his vows. You two were so much in love.

Jana: Is Kevin okay? Is he safe?

Lauren: He just-- he misses you, and he-- he thinks you left him, and-- my, God.

Jana: I know. I know. I hate it.

Lauren: Have you been here the whole time?

Jana: God, they-- they are... (Kicks box) Bloody vicious and cruel-- Ryder and Daisy. (Sighs) And now they have you, too, don't they? (Pounding on box) You know, they said they were gonna break you and Michael up and put Kevin in this-- this crate.

Lauren: What do you mean, "This crate"?

Jana: (Sighs) I got away, you know. I ran as fast as I could, and I tried my best. And they still-- they found me, Lauren. And now they've put me in this bloody box!

(Pounding on box)

Lauren: Oh, Jana. (Cries) I'm so sorry.

Jana: You know what? It's okay. It's better me than Kevin, 'cause this would just... (Sighs) God, this would destroy him. (Sighs)

(Twigs rustling)

Jana: My God, they're coming. I can't talk. They're coming.

Lauren: Jana! Jana, please!

Paul: Uh, you want me to take these upstairs for you?

Nina: No, no. Thank you so much for picking me up at the airport. I know you've got a million things you've gotta be doing.

Paul: Oh, no problem, just that, uh, G.C.P.D. contacted me about the explosion, and, um, there's, um, another case that I'm working on, too.

Nina: And I'm sure you want to check in on Heather. I'm so glad she's okay.

Paul: Uh, look, Chance is fine, I'm sure. You would have heard if he wasn’t. Just don't worry.

Nina: Intellectually, yes, I know that. Just, you know, there's a part of me that was, you know, freaked out the entire time he was deployed, and that's on high alert right now, so...

Paul: I understand completely, okay?

Nina: Okay.

Paul: You go, um, check on him, and I will take care of that case.

Nina: Okay, but when you have some time later, all right? Let's get together.

Paul: Yeah, definitely. Um, there's, uh, stuff I need to tell you anyway.

Nina: Okay.

Paul: Um...

(Cell phone buzzes)

Nina: Yeah, go to work. Go.

Paul: Okay. Paul Williams.

Chloe: That was...

Chance: What?

Chloe: Genius.

Chance: Genius?

Chloe: Genius.

Chance: Better than a 2-hour cab ride?

Chloe: Oh, so much better than a 2-hour cab ride.

Chance: Mm. Mm.

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Nina: Chance, are you up here?

Chloe: Mm.

(Door opens)

Chloe: (Gasps) Whoa! Mm.

Chance: Um--

Nina: Chloe, have you seen Chan--

Chance: (Chuckles)

Nina: Chance? Um...

Billy: Well, the photos suck and the text reads like a preschooler wrote it, but, hey, I guess we're getting close.

(Knock on door)

Billy: Keep workin' on it. (Sighs)


Billy: I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. Whoa.


Billy: (Laughs) Hey, you.

Victoria: Shut the door. Shut the door!

Billy: What, are the feds on your tail? I don't blame 'em. It's a nice tail, especially after last night.

Victoria: That subject is off-limits, okay? In fact, I need you to forget about all of that.

Billy: You want me to forget about all of that? There's no possible way. It's indelibly etched on my brain, rose petals and all.

Victoria: No. No, no, no, no. No rose petals, no champagne, nothing. As far as I'm concerned, last night never happened.

Billy: Hmm?

Mac: So, of course, every time I tell anyone that I have heartburn, they're like, "Oh, well, the babies have tons of hair," but it's too soon for hair, right? I mean, I think.

Cane: Um, uh, no idea.

Mac: Are you guys okay? Is this about the explosion or--or your immigration status? Did something change?

Cane: When, um, Michael convinced the authorities to let me stay in the states, there was a reason for it. Um...

Lily: Uh, Mac, um... (Sighs)

Cane: (Sighs)

Lily: The cancer... is not gone. It's actually even more aggressive. When the PET scan results came back, it, um, it wasn't good. And, um, you know, at first, I-I kept it to myself. But, um, but then once I told Cane and my family, you know, I just... (Sighs) I couldn't talk about it any more, you know? I just--I needed some time to process.

Cane: It wasn't to keep you out of the loop.

Lily: No.

Mac: Of cour-- of course not. Um, how do you feel?

Lily: Um... not great. (Chuckles) You know?

Cane: She's, uh, got a great medical team, and, um, we're really excited about the babies, so... hmm?

Lily: You know, if you're scared or angry, we understand, okay? Or if you want to vent, you know, or--or--or talk, or just, you know, whatever is going through your mind, you can tell us.

Mac: Good thoughts and prayers. That's it.

Cane: (Sighs)

Lily: Really?

Cane: Really?

Mac: Yeah.

Lily: Thank you for understanding, and thank you for having our babies.

Billy: I think this is how you like it. You know, I have some sheets. We could hang 'em over the windows. Maybe we can wear disguises... like we did last night. (Chuckles)

Victoria: Oh, yeah, sure. Fine. It's very funny. You know, you have nothing to lose, but I could lose my son.

Billy: Okay, fine. Exactly who is banging down your door asking if you had mad, passionate, non-adulterous but really, really good sex last night, huh? Nobody. You know why? Because Adam is the big news, because he escaped his custody, and he might have even got himself killed. That's what everybody cares about, not your nocturnal activities. So I'll tell you what-- relax, remove your coat, have a seat, go in the back, whatever you want.

Victoria: I see. So because it's not about you, it doesn't matter? That's how you think. Just like it doesn't matter who "Restless Style" hurts as long as it's nobody that you care about. Well, I hate to break it to you, Billy, but the world does not revolve around you. J.T. would care very much if he knew what happened last night. Just this morning, he was very--very sweet, and--and he's being very supportive, and--and he was worried that Reed's heart would be broken if anything happened to me.

Billy: Well, yeah, I mean, that's not a big mental leap. You are the kid's mom.

Victoria: Exactly. I know that, and J.T.'s going after full physical custody. And maybe after last night, maybe he'll--he'll back down a little bit.

Billy: Did he say that?

Victoria: Not exactly, but I... I can't risk anything getting in the way.

Billy: By "Anything," you mean me.

Victoria: Yes. Yes.

Billy: So I'm, uh, I'm more like a roadblock or a problem?

Victoria: Yes. Mm-hmm.

Billy: Maybe a little bit, I don't know, like the enemy even?

Victoria: Yes.

Billy: Really?

Victoria: No. That's not what I meant. I didn't-- (Sighs)

Billy: Really? I mean, 'cause that's--that's--that's exactly what it sounds like.

Victoria: Okay, listen. You could cost me my son, so, yes, okay? Maybe you are the enemy.

Billy: (Sighs)

Chloe: So welcome home. How was L.A.?

Nina: Cute. Really. Just precious.

Chloe: You know, I'm really sorry that you worried about Chance, but we had no idea about the explosion until you told us.

Nina: How could you not know? I-I'm sorry, what's this "We" business? Is that the royal we? Or have you so steamrolled Chance that you speak for him now?

Chloe: No, we were at the ball together, and we left early... to talk. And Chance is on the phone right now with his chief. He had a bunch of voice mails to answer.

Nina: Yeah, 'cause you made him turn his phone off!

Chloe: I didn't make him do anything. He's a grown man. I know that's very uncomfortable for you, but I think it's time that you get used to it. It's about time.

Chance: (Sighs) Mom, hey.

Nina: Hi.

Chance: It's good to see you.

Nina: Mm, good to see you, too.

Chance: Chloe.

Chloe: Hi.

Chance: Hi. All right, um, look, I-I gotta go.

Chloe: Are you going to the station?

Chance: Uh, not at first. I have one other stop to make, but I will be back later, okay?

Chloe: Okay.

Chance: All right, good.

Chloe: Bye.

Chance: Mwah. All right, Mom, bye.

Nina: Bye. You're just gonna go?

Chloe: (Clears throat) Grown man.

Chance: Mom, look, I want to hear all the details about your trip, okay? I love you. Bye.

Nina: I love you.

Chloe: Did you want to talk about the birds and the bees with him?

Nina: No, no, I wanted to explain the vultures and the piranhas to him.

Chloe: It's so good to have you back. We missed you so much.

Paul: That's right. Call me as soon as you can. You've got it. Bye.

Michael: What have you got?

Paul: We're still waiting to find out if the body in the basement is Adam. And, um, no word on Lauren.

Michael: (Chuckles) Everyone wants to talk about Adam. I don't give a damn about that guy. I just want everything there is about Sarah Smythe, Ryder and Daisy-- phone records, credit cards, every bank and gas station surveillance video they've ever shown up in, everything and anything that can lead me to Lauren. She's the only thing that matters now.

Paul: Well, Michael, we'll do that. You know, I-I-I don't know what happened. She was there one minute and gone the next. I'm sorry. I promised I would keep an eye on her for you.

Michael: Yeah, we both lost track of her, and now we're paying for it, and so is Lauren.

Lauren: Jana, look, no one is coming. You can talk to me. Please. Jana!

Jana: They knew that I was putting all the pieces together that they were a team. (Sighs) Did you know they made me tell Kevin I don't love him? But I do! You know I do. (Sighs) And I-I need him to know that, but at the same time, I need him to stay as far away as possible.

Lauren: (Sighs) (Sniffles) Michael and I finally figured this whole thing out, and we had them arrested. And...

Jana: They're in jail?

Lauren: Someone bailed them out. Have they told you about her?

Jana: It's a lot worse than you can possibly even imagine.

Daisy: You want Kevin in a matching box, Jana? Ryder, shut her up!

Lauren: No! No! Leave her alone!

Jana: (Screams) No! (Pounding on box)

Lauren: No, leave her alone!

Jana: No!

Lauren: Jana! Jana! What have you done to her? Tell me she's okay! (Exhales) Okay, Daisy, I'm sorry. It was my fault. I-I made her answer me. I will play by the rules. I will do whatever you and Ryder want me to do if you will just-- if you'll just tell me that--that Jana's okay. (Sighs) Please. (Sighs)

Paul: No, we have no idea. That's what we're trying to find out.

Chance: Michael, hey. Uh, do you mind if I sit down?

Michael: Yes, yeah.

Chance: I'm sorry I missed your phone call before.

Michael: You're here now. I want an A.P.B. put out on my wife, but your associates are giving me the runaround.

Chance: Look, it's nothing personal, okay? But you do know the drill.

Michael: You could put out an A.P.B. in a second if there are suspicious circumstances, and you know damn well this qualifies.

Chance: Yeah, I do, all right? But if I'm gonna follow through with this, I need to follow protocol.

Michael: Oh, oh, okay. 100 questions while the clock is ticking here. Let me help you. Did we have a fight? No. Did she have a sudden urge to take a vacation? No!

Chance: Okay, well, was she with somebody, a friend, perhaps? Maybe a male? A female?

Michael: Let me make this clear. She was taken by the same sociopaths... who have probably taken Jana.

Kevin: And if you'd have looked for Jana when I asked you to, Lauren would still be here, and Ryder and Daisy would be behind bars.

Chance: Kevin, I understand your frustration, and I will continue to help you out. (Sighs) Michael, has Lauren been unpredictable lately?

Michael: Well, uh, as a matter of fact, she has. You know why? Because she was being drugged by a pair you arrested and your coworkers released. Now why aren't you looking into them and the person who bailed them out?

Chance: Okay, okay. We will do that. But in the meantime, maybe--maybe there wasn't someone else involved, okay? Maybe she could be suffering from some of the lingering aftereffects of the drugs and the toxins that were already in her system.

Michael: What, she-- she just wandered off?! No! No, she didn't!

(Cell phone buzzes)

Chance: (Sighs) Excuse me.

Michael: No, no! You stay put! You are not walking off! I want my wife back!

Chance: Michael, I have to get back to the station. Adam is still technically considered missing, okay?

Michael: So is my wife! So is Jana! And unlike Adam, people actually want to see them back!

Chance: Listen, calm down. I will do whatever I can to help, but you have to remain calm. Excuse me.

Kevin: Michael--

Michael: No.

Billy: Since you want to get all melodramatic, how about we try this one on? If that body they found in the basement does turn out to be Adam, well, then its murder, and we're all suspects. Then the big news will be "Who done it?" Not what we done. And might I point out we're each other's alibis?

Victoria: For what? We didn't do anything... to Adam, I mean.

Billy: No, we didn't, but guess what? They might not take our word for it.

Victoria: Well, we were together the whole time when we got to the room.

Billy: (Mockingly) When we got to the room. (Normal voice) What--what is that supposed to mean?

Victoria: It's beginning to look like Adam was dead before then.

Billy: Yeah, well, you know what? We're just two innocent little lambs.

Victoria: Oh, ho! Hardly.

Billy: See? Mm, right there. That's it. That's your problem.

Victoria: What?

Billy: What? You think what we did last night was just so darn despicable, just dirty.

Victoria: Well, it wasn't very good.

Billy: It wasn't very good? Oh, you're right. I believe the word you let-- used last night was, "Oh, this is incredible."

Victoria: You're a bastard.

Billy: Yeah, well...

Chloe: I want to give you a little bit of advice, and I want you to listen to me.

Cordelia: (Fusses)

Chloe: Shh. I don't want you to end up like your mommy. Don't be a slow learner, okay? You go for the nice boys. And I know daddy-- daddy's great. We love him. He's made a big effort, but blah, blah, blah. Because guess what? Good boys are just as fun as the bad boys. They are. So I want you to listen, okay? Stick with them. They're good. You're not gonna listen to me, are you, though? 'Cause no girl ever does.

(Cell phone rings)

Chloe: Oh. (Gasps) Oh, look who it is. Detective, Delia and I were just talking about you.

Chance: Yeah? Nice. I'm not sure when I'll be home. I'm officially on the Athletic Club case.

Chloe: Oh, okay. Well, do your thing.

Chance: Give Delia a big hug and a kiss for me.

Chloe: We send kisses right back. Mwah. Mwah. That was Chance. He's gonna be a while.

Nina: I hope to God you're on the pill.

Chloe: Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Earmuffs-- my child's in the room.

Nina: Oh, and you think she's never gonna hear about how you tricked two men into marrying you.

Chloe: Well, I think that's a lot worse than tricking a man into marrying you when he doesn't even like women.

Nina: There is no way you're gonna force my son to marry you.

Chloe: Yeah, you got that right. And there is no bun in the oven. But he did ask me to marry him.

Lily: So that was good, right?

Cane: Mm-hmm.

Lily: I mean, Mac took the news about my cancer pretty well.

Cane: Mm-hmm, so you see what that means? This is gonna work out, okay? So we are gonna shoot this video now, and years from now, when our little babies watch it, they're gonna say things like, "Hey, Dad, you used to shave so much more back then" and, "Why do you have all those bags under your eyes right now?" You know what we're gonna say to them?

Lily: What?

Cane: Sleep deprivation, thank you very much.

Lily: (Chuckles) Okay, "Funny man." I'm ready. Let's go.

Cane: You ready?

Lily: Yes, come on.

Cane: All right, let's do this. All right.

Lily: (Clears throat)

Cane: (Sighs) All right.

Lily: Okay, is it on?

Cane: It's on. All right. Go.

Lily: Okay. Hi, you two.

Cane: Hey.

Lily: Its Mommy and Daddy.

Cane: Hey, and we are making this video, 'cause we want you to know how excited we are to see you, even though you are not born yet, right?

Lily: Yes. Yes.

Cane: Yeah.

Lily: And actually, while we tape this, you are inside Auntie Mac's tummy.

Cane: And--

Lily: And I'm sure by the time that you watch this, you probably already know how great she is and how much we love her.

Cane: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And the reason that you are inside Mac's tummy is...

Lily: Uh, it's, uh, because, um, your mommy has been sick. Um, but we want you to know that no matter where you come from, you are our babies. (Chuckles)

Cane: Wait, whoa, whoa. "Babies"--can we say "Babies"? I mean, like, how old are they gonna be when--like now? I don't--I don't mean now now, like in the belly. I mean, like, now when they watch this now.

Lily: Well, I don't know. Well, I mean, they're not babies. They're, like, you know, 5 or 6. Wait, this is recording. Can we cut this out?

Cane: All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Let's go. Go.

Lily: Okay, it's us again.

Cane: (Laughs) It's us again.

Lily: Um... (Clears throat) Anyways, there's so much to tell you.

Cane: Mm-hmm.

Lily: You know, uh, how mommy and daddy decided to-- to start a family...

Cane: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Lily: And, you know, the hard parts, and the amazing parts. But the part that really matters is that we love you.

Cane: We love you.

Lily: More than anything in the world.

Cane: Yeah.

Lily: Okay, well, that's it for now. Maybe, uh, next time, we can have Uncle Devon play you some music.

Cane: Oh, that is a great idea.

Lily: Yes. (Laughs) Okay, well, we love you two. Bye.

Cane: We love you. Bye. All right.

Lily: (Sighs)

Cane: So...

Lily: So... do you really think that we'll both...

Cane: Yeah, we'll be a family. We'll be a family.

Mac: Thank you. Lily's cancer isn't gone, and Cane is only here because she's sick. So basically, one or both of them could just go away.

J.T.: (Sighs) I'm sorry. I know that's rough.

Mac: (Sniffles)

J.T.: But, you know, no matter what the situation is, they are never--

Mac: No, I know. I know there are no guarantees. I knew Lily's chances when I offered to carry the babies. But now that they're inside of me... I know they're not mine, but... (Sighs) But it's my job to protect them. I don't know. I don't know how to explain it. It's just this primal urge.

J.T.: I know that feeling.

Mac: I'm responsible for these babies, and they might not have any parents to raise them. (Sighs) I-I don't--I don't know what to do with that.

Victoria: All right, I am not leaving until you swear to me on everything that you care about that you will not tell anyone that we were together last night.

Billy: And what if I do swear? Remember, I'm "Big bad Billy" who crushes people's lives with his magazine and he makes women lose custody of their little children.

Victoria: (Sighs) How can you be joking at a time like this?

Billy: (Mockingly) Maybe because it's ridiculous.

Victoria: Did I just forget what a spoiled, selfish jerk you are?

Billy: (Normal voice) Mm, and I guess I forgot what a wound-up, tight little princess you turned out to be.

Victoria: Go to hell.

Billy: Yeah, you first. But, uh, Princess? Where do you think you're gonna go without these? Huh?

(Keys jingling)

Billy: Here you go. Here you go. No. Here you go. Nope. You want these? You want these?

Victoria: Jerk.

Billy: I know I'm a jerk. Mm.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Nina: Chloe, wait. Have you and Chance set a date?

Chloe: Why? So you can figure out a way to stop the wedding? No. You can relax. I turned him down.

Nina: You rejected my son?

Chloe: Okay, so you wanted me to say yes?

Nina: Uh, no, I don’t. But you turned him down? What game are you playing?

Chloe: I'm--I'm not playing any kind of games. I really like Chance, and I don't want to screw it up, okay? And that may be a foreign concept for you, that people can actually change and learn from their mistakes and grow up, but it can be done.

Nina: No, I'm aware of that. I just don't expect it from you.

Chloe: Well, you make me feel all warm and fuzzy, too. Thank you. You know what? Do me a favor-- next time you want to come into my room, try knocking, 'cause I have a feeling that you're not gonna like what you see.

Michael: I don't know. Triangulate using cell towers. Get an approximate location. Oh. No, no, I understand. You can't do that if she's not using the cell phone. Hmm? Yeah, okay. Thank you.

Kevin: Here, eat.

Michael: No, I'm not hungry.

Kevin: That's tough. Tough. If we're gonna find Jana and Lauren, we can't get run-down and useless.

Michael: Why are you cutting me a break? Huh? I tried to convince you that Jana just left you. I was an idiot. She would never leave you.

Kevin: I know. And neither would Lauren. So now we find them.

Lauren: Jana?

Daisy: Calm down. She's fine. He didn't hurt her. He just made her stop with the yak-yak.

Lauren: Whatever she wanted to tell me, I'll find out.

Daisy: Now I came to tell you myself. First off, Ryder and I... (Chuckles) We totally did know each other from before, since the womb, in fact-- twinsies.

Lauren: What?

(Bar clangs)

Daisy: Did I say I was done? (Laughs) Yeah, so Ryder's my brother, which means Tom is also my dad. Yay, me. But here's the best part, and I think you know where I'm going with this, right? This all leads back to our mom. Mm-hmm. Oh, deep down, you totally know who she is. Come on. You can say it. Think... your worst nightmare.

Lauren: Oh... my God. Sheila?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Ashley: Jack said that the man died before the explosion.

Victor: What are you implying?

Chance: The syringe--what were you preparing? What did you put into it? Something that was gonna calm him? Was it gonna--

Patty: You know what? I said I don't remember.

Lauren: Sheila is gone, Daisy.

Daisy: Sheila is not gone.

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