Y&R Transcript Friday 4/2/10 -- Canada; Monday 4/5/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9369 ~ The Masquerade Ball
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Adam: How do I look? Do I blend in with the crowd there at the ball?
Patty: Well, once you put the mask on, you're gonna be fine. You know what? We need to talk about me for a second.
Adam: What about you, Patty?
Patty: Well, I know I'm supposed to lie on the ground and pretend that I'm unconscious until somebody finds me.
Adam: Yeah, and our friend in the bathroom there. Come on. What?
Patty: Right. Right. I know. The cop you drugged. I know that, Adam, it just--
Adam: Patty, come on. What's your question? We're in a hurry here.
Patty: What--what-- what if they don't believe me? What if they think I helped you out and--you know what? I'm gonna just call Jack, and he's gonna let me-- and I can let him know that--
Adam: Hey, relax, you're gonna have a bulletproof cover story.
Patty: Aah! Oh, God!
Adam: Ahh, there we go. I didn't use all the syringe on the cop. I saved some for you, Patty. Nighty-night.
Jack: I don't suppose either of you have seen Emily.
Victor: You mean she isn't back yet?
Jack: No, and I can't seem to reach her on her phone, either.
Nikki: I ran into her at the hospital. She said she was assisting in Adam's transfer.
Victor: Should be happening any time now.
Jack: Adam back behind bars where he belongs. You know what? I'm gonna get a drink and toast to that.
Nikki: Mm. Well, I suppose the question now is, how long will Adam be in jail?
Victor: My dear, if there's any justice in this world...
Owen: There is. Count on it.
Victor: Hello, Mr. Pomerantz.
Owen: I saw you speaking with Mr. Abbott.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Owen: Has he informed you that I'm launching an investigation into what went on at his family's cabin?
Nikki: We're aware of that.
Owen: If Adam was held against his will, threatened with violence or forced to take part in a kangaroo court, as he's publicly alleged, the people responsible will face charges, no matter how influential they may be. I intend to get to the bottom of whatever it was that happened.
Victor: Mm, Mr. Pomerantz, we will assist you any way we can.
Owen: I appreciate that. Excuse me.
Nick: All right, some "Sham-pag-knee"...
Phyllis: Yay.
Nick: For the lady.
Phyllis: Thank you. How's Faith?
Nick: She is awesome. Even when she's sleeping, she's awesome.
Phyllis: Yeah, she's awesome. She's your daughter. Of course she is.
Nick: I really enjoyed spending some time alone with her while Sharon came down here. Then Ashley showed up.
Phyllis: I thought that was very nice of Sharon to tell Ashley to go check on Faith.
Nick: You know, she is not in a good place right now. I'm really glad that Neil is with her.
Phyllis: He's one of the good guys--Neil-- like you are one of the good guys. (Laughs)
Nick: Oh, yeah. Oh, do you hear that?
Phyllis: Yes. (Laughs)
Nick: This is my song.
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Nick: Let's go dance.
Phyllis: This isn't your song. I can't dance. You should ask your sister.
Nick: No, I want to dance with my wife.
Phyllis: Are you sure? Are you sure? Because I'm in a wheelchair, and that's quite a feat.
Nick: Given what's coming from the D.A., we need to enjoy ourselves while we can, so come on. And by the way, this is my song.
Phyllis: (Laughs) I'm taking this with me. Hello.
Sharon: Was it fun seeing Daddy?
Faith: (Giggles) (Babbles)
Sharon: He had such a nice time with you.
Sharon: (Sniffles) (Sighs) Stop it. (Sighs) I'm so lucky to have you. No more crying over things that might have been.
Murphy: (Grumbles)
Chance: (Chuckles) Lookin' good, Murph. You're looking good.
Murphy: (Chuckles) Yeah, I'm a regular menagerie-- from an owl to a penguin in one fell swoop.
Chance: (Chuckles) Oh, that's right. You had your, uh, your lodge meeting tonight, right?
Murphy: Well, I ducked out early so I could join Katherine.
Chance: Sounds good.
Murphy: Oh. Hey, you're not dressed for the masquerade ball.
Chloe: Oh, no, um, I'm a little under the weather, and, uh, I-I think I'm coming down with a cold or something.
Murphy: Oh, I see. Uh, well, I'm sorry. Well, I'd better, uh, I'd better not keep Katherine waiting.
Chance: Okay, enjoy.
Murphy: We'll see you. Thank you.
Chance: Be good.
Chloe: Have fun.
Murphy: Feel better.
Chloe: Thank you.
Murphy: Okay.
Chloe: I'm--I'm gonna go make myself some soup, and I know you have to get ready. Have a great time.
Chance: Chloe, look, I'm not in that big of a rush. Why don't you, uh, why don't you have a seat for a-a minute with me? I have some things I need to say to you.
Paul: Oh, jeez, so much for neutralizing Daisy and Ryder.
Lauren: And who bailed them out? That's what I want to know.
Paul: (Sighs) I'd be all over that bond slip.
Michael: All right, I left a message for the judge's clerk, but since it's after hours, I'll get on the phone, call the courthouse, see who's workin' late.
Lauren: You know what? I think-- I think I should call Gloria, have her check on Fen, tell her to keep her eye out. I mean, I don't think Daisy and Ryder would go there, but you never know.
Michael: Hello? Yes, hello.
Woman: Looks like they heard the good news. Their two favorite people back on the streets.
Daisy: They're idiots, Mama Bear. They don't know who they're dealing with.
Woman: I'm gonna go mingle before we make our move. You both clear on the plan? Good.
Daisy: What is your problem?
Ryder: It's bad enough what we did with Jana, and now this? Here? The policemen's ball?
Daisy: Now's not the time to get softhearted if you--not if you know what's good for you. We have a job to do, Ryder.
Ryder: I get it, okay? Quit pushing.
Daisy: I'm gonna go grab some food. I recommend you do the same. Could be a long night.
Chloe: Yeah, we've hardly talked since we got back from New York, which I guess is what I should get for turning down your proposal.
Chance: Actually, I've been doing a lot of thinking about that. I--
Cordelia: (Cries)
Chloe: Wait, I-I'm sorry. I--just hold that thought, okay? I'll be right back.
Chance: (Sighs)
Kay: Chloe and Chance aren't coming?
Murphy: (Clears throat) Well, something's up with those two ever since the trip to New York.
Kay: Well, maybe flying back the same night's not a good idea, but let's just hope they came to an understanding. By the way, my love, I am so delighted that you finally made it.
Victor: Yes, Murphy. So nice to see you again, man.
Murphy: Well, you should have seen me about an hour ago at the lodge talking to the boys about fishing.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Murphy: Yeah. Yeah. Largemouth bass season is just around the corner...
Kay: I--
Victor: Oh.
Murphy: And now here I am in high society.
Kay: Uh, ahh, Murphy, um, when I get the chance, I want you to meet the police commissioner, because I assure you, the two of you have a lot in common.
Murphy: Okay.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Victor: So you were talking about ice fishing.
Billy: Here you go.
Victoria: You see? I was right before. You are trying to get me drunk.
Billy: Oh, no, Sweetheart. I'm just trying to get you to smile.
Victoria: Well, "A" will most certainly lead to "B."
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: In your immature mind anyway.
Billy: I don't know about that. I don't think I've ever seen you drunk.
Victoria: Yeah, well... (Chuckles) There's a reason for that.
Billy: Uh, wait. No, I'm wrong. At the airport, you was drunk. You were hammered.
Victoria: What? What?!
Billy: You were drunk.
Victoria: I was not drunk.
Billy: Oh, of course, women are never drunk. You were drunk.
Victoria: I was not drunk.
Billy: You were-- oh, follow me here, okay? I'm sparkling. You're a little tipsy, and that guy right there, he is d-d-degenerate dist--disgusting little drunk.
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: He's just-- he's hammered.
Victoria: You are disgustingly drunk.
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: But I don't know about you. You could be one of those maudlin drunks...
Victoria: That's--no.
Billy: Who's just boring...?
Victoria: What?
Billy: And--and-- and completely philosophical.
Victoria: That would be you, dear heart.
Billy: Are you kidding me? A couple of drinks, I am the life of any party.
Victoria: Um... (Laughs)
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: New Year's Eve.
Billy: Uh, well, you know what? Okay, New Year’s Eve. Fine. But I distinctly remember me getting some laughs when I stripped down to my boxer shorts.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, I remember that. Yeah, you got me there. That's true.
Billy: Well, at least you were smiling a minute ago.
Victoria: And I'm not even drunk.
Billy: Yeah, well, hold on. I can fix that. If we can get a straw, we'll put it right here. (Laughs)
Victoria: (Laughs)
(Cell phone rings)
Victoria: Oh, um, I have to grab this real quick.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: Okay.
Victoria: Uh, hey. What's going on?
J.T.: Uh, Reed had a little nightmare.
Victoria: What? Oh, no.
J.T.: Yeah, I was hoping you could maybe sing to him like you usually do.
Victor: (Sighs) I'd like a word with you.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down London Bridge is falling down my fair lady. Is that better, Sweetie? You feel better?
Reed: Yes.
J.T.: Yeah, that was great. Thank you.
Victoria: (Sighs) Thanks. I-I-I'm glad that you called me.
J.T.: Yeah, I'm gonna let him stay up for a little while. I'll give him some milk, and, uh, maybe let him watch some of his shows.
Victoria: Um... (Clears throat) You know what? I was thinking maybe I should just come home and-- and be with him.
Mac: You want cocoa instead of milk? I don't know, Reed. We're gonna have to ask your dad when he gets off the phone.
Victoria: Is there somebody there with you?
J.T.: Yeah, Mac stopped by to say hello before the ball. Thanks again.
Billy: Okay, um, Vicki and I are just friends. That's it. That's all.
Victor: You know that she is going through a divorce, and there's a child involved. She doesn't need any further complications, all right?
Billy: Look, a-as usual, you're o-over exaggerating what the situation is.
Victor: Listen carefully. I've warned you once. I'm not gonna do it again. You stay away from my daughter. You got that?
Billy: (Clears throat)
(Knock on door)
Nikki: Hi.
Sharon: Nikki.
Nikki: (Chuckles)
Sharon: What can I do for you?
Nikki: Well, I was hoping to spend a little time with Faith. Don't worry. I know the ground rules. Don't pick her up. Just look.
Sharon: Um, sure. Come on in.
Nikki: Thanks. (Gasps) (High-pitched voice) There she is. (Gasps) There's the precious angel. Yes, you are. (Gasps) Oh. Oh, a little yawn. Are we sleepy? Yes, you're a little sleepy.
Sharon: It's-- it's a big change for you, too.
Nikki: My sugar. (Normal voice) What? What's that?
Sharon: Well, I mean, you--you thought that Faith was Victor's daughter with Ashley, and--and now it turns out she's your granddaughter.
Nikki: So what's your question?
Sharon: Um, well, just-- that I know that you and Ashley haven't always gotten along, a-and so then it must be a relief.
Nikki: Sharon, I feel terrible about Victor and Ashley's loss. But I am thrilled that this little one will still be part of my life.
Victor: Unfortunately, we know nothing more about what happened after your miscarriage.
Ashley: So Adam still refuses to cooperate?
Victor: Nikki tried to get Adam from every angle possible. He just simply continued insulting her.
Ashley: Well, I'm sorry it got so ugly.
Neil: That's the way everything goes with Adam. You know, it's the only way he knows how to relate to people.
Ashley: Whatever punishment he gets, it won't be nearly enough. And I'm sorry, 'cause I know he's your son.
Victor: Adam Wilson is no longer a son of mine.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Excuse me. I need to answer that.
Michael: Yeah, Scott. Thanks. Hey, hey, hey. The person who bailed out Daisy and Ryder's name is Sarah Smythe. Have you heard of her?
Lauren: No.
Paul: No, me, neither.
Michael: Paul, find out if she has a record.
Paul: Yeah, I'm on it.
Michael: (Sighs)
Phyllis: The chocolate one? The vanilla one?
Nick: This one?
Phyllis: Thanks. Yeah. Um, the vanilla.
Kay: You know, the two of you were absolutely smashing out there on that dance floor.
Phyllis: Mm, what can I say? We are both hams.
Kay and Nick: (Laugh)
Sarah: Have you tried the punch? It's delicious. Best punch I ever tasted.
Phyllis: Um, no. No, I haven't, but--but I'll definitely try it.
Nick: Yep.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: Well, seems like, uh, you sold a lot of tickets.
Kay: Uh, yes. We're very pleased with the turnout.
Phyllis: Right, do you have a lot of donations?
Kay: Well, uh, we've raised a lot of money tonight, but I'm hoping we'll make a little more.
Phyllis: Nice.
Sarah: Oh, I'm sure it's going to be a memorable evening.
Nick: Right on.
Chance: Hey, how's Delia?
Chloe: She's--she's fine. She's just a little cranky. My mom is watching her now.
Chance: Good. Um...
Chloe: So you were saying?
Chance: Uh, please, yeah. Uh, have a seat.
Chloe: Okay. (Sighs)
Chance: (Sighs) Well, we have a lot to talk about.
Chloe: (Chuckles) Yeah. (Sighs) Yeah, I guess we do, don't we?
Chance: I have a lot of questions. All right, we seem to be in two different places.
Chloe: I know. And... (Sighs) You know, is that a deal breaker for you?
Chance: Chloe, I'm not gonna lie to you and say that I wasn't hurt, 'cause I was. But I'm not just gonna walk away from you because I didn't get the answer that I was hoping for.
Chloe: I'm really glad to hear you say that.
Chance: (Sighs) Remember a long time ago I asked you to come to the ball with me tonight?
Chloe: Yeah.
Chance: Yeah, well, I was hoping to show you off as my fiancée.
Chloe: (Winces)
Chance: But... more importantly, I just-- I just want you to come with me. (Sighs) I mean, that is if you're okay with it. I mean, is that all right?
Chloe: I-- yes, its okay.
Chance: It is?
Chloe: Yeah. It would be--I would love to. That'd be great.
Mac: Okay, so how far do you think it's gonna go?
Reed: Far.
Mac: Far? Yeah, I think so.
J.T.: Wow, what you got there, Buddy? A paper airplane? Wow. Well, that looks cool. I'm not so sure about that tail design, but...
Mac: Eh, everybody's a critic.
J.T.: (Chuckles) All right, man, give it a toss. Whoa! That was good. That was really good.
Mac: Very nice.
J.T.: Did you thank Mackenzie?
Mac: What makes you think I made it?
J.T.: Just a hunch.
Mac: Yes, your son said thank you.
J.T.: Well, good job. Okay, all right, pick yourself out a DVD. You can watch a little bit, but then you're going to bed, all right? Which one do you want?
Billy: You wouldn't be trying to avoid me, would you?
Victoria: Why would I do that? Because of my dad?
Billy: Well, before he gave me... (Imitates Victor) His warning...
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Billy: (Normal voice) I thought we were enjoying each other's company. It was kind of shocking, actually.
Victoria: Yes, well, trust me, no one is more shocked than I am.
Billy: Trust you? (Laughs) Never! Not at all. Not gonna happen.
Victoria: Yes, because I'm such a wicked woman.
Billy: Yeah, but how did you know my type?
Victoria: Oh, I don't know. It's just--I don't know. A lucky guess, maybe?
Billy: Is it? Yeah, watch out. You're smiling again. Hmm.
Victoria: Hmm.
Billy: Hmm.
Victoria: Incoming.
Billy: Hmm.
Jack: Em, I-it's Jack. Uh, I'm--I'm just trying to leave you messages.
Victoria: Listen, we cannot be doing this now, especially not here.
Jack: And I-I-d don't know what's going on with the Adam thing, but I-I want to know that you're getting my messages. Call me. Victoria, you look lovely.
Victoria: Oh, thank you, Jack. Yeah, you look great, too. You clean up very nicely.
Billy: What about me? Aren't I lovely?
Jack: I'm amazed she's even talking to you after the way you've put her family through the wringer.
Billy: Yeah, she must be hard up for conversation.
Jack: You know what? All the strum und drang of this whole Adam thing has bonded us all together in a weird way. Makes for strange bedfellows, huh?
Billy: Couldn't put it better myself, actually.
[Billy remembering]
Jack: I think we ought to poll the jury. What do you say? I, for one, know what this man is capable of. My vote is "Guilty."
Adam: You're all insane.
Jack: Ashley, do you think Adam is guilty?
Ashley: I think he's guilty.
Jack: Nikki?
Nikki: I think Adam Wilson is the single most corrupt person I have ever met. Guilty.
Jack: Billy?
Billy: Oh, guilty.
Jack: Nicholas?
Nick: Do you even need to ask me?
Jack: I'll take that as a "Guilty." Victoria?
Victoria: Guilty.
Jack: Then there's Rafe and Heather in absentia. I'm sure we all know how they would respond.
Victor: And I add my condemnation to that list.
Jack: Sharon? What do you think?
Sharon: I abstain.
Nick: Sharon, he has hurt you more than anyone. How many times have we asked him tonight what he did with our child, and how many times has he claimed he doesn't know?
Adam: I don't know, Nick.
Sharon: Adam, I do think you must know something, and you're not telling us. That's the only thing that makes sense.
Nick: Then you agree. He's guilty.
Jack: This panel has come to a decision, Adam. This court finds you guilty.
(Purse falls on floor)
Nick: Uh-oh. Oh.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) Hey. Sorry. Thank you. Ask what your chocolate can do for you.
Nikki: Oh, Faith has that same little crinkle thing that she does with her nose that Noah did when he was a baby.
Sharon: I noticed that, too. I noticed that when she was a newborn.
Nikki: Yeah. Well, I can certainly see why you thought she got it from Victor.
Sharon: But instead, it came from Nick.
Nikki: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: You know, so many things have just fallen into place since we learned the truth.
Nikki: Tell me, are you planning on raising her on your own? Or are you thinking about perhaps you and Nicholas raising her together, the two of you?
Sharon: Nikki, no. I don't know why you'd-- (Sighs) I--haven't I made it clear that I'm on my own now?
Nikki: Well, you have had a lot of upheaval in your life. That's probably one of the reasons why you married Adam so quickly-- your need for stability, which is very natural. Of course, we know that Adam could never have given you that stability, but Nicholas could. So I-it's only natural that you would have yearnings in that direction.
Sharon: Look, I'm-- I'm only gonna say this once, so I want you to listen, okay? I have no expectations where Nick is concerned, none. He has a family with Phyllis.
Nikki: Yes... Phyllis, whom he was planning on leaving when he learned you were pregnant.
Sharon: Yeah, but, um, you know, things have changed, and they've worked things out, and you know what? They're happy together. I'm not about to mess with that. Right now, all I care about is that I have my baby back. I've got Adam out of my life. And when some time has gone by and she and I have bonded, then I hope Phyllis will be a good stepmother to Faith. Um, you know, everything has worked itself out this way, and--and I'm fine with it.
Nikki: Well, I hope that's true. I hope you don't try to use this precious child to get back with Nicholas.
Neil: So, you feeling better?
Ashley: A little bit.
Neil: A little bit. See, it didn't come to pass.
Ashley: What?
Neil: What you were worried about back at the house.
Ashley: Oh, you mean a hundred pair of eyes staring at me, wondering why I just don't throw myself in front of a bus?
Neil: Ashley, the only person here who can't take his eyes off you is me.
Owen: Oh, thank you. I want to talk to you about Mr. Wilson's allegations, if not tomorrow, then as soon as it's convenient.
Nick: We are ready and more than willing to cooperate.
Owen: Well, I should mention that whoever tells me the truth about went on at that cabin is the one who will get off the easiest. Someone from my office will be in touch.
Daisy: Epic party.
Sarah: I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Daisy, unlike your brother. He seems awfully nervous.
Ryder: I'm not nervous.
Daisy: Yes, you are.
Sarah: Not getting cold feet, are you?
Ryder: No, Ma'am.
Sarah: Good. It's time to move, but I want to handle this subtly. Can you do that for me?
Daisy: Watch and see.
Lauren: Hmm, I'm starting to believe that this was just a mistake coming here in the beginning.
Michael: Look, I think it's safe to say that neither Ryder or Daisy will--
Lauren: (Grunts) What? Are you kid-- I can't believe she-- she just dropped that on my--
Michael: Mm.
Lauren: You're very rude!
Paul: What happened?
Michael: She's very rude.
Paul: What happened?
Lauren: (Sighs) You know what? This woman just dropped something on my dress. Anyway, I-I'll live. Is there any news?
Paul: Well, I just spoke with my contact. We should find out very soon if our mystery woman has a shady past.
Kay: I am so happy the two of you could make it.
Murphy: Yeah, I told Katherine you weren't feeling so hot.
Kay: Yeah, what's--
Chloe: I--well, Chance convinced me I was well enough to come with him, and, you know, it is for a very worthy cause.
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Right. That's the, uh, only reason.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: So, hi! Hello!
Murphy: Hi! (Laughs)
Billy: Well, I think I see some of my, uh, my fellow coworkers from the force here. At least, I think they're my colleagues.
Kay: Well, uh, it's very hard to tell because of the masks.
Murphy: Well, that's half the fun, you know? Not knowing who's who.
Kay: (Laughs)
Chloe: Well, you guys, I-I--you guys really outdid ourselves. You did.
Kay: Well, thank you. I consider that very high praise coming from you, young lady.
Chloe: Well, thank you. You rakin' in the dough?
Murphy: The policemen's benevolent fund is doing really well.
Kay: Oh, yes, and the night is still very, very young.
Chance: Well, then, here's our contribution.
Murphy: Ahh.
Kay: Oh, well...
Chloe: From the both of us.
Kay: Splendid. Well, thank you.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Murphy: Thank you.
Chance: Absolutely. So, uh, can I get us something to drink?
Chloe: No, I want food. I'm starving. Food.
Kay: Ah.
Chance: Ah, to the buffet table we go then.
Chloe: Okay, bye.
Kay: Okay, bye-bye.
Chance: Bye.
Murphy: Hey, have fun, you guys.
Kay: Hmm. Well, they must have worked things out.
Murphy: Yeah.
(Cell phone rings)
Murphy: Oh, is that me or you?
Kay: Oh, uh, no, no, Darling. It's--it's me.
Murphy: Uh, I'll see you later.
Kay: Okay, be good. Mackenzie?
Mac: Hi, Grandma. Um, I just wanted to let you know that I'm not gonna make it to the ball after all.
Kay: Well, Darling, I'm sorry to hear that. I mean, is everything all right?
Mac: Yeah, no, everything's-- everything's great. I just had to make a stop on my way into town, and I got tied up. I hope-- I hope that you don't mind.
Kay: No, no, no, Darling. I-it's fine. You'll be missed, of course, but...
Mac: Thank you for understanding, and, um, have a wonderful night, and raise lots of money.
Kay: We will.
Jack: Hey.
Nikki: Hey.
Jack: You didn't maybe run into Emily upstairs, did you?
Nikki: No. Don't tell me you still haven't heard from her.
Jack: She left for the hospital hours ago. How long does it take to tranquillize someone?
Nikki: (Sighs) Well, when it's Adam, and if he's being difficult, who knows?
Jack: Yeah, exactly. If she doesn't call me soon to tell me she's on her way, I'm headed to Memorial to find out.
Nikki: Okay. Victoria, Honey, you're not leaving, are you?
Victoria: Huh? Oh, um, actually, yes, I am.
Nikki: No, why? What's wrong?
Victoria: Mom, I'm fine. I just--I want to get home to Reed. That's all.
Nikki: No, no, no, no, no. There's something more than that. What is it?
Victoria: No, I-- (Sighs) I'm fine. I'm really fine.
Nikki: Is it J.T.? Did he do something to upset you again?
Victoria: No, Mom, I really don't want to talk about it, okay? Please don't worry. I'm fine.
Nikki: Well, Honey, I will worry. I'm a mother. You understand that. All right, I'll-- I'll try not to worry.
Victoria: Thank you.
Nikki: All right.
Victoria: Mwah. Okay.
Nikki: All right, I'll see you.
Victoria: I'll see you. Uh, excuse me.
Billy: I certainly hope you're not leaving already.
Victoria: (Chuckles) What did you do?
Billy: Well, I changed my mask and added a hat and a cape.
Victoria: Why?
Billy: Why do you think? Now your dad's not gonna recognize us. He'll leave us alone, and nobody else will recognize us, either. Of course, that does mean that I have to, uh, hide this devilishly handsome face behind this mask.
Victoria: (Giggles)
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Hmm. But you're willing to make the sacrifice?
Billy: Yeah, for you, sure. Why not? What about you? Can you resist the urge not to rip this mask off along with the rest of my clothes?
Victoria: You're crazy.
Billy: Yeah, I'm a little crazy, but that's okay. Come on. Let's dance. There's nothing sexier than a guy sweating like a pig behind a mask. Come on. (Laughs)
Michael: No, stay there with Fenmore. I spoke with the doorman. He assured me that he won't send anyone up that he doesn't know. No, we're surrounded by police. Look, Lauren and I will be fine. Okay. Good-bye, Gloria.
Paul: I just heard from my contact at the precinct.
Michael: So does Sarah Smythe have any priors?
Paul: Well, none that I could find, but her name did show up in a police report.
Michael: Regarding...
Paul: Get this. She was in an automobile accident, and Tom Fisher was the driver.
Michael: Kevin's father?
Paul: Do you know any other Tom Fisher?
Kevin: You're telling me that the person who bailed out Daisy and Ryder--
Paul: Is somehow connected to "Terrible Tom."
Lauren: (Sighs)
Victor: It was a success.
Michael: Was it?
Victor: Yes, very good.
Kay: Um, listen, I'm rounding up my speakers. Has anyone seen Emily? She's talking on the battered women's shelter tonight.
Victor: No.
Nikki: Oh, I know she was called out to the hospital to sedate Adam before they took him away to jail.
Ashley: And Jack has been trying to reach her for an hour. She's not answering her cell or her pager.
Kay: Really?
Ashley: Yeah.
Neil: Well, you know what that means. Adam must be stirring up trouble.
Phyllis: Well, what else is new?
Kay: Well, I certainly hope she gets here soon. I-I don't want to start without her.
Victor: All right, Kay.
Nick: Do what you gotta do, Katherine.
Victor: Uh, before Nikki and I step away, I just want you to know that I'm aware that you're all thinking about the upcoming investigation. And you're thinking about the questions the D.A. will ask you. Just remember that we got through this together. We together found out about Faith. Hopefully, Adam will be put away for a long, long time. I just want you to know that I'm aware of all this, all right?
Patty: Ouch.
Doctor: Careful. Don't sit up too fast.
Patty: (Groans) What, um, what happened?
Doctor: We need you to tell us that.
Patty: Oh.
Man: He gonna be all right?
Doctor: I'll check him out once I'm sure Dr. Abbott's okay.
Man: I'm fine. Where's the prisoner? Do you remember what transpired, Ma'am?
Patty: Can you please help me up? Um, you know what? Adam, he -- he stabbed me with the, uh, syringe--the sedative that I brought. You know what? That is-- that's the last thing I remember. Did--did he stab you first?
Man: No, Ma'am. You were out cold when I came in. Wilson got out of his handcuffs somehow.
Man: You know what? Check your purse here. See if anything's missing.
Patty: Oh, God. (Sniffles) Um... all my cash. Damn him. He didn't get my cell phone. Would you, um, mind if I made a phone call to my husband? He's probably really frantic and wondering what happened to me.
Doctor: When you're through, I'd like to check you over, make sure there are no ill effects from the sedative.
Patty: Okay, you know what? I'm gonna be fine, because once I talk to Jack, it--I'll be fine.
Doctor: Okay.
Patty: Okay, pick up. Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. Jack!
Jack: Wow, am I glad to hear from you. I'm on my way to Memorial right now. Is everything--?
Patty: No, no, everything is not okay.
Jack: What happened?
Patty: Adam got away.
Sharon: (Gasps) Oh! (Sighs) Nick?
[Adam turns around, he’s holding Faith]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Paul: Sarah Smythe is pulling the strings.
Michael: And using Ryder and Daisy to do it.
Paul: We can't leave Lauren unprotected.
Lauren: Do I know you?
Sarah: No, but I know you.
Sharon: Give me my child.
Adam: Faith likes me.
Phyllis: (Gasps)
Heather: We're all down at the G.C.A.C., and I think there's a gas leak. It's an emergency.
Phyllis: Oh! Hey! (Coughs)
Heather: I don't know how long it's been.
Nikki: Come on! Come on!
Nick: Let's go! (Coughs)
(Loud explosion)
Phyllis: (Screams) Oh!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: (Grunts) Faith? Faith? Daddy's right here.
Ashley: Maybe he was lying in wait for Nick. What if he hurt Faith?
Billy: Whoa, whoa, Jack--
Jack: Wha--wait--A-ash! Ash!
Sid: They found a body in the basement.
Michael: What? Whose?
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