Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/31/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/31/10 -- Canada; Thursday 4/1/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9367 ~ The Masquerade Ball Begins

Provided By Boo
Proofread By Emma

Adam: Better not back out now, Patty.

Nikki: Talkin' to yourself, huh?

Adam: You come here to gloat?

Nikki: If I were headed to jail, I'd have a lot on my mind, too.

Adam: Get the hell out of here, woman.

Nikki: Not until we've had a chat.

Adam: Anything you say is of no interest to me.

Nikki: Adam, I am here to give you one last chance at redemption.

Jack: This could not be a worse time.

Patty: Oh, I know, Darling. I promise I won't be long.

Jack: You're supposed to speak tonight.

Patty: I'll be back in plenty of time, okay?

Jack: Okay. Go, go, go.

Patty: All right.

Jack: (Sighs)

Victor: Where's she off to?

Jack: On her way to the hospital to make sure Adam makes it to his cozy 8x10 cell.

Victor: (Sighs heavily) I'll be glad when that is over with.

Jack: Well, unfortunately, our problems aren't quite over yet. I spoke to Owen Pomerantz yesterday. He had some news.

Victor: The district attorney? Huh. Gonna launch an investigation, or what? (Sighs)

Michael: Yeah, that's it. Uh, you, too. You have a good night. All right, bye.

Michael: Ooh, wow.

Lauren: Do you like it?

Michael: It makes me want to skip the policemen's ball.

Lauren: (Laughs) Who were you on the phone with?

Michael: Chantal. Just fillin' her in on Daisy and Ryder.

Lauren: Mm. I feel so much better now that they're locked up.

Michael: Mm. Yeah, attempted murder, conspiracy, drug possession. They're not goin' anywhere. Bail was set extremely high.

Lauren: And all thanks to my brilliant husband.

Michael: Yeah.

Lauren: Now if I could just figure out why they targeted me. I mean, who was behind them.

Michael: Oh, e-enough talk of "The gruesome twosome." I have a smokin' hot wife here who deserves my full attention.

Lauren: Mm, nice.

Michael: Mwah. Mwah.

(Cell phone rings)

Lauren: Oh. Mm. What--here, let me--?

Michael: No, don't answer it. Come here.

Lauren: No, no, no, Honey. It might be Fen. (Ring)

Lauren: It's the store.

Michael: No, the store's closed.

Lauren: Well... hello? What are you doing there? Are you kidding? Um, o-o-okay. O-okay. I-I'm on my way.

Michael: What? Seriously? Really?

Lauren: Yes. Yes. Fashion emergency.

Michael: (Groans)

Lauren: One of my best customers was supposed to get a dress for tonight, and it never got delivered, and Amber can't find it anywhere, so I'll meet you at the club, all right? Bye.

Michael: Not so fast, Mrs. Baldwin.

Lauren: Oh.

Michael: Mm-hmm.

J.T.: All right. Three? Four. All right, move it four.

Reed: Three, four.

J.T.: Wow.

Reed: I got to 14.

J.T.: Reed, Reed, look at your mom. Doesn't she look like a princess, huh? You want to take a picture with her? Okay.

Reed: Come on, Mom.

Victoria: You know, I... I don't really have to go tonight.

J.T.: No, look, I told you. I'm not gonna use the ball—I’m not going to use the ball against you. All right? There's gonna be times where something comes up for me, you know? Are you gonna use that against me? We're raisin' a kid together. We're gonna have to trust each other.

Victoria: If you mean that, then why are you asking for sole custody?

J.T.: (Sighs) Do you really want to get into that right now? Go. Enjoy yourself.

Victoria: (Sighs) Okay. But I don't have to go right this second.

J.T.: All right. Well, it's almost Reed's bedtime, all right? It's a big night for your dad. Go. Make the most of it.

Neil: You know, Ashley, I completely understand if you don't want to go after what you've been through, but I hate the idea of you being here all by yourself. You know what I mean?

Ashley: So maybe you want to skip the ball and stay here with me. (Chuckles)

Neil: Don't you want to go and help support Katherine? It's at the Athletic Club, you know? We can just pop in and out.

Ashley: Yeah, Sharon's staying at the Athletic Club now with the baby.

Neil: Oh, I-I-I didn't know that.

Ashley: Yeah, so what's worse? Running into Sharon, or staying all alone in this house with just my memories?

Neil: No pressure either way, okay?

Ashley: Oh, boy. You know, Neil, I guess I can't really avoid the club and Sharon and Nick and the baby forever, right? So maybe going out with you tonight would be a good first step.

Nick: Hey. You okay?

Phyllis: Oh, I'm great.

Nick: Good, because you sure look beautiful.

Jack: Well, look at this.

Nick: Hey, guys.

Jack: Who sprung you from the hospital, and when?

Phyllis: Oh, last night. Last night. Hey, Victor.

Victor: That's better. I thought you weren't coming.

Phyllis: Oh, gosh, do you know how long it's been since I've had a night out? Absolutely.

Nick: Any chance you guys could keep an eye on my wife? I want to run upstairs and check on Faith.

Victor: Son, there's something I need to talk to you about.

Billy: Hey, hey. Look who I found outside without an escort.

Jack: (Chuckles)

Nick: Ooh, yeah.

Kay: How's the leg?

Phyllis: Oh, it's great. Thanks, Kay.

Jack: So did Murphy dump the, uh, monkey suit and stand you up?

Kay: Uh, no, he's coming after his lodge meeting.

Jack: Good man.

Kay: I have some details to look into, if you'll excuse me.

Nick: You better save me a dance, good-lookin'.

Kay: (Foreign accent) For you, anything.

Billy: (Laughs)

Victor: Mm-hmm, I'm glad you're all here early. There's something I need to talk about to all of you. Thanks to that piece of trash article in "Restless Style"...

Billy: Which I had nothing to do with.

Victor: Mm-hmm. The district attorney's office has launched a full-scale investigation about what happened in your cabin.

Jack: Unfortunately, it could well undermine the case against Adam.

Billy: (Groans) Damn it.

Victor: That means the district attorney's office will contact all of you. So you have to be extremely careful about what you say.

Jack: Sorry to start the evening on such a serious note, but...

Victor: Yeah. You have to be very careful, especially since Owen Pomerantz will be attending tonight. All right?

Phyllis: He'll be here? Interesting.

Nick: We will handle it.

Victor: Well, you better, Son. There's no way that I will allow Adam to go free.

(Knock on door)

Mac: Hi.

J.T.: (Chuckles) Wow. Well, hey, listen. I know, uh, pregnant women get cravings, but isn't taking your own pizza to the ball a little extreme?

Mac: (Chuckles) I thought that I would drop by on my way and bring a little treat for you and Reed.

J.T.: Oh, thanks. He, uh, he already ate and crashed out.

Mac: Well, I'll just, um, I'll put it in the kitchen for later.

J.T.: Well, hold on a second. Hold on a second. Who said I wasn't hungry?

Victoria: Thank you.

Billy: You lookin' for me?

Victoria: (Chuckles) Don't be ridiculous.

Billy: Well, then what are you here for?

Victoria: I came to support Dad and Katherine.

Billy: Oh, you're not here to see me?

Victoria: I think you should get over yourself. I just hope I made the right decision.

Billy: Oh, is J.T. giving you trouble?

Victoria: No, actually. Just the opposite. He was quite magnanimous tonight.

Billy: Well...

Victor: Victoria?

Billy: (Clears throat)

Victoria: (Clears throat) Oh, hi, Dad.

Victor: Hello, my darling.

Billy: Hi.

Victoria: Mwah.

Billy: I was just about to fill her in on the investigation and Adam.

Victoria: Oh. Why? What's going on?

Billy: Well, this time, we're being investigated.

Victoria: What?

Billy: Yeah.

Victor: Let me fill you in. We'll take a walk, okay?

Nikki: Look, I am not here to chastise you over the choices you've made. That's between you and God. But if you have a shred of decency left, you will tell me what happened to Victor and Ashley's baby. There are so many unanswered questions. You've gotta be carrying around so much guilt. Don't you want to unburden yourself?

Adam: The sensitive approach. Nice.

Nikki: I knew your mother well. And she didn't raise you to behave this way.

Adam: Grand slam, Nikki. Grand slam. Guilt, religion, morality and my mother. Why, you know, I-I underestimated you. You and my father are a vicious team.

Nikki: (Sighs) The last thing your mother prayed for was for you and Victor to give each other a chance. So please, tell me the truth. Do it for your mother, your father. Do it for yourself.

Sharon: Wow, I-I just can't believe that Adam would skate after everything he's done. I-I just--I don't know what I would do if he would walk. I guess it'll give me something else to obsess about when I'm up with Faith in the middle of the night. (Chuckles)

Nick: Still not getting any sleep?

Sharon: Um, on and off.

Nick: Have you even left this room since you moved in here?

Sharon: (Chuckles) Do I look like it?

Nick: (Sighs) Okay, so everyone's downstairs. Why don't you go say hi to 'em, grab some food. I can stay with Faith.

Sharon: Oh, that's tempting, but...

Nick: No, honestly, I wouldn't mind some alone time with our daughter.

Sharon: "Our daughter."

Nick: Yeah. I'm still gettin' used to that.

Sharon: Well, okay. You know what? I'll pop down there for a few minutes. I just--I need a few minutes to clean myself up. I'm a mess.

Nick: Oh, you look fine. You look like a mom.

Paul: (Sighs) Oh, thank you.

Michael: Hello. Where's Nina?

Paul: Oh, she's in Los Angeles on business. Where's your better half?

Michael: Uh, she's at the boutique. She's meeting me here.

Paul: Um... any news on Daisy and Ryder?

Michael: Well, it's been less than 24 hours. Give them a few days, and they'll be dying to come clean.

Paul: Right. You know, um, there is one loose end we--we should tie up.

Michael: Oh, yes. You mean the pictures of you and Lauren that have been seen by all of our friends. (Chuckles)

Paul: Look, Michael, I'm really sorry.

Michael: You know, I know. No, no, please. You've already apologized. Can we move on, for God's sakes?

Daisy: (Sighs)

Ryder: You know what this is about?

Daisy: Guard told me to wait here. How's it going?

Ryder: Nothing I haven't been through before. I'm worried about Jana, though.

Daisy: (Scoffs) What, afraid she'll go hungry?

Ryder: (Sighs) There's nobody checking up on her. She escaped once. She could escape again. Now that Lauren and Michael are onto us, things are out of control.

Woman: They certainly are.

Daisy: Mama Bear?

Woman: Do you have any idea how much it cost to bail you two screw-ups outta here?

Daisy: We'll make it up to you.

Woman: Oh, damn right you will. We are going to a party, Kiddies.

Nick: I mean, look at you. You really are a miracle. I mean, your big sister Cassíe-- she's in heaven right now-- but she told your mom and me that we'd have another little girl someday. And we wanted you so bad. And when we thought we lost you... but we didn’t. Yeah, you're right here. My beautiful, beautiful daughter. Now I know you don't really know me very well right now. Yeah. But I promise you that is gonna change, 'cause I am always gonna be here to love you.

Faith: (Babbles)

Nick: Yeah, and protect you and keep you safe.

Faith: (Babbles)

Nick: 'Cause your daddy loves you so much. I love you so much. Yeah.

Michael: Thank you.

Neil: Thanks, man. Hey, beautiful lady...

Ashley: (Sighs)

Neil: Thank you so much for coming.

Ashley: Whoops.

Neil: Are you ready to do this?

Ashley: Um, I've come this far.

Sharon: Hi, Neil. Ashley.

Neil: Hey, good to see you, Sharon.

Ashley: Hi, Sharon.

Sharon: Hi.

Ashley: Uh, who's watching the baby?

Sharon: Oh, uh, Nick's spotting me for a while, so I could come down here and join the party.

Ashley: Good. How is she?

Sharon: Well, you know, we're adjusting.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: You must miss her a lot.

Ashley: I do.

Sharon: You know, she just fell asleep. Do you want to go up and look in on her?

Ashley: I would love that.

Neil: Hey, Ashley, I'll--I'll be right here waiting for you, okay?

Ashley: Okay.

Neil: All right.

Ashley: Thank you.

Victor: Nikki, my darling, where are you? I love you. Could you call me, please? I appreciate the fact that you went to see Adam, but don't get your hopes up, all right? He is not going to divulge anything.

Adam: Did Dad send you here to plead his case?

Nikki: No. Coming here was my idea.

Adam: Don't you have a big ball to go to or something?

Nikki: Look, I know you can pretend not to care...

Adam: (Sighs)

Nikki: But I also know that deep down you want Victor's love and approval.

Adam: (Clicks tongue) Nikki, you see right through to the very core of me.

Nikki: (Sighs) What about Ashley? She was your friend when no one else would have you. In fact, you'd still be in jail if she hadn't asked Victor to help you. Do you know how much pain this is causing her?

Adam: I genuinely care about Ashley. You got that? If there's anything I could do to help her--

Nikki: There is. You can give her the closure she so desperately needs. Now what happened to the baby she miscarried? Please, Adam. If you don't want to do it for Victor, do it for Ashley.

Adam: For Ashley. How generous, Nikki. So generous. I-I don't know. Maybe my father buys that holier-than-thou act, but, you know, I'm never gonna forget you and daddy's little princess leading the pack when I arrived in town.

Nikki: Look, I didn't come here to insult you.

Adam: No, no, no, no. You came here to help me, I'm sure.

Nikki: Yes, I did.

Adam: No, you should be thanking me.

Nikki: Thanking you?

Adam: Yes. According to you, all these evil things I've done have driven my father and Ashley apart. And it's left you that little space to crawl right in and snatch him up... again. You don't seem to hold onto him for very long, though. I mean, you can only get so far on history when you're not a young, hot stripper anymore.

Nikki: How dare you. How dare you speak to me that way. I have never met anybody so vicious!

Adam: Unh-unh, accept for the father of your children.

Nikki: You know, I would tell you to go to hell right now, but you don't even have a soul. You're disgusting!

Adam: Oh, Nikki.

Man: Ma'am, you're gonna have to leave.

Nikki: No problem. You don't have to ask me twice.

Patty: Nikki, hi.

Nikki: Oh, Emily. Um, a-aren't you supposed to be at the ball?

Patty: Well, I'm meeting Jack after the transfer to the jail. Um, I've got my clothes to change into. I don't want to miss a minute of it.

Nikki: Yeah, well, don't waste an extra second on him.

Adam: Give hugs and kisses to Daddy.

Patty: I, uh, I need to consult with my patient.

Man: Sure.

Patty: What was she doing here?

Adam: Never mind. Did you bring the stuff?

Patty: (Sighs) Yes.

Adam: Good girl, Patty. Hand it over.

Billy: Hmm.

Jack: Well, I'm very glad you decided to drop by. Hey, look who's here.

Phyllis: Hey, hi, Sharon.

Sharon: Hi. Uh, Nick is upstairs watching the baby, so, um, I finally got my first shower in two days.

Jack: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: It was really lovely what you did for Ashley.

Jack: What did you do for Ashley?

Phyllis: She sent her upstairs to check up on Faith.

Jack: Thank you.

Sharon: Yeah, well, you know, we're all coping as best we can.

Phyllis: Um, can I have a minute with Sharon?

Jack: Ladies.

Phyllis: Thanks.

Sharon: Um, listen, Phyllis, I understand that this is really difficult for you.

Phyllis: Um, it's actually not as difficult as you would think. I absolutely understand why you and Nick should be the only ones to bond with Faith.

Sharon: Listen, I'm not trying to keep the baby from you or from anyone. We're just doing what the experts tell us.

Phyllis: I'm fine with it. And just so you know, when I do start taking care of Faith, I want you to know that I'll treat her with the same love that I have for Noah and my own daughter. Don't doubt that.

Sharon: Yeah, um, you were good with Noah. And I hope that you'll be as good a stepmother to Faith as well.

Nick: Hey.

Ashley: Hi. Is Faith still asleep?

Nick: Yeah, she is.

Ashley: Sharon said I could see her.

Nick: Oh, of course. Come in.

Ashley: Thanks. Oh, boy. I forgot to put on that list that I gave you and Sharon-- Faith loves avocados. So if you take a nice ripe one and you mash it up, she really loves that.

Nick: Okay. I'll let Sharon know.

Ashley: I'm sorry. I just miss her so much.

Jack: Well, here. Let me show you. Excuse us, please.

Victor: Sure.

Kay: Ah, well, there certainly are a lot of new faces.

Victor: Well, there are so many masks around here, I don't know who's who.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Victor: I almost kissed a complete stranger thinking it was Nikki.

Kay: (Laughs)

Nikki: What's this I hear about him kissing a strange woman?

Victor: Well, hello, hello, hello, my beauty.

Nikki: Mm, notice how quickly he changes the subject.

Victor: That's right.

Kay: Ah.

Nikki: I'm sorry I'm late. Is everything going all right?

Kay: Better than we hoped. Thanks, uh, to the generosity of Victor's contacts, we may raise even more than we did last year.

Nikki: Oh, wonderful.

Kay: Psst, psst, psst. Here. Now I know the two of you have been through a great deal lately, but, uh... ahh, tonight is a celebration. Uh, sparkling burgundy apple juice.

Victor: Of course.

Kay: From my private stash.

Victor: Private stash. Whoa.

Kay: To my two dearest friends who helped make this night such a success.

Nikki: Ohh. (Glasses clink)

Victor: Cheers. (Glasses clink)

Nikki: Cheers. (Glasses clink)

Victor: Cheers.

Kay: Well... (Sighs) Time to mingle.

Victor: That's right.

Nikki: Yes, indeed.

Kay: Ta-ta.

Victor: Okay, Sweetheart.

Nikki: Ta-ta.

Kay: Thank you.

Victor: Did you go see Adam?

Nikki: I tried to get some information out of him about Ashley's baby, but it-- he's just evil. He's evil.

Victor: What did he say?

Nikki: Oh... (Sighs) Let's just say he pushed my buttons, and, uh, I lost it.

Victor: Mm. I'm not surprised.

Nikki: (Sighs) I'm sorry, Darling. I did try.

Victor: Not your fault, Sweetheart. He is who he is, sad to say. And he threw away his last chance at redeeming himself, but now he has to live with it.

Adam: Tux, cape, coat, a hat and mask, disposable cell phone.

Patty: It is what you asked for, isn't it?

Adam: The sedative?

Patty: (Sighs) It's supposed to make you docile for the trip. Hmm?

Adam: Yes, I know. Hand it over.

Patty: How do I know I can trust you?

Billy: Thank you.

Victoria: Okay, so good. Um, then we'll do lunch what, next week? That'd be--okay. I'll see you.

Billy: Mm, excuse me, but can you save me from Biddy Winslow?

Victoria: What? Oh. Yeah, Katherine’s friend.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: She looks like she's, um, old enough to be your m--

Billy: No, no, no. Don’t. Don't, please. Please don't go there. That would--mnh-mnh.

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: So can we finish our conversation?

Victoria: I don't remember. What were we talking about?

Billy: Uh, J.T. and, uh, how he was being disgustingly nice.

Victoria: I don't think you really want to talk about that.

Billy: Look how twisted up you are about it. Come on, talk to me. Get it out of your system.

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: I tell you what. Confession really cleanses the soul.

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: (Laughs)

J.T.: Wow, you inhaled that pizza. A little snack before dinner, huh?

Mac: Well, Zampieri's veggie pizza is one of my top three cravings, along with hot sauce and soy cream cheese. And don't tell anyone, but the other day, I dipped asparagus in hot sauce.

J.T.: (Laughs) Okay, well, you're, uh, secret is safe with me. Uh, shouldn't you be showin' off that fancy dress at the ball?

Mac: I suppose I should.

Reed: Daddy! Daddy!

J.T.: Yeah, Reed, I'm right here, okay? I'll be right up.

Michael: Mm, it still looks great.

Lauren: Thank you very much. Oh, thanks.

Michael: Thanks.

Lauren: So anyway, the seamstress said that she messengered it over several days ago, but it turns out that Daisy signed for it. She put it in inventory, and I don't know. The whole thing was a total misunderstanding.

Michael: (Sighs)

Lauren: What can I tell ya?

Michael: Even locked up, that girl is still trying to ruin our lives.

Lauren: You know what I'd like? I would like a Daisy-free zone tonight, because I want a glass of champagne, and I want to have fun.

Michael: Lots of fun coming. I promise.

Lauren: Good. Good, good, good.

Michael: First, we have to do one thing.

Lauren: What's that?

Michael: The pictures.

Lauren: Now?

Michael: Let's get it over with.

Lauren: Okay.

Neil: Well, Lauren, you look absolutely beautiful.

Kay: Mm.

Lauren: Thank you.

Paul: Um, I asked to speak with all of you for a reason. I know that you have seen pictures of Lauren and me.

Lauren: And we'd really-- we'd like to clear the air.

Kay: That will not be necessary.

Jack: No, no. That's all forgotten.

Lauren: Not by me.

Michael: You were right, Jack. It was a setup. Someone was trying to discredit Lauren.

Victor: Have any idea who?

Paul: It's all been handled.

Jack: I wish we could say that about our little problem.

Adam: Patty, why would I blow your cover?

Patty: Because you lied to me before.

Adam: If you keep pushing me, I will have to expose you, and I'll have to tell everyone who you are. (Clears throat) See, we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way.

Patty: Okay, you--

Adam: Patty. Patty. Come on. Patty.

Patty: (Sighs)

Adam: Good girl. Okay, now we have to act fast.

Ashley: Faith reminds me so much of Abby when she was a baby. Neil...

Neil: Hmm?

Ashley: I'm so sorry. I... I probably shouldn't have come tonight.

Neil: No, no, no, no, no, no. Are you kidding me? No. Of course you should have come. You know, Ashley, you wouldn't be human if it didn't hurt.

Ashley: Yeah, I just don't know-- I don't know how to make it stop hurting.

Neil: Well, you know my story, right? I drank a lot of alcohol to kill the pain. It didn't work. Nothing worked. Uh, sometimes it's not about getting rid of the pain as much as figuring out how you're gonna walk through it.

Ashley: Yeah. (Sighs) I know Faith is where she belongs. I know she is. I'm just afraid that every time I see her, all I'm gonna see is the baby I lost.

Neil: Hmm.

Ashley: My girl.

Victoria: So anyway, I almost didn't come tonight because, um, of the... (Sighs) Custody battle that I'm going through over Reed. I can't do anything that would be misinterpreted by a judge as me not being a good mother, so I'm trying to be a good mother. (Sighs)

Billy: Is that what J.T.'s claiming?

Victoria: I don't know. (Sighs) I shouldn't have gone to Dubai.

Billy: That doesn't make you a bad mom.

Victoria: Well, my lawyer warned me. J.T. said if I came tonight, he wouldn't use it against me.

Billy: Well, that's big of him.

Victoria: Well, he said he wasn't keeping score, but I don't know. He acted like he was doing me this big favor, like he was the better parent. And, of course, then he threw in a dig about my dad. It was subtle, but it was there.

Billy: Let me ask you a question. Can you really trust J.T. not to, I don't know, use this against you tonight?

Victoria: Yeah. He's honorable.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: But I can just hear him saying, "Go on. Go to the ball. Have fun." Like he's the bigger person. (Scoffs)

Billy: (Laughs) Well, if you're lookin' for fun, I'm your man. You know, um... (Quietly) I could ask the concierge if they have a room available tonight. (Normal voice) Or--or not. I mean, why-- why would I do that? That's just inappropriate. What we need to do right now is you just--here.

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: You need more champagne. Yeah, more champagne. Here we go. (Clears throat)

Victoria: Are you trying to get me drunk?

Billy: No. No. I'm just trying to keep your mind off of J.T. and, uh, the custody battle.

J.T.: Reed had a nightmare. He thinks there are monsters under his bed. So I grabbed a flashlight and showed him that there weren't monsters under his bed.

Mac: Aw, did he settle down?

J.T.: No. He says they're invisible.

Mac: (Chuckles)

J.T.: (Chuckles) So he's wide awake up there with his favorite stuffed animal on his bed. Uh, I read him a book, but he keeps asking for his mom.

Mac: You know, even though you and Victoria play nice for Reed's sake, he can still feel the tension.

J.T.: Yeah, well, she usually sings to him, and that normally works.

Mac: Okay, so call her.

J.T.: I don't want to bother her.

Mac: Are you sure that's the only reason?

J.T.: Why? What--what--what do you mean?

Mac: You're not trying to separate Victoria from her son?

J.T.: Why would I do that?

Mac: Because you're angry, and you want sole custody.

J.T.: I want what's best for my son. That's it.

Mac: What's best for your son is both parents. He needs his mom.

Lauren: You look fantastic.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Lauren: Good to see you.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Good to see you. I feel fantastic.

Lauren: Good.

Michael: Well, good for you. Where's Nick?

Phyllis: Visiting Faith.

Lauren: He dropped you off in a wheelchair and drove to the ranch?

Phyllis: Oh, no, um, Sharon moved, uh, upstairs to a suite with the baby. What are you doing? What's that look?

Lauren: I'm just wondering if you're okay with that.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, I'm completely okay. I think that Sharon is doing what's best for the baby.

Michael: I'll give him a call next week--Nick. Take him to lunch.

Phyllis: Nick has been really great. He's, um, making me feel really, um, good and secure about our marriage and our future.

Michael: (Grumbles)

Lauren: Uh, I thought you turned that off.

Michael: It's on vibrate.

Lauren: Mm, you know, my husband loves me a lot, but given the choice between the cell phone and me, I'm not so sure what he'd choose.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Lauren: It's true.

Michael: Hold on. This is important. Sorry. Hey. Hey, it's Michael. Yeah.

Lauren: Anyway, I'm really glad that Nick is stepping up, but how are you doing?

Phyllis: I'm great. I'm fantastic. I mean, except for the leg, but I'm--I'm great.

Lauren: Honey, this is me.

Phyllis: I'm not gonna get upset. I-I can't do it, Lauren. I mean, I-I can’t... I can't let my doubts get me upset. I can't do it anymore.

Nick: Where's Daddy? (Gasps) I'm right here! Yay! Where's Faith? Yeah, there she is. Now, listen, I don't want this to get to your head, but you might be the cutest thing I've ever seen. Yeah, how's that tie taste? Good. Your mom doesn't know this yet, but I bought you your first Cubs jacket, 'cause you love the Cubs. They're your favorite team. Do you hear me? Yeah. Can you say "Alfonzo Soriano"?

Sharon: (Laughs)

Nick: How about just "Go, Cubbies"? Can you say, "Go, Cubbies"?

Sharon: Um, she told me she's a Brewers fan.

Nick: (Laughs) No, no. It's just not possible in this family. How was the party?

Sharon: Uh, it was fun.

Faith: (Babbles)

Sharon: I ran into Phyllis.

Nick: Oh.

Faith: (Babbles)

Sharon: We had a good talk.

Faith: (Babbles)

Nick: Good. Yeah. See?

Faith: (Babbles)

Sharon: Did you have fun with your daddy?

Nick: Say, "Cubbies!" Say, "Cubbies."

Sharon: Did you? (Chuckles)

Faith: (Squeals)

Sharon: So you had a good time?

Nick: Okay. Okay. Yeah.

Sharon: (Chuckles) Um, thanks. Thanks for watching her. You're right. I needed to get out of this room.

Faith: (Babbles)

Nick: Well, I'm glad. Thanks for lettin' me spend time with her.

Faith: (Babbles)

Nick: And it was really nice of you to send Ashley up here.

Sharon: Oh, well, you know, as long as Faith was asleep, what could it hurt?

Nick: Yeah. Do you need anything else?

Sharon: No. We'll be fine.

Nick: Okay. Bye, Bunny face. (Makes silly noises) Daddy loves you.

Sharon: Come here, Pumpkin. (Speaking indistinctly)

Nick: (Sighs)

Sharon: Have fun with your wife.

Nick: (Sighs) Just call me if you need anything, okay?

Faith: (Babbles)

Michael: Have you seen Paul?

Lauren: Um, he was talking to Katherine a few minutes ago. Why?

Michael: That call was from the courthouse. Someone posted bail for Daisy and Ryder.

Lauren: I thought you told me that the judge set the bail very high.

Michael: He did. He did. Whoever it was had deep pockets.

Lauren: Oh, tell me they are not out already.

Michael: They were released a little while ago.

Victor: Nice talking to both you.

Nikki: Yes, thank you. Good to see you.

Victor: Thank you. Let's get a cup of coffee.

Nikki: (Sighs) I know tonight is supposed to be a glorious night. But my heart's just not in it.

Victor: Now, Sweetheart, with the D.A. poking around, that's no wonder. Difficult to enjoy anything.

Man: Time to shackle you for transport.

Man: (Grunts)

Adam: Ahh, nighty-night. He's out.

Patty: Okay, yeah. Okay, well, he's gonna be out for a while.

Adam: All right, put these on him. We'll--we'll drag him into the bathroom.

Patty: Oh, come on. (Grunts) Help me out.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah.

Patty: (Grunts)

Adam: You ready?

Patty: (Groans)

Adam: All right.

Patty: Oh, my God.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chance: Why don't you have a seat? There's some things I need to say to you.

Nikki: I hope you don't try to use this precious child to get back with Nicholas.

Michael: You're telling me that the person who bailed out Daisy and Ryder is--

Paul: Is somehow connected to Terrible Tom.

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