Y&R Transcript Monday 3/29/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 3/30/10 -- USA
Episode # 9365 ~ Ashley Attacks Adam
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Kay: You know, I think the invitations express the mood of the ball very, very nicely.
Jack: Yeah. I promise I'm only gonna say this once. With everything that has gone on, this is a strange time to be planning a party.
Kay: Well, too many people have been through too much lately, Jack.
Victor: I think it'll be a welcomed distraction to many.
Kay: You know, come to think of it, this is the second time the three of us have worked together on a common goal recently.
Victor: Mm.
Kay: Uh, the two of you are gonna make a habit out of it.
Jack: Uh, we'll rectify that shortly.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Victor: You can count on that.
Patty: Hello, Sweetheart.
Jack: Hey, Darling. Hey. Mm.
Patty: Hi. Mm.
Jack: We were just going over the final details of Friday evening.
Kay: Uh-huh.
Patty: Katherine. Oh, the policemen's ball.
Kay: Oh.
Patty: Ah, I think it will be wonderful.
Kay: Listen, we are so grateful you're going to be one of the main speakers that night.
Jack: That's right. Your speech is going to be one of the highlights of the evening.
Kay: Yes.
Jack: And thank goodness my wife does not suffer from stage fright.
Patty: Hmm.
Kay: (Laughs) Good.
[Sharon dreaming]
Faith: (Crying)
Sharon: Faith, please, Honey, sleep. You can do it, okay?
(Doorbell rings)
Sharon: What?
[Sharon imagining]
Faith: (Crying louder)
Sharon: (Sighs) Coming.
Adam: Hey, Baby. I'm home.
Sharon: No.
Sharon: Its okay, Faith. He can't take you away from me ever again. He can’t. It's okay. (Sighs)
Adam: I've come for my girls.
Sharon: You can’t. You can’t. (Gasps) (Sighs) Oh, no! He can't have her! He can't have her.
Nick: Sharon? Hey, hey, hey, hey. It's okay.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Nick: It's okay. I'm right here. It--it's just a bad dream.
Sharon: Oh, Nick. (Sighs)
Nick: You're safe. You're safe.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Nick: I-I let myself in. I could hear the baby screaming from the front walkway. Are you okay? I mean, you're shaking. What--
Sharon: Uh...
Nick: What were you dreaming about?
Sharon: It was Adam. I-I-I-it was about Adam.
Phyllis: Really, Baby, you need to come see me before I start tripping candy stripers just for fun. I'm kind of kidding-- not really kidding. Oh. Mnh-mnh. Come quick. Bye, Babe. (Sighs) Oh!
Victoria: Hey!
Phyllis: Yeah? Hey!
Victoria: Hey! Is now a good time or...
Phyllis: Oh. Oh, yeah!
Victoria: Yeah?
Phyllis: It's a great time. Tell me about the world and don't leave out any details. And, uh, you know, I may be talking too fast. I'm a little buggy, you know. Kind of more than a little. Anyway, what's going on? You seem upset. Is it J.T.?
Victoria: Should I start?
Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, go. Yeah.
Victoria: Okay. Well, um, yeah. I mean... (Sighs) Yeah, J.T. is still pushing for full custody of Reed, but we have to be... (Sighs) Civil about it for Reed. I might lose my child, and I have to be pleasant about it. (Laughs)
Phyllis: And you know what? There--there's not a judge in the world that's gonna deny you joint custody, okay? And no, the thing with Deacon is not a reason, so don't even let that worry you. You made a mistake, you moved on, you came clean-- done. It's not like you've been slipping up since then.
Victoria: Right. Of course. Yeah. Right.
Phyllis: Have you been slipping up? Are--are you seeing someone? Oh, God, you're totally seeing someone.
Billy: Hey. Hi. Human being here.
Heather: Debatable. After your "Restless Style" article, I now have to figure out what to tell my boss about what happened at the cabin with Adam.
Billy: Okay, look, I didn't ever sign off on that piece. I'm sorry it went out. My mom, she just posted it online. She didn't ask. I...
Heather: Either way, the damage is already done. And if my boss decides to press charges, we could really be screwed.
Billy: Well, you could just blame it on Adam. Half the town hates the guy. They wish him dead anyway, so...
Heather: If that were to happen soon, the policemen's ball could be a real celebration.
Billy: Yeah.
[Billy remembering]
Victoria: (Gasps)
Billy: Um...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Wait, um... the ball? The--the policemen's ball? Yeah, the ball.
J.T.: How's it going?
Heather: Good, thanks.
Billy: Hey. It's good.
Heather: How are you?
Billy: Great, not so great. I don't know. How are you?
J.T.: Good. Good.
Billy: Hey, man! How's preschool shakin', huh? You gonna show Delia all the ropes when it's time?
Reed: (Giggles)
J.T.: I'm sure he'll show her all the--the angles. All right, let's go, Buddy. Come on. See you later.
Heather: See you later. Well, that was remarkably subdued for you, I mean, considering you flayed the guy's wife online not that long ago and now they're not-so-coincidentally getting a divorce.
(Cell phone beeps)
Billy: Stop with the flaying and answer your phone.
Heather: It's about Adam's case.
Adam: (Grunts) Nurse! Nurse! Hey. Um... sorry to bother you. I know you must be busy. Um, has the psychiatrist called back? I believe she's referring to herself as Dr., uh, Abbott now.
Woman: Haven't heard from her yet, I'm afraid.
Adam: Thanks anyway.
[Adam remembering]
Adam: Does your cat ever move? Wait the-- is this thing-- is this stuffed?
Mary Jane: Mr. Kitty met an untimely death.
Adam: So you kept him?
Mary Jane: You're keeping a woman hidden in your daddy's potting shed. Which is more twisted?
Adam: You want to go off on me now, too? Go ahead. It doesn't matter anymore anyway.
Ashley: Hello, Adam. I'm not here to attack you.
Ashley: I'm here because there was a time when you and I were... friends. And because of that friendship, I'm asking you to please tell me what happened to my baby.
Sharon: (Sighs) It was a long night, and that is an understatement.
Nick: Did she ever go down?
Sharon: No, she never went down. (Groans) I've just-- I knew this was gonna be rough, but Faith is waiting to hear her mother's voice, and--and she her mom's face, and--and--and all she has is me.
Nick: Sharon, you are her mother.
Sharon: But she doesn't know that.
Nick: You carried this child for nine months, and I promise you, somewhere she knows that. Look, why don't you let me take her for a walk or something? Then you can take a nap.
Sharon: A nap isn't gonna fix everything, Nick. It's being here in this house where I lived with Adam. And--and now I-I--being here makes me think about him. It's making me sick. I need to get out of here now more than ever. I'm just gonna move to the club today.
Nick: Today? Why so soon?
Sharon: Well, you knew that was the plan anyway so that we could be there and focus on Faith and--and we could take care of her.
Nick: In a hotel on your own with a baby who's not sleeping? Sharon... (Sighs) Both of your world's have been turned upside down. Leaving makes sense for you, yes, it does, but not right now. It's the last thing you should do.
Victoria: Uh, okay. So hot or not award show dresses in this one. In that one--blind item gossip. And these--you're-- you're all set. (Sighs) (Clears throat)
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Um, sorry about what I said earlier that you've met somebody. You know, it's really none of my business. I'm not gonna say anything if you want to tell me.
Victoria: Hold--hold on a second. I didn't say that it was true.
Phyllis: Listen, I'm the last one to judge. Please. And it's really not my style. You're separated. I mean, in my case, Nick was married, and it was totally wrong. But... there was this pull between us, and we tried to fight it, but... we couldn’t. It was like this fire burning out of control and burning everything in its path. And you can't get out of its way, even if you wanted to.
Victoria: And maybe you don’t... even want to get out of the way at all.
Mac: So I was on my way from the O.B., and I wanted to drop this book off before I went to Lily and Cane's. It’s... about pirates.
J.T.: Pirates. Cool, man. All right. What do you say, Dude?
Reed: Thank you.
Mac: You're welcome.
J.T.: Nice. All right, I'm gonna hold onto this. You go upstairs and get washed up, okay?
Reed: Okay.
J.T.: All right, Buddy. All right.
Mac: Mm-hmm. So you got the invitation, too.
J.T.: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Black tie, mask, lots of people. Yeah.
Mac: So you're not gonna be pulling your tux out of mothballs?
J.T.: Yeah. Well, partying's not real high on my list right now so...
Mac: You know, kids are more perceptive than we give them credit for.
J.T.: I don't think Reed cares if I go dance it up at the fund-raiser.
Mac: (Giggles) No, but he wants his dad to be happy. Reed, can you come back down here for a minute? I know what you both need.
J.T.: (Laughs)
Patty: I am embarrassed to say that I actually forgot about my speech.
Kay: Oh.
Patty: T-there's so much been--that's been going on.
Victor: Well, that's perfectly understandable.
Kay: Well, that's certainly gonna shine a light on a very crucial issue, not to mention the fact that, uh, a portion of the proceeds will be going to the shelter.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Patty: Of course. Of course.
Kay: Right.
Patty: Victims of--of violence.
Jack: Well, you are still game, right?
Patty: Definitely. Definitely.
Kay: Mm.
Patty: It's a...
Billy: Good news, good news.
Patty: Cause close to my heart.
Billy: Aha! There she is-- Emily Abbott! Ooh!
Patty: What? Oh!
Kay: Billy!
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Kay: Billy! Jack.
Billy: I would marry you if my brother didn't already beat me to it.
Patty: Oh, my God. Oh.
Jack: Step away from the wife, please. Thank you.
Billy: Okay, okay, okay.
Heather: You will all be pleased to know that due to Emily's psychiatric evaluation of Adam, he's been deemed competent to stand trial, and he's transported to the county jail on Friday night.
Jack: No, kid--oh, good for you. That's my girl.
Kay: Yes.
Billy: Yeah. Cosmic justice, isn't it? The night Genoa City's finest get their groove on, Genoa City's worst, well, he's goes to his little, bitty, tiny cell.
Kay: Hmm.
Ashley: You know, Adam, all the time I spent wandering around that house just--just drowning in fear... I never felt there was anybody I could turn to during that time, except for you. (Sniffles) I mean, you were the one person that I could count on. (Sniffles) I know you cared about me, Adam. I know you did, because of the way you listened to me, the way you watched over me. You even held me in your arms-- remember that-- so I could finally fall asleep. I was gonna name my baby Hope after your mother. And I know you remember that. And even though what you did with Sharon and the baby was... it was hideous, I have a feeling that you did what you did in part because of me... 'cause you knew how much I wanted that baby. And you wanted that for me, because you cared about me. (Sniffles) Adam... (Sighs) (Sniffles) I was pregnant. I had a child growing inside me for a time. What's tearing me apart is that I don't remember what happened that night I lost her. It's just very unclear for me. I'm afraid I'm--I'm never gonna remember. She was my child, Adam. She was my daughter, and I loved her. So please... out of respect for my little girl... please tell me what happened to her. What happened to her? (Sniffles) (Sighs) Please? I'm begging you, Adam.
Adam: Ashley, I don't know what happened.
Ashley: You bastard!
Traci: Oh! Ashley! Ashley, don't! Don't! No! No!
Ashley: You bastard!
Traci: No! Guard! Guard!
Phyllis: So if you did have someone...
Victoria: (Sighs) You know, listen, I don’t.
Phyllis: Oh, you don’t. Okay.
Victoria: I don't have anyone.
Phyllis: Okay, well, maybe "Have" is the wrong word. Um, but if there was an "Anyone" around...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Phyllis: You could definitely tell me if you wanted to.
Victoria: Okay. I didn't see this coming, and I didn't want it at all. (Sighs) (Laughs) But when he's around, I... (Exhales sharply) When he's around...
Phyllis: Yeah?
Victoria: I just-- I mean, I'm--I-I-I swear to God, I feel like I'm blushing. I do, and I don't blush.
Phyllis: No.
Victoria: I don’t. I don’t. No. And it--it must be like this-- this--this chemical reaction, because... (Sighs) When I get this rush, I say, "That’s it. That's it. It's not gonna happen again."
Phyllis: Yeah. I--yeah?
Victoria: Never. No. No. It's never gonna happen again.
Phyllis: Never? Are you sure? Never. Yeah. (Clears throat)
Victoria: It--it can’t. I mean, I'm a--I'm a mom.
Phyllis: Well, you're a mom. I know. But you're not dead. I mean, you're not-- you're not a nun.
Victoria: Yes, but... (Sighs) I mean, I... I can't lose Reed. I mean, for his sake, I can't just go crazy because I find some guy mildly appealing.
Phyllis: Oh, there's nothing mild about this.
Victoria: Ohh! God! (Sighs)
Phyllis: Hey, it's a--it's a jolt of electricity, right? It's--it's fun. He--he makes you feel good. When you're around him, he makes you feel sexy and good. There's nothing wrong with that. It's fine. Just keep your eyes open and be careful.
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah. I have to be careful.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Victoria: After what happened at the cabin with Adam, J.T. has enough for his suit, so I have to be careful. I can't lose my child.
Nick: Sharon, just stay at the ranch a few more days. There are people here who want to help you-- Mom and Dad. I'm just a phone call away.
Sharon: Nick, yesterday, you understood why I had to go. Nothing's changed.
Nick: Except you haven't slept yet, and you are exhausted, and Adam is giving you nightmares.
Sharon: I don't want to talk about Adam.
Nick: No, we are talking about you. Sharon, you need support right now. You don't need room service at a hotel.
Sharon: Bonnie?
Nick: How exactly is moving to the club getting you away from Adam? Didn't you live there with him?
Sharon: Can you pack Faith's overnight bag for me-- her diaper bag? I'm sorry. You know what? It's by my, um, my overnight case, and please put her teething ring in there.
Bonnie: I will.
Sharon: Thank you.
Nick: Damn it, Sharon, Adam has already cost us so much time with Faith.
Sharon: Six months today.
Nick: Six months? Really? If I could just get my hands around his neck--
Sharon: Nick, I don't want to hear that.
Nick: Look, I'm telling you right now if that son of a bitch ever sees the outside of a cell, I will kill him.
Traci: Ashley, please, stop!
Ashley: Bastard! Damn you! No!
Traci: It's not worth it! Let go! He's not worth it!
Ashley: You know what happened to her!
Traci: He's not! Come on. We're out of here.
Ashley: I know you know, Adam!
Traci: Come on. Ashley!
Ashley: I know you know!
Traci: Ashley, please! Are you all right? All you all right?
Ashley: Sorry.
Traci: She's all right, okay? Wh--thank you very much. Thank you. Honey. Honey.
Ashley: Okay.
Traci: We've got to go. We're getting out of here, all right? Come on.
Ashley: Okay. Okay.
Victoria: Are you okay?
Traci: No, we're leaving.
Victoria: What is it? Is it Adam? What--Ashley?
Adam: Don't you have a custody battle to plan for?
Victoria: You know what the problem is? We didn't go far enough at the cabin. If I come anywhere close to losing Reed, you better pray that you're in solitary where I can't find you.
Heather: Thanks.
Victoria: Hi, Dad.
Victor: Would you give us a minute, Sweetheart?
Victoria: Yeah. I can't get away fast enough.
(Door opens)
Adam: What do you want?
(Door closes)
Heather: The judge has accepted Dr. Peterson's evaluation. You've been declared fit to stand trial.
Adam: That is impossible.
Victor: No, it's not son. It's gonna happen. And this time, there's no way out.
Billy: To Emily...
Patty: Oh.
Billy: Who has made it so that Adam will actually pay for his crimes.
Patty: All right, I'm just glad I saw through his act. That's all.
Billy: Oh, come on. You're a genius, and Adam's road kill.
Jack: Well, let's hope. You know, anyone who's going to defend Adam is going to use the "Restless Style" article to try to get him off.
Billy: Way to celebrate, Jack.
Kay: Jill should have known better.
Billy: Okay. Look, Adam won't get off and the magazine won't be to blame, because it can't happen. It won't happen. I'm not gonna let it happen. Now I see hands without glasses, glasses that are empty. This is a travesty. I'm gonna remedy that situation. What do you want?
Kay: Uh, I think I'll go with you, okay?
Billy: Okay.
Kay: Uh, my purse. Thank you, Dear.
Jack: My brother's right, you know. You are a genius.
Patty: Mm. Your brother exaggerates.
Jack: No, we owe you. Thanks to your evaluation, Adam's gonna stand trial.
Patty: Yeah. Adam is a hurtful, dangerous young man. I'll be glad to never see him again.
Billy: You ready to get crazy, huh? How about a pomegranate smoothie, please?
Kay: All right. All right. I know you're full of vim and vigor, but, um, your-- your mother's completely out of control at the magazine.
Billy: Okay. Okay. She went rogue. She wandered off the reservation. I'm cleaning up the mess, okay? It's not gonna happen again.
Kay: Do you even know that woman?
Billy: Would you just-- just shh, calm down. Whew.
Kay: (Sighs)
Murphy: (Sighs) Hi, Sweetheart. Uh, mwah.
Kay: Oh, hi, Sweetie. Good. How are you?
Murphy: Um, I hit the dry cleaner, picked up our gear for the big party Friday?
Kay: All right. Just don't start telling me how much you hate monkey suits.
Murphy: I wouldn't dream of it.
Kay: Oh. Stop it. Stop it.
Murphy: (Speaks indistinctly)
Kay: Come on.
Murphy: (Clears throat)
Billy: Do you guys, like, need privacy or something? I--
Murphy: Well...
Kay: Don't be a smart aleck.
Billy: I wouldn't dream of it.
Murphy: (Laughs)
Kay: While we're at it, I want you to fly low-- under the radar just for a while.
Billy: Yes, Ma'am.
Kay: You're in enough hot water. You do not need to drown in it, Billy.
Billy: Yes, Ma'am. Thank you for the advice. Murph.
Murphy: Okay.
Billy: Have fun, kids.
Kay: Here.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Kay: Hi.
Victoria: Hi.
Billy: Thank you.
Kay: How are you?
Victoria: Good. Good to see you.
Kay: Same to you.
Victoria: Okay. Uh-huh. See you later.
Billy: Hmm.
J.T.: Argh! It's the dread pirate daddy, and I've come to claim me booty.
Mac: Come any closer, and we'll make ye walk the plank.
J.T.: Mutiny from me deck. Crew, I won't stand for it.
Mac: You'll never take us alive, ye deck swabber.
J.T.: Deck swabber? Really? Wow. That's good.
Mac: Man the cannons, Matey.
J.T.: Argh! No! Oh! Aah! Oh, I've been hit in me poop deck. Argh!
Mac: I think we've got him. Dread pirate daddy is gonna meet his doom!
J.T.: Argh!
Reed: Argh. Oh!
J.T.: Oh!
Reed: Argh! You never take--
J.T.: (Laughs) Thank you.
Mac: Argh!
J.T.: Oh, I'm gonna get you. Cut your leg off. Argh!
Reed: Argh! Don't!
Heather: You'll be transferred to county jail on Friday by a prisoner transport vehicle.
Adam: You remember what happened to me in prison last time? You used to love me. You're gonna let this happen?
Heather: You stole a woman's baby. You tried to make another woman insane-- two women that cared about you. That's what you do, Adam. Someone cares about you, you rip their heart out. It's too bad there's not a death penalty for that. I really wish there were.
(Door closes)
Adam: Well, you got what you wanted, huh? You wanted me to lose everything.
Victor: You have no idea what I wanted.
Victoria: Hi
Billy: Hello.
Victoria: Um, are you celebrating?
Billy: I am.
Victoria: Oh.
Billy: The judge gave the thumbs-up that Adam is fit to stand trial, so...
Victoria: That's great. I saw Heather at the hospital with my father. She must have been filling him in personally.
Billy: Yeah. It's the first non-crappy thing that's happened all week. (Clears throat) well, maybe not the only thing. (Bangs hands on bar)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Are you going to the ball on Friday?
Victoria: Are you?
Billy: I'm thinking about it.
Victoria: Yeah. Um, I don't know. I probably shouldn’t.
Billy: That's--that's-- that's nice of you. I appreciate that. That's--you know.
Victoria: It's just, um, well, you know, temptations and...
Billy: Tempta-- what temptations?
Victoria: I should-- maybe "Temptations" isn't the word. Maybe it's more like, um... distractions. Yeah.
Billy: Distractions.
Victoria: 'Cause I kind of have to focus right now on--on the divorce and--and what's going on with Reed and everything.
Billy: Yeah. Or maybe you can cut yourself a break, cut loose for a little while, have some fun, enjoy yourself.
Victoria: (Whispering) I already did that.
Billy: (Whispering) I know, but not--you know what? (Normal voice) Some people do it more that once.
Victoria: I don't know. No. (Normal voice) I shouldn’t. I can’t. I'm, um, I just can’t.
Billy: O-okay. Tell you what. You know what? There's nothing sexier than a secret tryst behind a mask.
Sharon: Stop it. I don't want to hear about what you want to do to Adam.
Nick: He brought this on himself.
Sharon: (Sighs) That's not the point, Nick. It doesn't matter. She's here. Our Faith is here, and that's all that matters. If I think about the things he did, all of the vicious-- and that I let myself love him...
Nick: Okay. Okay. You're right, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all of that.
Sharon: I'm not just doing this for myself, Nick. It--it's--it's for the baby. It's for our family. And yes, you know, Adam has stolen time... stolen time away from us that we would have had with Faith, and we will never get that back. But if we just dwell on that and we dwell on all the hate, then he's still stealing time from us now, and I'm not gonna let that happen.
Nick: (Sighs) Okay. It's not gonna be easy for me, though.
Sharon: No, of course not. But if we don't, then-- oh. Thank you so much. That's--that's perfect. Thank you.
Bonnie: You're welcome.
Nick: Is that for Dad?
Sharon: Yeah.
Faith: (Coos)
Nick: (Laughs)
Sharon: (Laughs) (Sighs) See? She's perfect. It's not gonna be easy to get past what Adam did. But for her sake...
Nick: I'll try... for my girl.
Adam: You win. I'm suffering just like you wanted me to. I'll bet you love this.
Victor: What kind of a man did you turn into? Ashley loved you, although I had my doubts about that. Sharon loved you when she was suffering the loss of her child. That Rafe fellow defended you. Heather obviously liked you very much. Let's not even mention what you did to Nicholas.
Adam: Oh, I don't want to hear about your real son.
Victor: You hurt them to get to me, didn't you?
Adam: Oh, are you kidding me? You're serious, Dad? The big, bad Victor Newman, the all-conquering playing wounded. You had me knocked unconscious and dragged in front of some vigilante kangaroo court. You and Nicholas-- the two of you are gonna pay for that. I'll call Dean Hunt. He shortened my house arrest. I'm sure he'll get me out of this one.
Victor: So why do you think he shortened your house arrest? Because I vouched for you. I'm not gonna make that mistake again. I called Dean's law firm. You're no longer on their client list.
Adam: What'd you do? Did you offer him money? Did you threaten him? That's what you do. You use money and threats. That's your M.O. Get out.
Victor: You don't give orders around here, Son. I ain't finished with you yet.
Traci: Here, try some of that.
Ashley: Yeah. I really lost it, didn't I?
Traci: Well, no one could blame you.
Ashley: I just wanted to shake Adam until he told me the truth.
Traci: Ashley, we are going to find out what happened to you that night. We will get the answers you need. I'm gonna call Steve. I'm gonna tell him I need more time, and then I'm gonna change my flight.
Ashley: Oh, Traci, no. You've already done so, so much for me. You know what? I need to do--I need to do the rest on my own.
Traci: What do you have in mind?
Ashley: I'm gonna go see Victor.
Victor: Listen carefully. I've talked to Michael Baldwin about my will. You've been formally disowned. Any trace of your existence will be removed from the ranch and the Newman offices. In other words, you have been erased. I wish I'd done it before you could cause all this much damage and cause this much pain. You're not my son anymore.
Adam: That's it? You're not gonna stand here like a man? You're gonna walk away, Dad?
(Door closes)
Adam: It's not over!
Adam: Nurse? (Sighs)
Adam: I need to get a message to someone right away. (Sniffles)
Mac: The dread pirate daddy won't mess with us again.
J.T.: Argh! That's what you think!
Mac: Argh!
J.T.: It's the tickle plank for you, Buddy!
Reed: (Giggles)
J.T.: The tickle plank.
Mac: I'll save you, Captain Reed.
J.T.: Oh! Oh, no!
Mac: Argh! Argh!
J.T.: (Laughs)
Reed: Argh!
Mac: Oh, he--
Reed: Argh.
J.T.: (Sighs) Mac was, uh, she was in the neighborhood after her checkup.
Victoria: Well, its fine, you know? It's really-- it's--you don't owe me an explanation or anything. It's fine.
J.T.: You saw that, right?
Victoria: Yeah. The ball. Mm-hmm.
J.T.: Well, you're gonna go, aren't you? I mean, your father's one of the hosts.
Reed: (Giggles)
Victoria: Are you gonna use it in the divorce against me-- me supporting my father, who's a bad influence on our son?
J.T.: Look, it's for a good cause, okay? I know how much you've looked forward to going to it, so go. Enjoy yourself.
Victoria: Do you mean that?
J.T.: Yeah. I mean, everybody needs a little fun sometimes, right?
Victoria: (Sighs) All right. (Sighs) Uh, I just remembered I have a-a call that I need to make.
Mac: (Whispers indistinctly)
Victoria: I'll be right back, Sweetie.
Mac: (Normal voice) Uh, I should get going. I'm sure Cane and Lily are anxious to hear about the baby.
J.T.: Hey, thank you. Honestly, Reed had a blast.
Mac: Anytime.
Victoria: Well, you don't have to be so cocky about it.
Billy: (Scoffs) You said you were going to the big shindig, and I'm just saying I knew all along.
Victoria: Well, I'm going, but I didn't say I was actually gonna talk to you there.
Billy: Who said anything about talking?
(Door opens)
Mac: Sorry.
Victoria: Bye.
Mac: Bye.
Victoria: I'll be there. (Laughs) Maybe I'll talk to you. Maybe I won’t.
Billy: Well, I like the sound of that. (Laughs)
Ashley: Hi.
Victor: If you're here to see Faith, uh, Sharon has taken her to the club to stay.
Ashley: Oh. She's not here.
Victor: No, I'm sorry. Want to come in?
Ashley: Yeah. I saw Adam today.
Victor: You did? Why would you have put yourself through that?
Ashley: (Sighs) Because, Victor, we were supposed to have a child, and something happened.
Victor: (Sighs)
Ashley: (Sniffles) You know, I mean, I have, uh, vague memories, but that's just not enough. The only person that has any answers is Adam. So I thought maybe I could go to him and I would beg him, and maybe somehow I could get through to him, and he would tell me. I was hoping.
Ashley: (Sniffles)
Victor: And he gave you nothing, did he? There's nothing to give. That man has no decency, no conscience, no remorse. The boy that's going to jail on Friday is someone I don't even know.
Ashley: (Sniffles) So now what? We never know what happened to our child?
Victor: I wish I could say otherwise, but I can’t.
Ashley: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Nick: So then Sharon took the baby to the club.
Phyllis: Yeah. So the doctor said that you and Sharon had to bond with Faith, and is that why she left the ranch so soon?
Nick: (Sighs) It wasn't because she didn't want you or my folks anywhere near the baby. It was because that's where Adam lived. It was just too hard for her there.
Phyllis: Hmm. So she's at a hotel with a baby. That's not easy.
Nick: No, it--the thing is none of this should have to be like this. Faith shouldn't have to adjust. Sharon shouldn't be getting nightmares because of Adam.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: I shouldn't have had to grieve over a child that I thought I'd lost. And Adam gets to be here instead of jail. It makes me want to go in his room--
Phyllis: And rip him apart. I understand. So do I. But you can't do that.
Nick: I know. Sharon said the same thing. We have to let it go for Faith.
Phyllis: Yeah, but this is about you. You don't want to be a man seeking revenge. That's a really miserable existence.
Patty: It was so wonderful to have a-a meal alone with you. Who would bring a ba-- (Sighs)
Jack: Sharon. Sharon and Faith.
Patty: Oh. Hello.
Jack: How you doing? How you--how are you both doing?
Sharon: Um, well, you know what? We're together, and, um, that's all that matters to me.
Jack: So you moved in here?
Sharon: Starting over again.
Jack: Well, if there's anything I can do to help, you--
Sharon: Thanks, Jack, but, you know, I... think we're gonna be just fine.
Jack: Oh, I know you are. You're smart, and you're loving, and you're one of the best mothers I've ever known. And if anyone can make this work for Faith, I'd say it's you. I meant what I said. If Emily and I can help in any way, let us know.
Patty: Of course.
(Cell phone rings)
Patty: Excuse me.
Jack: Oh.
Patty: Oh, I need to take this. Excuse me. (Sighs) Dr. Abbott.
Adam: Go on.
Woman: I have a message from Adam Newman.
Patty: I'm not interested. Adam is--is--is as sane as anyone else, and he--he--he needs to face the consequences of his actions.
Woman: He says to tell you he remembers the potting shed.
Patty: (Sighs) Well... (Scoffs) He clearly thinks he can spout this nonsense and--and make it all okay. Uh, n-no.
Woman: There's one more thing. Uh, I don't know what this means, but... meow.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: And the doctor wanted me to come in here and break the news to you.
Phyllis: What? What?
Owen: The jury pool's been tainted. Adam could walk because of you.
Patty: What was that? Is that a cat?
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