Y&R Transcript Friday 3/26/10 -- Canada; Monday 3/29/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9364 ~ Ashley Faces Her Demons
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Patty: Adam managed to interfere with my marriage too, and I took care of him. And now it's your turn.
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Oh, hey. What are you doing here?
Patty: Oh, hey. I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll just, uh--
Phyllis: Um, wait a second. Wait a second. Hello?
Nick: It's over. Faith is mine.
Phyllis: Oh, wow. Yeah. I mean, I-I knew it was gonna go that way. It's just too-- it's weird to hear it.
Nick: I know. I still can't believe it.
Phyllis: Where are you now?
Nick: I'm at the ranch with Sharon and the baby.
Phyllis: You, uh, tell Sharon, um, I’m-- I'm really happy for you both.
Nick: Okay, I'll see you soon.
Patty: I'm really sorry I startled you.
Phyllis: What are you doing here?
Ashley: (Sobs)
Jack: Handing Faith to Nick and Sharon was incredibly courageous, incredibly loving.
Ashley: I don't feel courageous. I feel like somebody's ripped my heart out of my body.
Jack: I wish there was something I could do to make it better.
Ashley: Jack, the house just seems so... empty. If I didn't have Abby, I don't know how I would go on.
Jack: Hey, listen, you want me to call Abby, have her come home?
Ashley: No, I don't want her to have to go through this. Jack, how am I gonna live without Faith?
Traci: You'll find a way.
Jack: Traci!
Ashley: Traci... (Voice breaking) My baby's gone. (Sobs)
Traci: Oh, I know. I know. I know.
Ashley: (Sighs) (Sobs)
Billy: (Grunts)
Victoria: (Sighs) What are we doing?
Billy: I don't know. Um, but I sure as hell don't want to stop right now. Come here.
Chance: Will you marry me? You'll make me the happiest guy in New York... stuck in a cab... (Chuckles) If you would just say "Yes."
Chloe: (Sighs) (Sighs) Um, no. (Sighs)
Victoria: Mm. (Scoffs) Seriously, what are we doing? I am still married, not to mention I am furious at you for that article in "Restless Style."
Billy: Yeah, I get the-- the "Married" part. Um, but how many times do I have to tell you that I didn't do it?
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: I mean, do you really think that I would hurt my sister like that?
Victoria: Well, it wouldn't be the first time that you published something despicable.
Billy: You know what? You're right. I am a coldhearted, nasty bastard. And I sat through that interrogation, and I watched my sister find out that "A," she was crazy, and "B," that wasn't her baby, all because of your brother. She raised that kid for six months-- wasn't hers. And you know what? I just couldn't wait to run home and jump on my computer and post it online, because, hey, really, it's just about the web hits, right?
Victoria: The bottom line is the kiss shouldn't have happened.
Billy: You are absolutely right.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Billy: Hey, when'd you get in?
Traci: (Chuckles) Hi. Just a few minutes ago.
Billy: Well, how? I was standing right out front.
Traci: No, I had-- I had the cab driver drop me off in the back. I thought it was easier with my bag.
Jack: You should tell us when you're coming.
Traci: I didn't have time to think about it. I got the first flight out as soon as you called.
Billy: Well, I'm glad you're here.
Ashley: So am I. I need my sister.
Jack: Hey, listen, why don't we give the girls a little chance to talk, huh?
Billy: Is that okay with you, Ash?
Ashley: I'm fine.
Billy: Okay, if, um, you need anything, day or night, you can call me at 4:00 in the morning. I'll be awake.
Ashley: Thanks, Billy.
Billy: I love you.
Ashley: I love you, too.
Traci: (Sighs)
(Front door closes)
Traci: Do you want me to take this and pack it with the rest of her things?
Ashley: I was supposed to give it to Sharon earlier it's one of Faith's favorites. How do I do this?
Traci: Oh, Honey.
Ashley: (Sighs)
Nick: Look what I have for you.
Sharon: (Gasps) Daddy made you a bottle.
Nick: Hope I did it right. It's been a while.
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Nick: Yeah.
Sharon: Do you know what a crucial change happened in your life tonight?
Nick: Well, at least she won't remember it. It's a blessing.
Sharon: You know, the specialist said that, um, early life stress can change Faith's behavior, even alter her brain anatomy, so how we handle this now is crucial to her adjustment.
Nick: Yeah, whatever it takes. You know, Phyllis and I should probably meet with the specialist, too, since Faith will be living with us part-time.
Sharon: Oh, um, about that, um, in order for Faith to make a real strong attachment to us, you and I need to be the only people who are hands-on with her for a while.
Patty: Um, I have a patient here in the hospital, and I just thought I would drop by and see you.
Phyllis: Oh.
Patty: Yeah.
Phyllis: Because we're such good friends?
Patty: Well, no, because you and Jack are, and I thought he would like me to, uh, look in on you.
Phyllis: Oh, well, he knows how I'm doing. He came to visit me already.
Patty: (Sighs) Okay, I should have known he would. (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Yeah.
Patty: He takes his, uh, obligations so seriously.
Phyllis: As he does his friendships.
Patty: Oh, God, that came out wrong. Of course he cares about you. It's just he's been spread so thin lately, between helping Ashley out with her horrible tragedy, and being a newlywed. That’s what's wonderful about Jack. Well, I'll let you rest. Um, it's good to see you’re doing so well.
Man: Oh, what, are you giving birth up there?
(Horns honking)
Chance: Wow, I didn't see that coming.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Chance: I mean, I didn't expect you to say "No," or say it so enthusiastically.
Chloe: Well, y-you know, you kind of caught me off guard, okay? Marriage?
Chance: What?
Chloe: Marriage?
Chance: Chloe, I'm not saying we have to get married tomorrow or anything. I'm just saying that just knowing that we have a future-- I mean, that's kind of important to me. Yeah, I've had lots of chances of having sex. Fine. Big deal, all right? But I wanted my first time to be meaningful. (Sighs)
Chloe: I just-- I thought that's-- I thought that's what we were doing. I thought that's what this was.
Chance: Yeah, well, when I started putting our trip together, I began to realize that I was planning for just one amazing night together. But what happens after that? I mean, do we just continue to have sex without any kind of commitment? Just keep going on our way? No, Chloe. That's not what I want. That's not how I want to live my life, so...
Chloe: (Sighs) I just wish you would have said something sooner, you know?
Chance: Look, Chloe, I love you. I love you. And I want our first time to be together. (Sighs) I want it to be with you. I mean, I-I-- this is all for you. I want my first time to be with you. I just want to know that our relationship is going forward, it's going somewhere.
Chloe: You just-- you're such a hopeless romantic. It's--
Chance: Yeah, and I thought you understood that.
Chloe: (Sighs) No, I obviously don’t. I... (Sighs) You know, and I feel like-- I feel a little sandbagged here. I'm beginning to think this entire trip was-- is just a mistake. I'm sorry. It was a mistake.
Chance: A mistake.
Ashley: Traci, Faith is getting so big. (Sighs) Did I tell you that she rolled from front to back this morning? (Chuckles) I was reaching for a diaper, and she just rolled right on over.
Traci: (Chuckles)
Ashley: I'd better call Sharon, huh? Let her know so that she's real careful with her on the changing table.
Traci: Ashley I know that Sharon will be careful.
Ashley: You know, Faith didn't know that those were our last moments together. (Sobs)
Traci: Oh, please--please don't think of it that way.
Ashley: (Voice breaking) I just-- what's gonna happen? She doesn't know why I gave her away, Traci. She doesn't know. She's just gonna think that Mommy's gone.
Traci: Okay, but... (Sighs) It's not like you'll never see her again.
Ashley: I--what's-- what's very confusing is that I-I want her to forget me.
Traci: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: You know, just so that she'll bond with Sharon and Nick, but it's just killing me to think that I'm not gonna mean anything to my little girl.
Traci: (Sighs)
Ashley: You know, I'm just gonna be the woman that took care of her before she was with her real family.
Traci: Oh, Ashley.
Ashley: (Sobs)
Traci: Listen. (Sniffles) When I lost Colleen... (Clears throat) I just about drove myself crazy trying to remember everything we said to each other the last time that we were together. I was so worried she wouldn't know how much I loved her.
Ashley: Oh, you know how much-- she knows how much, you know?
Traci: I-I know, but she brought so much joy to my life so I... (Sniffles) (Sighs) I wasn't there. The moment my daughter needed me the most, I wasn't there for her. So I begged God, please, just give me one more moment with her. Just one more moment. (Sniffles) (Sighs) But it never happened.
Ashley: (Sniffles)
Traci: And, Ashley, it never will, not until I leave this earth. But, Honey, you-- a-as painful as it was to give Faith up, you're blessed. She's not gone. You'll be able to watch her grow up and-- and then when she's old enough and the time is right, you'll be able to tell her how much you love her, and how much she's meant to you. (Sighs) (Sniffles) I would give anything... (Clears throat) (Sniffles) I would give everything if I had had a moment like that.
Ashley: I know. And you're right, it is such a blessing.
Traci: Yeah.
Ashley: It just hurts so much, Traci. It just hurts so much.
Traci: (Sobs) I know. I know.
Ashley: (Sniffles)
Traci: Oh.
Sharon: Of course, Phyllis will have some involvement in Faith's life. She's going to be her stepmother, but not for the next few months. The specialist said that it is crucial that Faith bond with you and me first. It's called attachment bonding, and it's what they do with newly adoptive parents.
Nick: Which means what, exactly?
Sharon: That you and I need to be the ones to meet her needs. We need to be the ones changing her and feeding her, holding her, everything. Here, there's this information I got in this envelope for you to read.
Nick: (Sighs)
Sharon: But bonding in infancy with the parents is--is really crucial. It helps the child grow up feeling secure, and gives her the ability to cope with responsibility and to have meaningful relationships.
Nick: Okay, well, I'll do whatever needs to be done, but you need to accept that there are gonna be times when Phyllis is gonna have to care for Faith since she will be living with us part-time.
Sharon: I do. I will. But just not yet, and not for a while.
Patty: Jack? Jack?
(Cell phone rings)
Patty: (Sighs) Hi, Honey. Where are you?
Jack: I'm on my way home. Listen, I was hoping we could pick up on our discussion from this afternoon.
Patty: (Sighs) Jack, I-I thought we moved past that. I said I was sorry.
Jack: It's not just what you said earlier. It's--its several things.
Patty: Such as?
Jack: You're not acting like yourself, Emily. Look, we'll talk when I get home, okay?
Patty: I'll be here.
Jack: Bye.
Patty: (Breathing heavily)
Patty: Wants me to be like you. I wish I could just take his brain out of his head and--and wash all the memories of Emily out of it. He needs to remember why he loves me, why we're such a perfect couple. (Sighs) And you know what? I may know the way.
Chloe: Yeah, we're still in the cab, Mom. Yeah, okay, I'll call-- yeah, I'll call you later. Give her a kiss for me, okay? Bye. Delia couldn't fall asleep without her ragdoll, the one that you gave her for her birthday.
Chance: Chloe, we can't ignore this. We have to talk about it.
Chloe: Okay, let's talk. Talk.
Chance: Mm. (Sighs) You're right. We should have talked about marriage before getting on the airplane. I should have brought it up. (Sighs) But I didn't, because I thought you would go along with it. I thought you were okay with it. I mean-- I mean, have things changed? I mean, are you not in love with me anymore? Do you not feel the same? Is that what this is?
Chloe: No. No. I love you. I love you I just-- I don't know if I'm ready to commit again, and I-I just-- I thought that you knew that, and the--the fact that we are-- I mean, we missed each other completely.
Chance: Okay. Okay. Well, then it's no big deal. I mean, we... (Chuckles) We just got our signals crossed. And we weren't--
Chloe: We're--yeah, no. More like we're on, like, totally different planets right now. Look, I had--
Chance: Wow.
Chloe: Listen to me. I understand that you can't-- you know, you don't want to have casual sex. That--that's-- I under--I get that part, okay? But you want the symbol of "Forever" to be attached to it, and I have done "Forever," okay? I've done "Forever" twice, and they didn't last very long, and I just--I just-- I don't know if I'm ready to do that again. I'm-- I can't do that again.
Chance: Cane and Billy married you for the sake of Delia. Chloe, this is different. I'm asking you to marry me because I believe that you are the most amazing, incredible woman in the world, all right? You're--you're smart. You're funny as hell. You're loving. You're--you're nurturing. I mean, the way you deal with Delia and the way you take care of her and protect her, I mean, those the things that I look for when--about the woman that I want to have kids with.
Chloe: Kids?
Chance: Yes.
Chloe: Now you're talking about kids?
Chance: Well, no, no.
Chloe: Okay, you're really gettin' ahead of yourself. Kids?
Chance: I know this. Just stop, okay? I'm--I'm just saying...
Chloe: (Sighs)
Chance: Chloe, when I got back, I wasn't expecting to meet someone as amazing as you. I want to give you everything. I would do everything I could in my power to give you what you wanted. And, frankly, I think that's what's freaking you out. I think for you, it's easier to hide behind your past than it is to take a risk.
Chloe: That's what you think?
Chance: I'm just saying, look at me. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not gonna let you down. I am not gonna disappear.
Chloe: It's just not realistic.
Chance: Well, maybe you're the one that's not being realistic. Yeah, your marriages failed, and I am sorry for that.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Chance: But I am not Cane. I am not Billy. Chloe, this could work. This really, really can work, but you have to want it. All I want--
Man: Okay, they're moving. Finally.
Chance: Just say, "Yes."
Chloe: (Sighs)
Chance: So I guess your silence means the answer is still "No."
Chloe: (Sighs) Yeah, it does.
Chloe: You're right, I'm scared. I'm scared... (Sighs) That Delia might get hurt, and I don't want to put her through that again. I'm scared that we're not gonna work out. I'm scared. I just think that we have a better shot at making it if we don't get married.
Chance: That's so cynical, though.
Chloe: (Sighs) Well, you know, you would be, too, if you had my track record.
Chance: Well, then you should trust me, because I am doing it the right way.
Chloe: You-- you look at marriage like-- like it's--it's-- it's not like it's in the movies, you know? You--I don't just say, "Yes," and then, you know, we run off and live happily ever after. That's not the way that it works.
Chance: No, well, not unless you give it a fair shake. (Sighs)
Chloe: Chance, I ---
Chance: No, you know what? You've-- you've made up your mind.
Chloe: Yeah, I guess I have.
Man: Just 1 more block.
Chloe: (Sighs) So now what? What do you want to do?
Chance: Do you want to go home?
Chloe: (Whispers) Yeah.
Chance: Take us back to the airport, please.
Man: It's your nickel.
Sharon: Here you go, Sweetie. Mommy's here. The doctor said that it's important to keep reinforcing my bond with Faith, so I don't think I should spend any nights apart from her for a while.
Nick: Yeah. Well, at least you'll be at the ranch where I can drop in on you any time I want.
Sharon: Actually, I think I'm gonna move to the Athletic Club until I find a place of my own.
Nick: Why?
Sharon: Well, as nice as it is of your father to let us stay here, you know, he's seeing the baby that he lost every day, and I don't want him hurting any more than he already is.
Nick: (Sighs) You're making it harder for me to see my daughter and spend time with her.
Sharon: No, I don't want that. I-I really want you to see her as much as possible. Just please understand.
Nick: Yeah, I do. I do. Faith comes first right now.
Sharon: Thank you.
Nick: I just hope Phyllis understands this as much as I do.
Jack: Em? Emily?
Jack: Em?
Patty: Here I am.
Jack: What's that?
Patty: It's my wedding bouquet. I wanted to remind you that I'm still the woman you married.
Ashley: I'm okay. Aunt Traci’s taking really good care of me. Abby, you know, I love you so, so much, okay? I love you, and I'll see you soon. Bye, Honey. (Sighs)
Traci: Victor told her?
Ashley: He couldn't just wait until she was home?
Traci: How's she doing?
Ashley: She's worried about me, of course. I know this has to be brutal, though, and it's so hard on her. She loves Faith so much. She loves having a baby sister. After losing Brad and Colleen... oh, my God.
Traci: This family has suffered so much loss.
Ashley: I haven't even begun to deal with... what happened to the child I was carrying.
Traci: Ashley, do you-- do you think that Dr. Taylor was telling the truth about the miscarriage?
Ashley: I don't know. I do remember falling, but nothing else.
Traci: Well, it certainly would explain some things.
Ashley: I know, but, you know, Adam... (Sighs) He swears--
Traci: (Sighs)
Ashley: He does. He said I had a healthy baby girl, Traci. What if he's not lying? What if my child is out there somewhere?
Traci: Why in the world would Dr. Taylor lie? Dictate a deathbed confession--
Ashley: I don't know. Maybe he was getting back at Adam for blackmailing him. Who--who knows?
Traci: Well, we can speculate about this forever. But you are not gonna have any peace until you find out whether you miscarried. All right. (Clears throat) Ashley, get your coat.
Ashley: Where are we going?
Traci: We're going to go see your doctor.
Ashley: Traci, I don't have an appointment.
Traci: Oh, come on. (Chuckles) Ashley, we will call her on the way, and she will fit you in. You have got to have some answers. Come on.
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey.
Nick: Want some company?
Phyllis: Yeah. Shouldn't you be with Faith?
Nick: Eh, she crashed out in her crib. Sides, I wanted to come and see my hot wife. I like that cast.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) Sexy. So, um, you missed Daniel. He was here and-- and Summer made me this.
Nick: She is getting so good with these letters.
Phyllis: I know. She's really great. How are we gonna tell her that she has a little sister?
Nick: I put a call in to Dr. Gallatin, so he can help us.
Phyllis: Um, I figure we should have a-a nursery at the house for your daughter, for Faith, so, um, she can help me with that. Summer can help me, and--and I have some decorating ideas.
Nick: Well, we have lots of time for that. It's gonna be a while before Faith is able to come and stay with us.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, definitely. If I were Sharon, I wouldn't want to let her out of my sight.
Nick: Yeah. (Sighs) So, um.. (Claps, rubs hands together) I don't want you to take this the wrong way, okay?
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: But for the time being, the only people who should be bonding with Faith are me and Sharon.
Patty: I know things have been off with us lately. And when you said on the phone that I haven't been myself, well, you're right. I don't sleep well without you in our bed.
Jack: I had to be there for my sister.
Patty: Of course you did, Sweetheart. She needed you. There's nothing more painful than having your baby ripped away from you.
Jack: Do you understand? I am worried sick that my sister could go back over the edge again.
Patty: Jack, I am well aware of that.
Jack: Are you? (Stammers) Think about your patients whose grasp on sanity is tenuous at be-- Patty-- Patty's a perfect example. Here's someone desperately trying to hold on to one point in time that was unbearable when it happened. I don't want that to happen to my sister. I don't want my sister to turn out as nuts as Patty.
Patty: Let's not use the word "Nuts." (Sighs) It's derogatory.
Jack: Honey, I was trying to make a point.
Patty: I get it. I really get it, Jack. I was insensitive. It won't happen again.
Jack: Honey, you've said a number of things lately that I--just surprise me.
Patty: Yes, but we both have been under an enormous amount of stress lately.
Jack: I don't want to lose what we have.
Patty: I'm not going anywhere, Jack, which is why I will be taking your name exclusively. From now on, I am "Dr. Emily Abbott." What?
Jack: Well-- (Stammers) You always said that it was important that we keep our separate identities. I-I don't know. I guess I'm just surprised. You--I guess I still have a lot to learn about you.
Patty: Think about how much fun it will be discovering everything between us.
Jack: Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention or asking enough questions.
Patty: Mm.
Jack: (Chuckles) I was riding home. I was thinking about our day of skating, all the surprises...
Patty: (Chuckles)
Jack: That you played hockey.
Patty: (Laughs)
Jack: You never told me what position you played
Patty: Oh. (Sighs) What-- I don’t--I don't want to talk about my life before this. It pales compared to what I have right here, right now. Remember our wedding night?
Jack: Oh, yeah.
Patty: Yeah? It was perfect. (Chuckles) I never wanted to leave that bed.
Jack: Neither did I.
Patty: Mm.
Billy: Well, you tell her to get her butt out of there. We don't have anybody else covering Russian fashion week. What do I pay you people for? I don't understand this.
(Knock on door)
Billy: (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Look, I gotta go. Uh, look, if you're here to tell me what a jerk I am or what a screw-up I am, you can--
Victoria: I was thinking about what you said, about... (Sighs) Wasting your life if you don't do what your gut tells you.
Billy: Yeah, well, I heard it on the radio. Some shrink said it, so...
Victoria: Just wonder how it's possible to loathe someone and to always want to be around them.
Billy: What?
Billy: (Sighs)
Victoria: Oh, my God, you're a slob.
Billy: Yeah, well, you're uptight. I don't hold that against you. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you--are you sure, um-- oh.
Victoria: Shut up and kiss me.
Nick: Sharon and I are Faith's parents. And if anyone else takes care of her, it could prevent or delay her bonding with us, which is essential for her development.
Phyllis: Listen, I get it. I totally understand that. Whatever's best for your daughter, I get it. So if it means I can't hold her or feed her or change her diapers for a few months, I'm completely fine with that.
Nick: Well, it's not like you're not gonna get to see her.
Phyllis: Exactly. She'll be at the main house.
Nick: Well, you know, actually, Sharon is moving.
Phyllis: Oh, she got a place?
Nick: Uh, she's gonna stay at the Athletic Club temporarily until she can get a place of her own.
Phyllis: And what if you want to spend the night with your daughter?
Nick: (Sighs) I won't, not for a while.
Phyllis: You're okay with that?
Nick: Well, as long as I get to see her a lot during the day. Okay, I should let you get some rest, so I'll go. Can I get you a pizza or anything?
Phyllis: No, Daniel brought me food. It's okay. Go spend time with your daughter. It's fine.
Nick: Have I told you lately, um, how much I love you?
Phyllis: Lately? Yeah, I like hearing it.
Traci: Ashley, you didn't say a word in the car.
Ashley: I'm just in shock. I can't believe how out of touch I was with my body.
Traci: Well, you were--
Ashley: I mean, not to know that I had miscarried my own child, Traci?
Traci: You were protecting yourself from a horrible memory.
Ashley: But for my mind to convince my body that it was pregnant? Traci, I had a baby belly. I had one, a real baby belly, and I felt the labor pains. They were real.
Traci: You heard what the doctor said. Hysterical pregnancies really do happen.
Ashley: (Scoffs) I still feel so stupid.
Traci: Ashley, you're not. You're just trying to protect yourself from the pain of your loss.
Ashley: (Voice breaking) But this is so much worse having to give up my baby. I mean... (Normal voice) I'm sorry. I just don't know how to make this pain go away. (Sobs)
Traci: Ashley, it never really does go away. You just have to make peace with it.
Ashley: I don't know how to do that. How do you find closure? (Sniffles)
Traci: First of all, you have to say good-bye.
Chloe: I'm sorry. Look, I'm sorry.
Chance: Me, too.
Chloe: You know, this doesn't change the way I feel about you.
Chance: Good night, Chloe. Sleep well.
Chloe: Yeah. (Sighs)
Billy: (Chuckles)
Billy: Um, are--
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Are you leaving?
Victoria: Um, yeah. I should probably.
Billy: Okay, well, um...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: I'm glad you came over. (Chuckles)
Victoria: Yeah, me, too.
Billy: No regrets?
Victoria: Uh, no, none. Nope.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: But, um, it probably shouldn't-- shouldn't happen again, so...
Billy: Yeah. Yeah. No, it--it shouldn’t' for so many reasons. We can't do that again.
Victoria: No. No. No, never.
Billy: Never.
Victoria: (Laughs) No, never.
Billy: Never ever? Maybe once. Mm.
Patty: (Sighs) You feel better?
Jack: (Sighs) Yeah, I just think I missed the loving, wonderful, compassionate woman I fell for.
Patty: Yeah? Well, she's been here the whole time. Mm.
Jack: Mm.
Patty: Do you want to take this upstairs?
Jack: How about I get a bottle of wine for us, and then we take it upstairs?
Patty: Okay.
Jack: I'll meet you there.
Patty: Mm.
Patty: (Singsong voice) Too bad, so sad. Jack is mine again. (Whispers) You lose. Loser. (Laughs)
Phyllis: "The bonding process can take weeks, months, even years to develop." (Sighs)
Faith: (Fusses)
Sharon: Its okay, Honey. Mommy's here. Mommy's got you. You've got your favorite yellow blanket. Yeah.
Nick: Where is our little girl?
Sharon: (Sighs) Nick, I thought you weren't coming back.
Nick: I couldn't stay away.
Sharon: (Sighs) Oh, I think she misses Ashley.
Nick: Can I hold her?
Sharon: Yeah, here.
Nick: Come here, Beautiful. (Sighs) Why, hello. Hi. Daddy sure missed you.
Sharon: (Chuckles) You got your daddy?
Nick: Daddy sure missed you. I love you so much. Yeah, I do. Yeah.
Traci: Now, letting go of the balloon sort of symbolically represents letting go of the baby. Now I-I know it seems kind of simple, but when we did this at Colleen's wake, it really, really helped me.
Ashley: Okay. (Sighs) You know what? I just can't do it. I'm not ready. Traci, when you did it, you had answers, and I don’t. And I ca-- I can't move on until I know what happened to my child. I mean, where is she now?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: Are you seeing someone? Oh, God, you're totally seeing someone.
Victor: The boy that's going to jail on Friday is someone I don't even know.
Ashley: We'll never know what happened to our child.
Nick: Leaving makes sense, but not right now. It's the last thing you should do.
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