Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/25/10 -- Canada; Friday 3/26/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9363 ~ Faith's Maternity Is Revealed
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Phyllis: So are you gonna have time to see Summer before you meet everybody at Ashley's?
Nick: That's my next stop.
Phyllis: Mm. Good. She'll like that. So I imagine it's gonna be a pretty late night after the D.N.A. results come in, right?
Nick: Yeah. Yeah. It’s still so hard to believe that my baby might be alive, if it turns out that Faith is, in fact, mine.
Phyllis: I know she's yours. And you're gonna know it, too, when, um, you get the call from the lab, and that's gonna be quite a moment for you.
Nick: Yeah. As amazing as it will be, I can't stop thinking about Dad and Ashley. I mean, to lose a child that you always thought was yours... how do you get over something like that?
Nikki: So what time are you planning on heading over there?
Victor: Soon. What are your plans for the evening?
Nikki: I haven't even thought that far ahead. If there's anything I can do to help you get through this, please tell me.
Victor: (Sighs) You're doing it already.
(Doorbell rings)
Victor: You expecting anyone?
Nikki: No.
Victor: Hmm, let me see.
Sharon: Hi, Victor.
Victor: Sharon, come in.
Sharon: Okay.
Victor: What can we do for you?
Sharon: Well, before we all head over to Ashley's, I just wanted to say how sorry I am.
Victor: Thank you.
Nikki: That's very kind of you, Sharon.
Victor: Well, you must be very happy about the possibility of being reunited with your baby.
Sharon: Let's just see how the test results come out first.
(Front door closes)
Victor: Okay.
Victoria: Have any of you seen this? Evening "Chronicle"-- interview with Adam, page one.
Sharon: What interview with Adam?
Victoria: Jill Abbott did a sit-down with him. Then she posted it online. The mainstream media picked it up. Did anybody know about this?
Nikki: Your father warned me about it.
Sharon: Here, let me see. "Newman family intervention takes sinister turn." How did this happen?
(Front door opens)
Billy: Hey. Didn't you hear me ringing the bell? Okay, look, I can explain this.
Ashley: You have an explanation for everything, don't you?
Billy: Look, this was Mom's idea. She wanted to do this interview, and I told her no. No way. And she did it anyway, okay? I wouldn't do this. The second that I saw it online, I pulled it off. I love you too much to hurt you like this.
Ashley: Just stop it, okay? Just stop it!
Billy: (Groans)
Patty: I've hardly seen Jack all week. Everything is Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. You know, it's sad about her and the baby. But come on. Enough is enough! When I don't have my Jackie time, I get cranky. And it's hard being "Miss Emily perfect" when you're cranky. What are you laughing at?
(Door opens)
Patty: (Sighs) Oh... (Laughs) You are here! Oh, I'm so happy to see you.
Jack: Oh, I'm happy to see you, too.
Patty: (Sighs) Okay, so now that you're home, I want you all to myself. Should we, um, order in some dinner and then open up a nice bottle of wine?
Jack: Th-that's gonna have to wait till another night. The D.N.A. test results are coming out soon. I just came home to pick up a couple of things. I promised Ashley we'd be together when she got the news.
Patty: But you've been spending all this time with Ashley. I almost forgot what you looked like.
Jack: Wow, I can't believe you just said that. Um...
Patty: I didn't mean it the way it sounded. I-I'm sorry. I know Ashley's under an enormous amount of stress--
Jack: Stre--stress? Hell. Ashley could very well lose a child she has raised since birth. My God, you know her history.
Patty: Okay, Jack, please. Please, I-I didn't mean for you to get all worked up. (Sighs) I just miss my husband, and I expressed it inappropriately. I know--I know Ashley's history. And I understand that you need to be there for her. She's very lucky to have you as her brother.
Jack: (Sighs)
Chloe: Do you-- (Chuckles) Seriously? (Coughs) That's--that's great incense. Thank you. I-I love that. Is that sandalwood?
Man: Yes.
Chloe: (Sighs) Oh, New York! (Squeals) I love New York. I'm so happy I'm in New York again.
Chance: (Laughs)
Chloe: Oh, my goodness. I--you know, if you are trying to get lucky, you--you did way good.
Chance: Well, I told you I wanted our first time to be memorable, so...
Chloe: And it is. It's gonna be more than memorable. Mwah.
Chance: Mwah!
Chloe: So where are we going? 'Cause you--you told him that we were going to Soho?
Chance: Uh, yeah, I did. We are going to the "Gains-Vort" Hotel.
Chloe: The-- (Laughs)
Chance: What?
Chloe: It's the Gansevoort.
Chance: The Gansevoort. What'd I say?
Chloe: The Gansevoort, not "Gains-a-vort." It's the Gansevoort hotel...
Chance: "Gans-a-vort," yeah.
Chloe: Which happens to be my favorite hotel. It's the best area. Um, I-- you know, that used to be all, like, uh, warehouses, and-- and now it has the best clubs, and the shopping--
Chance: Shopping?
Chloe: Oh, my God, the shopping is amazing.
Chance: That good, huh? So what you're saying is I did good?
Chloe: You did-- you did better than good.
Chance: Okay.
Chloe: You did so good.
Chance: Mm.
Chloe: Mwah. And, my friend, I give you full permission to drive like a maniac. Get there as soon as possible. Thank you.
Man: (Chuckles) In this traffic?
Chance: (Chuckles) Just get us there safely, please.
Chloe: Yes, 'cause I am so gonna drag you into that bed.
Chance: Are you?
Chloe: Mm. Mm-hmm.
Chance: Well, hold on. Hold-- hold on a second, gorgeous. I told you I had a few surprises in store for you, okay?
Chloe: Hmm. Okay, so after we freshen up and then we eat a snack, then what? Then what?
Chance: Afterwards, I got us tickets to the theater.
Chloe: You did? To what? What are we gonna see?
Chance: Uh, "Love, loss and what I wore." For some reason, it just reminded me of you.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Chance: (Chuckles)
Chloe: I heard that the buzz on that show is unbelievable. That's awesome.
Chance: Yeah, well, I'm glad you, uh, I'm glad you like it. Afterwards, we're gonna take a stroll down to a late supper.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Chance: And then I got us on the guest list for the Boom Boom Room.
Chloe: What?
Chance: Yeah.
Chloe: What do you mean the-- how did you get us into the Boom Boom Room?
Chance: Uh...
Chloe: That's, like, the hottest club in New York, and--I am so confused. You know what? Never mind. I don't even want to know. I'm just gonna sit back and swoon.
Chance: (Chuckles) That works for me.
Chloe: (Chuckles) And then speaking of... when are we gonna...
Chance: When are we gonna what?
Chloe: When are we gonna, you know...
Chance: (Chuckles) After the club we're going to.
Chloe: After the club?
Chance: After the club.
Chloe: You know, I don't know. It's really-- I mean, we need to reorder the night's events.
Chance: Really?
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Well, if you keep that up, I might have to agree with you.
Man: (Chuckles) Ah, young love. How long have you two been together?
Chance: A few months.
Chloe: Yeah, but it kind of feels like our first date. (Chuckles)
Nikki: Jill admitted it was all her doing.
Victor: Well, it doesn't make any difference. It is Billy's magazine, so he's ultimately responsible.
Victoria: Yes, but he wasn't even mentioned in Jill's article. It's like he wasn't even at the cabin with us.
Nikki: Sharon? Sharon, are you all right?
Sharon: I just can't stop thinking about Ashley. How could Billy publicize her personal tragedy like this?
Victor: Because that boy is every bit as loathsome as his brother Jack. That's why.
Nikki: At least Jack is loyal to his family.
Victor: Okay.
Nikki: All Billy cares about is selling magazines.
Sharon: I'm gonna let Nick know.
Phyllis: No. No, it is a flying horse the size of a bee. That's what she said.
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: Are you gonna answer that?
Nick: Uh, yes. Hey, Sharon, what's up? Are you at Ashley's already?
Sharon: Well, because you don't sound furious, I'm guessing that you haven't read the evening "Chronicle."
Nick: No. What now?
Sharon: Well, Jill interviewed Adam for "Restless Style," and he gave his side of the story, including what happened up at the cabin.
Nick: Are you kidding me?
Sharon: Billy denied having anything to do with the article.
Nick: Well, of course. I mean, he's just the publisher of the magazine, right? Give me a break.
Sharon: He pulled it off the web site right away, but it was too late. The damage was already done. It went viral. "The Chronicle" has picked it up. If this were any other night, Jill would be a dead woman.
Nick: Yeah, I, uh, I know what you mean. Okay, I'll see you soon.
Phyllis: What happened?
Nick: Uh, it's just Billy Abbott's latest stunt. You know, if he keeps this up, he's not gonna have any family members left to offend.
Billy: Ash, you have to believe me. I didn't want this to happen.
Ashley: Enough, Billy, okay? Look, you want to be absolved of your guilt? I absolve you. Whatever it takes to get you to drop it, (Voice breaking) Because I can't deal with it right now, okay? I'm on the verge... (Sniffles) Of maybe losing my little girl. You know what? It breaks my heart, 'cause I should be planning the future with my daughter. Instead, I have to pack up her things in case she's gonna leave this house forever. (Sighs) Her whole world's gonna be turned upside down, Billy. And I don't have any way of explaining it to her. So I don't give a damn about your magazine. I don't care. (Sniffles) I don't care about your apologies. Can you tell me, how do I make this horrible situation-- how do I live with it? How do I make it bearable? (Sobs)
Billy: I don't know. I'm sorry.
Ashley: (Sobs) (Sighs) I gotta go see my baby.
Billy: Okay.
Ashley: Okay?
Billy: Yeah. (Hits edge of table)
Patty: Of course my heart goes out to Ashley. But we're newlyweds, and I haven't seen you in days. (Sighs) That sounded selfish, didn't it? You know, again, I apologize.
Jack: I just find it shocking that you can even for one moment make this about yourself after everything my sister has been through.
Patty: Okay, I get it. I get it, all right? Please, just forgive me. I'm s--
Jack: You know, I-I don't have time for this. I'm gonna grab a few things, and I gotta go.
Patty: (Sighs) (Sighs) What did you tell him about me? He thinks I'm crazy. I thought you were my friend.
Patty: (Sighs) Jack's right. It's Adam's fault. (Chuckles) And how convenient-- he's my patient.
Woman: If you continue to refuse to eat, we'll have to give you a nasogastric tube. (Sighs)
Phyllis: Listen, once you get the confirmation that Faith is yours and she's in your arms, everything's gonna fall into place for you.
Nick: You have been so incredible through this whole thing. I mean, if it wasn't for you, none of this would have happened.
Phyllis: Yeah, that's what you keep on telling me.
Nick: Well, you'd better get used to it, 'cause I intend to spend a lot of time thanking you...
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Nick: Like, multiple times.
Phyllis: Times? (Laughs) I love you.
Nick: I love you.
(Door opens)
Nick: So I'll, uh-- hey, Jack.
Phyllis: Hey.
Nick: I'm kinda surprised to see you here.
Jack: Yeah, I wanted to check on Red, and see how she was doing.
Nick: All right, well, uh, I'll see you over at Ashley's then?
Jack: Yeah. So how are you doing? Any insecurities?
Phyllis: This isn't about me. You know, I made a decision to trust my husband and support my husband, and that's what I'm doing.
Jack: Well... well, I'm proud of you.
Phyllis: The person we should be thinking about is Ashley. How is she doing?
Jack: Well, I'm not gonna lie. I'm scared.
Phyllis: I don't know. Maybe Emily could talk to her and help her out?
Jack: (Sighs) Maybe I'm overreacting. Emily just doesn't seem herself these days.
Phyllis: Hmm, well, we all have our moments.
Jack: Yeah, I-I guess.
Patty: I thought you were in such a hurry to get to Ashley. What are you doing here with her?
Jack: It's-- it's weird, though. It's almost like Emily's jealous.
Phyllis: Of Ashley?
Jack: Yeah, is that bizarre, or what?
Phyllis: Well, maybe Emily didn't mean it the way she said it.
Jack: Uh, yeah, maybe. I--she just keeps saying and doing things that really throw me. I mean, it's very unsettling.
Phyllis: Well, Jack, I-I hate to tell you this, but you kind of rushed into this marriage. That could be the problem.
Jack: No, no, no. When we first started up, it was like we'd known each other our entire lives. I guess just there's a lot to Emily that I don't know about yet and I'm just now learning, not all of it wonderful.
Patty: (Whispers) Meddling bitch.
Man: Evening, Dr. Peterson.
Patty: (Sighs) (Normal voice) I'm Dr. Abbott now.
Man: Sorry. Is everything okay?
Patty: Yeah, it's fine. I'm here to see a patient of mine.
(Car horns honking)
Chloe: (Sighs) How long have we been sitting here? I--can you--can you at least-- can you try to go around or something?
Man: You're from New York, right?
Chloe: Y--
Man: You know how it is.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Chance: Life in the big city.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Man: (Chuckles) Especially when it rains.
Chloe: I predict that we are going to miss our curtain if this cab doesn't start moving.
Chance: Hey, look, don't stress. We'll get there.
Chloe: Okay.
Chance: Okay?
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Does it matter which blankie?
Ashley: The yellow one, Billy. Hey, Sweet Pea. Hi, my little sweet potato. You got a big, big night.
Faith: (Coughs)
Ashley: Whoo. You got a big, big night ahead of you. Lots of people are comin' over tonight that love you. And we're gonna find out who's lucky enough to get to keep you forever. I hope it's me, 'cause I love you more than anything in the world. But if it's not me, and if it's Nick and Sharon, then you know what? (Sniffles) They're gonna give you a wonderful life. (Sighs) I just hope that maybe there's some part of you somewhere that'll remember some of the time we spent together. (Voice cracks) My Faith. (Sniffles) (Whispering) 'cause I just love being your mommy so much. It meant the world to me.
(Doorbell rings)
Ashley: Oh, God. (Sniffles) Oh, God.
Billy: Hey, I found your, uh—
Nikki: Hey, up for visitors?
Phyllis: Hey! Sure. Wow, with everything that's going on...
Nikki: Yeah, I spent the day with Victor. Now he's over at Ashley's with everybody.
Phyllis: Got it.
Nikki: Anyway, I thought you could use some company.
Phyllis: Thanks. If anyone knows what I'm going through, right?
Nikki: I wish I could promise you that it'll be easy, but you and I both know I can’t.
Phyllis: Just your being here means a lot to me.
Billy: Um... I could make coffee. If anybody wants some coffee, I could make...
Sharon: Not to get ahead of our--
Ashley: I don't want to jump the gun--
Sharon: Oh, you go ahead.
Ashley: Uh, just in case, I just--I went ahead and wrote down a sch-- her schedule.
Sharon: Oh.
Nick: Thank you. We appreciate that.
Sharon: Um, I-I spoke to a specialist about how to make this easier on Faith. I-I mean, should it come to that.
(Doorbell rings)
Nick: I-I'll get that.
Billy: (Quietly) It's kind of hard to watch, huh?
Victoria: (Quietly) Don't talk to me.
Jack: I take it no one's heard anything yet?
Victor: No, we are still waiting.
Jack: Here, let me call the lab, see what I can find out.
Victor: What did that specialist say about the timing?
Sharon: Given Faith's age, um, he said that a clean break would be best for her in the long run. But, of course, I'm open to what everyone thinks.
Nick: So am I.
Victor: What do you think?
Ashley: I think we're all making too many assumptions. I mean, we haven't even seen the test results yet.
Woman: I'm glad you're back, Doctor. He's been very depressed-- refuses to eat anything.
Patty: Hmm. Well, thank you. Let me take over, okay?
Woman: Okay.
Patty: Hello, Adam. It's Dr. Abbott.
Adam: Leave me alone.
Patty: Why aren't you eating?
Adam: I'm not hungry. I don't want food. I don't want anything. I just want to die.
Patty: You sleeping okay?
Adam: I'm not sleeping. When I do, I have nightmares. When I'm awake, it's not much better. They're all trying to get me.
Patty: Who, Adam?
Adam: Everyone. They're all trying to kill me.
Patty: And why do you suppose that is?
Adam: When it's dark, and it's late, and I'm all alone, and there's no one here, that's when the voices start, the whispering. That's--that's when they're comin' for me. I just wish they'd take me, just take me away. I'd rather die than be without Sharon. I'd just rather die.
Patty: Hmm. Well, your mental state has, uh, deteriorated dramatically since our last visit. You're showing symptoms of depression, acute paranoia. You're delusional and self-destructive. Either you're having a psychotic break...
Adam: Ow! What the-- woman, you are crazy!
Patty: Or you're faking it, just like I thought. Hmm. You've been putting on a charade, hoping to avoid prosecution. Fortunately, I can see right through you.
Adam: This is about Jack hating my guts. I knew you couldn't be objective. You are the last person who should have been assigned to my case.
Patty: Yeah, but I was. Sorry, Adam. (Chuckles) No comfy psych ward for you.
Adam: So that's it? You're done? You pinch my arm? That's the extent of your psychiatric evaluation? You are a class act, Doc.
Patty: Well, when I file my paperwork, I'll be recommending immediate incarceration pending trial. (Laughs) You think you're living in a nightmare now? (Whispers) Just you wait.
Phyllis: So Nick said he'd call. I really don't expect him to.
Nikki: Phyllis, he loves you. And if I learned anything through all those years with Victor, it's that if two people are supposed to be together, they will be.
Phyllis: You know, when I learned that Faith was Nick's baby, my first thought was, okay, well, it's over. He's gonna go running off to Sharon. This marriage is done. But I know he loves me. And you know I'm a fighter. And nothing-- nothing is more precious than my family.
Victor: You've given me so much joy. Hmm? Yes, I just adore you. I just adore you. That's right. You're such a beautiful girl. Hmm?
[Ashley remembering]
Victor: I can feel the little heartbeat.
Ashley: (Laughs) You can?
Victor: Yeah, just-- right under my hand. I can. I'm serious.
Ashley: Really? (Laughs)
Victor: Wow.
Ashley: Oh.
Victor: You don't believe me?
Ashley: I never thought it could happen again.
Victor: Mm.
Ashley: But it has.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: I mean, it's real. I just hope that if something did go wrong or something...
Victor: Will you stop talking about that?
Ashley: I'm sorry. I can't help it.
Victor: I don't want you to worry about a damn thing, okay? You're with me now. I'll take care of everything.
(Front door slams)
Billy: Hey, are those the, um...
Jack: D.N.A. test.
Nick: That was quick.
Sharon: Who's gonna open them?
Victoria: Daddy?
Victor: Come here. There we go.
Ashley: (Whispers) Its okay, Baby.
Victor: (Sighs) The D.N.A... test results...
Ashley: Yeah?
Victor: Say that Faith is Nicholas and Sharon's child.
Ashley: (Sobs)
Sharon: Oh, my gosh.
Billy: It's okay. Ash, we're here for you, okay?
Jack: It's gonna be okay. We'll get through this.
Ashley: Uh, not yet. I-I can't-- I can't do it. Not--I can't do it right now.
Billy: Ash, Ash, Ash, you--
Ashley: No, I can’t. You know, I'm the only mother she's ever known, Sharon. I mean, it's just too hard on her. It's too confusing for her.
Jack: Uh, the specialist said that--
Ashley: I don't care. I don't care. I don't--I-- I don't care what the specialist said, Sharon. Okay, I mean, see, it's so late, and maybe she could just stay in her bed one more night, please? And then tomorrow, I'll be m-much more prepared. (Sighs) I just can’t. I just can't do it. I just-- (Sobs) Not yet. Its okay, Sweetie. It's okay, Sweetie. (Sobs) Its okay. (Sniffles) I can't do it. Not yet.
Victor: We are victims of a cruel hoax, a terrible hoax.
Ashley: (Sniffles)
Victor: But that doesn't change the fact that she's not ours. We can't keep her.
Ashley: (Sobs) Look, she doesn't know that. She thinks I'm her mommy. (Sobs) What happens if she wakes up in the middle of the night, and I'm not there? (Voice breaking) Oh, my God, she's gonna think I don't love her. She's gonna think I abandoned her, and I can't do that to her.
Sharon: Ashley, no one knows more than I do how much you wanted this baby, and Faith is gonna know that.
Nick: You're more than welcome to come and see her any time you want.
Sharon: You will always be a part of her life. We give you our word.
Ashley: (Whispers) It's okay, Baby. It's okay.
Victor: I know this is terribly hard.
Ashley: (Sobs)
Victor: But we have to think of Faith now. All that matters is what's best for her.
Ashley: Oh, God. Oh, God.
Ashley: (Sobs)
Faith: (Babbles)
Ashley: Okay. It's gonna be okay. This is Sharon. This is Sharon. (Sobs) There's a few things here that will help you get through the night. (Rattle shaking)
Ashley: Um, she likes her yellow blankie and her white... (Sniffles) Her white bear. And she wakes up every morning at 3:00 for a bottle. And she doesn't like it when she has... (Voice breaking) Water splashed in her face when she's gotten a bath. She loves her "Giraffey." (Sobs) (Gasping) I love you so much. I'll love you forever. (Sobs) Oh, God.
Jack: No, no, no, no. No, I'll deal with her. You--you see everyone out, okay?
Billy: All right. Yeah.
Billy: (Clears throat)
Nick: I guess we'll, uh...
Victor: Yeah.
Nick: We'll come by tomorrow and get anything else you might have for--
Billy: Yeah, yeah. I'll let her know.
Victor: (Sighs heavily)
Sharon: Let's go home, Honey.
Billy: Hey, um, hey, Vicki? Could you, uh, you know, stick around for a minute? I want to talk to you.
Adam: This is unethical. You know it, and I know it. I'm gonna have you reported.
Patty: Feel free. I'll put my credentials up against your mile-long criminal record any day.
Adam: Am I seriously being railroaded by a woman who is obsessed with a backstabbing rat who pathologically sucks at marriage?
Patty: "Backstabbing rat"? (Chuckles) No, Dear, that would be you. For your information, my marriage is perfect. I'm not obsessed with Jack. I'm in love with him. There's a difference.
Chloe: Now we're not gonna make our play, and then by the time we get to our hotel, we're gonna be so brain-dead from this stupid cab ride, that we're not even gonna be in the mood for anything.
Chance: (Sighs)
Man: For what it's worth, I'm really sorry. If I could make these other cars go faster...
Chance: Hey. Hey, look at me. Come here. Look at me.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Chance: (Sighs) I'm not gonna let a little traffic, or a lot of traffic, ruin our evening or anything like that, okay? You know, if we can't make it out for the plans that we made, then, uh, we'll just have to start the evening in here.
Chloe: Your first time, you want to do it in a stinky cab? Okay, let's go.
Chance: What? What? No!
Chloe: (Laughs)
Chance: (Laughs) Chloe, that's not what I meant.
Chloe: (Laughs)
Chance: I had a couple surprises for you.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Well, making love, that's the icing on the cake... except I haven't given you the cake yet.
Chloe: Cake? Come on, what is it?
Chance: (Sighs) (Chuckles) Whoo. Chloe, the first time I ever laid eyes on you, I swear to God, I fell in love with you. I mean, you-- you made me laugh, and... you touched my heart. I love you more than I've ever loved anything in my entire life. I know that, um, we're about as different...
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Chance: As two people could possibly be, but, um, I also really like that about us, too. You know, it means that you've-- you've opened my eyes to things I never would have experienced or--or cared for. I mean, I hope you can say the same thing about me, too.
Chance: I guess what I'm asking is, will you and Delia spend the rest of your lives with me? Will you marry me?
Chloe: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Victoria: Just because this one time you didn't hit "Send."
Billy: It wasn't me, okay? It was my mom.
Victoria: If the story had been about someone in my family, you wouldn't have hesitated to put it online, and don't lie.
Billy: Okay, yeah, the-- the magazine is my livelihood, and it would be a business decision.
Victoria: (Scoffs) You disgust me.
Billy: But the one thing-- the only thing that could change my mind to not publish it would be you. That, and I don't want to hurt you anymore.
Victoria: I'm a Newman. You hate us Newmans.
Billy: Not--not you. I-I like you... a lot... actually. Uh... man, why do people just live their lives going through the motions? Why don't they, uh, do what they want to do? What's wrong with them? Why don't they just do what their guts tell them to do?
Victoria: What is yours telling you?
Billy: Well, um...
Ashley: (Gasps) Oh, my God. I thought I packed this for Faith. It's, like, her very favorite thing. I've gotta call Sharon.
Jack: W-wait. Stop. Stop. Stop. Ash. Ash.
Ashley: But, Jack, she has to have it. She won't be able to sleep tonight if she doesn't have this.
Jack: Listen to me. Listen to me. You can't do this.
Ashley: But--
Jack: You have to let her go.
Ashley: (Sobbing)
Nikki: You are the sweetest baby in all the world. Oh.
Victor: It's been a long day, so I'll go upstairs and read.
Nikki: I'll go with you.
Nick: Ten fingers, ten toes.
Sharon: (Sighs) She's perfect.
Nick: Yes, she is.
Sharon: (Sighs) Thank you, God, for this miracle.
[Adam remembering]
Patty: I'm not obsessed with Jack. I'm in love with him. There's a difference.
Adam: Where have I heard that before? [Remembering]
Mary Jane: Jack and I have this deep connection. We're--we're soul mates. I know him better than anyone. When I saw him, he just seemed so lonely and sad.
Adam: Do you not hear the words coming out of my mouth? You and your lunatic obsession with Jack nearly screwed everything up.
Mary Jane: Okay, first off, I am not obsessed with Jack. I'm in love with him.
Adam: Oh, my God. Is Emily... Patty?
Patty: (Whispers) Adam interfered with my marriage, too, and I took care of him. Now it's your turn.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: In order for Faith to make a real strong attachment to us, you and I need to be the only people who are hands-on with her.
Ashley: Adam said I had a healthy baby. What if my child is out there somewhere?
Jack: What's that?
Patty: I'm still the woman you married.
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