Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/24/10 -- Canada; Thursday 3/25/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9362 ~ Lauren Confronts Daisy
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Adam: Do you have a cell phone that I can use?
Woman: I'm sorry. That's not allowed.
Adam: It's a, uh, it's a legal emergency.
Woman: (Sighs)
Adam: Thank you.
Victor: Yes?
Adam: Hello, Dad.
Victor: What do you want?
Adam: Oh, it's what you want-- the truth. You should check out "Restless Style's" web site. I think you'll find it there.
Victor: Jill.
Jill: I'm in a hurry, Victor. (Sighs)
Victor: Listen to me. What does my son mean when he says I'll find the truth in "Restless Style"?
Jill: What's the matter? You afraid the world's gonna find out you're not really "Father of the year"?
Victor: If you print that boy's lies, you will regret it, I promise you.
Billy: No, "Restless Style" does not endorse Adam Wilson's claim. (Slams down phone) Thank you. "Held against his will by"... (Laughs) "Some of Genoa City's elite, including high-powered members of the Abbott and Newman families, Adam Wilson was unjustly blamed for the kidnapping of one child and quite possibly the murder of another." You just can't leave it alone, could you, Mom? You know, I-I-I don't even know how to use this thing. There's got to be some way to completely and totally erase and delete this article. (Sighs) (Telephone buttons clicking)
Billy: Hey. It's your boss. I need to see you... now.
Jack: I don't know who the bigger fool is here-- you for putting that garbage online, or me for ever trusting you again.
Jana: Oh, God, please, please, please let me go. Please, you do-- (Sobs) You don't even have to tell Daisy. You can pretend you-- (Gasps, sighs) You can pretend you never even saw me. (Sobs) Please. Please. Please, okay? Okay? (Sobs)
Daisy: That's very sweet of you.
Jana: (Sighs) (Inhales sharply) (Whispers) I just want to see my husband. (Sobs)
Daisy: Your husband's busy at the moment with his date.
Jana: (Sighs)
Jana: Oh. No. No. Please no. (Sobbing) No. No! (Sobbing)
(Footsteps approaching)
Kevin: Alison.
Alison: Kevin.
Kevin: Hi. Nice to meet you.
Alison: Nice to--you, too.
Kevin: (Laughs) Uh, please, let me.
Alison: Thanks.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Kevin: So... (Laughs)
Alison: (Laughs)
Kevin: All right, can we just--can we just say right off the bat how insanely awkward blind dates are?
Alison: (Sighs) Thank you.
Kevin: And, of course, a blind date set up by one's mother brings the awkwardness to a whole new level.
Alison: (Laughs)
Jeff: Um, who are we hiding from now?
Gloria: Just follow me.
Kevin: ...What blind dates are.
Jeff: Is that Kevin on a date?
Gloria: And why shouldn't he be after the way Jana broke his heart?
Jeff: That girl looks familiar.
Gloria: You don't know her.
Jeff: Yeah, but I'd like to, uh, just to make sure she's good enough for Kevin. Let's go say hello.
Gloria: The point is for Kevin not to see us. (Gasps)
Jeff: You set them up, didn't you?
Gloria: Yes, because I hate seeing my son suffer.
Jeff: And now you're gonna spy on them.
Gloria: I'm here for support.
Jeff: If my mother set me up on a date and watched from the sidelines, I don't think I'd ever go out again.
Lauren: I wasn't myself. (Sighs) (Sniffles)
Michael: (Laughs) It sure looks like you.
Lauren: It's-- it's like I was... outside my body, but I had this kind of euphoria that I just wanted to embrace everyone and everything.
Michael: Yeah, including Paul. (Laughs)
Lauren: Paul was depressed. He--he'd been drinking and--
Michael: Yeah, all right, so you felt compelled to comfort him.
Lauren: Look, I am just trying to make you understand how and--and why this happened and actually understand it myself. It--it wasn't until after the fact that I realized I-I must have been drugged.
Michael: (Sighs)
Lauren: Thank God-- thank God it was Paul! Can you imagine if it had been some sort of random--?
Michael: Oh, gosh, I feel so much better!
Lauren: You-- you know how much I love you.
Michael: You know, I'm trying to remember.
Lauren: Come on.
Michael: You know, as hard as it is to look at those pictures... (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sighs) (Sniffles)
Michael: You know, when I look in your eyes, uh, I can't believe it that you would do this. You didn't do this.
Lauren: So you believe that I was drugged?
Michael: Yeah, well, I don't have any other options, right? No. Yeah. Yes. Yes.
Lauren: (Sighs) Who--who would want to make trouble for us?
Michael: You know, that's what we've got to find out.
Michael: (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: The first thing we have to do is find out who had close enough access to you to slip you a drug without your knowledge.
(Cell phone rings)
Lauren: Oh. You know what? It's Paul.
Michael: (Groans)
Lauren: I'm sure this is about the pills. He sent them to a lab tech. H-hey. What did you find out? Really? (Sighs) No. Thanks. Yeah. Yeah, don't worry. I will. Nothing wrong with the pills.
Michael: (Sighs) Well, I can't believe you relied on somebody you were making out with to help you discover that.
Lauren: Paul is my friend.
Michael: Some friend.
Lauren: Don't do this.
Michael: Whatever. Sorry. Oh.
Lauren: You have a headache?
Michael: Oh, I guess it's catching. (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: Oh.
Lauren: You know, I think I would be worried if you weren't upset about seeing pictures of me and my ex.
Michael: Well, as stressful as it is looking at those, it--oh.
Lauren: What?
Michael: I feel like someone's tightening a vice around my skull.
Lauren: Did-- did it start in your neck and go up your head?
Michael: It did.
Lauren: And are your temples throbbing now?
Michael: Like somebody's beating them with a heavy mallet.
Lauren: Michael, this is the same headache I've been getting for months. You feel calm one minute, and you're ready to rip someone's head off the next?
Michael: Well, it's not like I haven't got a reason.
Lauren: (Sighs) I-I know this is upsetting, and I haven't been myself for months. But fortunately, whenever this comes on, you know, I'm in the office, and not at-- not at home.
Michael: What, are you saying work is making you sick?
Lauren: No, no, no. W-work or this office. Whenever I've been here, something is just not right.
Gloria: Well, she's leaning forward. That's a good sign. Kevin's smiling. They must be attracted.
Jeff: (Inhales sharply) I know this girl.
Gloria: Of course you do. Every time she's at the recycling bin, you get the urge to take the garbage out.
Jeff: (Sighs) Well, I'm just, you know, doing my part to keep our place clean.
Gloria: Right, right, right, right, right. She's young enough to be your granddaughter. (Laughs)
Jeff: (Laughs) You're not the only woman who finds me irresistible, you know.
Gloria: Only because I haven't spent enough time with "Moneybags" McCall yet. (Chuckles)
Kevin: So what instrument do you play in the Philharmonic?
Alison: Okay, don't laugh-- the tuba.
Kevin: Wh-what?
Alison: (Laughs)
Kevin: You play the-- no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't laugh. That's not--I mean, I really shouldn't laugh. I am an internet geek at, uh, Chancellor Industries, and my slightly cooler side owns a coffeehouse.
Alison: Not Crimson Lights.
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. That's the one.
Alison: No way! I love that place. The food and coffee are amazing. And it just has, like, a happy vibe, you know, like a good energy.
Kevin: Thanks. My wife would love to hear you say that. (Laughs)
Alison: Wife?
Kevin: Uh... (Sighs) I guess my mom didn't tell you everything?
Alison: No.
Kevin: (Vibrates lips)
Alison: So... what's your sign? (Laughs)
Jack: You know, maybe it is my fault for trusting you. You've certainly given me enough reasons not to.
Billy: Damn it, Jack, it wasn't me.
Jack: You put the lives of every person in that cabin on the line to protect that sociopath! At least you could own it.
Billy: I didn't do it. It wasn't me. It was Mom.
Jack: Jill?
Billy: Yes. She heard that Adam was arrested. She thought a one-on-one would make good copy. I told her explicitly that this was off-limits. She didn't listen obviously.
Jack: You really expect me to believe your hands are completely clean when you are the only person who was in that cabin whose name wasn't mentioned in the piece?
Billy: Jack, it—
(Telephone rings)
Billy: "Restless Style." No, we do not condone Adam Wilson's side of things. We--no. Just--thank you. (Slams down phone) Bye. Appreciate it.
Jack: Gee, your outrage almost seems real.
Billy: You know what? I don't have time to defend myself to you. Right now, I've got to get this article pulled before Ashley gets hit with something else. Great.
Jeff: Well, last I heard, Tucker's no longer head of Jabot.
Gloria: (Chuckles) Doesn't mean I can't cultivate a friendship with the man, because I am planning-- hoping to stay at Jabot. But it never hurts to play out your options.
Jeff: Ah, that's what you call it.
Gloria: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: To hear you say that.
Alison: Your wife.
Gloria: Uh-oh, things have changed--not good.
Jeff: (Stammering) You're not going over there.
Gloria: Just happen to walk by.
Jeff: I'll handle this, unless you want to completely humiliate your son.
Gloria: (Sighs) Fine.
Jeff: Ah.
Alison: Your mom just said that you were gorgeous and available, but I guess only one of those was true.
Kevin: (Sighs) Well, the truth is, um, my wife left me. And for the life of me, I have no idea why.
Alison: She didn't say?
Kevin: Not a word. She just didn't come home one day. Called a week later and told me to forget about her.
Alison: Wow. I'm really sorry.
Kevin: Thanks. But you know... (Clears throat) I don't believe her. I think something else is going on. But since she won't talk to me, I have no way of figuring out what that is.
Daisy: Either you get in the crate, or your beloved hubby dies.
Jana: It's inhumane!
Daisy: That's the point!
Ryder: Can't we just find her another cell?
Daisy: She knows who we are, who our mother is. If she gets out and tells anyone, our whole plan is blown.
Jana: (Grunts) (Sighs) I promise, Daisy, if--if you--if you let me go, I promise I will never, ever say anything.
Daisy: Right, right. You're just gonna show up and refuse to answer any questions and no explanation.
Jana: (Grunting) Look, I-I'll make up a story, okay, anything you want. I'll make up a story about a head injury, about how I lost all my memory. I'll say anything. I promise. I'll say anything.
Daisy: Get... in... the crate!
Ryder: The only reason why she escaped is 'cause she broke the lock. Can't we just find her another cell?
Daisy: I said forget it.
Jana: (Grunting)
Daisy: Now I got to go check on a little photography project. Get her in the crate...
Jana: Oh, no.
Daisy: Or you'll be sorry.
Jana: No. No! No! (Breathing heavily) (Grunting) (Breathing heavily) Please don't make me go in there. It's too small, and I'll die if I do. I just don't--
Ryder: Just shut up, okay? Just shut up!
Jana: (Breathing heavily)
Ryder: If you could just shut up, I'm--I'm not gonna put you in there, okay? Not now anyway.
Jana: (Sighs)
Lauren: You know, when I think about the last few months, how edgy and irrational I've been... uh, I fired Amber. I mean, Amber.
Michael: I don't see that as being so extreme.
Lauren: Come on. That and everything else-- I mean, it's happened after spending time in the office.
Michael: I mean, is there something in this office that's bothering you?
Lauren: I don't think so. I-I mean, I've loved the renovation. (Clicks tongue) But if you think about it, my headaches started when construction was done.
Michael: Well, if the contractor used something that was toxic by accident, that might explain your headaches.
Lauren: What if it wasn't an accident? I mean, what if someone intentionally poisoned my office?
Michael: All right, there's one way to find out. Come on. Come on.
Lauren: Really?
Michael: Yes.
Lauren: Okay.
Michael: Yeah.
Lauren: This way, Babe. Thanks.
Michael: All right.
Victor: How dare you put us in jeopardy by opening us up to police scrutiny.
Jack: Oh, he doesn't care about that. After all, he wasn't implicated.
Billy: I said it once for you, and now I will say it for you. It wasn't me. It was my mom. She's the one who's been snooping around about what happened to Adam. It was not me.
Victor: Well, did she convince you what a moneymaker this would be?
Billy: I don't care about the money.
Victor: The hell you don’t.
Billy: (Sighs)
Victor: You're as greedy as your mother is.
Jack: Yeah, I wouldn't argue that.
Victor: By the way, Jack, what is your involvement in all this?
Jack: Oh, I've come after you in the past, and I'm proud of it. No, this is all Billy.
Billy: You know what? You guys believe whatever you want to. I'm gonna go check on Ashley, because that's what--
Jack: No, you're the last person Ashley wants to see right now.
Billy: Whatever, Jack.
Victor: I will bury you, Billy.
Jill: You leave him alone.
Victor: Excuse me?
Jill: You want to pick on somebody? Pick on me.
Victor: There's no need for you to protect your son.
Jill: (Sighs)
Jack: Especially since he just threw you under the bus.
Jill: Billy told me to let it go. I told him it was too huge a story for it to stay buried, okay? Sooner or later, it was gonna come out. It was better it came out from a friend.
Victor: You helped promote a story for a man who has deeply hurt innocent women and children.
Jack: Wouldn't be the first time she sold someone down the river to make a buck.
Jill: Oh, my God. You two hypocrites stand there and judge me, and you've both done the same thing?
Victor: You don't understand the gravity of the situation, do you? And I refuse to stand here and enlighten you. And you, son, you may not have been behind this article, but you own "Restless Style." This article should never have seen the light of day. And you should not have involved your brother in the first place.
Jeff: Kevin. I thought that was you.
Kevin: You were right.
Jeff: Uh, Jeffrey Bardwell. And you are...
Alison: Alison Reeger.
Jeff: Well, I was gonna say beautiful.
Alison: Oh, thank you.
Jeff: Yeah. Is this seat taken?
Alison: No.
Jeff: I'm not interrupting your date, am I?
Kevin: As a matter of fact, Jeffrey--
Alison: It was kind of a bust anyway.
Jeff: Yeah.
Kevin: Well, don't hold back.
Alison: Well, you said so yourself.
Jeff: Well, maybe I can make it up to you.
Kevin: Are you seriously trying to pick up my date right now?
Jeff: Doesn't sound like she's that into you.
Alison: Do I have a say in this?
Gloria: Kevin, Angel, what a nice surprise. Alison, hello.
Alison: Hi.
Gloria: Jeffrey, Darling...
Jeff: Hmm?
Gloria: Our table's ready.
Jeff: Well, Alison and I were just getting acquainted.
Gloria: Save it for the recycling bin. You two have a lovely evening.
Alison: Thank you.
Kevin: I am so sorry about that.
Alison: (Laughs) That's okay. Is that your mom's boyfriend?
Kevin: No, he's her... it's a long story.
Alison: It sounds like you have a lot of those in your family.
Kevin: Yeah, you have no idea.
Michael: Let me know what they find as soon as you hear, all right? Thank you. Okay. Colin is sending a forensic hazmat team to conduct toxicology tests on the office.
Lauren: Really? How long will that take?
Michael: He said we should know something within the hour.
Lauren: (Sighs) Well, the longer I'm away from the office, the more convinced I am that something is going on there.
Michael: My headache is gone.
Lauren: You know, mine is, too.
Michael: Huh. Even if that is the issue there, that doesn't explain your behavior at Jimmy’s.
Lauren: I'm telling you, I was drugged.
Michael: Who would do that?
Lauren: I know who it feels like.
Michael: (Inhales sharply)
Lauren: Between the drugs and the gift-wrapped rats... (Sighs)
Michael: Sheila's dead. Look at me. She's dead.
Lauren: Well, Phyllis tried to convince me of that, too. But, you know, if Katherine Chancellor can come back from the grave...
Michael: You shot her. You saw her dead body lying at your feet.
Lauren: I know what I saw. But if anybody could come back from hell to torment me, it would be Sheila.
Gloria: Do you have any idea how ridiculous you looked flirting with that child?
Jeff: Hey, I was just trying to lighten the mood. They said themselves their date was a bust.
Gloria: Oh, so I have to find somebody new for Kevin to take to the policeman's masquerade ball.
Jeff: (Sighs) Oh, man. Tell me you're not going to that. You know how uncomfortable I get anywhere police gather.
Gloria: Honey, it is the event of the season. Katherine's chairing it, and Tucker's bound to be there.
Jeff: Well, if you're so hot for the guy, why don't you take him as your date?
Gloria: Hmm. And leave you at home panting for Miss Eco-friendly? I don't think so, Lover man.
Jeff: (Chuckles)
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Kevin: Are you sure? Because it's--you know, it's kind of weird.
Alison: I actually like hearing about couples like you and your wife.
Kevin: (Sighs) Okay. Well, uh... I guess you could say that Jana and I, uh, are soul mates, or at least I thought we were. Yeah, I'd spent a lot of my life alone...
Alison: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: You know, always, like, on the outside looking in. And, uh, she came along and changed all that. You know, and even if I would find myself in... (Laughs) Like a sticky social situation...
Alison: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: She would always reach out to me when nobody else would. She made me feel like I belonged, you know, like I was part of something special.
Alison: That sounds wonderful.
Kevin: That's why I don't believe that this connection that we have is gone, because I still feel it stronger than ever.
Jana: The connection is still there. Ryder, if Kevin had moved on like Daisy said, I would know it. He does not give up that easily. You should know that better than anybody, Ryder. Look, I will carry your secret about your mother to my grave... (Sighs) Okay? You just have to let me go. That's all, Ryder. (Sighs) Just let me go. (Sighs)
Michael: Now we're getting somewhere.
Lauren: Did Colin find something?
Michael: Dangerously high levels of toxic fumes in the office. And get this-- it's coming from your wallpaper glue.
Lauren: How--how does this happen?
Michael: He doesn't have all the details yet, but he said you can rule out a contractor's error. The type of toxin he found is not find in any type of construction material.
Lauren: So someone is trying to poison me.
Michael: Before we get back in to raising people from the dead, let's just focus on people who had recent access to you or your office.
Lauren: Well, Eden’s in Paris and Jana's gone.
Michael: No, she and Kevin wouldn't hurt you for anything.
Lauren: Amber? No. And your mother? Let's hope not. (Sighs)
Michael: There's Ryder and Daisy.
Lauren: Yeah, but Ryder hasn't been around.
Michael: But she has. She lives with us.
Lauren: And she works for me.
Michael: And it's not like she hasn't lied to us before.
Lauren: Yeah, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I just remembered. She said that she would stay late during construction. She was sleeping in a-- on a mattress in the back room, and... Michael, she was there the night I saw the rat.
Michael: Kevin mentioned that Jana was investigating Ryder and Daisy before she... disappeared.
Lauren: Well, you don't think that Daisy has something to do with Jana's disappearance, do you?
Michael: Honey, you know, at this point, we can't afford not to consider the possibility.
Lauren: (Sighs) Oh, God. The tea. Daisy gave me tea every time I had a headache. And I thought she was being so sweet. I'm calling her.
Michael: All right, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. If Daisy is behind this, we have to handle her very carefully.
Lauren: I can't just do nothing.
Michael: I'm not asking you to do nothing. But you're gonna need solid evidence to back up your claims. Now if you want to confront her, go ahead. I'm gonna call Mac and see if she saw anyone at Jimmy's that night those pictures of you and Paul were taken. (Touch-tones beeping)
Lauren: (Sighs) Sweet, innocent Daisy who's been living with us and... has been around our child.
Michael: Thank you, Mac. Call me if you remember anything else. Yeah.
Lauren: Did she see Daisy at the bar that night?
Michael: Not only did she see her, she caught her taking pictures of the patrons without their consent.
Lauren: (Sighs) (Clicks tongue) You know, part of me actually wanted to believe it wasn't true.
Michael: Where is Daisy?
Lauren: She's on her way.
Michael: You don't have to do this.
Lauren: Oh, yes, I do.
Michael: Okay. All right. If you do this, I think its better that she believe that her plot to break us up is working. It'll help us figure out what she's up to.
Lauren: Okay, that's a good plan.
Michael: I'm gonna make it look like I'm leaving, but I'm not gonna go too far. If Daisy really is behind everything, I don't want you alone with her for too long, all right?
Lauren: Speak of the devil.
Michael: You know I love you.
Lauren: I love you more.
Michael: You're not gonna even try to explain that lip-lock with Paul?
Lauren: It's not what you think.
Michael: No, what about what I see?
Lauren: Michael. Michael, please.
Michael: No, no. You know what? Just forget it. Forget it. I wouldn't believe a word you said anyway.
Daisy: Lauren...
Lauren: (Sighs)
Daisy: Is everything okay with you and Michael?
Lauren: Please don't play dumb.
Daisy: What are you talking about?
Lauren: I know you took these pictures. You gonna deny it?
Daisy: (Sighs) No. I did take them.
Lauren: Well, if you're trying to break up my marriage, it's working.
Daisy: Why would you think something like that?
Lauren: Well, maybe because these ended up in envelopes from Michael's clients.
Daisy: I don't know anything about that.
Lauren: Really?
Daisy: (Sighs) I was downtown taking pictures for a school project. I thought it would be cool to get some candid shots in that old dive bar. I didn't even know it was you at first. And then once I realized it was, I was gonna delete the shots. Then my camera was stolen.
Lauren: Oh, well, that's very convenient.
Daisy: It's the truth! I swear.
Lauren: Well, then someone is messing with my life, and I don't like it.
Daisy: Well, it's not me.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Daisy: Maybe it's Ryder. I mean, it's not like he doesn't have a motive. I've seen him lurking around near the boutique even. (Sighs) I thought we were past this. I thought that you actually trusted me. You and Michael are like my own parents. Why would I ever, ever do anything to hurt the two of you?
Lauren: (Sighs) That's what I'm trying to figure out. (Sighs)
Adam: You're not the only one who can go for the jugular, Dad.
(Door opens)
Victor: That garbage that I trust you read is being removed from the web as we speak.
Adam: Every single word of it is true.
Victor: Let me tell you something, Son. What you conceived of as a vigilante mob was really a group of your victims giving you another chance to redeem yourself, a chance you did not deserve.
Adam: It amazes me how you can always justify hurting me.
Victor: That was not my intention.
Adam: Funny, because that is what has been happening to me where it regards you ever since I was born.
Victor: That is untrue.
Adam: The worst mistake I ever made was accepting your invitation to come to this town.
Victor: And that, I'm not gonna argue with.
Adam: So you admit it finally. You didn't want a relationship with me. And what you orchestrated at the cabin was proof of that.
Victor: What happened at the cabin is that we gave you a chance to come clean. That would have been the best for everyone concerned, especially you, Son.
Jack: I used to run this magazine, remember? I know its power.
Jill: (Sighs)
Jack: So do you!
Jill: Which is why I ran the article.
Jack: Right now, ad revenue is up because competing journalists are eating your dust, but Adam used you.
Jill: Oh, the hell he used me.
Jack: He is trying to manipulate Sharon...
Jill: (Sighs)
Jack: Into believing his lies. He stole her baby, and now, thanks to you, he used "Restless Style" to write a sick and sordid love letter to get her back.
Billy: That's not the only way he used you, Mom. By not telling you that I was at the cabin, he knew you'd have no one to protect.
Jill: You were at the cabin?
Billy: I was at the cabin.
Jack: Yeah, and by not mentioning his name, you basically let the whole world know that he colluded in this publication.
Jill: Why didn't you tell me that?
Billy: Because we all agreed not to say anything, and I thought that you would respect my wishes as your boss.
Jill: (Sighs) Oh, my God.
Jack: Instead, you threw us all to the wolves.
Jill: So it wasn't just about you protecting Ashley.
Billy: No, Mom, it wasn’t.
Jack: Well, you can still salvage this.
Billy: You think?
Jack: Step number one-- fire her.
Daisy: I'm sorry I ever took those pictures.
Lauren: Yeah, not half as sorry as I am.
Daisy: It's--it's my fault they were stolen. I shouldn't have left my camera on the table.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Daisy: But I meant what I said. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you and Michael. I hate that you think I would.
Lauren: Dry your eyes.
Daisy: (Sighs) Are you gonna fire me?
Lauren: No. No, I'm not. I'm sorry. I'm just a little undone by all of this.
Daisy: (Sighs) I could help you find Ryder if you want.
Lauren: No. No, no, no. If he really is behind all of this, there is no telling how he might react if he's confronted.
Daisy: Well, if you change your mind...
Lauren: I won’t.
Daisy: (Sighs) Okay, well, I-I got to go to class. Are you sure we're okay?
Lauren: Positive.
Lauren: Did you hear?
Michael: (Sighs) Well, either she's a brilliant actress or she really is innocent.
Lauren: I mean, Ryder really does seem like the obvious suspect.
Michael: A few hours ago, I looked into your eyes, and I knew you were telling the truth. When you looked into Daisy's, did you feel the same way?
Kevin: I'm sure you had no idea today was gonna turn into a therapy session. (Laughs)
Alison: No, but in a way, you give me hope. I mean, maybe one day, I'll find whatever it is that you and Jana have.
Kevin: I hope we have it again.
Alison: Me, too. It was really nice meeting you, Kevin.
Kevin: Yeah, you, too. And, uh, sorry.
Alison: It's okay. Good luck.
Kevin: Thanks. (Sighs)
Gloria: Date isn't over yet, is it?
Kevin: It was over a long time ago, Mom. And you two coming over and crashing it didn't help anything.
Gloria: Well, I'm sorry. I didn't realize he was gonna be so vulgar.
Jeff: I beg your pardon?
Gloria: (Scoffs)
Kevin: (Sighs) Well, you know what? I wasn't interested anyway. I mean, she was beautiful and lovely, but the only woman I want is Jana.
Gloria: Angel, I just hate to see you hurting over somebody who's made it clear they've moved on.
Kevin: Hurt or not, I'm not giving up on Jana, not now, not ever.
Ryder: You're right about one thing-- I'm not okay about any of this.
Jana: Yeah, I can tell.
Ryder: Daisy's my sister, but she's stronger than I am.
Jana: No. No, no, no. No, maybe you--she's just stronger on the outside, Ryder. I mean, look at you. Come on! You're the one with the strength here. You are. You know right from wrong. You can make your own decisions. Look at me. Ryder, listen. I promise you, okay? I promise... nothing will happen to you if you just let me go. Yeah?
Woman: Put her in the crate.
Jana: (Sighs)
Woman: Now.
Jana: (Sighs)
Jana: (Whispers) Don't do this. (Sniffles) Don't do this. Don't do this. Ryder, don't do-- (sighs) (Voice breaking) Don't do this, please. (Handcuffs click) (Normal voice) Don't do this. You don't want to do, Ryder. You don’t. Don't do this, please. No, no, no. Ryder, no! Please! Oh, no! (Sobbing) (Screaming) No! Let me out! (Screaming) (Banging on crate) (Screaming) Let me out! Let me out! (Breathing heavily) Come on. (Sighs) (Breathing heavily) 0kay. (Breathing heavily) (Grunts) (Groans) (Whispers) I'm not giving up.
Jill: Well, now you don't own this magazine anymore, Jack. Billy does. And he would not fire his own mother.
Jack: The only way anyone is going to accept that you didn't betray us is if you cut her loose.
Jill: Oh, go to hell.
Jack: You don't take a stand now, she will walk all over you.
Jill: (Sighs)
Billy: I'm gonna take my chances.
Jack: Don't say I didn't warn you.
(Door slams)
Jill: You're a good son.
Billy: I'm not keeping you here because you're my mom. I'm doing it because being on the receiving end of an article like that is a tough spot to pass up. I know, because I made the same rookie error my first week here. But listen to me. If you ever, ever pull a stunt like that again, you are out of here, okay? I'm gonna check on Ashley.
(Bangs knuckles on table)
Adam: You really believe you tried to help me, don't you?
Victor: I tried to reach out to you when you were a child. It is your mother who kept you sheltered from me. Don't you ever forget that. When I brought you to town, after you graduated from Harvard business school, do you know how proud I was of you? I gave you every opportunity to flourish-- in my business, in my family. I gave you greater advantages than I gave to my other children. And what did I encounter with you? Nothing but resistance and a ruthless ambition and a sense and desire for vengeance.
Adam: Like I had no reason.
Victor: Listen, even at the cabin, I gave you every chance to redeem yourself. But instead, you continued to lie. And because of those lies, Son, you're digging yourself an ever deeper grave. That's not a threat. That's a sad realization... that I cannot help you. Only God can help you now.
(Door closes)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: Nothing is more precious than my family. I don't throw in the towel ever.
Patty: Either you're having a psychotic break...
Adam: Ow! What the-- woman, you are crazy!
Patty: Or you're faking it.
Billy: Hey, are those, the, um...
Jack: D.N.A. tests.
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