Y&R Transcript Monday 3/22/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 3/22/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 3/23/10 -- USA


Episode # 9360 ~ Emily Makes a Desperate Attempt to see Jack

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Paul: (Sighs) Getting Patty out of this place for supervised visits is going to make a-a world of difference.

Michael: Whoa. Oh, Paul, I'm not guaranteeing we can make that happen.

Paul: Well, it gets a lot easier if we get Emily off of Patty's case.

Michael: Well, there, I'm, uh, relatively optimistic. After all, she's not the primary care physician. She's only a consultant, and it is a-a rather clear conflict of interest having your husband's ex as a patient.

Paul: Yeah, well, Emily used to understand that, too.

Michael: Well, let's make the judge understand that, and you won't have to worry about Emily. So is, uh, Patty ready for her day in court?

Paul: Yeah, I saw her last night. She was doing well. Morning, Pattycake.

Emily: (Gasps) Oh, God, Paul. (Gasps)

Paul: What's the matter? What's the matter?

Emily: They wouldn't let me call you.

Paul: What's wrong?

Emily: Patty-- oh, God, Patty dru-- Patty drugged me last night after you left and, um... (Sighs) She--she puts, uh, a syringe in me with a stimulant, and--and I--I-- I can't--I couldn't sleep, and I'm-- (Gasps) Oh, God, my heart's been racing. And--and-- I-I-I can't think.

Paul: All right.

Emily: I can't think. I can't think. I can't think! I don't know what to do.

Paul: Just--just-- no, no, calm down. Calm down. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me in the eye. There you go. Everything's gonna be fine.

Emily: Oh, my God. (Sobs) It's not gonna be fine.

Michael: Paul. Paul, if she behaves this way in the hearing, we're sunk.

Emily: (Sobs)

Paul: Patty.

Emily: (Sobs)

Paul: Patty, come here. Come here. Come here. Now just give me a hug.

Emily: I'm not Patty.

Paul: Just give me a hug.

Emily: I'm not Patty.

Paul: Okay.

Emily: (Gasps) Oh, God.

Paul: Well, you know, this--well, the only thing-- it's--it's o-- what's happening right now is-- is you're having a-a manic episode. It's--its part of what you have. It's--it's a bipolar disorder.

Emily: Okay, I know what a bipolar is-- a bipolar disorder. I know what it is because I'm a psychiatrist, Paul, okay?

Paul: Okay.

Emily: Okay. (Sighs)

Paul: All right, I don't know--

Emily: But, oh, God, I can't stand this!

Paul: Y--you've-- you've been off your meds a while, and it's gonna take a-a-a while for them to kick in. Patty?

Emily: Mm. I'm not Patty. Stop calling me Patty. I'm Emily, and I've been drugged. I have been drugged. (Sobs)

Patty: Oh, God! (Scoffs) Okay, I don't know how you wear these things. (Sighs) Okay. (Sighs) Okay. (Clears throat) (Sighs) Your honor, Patty suffers from a severe delusional disorder. Under no circumstances should she be released from confinement. I-I can't emphasize that enough. Yeah.

Victoria: Is it starting to sink in that faith might be Nick and Sharon's baby?

Victor: Let me take your coat.

Victoria: Thanks, Dad.

Victor: Well, by tomorrow, at least we'll know the results of the D.N.A. test.

Victoria: (Exhales) Wow. I'm surprised that Ashley was ready to do that.

Victor: Yeah. (Sighs) She's been very nice about this, you know. Last night, she allowed Sharon and Nicholas to hold the baby. I don't know how she will recover from all this, to be honest with you. What Adam did to her is unimaginable.

Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, well, no one was really safe from Adam.

Victor: Well, at least you escaped without scars.

Victoria: Don't be so sure, Dad. (Sighs)

Victor: What do you mean by that?

Victoria: Oh, I did something so stupid. I-I told J.T. what we did with Adam at the cabin to make him confess.

Victor: Sweetheart...

Victoria: I know.

Victor: Why did you do that?

Victoria: I don't know. I don't know what I was thinking. But I didn't expect him to react the way that he did. Dad, he's suing for full physical custody of Reed.

Victor: Are you serious?

J.T.: Yes, I am very serious about getting full custody of my son. No, I understand that, but-- yeah, fine. I'll work on that. (Sighs)

Mac: Hi. Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop.

J.T.: No, you're not. Here, have a seat.

Mac: So I gather things are not any better with Victoria?

J.T.: Well... (Sighs) Not really. We're living under the same roof, but we're barely talking. You know, right now, I'm supposed to be filling out this questionnaire my lawyer sent me detailing Victoria's shortcomings as a mom. I know. I mean, I-- I want full custody of my son. I want to protect him, but I can't say Victoria's a bad mother. That's not the problem.

Chance: That's a good idea.

Chloe: Hey, what are you doing here?

Chance: Hey. Hi.

Chloe: Hi. Well, no apparent knife wound or bullet wound.

Chance: No.

Chloe: That's-- that's a very good sign.

Chance: Yeah, no, I'm just here taking Adam's statement. Uh, how's Phyllis doing? Did you hear anything?

Chloe: Yeah, she's good. Uh, no pain.

Chance: Good. Are you going back to the office right now?

Chloe: I am, uh...

Chance: Okay.

Chloe: But since I have you, I have a question.

Chance: Huh?

Chloe: Um, Amber wanted to plan a little girls' night out, and I need to know if there are any nights when I'm not gonna be available.

Chance: You're asking me?

Chloe: Yeah, because, you know, you're planning our special night, so...

Chance: I--no, I-- (Sighs) I am. I'm sorry. It's just-- it slipped my mind with-- (Sighs)

Chloe: (Chuckles) Um, okay. It slipped your mind you and I are gonna make love for the first time? And it just happened to slip your mind? You're up to something, and I'm gonna find out what.

Chance: Mm-hmm. Are you now? Well, you know, I've had training in covert operations, so maybe you will, and maybe you won’t.

Chloe: Oh, I will. I'm gonna find out.

Chance: All right, well, for right now, I've gotta get back to work. So I will see you in a little bit, okay?

Chloe: All right.

Chance: All right. (Clears throat) Mr. Wilson, I'm Detective Phillip Chancellor from the G.C.P.D.

Adam: Finally. Well, what have you been told? It's not the true story.

Chance: Okay, hol-- hold on a second. Before we start on this, um, is it okay if I have a couple minutes to question Mr. Wilson?

Woman: Mm, didn't think you were here to sell him tickets to the policemen's masquerade ball.

Chance: (Chuckles) That's funny. Um, are you gonna be finished any time soon?

Woman: I'm all done.

Chance: Great. Thank you very much.

Woman: Thank you.

Adam: (Clears throat)

Chance: So... are you ready to talk about the allegations and charges against you?

Adam: There shouldn't be any charges. I'm the victim.

Jill: All right, just keep digging.

Billy: Where is everybody?

Jill: Oh, you haven't heard? Adam Wilson has been arrested.

Billy: Yeah, I heard.

Jill: Yeah, "Suspicion of kidnapping, fraud, obstruction of justice, criminal conspiracy"-- this is a huge story. I sent everybody out to investigate.

Billy: What?

Jill: Yeah, the police station, the D.A.'s office. Um, I have a call in to Nick, and I figured you'd want to handle Victor and Jack.

Billy: They won't comment, so...

Jill: Oh, you've already tried. Okay, well, it doesn't matter. I mean, we'll just dig up the dirt like we did on Tucker. And whatever Adam did, we're gonna find out what it is, and we're gonna put it all over the internet. Ashley and Victor's baby is really Sharon and Nick's?

Billy: Looks that way.

Jill: Oh, my God, poor Ashley.

Billy: Yeah, I'm really worried about her.

Jill: (Sighs)

Billy: That baby is the only thing that brought her out of that downward spiral that she was in, and, uh, if she loses her, I'm not sure--

Jill: Every woman in America is gonna be feeling her pain.

Billy: No, they're not. No, they're not going to hear about her pain.

Jill: Billy. Billy, we cannot cover up a story this big.

Billy: This is not a story, Mom. This is my sister, and she's devastated, and I'm not going to exploit that.

Jill: Of course we're not gonna exploit her. We are going to protect her, which is the reason we're covering this ourselves. What, do you want people going to the tabloids for their news? How do you think the tabloids will handle Ashley's stay in the sanitarium?

Billy: Stop. Look at me. This is my place. We are not covering this story. That's it.

Adam: No, I-I wasn't running from the police. I was running from-- from Jack and my father. They--they were trying to kill me. "Judge, jury and executioner"-- those were Jack's exact words.

Chance: That's a pretty difficult accusation to prove.

Adam: You're right. It is. But there was a roomful of eyewitnesses. It was--it was a lynch mob. Everyone who hates me was trying to--to--to--to--to-- to corner me and have me admit to things that I hadn't done. Billy and Ashley were there. A-all the Newmans, um, Heather Stevens... (Stammers) Rafe, my own attorney.

Chance: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Heather Stevens the assistant D.A.?

Adam: Yes, that's the one-- Heather Stevens. Listen, ask her. Ask everyone. Question all of them. Somebody is bound to crack, and listen, I don't care. If they don't say anything-- they don't admit, it doesn't matter. I'm pressing charges. I want each and every one of them arrested.

Paul: If you go in that courtroom and say that you're Dr. Emily Peterson, it's going to work against you.

Michael: You have to show the judge that you're in control of yourself and your emotions.

Emily: Okay, oh, this is a house of mirrors. (Sighs) And everything is backwards. It's just-- nothing seems real.

Paul: You don't want Emily consulting on your case anymore, right?

Emily: No, she's--she's-- she's gonna get me killed.

Michael: All right, you know--you know-- you know you cannot arbitrarily attack anyone in the courtroom, either.

Emily: (Sighs) Okay, you know, whatever you say. Just... (Sighs) Let me see Jack. He--he will recognize me. I know he will.

Patty: It is absolutely critical that I be involved in managing Patty's recovery.

Jack: (Applauding)

Patty: Oh! I thought I was alone.

Jack: I'm sorry.

Patty: It's okay.

Jack: I didn't mean to inter--interrupt. It sounded like you were on a roll.

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: Although I gotta say, I'm surprised you feel the need to practice. I would think you'd testified in cases like this time and again.

Patty: Yes, I-I just like to go over what I'm going to say, make sure I haven't forgotten anything, especially with what's at stake today.

Jack: Did you get any sleep last night? When I went to bed, you were still at the computer surrounded by books and files.

Patty: It's okay. I-I--but I could use some more coffee right now.

Jack: Oh, that's the last thing you need right now. Honey, you're already jittery.

Patty: I'm just worried, okay? (Sighs) I'm worried about Patty. I-I-I understand why Paul is doing this. He blames me for her suicide attempt and--

Jack: Listen to me. You are not responsible. You're not. You've done everything you possibly could to help Patty. Unfortunately, after years and years of self-doubt and insecurity, it's eaten away at her. Honey, maybe if she'd gotten to know you when she was young instead of me, this story would end differently, but I hate to say it. I think she's beyond help, beyond hope.

Patty: I disagree.

Jack: Do you remember before we got married, you admitted to me that maybe you'd gotten too personally...

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: Involved with this particular patient?

Patty: Okay, yes, but things have changed since then.

Jack: I know. It's only gotten worse.

Patty: What do you mean?

Jack: Emily, I hate what this case is doing to you. Come here. Sit down. Sit down. You're not yourself. You're anxious. You're not sleeping. You can't seem to focus on anything else. Honey, I care about Patty, too. I love you. I want you back. Maybe it's time for you to let go of her. Let somebody else handle Patty's problems.

Patty: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. I can't do that. I can’t.

Jack: (Sighs)

Mac: So your real objection to shared custody is...

J.T.: I'd be handing my son over to Victor, 'cause he controls Victoria's world. You know, I wish I could fill that questionnaire out about him.

Victor: So I'm a bad influence because I've built my empire from nothing? Because my family has never wanted for anything?

Victoria: No, Dad, listen. You know what the issues are, okay? You have been incredible to us, to your family, but you've also made some mistakes. And they've had painful repercussions, and I think that that's what J.T. can't forgive.

J.T.: You know, he does whatever he wants, and we're supposed to look the other way. You know, Victoria calls it "Forgiveness." I call it "Dependence."

Mac: She needs his approval.

J.T.: Well, that's not hard to get. All you gotta do is whatever he says. You know, he loves his kids, all right? I-I get that, but it's not unconditional love. You know, he--he says, "Jump," you're supposed to say, "How high?" Or else. That's not what I want for Reed. You know, if--if Reed says, "You know, Daddy, I don't want to jump," I'm gonna be right there to let him know that that's okay. You know, the world's not gonna fall out from underneath him. I'm gonna love him just as much.

Mac: I hear what you're saying, but this also means taking on the Newmans. Are you sure you're prepared for that?

Victor: J.T. will live to regret this.

Victoria: Mm, Daddy, please, I'm asking you. Please, don't get involved.

Victor: Darling, it's not a threat. It's the voice of experience. Children need their parents. It's about time J.T. recognizes that.

Mac: I hate the thought of Reed being separated from his mother.

J.T.: Yeah, so do I. You know, I want 'em to spend time together, but I-I can't risk Victor having too much influence, and this is the only way I can see to do that.

Victor: I don't want you to worry. You're not gonna lose your son. I will never allow that to happen.

Billy: Here we go. Get along, little work staff. There it is. Back to work. Now I'm happy. All right, tell me what you have on the swimsuit demo.

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Psychedelic.

Chloe: That's the trend. And I'm thinking cage dancers. Go-go boots, club lighting.

Billy: You had me at "Cage dancers."

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Chance: Hey.

Chloe: Hi.

Chance: Hi.

Chloe: Hi. So you're--you're done interviewing Adam, yeah? Right?

Chance: Yeah. Yeah. I got his side of the story.

Jill: What did he say?

Chance: What did he say? Well, I can't exactly get into that here, especially not around the press.

Jill: (Laughs) The press?

Chance: Yes.

Jill: I'm your grandmother.

Billy: Will you please respect the man's job and just leave him alone?

Jill: Okay, I have a nail appointment anyway. Bye, Sweetheart. Mwah.

Chance: Bye. Mwah.

Chloe: So...

Chance: So...

Chloe: Are you here to give me a hint about our plans?

Chance: Hint? Oh, um, no. But what I can give you is this pacifier. I found it in my pocket. I know Delia can't sleep without it, and you're gonna get home before I will.

Chloe: That's it? That's why you came by? To give me this?

Chance: Yeah. Yep.

Billy: (Clears throat) What are you still doing here? Don't you have some cage dancers to wrangle up? Go.

Chloe: (Sighs) Okay, that's not what it sounds like.

Billy: Actually, it was, uh, all her idea.

Chloe: (Sighs) Oh, my God.

Chance: So... Uncle Billy?

Billy: Mm-hmm?

Chance: You, uh, care to tell me about what happened up at the cabin? Or should I arrest you?

Paul: You know, I understand. We're all feeling the pressure today. But if you can show the judge that you're calm and you're in control, maybe he'll--he'll come and let you visit Kitty Kitty. Right?

Emily: (Sighs) Are we--are we leaving now?

Man: Ready to go.

Emily: Okay.

Paul: Okay, so, Patty, look at me. Focused, calm, centered...

Emily: Mm-hmm.

Paul: Right?

Emily: Okay. I do know what I have to do.

Patty: (Groans) You're right. I-I am too involved in Patty's case.

Jack: Well, Sweetheart, if you can admit that, I--

Patty: It's just no one knows her the way I do, what she's capable of. (Sighs) She could do irreparable harm, and not only to herself.

Jack: W-wait. I-is--is this about me? Honey, are you concerned she's gonna get loose and come after me again?

Patty: (Sighs) I have nightmares about it, yes.

Jack: Well, don’t. Don’t. There is no reason to. Everyone recognizes...

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: How dangerous she is.

Patty: People underestimate her. They always have. Paul and Dr. Jasper-- they don't know what they're dealing with, but I do. And that is why it is imperative that I stay involved in her case, all right? I should be going. (Sighs)

Jack: Okay—

(Doorbell rings)

Jack: Oh, I'll get that.

Patty: Okay. You will not win.

Jack: Well, I guess we'll only need one car going to the courthouse.

Patty: Oh, Honey, you don't need to take me.

Jack: No, I've been subpoenaed. Michael Baldwin has summoned me to testify in Patty's case.

Patty: (Sighs)

Judge: Dr. Peterson, you wanted to see me?

Patty: Yes, your honor.

Judge: You're not represented by counsel today?

Patty: I'd rather speak for myself. I've just been made aware that Mr. Baldwin will be calling Jack Abbott to testify, and I'm very concerned. Patty cannot come in contact with him. She shouldn't even see him. It could undo everything that I've worked so hard to achieve.

Paul: How are you feeling?

Emily: Good. As soon as I see Jack, though, he'll straighten this out.

Michael: Ah, good, you're here. Paul, you will be inside with me. You will wait out here until we call you.

Emily: Why can't I be in there with you?

Michael: Normal procedure.

Patty: I have testified in dozens of courthouses. This is not normal procedure.

Paul: We're gonna be a minute. Don't get upset. It's gonna be fine.

Emily: Okay, Patty did this. Jack is in there, and she doesn't want me to see him.

Paul: Patty, please, okay? We talked about this.

Billy: Adam went up to that cabin on his own.

Chance: And you were there?

Billy: Yeah, the whole family was. It was kind of an intervention, really. Where's my girl? Here she is. But, I mean, that-- that whole thing about him being kidnapped and held hostage, that's just nonsense, really. But, I mean, what do you expect from a guy who forged a murder confession to send his own father to prison, you know?

Chance: (Tapping on notebook)

Adam: I think you've got the wrong room.

Jill: Hello, Adam. I'm Jill Abbott.

Adam: What are you doing here?

Jill: You may not have heard. I'm running "Restless Style" now.

Adam: What about Billy?

Jill: We're working together.

Adam: Get the hell out.

Jill: See, now you're probably upset because of that Victor interview where he said those unflattering things about you. But I wasn't working there then. And Billy really should have gotten your side of the story, okay? Which is exactly what I'm here to do.

Adam: Does Billy know you're here?

Jill: Billy's busy with his family. He's very worried about his sister. Is it true that you kidnapped Sharon's baby and gave it to Ashley?

Adam: I didn't kidnap anyone. I was the one who was kidnapped.

Jill: All right, who kidnapped you? Tell me.

Adam: I can't get the police to listen to me.

Jill: Adam, I'm listening to you, okay? You tell me everything.

Chance: So you believe the allegations in Dr. Taylor's letter then?

Billy: Yeah, I do, and we're gonna find out for sure tomorrow when Faith's D.N.A. test results come back, so...

Chloe: Hi. I didn't know you were still here.

Chance: Hey.

Chloe: Wait a minute. Please tell me that you're not discussing my surprise with him.

Chance: Nope, not at all.

Billy: What are you doing here?

Chloe: The suit.

Billy: Oh, here. Take it. Go. Get. (Sighs) So a surprise.

Chance: Yeah. Yeah. I'm taking Chloe to New York City. Obviously, she doesn't know.

Billy: New York? Overnight?

Chance: Yeah, overnight.

Billy: In a hotel? One bedroom?

Chance: Yeah.

Billy: Mm, that's good. You are gonna have a good time, I'm sure... in New York, I mean. And if you need any pointers on places to stay in New York...

Chance: (Sighs)

Billy: Well, you've come to the right place, because I know this city like the back of my hand. Oh, and come to think of it, oh, Chloe loves this motel in Alphabet City. She just--

Chance: You know what? We're good. I've got reservations at the Gansevoort already.

Billy: That's good. The meatpacking district-- she'll like that. There's a lot of good clubs there. She knows where they are. Just ask how to get there, and, um, when you get to the door, use my name. I'm sure the door guy will let you in. Here you go.

Chance: Thanks, Billy. But I'll compare it to my own list.

Billy: Oh, man.

Michael: Your honor, there are two parts to our petition. First, we would like to have Dr. Peterson removed as consulting psychiatrist on Ms. Williams' case, given the obvious conflict of interest, which makes it utterly impossible for her to maintain objectivity. Second, we would like the court to authorize supervised visits outside of the hospital between Ms. Williams and her brother, Paul Williams.

Patty: Your honor, that would be a terrible mistake.

Judge: You'll have your chance to speak, Dr. Peterson.

Michael: Ms. Williams' primary physician, Dr. Henry jasper, has no objection to regular visits. I have given you his letter attesting to that fact. And when you had become involved with Ms. Williams a second time-- and we are aware of the fact that she disguised herself and had hidden her true identity from you-- you rejected her again.

Jack: I ended the relationship, yes.

Michael: And that's where Ms. Williams unfortunately spun out of control, even going so far as to threaten your life. Your wife, Dr. Peterson, must be aware of that fact.

Jack: Of course.

Michael: And does your wife love you?

Jack: Yes, she does.

Michael: So you honestly expect us to believe that her feelings have never come into play as she has tried to evaluate Ms. Williams' mental health?

Jack: My wife is bound by a professional code of conduct.

Michael: Well, that really doesn't answer the question.

Jack: She doesn't discuss any diagnoses or treatments with any of her patients, and that would include Patty. So I'm not sure that I can comment--

Michael: But you prefer not to answer the question.

Jack: I didn't say that.

Michael: Well, it's quite all right, Mr. Abbott. It's actually quite telling. Thank you very much.

Emily: (Sighs)

Man: You okay?

Emily: The room is spinning.

Man: Put your head between your knees.

Emily: (Sighs) (Breathing heavily)

Patty: Your honor, there has only been one time in my life when personal emotion clouded my professional judgment, and that is when I allowed Paul Williams to convince me to turn my back on his sister and transfer the case to another doctor. It was a terrible mistake. Patty's feelings of abandonment and betrayal led her to attempt suicide, and I won't let her down again. I can’t. Mr. Baldwin can make all the accusations he wants of bias and unprofessionalism. But there is absolutely no evidence to support that claim. Now Dr. Jasper and I differ on opinions. He's been treating Patty for a matter of months, where I've been treating her for years. (Sighs) Long before I met my husband-- and I am more than capable of setting their painful personal history aside-- I based my decision on facts, and the sad fact is, Patty Williams is nowhere near ready to leave that hospital, however much we all might wish her otherwise.

Emily: I think I'm gonna be sick. (Gasps) I need the trash can. Oh, God, Jack! Jack! (Grunts) (Breathing heavily)

Emily: It's me, Jack! I'm Emily!

Paul: Patty.

Patty: This is exactly what I'm talking about. She has no control over herself.

Emily: Jack, we went ice-skating together. Remember?

Patty: You see for yourself, your honor. Patty is severely delusional. She has violent outbursts. The consequences of her leaving that hospital could be devastating.

Judge: After what I've witnessed, I agree with Dr. Peterson. Plaintiff's motion is denied.

Chloe: Oh, hey.

Mac: Hi.

Chloe: Hi. You would know. I heard that Cane didn't get deported.

Mac: No, Michael got him a temporary reprieve.

Chloe: Oh, how temporary?

Mac: I don't know. We'll see.

Chloe: (Sighs) Well, maybe they'll figure it all out by the time the babies are born.

Mac: I hope so. They're gonna need both their parents.

Reed: Daddy!

J.T.: Hey, Buddy. (Grunts) How was school?

Reed: Eh.

J.T.: Good?

Victoria: Uh, yeah, he got into it a little bit with Sean today.

J.T.: Oh, man. That's too bad. Don't you hate it when you fight with your best friend?

Reed: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: So here's the backpack and jacket. You wear the jacket.

J.T.: That's right. Yeah.

Victoria: And here's your juice.

J.T.: Its cold out there, man. You want to go to the park, throw the football around? All right, um, we'll, uh, we'll see you at home.

Victoria: Okay. Bye, Sweetie.

J.T.: Let's go.

Chloe: (Inhales sharply) It's sad.

Mac: Yeah.

Chance: You were the one that was in charge of getting everyone together to confront Adam.

Victor: Well, we had a lot of questions for him. And his story, as usual, did not add up.

Chance: He said that you wouldn't let him leave, and that he was, uh, he was afraid for his life.

Victor: I can't deny that our reactions were rather strong, especially once we discovered what he had done. He had killed my unborn child and kidnapped my grandchild.

Chance: But it hasn't been proven yet, has it?

Victor: You'd be very wise to believe the worst about Adam. He is guilty.

Adam: I'm innocent-- completely--but none of them will believe me, not even my own wife. But I-I-I'm not mad at her. I-I-I com--I understand. The--the rest of them convinced her.

Jill: By "The rest of them," you mean Victor and Ashley and Jack and Nikki and...

Adam: And my sister and my brother and his wife.

Jill: And who else?

Adam: [Remembering] You know full well you can't keep me here. (Sighs)

Billy: Sure we can.

Adam: No. No one else. Listen, I want you to be very clear when you write this. I am not angry with Sharon. I do not blame her. I am still in love with her.

Jill: You did the right thing by telling me this. We are going to get your story out there, Adam.

Michael: It's not over.

Paul: You know what, Michael? You did your best.

Michael: We haven't even started. Give Dr. Jasper a chance to adjust Patty's medication, get her stabilized. We're gonna try again.

Paul: I'm surprised you're willing to do that.

Michael: First, I hate to lose. Second, I think you're right. This Peterson woman has absolutely zero objectivity when it comes to your sister. Even Jack knew that. You saw him on the stand.

Patty: Oh, such a relief. Whoo! Isn't it? Jack?

Jack: I hadn't seen Patty in a long time. Seeing her like that-- not an image I will soon forget.

Patty: Well, that's why you have to keep your distance. She loses all control.

Jack: What was that whole thing about ice-skating? I never went ice-skating with Patty.

Patty: Well, maybe you have.

Jack: No, no. I have only been skating with one woman. I don't clear the ice for just anybody.

Patty: Well, it was a long time ago. Maybe it just slipped your mind.

Jack: Yeah, maybe.

Jack: Mm.

Patty: Mm. (Sighs) Let's go upstairs, okay?

Jack: Um, wait. Wait. I can’t.

Patty: You can't?

Jack: I have a meeting.

Patty: (Laughs)

Jack: Uh, I gotta go.

Patty: (Exhales)

Adam: Would you do me a favor? Would you take that document and chuck it in the trash for me?

Woman: Sure.

Adam: (Sighs)

Chance: The, uh, the D.A. wanted me to reassure you that he has not forgotten about what happened to Adam the last time he was in prison. I understand he was pretty badly beaten. If Adam does end up going back, please be assured that, uh, all the proper precautions will be taken this time.

Victor: You tell the D.A. I don't give a damn if he finds the darkest, most remote cell for Adam. I don't care if he ever sees the light of day again, okay?

Billy: Hey, what's up? Yeah, divorce sucks.

Victoria: Yeah. (Sighs) Especially when your husband is suing for custody.

Billy: What? Why would he do that?

Victoria: I don't know. He's just overreacting to what happened at the cabin.

Billy: You told him about the cabin?

Victoria: Not the details, okay? Just enough for him to decide that the Newmans aren't fit to raise children, apparently. He's not gonna tell anyone what we did.

Billy: Well, I should hope not. He'd better not. That can't get out.

Jill: Oh, I love this. I love this adrenaline. Oh, Billy. This is so much bigger than Ashley. Wait till you hear what Victor did. (Computer keys clicking)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Tucker: You feel like talking about it? Or should I shut up and go away?

Daisy: Michael will definitely get the message now. And then... kapow!

(Bars clang)

Lauren: We need to talk.

Michael: Yes, we do.

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