Y&R Transcript Friday 3/19/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 3/19/10 -- Canada; Monday 3/22/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9359 ~ Cane Reaches Out to an Unlikely Ally

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Paul: Hi, Pattycake.

Emily: You're back. I'm glad to see you.

Paul: Yeah, I was out of town on a case.

Emily: Okay. Did you get the results back? (Sighs)

Paul: What results?

Emily: (Sighs) The D.N.A. panel. The--the tissue I gave you.

Paul: Oh, oh, oh. Um, uh, I'm taking care of that, okay?

Emily: You didn't do it, because if you had, you... (Sighs) You would have known that I wasn't Patty.

Paul: You can't continue with this obsession with Dr. Peterson.

Emily: Okay, I want you to look at me, Paul. I'm not obsessed. I'm--I'm not in a manic state. I'm Dr. Emily Peterson, and I am begging you to do the D.N.A. test, please.

Paul: Patty, this has gotta stop. I'm gonna talk to Dr. Jasper.

Emily: Paul! (Sighs)

Adam: This is a travesty. Jack Abbott's wife is going to be the one to judge whether or not I'm fit to stand trial? It's a conflict of interest.

Patty: Mm. Well, it says here that you not only tried to drive your stepmother insane, but you're responsible for her miscarriage.

Adam: There was no miscarriage. I delivered Ashley's daughter.

Patty: Well, according to this, you kidnapped your brother's baby and passed it off as Ashley's to cover what you'd done.

Adam: Why would I do that? What sense does that make? Why would I do that to my brother? Why would I do that to Ashley? She was the closest friend that I had. Don't you understand these accusations are absurd? They're abhorrent. I would--none of it is true. You understand me? None of it.

Patty: You didn't try to convince Ashley she was having a nervous breakdown?

Adam: Of course not.

[Patty remembering]

Adam: All you have to do is run by the window in the living room sobbing and then disappear.

Mary Jane: That's it?

Adam: That's enough. Ashley will see you in Sabrina’s dress. It'll send her over the edge and Victor into the hell he deserves.

Adam: The Newman’s are railroading me. They have had it out for me since the day I arrived in Genoa City. These greedy S.O.B.s don't want me staking a claim to my rightful heritage.

Patty: And why would Jack help them?

Adam: Because they lied to him. He thinks he's helping his sister. You'll see. They will turn on him so fast as soon as they're done with him, just like they always have.

Patty: Have you been previously treated for psychotic delusions?

Adam: The things that I'm telling you are the truth. I did not commit these crimes.

Patty: You sure about that?

Jack: You okay?

Ashley: Uh-huh. Hi, Sweetie. Yeah, it was the right thing to do to let Sharon and Nick hold the baby.

Sharon: Thank you. Thank you so much. You've been really, really generous and kind. You, too, Victor.

Victor: This has been very difficult for everyone.

(Cell phone rings)

Nick: It's the house. It must be Phyllis. Hello? Oh, hey, Julie. Um, yeah, just tell Summer I'm with Grandpa, and Phyllis should be home any minute.

Doctor: Can you tell me your name?

Phyllis: Phyllis Newman.

Doctor: Are you feeling dizzy?

Phyllis: Mm, no... yeah. Yeah.

Doctor: Any tingling in your hands?

Phyllis: Mnh-mnh.

Doctor: How many fingers am I holding up?

Phyllis: Three. Where's my husband, Doctor? Nick? Nick?

Nick: She's supposed to be in bed. Oh, you know, I'm getting a call on the other line. I gotta go. Phyllis? No. Uh, yeah, this is Nick Newman. Okay, I'm on my way.

Victor: What is it?

Nick: There's been an accident.

Doctor: We need an x-ray of that leg. How's your head?

Phyllis: It hurts.

Doctor: How does this feel?

Phyllis: (Sighs) Everything hurts. (Sighs) Ow! Ow! Oh.

Doctor: Let's get her to radiology.

Phyllis: Oh, where's my husband? Please, can you get my husband, please? I want my husband. (Sighs)

Amber: So Lauren said if business picks up, she'll pick up a few of my designs for Summer. That's cool, right? Earth to Daniel...

Daniel: (Sighs) Sorry, I-I-I just-- I'm worried about Cane and Lily.

Amber: Still worried about Lily.

Daniel: (Sighs)

Amber: Should I be jealous?

Daniel: Don't be silly.

Amber: Well, you're spending more time thinking about your ex-wife than your actual wife-wife.

Daniel: Should I be jealous about you wanting to save your ex from being deported?

Amber: Green with envy.

Daniel: (Chuckles)

(Cell phone rings)

Daniel: Hello? Is she okay? Yeah, no, I'm on my way.

Amber: Is it Lily?

Daniel: No, it's Mom. Let's go. Come on.

Amber: Oh, no.

Lily: I swear I did not know Cane was planning to escape.

Devon: It's on the video that she left with her dad and uncle before Cane made a move.

Man: Were you waiting for him outside?

Neil: Are you-- are you actually accusing us of helping Cane get away?

Man: We'll know once we've checked the security video from the parking lot.

Malcolm: Then you'll see we left without Cane.

Man: Where is your husband now?

Lily: I don't know!

Man: Come on!

Lily: (Sighs)

Michael: Thank you. Oh, hello, everyone. Eh, my name is Michael Baldwin. I'm the Winters' attorney. Uh, may I have a word with you in private, please?

Man: Fine.

Michael: Thank you.

Lily: (Sighs) I was afraid that Cane would do something like this.

Devon: Hey, you really don't know where Cane is?

Lily: No, Devon, I don’t.

Billy: I don't know. I think I left it in my pocket or something. Well, I tell you what, Buddy. Next time, why don't you download whatever comes in before you hand it to me? I've got it. I've got it, all right? Just keep downloading stuff before you-- (Banging outside front door)

(Front door rattling)

Billy: I, uh, I-I got-- I gotta go. Um...

(Front door opens)

Billy: Hey!

Cane: Whoa! Whoa! Hey, hey, hey. It's me. It's me.

Billy: What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were deported.

Cane: Billy, I need your help.

Billy: Why the hell would I help you?

Cane: It's Lily. Her cancer's back.

Lily: I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen.

Devon: Yeah, and assaulting a federal agent is crazy.

Malcolm: Why would he do that?

Neil: Well, the way I'm seein' it, Cane's a pretty smart guy. He knew the consequences. Whatever the reason, he must have thought he had to.

Malcolm: Yeah, but with a wife and two kids on the way, that's just plain stupid.

Devon: Did he say anything to you?

Neil: Lily. Sweetheart, don't you understand that we can't help Cane unless we know exactly what's going on?

Lily: I didn't want you guys to find out like this. I lied to Cane about the PET scan so he would get on the plane... and I just told him the truth. The chemo didn't work. The cancer is spreading.

Neil: No.

Lily: (Sobs)

Neil: No, Lily.

Lily: (Voice breaking) I'm sorry, you guys. I'm really sorry.

Neil: Come here. No, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Oh, Honey. Oh, Baby, why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you say anything?

Lily: (Sobs) (Sniffles) Because I didn't want Cane to know. I-I knew he wouldn't want to leave his dying wife.

Devon: No, no, no. Hey, hey. You are not dying.

Lily: (Sobs)

Malcolm: It's gonna be okay, Sweetheart.

Lily: No, it won’t. (Sobs)

Daniel: Hey. Any word yet?

Nick: (Sighs) No, your mom's still in there.

Sharon: Jack's talking to the paramedics to find out what happened.

Doctor: Mr. Newman?

Nick: Yeah, how is she?

Doctor: Well, your wife has multiple tibial shaft fractures.

Daniel: That's her shin bone, right?

Doctor: Yes, it is.

Amber: Will she be in a cast?

Doctor: Well, she may need rodding first, and I won't know until I see the x-rays.

Nick: But it's just her leg, right?

Doctor: Well, we're running a C.T. scan to see if there's any internal injuries.

Nick: Okay, can I see her?

Doctor: Yeah, in a few minutes.

Jack: They said Phyllis hit a patch of black ice, lost control of the car. The--the weird thing is this-- she was up at the cabin.

Sharon: The Abbott cabin? What was she doing up there?

Victor: I'll get back to you later on, all right? Thank you. Why don't you and Faith come to the hospital with me?

Ashley: Why? Nick doesn't need the distraction, that's for sure.

Victor: I know. (Sighs) My sweetheart. I just thought that then the two of you could take the D.N.A. test together.

Ashley: Tonight?

Victor: Why put it off? The question has to be answered. The question as to Faith's maternity has to be answered. Why not do it tonight?

Ashley: Because... if it turns out that Sharon... is the baby's mother, I'm not prepared to say good night and good-bye to her tonight. I'm just not. I need one more night. I need one more night with our daughter.

Victor: I understand. But it has to be done.

Ashley: (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sobs)

Adam: I was held against my will at your husband's cabin. Phyllis magically produces a document, supposedly written by Dr. Taylor that--that frames me for every tragedy befallen the Abbott’s and Newman’s since the beginning of time. I wouldn't be surprised if Phyllis wrote the document herself.

Patty: Well, I'm not here to judge you of your guilt or innocence.

Adam: Whatever happened to those babies, Dr. Taylor was the one who was alone with Sharon. He said the baby died, and if that turns out not to be true, he's the one to blame.

Patty: What happened to Ashley last summer?

Adam: You're talking about when she went crazy? I don't know. Maybe you should ask your psycho look-alike patient Patty Williams. She would know. She was the one who was dressing up in a dead woman's dress, my father's dead wife’s. Now listen, you don't know me. You don't know my story. You don't know what happened to me and my mother and my eyesight and me losing my family and my friends and now even my own wife. I have lost everything. If I could end it all, I would do it now.

Patty: Mm, so you're saying you're suicidal?

Adam: I'm saying I can't go back to prison. I would have nothing to live for, and you can change that. You can have me institutionalized.

Patty: My psychiatric expertise is exactly what you need.

Adam: So you're saying you can help me?

Patty: You put yourself in my hands, and I will make sure everything works out the way it should.

Malcolm: You're gonna fight this cancer. You're not giving up, and we're gonna be there every step of the way.

Neil: Lily, everything's gonna be all right, Honey, all right? You never, never need to walk through anything alone.

Billy: Hey, Lily... and, uh, posse comitatus. Hi.

Neil: Hey, Billy. What are you doing here?

Billy: Uh, I-I'm doing a story on immigration law, and I heard Lily was here, and I thought I'd check up on you, so, um, hi.

Lily: Did you hear about Cane?

Billy: No. What?

Devon: He knocked out a federal agent, and then made a run for it.

Billy: Uh, Cane? Wow, I didn't know he had it in him. That's, um, bad.

(Clears throat)

Neil: Have you heard from him?

Billy: I'm the last guy he'd ever call. Wha--you look like you need a hug. Hi.

Lily: Hi.

Billy: (Whispers) Parking lot. Two minutes, okay? I hope this all works out for you. Um, I-I gotta go. Bye, guys. (Clears throat)

Devon: That was weird.

Neil: Yeah.

Malcolm: He just happened to be doing a story on immigration.

Lily: Um... (Clears throat) I just--you know, I need some air.

Neil: Lily, hold on. I'll, uh, I'll go with you.

Lily: No, no, no, no, no.

Neil: What?

Lily: I just, um, I want to be alone, so I'll be back.

Neil: Hey, guys, did--did anyone notice that Billy didn't even blink when we told him what Cane did at the airport?

Malcolm: You think he knows something?

Neil: I absolutely do.

Nick: The doctor is waiting for the results...

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Nick: From your cat scan.

Phyllis: My--my--my leg.

Nick: Yeah, your leg. It must hurt like hell.

Phyllis: It’s... no. No, I have no pain. No pain.

Daniel: Bet you had some pretty good meds, huh?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: The E.M.T. said the car is totaled.

Phyllis: It is. I don't do anything half-assed. You know me.

Nick: Jack said you were up at the cabin.

Phyllis: Yeah, I went to, uh, um, there. Over there.

Jack: Looks like it's only her leg, except for a few bumps and bruises.

Victor: I'll call Nikki and let her know.

Jack: Good.

Sharon: Victor? Um, why did Ashley bring Faith here tonight?

Victor: (Sighs) I hope we'll have our D.N.A. test tonight.

Sharon: Will she do it?

Victor: The prospect of losing her as a daughter is pretty awful. But I think it's important that we find out... (Footsteps approach) Who the mother is.

Amber: Uh, does anyone want coffee?

Sharon: Um, no, thank you.

Victor: No, thank you.

Nick: This is why Phyllis was up at the cabin. She was taking down the memorial she made for Faith. I should have been there with her.

Victor: Well, you didn't know.

Nick: Yeah, Phyllis always feels like she needs to handle everything alone, and that's my fault. I make her feel like that.

Daniel: Yeah, you did.

Devon: Great. Well, Lily's not answering her phone.

Malcolm: She's not outside, but her car is still there.

Neil: We should give her a few more minutes.

Michael: ...The most ridiculous thing. Cane has really screwed himself with this move.

Neil: Michael, we know why. Lily found out that her chemotherapy didn't work.

Michael: Oh, Neil. I am so sorry. Mm, this explains a lot. I wouldn't want to leave the country either if my wife were severely...

Michael: Where is Lily?

Neil: She's with Billy. And you know something, Michael? I have a real strong feeling that Billy knows exactly where Cane is.

Michael: We need to get Lily and Cane back here right away.

Lily: Cane.

Cane: Oh, Baby.

Lily: (Stammers) I was so worried about you.

Cane: Ohh.

Lily: What the hell were you thinking?!

Cane: I couldn't leave you. I couldn't get on a plane while you were sick.

Lily: (Sighs)

Billy: Okay, guys, um, I'm gonna get out of here. As far as anyone knows, I haven't seen you.

Lily: (Sighs)

Cane: Thank you.

Billy: I did it for her.

Lily: Cane, what if that agent had pulled a gun on you at the airport? You could have been killed.

Cane: Look, Baby, I'm here and I'm alive, and I'll find a place to hide, and I'll be with you while you have treatment now.

Lily: No, Cane. No. I cannot live my life that way. I can't worry every time the phone rings or there's a knock at the door. Cane, listen to me. You have to turn yourself in.

Cane: No.

Jack: What possessed you to run off like that? What were thinking?

Phyllis: (Sighs) I did it to support my husband. I wanted to support my husband. We don't need a D.N.A. test. (Sighs) That baby is Nick and Sharon’s. I knew it when I read the letter from Dr. Taylor.

Jack: Then whose ashes did they scatter up at the cabin?

Phyllis: I don't know. (Sighs) Not their daughter’s. (Sighs) I was responsible... (Voice breaking) I was responsible for putting that plaque up. I was gonna be responsible for taking it down. (Sighs) I needed to face the truth. You know, Jack? (Sighs) (Normal voice) Faith isn't dead. She's gonna be in my life. (Sighs) But she's not gonna be the reason I lose my husband.

Daniel: You know, you're so busy taking care of everybody else. You think that Mom doesn't need you, but she does. You should be in there with her right now, but instead, you're out here taking a walk down memory lane with your ex-wife. I mean, seriously, who cares if Mom took the plaque from the cabin?

Amber: Hey, Daniel, you don't know the whole story.

Daniel: I don't need to know the whole story, all right?

Nick: (Sighs)

Daniel: Faith is gone, and Mom needs you.

Nick: The reason your mom took this down is because Faith might be alive.

Daniel: That's impossible.

Victor: That is true.

Sharon: We're not 100% sure. Not yet, but there is a chance.

Daniel: And Mom knows?

Nick: Yes. We didn't want to tell anyone until we were certain.

Daniel: (Sighs)

Amber: Whoa, Daniel. Wait. Wait.

Nick: I'll--I'll talk to him.

Ashley: Um, the longer we put this off, the more everybody's gonna be hurt, so I'll do the D.N.A. test tonight, okay?

Paul: Dr. Peterson.

Patty: Yes?

Paul: I just came from seeing Dr. Jasper. I don't want you consulting on my sister's case anymore.

Patty: Why not?

Paul: Because she is more fixated on you than ever.

Patty: But I'm the only doctor she trusts.

Paul: I want you as far away from her as possible.

Patty: Patty only started imitating me after I passed her case on to Dr. Jasper. She felt I abandoned her, Paul.

Paul: You know what? You don't get it, do you? If you don't step down, I will get an emergency hearing scheduled. I want you off her case permanently. Is that understood?

Patty: (Sighs) (Whispering) Okay, this isn't happening. This is just not happening.

Sharon: Emily--

Patty: No, I don't have time. I'm so--

Sharon: Oh, okay. Jack is in the E.R. looking for you.

Patty: Oh, my-- w--is he okay?

Sharon: No, he's fine. He's fine.

Patty: Oh, okay.

Adam: Sharon?

Cane: If I turn myself in, there's a chance we won't see each other until after the babies are born.

Lily: Cane, listen to me, okay? Please, just be logical about this. What if I don't make it? Huh? What are you gonna do? Are you gonna go under an alias? Or are you gonna go on the run? You're gonna take our children away from my family? Can't you see? There is no good outcome to this.

Cane: You will keep fighting this cancer, and I'll be with you here every single step of the way, and we will deal with the rest of this afterwards, okay? You understand that?

(Cell phone rings)

Lily: (Sighs)

Cane: Lily.

Lily: (Sighs) (Ring)

Lily: Hi, Devon.

Devon: Lily, where are you? Neil and Malcolm are freakin' out here.

Lily: Do you promise that you won't tell anyone?

Cane: Lily.

Devon: Yeah, I promise.

Lily: (Sighs) I'm with Cane at Billy's trailer.

Cane: God!

Devon: Okay, is he turning himself in, or...

Lily: I don't know. I think I can convince him.

Devon: Lily.

Lily: Just give me another hour, okay? We'll be right there.

Devon: (Sighs)

Michael: She's with him.

Malcolm: Are they comin' back?

Devon: I have no idea. She said she's gonna try and convince him.

Neil: Devon. Devon, did she say where they are?

Michael: Look, there's no time. If you know where they are, you need to tell us, Devon. You need to tell us now.

Neil: Hey. This is about family now. Son, you'd better do the right thing.

Devon: They're at Billy's trailer.

Michael: All right. All right.

Neil: (Sighs)

Michael: Listen up. I'm gonna tell immigration that I know where Cane is.

Neil: Hope you know what you're doin', Michael.

Michael: I need you to get to the trailer before immigration does. You keep Cane from running. You have to trust me on this.

Nick: That's why I was with Sharon tonight. We were just trying to convince Ashley to move forward with the D.N.A. test.

Daniel: I swear to God, if I get my hands on Adam... (Scoffs) Oh!

Nick: Daniel, listen to me. I love your mother. I am more committed to her than ever.

Daniel: Why don't you tell her that? 'Cause she needs to hear it from you right now.

Billy: Hey. How's Phyllis?

Jack: I guess she just broke her leg. (Sighs)

Billy: Okay. Why'd you text me to come over here?

Jack: Ashley has agreed to go through a D.N.A. test.

Billy: What? Now? Tonight?

Ashley: Yeah, tonight. Victor's speaking with the chief of staff about getting a lab tech over here.

Billy: Are you okay?

Ashley: I'm okay, yes. I'm okay, Billy. I'm fine. It has to be done.

Faith: (Fusses)

Ashley: Oh, Sweetie, it's okay. Its okay, Sweetie.

Jack: (Whispers) I know.

Patty: Oh, Jack.

Jack: Hey. Hi.

Patty: Hi. Oh, I ran into Sharon and she said you were here. What happened?

Jack: Well, Phyllis had a car accident. Thank God she's all right.

Patty: (Sighs) I'm glad it wasn't serious.

Jack: So what are you doing here?

Patty: I was appointed by the court to evaluate Adam.

Billy: Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

Jack: Isn't that a conflict of interest?

Patty: You don't think I could be objective?

Billy: Oh, that is karma, and I love it. I knew that whole suicide act of Adam's wasn't gonna fly. He is goin' down.

Patty: The man is sick.

Billy: No, no, he's not sick. He's a sociopath.

Patty: Well, it is possible he didn't know what he was doing.

Jack: You're not suggesting he shouldn't stand trial.

Patty: I can't say either way until I've made a complete evaluation. Okay, Jack, please, don't look at me that way. (Sighs) All right? I-it's my job to remain unbiased.

Jack: You know what that man put my sister through.

Patty: Excuse me. Oh, I-I-it's from Fairview. It's an emergency.

Jack: Why are you doing this, Emily?

Patty: We're gonna talk later, okay?

Adam: I knew you'd come to see me.

Sharon: I-I came, um, because Phyllis was in a car accident.

Adam: She gets what she deserves. She ruined our lives.

Sharon: You did that, Adam.

Adam: They turned you against me, Sharon.

Sharon: You did that all by yourself.

Adam: You were the one who could see through the lies. You know the real me.

Sharon: You had me completely snowed.

Adam: Do you know how much it hurts me to hear you say that? I would do anything for you, Sharon.

Sharon: Would you really?

Adam: There's no man on this planet who loves you more than I do. I know the exact day I fell in love with you-- Thanksgiving. We didn't have turkey. We made pasta. We opened a bottle of wine. And it just clicked for me. I knew what had been missing in my life-- someone to love and care for, someone I could come home to. (Sighs) I wanted to make you so happy, Sharon. I just wanted to build our lives from there. (Sighs)

Sharon: Was it to-- was it to ease your guilt? I mean, you knew the hell that I'd been through thinking that Faith had died. I mean, was it to ease your conscience? What?

Adam: You can't believe that. You know I love you. You know how much I love you.

Sharon: You don't know what love is.

Adam: I ran into a burning house to save your son's life. Does that sound like the action of a man who doesn't know what love is?

Patty: Your patients are needy. One of them cornered me at the coffeehouse. They have no respect for my personal life.

Emily: Who was it, Patty?

Patty: Oh, I don't remember. (Sighs) God. You know what? My--my life is falling apart. Jack and I aren't even seeing eye-to-eye about Adam.

Emily: Patty... (Laughs) One of these days, it's just gonna all come crashing down on you.

Patty: Are you worried about me, Dr. P.?

Emily: I just want you to get the help that's needed.

Patty: (Chuckles) You really have this "Doctor" thing down, don't you?

(Knock on door)

Paul: Uh, Dr. Peterson, can I see you outside for a moment?

Patty: (Clears throat) Certainly.

Paul: Hi, Pattycake.

Emily: (Sighs)

Paul: The hearing is scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Patty: Why are you doing this?

Paul: My sister is too wrapped up in you.

Patty: You are not qualified to make that call, Paul.

Paul: Dr. Jasper agrees with me. I don't want you treating my sister. I will see you tomorrow at the hearing.

Patty: (Sighs)

Amber: Books, magazines, keep Summer company-- whatever you need, I am here to help.

Phyllis: What's the catch?

Amber: No catch. Family rule--show up when someone's in trouble. You did that for me. Now it's my turn. You can hate me again when you feel better, hmm?

Nick: Hey, you.

Amber: See you later.

Nick: (Sighs)

Phyllis: I guess you want to know about the plaque.

Nick: Nope. You don't have to say anything. I know why you did it.

Phyllis: I didn't want to go and see Ashley with you and Sharon because I didn't want to complicate things and look-- hey! So much for that.

Nick: I don't want you to ever think you're a complication, all right? No matter what happens with Faith, we're always gonna be a team.

Doctor: Mrs. Newman, I have your test results. Everything looks good. No internal injuries.

Phyllis: Oh, good. That's good.

Nick: How's the leg?

Doctor: Well, there are multiple fractures, but the displacement was minor. She won't need surgery.

Phyllis: Yay.

Nick: I like that.

Phyllis: Let's go home. We're outta here.

Doctor: Well, let me cast you up first. I'll send in a nurse to get started.

Nick: Thank you, Doctor.

Phyllis: Cast. Mm.

Nick: Look at that.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Nick: You're gonna be just fine.

Phyllis: Well...

Adam: I have done terrible things to people who didn't deserve it. I opened up to you about it all before we were married, and you forgave me. But now you've turned on me, and I don't understand. You know what happened to me in prison. I almost died. Why would I risk going back there again?

Sharon: Adam, why did you do all those horrible things?

Adam: You need to believe in me. Dr. Taylor was the one to blame.

Sharon: I know that there's a part of you that understood exactly what I was going through when I thought Faith had died. And you were really kind to me.

Adam: Because I love you. I love you more than anything. I love you with everything that I am.

Sharon: Adam, if you love me, then tell me about my baby. Please. I'm begging you. I'm begging you. Please tell me. Tell me about Faith. Where is she? (Sniffles) Where is she?

Adam: (Sighs)

Lily: I cannot believe Devon told you where we were.

Cane: All right, Neil, listen to me.

Neil: No, you listen to me, okay? The immigration agents are right behind me, do you understand that?!

Cane: Baby, I-I gotta go. I gotta go. I gotta--

Lily: No, Cane, stop. Please, listen. You keep saying you don't want to leave me. Then don't leave, please!

Man: Get away from her!

Lily: No, please stop! Don't hurt him! Please!

Neil: Cane. Cane. Cane.

Man: Say good-bye to your wife. It's gonna be a long time before you see her again.

Cane: Neil, take care of her!

Neil: It's okay. I've got her. I've got her. I've got her.

Lily: I love you, Honey!

Neil: Shh. It's okay, Baby. It's okay. It's all right.

Lily: Devon, you betrayed me.

Devon: What was I supposed to do?

Malcolm: Hey, don't be mad at Devon, okay? He did what was right for you.

Lily: They'll never let Cane back in the country now.

Neil: Honey, calm--calm down, okay? Have faith. Michael knows exactly what he's doing.

Lily: No, Dad. No one can undo this.

Cane: Come here.

Lily: Oh, my gosh!

Cane: I'm free. I'm free, Baby.

Lily: What? How?

Cane: (Sighs)

Lily: Oh, my--

Michael: All right, the judge is gonna allow Cane to stay in the country as long as Lily is sick.

Neil: As long as she's got cancer?

Michael: Unfortunately, yes.

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Oh, I'm so sorry. Excuse me. Michael. Sorry? Well, how did it happen? Uh, yeah. No. I-I'll--I'll be right there. Uh, Phyllis was in an accident. It--it doesn't sound like she was hurt too badly, though. Excuse me.

Malcolm: I'm going with you. Hey, man, glad you're still with us, all right?

Cane: Thank you. Thank you.

Lily: Thank you, Michael.

Neil: Be careful, Malcolm.

Malcolm: See you.

Lily: So if I beat the cancer, I lose you? And if I don't--

Cane: All right, come here. I don't want to think about that, Baby, 'cause nothing's gonna keep us apart.

Adam: If Ashley says that I didn't deliver her baby, she is lying. She did not miscarry.

Sharon: She said that she was unconscious.

Adam: Sharon, if you leave me now, I won't make it.

Sharon: My daughter... where is she?

Adam: I don't know. I swear on my mother's grave. Dr. Taylor said the baby died at birth. If he is lying, I hope he rots in hell.

Sharon: On your mother's grave? You are disgusting. You know, if your mother knew what you had become...

Adam: Sharon...

Sharon: (Sniffles)

Adam: How do I convince you that what we had was real? Please look at me.

Sharon: The next time I see you, Adam, is gonna be when a jury comes back with your conviction.

Phyllis: I get to wear a cast.

Nick: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: You have to help me around.

Nick: I'm gonna wait on you hand and foot.

Daniel: Ooh, I do not envy you.

Phyllis: Hey, what are you talking about? I'm a pussycat. (Whispers) Pussycat.

Daniel: Yes, you are.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

(Cell phone rings)

Phyllis: Shh.

Daniel: Oh, it's this guy who wants me to do a portrait of his family.

Amber: Answer it.

Daniel: No, I'll call him back later.

Phyllis: (Normal voice) No, I say answer it. It's work. Answer it.


Daniel: Okay... "Pussycat." Hello? Yep.

Nick: Well, all right.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: You are gonna have to consider me your personal slave for the next couple weeks.

Phyllis: Yeah? Great. Score. You don't have to take care of me.

Nick: Yeah, I want to. So get used to it. I know this has been tough on you. Taking down that plaque must have been real hard.

Phyllis: I wanted to support you.

Nick: Well, now it's my turn. Doctor wants you off your feet for the next few weeks. So you're gonna have to depend on me for support. Why don't you let me rescue you for a change?

Victor: The lab technician is setting up right now. They're gonna swab the little baby, Ashley and Sharon. Apparently, this kind of D.N.A. test shows quick results.

Jack: Is it definitive?

Victor: It is my understanding that the mother will be a perfect match to Faith.

Billy: You okay, Sis?

Sharon: Ashley, thank you.

Ashley: Sure. It's the right thing to do.

Victor: Ladies.

Jack: (Sighs)

(Door opens)

Paul: I told Patty about the hearing. She didn't seem the least bit disturbed about you being taken off the case.

Patty: (Sighs) God, I wish you hadn't done that.

Paul: I'll see you at the hearing tomorrow, okay?

Emily: Oh! (Gasps) Oh, God, Patty! Patty, w-what-- what are you doing? What--what's in that syringe?

Patty: Stimulant, to help with your depression.

Emily: Okay, Patty, you do not know what you're doing. You're gonna speed up my heart rate and kill me. (Sighs) Oh, God, how much did you give me?

Patty: Oh, more than enough. (Laughs) Enough to keep you awake all night, so that when you're in court tomorrow, you'll be an absolute basket case.

Emily: Oh, God, Patty.

Patty: Bye-bye, Dr. P.

Emily: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jack: Let somebody else handle Patty's problems.

Patty: Mnh-mnh. I can't do that.

Adam: I was the one who was kidnapped.

Jill: All right, you tell me everything.

Emily: Jack! Jack! (Breathing heavily)

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