Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/16/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 3/17/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9358 ~ Cane Says Goodbye to Lily
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Victor: My son.
Adam: Go away. Leave me alone. Let me die.
Victor: A message from your wife.
Sharon: And you know what else I found in the box of Cassie's things? That little wooden stable that your dad gave her with the horses. Remember how much she really loved it?
Nick: Yeah.
Sharon: Well, I thought, you know, maybe-- maybe we could give it to Faith one day, you know, and say that it's a gift from her big sister. And I'm not getting carried away. I mean, I know that we don't have any proof, and I know Adam could be telling the truth, and maybe Faith really is Ashley's daughter, but... I just can't stop myself from picturing it-- what it would be like to have our little girl back.
Nick: Me, too.
Sharon: How's Phyllis dealing with the news?
Nick: You know, I'm-- I'm not sure.
Sharon: Oh, you two haven't talked about it?
Nick: No, we, uh, you know, we talked about it last night. But she's been gone most of the day, so I don't really know how she's doing now that she's had a chance to let it all sink in.
Phyllis: Well, it turns out...
Malcolm: Thanks.
Phyllis: That my brother-in-law Adam is a thousand times more hateful than anyone knew.
Malcolm: And you're the one who brought him down. You know, you really amaze me, woman. You're like a dragon slayer.
Phyllis: Yeah, I'm like a chump, is what I am.
Malcolm: (Chuckles) No.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, I am.
Malcolm: What?
Phyllis: You know, you're the one who told me this would blow up in my face. I should have listened to you.
Malcolm: Well, maybe it's a good thing. Otherwise, Nick would have gone on believing his little girl had died.
Phyllis: That was difficult to see him, uh, grieving over that. It genuinely tore me apart.
Malcolm: Mm-hmm. I believe you.
Phyllis: I'm not unhappy that this child is alive, but I'm not gonna kid myself about what this could mean.
Patty: Please call me, Jack. (Sighs) I'm--I'm really worried a-about Ashley. Why do you need to stay with her? You know, maybe I could help. All right, um, I'll be waiting for your call. (Sighs) Oh, what if he knows? M-maybe he's with Emily right now.
(Footsteps approach)
Woman: Dr. Peterson? (Gasps)
Patty: Uh, hello.
Woman: Oh, don't recognize me outside your office, do you? It's Lynn Jacobs, your new patient.
Patty: (Gasps)
Lynn: (Chuckles)
Patty: I'm sorry. Uh, how are you, Lynn?
Lynn: Well, I think you know how I am from all the messages I've left. Why haven't you called me back?
Patty: You know what? I can't deal with you in a public place. Um, let's discuss this at our next session.
Lynn: But I'm having a crisis. I need your help.
Jack: Billy, don't worry. I'm here. Neil's here. You deal with whatever emergency you have at "Restless Style." I'll keep you posted, all right?
Ashley: Get your sock on. I'm very sorry that I took off without leaving you a message, Jack. I just need a little space to process everything that's gone on. Right?
Neil: Well, that's a hell of a lot to come to terms with, you know. Adam giving you Sharon's baby.
Ashley: I know, supposedly to cover up the fact that I had a miscarriage months ago. I mean, how stupidly ridiculous is that? But can you blame Sharon for wanting to believe it when the alternative is that somebody else has her baby? Maybe the baby was sold.
Faith: (Babbles)
Ashley: Have you spoken to Sharon about that? Because she needs to know that we'll do everything in our power to help her find her child.
Jack: Yeah, I-I think that goes without saying.
Ashley: Is that a yawn? Yes it was. Somebody's gettin' very sleepy. Yeah. Where's your binky?
Faith: (Babbles)
Ashley: What'd mommy do with your binky, huh?
Faith: (Babbles)
Ashley: Come here. Where's your "Binkers"?
Jack: (Sighs)
Jill: Thank you for your time.
Kay: Well, what was that all about?
Jill: Uh, just another dead end.
Kay: Oh, blind date?
Jill: No, Katherine. That was an immigration lawyer.
Kay: (Sighs)
Jill: I wanted him to help with Cane. He says it's too late.
Kay: Mm-hmm. Well, had you concentrated on that sooner instead of on burning Tucker and me--
Jill: Listen to me. Tomorrow, you can go back to throwing darts at me. But I'm about to lose another son, so please, could we call a truce just for one night?
Kay: Yes, of course.
Cane: (Voice breaking) The cure didn't work?
Lily: No. I'm so sorry to tell you this when you're about to get on the plane.
Cane: I can't get on that plane.
Lily: No, Cane, you have to.
Cane: No, no, I can’t. I can't leave you right now.
Lily: Listen. Stop it, okay? The sooner you leave, the sooner you can come back and get this all straightened out, okay? Because I need you. I do, Cane. Please, I need you, okay?
Cane: (Sighs heavily)
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: (Sighs)
Malcolm: (Sighs) So that's it then. Your marriage is doomed.
Phyllis: Don't do that to me. I didn't say that.
Malcolm: You might as well have. I mean, look at you. You're sittin' here cryin' into your drink about things that haven't even happened, that probably never will happen unless you allow them to.
Phyllis: All right, first of all, I'm not crying. I'm not crying, but this is a very difficult situation. Please acknowledge that.
Malcolm: Unh-unh. No.
Phyllis: I have to face the reality.
Malcolm: N-no, you don't have to face it. You have to shape it, okay?
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Malcolm: Just like you did for Daniel when you found that evidence that cleared him. You hauled his butt right out of the fire. And you did the same thing for that little girl. The only reason that that baby's gonna know who her parents are is because of you. But I guess when it comes to yourself, there's just nothing that can be done, huh? Poor, helpless little Phyllis.
Phyllis: Oh, I--don’t. I didn't do that. I didn't say that. Don't--I did not say that.
Malcolm: Mm. Nick loves you.
Phyllis: I know he does. Nick is conflicted, and that's an understatement. He has two women who love him, and two little girls that really need him.
Malcolm: And one wife who is currently here sharing a plate of fries with her buddy instead of home helpin' her husband work through this.
Phyllis: But I like my buddy.
Malcolm: (Chuckles) Your buddy likes you, too. I just wanted the fries.
Phyllis: All right, you're right. You're right. You're right.
Malcolm: I wanted the fries for myself. (Laughs)
Phyllis: (Laughs) Take the fries. I'll go home. Thanks.
Malcolm: All right, anytime. You be safe.
Ashley: It's amazing, isn't it, with everything going on, how peaceful she is? I really want it to stay that way for her. I know I have to call Nick and Sharon.
Jack: Do you know what you want to tell them?
Ashley: That's why I keep putting it off.
Neil: Let me tell you something. I could kill--I could kill Adam for putting you through this. You know that?
Jack: Get in line. I want to kill him, too.
Ashley: You guys, its Dr. Taylor that's putting me through this, okay? Adam was with me delivering Faith the entire time Taylor was with Sharon, and Adam has no way of knowing what happened to Sharon or her baby. I know it's weird and ironic that I happen to be Adam's alibi after everything he's done to me, and I'm not saying that I trust him, but guess what? There are even some things that Adam's not capable of doing.
Neil: (Sighs) Can I tell you something? That this situation brings up a lot of memories for me-- finding out that Lily wasn't my daughter.
Ashley: I'm sure that was horrific for you.
Neil: But it didn't change the bond that she and I have one bit.
Ashley: It's just different, though, Neil, because you raised Lily. Can you imagine if somebody came up to you and said, "This isn't your baby," and then took her away when she was a few months old? And then what happens then? She won't remember any of the time we spent together. God, I can't even go there.
Neil: (Sighs) Ash, its okay.
Ashley: (Sobs) What time is it-- what time is it anyway? Doesn't Cane's flight leave soon?
Neil: No, no, it's okay. I-I have a few minutes.
Ashley: (Sighs) Jack, has Sharon been calling?
Jack: No. I think she wants to give you some space, but sooner or later...
Ashley: I know. They want me to run a D.N.A. test.
Jack: Ashley, I hate the idea that you even had to think about any of this. But they need some answers. You understand that. I mean, they could go to a judge to handle this.
Ashley: I-I don't want this to get ugly.
Jack: Nobody does. The next move is in your hands.
Sharon: To think how much Ashley must have wanted her baby. I mean, she-- she's convinced herself that she was still pregnant after suffering a miscarriage.
Nick: Yeah. Well, remember, we're not gonna know anything for sure until we get that D.N.A. test. We can't believe anything that Taylor or Adam said because they're both liars.
Sharon: But, you know, in the dream I had about Cassíe, she told me that I would know for sure when I hold Faith in my arms. And I'm just holding on for that.
Nick: Bet you didn't get much sleep last night, did you? (Sighs) Me, either. I just kept laying there, thinking about all the different ways I wanted to kill Adam.
Sharon: You, too?
Nick: In vivid detail.
Victor: Can you see that? This is an annulment-- not divorce, annulment. Sharon wants to make clear that your marriage is off-the-record, that it never happened, just wiped out of existence.
Adam: Bet you wish you could do that to me.
Victor: What is the matter with you? You gonna play that suicide card with me? "I'm mentally ill. Therefore, I'm not responsible"? Is that what you're trying to play with me? It won't fly with me. It won't fly with the courts, either. You gotta go back to jail, Son. That's where you belong. Do you know how it pains me to see you chained to a hospital bed? You're my son. You're my flesh and blood. What the hell happened to you? Who are you? I almost don't give a damn what happens to you in jail.
Adam: Just let me die!
Lily: Cane, you can't take any chances and end up locked away somewhere.
Cane: Well, you don't have to worry about that now.
Lily: You see? I knew I shouldn't have told you that I was still sick.
Cane: You wanted to go through this alone?
Lily: Because I was afraid of what you might do, and I still am.
Cane: No, you don't have to be afraid, 'cause I am gonna be here for you.
Lily: Cane, do not try to escape. Promise me.
Kay: Oh, sorry to interrupt, but, uh, well, you know, you don't have much time left, Cane. I--
Jill: No, Sweetheart, don't you worry. He will not be gone long.
Cane: (Voice breaking) She's right. There's no point in saying good-bye, 'cause I'm gonna be back real fast.
Kay: Yes, of course you will.
Cane: Oh, I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I love you.
Jill: Oh, Darling. I love you, too.
Cane: (Sighs) (Normal voice) All right. Okay. Could I, um, ask you for one favor, please?
Kay: Oh, Cane, she's going to be in very, very good hands.
Cane: Yeah, I have no doubt.
Man: Time to head out.
Lily: We'll be right behind you.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: Okay?
Cane: (Sniffles) I love you.
Lily: I love you, too.
Man: This way.
Lily: (Sighs)
Sharon: It makes more sense now why Adam always tensed up whenever he saw me around Faith.
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey. Sharon. What's the word?
Sharon: Um, nothing yet. Just waiting.
Nick: We're trying to let Ashley do this at her own pace.
Phyllis: Well, that's good. Um, you guys probably have a lot to talk about, so I'll go.
Sharon: No, um, wait, Phyllis. Um, I--with all this going on, I haven't had a chance to thank you. Um, none of this would be happening if it weren't for you, if--if you hadn't done everything that you did, and it just scares me to death to think that I tried to stop you from proving that Adam is a liar.
Phyllis: Well, you know, I don't give up on things. I'm pretty stubborn, so...
Sharon: Well, you know what? You're a fighter, and I've-- I--that's really upset me at times, but right now, I just feel like I owe you everything. I owe you my entire future.
Phyllis: It's okay. The truth is out, and I'm glad.
Lynn: My mother reacted the same way she always does, talking about how she failed me when she really means I failed her.
Patty: Mm-hmm.
Lynn: (Sighs) And she's right. I have.
Patty: No. You're being too hard on yourself. See, you're internalizing, uh, the message from when you were a child. Mm-hmm. Right.
Lynn: We need to up my dosage. 50 milligrams is just not cutting it.
Patty: Uh, um, okay, you may be right. Um, let's discuss this at our next session, though.
Lynn: What am I supposed to do in the meantime?
Patty: Try and go to the happy place.
Lynn: My happy place?
Patty: Mm-hmm. It works for me.
Lynn: Are you patronizing me?
Patty: No.
Lynn: Because I can't believe you'd say something like that.
Patty: Okay, it was just a suggestion.
Lynn: Oh, the last thing I need right now is for my own doctor to pat--
Patty: Okay, just stop it! Stop it, okay?
(Doorbell rings)
Jack: Uh--
Ashley: I don't want to see anybody.
Jack: No, no, you know, it might just be Billy.
Victor: Ashley here?
Jack: Uh, she's resting. I don't think she's up for company.
Victor: I just would like to see Faith.
Ashley: Jack? It's okay. Please come in.
Jack: What's the word on Adam?
Victor: He's in the hospital.
Jack: Under police guard?
Victor: Yes, of course.
Ashley: Its okay, Jack. Go see Emily, all right? Go on. (Sniffles) I want to talk to Victor. Nick and Sharon were here last night. They want us to do a D.N.A. test. So have you heard anything else from Adam?
Victor: (Whispers) Hi, Baby.
Ashley: Victor?
Victor: (Sighs)
Patty: This is not working for me.
Lynn: You are being so unprofessional.
Patty: Oh, you know what is unprofessional? You accosting me in a public place on my day off. I suggest you make an appointment.
Lynn: I tried. You didn't call back.
Patty: Okay, you know, this hostility that you are projecting is not working for either one of us, so I think you should get yourself another psychiatrist.
Lynn: But I don't want--
Patty: I am sorry, okay? Oh, God. Oh, hi, Jack.
Jack: Hey, are you a sight for sore eyes. Mm.
Patty: (Sighs) Oh, you took the words right out of my mouth. (Sighs)
Heather: Do you know where I can find Adam's doctor?
Adam: Heather, that you?
Heather: Excuse me.
Heather: (Sighs) What do you want?
Adam: I need your help.
Heather: Yeah, you need help, but you're not gettin' mine.
Adam: You know what happened to me in jail last time.
Heather: Well, it shouldn't really be a problem, considering you're telling everyone that you want to die.
Adam: They're not gonna kill me. They're gonna torture me, and you know it.
Heather: "Torture." That's a pretty good description for what you did to Ashley, isn't it? And Sharon?
Adam: Dr. Taylor lied in that letter--
Heather: Shut up, Adam.
Adam: Listen to me, Heather.
Heather: (Sighs)
Adam: I know that deep down you still have feelings for me. Please. You know me, Heather.
Heather: No one knows you, Adam. We see what you choose to show us. You're either sweet and loveable, or you're sad and contrite, or you're desperate and scared. But none of it's real-- ever.
Adam: This is real. And I'm begging you from the bottom of my heart, Heather, please.
Heather: Your heart? Are you kidding me? All that's there is smoke and mirrors. It's all you ever were.
Victor: Remember the night you told me you were gonna have a baby?
Ashley: (Chuckles)
Victor: Hmm?
Ashley: Yes, I do. I asked you not to tell anybody, but you couldn't contain yourself.
Victor: I was so happy. You have no idea, especially considering all the tragedy the year before.
Ashley: It was a chance to right old wrongs and to have a fresh start. But, you know, I fell in love with her for her own sweet self. You know, she's such a serious little thing.
Victor: (Chuckles)
Ashley: She really is. But don't get me wrong. She loves to laugh, but she's a thinker. She gets this little frown on her forehead. It's so cute.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: When she's trying something new, or when she wants something really badly... (Laughs) It's the Newman frown. You do it. I see a lot of you in her. I see a lot of myself in her, too.
Victor: I guess every time we... begin to trust Adam, we live to regret it.
Ashley: You weren't there when she was born. He placed her in my arms.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: He said, "This is your beautiful daughter." How could that be a lie? It couldn't be a lie. I knew her instantly... (Sobs) When I held her. She's my girl that I carried and I loved and I talked to.
Victor: But you remember when we lived together, you said you had a lot of dreams and nightmares?
Ashley: Oh, let's not go into all that, okay?
Victor: But, Sweetheart, you told me that one night, Sabrina came to you in one of your dreams and, uh, had told you that our baby was gone.
Ashley: That was just a dream, remember? That's what you said.
Victor: You've no idea what I would give to believe that.
Ashley: Victor, you have to.
Victor: Do you really believe Faith is yours?
Ashley: (Voice breaking) I can't lose her. (Sobs) I can’t. (Sobs)
Phyllis: You're goin' upstairs, upstairs, upstairs. Give me a kiss first. Mwah. You might not be awake when I get home.
Nick: Mwah. I love you. (Sighs) You're going out again? Where to?
Phyllis: Oh, I have an errand to run.
Nick: You avoiding me?
Phyllis: Yes, I was... earlier. I'll stop doing that. I promise.
Nick: Okay, look.
Phyllis: Yes?
Nick: You can take as long as you need to get used to this. You've been amazing through this whole thing, starting from when we thought Faith had died. You let me grieve. You put up that amazing plaque in her honor.
Phyllis: I get points for that still? Good. Not that I need 'em, but it's good to know I have points.
Nick: We'll see if we even need 'em, okay? Faith may not even be my daughter.
Phyllis: She's your daughter. You know she's your daughter.
(Knock on door)
(Cell phone rings)
Sharon: Hey, I was just, um, getting in my car, and then Ashley called. I thought I should take it in here. Hello, Ashley?
Ashley: I'm sorry it's taken me so long to call.
Sharon: Oh, it's okay.
Ashley: Are you with Nick?
Sharon: Yes, he's here.
Ashley: Could the two of you come over?
Sharon: We'll be right there.
Nick: Uh, come with us.
Phyllis: Uh, no. It's okay. Go ahead. I have something I need to do.
Nick: How'd Ashley sound?
Sharon: Um, I don't know. Tense, maybe. And, you know, she could decide to fight us on this, which would make things really awful for everyone.
Nick: No, let's not anticipate the worst, okay?
Sharon: Okay.
Man: I'll get us checked in.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: I don't like you seeing me like this. Neil, could you please take her away?
Lily: Hey, no. This may be the last time that I see you for a while. I'm not going anywhere.
Neil: Wouldn't argue with a woman who just beat cancer.
Malcolm: Are you serious? You got your test results? Oh, Baby, that's fantastic. I'm so happy!
Man: All right, we're good to go. Say your good-byes.
Lily: (Sighs)
Malcolm: I'll see you real soon, man.
Cane: You got it.
Malcolm: All right.
Cane: She's gonna need you.
Neil: I got it covered, all right? Don't you worry about it.
Patty: Can you tell me what's going on with Ashley?
Jack: Yeah, and I may need some professional advice.
Patty: Oh, yeah, whatever I can do to help.
Jack: It's a very bizarre story.
(Cell phone rings)
Patty: Yeah?
Jack: Is that you?
Emily: Um...
Jack: Your phone?
Patty: Oh, yeah.
Patty: It's, uh, my boss from the hospital.
Jack: Oh, well, he only calls in an emergency.
Jack: So, listen, I'm gonna go back with Ashley, keep an eye on her. I'll talk to you later?
Patty: Okay.
Patty: (Sighs) Yes, this is Dr. Emily Peterson.
(Doorbell rings)
Nick: Hey, Dad.
Victor: Oh, hi, you two. Um, Ashley's upstairs changing Faith, but come in.
Victor: (Sighs) I cannot imagine what this day must have been like for you. Ashley couldn't even talk about it.
Sharon: Well, I understand, and, you know, I-I wouldn't wish what she's going through on anyone.
Nick: What's up with Adam?
Victor: They tied him to the hospital bed, so he's no threat to anyone right now.
Nick: That's what we thought before when he was in jail. It wasn't enough to neutralize him.
Sharon: Ashley. Thank you so much for calling.
Ashley: (Grunts)
Sharon: None of this would be happening if it weren't for you. If... I just feel like I owe you everything. I owe you entire future.
Nick: You've been amazing through this whole thing, starting from when we thought Faith had died.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
[Phyllis remembering]
Nick: Sharon has been a part of my life longer than she hasn't been. We grew up together. We have this-- we have this family together. We share a history. I--
Phyllis: That's it? (Sighs) What? That is so much more compelling than what you just described and our family and our history? Please get out. Go--go to your lovely history, Sharon, sweet Sharon. Please, go to her, because that's where you're gonna end up anyway.
Phyllis: (Grunts)
Cane: You know, if I hadn't agreed to do this deal with Phillip, you wouldn't be in this mess.
Lily: Yeah, but then we never would have met, and we wouldn't have two little people about to come into the world.
Cane: Don't think for a second I won't be here for it when they're born.
Lily: (Sighs heavily) I used to always think that the good-bye scene at the end of "Casablanca" was so romantic.
Cane: (Chuckles)
Lily: I hate this.
Cane: We will be together. I will never let you down. Do you believe me? Yeah?
Lily: Yeah.
Jill: (Sighs) I don't even know why I bothered calling you.
Kay: (Sighs)
Jill: (Sighs)
Kay: It's going to be all right. Now we're gonna find a way to help Cane, and you know that Phillip is going to be looking after him while he's in Australia.
Jill: Pretty soon, I'm gonna be all alone.
Kay: Stop it. Now this is only a temporary situation.
Jill: Do you know when I was talking to the immigration lawyers, without even thinking about it, I kept referring to Cane as my son?
Kay: Mm. And I can relate.
Jill: You're talking about Tucker? How can you accept him so easily after what he did to you?
Kay: Jill, Jill, Jill. I was talking about you. I think of you as my daughter. Biologically, there is no tie. But in the end, see, that's not what matters.
Ashley: I think she's the only--only one who got some sleep last night.
Jack: I saw your car outside. What's going on?
Ashley: Its okay, Jack. I invited Nick and Sharon over. They have a right to know where I stand.
Nick: Where you stand?
Ashley: Yeah, um, I made a decision.
Jack: Look, emotions are running kind of high right now. Maybe this isn't the perfect time to make these decisions.
Ashley: Hi, Sweetie. I look at her, and I see my daughter. And I have no doubt in my mind that she belongs with me. But my feelings are beside the point, and, um, she needs to be with her mommy. And we all deserve to know the truth. So even though in my heart, I believe that she's my little girl, I'm gonna go ahead and get the D.N.A. test, okay? And then no matter what the outcome... (Sobs) I'll respect it. (Sobs)
Sharon: (Whispers) I'm so sorry.
Man: We're boarding.
Lily: (Sighs)
Man: Please, step back.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: I love you, Baby. I love you.
Cane: What do you want me to say? It must have fallen off when you cuffed me.
Man: Why would you take off your wedding ring?
Cane: I didn't take it off! It must have fallen off! Do you see it?! (Grunts)
(Door opens)
(Footsteps approach)
Adam: Who's there?
Heather: It's me.
Adam: Heather.
Heather: Don't get too excited. I haven't changed my mind about helping you. I'm here to introduce you to your court-appointed psychiatrist.
(Door opens)
(Footsteps approach)
Patty: Hello, Adam.
(Tires screeching on black ice)
Phyllis: (Screams)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Paul: Dr. Jasper agrees with me. I don't want you treating my sister.
Lily: I was afraid that Cane would do something like this.
Devon: Hey, you really don't know where Cane is?
Nick: Yeah, I'm on my way.
Victor: What is it?
Nick: There's been an accident.
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