Y&R Transcript Monday 3/15/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 3/15/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 3/16/10 -- USA


Episode # 9357 ~ Kevin Confronts Lauren About Paul

Provided By Boo
Proofread By Emma

Lauren: (Sighs) I cannot believe how incredibly selfless Phyllis was. I mean, if I'd been in her position--

Michael: You would have given her Dr. Taylor's letter, too.

Lauren: I feel terrible for Ashley. I--you know what? I'm gonna call her later.

Michael: Uh, I'd put that off if I were you. Ashley's having a bit of a hard time accepting the fact that Faith may be Nick and Sharon's daughter. Hey.

Kevin: Hi.

Lauren: Oh, my.

Kevin: Here you go. (Clears throat)

Michael: Oh, green whipped cream.

Lauren: Very--

Michael: It looks like a leprechaun vomited in my coffee.

Kevin: Then don't drink it.

Lauren: Uh, why don't you come over for dinner tonight? Fen really misses you, and I-I can call Gloria.

Michael: I don't know if I can make it home for dinner tonight.

Kevin: Count me out.

Lauren: Come on, Babe. Uh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. You have been working way too hard, and we need some family time.

Kevin: I don't want to listen to Gloria bitching about Jana anymore.

Lauren: Then promise me another night.

Michael: Yeah, after I sort things out with Cane.

Kevin: Is he being deported?

Michael: (Sighs) Unless I can stop it. The judge has agreed to an emergency hearing.

Lauren: After everything that Lily and Cane have been through? It's amazing.

Kevin: Mm. Well, they're fighting to stay together the way married people are supposed to. Some of us aren't so lucky. Their wives aren't who they thought they were.

Michael: Now look, I know this doesn't make much sense right--

Kevin: No, no. No pep talks, not right now. Um, did you get a chance to look at that contract I asked you about?

Michael: Yeah. Yeah. You can sign them-- in the yellow envelope.

Kevin: Oh, well, don't let me take you away from your coffee.

Michael: No, no. We wouldn't want that.

Lauren: Exactly.

Michael: Oh.

Lauren: My God.

Michael: (Chuckles)

Lauren: It's terrible.

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Oh, hold on. Yes? Hey. Talk to me, Chantal. Uh-huh. So it's redone? Change the name. Yeah. And you got the paperwork from Australia? Okay. All right.

Lauren: Let's do something special when you come home tonight.

Michael: Ooh... I don't know if I'll be in the mood to go out.

Lauren: Well, then we'll stay in, and I can pamper you.

Michael: Mm-hmm...

Neil: Okay, tha-- yeah, thanks for calling. Okay, bye-bye. Uh, listen, I'm gonna have to catch up with you at the immigration office right after I make a brief stop at the office. I'm sorry about that.

Lily: Yeah, don't worry. I'm fine.

Daniel: Hey, guys.

Neil: Hey, what's up?

Lily: Morning.

Daniel: What's the, uh, word on Cane?

Lily: Um, they're putting him on a plane today.

Neil: Unless we hear otherwise from Michael.

Lily: Yeah, but I'm not holding my breath, because Michael said there's almost no chance the appeal will succeed.

Neil: No, no, no, no, no. No negative talk, okay? Don't worry. Miracles happen. Look at you. The doctors said to prepare for the worst, and now my baby's gettin' well.

Lily: I just don't understand why immigration's allowed to deport someone who's married to an American citizen.

(Cell phone rings)

Neil: Hey.

Daniel: Hey, uh, Lily, you got a sec before you take off? Can I talk to you?

Lily: Yeah, sure.

Neil: Honey, I will see you over there. Come here. Give me a kiss.

Lily: Okay.

Neil: Mwah. Love you. Neil Winters. Yeah.

Daniel: You're lying to Neil, too?

Lily: I couldn't tell him.

Daniel: Lily--

Lily: Uh, listen, you're the only one who knows, okay?

Daniel: Your husband and your father, they have a right to know that your chemo didn't work. I mean, is this really the way you want to handle this?

Lily: Daniel, do you think that I like lying to them? I have no choice, okay? I have to do this for Cane. He told Jill that if I wasn't well, he would try to escape. I can't let him do that. Now if he leaves today, there's a chance that he can come back, but if he breaks the law, they'll never let him back in the country.

Daniel: Okay, I understand what you're saying, but I don't think it's--

Lily: No, you know what? Listen, Cane's waiting for me, okay? I don't want to make things worse for him.

Daniel: (Sighs)

J.T.: You gonna drink all three of those by yourself? It's a little early in the day to be drinking, don't you think?

Mac: I can't decide how dark to dye the beer.

J.T.: Well, that's a big decision on St. Paddy's day.

Mac: We're gonna be packed for lunch.

J.T.: Corned beef and cabbage?

Mac: Yeah, and green beer if I don't want a riot. And I have to make this decision before I go see Cane.

J.T.: I can't believe he's gettin' deported.

Mac: I can't-- I can't talk about it without getting teary, but I am not gonna cry today. I will be cheerful when I see him.

J.T.: Well, I would go with beer number one. Uh, that dark stuff's better. The light stuff looks like, you know...

Mac: (Chuckles) I thought so, too. Um, do you have special plans today? You and Reed doing something?

J.T.: No, he's, uh, he's having a class party. I'm gonna go have yet another discussion with Victoria. We, uh, had it out last night.

Mac: I'm sorry.

J.T.: Yeah, I think the, uh, days of celebrating holidays with her are over.

Billy: Hey. What's, uh, Irish and stays out all night? (Irish accent) "Paddy O'Furniture." (Chuckles)

Victoria: (Chuckles) Is that your attempt at green?

Billy: (Normal voice) Oh, no, Baby. This is my attempt at green right here.

Victoria: No, look, that's fine. No, really.

Billy: No, come on. Look.

Victoria: You can stop right there. That's great.

Billy: This is--these are--this is quality stuff. (Groans)

Victoria: Wow. Oh, yeah, sure. Please, sit down. Join me.

Billy: Thanks. I'm here for the, uh, green bagels.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. I hear they're all the rage.

Billy: Yeah, well, don't get too excited. I can't stay long. I'm just here to get breakfast for Jack and Ashley.

Victoria: Oh. How is Ashley?

Billy: Well, she's fair. She's trying to come to terms with what Taylor wrote in that letter. It's pretty devastating, but, uh, she's holding on.

Faith: (Babbles)

Jack: Anything I can get you?

Ashley: No, thank you.

Faith: (Babbles)

Jack: Breakfast will be--

Ashley: I know. As soon as, uh, Billy gets here. You told me, Jack.

Jack: You maybe had a chance to call...

Ashley: (Laughs) Are you wondering if I spoke to Sharon about the D.N.A. test?

Jack: Well, just that the way that you were talking last night, I thought that--

Ashley: Jackie, uh, don't worry, okay? I know what has to be done.

Jack: I hope you know if you need professional help, I'm sure Emily--

Ashley: You really want to help me? Please stop analyzing everything I say. Surely, you have better things to do with your time.

Jack: Not really.

Ashley: (Laughs) I thought you said you wanted to take a shower.

Jack: Yeah, once Billy gets here.

Ashley: I'm not gonna self-destruct, okay? You're making me crazy. Go take a shower.

Jack: Okay, I'll be right back.

Ashley: Okay, Sweetie pie, we can't waste any more time. It's time to go. Come on.

Faith: (Babbles)

Ashley: That's right. That's right. We've gotta go. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Faith: (Babbles)

Ashley: (Whispers) Yes, I hope so. (Whispering indistinctly)

Cane: (Sighs) Oh, Baby. Oh, you did it. You did it, Sweetheart. You beat the cancer. (Sighs) God, I was so scared. I was so scared. I mean, I prayed every night to God that you'd do this, and you did it, 'cause you were strong. You were so strong.

Lily: (Sniffles)

Cane: You know you are the most amazing woman I've ever known? You know that?

Lily: Yeah.

Cane: Yeah? Hey, you don't cry. You don't cry, okay? No tears, all right? 'Cause this is nothing. We will deal with whatever happens, okay? 'Cause all that matters now is that you are gonna be here to raise our babies, and one day, one day after our little rug rats are born, we will tell them all these stories of what happened, okay?

Lily: You're leaving me.

Cane: I know. I know I'm leaving you, but it's not gonna be for long, okay?

Lily: I just couldn't handle the idea... (Sniffles) Of you having to leave and worrying about me.

Cane: I know. Come here, all right. Listen to me, all right? You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be fine. And our babies, they're gonna be great. And you know what's gonna happen? I'm gonna go home and do what I gotta do, and if I can't come back to the states, you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna go to Paris, because we will always have Paris. You know that, don't you? 'Cause all that matters now is that we'll be together.

Lily: (Sniffles)

Cane: Okay, Baby? Come here.

Lily: (Sighs)

Billy: So last night was a first. I never thought I'd see the day when the Newmans and the Abbotts joined forces. Favorite moment of the night?

Victoria: Hmm... the look on Adam’s face when Heather and Rafe walked out. He thought he was a dead man.

Billy: Yeah, that was a good one.

Victoria: Yep.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: Yours?

Billy: When your dad popped him one. I mean, I don't know if I could show that kind of restraint. I wanted to kill Adam, and I don't know what I would have done if you didn't talk me down. I was... (Chuckles) But, uh, I don't know. Spending the rest of my life in jail doesn't sound like a lot of fun, especially since I think... (Whispering) He'll have a lot of friends. So thank you for talking me down.

Victoria: (Whispers) You're welcome. (Clears throat) (Normal voice) Well, our families may not agree on much, but... we protect our own.

Billy: (Normal voice) Amen, sister.

(Mugs clink)

J.T.: Look, I shouldn't dump all my problems on you. You got enough to worry about.

Mac: I'm not a bartender, but I do my share of standing back there and listening to people's problems.

J.T.: It's just... with Victoria and her family, if you don't like the way they handle things, then all of a sudden, you're a traitor.

Mac: You've said that before.

J.T.: Yeah, but they've taken it to new heights. They're not above the law. What they did last night was reckless. It was careless. It was arrogant. (Sighs) What?

Mac: They've said the same thing about you.

J.T.: Yeah, well, I've changed my behavior since I got married and had a kid.

Mac: Mm-hmm.

J.T.: But with Victoria, it's a way of life. You know, what the Newmans did last night, it-- (Sighs) They think they can do whatever the hell they want to anybody and not pay any consequences.

Mac: Everybody pays.

J.T.: Well, they're crazy if they think there's not gonna be any fallout.

Jack: Ash, where are you?

Jack: Ash? Ashley! Ashley?

Lauren: You know, we haven't taken a vacation in a long time.

Michael: Mm... you don't have to twist my arm.

Lauren: Really?

Michael: Mnh-mnh. Oh.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Oh, hold on. Oh, I have to take this.

Lauren: All right.

Michael: And I have no bars.

Lauren: Really?

Michael: Hold on. Yep. Gotta go find 'em.

Lauren: I wonder if I have service.

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: No, I have service. That's so funny.

Michael: Excuse me. Hello? Can you hear me now?

Kevin: Well, aren't you just full of some great ideas? Dinner, family vacations...

Lauren: Well, you know, life gets so busy. You don't want to let the important things get away from you.

Kevin: Yeah, the way you're talking, Mike would never even know you're cheating on him.

Lauren: What?

Mac: Where was Reed when all this was going on?

J.T.: (Sighs) Asleep. I don't think he heard us arguing. At least, I-I hope he didn’t.

Mac: For his sake, you have to stop fighting.

J.T.: Look, I'm fighting for my son. I don't--I don't want him growing up thinking he's entitled because he's Victor Newman's grandson.

Mac: And he won't, because you're his father.

J.T.: Victor can be very seductive, you know? He bought Noah an expensive car. He bought Abby a... (Chuckles) a million-dollar horse.

Mac: Not everyone is seduced by Victor and his money.

J.T.: Yeah, well, Victoria will be right there encouraging it. See, to her, the ends justify the means. And you know what? I'm not gonna let that happen. I don't want Reed anywhere near Victor, and I will fight with everything I have to keep that from happening.

Mac: I wish it could be some other way.

J.T.: Yeah, me, too, but this is how it's gonna be.

Billy: Thank you. Thank you, and, uh, all right. (Chuckles) "Restless Style" is selling out its new issue.

Victoria: Oh, good for you. What's the big story?

Billy: Tucker McCall. He, uh, bribed a foreign official. It's what launched his career.

Victoria: Hmm. Do you have proof?

Billy: Hmm. Do you think I'd open myself up to a lawsuit if I didn't?

Victoria: Well, good. After what he did to Katherine, he deserves it.

Billy: Oh, so you approve?

Victoria: Yeah. You know, it's funny how your magazine isn't really offensive when it's not about me or my family.

Michael: Excuse me. Um, sorry, Billy. Victoria, I need to speak to you in private for a moment.

Victoria: Sure.

(Cell phone rings)

Billy: That's my cue. (Clears throat) Excuse me.

Michael: I just spoke with J.T.'s attorney. He's decided to sue for full custody of Reed.

Billy: Hey, Jack, what's up?

Jack: Ashley and Faith are gone.

Billy: Gone where?

Jack: I went up to take a shower. I came downstairs. The house was empty. The baby carrier is gone. Ashley is not answering her phone.

Billy: Okay, I'm on my way. All right, I gotta go.

Victoria: Yeah, me, too. I've gotta go. I've wasted enough time this morning.

Billy: Yep, ditto.

(Touch-tones beeping)

Neil: Neil Winters.

Jack: Neil, its Jack. Have you maybe heard from Ashley today?

Neil: No, I sure haven’t. Why?

Jack: Uh, I was kind of hoping she was with you.

Neil: What's going on?

Ashley: It's gonna be okay, Sweetie. We're gonna get out of here real soon, okay? Our flight's just been delayed. Maybe Mommy should find another flight for us, huh? It's gonna be okay.

Tucker: Ashley Abbott.

Ashley: Hi.

Tucker: Hey.

Ashley: What are you doing here?

Tucker: Well, I'm just back from a meeting with my legal staff in New York. You know, they really got their hands full, no thanks to your brother.

Ashley: Which brother would that be?

Tucker: Oh, that would be "Billy-boy." All that nonsense he wrote about how I started my record label-- the feds were on that like white on rice.

Ashley: (Whispering) Its okay, Sweetie. Everything's gonna be fine.

Tucker: Every transaction I ever made is gonna be scrutinized. Is everything all right?

Ashley: (Normal voice) Yeah, everything's fine. We just had a mechanical thing, you know. We're supposed to be on the plane by now.

Tucker: Wow, that's a beautiful baby.

Ashley: Thank you.

Tucker: So how long did they say you'd be stuck here?

Ashley: (Sighs) Hopefully, not too long. You know, though, mechanical problems...

Tucker: Well, it's no fun being alone in an airport. How about I keep you company? Guy: Hey.

Neil: Jack, why? Why would you let Ashley go to that cabin and be part of that confrontation?

Jack: Neil, I didn't call you to come here and give me more grief.

Billy: Oh, come on! Hey, Ash, it's Billy. Where'd you go? I'm here with breakfast. It's getting cold.

Neil: Are-- are you kidding me? Seriously? I mean, there had to be a better way to handle that.

Jack: Neil, we can argue later. Right now, let's find Ash.

Billy: (Sighs) She must have been more freaked out than we thought.

Neil: What about her computer? Did you check her computer? Maybe there's some clue, what she was thinking.

Jack: Yes, I checked her computer. I also checked the house phone call log-- nothing.

Billy: Wait, wait. Wh-where's Abby?

Jack: She's at school. I doubt she knows anything.

Billy: All right, well, guys, hey, calm down. Maybe she just went out to get some air, you know?

Neil: Why--why would she disappear on Abby?

Jack: You're assuming she's thinking rationally.

Billy: After everything she's been through in the past 24 hours, what are the chances of that?

Jack: (Sighs)

Ashley: I'm not alone. I have my daughter. You don't have to stay. It's okay.

Tucker: Well, I'm happy to. I'll tell you, I could really use some downtime myself. So where are you two gals off to?

Ashley: Well, gosh, Tucker, that's really none of your business, is it?

Tucker: (Chuckles) Well, I suppose it's not.

Ashley: It's not.

Tucker: Okay. I was just wondering if, um, maybe you're taking a vacation.

Ashley: And why would you think that?

Tucker: Well... (Sighs) After all the hoopla surrounding Jabot, who could blame you for wanting to get away?

Ashley: It has been pretty tumultuous, a lot more than I ever anticipated.

Tucker: I think a little distance is good for the soul, like chicken soup. It's therapeutic. It helps you find perspective.

Ashley: Exactly. Yeah, I mean, sometimes, you just have to get away so you can catch your breath, right? Although I don't think my family would agree with us on that one. Would they, Honey? (Chuckles)

Michael: All right, I am off to plead Cane's case. I'll call you later and let you know how my day's shaking out.

Lauren: All right, Honey.

Michael: Mwah! Love you.

Lauren: Good luck.

Michael: See you, Kevin.

Kevin: Bye.

Lauren: Did you take those pictures?

Kevin: Me? No.

Lauren: Then where did you get them?

Kevin: Well, first things first. How could you do this?

Lauren: Okay, all right, Kevin, this is not what it looks like. I never slept with Paul. I have never cheated on Michael.

Kevin: Well, this is cheating in my book, and you're all over Paul in public. It's disgusting.

Lauren: (Sighs) Okay, all right. I just--I-I wasn't my-myself that night. I-I would never do this.

Kevin: These pictures don't lie, Lauren.

Lauren: You know I haven't been feeling well. And--and when I ran into Paul that night, I-it was like I was out of my mind. I didn't even know what had happened until after. I-I feel so terrible about this.

Kevin: How could you not have known?

Lauren: I think it has something to do with the medication I've been taking for my headaches. Look, something is obviously wrong with me.

Kevin: Oh... (Scoffs) Well, that's the perfect excuse. "It's not me. It's the medication." I don't buy it, and you know what? I'm not covering for you. Michael deserves to see these.

(Envelope clatters)

Cane: You know, I wish I could take you out to celebrate. (Sighs) Instead, I'm stuck in here.

Lily: No, no regrets. We're just gonna keep looking forward no matter what. Promise?

Cane: Yeah, I promise. 'Cause we-- we have the rest of our lives together, don't we? Come here.

Lily: (Sighs)

Mac: Ooh, I'm interrupting.

Cane: No.

Lily: It's okay.

Cane: Come here. Come here.

Lily: Come on in.

Cane: How you doing? Are you all right? Are the babies fine? Are you okay?

Mac: No, I'm--I'm great. They're great. Doctor says everything's goin' like clockwork.

Cane: (Chuckles) Is it, um, my imagination, or are you, you know, in a good way, getting bigger?

Mac: (Laughs) No, definitely bigger. These are two healthy babies.

Cane: Mm. Daniel's here.

Lily: Um, yeah. He said he might stop by. I'm--I'll be right back.

Cane: Okay. I'm really glad you came by. Come here. Thank you.

Mac: Of course.

Lily: What are you doing here?

Daniel: (Sighs) I think you're making a big mistake.

Lily: Okay, you know what? I don't want to hear it, please.

Daniel: Lily, there's still time to fix this.

Lily: Daniel, I already hate that I have to lie to Cane.

Daniel: You don't have to lie to him.

Lily: No, stop, okay? I'm doing what is best for him.

Daniel: What's best for him is hearing the truth about your cancer.

Tucker: You know, I'm really surprised to hear you're disappointed in your family. I've seen firsthand how the Abbotts stick together.

Ashley: It's not always such a good thing.

Tucker: Most people would kill for a family like yours.

Ashley: Well... (Sighs) There's close, and then there's claustrophobic. My brothers mean very well, and I-I just need a little time to come to terms with some things that are going on in my life right now. And I guess they don't think that I'm capable of handling those things on my own.

Tucker: Why would they think that?

Ashley: (Laughs) I haven't always managed so well in the past.

Tucker: (Sighs) Okay. Well, you're obviously going through something. You know, whatever it is, you need to escape, get your head together...

Ashley: No lectures on running away?

Tucker: Well, it's not up to me to tell you what to do.

Ashley: I'd love to hear what you think.

Tucker: Uh... (Sighs) Without knowing the circumstances, I really can't offer an opinion.

Ashley: Yeah.

Tucker: But, you know, you could ask yourself, are you looking for breathing space, or are you running? Now the woman I see, she doesn't look like she's falling apart.

Ashley: Really?

Tucker: No.

Ashley: (Sniffles)

Tucker: By the way, it's the same woman who gave me a piece of her mind the first time we met. I can't imagine her needing to run from anything.

Billy: Let's not freak out, okay? She's--she's not missing. It's quite possible that she could come walking in this door any moment.

Neil: Hey, wait a minute. Maybe--maybe she went to see Victor or--or Sharon, right?

Jack: Why didn't she say something or leave a message?

Billy: Because she feels like we're breathing down her neck, and, gentlemen, we are.

Jack: You realize if we call the ranch and tell the Newmans that she and the baby are missing...

Billy: They will panic, and she will kill us, especially if she just went out for a while.

Neil: Okay, I'd like to believe that she's gonna come walking through that door, but what if history is repeating itself, and--and she's out there somewhere running scared?

Billy: How do we look for Ashley without letting everybody know that she's missing?

Jack: (Sighs)

Mac: You know, if you get on that plane today, it's not good-bye. It's "See you later."

Cane: Will you promise me you'll look after Lily?

Mac: (Scoffs) She's gonna be so busy looking after me. And we're gonna send you every update, every ultrasound picture, we'll video-chat every day. You'll not miss one second of these kids.

Cane: You know, I'm counting on that. Did you hear the good news about the PET scan?

Mac: No.

Cane: Cancer's gone.

Mac: Oh, my God! That's incredible news!

Cane: Can I, um, can I talk to them?

Mac: Yeah, of course.

Cane: Hey, little ones. It's me. It's your father. And I just want to let you know how lucky you are to have your mom.

Mac: And dad.

Cane: And I just want to say to you good-bye. But it's not gonna be for long. You know why? Because I'm comin' back, and I will be here for you when you're born. 'Cause I'm not gonna miss that event for any reason.

Lily: I'm not gonna let you go in there and upset Cane.

Daniel: Come on. You know I wouldn't do that. But you need to tell him.

Lily: Daniel, you already know why I can’t.

Daniel: Do you realize that our marriage ended because I wasn't straight with you?

Lily: Okay, no, that was different.

Daniel: No, no, keeping secrets is a bad idea no matter what they are. Cane deserves to know. How would you feel if this whole situation was reversed?

Lily: I would understand.

Daniel: You would not understand. That's a lie. You would--you would never forgive him. (Sighs) Look, I get why you're doing this. You're hoping that he's gonna be back soon, and then you can tell him the truth then. What if that doesn't happen? What if they don't let him back in the country right away? I tell you, that guy's gonna feel completely devastated and betrayed that-- that you didn't tell him in person when you had the chance.

Victoria: When were you planning to tell me?

J.T.: You spoke to Michael?

Victoria: You had to tell me through my lawyer? You didn't have the guts to face me?

J.T.: Look, this isn't how I wanted you to find out. I was gonna tell you myself.

Victoria: You want full custody of Reed? Go to hell! You are such a bastard! I confide in you about what my family's going through, and you twist it. You use it against me.

J.T.: Look, I tried to tell you this last night, but you didn't listen to me, okay? You're so caught up in your family's drama that you can't even see right from wrong anymore. I don't want my son being raised that way.

Victoria: Oh, please, don't be so sanctimonious, acting like my dad is some evil puppeteer that's trying to poison Reed's mind.

J.T.: Well, he's poisoned yours. What happened to you, Victoria? Where's the woman who went to Italy to escape her family's influence?

Victoria: Oh, I wish you would stop throwing my family in my face.

J.T.: You used to stand up to Victor.

Victoria: I still do.

J.T.: Well, obviously, you forgot about that last night when they kidnapped Adam and--and threatened him.

Victoria: Are you kidding me? Are you joking? After everything that Adam has done? He deserved a lot worse than what he got.

J.T.: Oh, listen to yourself right now. Do want your son being raised that way?

Victoria: I resent you implying that you love Reed more than I do.

J.T.: No, I-I-I know you love him. But you can't see what's best for him.

Victoria: Oh, and you can? I'm sorry. I'm not gonna argue with you. I'm gonna walk out that door, and you'd better be packed and moved out by the time I get back.

Kevin: You know what burns me the most? I mean, Michael is out working his butt off to provide for his family, and you're palling around with your ex-husband. I mean, it's like this whole family's falling apart-- first Jana, now you.

Lauren: Look, every word I've said is the truth. And after all these years, I'd think you would know that you can trust me.

Kevin: Like I trusted Jana? She's the last person in the world I thought would keep secrets.

Lauren: I'm not Jana, and I am not keeping secrets. This means nothing to me. Now I know I can't stop you from showing Michael these pictures. But for his sake, please... don't do it.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Michael: Thank you.

Michael: Your appeal was denied.

Cane: (Sighs heavily)

Lily: What?

Michael: I'm sorry. I am sorry.

Daniel: Michael, there's gotta be something you can do.

Michael: I have exhausted all the avenues.

Cane: So they're gonna put me on a plane today?

Michael: There's no reason for immigration to delay things.

Lily: How soon before he comes back?

Michael: I'm not gonna make any promises. I'm gonna do my best.

Cane: Thank you. Thank you.

Michael: Now look, I'm not giving up--far from it.

Cane: I know.

Michael: I'm consulting with a-a friend in D.C. who specializes in immigration law.

Daniel: Yeah, man, this is a tough break. Seriously, you don't deserve it.

Cane: Thanks. Thank you.

Daniel: If there's, uh, anything that I can do...

Cane: Can you keep an eye on her while I'm gone?

Daniel: (Chuckles) Come on, man. That's a given.

Cane: (Chuckles)

Daniel: Look, you're gonna be back soon, okay?

Cane: All right. Thanks.

(Cell phone rings)

Daniel: Aha, D.C.

Michael: Okay, uh, I'll be in touch.

Daniel: (Quietly) There's still time to tell him. You owe him that.

Lauren: I know I can’t make excuses for myself, but for Michael's sake, I am begging you.

Kevin: I believe you.

Lauren: (Sighs) Thank God.

Kevin: I mean, if you were having an affair with Paul, I don't think you'd be stupid enough to do it in public.

Lauren: Let's just-- let's destroy these and just--we're gonna forget this ever happened.

Kevin: Well, I'll have you know I found this in Michael's briefcase.

Lauren: Does he know?

Kevin: I don't think so. The envelope was sealed. But it means somebody was close enough to get it in there, which means they could do it again.

Lauren: Who would do this?

Kevin: I don't know. Did you see anybody suspicious that night?

Lauren: (Sighs) I barely even remember that night.

Kevin: And we don't know if they're trying to mess with you or Michael.

Lauren: I don't think it matters. Somebody is trying to make trouble for us.

Kevin: So which is worse-- Michael finding this in his briefcase, or you coming clean?

Lauren: (Sighs shakily) I've gotta tell him.

Michael: You cannot force J.T. to leave the house.

Victoria: Fine. That's fine. Then I'll move out with Reed.

Michael: All right, you can move out, but you can't take the baby with you.

Victoria: Michael, he's my son.

Michael: If you want to fight J.T. for custody, you have to stay put.

Victoria: Okay, fine. Fine. That's what I'll do. He's not gonna take my little boy.

J.T.: You didn't have to come over.

Mac: Well, you sounded so upset on the phone.

J.T.: Well, Victoria found out I'm suing for full custody. She told me to get the hell out.

Mac: Where are you gonna go?

J.T.: My lawyer says she can't kick me out, and she can't keep me from seeing my son. So I'm not going anywhere.

Neil: A-as soon as possible. I-I'm on my cell.

Jack: I'm asking that you do a check on the card to see if there was any activity today. Yes...

(Front door closes)

Jack: The credit card's under "Ashley Abbott." Never mind.

Ashley: Hi.

Neil: Hi.

Billy: What the hell are you doing with him?

Tucker: Hey. I-it's no big deal. I ran into your sister. She needed a ride.

Jack: You could have called one of us.

Ashley: I didn't need to. Thank you so much.

Tucker: I'm glad I could help. See y'all later.

Neil: You okay?

Ashley: I'm okay.

Jack: You left without a word.

Ashley: Yeah, I know. I needed some room. You and Billy have been hovering over me like a mother hen.

Jack: Ash--

Ashley: You know what, Jack? Don't make a big deal of it, okay? Faith and I are back home.

Lily: (Sighs)

Lily: These last few days--

Cane: All right, listen. It's okay. It's okay. This is gonna be okay, Sweetheart, all right? We are here. We are still standing. We're gonna be apart, but it's not gonna be forever.

Lily: You don't understand. (Sighs)

Cane: What?

Lily: These past few months, I feel like I have been living in slow motion...

Cane: I know.

Lily: Like my whole world existed inside that chemo room. But through it all, you have stood by me, and you have helped me to stay strong when I didn't know if I'd make it to the next day. And now here we are having to say good-bye.

Cane: It's not gonna be for long. It's not.

Lily: (Sighs) Oh, gosh. (Sighs) I can't keep this from you because you deserve to know the truth. Just know that I was just trying to protect you.

Cane: What are you talking about? What do you want to protect me from?

Lily: From yourself. Cane, I'm afraid of what you might do. Listen, just promise me. Promise me that you won't do anything foolish.

Cane: Sweetheart, what are you talking about?

Lily: I wasn't honest with you. (Sighs) My PET scan results-- they're not good.

Cane: What do you mean, "They’re not good"?

Cane: Oh.

Lily: The chemo didn't work. (Sighs) I didn't beat the cancer.

Cane: (Sighs heavily)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Adam: What's that?

Victor: A message from your wife.

Nick: Faith may not even be my daughter.

Phyllis: She's your daughter. You know she's your daughter.

Jack: They need some answers.

Ashley: They want me to run a D.N.A. test.

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