Y&R Transcript Friday 2/26/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 3/12/10 -- Canada; Monday 3/15/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9356 ~ J.T. Must Make a Decision About Reed's Future

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: That was your mom. She said that Summer is fast asleep, and Segundo is sleeping at the foot of her bed.

Nick: Good.

Phyllis: She also wants to know how you're doing. Honestly, I don't know. So what comes next? I, uh, I guess we should work on proving whether Ashley's baby is really yours and Sharon's. Michael could help with the legal angle if it comes to that.

Nick: Hey, what you did tonight-- you're amazing.

Phyllis: Yes, I am.

Nick: I mean, you just knew that something was up with-- with Adam and Taylor, and you refused to let it go. And getting your hands on Taylor's confession note, I mean, that was pure Phyllis.

Phyllis: Yeah, I used my, uh, my conniving and sneaky ways for good instead of evil this time, didn't I?

Nick: In that cabin, it didn't matter what we threw at Adam. He just kept lying. And then you walked in, and you changed everything. You did that for me.

Phyllis: (Sighs) Don't--don't-- don't give me that much credit, okay? 'Cause honestly, part of me... part of me wishes you never knew.

Sharon: The baby-- I mean, I've held Faith. I've fed her. I've watched her sleep. And now it turns out that maybe--

Victoria: I know. It's--it's incredible.

Sharon: I just keep thinking about what this is going to do to Ashley and what Adam did to both of us.

Victoria: (Sighs) The way that Adam spun the story was unbelievable-- as if Taylor would lie about Adam giving Ashley your baby, when the only reason Taylor was involved in the first place was because of Adam.

Sharon: I just keep thinking about what this is gonna do to Ashley. That baby is her whole world.

Ashley: Peek-a-boo! (Laughs) Peek-a-boo. Billy, okay, you cannot tell me that this little girl does not have my smile.

Faith: (Fusses)

Ashley: She has the exact same smile. Don't you? Yes, you do. Faith and Mommy have the exact same smile.

Faith: (Babbles)

Ashley: Yes, they do.

Billy: She's gorgeous.

Faith: (Babbles)

Billy: She is gorgeous.

Ashley: (Laughs) Oh! Yeah.

Billy: You know, Nick and Sharon, they're gonna want firm answers. They might even want lawyers, and, uh, as far as Victor goes, Nick's his son, so you can't really count on him to fight on your side.

Ashley: We're not gonna talk about fighting right now, okay? Okay, Uncle Billy? Not while she's here, okay? Victor loves his little girl, and he's gonna do whatever he can to prove that I definitely was pregnant, that Adam delivered the baby, and the rest was just a fabrication of a sick mind, okay? Okay.

Jack: I mean, a helicopter could damn well hit the trees in that darkness.

Victor: I know. The police and rescue team know that I want Adam found as soon as possible. I'm gonna join them with some more supplies, but I need some batteries. Where are the batteries?

Jack: Top left drawer. You know what? You track down your son. I'm gonna check on my sister, the woman you vowed to love forever.

Victor: Jack, for your information, I care for your sister deeply, all right? She's the reason tonight happened. I'm going to find out once and for all what Adam was trying to do to her.

Jack: I'll say this, your son sure inherited your luck. What half-blind guy runs out in the dark of night, in the forest, no less, no flashlight, no idea where he is, and somehow gets away?

Victor: Suffice it to say, he will be found and punished.

Jack: And once he's punished, you're let off the hook. Is that it? You, who got him out of prison. You, who put him in Ashley's orbit. You, who were his means and motive for tormenting her for months on end. Tell me something, who's gonna punish you for your part?

Victor: You're absolutely obsessed with that enmity between us, aren't you, Jack? Can't let go of it, can you? Has it occurred to you that I may have lost a daughter tonight? I've loved that girl since she was born.

Jack: You may have lost a daughter. You gained a granddaughter. There is no silver lining for Ashley. Say you find Adam and you make him pay, whatever the hell that means. Does that take away the torment he put her through? Does that lessen her pain in any way at all? Seems to me, it's only gonna get worse. You know, the least you can do is find your son the sociopath.

Victor: You said you were leaving. Leave, all right? You're no longer needed here. Thanks for the batteries.

(Door slams)

(Knock on door)

Victor: Yes?

Man: Mr. Newman?

Victor: That's right.

Man: Chopper pilot spotted a body in the ravine, but he can't land. It's just a few miles east.

Victor: Let's go find him.

Billy: I-I see how this baby looks at you. She loves you.

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Billy: That's clear. And whatever it would take for you two to be together forever, I-I will be there, I promise you, but... (Sighs) Nick and Sharon didn't ask for this, okay? And if Adam took their child and pretended that she--

Ashley: Billy, okay, I understand the pain Sharon went through when she lost her baby probably better than anybody, don't you think? Okay, but this child, I carried her. (Chuckles) I gave birth to her. Do you remember my baby bump? Remember my baby bump? How could you forget it? I mean, we're just gonna pretend it never happened? Look, I'm not gonna do that, no matter what any stupid letter says, okay?

Billy: Okay, it-- you just--you said yourself that you fell down some stairs, and Dr. Taylor told you how your body could convince itself that you were pregnant.

Ashley: Because I was pregnant.

Billy: I know, okay, but you fell down the stairs, and miscarriages happen, and I'm sorry, but it's true. It just happens.

Ashley: Look, I understand that Nick and Sharon want to believe that their baby girl is alive. I-I hope she is. But Adam said that he has no idea what Dr. Taylor did to Sharon or her baby. Okay, Billy? This baby, my beautiful, sweet angel, is mine and Victor's baby, not Nicholas' and Sharon's. And nothing's gonna convince me otherwise.

Billy: Well, okay.

Phyllis: I'm a piece of work, aren't I? I am a piece of work. What kind of woman thinks that way? Wishes that her husband's child wasn't alive? Who thinks like that?

Nick: I know where your head's at right now, 'cause I know you. You think that Sharon and I are just gonna run off into the sunset together because of this baby.

Phyllis: Mm, well, you don't know that, do you? You can't say that's not gonna happen. You don't know.

Nick: We don't even know for sure who gave birth to this baby.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Nick: Right?

Phyllis: So when we do know, what's gonna happen then?

Nick: If it turns out that Taylor was telling the truth, then yes, things are gonna get insane for a little while-- a little while. Then eventually, my being Faith's father will be no different than co-parenting Noah.

Phyllis: It will be different. Nick, Noah is in France, and he's practically an adult. This is a baby. She--she's gonna have doctor's appointments, her first birthday, her second birthday, all her birthdays, her first tooth, her first step. You're gonna be-- you're gonna want to be there for that, right?

Nick: And I will be there for you and Summer, too.

Phyllis: (Sighs) You'd better be.

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: Hello?

J.T.: Victoria, where are you?

Victoria: I'm gonna explain that to you later. How's Reed?

J.T.: Well, he's sleeping now, but he asked for you about five times before he went to bed.

Victoria: Oh, yeah, well, um, I'm on my way, all right?

J.T.: Fine. (Sighs)

Sharon: Reed misses you, doesn't he?

Victoria: Yeah. I'm sorry, Sharon. My mom's upstairs. If you want me to have her come down--

Sharon: No, no, that's okay. You know what? Actually, being alone is better right now. I really need some time to process things, and I-I really can't even believe this is happening.

Victoria: If you need me for anything, you just call, all right?

Sharon: Thanks.

Victoria: Yeah.

Sharon: (Sighs) (Whispers) Faith. (Normal voice) Have I really held you all those times? (Sniffles) How could you do this? You made me think that my baby was dead. (Sniffles) Every day, I prayed that she was okay, and that Cassíe would look after her in heaven. And you used my grief, and you comforted me, and you made me fall in love with the man who took my baby. (Sniffles) That is what happened, isn't it? And everything that you said in the cabin was a lie! Wasn't it?!

(Glass shatters)

Sharon: Wasn't it?! (Sobs)

Nick: You know, you're jumping to the worst-case scenario. Just forget that I love you. Forget everything that we have been through.

Phyllis: We have never gone through a day-to-day life with this child that you created with Sharon.

Nick: You're right. We haven't. It doesn't mean we can't.

Phyllis: This is me. I'm not, you know, warmhearted, generous, earth mother. I mean, call me crazy, but I'm scared, and I'm selfish. I mean, my--I did-- I almost didn't tell you about your child. Who does that? I mean, you can't ignore that, right?

Nick: Okay, what about me? Someone tells me that my daughter is dead, and I don't do anything about it. I don't ask for proof. I just accept it.

Phyllis: You had the ashes.

Nick: They weren't even hers. I held my daughter in my hands, and I didn't even know it. What kind of father does that make me?

Phyllis: You're a great father.

Nick: Okay, then how about a human being? My brother takes my child from me and gives her to someone else. I mean, I must have some pretty crappy karma for that to happen.

Phyllis: No, you don't. Karma is Adam falling into a wood chipper. That's karma, Baby. You are a generous, kind--

Nick: Okay. Then why do you think I'm gonna neglect you and Summer? I am not the enemy. I love you with all my heart. I love everything we have together. Whatever it is you think is gonna happen, whatever it is you are worried about, I can't do this without you.

Phyllis: Okay. You don't have to. I'm with you.

Ashley: Oh, Sweetie, you are too hot with this blanket on, aren't you? That's better. (Sighs heavily)

Billy: Where's Abby?

Ashley: Oh, thankfully, she's at a friend's house. I don't want her to witness all this nonsense.

Billy: That's good.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Yeah, that's good. So in the morning, I can help you tell her, so just tell me which room I should crash in, and--

Ashley: How about in your own room at your own place? Because I don't need you to stay here.

Billy: Come on. Don't make me drive home tonight. I'm tired. I'm beat. It's been a long day.

Ashley: Yeah, right, Billy. You're worried about me, and you don't need to be.

Billy: Okay, how about you worry about me? It's cold and drafty in that trailer. I could catch a cold. I could get sick.

Ashley: I remember when you came barging into the ranch, and you wanted to take me out of there because you were so protective of me. You thought that Victor was to blame for everything that was going on, and it turned out that it was just Adam the whole time. You know, I remember that you and Jack and Traci wanted me to go see a different doctor. Do you remember that? But, no, I only wanted Dr. Taylor. (Scoffs) Stupid. And if I had gone to see a different doctor-- I mean, any doctor you wanted me to see-- if I'd just seen a different doctor, then none of this would be happening, because everybody would be forced to accept that I really was pregnant, and then we could all concentrate on finding out what really happened to Sharon's baby.

Billy: Okay. Ash, if these tests are done, and you--

Ashley: You know what? You're assuming that Dr. Taylor was being honest... (Voice breaking) And that Faith isn't mine, which would mean that I'm crazy.

Billy: No, you're not-- you're not--you just-- you have been put through hell by some manipulating monst--

(Clears throat)

Ashley: You think I've lost my mind?

Billy: No.

Ashley: This baby is mine. She's mine, Billy.

Ashley: Don't go. (Sobs) Don't go, Robert, please. (Sobs) Please don't go.

Jack: Oh, God, not again.

Ashley: (Scoffs)

Sharon: I can't believe I let myself fall in love with you. (Sighs)

Cassie: Your baby is alive. Nothing else matters.

Sharon: Cassie.

J.T.: So Ashley's baby is really Nick and Sharon's?

Victoria: Uh, it hasn't been confirmed, but it looks that way.

J.T.: (Sighs) Oh, my God.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. And Adam wasn't even gonna say anything, even after my dad set up this whole kidnapping and Nick practically browbeat him trying to scare the hell out of him.

J.T.: Wait.

Victoria: The man is so repugnant.

J.T.: Hold--hold on. Hold on a second.

Victoria: No, I know. To me, it-it's completely unbelievable.

J.T.: What was your family thinking?

Victoria: Wait a minute. Hold on a second. My family? Did you not just hear what I said? This man just pulled off the most disgusting fraud.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Victoria: You know what? My father bailed him out of jail. Ashley was his only friend. Sharon loved him, and he has absolutely no remorse.

J.T.: So you and the other Newmans decide to play judge and jury?

Victoria: Wait a minute. It's not as if anyone hurt him.

J.T.: So that makes it okay? D-do you hear yourself right now?

Victoria: You don't think that finding out about Faith is worth Adam being a little freaked out?

J.T.: No, you said that you found out from Faith from a letter, not from Adam.

Victoria: Oh, wait. That is not the point, J.T.

J.T.: Then what is? That the Newmans can do whatever the hell they want to anyone they want? I mean, it's-- it's like you guys live in some alternate universe where rules don't apply to you. Well, guess what? I don't want any part of that.

Nick: Everything is so blurred together. I mean, going to the hospital and meeting my sister, then hearing that the baby Sharon and I had is gone. Then going to the christening for Dad's baby, and then... (Sighs) Scattering the ashes for ours. I mean, everything is so mixed up, more than I ever thought it was. I-- I mean, to think that the baby I held in that church could be mine...

Phyllis: She has to be yours.

Nick: We missed so much time with our baby. And Adam, I-- he just couldn't give it up.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Nick: He had to tell one more lie-- lying about his involvement with Taylor. And Taylor's letter made it sound like our baby is still out there somewhere. Because of him, we'll never know for sure, that son of a bitch.

Phyllis: I know you want to kill him, don't you? So do I. I do, but all that matters is your daughter right now.

Nick: To think there's a chance I could hold my little girl and look in her eyes...

Phyllis: Well, Ashley has her right now. Um...

Nick: You saw Ashley. I mean, this is the worst thing that could happen to her.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: I mean, up till now, she's done a great job with Faith, but--

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. She's--she's a little emotionally fragile right now.

Nick: If she could convince herself that she had a baby when she didn't, who knows what this is gonna do to her?

Phyllis: Well, we're all aware. And we'll get her the help that she needs, and we'll all be there to support her, but don't-- don't miss a minute with your daughter because of Ashley's sanity. (Sighs)

Nick: I want to see her. Will you come with me?

Phyllis: This is your moment. You go ahead.

Nick: And you are my wife.

Phyllis: Um, okay. Let's go see the baby.

Sharon: Oh, Cassíe, it's so good to see you.

Cassie: Mom.

Sharon: (Sighs) Look at you, all grown up. You'd be coming home from college, bringing me laundry, sleeping in till noon.

Cassie: (Laughs)

Sharon: (Chuckles) Do you have any idea how that smile makes me feel? Like everything is gonna be okay.

Cassie: Because it will. Faith made it, Mom. She's alive and healthy. You asked me to look after her, but she wasn't with me. She was here all along.

Sharon: But you know that? I mean, you know that for sure?

Cassie: Don't you?

Sharon: Cassie, I'm so scared. What if Adam was telling the truth? What if Faith isn't our baby, a-and everything that Dr. Taylor said was a lie, and what if my baby's out there somewhere needing me or maybe she really did die? I--

Cassie: (Sighs) Go be with her. Hold her. You'll feel it in your heart if she's yours.

Sharon: Will I?

Cassie: (Sighs) You, Dad, Noah and Faith-- the family will be complete.

Sharon: It'll never be whole without you.

Cassie: You can feel me now, can't you?

Sharon: Always.

Cassie: Go hold her in your arms, and you'll know for sure.

Sharon: Faith, I'm coming. I'm coming.

Victor: This is a hell of a long walk. Anything could have happened by now. Well, what have we got here? He's ice cold. Get the paramedics right now.

Man: Gotta make the hike back to the truck to make that call.

Victor: Go. Go do it. I'll do C.P.R. (Breathing heavily) Live, damn it. I want you to live. You've got to pay for all the damage you have done to people. Do you hear me? There's a pulse. We've gotta get him to the hospital. Where the hell are the paramedics?!

J.T.: (Sighs) I have work to do.

Victoria: Oh, I just love how you call me a rotten human being and then you hide behind your work.

J.T.: Well, I said that your family thinks it's above the law, and you really can't argue that.

Victoria: Adam is a complete slime. And yet you fixate on us terrible Newmans. You know, you liked us just fine before you and I started having trouble.

J.T.: Oh, no, there were plenty of things your father did that I didn't like. But you defended him, just like now.

Victoria: Ashley-- she might have miscarried and she thought she was going crazy, and Nick and Sharon-- they're in agony over a child that they thought they lost. And Adam is the victim here?

J.T.: No, Adam is a sick, twisted son of a bitch completely without a conscience, but the way your father led the rest of the Newmans into this kangaroo court-- I mean, if Reed were old enough, would you drag him there, too?

Victoria: Oh, come on. Don't be ridiculous. He's a child.

J.T.: Yeah, but what about when he's not? What then? You know, I mean-- you're gonna make sure he feels as entitled and as superior as all the other Newmans? I mean, with your father's influence-- I mean, look--look at Adam. He didn't even raise Adam, and two years later, he's a complete sociopath.

Victoria: Adam had issues before he even got here. He's never been anything less than a complete snake.

J.T.: So that gets Victor off the hook? Your father is as amoral as they come, and I hate to think what he could expose Reed to.

Victoria: Oh, then what? Are you gonna try to keep Reed away from his own grandfather?

J.T.: Victor is dangerous, but he's got you guys all thinking that that's okay, and that scares the hell out of me for my son.

Ashley: My God, Jack. I don't think that the blanket is a baby.

Jack: I'm sorry, okay? I-it's just we're-- we're all a little on edge right now.

Ashley: I just want it to be over with, okay? All this tension is not good for the baby. Poor thing.

Jack: Has she been like this the whole time?

Billy: In massive denial? Yes, she has.

Jack: She remembers falling down the stairs. If she could just allow herself to follow the chain of events--

Billy: Jack, Jack, Jack, she's not gonna let herself believe what Dr. Taylor said was true.

Jack: We have to help her try.

Billy: (Clears throat)

Ashley: Okay, just-- you know what? Before you take another step--

Jack: Look, we're just trying to help you piece things together. Can we talk just for a minute about your labor?

Billy: Do you remember everything that happened?

Ashley: (Chuckles) Spoken like a man. (Scoffs) Billy, labor isn't something that a woman generally forgets, okay? You think you know pain? Just multiply it by a thousand.

[Ashley remembering]

Adam: Yes.

Ashley: What? What is it?

Adam: He said--he said you could take these I-if you got agitated.

Ashley: It was so bad that, uh, Adam had to give me medication, okay?

Jack: Wait, where was Adam getting medication?

Ashley: (Sighs) Dr. Taylor's medical bag was there, Jack, okay? Adam was sure that it wouldn't hurt the baby. It didn't.

Jack: Did, uh, the pain go away?

Ashley: I'm sure it did. I mean, I don't remember all that much from taking the medication till I came out of the haze of it, you know? And--and a-after I gave birth.

Billy: Was Faith there with you?

Ashley: No, not yet.

[Ashley remembering]

Ashley: Where's my baby?

Adam: Hey, Ash. Uh, the, uh, the nurse came in here. She--she had a, uh, a master key and she was doing a head count, and she saw the baby and wanted to take it away, just check it out.

Ashley: Is she all right?

Adam: Oh, she's-- she's perfect.

Ashley: And then Adam came and h-he brought the baby back to me.

(Doorbell rings)

Ashley: Oh, that's probably Victor. Excuse me.

Billy: (Stammers)

Ashley: Hello.

Phyllis: Hey.

Nick: Hi, Ashley. Sorry to just drop by like this, but we came to see Faith.

Sharon: I need to see her.

Ashley: Come in.

Sharon: Thank you.

Ashley: Come in.

Sharon: Thank you.

Ashley: Um, she's sleeping.

Nick: Well--well, we won't--

Sharon: We--we won't wake her up or anything.

Nick: Yeah.

Billy: (Clears throat)

Sharon: She's beautiful.

Nick: Yeah, she is.

Billy: I'm gonna get some air. Yeah.

Sharon: Ashley, how are you doing?

Ashley: You guys, I know that the urge to-- the urge to believe that she's your daughter and that Dr. Taylor was telling the truth has to be completely overwhelming, but I just want to make sure that we don't get too ahead of ourselves, okay?

Nick: I just want you to know that Adam is gonna pay for what he's done to you.

Jack: Excuse me, please.

Jack: Victor, its Jack. Have you found Adam yet, or do I still have to worry about Ashley and Sharon?

Victor: No, he can't do anything now. He's in the hospital.

Jack: Not the morgue?

Victor: He suffered from hypothermia, and he fell. There was trauma to the head.

Jack: And lived? Well, we can always hope for a setback.

Victor: (Sighs)

Victor: When your mother, your beautiful mother, took you away from me and took you back to the farm in Kansas, I was saddened for a while. But I thought it would be a good idea to be raised on a farm, not here, not the spoiled son of a rich man. I honestly thought that Hope would do a hell of a job with you because she was just an essentially good woman. Now look what happened. The damage you have done to people-- what you have done to Ashley, what you have done to Sharon, what you tried to do to me. I've heard people say that some--some kids are just born evil. I never wanted to believe it.

(Footsteps approach)

Victor: But I believe it now.

Heather: Victor, the police said that-- I'll take it from here.

Victor: (Sighs) I will never forgive you for this.

Victoria: (Vibrates lips) (Sighs)

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: Hey.

Billy: Hell of a night, right?

Victoria: Yep, and it just keeps getting better.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: How's Ashley?

Billy: Oh, she's stellar. She doesn't even want to start to believe that-- that, uh, Dr. Taylor's letter could be legitimate. And then Sharon and Nick and Phyllis, they show up to see the baby, so...

Victoria: I was with Sharon earlier. She didn't mention going to see Faith at all. What happened?

Billy: I don't know. I took off. Yeah, I know, real brave. But, uh, I don't know. I just couldn't sit there and watch my sister lose everything. But, you know, your brother, it's--

Victoria: Oh, God. Don't you start about my family, too, okay?

Billy: I was going to say, for your brother, it must be a miracle.

Victoria: Oh, I'm sorry.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm just-- and I'm sorry about Ashley. I can't imagine what it feels like thinking that you might lose your child.

J.T.: No, I don't like it, either, but I don't have a choice. Yeah, okay. We'll talk tomorrow then. We can figure out a way to get full custody of my son.

Nick: Look at the way she curls her wrist.

Sharon: Yeah, so much hair.

Faith: (Blows raspberry)

Sharon: More than last time.

Nick: Yeah.

Faith: (Babbles)

Ashley: You know what? She's hungry. Maybe you guys should go, I think. Okay, come here, Sweetheart.

Sharon: Uh, oh. Okay.

Nick: (Sighs) Um, you know, the D.N.A. test--

Ashley: Yeah, you know what? Why don't we talk about that tomorrow, okay? And, um, I need to feed her. Thanks.

Jack: I'll, uh, I'll walk you guys out, okay?

Ashley: Hi, Sweetheart.

Nick: Sure.

Ashley: Its okay, baby girl. Mommy has you. Mommy has you.

Sharon: Those eyes.

Nick: I know. I can't believe I didn't see it before.

Sharon: You're sure?

Nick: Are you sure?

Sharon: Well, Cassíe said-- I had a conversation with Cassíe earlier. A-and I know that--that-- that sounds really ridiculous, but--

Phyllis: N-no, we understand.

Nick: I talk to her all the time.

Sharon: She told me that I would know when I held Faith in my arms.

Nick: You're gonna get that chance. I promise you, if she is ours, you will get to hold her forever.

Heather: Yes, I want him transferred to the station for booking as soon as the doctor signs the release.

Adam: Heather?

Heather: What?

Adam: They can take me now. It doesn't matter. Nothing else does. I don't want to live without Sharon.

Heather: Don't talk like that. You have to live so they can nail your ass to the wall.

Victor: (Sighs)

Ashley: That's better, huh, Baby? Mommy knows what you need.

Jack: Hey, how about I get you a cup of tea?

Ashley: I'd love some. Thank you. Yeah, that's Uncle Jack. You know what this means, right, Honey? You know what has to happen? Mommy and Faith have to leave Genoa City as soon as we can, as soon as we can, Sweetheart.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Daniel: Your husband and your father, they have a right to know that your chemo didn't work.

Lily: I have no choice, okay? I have to do this for Cane.

Victoria: You want full custody of Reed? Go to hell.

Jack: The baby carrier is gone. Ashley is not answering her phone.

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