Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/11/10 -- Canada; Friday 3/12/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9355 ~ The Truth Is Finally Revealed
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Victor: Okay, Son, time is up. No one here is coming to your rescue-- neither Ashley nor Sharon, nor the two people who are sworn to uphold the law-- no one. They're all against you. Tell us the truth, or we're gonna get it out of you by whatever means necessary, Son.
Jack: We all know the evidence, Adam. You manipulated Heather to have your prison sentence reduced. Then when you were at the ranch pretending to be blind under house arrest, you set out to undermine Ashley's sanity to get back at Victor, or to get back at me. You made Estella your scapegoat, and then when Rafe, her nephew, started asking questions, you made a mockery of his sexuality to get him off the trail. You misled Nikki. You all but surely sicced the S.E.C. on Victoria. You married Sharon to stick it to Nick, and now you won't tell them where their child is. Am I leaving anyone out, Adam?
Billy: This bastard hurt my sister. That's enough for me.
Jack: You know what? I think we ought to poll the jury. What do you say? I, for one, know what this man is capable of. My vote is "Guilty."
Adam: You're all insane.
Jack: Ashley, do you think Adam is guilty?
Ashley: I think he's guilty.
Jack: Nikki?
Nikki: I think Adam Wilson is the single most corrupt person I have ever met. Guilty.
Jack: Billy?
Billy: Oh, guilty.
Jack: Nicholas?
Nick: Do you even need to ask me?
Jack: I'll take that as a "Guilty." Victoria?
Victoria: Guilty.
Jack: Then there's Rafe and Heather in absentia. I'm sure we all know how they would respond.
Victor: And I add my condemnation to that list.
Jack: Sharon? What do you think?
Sharon: I abstain.
Nick: Sharon, he has hurt you more than anyone. How many times have we asked him tonight what he did with our child, and how many times has he claimed he doesn't know?
Adam: I don't know, Nick.
Sharon: Adam, I do think you must know something, and you're not telling us. That's the only thing that makes sense.
Nick: Then you agree. He's guilty.
Jack: This panel has come to a decision, Adam. This court finds you guilty.
Adam: This is a farce. You have nothing against me. There's no proof.
Victor: You act like the tough guy. We're gonna have to do something else to get the truth out of you, won't we?
Jack: The one thing that will work.
Billy: Hey.
Nick: You know, I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this, but you don't seem to want to cooperate.
Adam: Get your hands off me.
Sharon: Oh, my God.
Adam: If anything happens to me, you're all guilty, each and every one of you.
Nick: You've got 30 seconds to start comin' up with some answers.
Adam: Or what, Nick? You're gonna beat me to a pulp? It won't change anything. Sharon, please. Do something.
Nick: 20 seconds. Ten! Five, Adam. I am warning you!
Victor: Son, you'd better start talking. He's not gonna stop once he starts.
Adam: Sharon, I love you. You love me, too. You're all that matters to me. I could--I don't care what they do to me. I could lose everything. I just don't want to lose you.
Sharon: Adam, if you know anything about my baby-- if she is out there and alive, please tell me. I'm begging you.
Adam: Sharon, I wish I could. Listen. I was alone with Ashley. Dr. Taylor was alone with you. If he did anything, it was without my knowledge. I don't--
Nick: That's enough! That's enough! Start talking, Adam, now!
Sharon: Oh, God.
Nick: Now!
Jack: You already told us you were blackmailing Dr. Taylor. He was at your beck and call. You really expect us to believe he was acting on his own?
Adam: Jack, I swear to you. I swear to everyone here. If the baby is alive, I will go find her myself.
Phyllis: You're not gonna have to go far. Um, uh, the reason I'm late is I got a call from Dr. Taylor's estate attorney. She wanted to talk to me.
Nick: Mrs. Harrison. What'd she want?
Phyllis: Right. She said that Dr. Taylor, after he was hit by the car, regained consciousness just briefly, but long enough to dictate a letter. I-it's addressed to Mrs. Newman.
Nikki: Well, which Mrs. Newman?
Victoria: Well, if a lawyer was willing to give it to you, then...
Jack: You've obviously read it.
Phyllis: Yeah, I have.
Ashley: And?
Phyllis: It's for you, Ashley.
Adam: So that letter, supposedly from Taylor, just dropped into your lap tonight, huh?
Phyllis: Oh, please, shut--
Adam: We're supposed to believe that, Phyllis?
Phyllis: Shut up, Adam.
Adam: Maybe you wrote it yourself outside.
Phyllis: Nobody's interested in what you have to say anymore. It's over. I believe this is real.
Phyllis: I am sorry, Ashley. I'm sorry, Victor.
Ashley: (Scoffs) Ooh, my God. This is so ridiculous. It's just a complete lie.
Billy: You okay?
Jack: No, no, no.
Ashley: I'm fine.
Billy: You okay?
Ashley: It's just-- it's just a complete lie.
Victoria: Daddy, what does it say?
Ashley: Victor, don't even bother reading it. It's c--it's completely a lie. It's ridiculous.
Sharon: Victor?
Victor: (Sighs) That Ashley had an hysterical pregnancy...
Ashley: (Scoffs)
Victor: And she never gave birth.
Jack: What?
Billy: How is that even possible?
Ashley: It's not possible, Billy, okay? It's a lie. Adam delivered my baby. Tell them, Adam.
Adam: Yeah, I-it's true. I-I-I was there. I delivered your baby. We were there.
Ashley: You see?
Jack: You expect us to take his word for it?
Ashley: I expect you to take my word for it, Jack.
Adam: Listen, I-I was there. I delivered your baby. We were--we were there together like a team. I-I was there with you almost the whole night.
Nick: The entire night?
Adam: Listen, the-- the place was on lockdown, okay? A patient escaped, and we couldn't leave. How--I wa--
Ashley: I passed out from exhaustion. When I woke up, the baby wasn't there right away, but then he--he put her in my arms. He took her from the nurse right away.
Adam: And the nurse had just taken the baby just for a little bit to check--check on her and--and brought her right back.
Victor: What nurse are you talking--what was her name?
Adam: Dad, I don't know the nurse's name.
Victor: Well, we can get the name from the list of the night staff.
Ashley: What are you talking about? Why are you even listening to this ridiculous note?
Victor: (Sighs)
Ashley: Charles Taylor was not a paragon of virtue, you people. I mean, my God. Ask the patients he molested.
Adam: Yeah, listen, he had to know...
Ashley: God!
Adam: That he was going to live, and he wrote this letter to frame me, because he knew that I was innocent.
Phyllis: Um, he knew he was dying, actually. He knew he didn't have any time left.
Victor: Maybe he wanted to clear his conscience.
Sharon: Victor, does that-- does it say anything about our baby?
Victor: "Mrs. Newman, I may not have much time left. Need you to know the truth. You had a miscarriage. You were not pregnant. After you lost the baby, your mind couldn't accept it. You suffered a hysterical pregnancy. You never gave birth. So sorry I couldn't tell you before. Adam blackmailed me even to the end to convince you that you'd had the baby. So much more to tell, but no time. Eternal regret." (Sighs) "May God forgive me. Charles Taylor."
Ashley: Okay, so, that's not how it happened.
Adam: No, that's not how it happened. I delivered the--the ba-- the baby. We were there together. It was you and me. Forget about the rest of these people. They were not there, and even before that night, I-I was always there for you, Ashley. You leaned on me. I was like a--I was like a brother to you almost.
Jack: Don't you dare.
Adam: I had my fair share of trouble, okay? But you were wonderful to me, and I was nothing but good to you. Was there ever a time I wasn't? No. I was always there, especially the night that Faith was born. I was there for you. I delivered your baby. You know what happened.
Ashley: I know. You delivered my baby. I know, Adam.
Adam: Yes, yes. I delivered your baby-- a healthy baby girl. You know it.
Ashley: I know it. You all saw me pregnant. Remember? I did not just invent being pregnant. I had a baby. I have a baby! My beautiful baby Faith. Okay, so you tell me, when did I miscarry? If I had a miscarriage, just when did it happen?
Victor: You might have gone horseback riding.
Ashley: Oh, my God. No.
Nick: Were you sick?
Victoria: Ashley, maybe you fell down. Maybe you fell, and you just don't remember.
Ashley: (Scoffs) Oh, God. You don't think if I'd fallen, I would remember that?
Ashley: Oh, my God.
Jack: What? What is it?
Billy: Are you remembering something?
Jack: Ash?
Ashley: (Sniffles) I think I fell down the stairs.
Jack: Okay, where? When?
Ashley: Last June. That h--th-that-- that huge storm.
Victoria: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I remember that night. The whole ranch lost power.
Ashley: You were out of town, Victor. Adam and I were alone in the house. He'd let... (Sniffles) He'd let all the help go because of the weather.
Nikki: I came out to the ranch to check on you that night. And Adam said that he was home all alone, that Ashley had gone out to dinner with Jack, which I found out later was a lie.
Ashley: (Sighs) I was upstairs. I was in bed. I was trying to sleep. And I thought... I thought Sabrina was there.
Ashley: It wasn't Sabrina. It was you. Even before that night, you were gas lighting me for months.
Adam: You had false memories, hallucinations.
Sharon: What led up to you falling down the stairs, Ashley? Do you remember?
Nick: Take your time. Tell us everything.
Ashley: I remember I was exhausted. I went to bed early. (Sniffles) I fell asleep, and I was having bad dreams. That was happening-- that was happening all the time then. In my dream, Sabrina was calling out to me. And then I was in the hallway, and then there was somebody standing there... (Sniffles) In a purple dress and a veil. Then when I ripped it off, it was Sabrina. And she threatened me. She said she was gonna hurt me and the baby.
Jack: Wait, I-I came out to the ranch that night. Yeah, I was arguing downstairs with Adam who didn't want me to go upstairs 'cause you were supposedly sleeping, and I heard a scream, and I ran upstairs and found you in bed shaking and crying, and you told me you just had this nightmare.
Ashley: Were you spying on me? Is that how you knew what to re-create later, Adam?
Nick: Well, all those bugs that you and Abby found-- they were everywhere, right?
Phyllis: I think Adam planted those.
Adam: Come on, Phyllis. I had a bug in my room, too.
Victor: You covering your tracks, Son?
Jack: Oh, yeah. He's a genius at that.
Adam: Well, I'm flattered. Again, it's just speculation. There's no proof.
Victor: Ashley, please go on. What happened then?
Ashley: Jack tried to convince me to leave with him, but I told him that I was fine where I was.
Jack: I should have carried you out that night.
Ashley: And after he left, I went back to bed, and I fell asleep. And the next time I woke up, I don't know what time it was, but... I heard whispering.
[Ashley remembering]
(Thunder crashes)
Adam: (Whispers) Ashley...
Ashley: Who's there?
Adam: (Whispers) Ashley...
Ashley: At first, I thought it was Estella. But then I ran out in the hallway, and it was Sabrina's voice. I don't know-- I don't know where it was coming from, but it was Sabrina's voice. And she was saying that death is coming and there is no escape. And those words are burned on my memory for--forever.
Jack: Could those words have been recorded?
Billy: (Sighs) Where? How?
Victoria: Online. Um, there's podcasts of Sabrina from when she was curating at the Pompidou.
Phyllis: Yeah, y-you just cut the words out that you want, put 'em together, overlay them with some effects, and you're good to go. It's very easy to do.
Victor: I remember hearing Sabrina's voice coming from your room from the computer.
Adam: Estella did that. She was trying to frame me. (Sniffles) Make it seem like I was targeting Ashley.
Ashley: You were targeting me, you bastard.
Adam: Well, if you can't see that that's what was happening, then you must be--
Ashley: Oh, what? You gonna call me crazy, Adam? Don't you dare call me crazy.
Victor: Tell us what happened after you saw Sabrina.
Jack: Sit down.
Ashley: (Sighs) (Sniffles) There was a-- there was a flash of lightning. Somebody was standing there. And it must have been you, Adam. It must have been you-- in that purple dress and that veil. And then you were gone, and I followed you out to the top of the stairs. You-- and that's when I must have fallen. Oh, my God.
Nikki: And you fell.
Ashley: And then I woke up, and I was back in bed, and Adam told me that it was just a dream, and that it didn't happen.
Ashley: Was it real?
Adam: Ashley, long after that night, there was an ultrasound. You were pregnant. There was no miscarriage.
Victor: Now wait a minute. Wait a minute. Dr. Taylor took that ultrasound while you were still blackmailing him.
Adam: Listen, there was a-- a picture taken from the scan. How could you fake that?
Nikki: If Ashley did have a miscarriage...
Ashley: (Sobs)
Victoria: Well, then whose baby...
Ashley: (Sobs)
Sharon: Nick. They said that our--our babies were--were born around the same time. Oh, my God.
Jack: Then Ashley's baby-- you're saying she's--
Ashley: She's not, Jack! My God, she's not!
Nick: Sharon?
Sharon: (Moans)
Nick: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Billy: Yeah, I think I'm gonna kick your ass myself.
Victor: No. He will be taken care of.
Sharon: Our baby's alive, Nick, our Faith. Our baby is alive, just like Cassíe predicted.
Victoria: Do you really think it's possible that Faith is, uh--
Phyllis: Is Nick and Sharon's baby? Oh, yeah, I think it's more than possible.
Victoria: Wow. Well, if that's true, then that's quite-- quite a tragedy for my dad and Ashley, but it's a miracle for Nick and Sharon.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, it's a miracle. Good for them. They have their baby now, the baby they always wanted. Good for them.
Victoria: I know my brother loves you. And what you did just proved how much you love him.
Phyllis: I know that they have to deal with things in there, so, um, I gotta get out of here. I-I would go, except Michael dropped me off, and...
Victoria: Uh, oh, look. Here. You can take my car.
Phyllis: Thank you.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Nick: You murdered an innocent unborn baby.
Adam: You have no proof. What, that letter that Dr. Taylor supposedly wrote? If he wrote it, he was acting on his own. I didn't--
Nick: I don't want to hear one more lie come out of your mouth. Do you hear me?
Sharon: I can't even look at him.
Nick: Sit down and shut up, or I swear to God... are you okay?
Sharon: I-I don't know how I am right now, Nick. This is just all so overwhelming.
Nick: Me, too.
Sharon: I mean, could it be true? Could our daughter be alive all this time under our nose?
Nick: I don't know, but if it is, I promise you we're gonna find out.
Jack: Ash, we will figure this out. I promise.
Ashley: There's nothing to figure out, Jack. Faith is my child. I don't care what any letter says.
Jack: Let's give them a minute, okay?
Billy: Yeah. (Clears throat)
Billy: There will be a test.
Jack: Yeah, oh, D.N.A. you bet.
Billy: Our little niece.
Jack: If it's true.
Billy: Well, y-you don't think that--
Jack: I-- we will know soon enough. In the meantime, Ashley's gonna need all the support we can give her.
Billy: Man, I don't even know what the hell to hope for.
Ashley: It's not true. I refuse to believe it. Our daughter is alive, Victor. Faith is our daughter.
Victor: I hope so.
Ashley: Look, if you ever loved me, could you please make Adam tell you that it's not true?
Victor: (Sighs)
Adam: (Grunts)
Victor: Now you tell me the truth. Tell me the truth. You tell me the truth!
Jack: Victor. Victor. Not yet. Not yet.
Adam: He lied! Dr Taylor-- how can I confront him? He's not even here.
Nikki: Enough! Stop!
Nick: Sit down right now and shut your mouth, or I am not gonna stop him next time. I'll help him.
Adam: (Breathing heavily)
Billy: Hey. Where you been? You're missin' all the fun.
Victoria: Hey. Uh, well, I loaned Phyllis my car. What's going on in there?
Billy: Well, can you believe that Adam's still trying to spin things? According to him, Taylor is the villain, and he is just the innocent victim.
Victoria: As if Taylor would lie at a time like that.
Billy: Yeah, he wouldn't even be involved if it weren't for Adam.
Victoria: Well, I knew Adam was bad news. But to do something this evil...
Billy: So you think he did it?
Victoria: Phyllis thinks he did it. What do you think?
Billy: Well, for Ashley's sake, I hope not.
Victoria: Mm.
Ashley: Hey. I don't know how much more of this I can stomach. What are you and Victor gonna do about Adam?
Jack: I don't want you worrying about that, okay?
Ashley: I don't want you to do anything that's gonna make this come back and haunt-- haunt you, Jack, okay? I mean, I've recovered from everything Adam's done to me. I am strong again, and I am back in control of my life. Faith and I are fine.
Jack: Ash, you--
Ashley: I understand that he should be punished. All right, are you kidding me? After the hell he put me through? Obviously, he needs to be punished, but we have to do things the right way, okay?
Sharon: Ashley?
Jack: Hey. You okay?
Sharon: I'll be fine.
Ashley: I'm glad that you finally see the truth about Adam, just how awful he really is.
Sharon: Ashley, I-I feel so bad for you. I-I never would have thought that Faith--
Ashley: Sharon, don't feel bad for me, Sweetie. Faith's not your baby. Don't even start thinking that way, or you're just gonna end up with your heart broken all over again.
Victor: So let me ask you, the night that Ashley supposedly had a miscarriage, you never saw her at the ranch?
Nikki: No, not until the next morning when I came back to confront Adam over his lie. But Ashley said she'd had a nightmare about Sabrina, and she woke up worried about the baby.
Victor: And you remember her telling you that?
Nikki: Well, it all came rushing back to me hearing her describe what Adam put her through. And we just had a few minutes together before Dr. Taylor showed up.
Victor: Mm-hmm. That the first time you met Dr. Taylor?
Nikki: Yeah, he examined her. He made it seem like everything was perfectly normal, that her pregnancy was fine. But now looking back on it...
Victor: Uh-huh?
Nikki: Every concern that I brought up, he had an answer for.
Victor: Well, he and Adam did not want anyone else to examine her.
Nikki: Victor, I'm so sorry. As much as I-I prayed for Sharon and Nicholas, for a miracle, I certainly didn't want you and Ashley to lose your child.
Victor: Yeah. If this is true, I've lost two children.
Nick: (Sighs)
Victoria: I am a complete wreck. How are you doing?
Nick: It just feels good to be outside, you know? And... (Inhales deeply) (Exhales) Breathe, clear my head a little bit.
Victoria: (Sighs) You are hopeful, though, aren't you?
Nick: Yeah, I'm hopeful. I'm also a little scared. I mean, I really, really want to kill Adam. I mean, Phyllis walked in with that letter from Taylor. I-- wait, where is Phyllis?
Victoria: Oh, well, um, I gave her the keys to my car, so she's probably home.
Nick: She left?
Michael: It's gonna be all right.
Phyllis: Mm, you don't know that.
Michael: You're right. I don't know that. But it took a lot of guts for you to show Nick that letter.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Oh, yay. I have guts. (Sighs)
Michael: Hey, you could have destroyed it. Nobody would have known better.
Phyllis: I almost did.
Phyllis: (Groans) I almost did. After you dropped me off, I walked around outside the cabin, trying to get up the nerve to go in and devastate Ashley, possibly blow apart my own marriage.
Michael: (Sighs)
Phyllis: I had a lighter to that letter. I was 2 centimeters away from destroying the only possible evidence that would prove Nick and Sharon's baby is still alive.
Michael: And what stopped you?
Phyllis: You. (Laughs)
Michael: Really?
Phyllis: Shut up.
Michael: Yeah, hey.
Phyllis: Yeah, you did. You stopped me.
Michael: (Laughs) Huh.
Phyllis: 'Cause you told me if I didn't show Nick the letter, I'm no better than Adam, so you did it.
Michael: Oh. Hmm. Mm. Sorry if I was a bit harsh.
Phyllis: You weren't harsh. You were a friend.
Michael: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: You were telling the truth.
Michael: Mm. Hmm. What happens now?
Phyllis: I don't know what happens now.
Michael: Hmm, well... (Sighs) The way I see it, you have two options-- "A," you can let things unfold and trust in what you and Nick have, the commitment you have now. Or, "B," you could let this whole ugly situation torpedo your marriage. Now I'm just thinking option "A," it, you know, it's a hunch.
Phyllis: (Sighs) God help me, Michael. (Sighs) God help me. (Sobs) (Voice breaking) Part of me was relieved when I knew that that baby was dead. (Normal voice) I hated to see Nick go through that, but I was relieved. (Sighs) I was glad that I didn't have to see Nick and Sharon share yet another bond. (Sighs) (Sighs) And I just kept on digging for information on Adam. (Chuckles) All the evidence I uncovered just, well, just showed me my-- my greatest nightmare realized, didn't it?
Michael: Well, you had no way of knowing that.
Phyllis: (Sighs) I just had to show Adam for who he was, you know? I just had to do it. I just wanted to find the smoking gun. I just had to do it. And now the gun is just pointed right at me.
Summer: Mommy? Daddy?
Phyllis: Hey, Baby. Mommy's here. Here I come.
Victor: Okay, I want you to all go home now. Although things were said, some very difficult things to believe, we're gonna have to do some further investigation to make our final decisions.
Ashley: I don't know what decisions you're talking about.
Billy: Well, him, for one.
Victor: You're exactly right, but there's nothing more that can be done tonight.
Jack: Agreed.
Sharon: Well, I guess I'm gonna, um, I'm gonna get a room in town. I don't think staying with Ashley is an option.
Nikki: Oh, Sharon, you're more than welcome to stay with Victor and me till all this gets sorted out.
Sharon: Thank you so much. That's really kind.
Nick: We need to talk.
Sharon: Nick, my head is spinning.
Nick: I know. Mine, too.
Sharon: Our little girl may have been in our lives all this time. It hardly seems real.
Nick: Look, we're gonna find out what we need to find out as fast as possible, all right? If Faith is ours... (Sighs) If any of you need anything, I'll be up pretty late tonight, so feel free to call.
Adam: Sharon. Sharon.
Nick: I hope you burn in hell.
Adam: I'll see you there.
Jack: Billy, help me make sure Ashley gets home safely.
Billy: Sure. What about "Princess" here?
Victor: We'll deal with him.
Nick: Hi.
Michael: Hey.
Summer: Daddy's home!
Nick: Hey, you. I cannot believe you are still up. Must have been some kind of card game.
Phyllis: Yeah, Michael's keeping us company.
Nick: Good. I appreciate that.
Michael: Well, it's an early day tomorrow. Munchkin, you take it easy. I still say you cheat like your mother.
Summer: (Giggles)
Phyllis: Oh, ho, I'm not a cheater.
Michael: Hmm. I'm gonna leave my cell on.
Phyllis: Thank you for everything.
Michael: Mwah. All right, nighty-night.
Nick: Good night, Michael.
Michael: Good night.
Phyllis: You, young lady, it is way past your bedtime. Upstairs, brush your teeth. I'm gonna be up there to inspect. And put on your jammies. Quick. Quick like a bunny. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go! I'll time you.
Nick: So I, uh, I was lookin' all over for you. Vick said you had left already.
Phyllis: Yeah, I wanted to spend some time with Summer. I... I also felt that you were needed elsewhere.
Nick: Look, I know, uh, giving that letter was probably really tough for you.
Phyllis: Well, Summer is gonna be thrilled to have a little sister.
Nick: I don't think we should say anything until we're 100% sure.
Phyllis: Absolutely not.
Nick: You know what? I'm gonna call my mom and see if maybe she'll watch Summer tonight.
Phyllis: Great. She'd like that.
Nick: Okay, I'll call her.
Phyllis: I'll pack her bag. What do we do now?
Nikki: How about a cup of tea, something to eat?
Sharon: I can't.
Victoria: "Hysterical pregnancy, or pseudocyesis, is a condition in which a woman becomes convinced she is pregnant to the degree that she actually exhibits physical symptoms brought on by hormonal changes sufficient to provoke abdominal bloating and spasms simulating fetal movement. Symptoms can be convincing enough to fool even experienced medical providers. The underlying cause can be purely hormonal, mental, emotional or both."
Victoria: Well, as unbelievable as it is, it--it is possible.
Sharon: Ashley's baby is mine.
Ashley: Hi, my sweet baby. Hi, my sweet baby girl. Billy... (Sighs) Even if I did fall down the stairs, it doesn't mean I lost the baby.
Billy: Sis, uh--
Ashley: She's mine. This is my baby girl. She just is.
Victor: Did you do it?
Jack: Yeah, all taken care of.
Adam: Rafe and Heather were here. They--they saw everything. You guys aren't gonna get away with this. Are you listening to me?
Victor: Let's go.
Jack: Get up.
Victor: Are you out of your mind?
Adam: I'm not going anywhere with you guys.
Victor: Are you out of your mind, or what? Are you out of your mind? Adam!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
J.T.: Your father is as amoral as they come, and I hate to think what he could expose Reed to.
Cassie: Your baby is alive.
Ashley: This baby is mine and Victor's baby, and nothing's gonna convince me otherwise.
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