Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/9/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/9/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 3/10/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9353 ~ Tucker Softens to Katherine

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Chloe: I can’t believe that Jana would leave Kevin.

Amber: Because it's completely and totally and utterly impossible, except for the fact that it happened. Can I have some?

Chloe: He's obsessing over a case. Hi.

Chance: Hmm?

Chloe: Almost hit-and-run last night.

Chance: Oh, yeah, sorry.

Amber: Thanks. Oh! Michael, um, hey, have you heard from Kevin? I tried calling him and...

Michael: Well, give him some time.

Chloe: You know, it's-- it's just so bizarre. Everyone knows that she would never leave the guy. She loves him.

Lauren: Sometimes you can love somebody and still do stupid things.

(Cell phone beeps)

Amber: Is that Kevin?

Michael: Uh, no, it's regarding Cane's deportation.

Lauren: Mm. We're gonna go.

Michael: Excuse us.

Amber: Well, will you keep us updated if you hear anything from Kevin?

Michael: Yeah, will do.

Amber: It's tragic. Kevin and Jana and Cane and Lily.

Chloe: No, it's shocking. You and I have the most stable relationships around.

Amber: (Laughs) I know.

Chance: Am I wrong, or, uh, weren't you both married to Cane?

Amber: Everyone makes mistakes.

Chloe: Yeah, like, big, huge, monstrous mistakes, Cane included.

Chance: Mm-hmm.

Amber: We should go see him.

Chloe: Yeah, you know, it may be the last time for a while. You don't mind, right?

Chance: No, no. Uh, go right ahead. I got some more stuff. I'm gonna try and find some more facts on the car here.

Chloe: Chance, I--

Chance: Chloe, I will be fine, okay? Please, don't worry about me.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: Go. Have fun, all right?

Chloe: Be good.

Chance: I will. Bye.

Chloe: Bye.

Chance: (Sighs)

Chance: Yeah, Chancellor here. Look, I need you to run a partial plate for me, okay? The, uh, first three digits are 5-7-Lima.

Neil: Psst. Hey. Eat. Eat.

Lily: Right back at you.

Neil: (Chuckles) Lily, listen. I can stay with you until the doctor calls with the PET scan results.

Lily: No, Dad, you can't wait around all day, and, you know, I'm gonna see Cane soon, so it's fine.

Neil: Now--now you do understand that Michael has done everything he can to make sure that Cane stays right here in town.

Lily: Yes, and we all know that immigration won't budge.

Neil: All right, then. So listen--worst-case scenario, what happens? Cane goes to Australia. He works diligently on getting a legitimate visa and coming back.

Lily: No, Dad, Cane has enemies in Australia. It's like, who knows what kind of trouble they could make for him there? He could leave and never come back.

Kay: Oh, Cane. Oh, I'm so glad to see you're not alone.

Cane: Listen, if I have to go, can you do a favor for me, please?

Jill: You're worried about Lily.

Cane: Yeah.

Kay: Oh, no, we'll-- we will be here for Lily and you.

Cane: You know, it's funny. I'm being deported for pretending to be your son and your grandson, but right now, it doesn't even seem like a lie.

Kay: Oh, stop. Whatever it takes, you will be back.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Daisy: Hey, Lauren.

Lauren: Oh, hey, Daisy.

Daisy: You, uh, you look rough. Is it the headaches again? Tea might help.

Lauren: Oh, no, no, no. I think I need some coffee. I just--I feel like I'm walking through quicksand.

Daisy: Oh, no, no, no. Sit. I'll get it for you.

Lauren: Thanks, Honey. Oh, jeez.

Michael: All right. Thank you.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: Well, I just heard back from the court clerk about that, uh, other issue. You ready to head out?

Lauren: Um, Daisy's getting me some coffee.

Michael: You all right? Last night, you were so... lively.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: And now not so much.

Lauren: I'm just tired.

Michael: Which you've been for months. Now "Tired" is no longer an answer. It's a symptom. It's time we find out what's causing it.

Michael: There we go.

Lauren: Okay, freshly brewed.

Daisy: Mm, you are a lifesaver.

Michael: Coffee? Won't that just make you more wired?

Daisy: Um, it could help her headache.

Lauren: Uh, hmm. As good as this smells, maybe Michael's right.

Daisy: Sure. Of course.

Lauren: All right. Thank you, anyway. I really appreciate it.

Daisy: Bye.

Lauren: See you later.

Michael: Purse.

Lauren: Okay, thanks. Oh.

Michael: Come on.

Lauren: All right.

Daisy: (Scoffs)

Daisy: (Sighs)

Daisy: Gosh, Lauren, you sure are photogenic when you're slutting it up.

Daniel: Morning.

Neil: Hey.

Lily: Hey.

Neil: Look who it is.

Daniel: (Chuckles) Hey, I just want to, uh, get this out in the open, but, uh, I've kind of been a real jerk for not checking on you more recently.

Lily: Oh, don't worry. You know, we all have stuff going on.

Daniel: Yeah, but if you need anything...

Lily: I know.

Daniel: Hey, you, uh, make sure she finishes those pancakes, huh?

Neil: I'm all over it.

Daniel: See you later.

Lily: Bye. (Sighs)

Neil: Mm, very impressed. You know, you have a-a gift. You make people care about you.

Lily: Yeah, and the one who loves me the most...

Neil: Besides me.

Lily: (Sighs) I just can't stand the thought of him going away.

Cane: Do you have an appointment?

Kay: Uh, yes-- uh, Tucker. (Sighs) Uh, that's all right. Fine. I'll just--I'm--I'm sorry to leave you like this.

Cane: It's okay. It's not gonna be long.

Kay: No, it isn’t.

Cane: No.

Kay: You take care.

Cane: Okay. (Sighs)

Kay: I love you.

Cane: I love you.

Kay: (Sighs)

Cane: Take care of yourself.

Kay: I will.

Cane: (Sighs) You okay? You and Katherine have a problem?

Jill: Katherine and I love you very, very much.

Cane: I know.

Jill: And we will take care of Lily for you.

Cane: I know. You know, um, PET scan results come back today.

Jill: (Sighs)

Cane: I need to tell you something. If--if the results aren't good, I can't leave the country like this. I will escape.

Jill: (Whispers) Come here. (Whispering) Escape? You don't mean that!

Cane: (Quietly) I will not let Lily go through this alone.

Jill: But, Honey--

Cane: I will not let--

Jill: If you get caught, what good are you gonna be to her? Promise me you won't take that risk.

Cane: I love you.

Jill: (Sighs) I love you.

Amber: Ahem.

Jill: (Normal voice) Look, I'm sure that you all have a lot to say to each other. Oh, my God.

Cane: (Sighs)

Jill: (Whispering) Promise me. Promise me.

Cane: No, you promise me you will take care of Lily and Katherine, and you will take care of yourself. You promise me that.

Jill: I will. Yeah.

Cane: I love you.

Chloe: Um, Jill, I just want to let you know that the, uh, printer called, and your debut issue of "Restless Style" will be showing up at the office soon. I think it's gonna be a huge seller, huge.

Jill: Good. Good, 'cause I need a win today.

Cane: (Normal voice) (Chuckles) So what's new?

Amber: (Chuckles) Cute.

Chloe: (Chuckles) Uh, yeah, we both, uh, just wanted to come and say that we feel bad and we're sorry.

Amber: Yeah, and-- and we wanted to see if maybe there was something we could do to help you out. Maybe talk to immigration as character witnesses?

Chloe: Yeah, as long as we don't show that we're character-deficient ourselves.

Amber: Yeah, I mean, so no one has to know. A-and we can totally lie for you, no problem.

Cane: Uh, thank you, but I think there has been enough lying done already, but thank you. I mean that. Thank you very much for the offer.

Tucker: Whoo!

(Game table buzzing)

Kay: Well, interesting place to have a meeting-- your niece's bar. Keeping it in the family?

Tucker: Well, I thought the office would be too formal. I think this is a perfect place for me to sell you back enough shares for a friendly partnership.

(Bell dings)

Tucker: Oh! (Game table buzzing)

Kay: 50/50 split. Equal... equal split.

Tucker: Yeah.

Kay: Well, incredible gesture-- almost too good to be true.

Tucker: You think I'm gonna pull a bait and switch-- back out on you?

Kay: Is that what you plan to do?

(Computer keys clicking)

Paul: (Sighs)

(Knock on door) (Knock)

Paul: Yeah, yeah. I'm coming.

Paul: Hi, you guys. Well, uh, what's up?

Michael: Well, we come unannounced, but F.Y.I., you owe Lauren here a fabulous dinner out as a thank-you.

Paul: A thank-you? What, uh, what for?

Lauren: Well, I asked Michael to look into Patty's situation for you.

Paul: I asked you not to-- to bother him with that.

Michael: Yeah, well, whether you like it or not, we count you as a friend.

Lauren: Yeah, t-tell him what you came up with.

Michael: I got a judge to revisit Dr. Peterson's decision to allow the court to confine Patty indefinitely.

Paul: How did you do that?

Michael: Emily handed the case over to Dr. Jasper. It is no longer her decision entirely. So it is open for discussion now.

Paul: That's wonderful. I don't know how to thank you.

Michael: Like I said, all the credit goes to Lauren here. When he takes you out to dinner, get the lobster.

Paul: (Chuckles)

Lauren: (Chuckles) It's really-- it's not necessary.

Michael: (Growls)

Lauren: It's not. (Chuckles)

Lily: So I'm just gonna freshen up before I see Cane, so I'll be right back, okay?

Neil: All right, Honey. Take your time. Mmm. Hey, Honey, you forgot your... purse. Jill. What's wrong?

Jill: Oh, Neil, I just got back from the immigration office. Cane is out of his mind with worry over Lily. He says that he'll try to escape if her scan doesn't come back clean.

Neil: What are you talkin'-- what the hell is he thinking?

Jill: He's in love with his wife. He'll do anything to be with her.

Neil: Yeah, but, Jill, if he pulls this stunt and they find out, then it's--

Jill: I know. I know. I know. Then he doesn't get to come back to the United States at all.

Neil: Jill, right now, honestly, I hope that you're right. But if not, and there's some-- Lily.

Lily: Jill, hi. How are you?

Jill: Oh, fine, Honey. I just saw Cane, you know.

Lily: Yeah, uh, I'm actually leaving to the immigration office right now so, um...

Jill: Okay.

Lily: I gotta go.

Neil: Uh, Lily, uh, when the doctor calls, or--

Lily: Yeah, I'll--I'll call you. Bye.

Neil: Bye, Honey.

Daniel: Hey.

Lily: Hey.

Daniel: Whoa, are you okay?

Lily: Um... (Sniffles) (Voice cracking) I just can't talk right now, 'cause if I talk, I'm gonna cry, and so I have to go.

Daniel: No, no, no, no, no. You know what? I'm not gonna let you drive out of here all upset. Um, why don't you come with me? Let's go.

Lily: (Sighs)

Kay: You, uh, still didn't answer me. Do you plan on backing out of the deal?

Tucker: You know, I think it's a little late to wonder whether you can trust me or not. There is one thing, though.

Kay: Uh, see? Here we go.

Tucker: No, no, no, no. It's just a clarification.

Kay: Mm.

Tucker: I think, um, my involvement with Jill might have screwed things up between the two of you...

Kay: No.

Tucker: And I never wanted that.

Kay: Jill and I had problems long, long before you, though, uh, I must say, you didn't help matters much.


Tucker: And I regret that.

Kay: Then why did you go after her, only to break it off?

Tucker: As opposed to what? Settling down?

Kay: Well, you knew who she was when it started up, and who she was to me. You had to know eventually it would blow up in your face.

Tucker: Yeah. Yeah, but I think that the dust has settled a bit, don't you? She doesn't know about this deal, does she?

Kay: Oh, what, and let Jill butt in? No, I love her. I-I dearly love her, but, uh, not on your life. No, not Jill.

Tucker: All right, then let's get to it. Here you go. You still think I'm gonna yank the rug out from under you.

Kay: Mnh-mnh. No, no. No, it isn't that. Just... (sighs) Now that I am so close to having partial control of Chancellor Industries, I don't know, uh, equal partners just isn't enough.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Cane: So the plan is, I'm gonna go back to Australia, and I will, um, tie up some loose ends, and then I will come back to my wife.

Chloe: But realistically?

Cane: Realistically, Lily is the only thing that matters, and I will do whatever it takes to get back to her.

Amber: Maybe if there was some way that--that we could stall the courts, you know? Just make them listen.

Cane: All right, all right. Listen. Listen, I appreciate it. I really do. But the sooner I go, the sooner I come back home. It's cool, so... (Sighs)

Chloe: Bye.

Cane: Bye.

Chloe: Good luck.

Cane: Thank you. You, too.

Amber: Bye.

Cane: Bye.

Amber: (Sighs) See you soon.

Cane: Bye. I'll see you soon.

Amber: Okay.

Chloe: Yeah, soon.

Cane: I'll see you both soon.

Chloe: Okay.

Amber: Okay.

Cane: Take care of yourself.

Amber: Bye.

Cane: Bye.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Amber: (Quietly) How sad is that?

Chloe: I know, really sad. I'm not even a Lily fan, and that breaks my heart. (Sighs)

Amber: Enough to do something crazy to help them? Hmm?

Chloe: Mm.

Michael: And so the judge is willing to review Patty's situation. We will get word later on when the hearing will be.

Paul: Thank you from both of us.

(Cell phone beeps)

Michael: Oh! I'm sorry. Oh, speaking of judges. Oh, a judge on another case has time to meet... aah! Now. Uh, Paul, would you mind giving Lauren a ride home?

Lauren: Wha--um...

Michael: Is that okay with you?

Lauren: Well, he-- he might be busy.

Michael: Are you?

Paul: Um, no, it's fine.

Michael: Oh, I owe you. All right, I will see you at home. Mwah! Okay.

(Clears throat)

Paul: Thanks again.

Michael: All right.

Paul: So would you mind telling me what the heck you're doing? I specifically asked you not to talk to Michael about this, and he does this huge favor for me, and he has no idea that I almost slept with his wife.

Lauren: I'm so sorry, Paul. I d--I don't know what happened to me last night. (Sighs) Something's wrong with me. I mean, something's really wrong. (Sighs)

Chloe: Okay.

Amber: Lots of salt, lots of pepper.

Chloe: Yep. Yep.

Amber: And sardines.

Chloe: Sard-- you have sardines back there?

Amber: No, but wouldn't that be awesome? That would be very awesome.

Chloe: Yeah, uh, I think--

Amber: Chili powder! Chili powder.

Chloe: Powder.

Chance: You want chili powder in your coffee?

Amber: No, silly.

Chloe: No, silly. We are making really disgusting cookies for Cane.

Chance: That's sweet of you.

Chloe: (Gasps) Oh!

Amber: Let's put this in there, too.

Chloe: Yeah, get it in.

Amber: Get it under the side. Okay.

Chloe: (Laughs)

Amber: That's gonna be so gross.

Chance: Looks great, guys.

Chloe: Look, we're just trying to get him really sick so then he has to go to the hospital.

Amber: Yeah.

Chloe: Yeah.

Chance: And then they can't deport him.

Amber: Yeah, it's genius, right?

Chloe: Uh-huh. Wow!

Chance: Yeah, that's brilliant.

Chloe: Okay, so maybe it's a stretch, but, you know...

Chance: Maybe.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: Who knows?

Amber: I don't know. I mean, we have to do something. He can't leave. He's got a wife and kids on the way-- oh, maybe some castor oil.

Chloe: Okay, look, we don't want it to be so disgusting that he can't actually choke it down.

Amber: Okay.

Chloe: I'm good.

Amber: Ooh, garlic- everything-everything bagel, huh?

Chloe: Oh, that works.

Amber: Yeah?

Chloe: Ooh, yeah.

Amber: Just little bits and pieces in there.

Chance: Uh, Chloe, can I, uh, can I talk to you for a second, please?

Chloe: Yeah. Yeah.

Chance: Great.

Chloe: Okay. Ooh, tea bags. But not, like, the bag. Just the--the tea. Yeah.

Amber: Tea bags-- oh, good call. Good call. Okay.

Chance: Wow.

Chloe: Okay, so did you get any information on the guy who almost ran us over?

Chance: Yeah, the, uh, partial pulled up 600 vehicles. Looks like it's gonna take a little time to narrow it down.

Chloe: Okay. Well, this is clearly stressing you out, so I think that we should go home.

Chance: No, Chloe, it's-- I-it's fine. I-I don't need you to babysit me right now. I just--

Chloe: Well, maybe I want you to babysit me, because that scare was hairy enough, and I-I just--I want to go home. I want to go home with you, okay?

Chance: Okay. (Chuckles) You know, I can incapacitate an enemy with just my thumb right after serving three tours in Iraq.

Chloe: I know.

Chance: Good.

Chloe: And that's why I trust you to keep me safe.

Chance: (Sighs)

Lily: I'm not exactly good company right now.

Daniel: Well, you don't exactly have to be. Hey, hey, look at this. Jack Lowenthal's doing a reading here tonight. You always loved this guy.

Lily: Yeah, I did. I mean, I do. Uh, he's hilarious, but...

Daniel: But what? You, uh, lose the ability to laugh?

Lily: Cane's leaving. Immigration and customs enforcement is having him deported.

Daniel: Damn.

Lily: Yeah. And there's more. Um, I had a pet scan, and the results come in today. And, you know, I'm just really scared that if the results are bad, Cane is gonna do something drastic.

Tucker: This happened to me once before. Warren and I were workin' on a deal--

Kay: Buffett, I assume.

Tucker: We were workin' on a deal, and he said that equal partners wouldn't work for him, either. He wanted me to have it all.

Kay: (Laughs)

Tucker: (Laughs)

Kay: Oh, Tucker, that's very amusing.

Tucker: (Chuckles)

Kay: But I'm serious about this.

Tucker: I'm cuttin' you back into Chancellor, and you want more?

Kay: I'm used to being in charge. After all, it is my company.

Tucker: Was, not is.

Kay: Oh, don't kid yourself. It will always be my company. (Sighs) Yes. Yes, I do want control. And, of course, your input would be welcome, but I think I should have the last call.

Tucker: I'm offering you half when I don't have to offer you anything at all.

Kay: I don't work well in a double harness. I'm a racehorse. So what do you say? Have things changed enough between us? Can you give back to me what you never should have taken away?

Tucker: Hand control of Chancellor over to you? There's not a person on earth I'd make that deal with.

Kay: I am not being possessive or greedy. Chancellor Industries to me is a living, breathing thing. I had planned to be with it until my last day on this earth. I can't walk away from it without a fight. I can't walk away from it at all.

Tucker: Well, if I don't say yes now, you're probably gonna hammer away at me until I hate the damn name "chancellor Industries." So why delay the inevitable?

Kay: What-- what are you saying? I mean, you would, um... (Sighs) Y-you would let me buy back enough shares to have controlling interest of Chancellor Industries? Uh, y-y-you give up? Just like that?

Tucker: Hey, you're gettin' your way. Leave a man his pride, huh?

Kay: Oh, you should be so proud.

Chloe: Well, Sid told you to back off the whole Riggs mess, especially after last night.

Chance: (Sighs) I can't just back off it, especially when the person is trying this hard to scare me off, Chloe.

Chloe: Okay, I know that you're war-tough and you are detective-smart. But you don't play dirty, and whoever is behind this does, and that scares me enough for the both of us.

Chance: Don't forget about my lethal thumbs now.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: Hmm?

Chloe: Okay, I'm gonna tell you something, but you have to promise not to repeat it, or they're gonna take away my cynic card, okay?

Chance: Okay.

Chloe: (Sighs) You told me on new year's night that in 2010, I was gonna fall in love with you. And I'm falling, okay? I'm falling really, really hard. And Delia, well, she's already fallen hard, and for her sake, and for my sake, I just want you to listen to Sid, please.

Chance: Go against my instincts?

Chloe: I already sat next to you in a hospital bed, and I thought that I was gonna lose you, and I really, really don't want to feel like that again. I don't want to lose you.

Chance: Last night, if anything had happened to you, to think that it was my fault because of my own stubbornness...

Chloe: Yeah.

Chance: I'll back off.

Chloe: Really? Really? For me?

Chance: Yes, really.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: You do these kind of things when you love someone.

Chloe: Someone?

Chance: You, Chloe. I love you.

Chloe: Okay, I'm gonna tell you a little secret.

Chance: Another one?

Chloe: I lied before when I said that I was falling for you, because I've already fallen. I've fallen really hard, and I love you, too. I love you so much.

Amber: (Sighs) Hey.

Daisy: Ooh, those smell great.

Amber: Thank you. They're for a friend-- a tribute to true love. Ooh. Hmm, wish me luck.

Daisy: Good luck. Keep your tribute to true love. Here's a tribute to drug-fueled true lust. (Giggles)

Michael: This is absolutely ridiculous. I cannot find this number... (Muttering)

Daisy: Uh, hi, Michael. Where's Lauren? Is she okay?

Michael: Oh, she's still a little off. I'm gonna call the doctor myself as soon as I have a free second. I can't believe I-- oh, here it is. All right, I got it. Excuse me for a second.

Lauren: I'm moody and-- and mean. And I'm snapping at--at Michael and the staff. A-and--and then that euphoria, you know, that came over me last night. Uh, that was new. It's like, I just-- I wanted everybody to be as happy as I was. I'm telling you, if you hadn't stopped things--

Paul: Oh, believe me, I was there, too. And, you know, we have a history. Lines get blurred. And the alcohol I had didn't really help, either.

Lauren: Yeah, but... this isn't me now. It's not.

Paul: Okay. Um, these mood swings, when did they start?

Lauren: You know, they started, um, a couple months ago.

Michael: Yeah, thanks again. Yeah, I'll be in touch. No, I'll text them now. Thanks.

Amber: (Sighs) It was a total bust, Chloe. They wouldn't even let me leave the cookies, so call me whenever you get this. You need to stall or stage a sit-in or blackmail someone. You have to keep Cane here.

Michael: I sympathize with you, Amber. I wish it worked that way, but it doesn’t.

Amber: (Scoffs)

Michael: For now, I have to back to my office and deal with the cases that are not completely lost.

Amber: Well, I mean, is it really that bad?

Michael: (Sighs) Yes, it is.

Amber: Oh, come on. Big, dramatic love story can't end in an immigration office. (Sighs)

Lily: O-okay. Thank you, Doctor.

Daniel: Lily?

Lily: (Sniffles) (Chuckles) Its okay. (Sniffles) I'm not gonna fall apart just 'cause... the cancer's not gone. (Sniffles) I have to call Cane. (Sighs)

Daniel: No, you need to tell him face-to-face. Let me drive you home.

Lily: No, no, no. I cannot look him in the eyes and tell him this. It has to be over the phone. (Sighs)

Lily: Um, can I have Cane Ashby, please? This is his wife.

Cane: Hello?

Lily: Cane.

Cane: (Sighs) Oh, Baby. Is there something wrong? I thought you were gonna be on your way.

Lily: Um, no. I just-- I-I couldn't wait to tell you, um... (Sniffles) The results came in.

Lily: Chemo worked. (Laughs) (Sniffles) Your wife is cancer-free.

Cane: (Laughs) Th-that--that--that's--that's-- that's wonderful news. Um, I was--I was so sca-- so scared, uh... (Exhales) 'Cause you know there was no way that I was going to leave you if you, uh, I-if you needed me.

Lily: No, so, you know, you go. You take care of things in Australia. We will all be here, okay?

Cane: Well, I am going to come back soon, and I will be with you and the babies, and we will spend the rest of our life together. You know that, don't you?

Lily: (Sniffles) okay, so I just wanted to tell you that so you wouldn't worry, okay? (Sniffles) I'll see you soon.

Cane: Bye, my love.

Lily: Bye. (Sighs)

Daniel: Why did you just tell him--?

Lily: (Sniffles) No, Daniel. (Sniffles) Cane loves me. He had to go away knowing that I was sa-- (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Voice cracking) This is how it has to be.

Lily: (Sobs) (Sighs)

Kay: Well, you have a very interesting signature.

Tucker: I let you buy back 51% of Chancellor Industries and you compliment my penmanship?

Kay: (Laughs)

Tucker: I don't think that's an even trade.

Kay: Well, it's gonna be 30 days before I resume control. And, uh, I'll take you out to dinner.

Man: This is you, right? Can I have your autograph?

Tucker: Give me that.

Man: Hey!

Tucker: Get outta here. What is this? Son of a...

Tucker: Bitch.

(Door closes)

Kay: You-- you can't possibly believe that I had anything to do with this.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jill: This is not about you playing mommy to Tucker. This is about you getting your company back.

Michael: You would be keeping a child away from nick. You do that, you're no better than Adam.

Victor: You will stay in this cabin until you tell us what happened to Nicholas and Sharon’s baby.

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