Y&R Transcript Monday 3/8/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 3/9/10 -- USA
Episode # 9352 ~ Nick Learns the Truth
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Adam: (Sighs) (Thinking) "My dearest Sharon, I'm not the world's best writer, but since you won't return my calls, I have no choice but to try and reach you this way. I know you're probably still upset after everything you've been told, and that you're angry that I wasn't completely up front with you, but if you believe nothing else, believe what I said in the last message I left. I have always loved you, and I'll never stop fighting for you, for as long as I live."
Sharon: (Sighs) I didn't know who else to call.
Victor: Tell me everything.
Sharon: Well, I didn't want to believe it at first. But when Nick brought me Skye's diary, and I read it, you know, Adam looked me straight in the eye and told me that he didn't know anything about Dr. Taylor's past. But he lied to me, and he lied to Ashley. He--he lied about many things. And I think that he might have lied about my baby.
Victor: Why do you think that?
Sharon: When she was born, Dr. Taylor told me that she never took a breath. But I know that I heard her cry. I know--I know I did. And I told Ashley about that. She called St. Mary's hospital. They have no record of any baby that died that night, and--and the same at-- at Fairview.
Victor: Sweetheart, come here. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay?
Sharon: And I just--
Victor: (Sighs)
Sharon: You know, Adam held my hand while I grieved the loss of my child.
Victor: Mm.
Sharon: And I don't know how he could see me in that much pain and not say anything.
Victor: We'll find out soon enough.
Sharon: How?
Victor: (Sighs) I have a plan. In fact, Jack Abbott and I have a plan to get to the truth. I hate to ask you, but we need your help.
Ashley: You just missed Sharon. I told her our theory that Adam and Dr. Taylor were targeting our babies.
Jack: I thought we weren't gonna say anything to Sharon till we had proof.
Ashley: She brought it up, Jack. She brought it up. And once she did, there was no going back.
Jack: We have nothing to back up this theory.
Ashley: I'm not so sure about that. I called the morgue attendants at both hospitals that Sharon was at that night. Neither one of them has a record of a baby dying there. There's a very good chance that Sharon's baby is alive, Jack.
Jack: Where's Sharon now?
Ashley: She's at the G.C.A.C. getting her things.
Jack: Well, she's probably with Victor.
Ashley: (Sighs) Why would she be with Victor?
Jack: Victor and I have come up with our own plan to expose Adam.
Ashley: Victor and you?
Jack: Yeah. Strange bedfellows, huh?
Ashley: W--yeah. What are you gonna do?
Jack: I'll tell you, you're not gonna like this.
Phyllis: You know when somebody asks you to name their best day? Today-- oh, I stepped on you.
Nick: Oh, that's all right.
Phyllis: Was right up there for me.
Nick: Me, too.
Victoria: Oh, sorry. Summer's upstairs getting out of her snowsuit.
Phyllis: Oh, you know, Victoria, you don't have to babysit. I'll just call Gabby, and she can--she can watch, um, Summer while she watches Reed, too.
Victoria: No. No, way. I am going to spend some quality time with my niece. It'll be good for me after the day that I've had.
Nick: You all right?
Victoria: Yeah, I will be. I'll be fine. You guys should go out and have fun. You deserve it, okay? So just go out. I'm gonna--I'm gonna go tell Summer that we're gonna go and have a girls' movie night. It'll be fun. You guys go.
Phyllis: Hmm.
Nick: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Even though she doesn't want to admit it, she's hurting.
Nick: Her marriage is ending.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: It goes with the territory.
Phyllis: I'm glad that we're past that.
Nick: Me, too.
Billy: Okay, are you gonna tell me what put that goofy grin on your face, or do I have to guess?
Rafe: Brian and I went away for the weekend.
Billy: That's good, man. That's good. You--you're due something good after the way Adam jerked you around.
Rafe: Don't remind me.
Billy: I am sorry.
(Text ring)
Billy: Oh. (Sighs) It's Jack. He says to get to Ashley's ASAP.
Rafe: Oh, that sounds important.
Billy: Yeah, well, I guess I gotta go. So, um, don't let Brian get away. It's good to see you smilin' again. Heather.
Heather: Billy.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Heather: I thought I'd find you here. You're kind of the only person I can talk to about this.
Rafe: Yeah? About what?
Heather: About Adam.
Man: Adam? Adam Newman? Richard Hightower.
Adam: Yeah, Richard, hi.
Richard: (Chuckles)
Adam: Hi. Hi. It's a pleasure.
Richard: Oh, it's my pleasure to--meeting you in the flesh is, uh, wow. This is-- what you did was, uh... thank you.
Richard: Sorry I was late.
Adam: No worries.
Richard: I had a little trouble finding the place-- kind of out in the middle of nowhere. You come here a lot?
Adam: No, it's actually my first time here. I figured it was a good halfway point.
Richard: Well, I'm just glad I got the chance to say thanks. What you did was phenomenal.
Adam: Don't worry about it.
Richard: I gotta ask you, why me?
Woman: You two want refills?
Adam: No, no. (Clears throat) We're good. (Coughs) Say, why don't we get out of here? Uh, I want to hear your story. Let's head to a sports bar or something.
Boy: Can I have a quarter for the arcade, Daddy?
Richard: (Chuckles)
Adam: Wait, you have a-- a son?
Richard: This is the man I told you about, son. This is Adam Newman.
Boy: Thank you so much, Mr. Newman.
Adam: You're, uh, welcome, Buddy. Listen, uh, I gotta get out of here. (Clears throat) I just remembered I have some--
Richard: What?
Adam: Yeah, I-- I-it slipped my mind. I gotta take off. I will call you and we will reschedule, all right?
Heather: So after butting heads with Victor, I went to see Adam, pretending to warn him about his father. But he saw through my act.
Rafe: Why did you bother?
Heather: Because I can't shake what he did to me or to you.
Rafe: Now you care about me?
Heather: Don't you feel used?
Rafe: Yeah, of course I feel used. But you know what? I've stopped trying to figure it out, and, frankly, I'd rather not rehash this with you again.
Heather: Well, I can't blame you. Look, I was-- I was really upset when I found out about you and Adam.
Rafe: "Brutal" is more like it, Heather.
Heather: I'm sorry, okay? The-- the truth is, I know better than anyone how much it hurts to be sucked in and dumped by that jerk, and, you know, I just-- I wish I knew why he did it the way he did.
Rafe: Maybe he's just a sick bastard who gets his kicks playing with other people's heads. But whatever the reason, I doubt we're ever gonna figure out what it was.
Ashley: You can't be serious.
Jack: You want justice, don't you?
Ashley: Justice and revenge are two different things, Jack.
Jack: Look, if we go after this the legal way, if we're lucky enough to find evidence to get Adam arrested, it's still that snake's word against you in court.
Ashley: Bring it on!
Jack: No, we don't want to bring it on, not if they can bring up your mental health history, and don't think for a moment he won’t.
Ashley: I'm not gonna let Adam manipulate me into doing what he wants ever again.
Jack: He turned you against your own brothers, Ash.
Ashley: That was my mistake, and that was then.
Jack: Those words may have been comin' out of your mouth-- they were Adam's words.
Ashley: I know.
Jack: He manipulated you to the point that you were damn near locked in that house...
Ashley: I know.
Jack: Away from friends and family, thinking you were losing your mind!
(Front door closes)
Billy: Is what Jack said true? Adam's the one who terrorized you last summer? Not Estella? Not Patty?
Ashley: Looks that way.
Sharon: I don't want any part of this.
Victor: I know what I'm asking you is difficult, Sharon.
Sharon: I just don't know if I can dredge all this back up again. I-I don't know if I can take it.
Victor: Look, you have gone through more difficulties and more problems than anyone deserves, yet you have come out stronger, more resilient, braver.
Sharon: I just don't feel strong right now.
Victor: I understand that.
Sharon: A part of me...
Victor: (Sighs)
Sharon: Just doesn't want to believe that Adam lied to me like this, especially about the baby.
Victor: But listen to me. If there's even the slightest chance that the baby's alive, you must do this.
Sharon: Okay.
Victor: Okay?
Sharon: I'd like to be the one to tell Nick about the baby, though.
Victor: Of course you will.
Billy: Just--
Victoria: She--
Phyllis: Okay.
Victoria: Wow. You two clean up nice.
Phyllis: Ahh, thanks.
Victoria: Yeah.
Phyllis: Thank you.
Nick: So you got my cell.
Victoria: Yes, and the backup sitter, and, uh, the pizza guy...
Nick: Pizza.
Phyllis: The pizza guy is important.
Victoria: And the doctor, and, you guys, just go. We're good.
Phyllis: All right, great. Thanks.
Victoria: Okay, have fun.
Nick: All right.
Victoria: All right.
Phyllis: Oh, hey, Victor.
Nick: Hey, Dad.
Victor: I'm glad I caught you.
Nick: Yeah, we were just on the way out.
Phyllis: Yeah, we have a date.
Victor: I spoke with Adam.
Phyllis: Did you confront him about Taylor?
Nick: What'd he say?
Victor: What I expected him to say.
Victoria: In other words, he lied.
Victor: I've decided to handle him my way, but I need your help.
Billy: I'm gonna rip that kid's head off.
Jack: Billy, if there was ever a time for you to keep your cool and do what you're told, it is now, for everyone's sake.
Ashley: Jack, I'm still on the fence about this plan you have with Victor.
Billy: Oh, I'm sorry. Could we back up for a moment? You and Victor?
Jack: If there was a common enemy who levels the playing field, it is Adam.
Billy: Okay, look, I get Adam has screwed over a lot of people in this town, but for you to team up with Victor Newman's a little ridiculous.
Jack: Teaming up is the only way we're going to stop Adam.
Billy: Okay, fine. I trust you. I'm in.
Jack: What we need is for everyone to be part of this. Right now, Victor has convinced Nicholas, Phyllis and Sharon to do their part. We're hoping that Heather Stevens is game, since she was one of Adam's victims, and it will guarantee she doesn't throw the book at us when this is all over.
Ashley: Yeah, well, considering her reaction to the story that Neil and I told her about Adam, I wouldn't count on her.
Billy: Well, if you're lookin' to cover your butts legally, I do have a lawyer friend with an ax to grind over Adam. I can ask him. I bet he jumps on board.
Jack: Bring him on.
Rafe: Are we done here?
Heather: Yeah, we're done.
Rafe: You're not the only one who needed to apologize, Heather. I knew that you were seeing Adam. I-- (Sighs) I thought I had to save him. He had me believing that-- that he was trapped in the closet, and--and that he needed to be rescued.
Heather: Well, he played us both, so we should be grateful we got out when we did.
(Cell phone rings)
Rafe: Hey, Billy.
Billy: Hey, can you meet me at the Athletic Club? It's about Adam.
Rafe: What about Adam?
Billy: I'll explain when I see you.
Rafe: I don't know, man.
Billy: It's kind of urgent.
Rafe: I'll wait for you at the bar.
Billy: See you there.
Heather: Is everything okay?
Rafe: Billy wants to meet me at the club about Adam.
(Cell phone rings)
Heather: (Clears throat) Phyllis?
Phyllis: Hi, are you busy?
Heather: What's up?
Phyllis: Um, we need to talk about Adam.
Heather: What about him?
Phyllis: I'd rather do this face-to-face.
Heather: All right, can you meet me at the Athletic Club?
Phyllis: I'm on my way.
Heather: Something's up, something big.
Phyllis: Okay, I am meeting Heather at the club.
Nick: And you're sure that's a good idea? You two don't exactly have the best history.
Phyllis: I know, but if it means exposing Adam, I'm willing to rise above myself. I-I'm willing to do that.
Victoria: Good for you.
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Victoria: So I guess Summer will have to stay with Reed and the nanny after all.
Phyllis: I'll get her ready, okay?
Victoria: No, let me. I don't want her to think I blew her off completely.
Victor: I have another stop to make. I'll meet you guys as planned, okay?
Nick: Okay. See you, Dad.
Victor: Thank you, Son.
Phyllis: Nice.
Nick: This is a sweet date night.
Phyllis: Yeah, it's good. But you know what? If we can cut Adam off at the knees, it's really sweet, and it's worth it.
Nick: Okay. You look good in that dress.
Phyllis: Thanks.
Nick: See you.
(Door closes)
Ashley: Hi. We've been waiting for you. Haven't we? Yeah.
Sharon: Victor stopped by.
Jack: Did he tell you about your part in our plan?
Sharon: He did.
Jack: You okay with it?
Sharon: Do I have a choice?
Jack: Look, I know this isn't easy.
Faith: (Babbles)
Sharon: Well, you warned me about Adam, and I'm just sorry I didn't listen.
Jack: And I'm sorry I didn't protect you like I promised I would.
Sharon: Well, I didn't make it very easy for you.
Jack: Even so, maybe I can make that up to you tonight.
Sharon: I'm not gonna pretend like I like any of this.
Jack: I understand, but you're not going into this alone. We will all be there with you the whole time.
Faith: (Coughs) (Babbles)
Jack: Now, look, I'm gonna go call Victor, make sure we're still on schedule.
Sharon: You're being very quiet.
Ashley: I don't like it, either, Sharon.
Sharon: Well, I want you to know that the only reason I'm doing this is for my baby. I mean, just think about how you would feel if you thought that you lost Faith forever, and suddenly, there was this hope that maybe she was still alive. Wouldn't you do whatever it took to get her back?
Ashley: Sharon, of course I would.
Sharon: Well, that's the only reason why I'm doing this.
Ashley: I know. I don't blame you one little bit.
Sharon: Thank you.
Ashley: And I want you to know if Adam has done anything with your little girl, I will do everything humanly possible to get her back to you.
Adam: Sharon?
Billy: So it seems as if Adam was behind the Sabrina sightings that Ashley had this Summer.
Rafe: That creep let my aunt almost go to jail for that. The--the whole time, he was pretending to be my friend, telling me that--that he believed she was innocent.
Billy: Well, he's a real piece of, uh... (Clears throat)
Rafe: And it wasn't just Aunt Estella, either. He let Patty Williams take the fall, too.
Billy: You know, she's actually a real easy target. She's a wack job.
Rafe: She was found in the shed right about the same time that Adam decided he wasn't gay after all.
Billy: I hate to say it, but it makes total sense. If he doesn't need to frame your aunt, then he doesn't need to--
Rafe: He didn't need to keep me distracted anymore.
Billy: Yeah.
Rafe: I'm gonna tear that son of a bitch apart when I get my hands on him.
Billy: My family has something bigger on the table. And, uh, I don't know, maybe you'd like to help us?
Heather: This is why Billy called Rafe, isn't it? I was with him when he got the call.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. All right. So, um, Victor and Jack feel that if we get everybody who Adam has tried to screw over together to help bring him down, that he won't be able to worm his way out of paying for his crimes.
Heather: What you're talking about could be considered vigilantism.
Phyllis: Yes, it could, but some would call it justice.
Heather: And it's my job to make sure that justice is served in a courtroom.
Phyllis: (Groans) Heather. Is that what you were trying to do when you were trying to take my son down?
Heather: Clearly you haven't learned your lesson about taking the law into your own hands.
Phyllis: And thank goodness, because you would have tried to convict an innocent man.
Heather: You got lucky.
Phyllis: Listen, Daniel was innocent, and so was I. Thank you. Adam, on the other hand, you and I both know that it will be almost impossible to prove his guilt. So Jack and Victor's plan, it's--it's the only option. Oh, come on, Heather. You don't want to be the one to see him skate. Do you? After everything he's done?
Heather: (Sighs)
Nick: I didn't expect to see you here.
Sharon: I know.
Nick: This isn't the best place to be right now, Sharon.
Sharon: Well, um, Victor asked me to come.
Nick: Dad didn't tell me you were gonna be a part of this.
Sharon: I just-- I told him that I wanted to talk to you first.
Nick: Look, I understand if you're mad at me for the diary. I just wanted you to know the truth about Taylor.
Sharon: This isn't about Dr. Taylor. I mean, not--not directly. Nick, this is about our daughter. I think--I think that she might still be alive.
Nick: Look, I know you're going through a rough time right now, Sharon, but--
Sharon: No, listen. I think Adam might have set it up to make it look like she died when she didn’t.
Nick: There's a lot of things coming out about Adam, but I don't want you to get carried away.
Sharon: No, that's not what this is about. Look, I-I accepted the loss of our daughter, and I-I-I tried to move on with my life, in a lot of ways, I did. But there's just-- there's something that doesn't add up about the night that she was born.
Nick: What do you mean?
Sharon: Well, Dr. Taylor told me that she never made a sound, but I know that I heard her cry. And, Nick, I just feel it in my bones. Our little girl's out there. She's alive.
Ashley: Sharon's probably at the cabin by now.
Jack: Yeah, right on time.
Ashley: You know, Jack, she doesn't like this any more than I do, but we both just desperately want to know the truth.
Jack: You know what I want? I want to kill Adam for what he put you through.
Ashley: Okay, you know what? I just want to know why. Was it to get even with Victor, or was it something else?
Faith: (Babbles)
Ashley: Right? Yeah.
(Doorbell rings)
Jack: Come on in.
Victor: It's done. Nicholas and Sharon are at the cabin. Phyllis is at the club with Heather Stevens.
Jack: Okay, Billy says Rafe is on board.
Faith: (Babbles)
Victor: When this is all over, then I owe him and his aunt a phone call.
Ashley: You owe 'em a lot more than that.
Faith: (Fusses)
Ashley: Because of your son, Estella has a criminal record, and the rest of us went through a living hell.
Victor: Yes, I know that, Ashley, and I'm very sorry about that.
Ashley: Well, you know, that's nice, but it probably never would have happened if it--if you hadn't been so preoccupied with your machinations, Victor.
Victor: Is the baby okay now? Hmm? I have failed you. It'll be rectified tonight.
Adam: (Thinking)
"That’s all I wanted to say. I only hope you'll let yourself believe my words and remember how much I love you."
(Cell phone rings) (Ring) (Ring)
Adam: I was afraid you'd never call.
Sharon: I just needed some time to think.
Adam: Of course.
Sharon: Well, you were right. Um, we need to talk.
Adam: Okay, where are you?
Sharon: At the Abbott cabin.
Adam: Wait, why are you at-- you know what? It doesn't matter. Um, I'm on my way.
Sharon: Adam's on his way.
Nick: Good.
Sharon: Can you get a signal on your cell phone now?
Nick: Yeah, that new tower they built is pretty powerful, so I'm all set.
Sharon: I'm sorry to blurt out all that about the baby.
Nick: No, I'm glad you told me. Nothing is gonna keep me from getting the truth out of Adam.
Phyllis: Listen, Heather, after everything he put you through, don't you want to see him held accountable?
Heather: Even if I do, it doesn't mean I approve of this plan. And I could easily call D.A. Pomerantz and make his day by letting him know what you guys are plotting.
Phyllis: Oh, you definitely could do that. But after you were made to feel completely cheap and worthless by Adam, something tells me you're not gonna pass up the chance of returning the favor. Think about it and decide. Take your time. I'll be back for your answer.
Heather: (Sighs)
Victoria: Hey. How'd it go with Heather?
Phyllis: Um, I gave it my best shot. The rest is up to her.
Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, I need a drink. You?
Phyllis: No, no, in a minute. I-I have to call Nick before the fireworks begin.
Victoria: Okay.
Together: Scotch, neat.
Victoria: So I thought you took a hiatus from anything stronger than a seltzer since your New Year’s Eve fiasco.
Billy: It's for Rafe, actually.
Victoria: Oh. Is he okay?
Billy: Uh, yeah, as okay as you can be after you find out that you were just a pawn in somebody's mind game.
Victoria: Adam.
Billy: Uh-huh.
Victoria: I wish I could have done more to warn him. It's not like I didn't suspect him from the beginning, and Adam knew it when he caught me sneaking in his room.
Billy: Yeah, well, I was on to the jerk even before I found him sneaking around the, uh, Mitchell’s funeral parlor.
Victoria: When was this?
Billy: Right after Colleen died. Jack, Traci and I, we were making arrangements. And I saw Adam snoopin' around the, uh, director's office.
Victoria: Do you think he was planning Dad's funeral?
Billy: No, um, Victor seemed to be okay at that point. The transplant looked to be a success, and, uh, everyone expected him to make it.
Victoria: What was he doing at a funeral home?
Billy: I don't know. But that's one more thing to find out tonight.
[Heather remembering]-
Adam: I don't know what Nikki saw, okay? But--but I know what I told Rafe, all right? I told him that this thing was a onetime deal. It could never, ever happen again. I also told him that I love you and I want to be with you. I am not-- Heather, listen to me-- not homosexual or bi. This experiment thing-- that--it was a first and a last for me.
Heather: I don't believe you. I don't believe you. I don't believe a word that you say!
Heather: Adam?
Rafe: You?
Heather: Look, tell me as a lawyer you're at least a little uneasy with what they're planning.
Rafe: It's no more than he deserves.
Heather: I'll take that as a "No."
Rafe: He used my sexuality against me, pretended to be gay, so that he could frame my aunt when he was the one responsible for torturing Ashley.
Heather: Wait, wait. Adam was behind the whole Sabrina nightmare?
Rafe: It's sure lookin' that way.
Heather: That son of a bitch used me, too, and almost let me put an innocent woman in jail.
Heather: I'll do it.
Nick: I want to believe. But if she is alive, Sharon, then... where is she? Who is she with? Don't you think we would have gotten some sign by now?
Sharon: Not if someone covered their tracks well enough.
Nick: I just don't see how it's possible.
Sharon: But what if it's true? Look, Adam's gonna be here soon.
Nick: Yeah. Are you sure you're up for this?
Sharon: I wasn't an hour ago, but now there's no doubt in my mind.
Ashley: Hi. (Gasps) I already miss you so, so much. But the nanny's here, and she's gonna read you your very favorite bedtime story. And then Abby’s coming! And she's gonna take care of you till Mommy gets back.
Faith: (Babbles)
Ashley: (Coos) I don't want to leave you, Honey.
Faith: (Coos)
Ashley: But it's Mommy's job to make sure that all the scary monsters are taken care of. And guess what? They're not just in fairy tales. You know that? Sometimes they're just kinda like regular people.
Faith: (Babbles)
Ashley: Even big brothers. Even--even nasty big brothers sometimes.
Faith: (Babbles)
Ashley: (Gasps) (Sighs) My little baby girl.
Faith: (Babbles)
Ashley: I love you so, so much. Look at those legs. You got strong legs, my little girl.
Faith: (Babbles)
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Hey, Baby, is it time?
Nick: Not yet. There's something I need to tell you first.
Phyllis: Oh, wow. Something else about Adam?
Nick: About Adam, and Sharon's baby-- my baby. You may want to sit down first.
Adam: Sharon.
Sharon: (Gasps)
Adam: It's so good to see you. Thank you for, uh, for meeting me.
Sharon: Uh, I don't know where to start.
Adam: You must be freezing. Let's--let's just go inside and we'll talk.
Sharon: Uh, no. I-- I-I just want to stay right here.
Adam: You look beautiful in the moonlight.
Sharon: No, stay where you are!
Adam: I know-- I know that you don't deserve this. You deserve so much better. Sharon, you shouldn't be with someone capable of such darkness. I know. But these last 48 hours for me, they have been hell. I--the thought of living without you-- I couldn't survive it. I need you. I love you. I can be a better man. But on-- but only if you're with me.
(Cell phone vibrates)
Phyllis: Adam's at the cabin.
Adam: I was afraid I was never gonna see you again or hear from you ever. So I wrote you a letter, even though I wasn't sure you were ever gonna read it. I-- but then you called me, Sharon, and I-I felt like God gave me another chance-- gave us another chance. You've given me faith to hold on to.
Jack: It's time.
Faith: (Babbles)
Adam: I almost did something so desperate tonight, Sharon, desperate and horrible. I just--I couldn't go through with it. I don't want to be that person anymore. I need you to save me. Save me again, please, like you've done before. My life depends on it.
Sharon: Adam...
Adam: Yes?
Sharon: (Whispers) I'm sorry.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Michael: "Tired" is no longer an answer. It's a symptom. It's time we found out what's causing this.
Tucker: You think I'm gonna pull a bait and switch.
Cane: The PET scan results come back today. If the results aren't good, I want to escape. but I was gonna meet with Dr. Taylor the day of the accident, if it was an accident. I saw him fighting with my brother-in-law before he was hit by the car.
Mrs. Harrison: You were there?
Phyllis: Yes, I was an eyewitness. It's on--on the police report.
Mrs. Harrison: None of that explains why you lied to go through his private papers.
Phyllis: I'll tell you why. (Sighs) Listen, I found several things in his storage facility to confirm our suspicions about our brother-in-law. Obviously, Dr. Taylor wanted-- wanted to come forward. That's why he dictated that letter. But he never got a chance. It's about a child. It's about a child. Please, Mrs. Harrison. Please help me. It's a matter of life and death. It truly is.
Adam: Why are you all so convinced that something sinister was going on?
Jack: You don't do anything that isn't sinister, Adam.
Adam: Why don't you look at Ashley? Everybody, look at her. She's fine. She's fine, and so is the baby. You've got a beautiful healthy baby girl, Ashley.
Sharon: And what about my baby, Adam? The one that Dr. Taylor said was dead. Is it--isn't my baby alive, too?
Adam: I don't know, okay? I-I-I-I don--I don't know, Sharon, for God sake. You know that I love you, okay? I-I- don't know. If the doctor said that the baby was stillborn, then that's what happened. Why would he lie about it?
Sharon: That's why we're confronting you, Adam. Because we're certain that he did lie.
Adam: Well, I don't know, okay? I don't know, everybody. I don't--I don't know if the baby is dead. I don't know if the baby's alive and the doctor took the baby. Sharon, I love you. I'm sorry. I wish I had answers for you, but I don’t. God help me, I don’t.
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