Y&R Transcript Friday 2/26/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 3/5/10 -- Canada; Monday 3/8/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9351 ~ Victor & Jack Plot to Catch Adam

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Heather: Hello.

Victor: I understand Ashley conveyed her suspicions about Adam to you.

Heather: You could have saved yourself the trouble. Adam is not in any danger of prosecution. Ashley has no proof of any crimes, not even a parole violation.

Victor: So you don't intend to further investigate the matter?

Heather: You don't have to worry about your star witness in the Jabot case. He won't be behind bars when you need him to testify for you. Now if there's nothing else, I'd like to get going.

Victor: Please sit down. For your information, I'm not here to protect Adam, nor my investment in Jabot. I'm here because I get the feeling that you need encouragement to do your damn job.

Ashley: Is it just totally off the wall? I mean the idea that Sharon's baby could have survived?

Jack: If we were talking about anyone but Adam, yes, it would be off the wall.

Ashley: Okay, so let's just-- let's just say that it's true.

Jack: (Sighs) That Adam was trying to steal your baby with Dr. Taylor's help.

Ashley: To get back at Victor for all the pain he caused him, but then the plan fell through when Fairview went into lockdown.

Jack: And Dr. Taylor went into improvisation, and took Sharon's baby to sell it to the highest bidder as his consolation--

Ashley: Yeah.

Jack: I--you--

Ashley: Yeah.

Jack: It just doesn't sound as plausible the second time around.

Ashley: I know. Selling a baby to some couple so that a rich doctor and a billionaire's son could make a few bucks.

Jack: No. Unless...

Ashley: What?

Jack: Unless it wasn't Victor he was trying to get back at. It was me.

Ashley: And maybe that's why Adam came up with this crazy plan.

Jack: We still don't have anything concrete. I mean, this is all conjecture. And by the way, I don't think we should tell Sharon any of this.

Ashley: Why not? If we are on the right track, she'd want to know. Do you know what this could mean to her to realize her baby's alive?

Jack: (Sighs)

Adam: Sharon, I don't want you to leave.

Sharon: I didn't want to be lied to again, either.

Adam: I was afraid of losing you, the only person on this planet who's ever believed in me.

Sharon: Really? What about Heather? She believed in you, and Rafe, probably, too, and you played me the same way you played them.

Adam: No, not true, okay? Whatever else it is you think that I've done, you know that I love you more than anyone in this world.

Sharon: And that's not really saying much, is it? Get out of my way.

Adam: Just tell me you're not gonna stay at Ashley's, okay? She's gonna try and convince you that I'm some kind of demon.

Sharon: Maybe you are.

Adam: Sharon, don't say that.

Sharon: God knows what you and Taylor put Ashley through.

Adam: This is nuts. I didn't do anything to Ash. She's fine. Faith is fine.

Sharon: (Laughs)

[Sharon remembering]

(Baby crying)

Sharon: (Sighs happily) She's here. Oh, she's here. My baby's here. (Laughs) Oh. (Sighs)

Adam: Look, Ashley was just trying to find somebody to blame for her breakdown. She was already falling apart before she even met Dr. Taylor.

Sharon: He was the only one who saw her.

Adam: What?

Sharon: Faith-- my Faith. Dr. Taylor was the only one who saw her. She--he said that she never took a breath, but I heard her cry.

Adam: Sharon.

Sharon: (Sighs) He lied.

Adam: (Sighs) I don't know what you're talking about, Sharon.

Sharon: He--he lied, and you knew. Oh, my God. Oh, God. She's alive, isn't she? My baby is alive!

J.T.: How long is Reed gonna be gone?

Victoria: Uh, well, they're at a movie, and then lunch, but if we need more time with the lawyers, then--

J.T.: No, it should be fine. I mean, we're not gonna hash out all the details today, right?

Victoria: Right, yeah. Just for the short-term. So who'd you end up hiring for your lawyer?

J.T.: Well, I didn't have time to interview. There's a guy on Tucker's legal staff that does divorces.

Victoria: Oh. I hope that we can keep things calm.

J.T.: Yeah, for Reed's sake, that would be good.

Michael: "I'm sorry to be hurting you like this, but it's for the b--" I can't believe this.

Kevin: Me, neither.

Michael: If Jana were this upset, wouldn't she--

Kevin: She never said anything. She never said she was upset, and thi-this part here where she says, "I've struggled for some time with who we are to each other. I think you know what I'm talking about." I have no idea what she's talking about! I don't think she wrote that.

Michael: Just... (Clears throat)

Kevin: (Sighs)

Michael: Devil's advocate, okay? Could this be one of those things where Jana had been trying to tell you something, but you just didn't want to hear it?

Kevin: No. No, I--Jana-- (Sighs) She's never had any trouble expressing herself to me or saying what's on her mind. (Sighs) Michael, think about it. If Lauren had an issue with you so big that she wanted to end your marriage, don't you think you would know about it? (Sighs)

Lauren: (Chuckles) Mm, brings back memories, doesn't it?

Paul: Yeah, it sure does. I've had too much to drink.

Lauren: (Chuckles) And too much to deal with. My heart just breaks for you and Z Patty.

Paul: It's nice for you to care.

Lauren: I will always care. I will always, always love you, and I know you feel the same.

Paul: I do.

Lauren: So tell me what to do. Tell me what it's gonna take to make you feel better. I will do it.

Paul: I'll be okay.

Lauren: Of course you will. I'll make sure of that. (Chuckles)

Mac: Hi. Can I see some I.D.?

Daisy: Oh, uh, I'm not drinking.

Mac: That's great, but you still have to be 21 to be in here.

Daisy: Uh, can I stay just a minute? I'm taking photos for my photography class, and we need to find faces that tell a story.

Mac: Yeah, well, we certainly have those. But I'm sorry. You're gonna have to leave.

Daisy: All right.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Mac: Can I get you guys anything else?

Paul: No, I'm fine. Thanks.

Lauren: I'm gonna have a beer. I want to share it with him.

Mac: Okay.

Lauren: Okay? All right, now you have to stop beating yourself up about your sister.

Paul: Who says I am?

Lauren: Oh, please, I know you. And you are the best brother and the best friend anyone could ever have.

Paul: Strictly a mediocre husband, though.

Lauren: (Chuckles) Stop. You know what? This--this is wrong. This is really wrong.

Paul: What is?

Lauren: It's-- you in this sad, depressing place. Come on. I'm gonna take you home.

Paul: We have drinks coming.

Lauren: That's all right. That's all right. Um, change of plans. We're gonna go. Here you go.

Mac: Thanks. Okay.

Paul: You're hard to keep up with.

Lauren: (Laughs)

Kevin: I mean, in that hotel room, right? Like, all that stuff that was there. Yeah, some of it was hers, but it just-- it didn't feel like her, you know? That's not something she would do, and this? It's just not her.

Michael: All right, Kevin. Here's the thing-- even if that was her, even if she wrote this, you still have to find her, talk to her. If there's a problem, you work it out. You never walk away. I know neither of us have had a shining example of that behavior in our lives, but that's what you do when you love someone.

Kevin: I know. You're right. I can't focus on this. I need to focus on finding her. (Sighs)

Michael: Brother, we're gonna find her. I'm gonna help you, all right? Now I'm gonna go to that meeting.

Kevin: I'll call you if I hear anything else.

Michael: (Sighs)

Kevin: Thanks. (Sighs)

Kevin: (Exhales) (Clears throat) Hi, I'd like to, uh, place an ad, a full-page ad. Can we get it in tomorrow's paper? Grea--uh, well, it's a-- it's a missing persons ad, so, um, just her name, a photo and, uh, and a number to call. Right, and then, uh, at the top, I'd like, um, to offer a $50,000 reward, and then underneath that, uh, I'd like for it to say, "I will never give up on you."

Heather: I am just as disgusted as you are by what Adam appears to have done.

Victor: But you don't intend to do anything about it?

Heather: My hands are tied. As far as we know, Adam hasn't done anything illegal.

Victor: From what I'm beginning to understand, he terrorized Ashley and made her life a living hell, and he may have blackmailed Dr. Taylor.

Heather: "May have" doesn't cut it. I can't use that in court.

Victor: Miss Stevens, since when are you so fastidious about protocol? You weren't that when you pressed those phony charges against me.

Heather: Okay. (Sighs) Look, we're on the same side here. I would love-- love to see Adam get what's coming to him. But you have to give me something I can use.

Victor: Such as?

Heather: Such as a confession detailing his complicity in a major crime.

Victor: I'll be in touch. You have a nice day.

Heather: You, too.

Victor: I need to see you at your house now.

Sharon: You have to tell me where my baby is. Where is she?

Adam: I wish I could tell you what you want to hear, Sharon.

Sharon: No, Dr. Taylor lied. He lied. Faith was healthy. She was fine! She was fine!

Adam: Sharon.

Sharon: Stop lying, Adam! Stop! Stop it!

Adam: Sharon! Sharon!

Sharon: Stop lying to me!

Adam: Sharon, just calm down. I'm sorry about your loss, Sharon.

Sharon: Adam, no, if you ever loved me... (Sobs)

Adam: Sharon, I adore you. I-I do.

Sharon: If you-- please tell me. Where is she?

Adam: I don't-- I don't know any more than you know, Sharon. (Sighs) If Dr. Taylor lied--

Sharon: Oh, stop it, Adam. That's all you care about is blaming things on Dr. Taylor and saving your own skin while my baby is out there somewhere. You are a demon. And, you know, if your mother were alive right now, she would be disgusted with you, and she would despise you.

Adam: (Breathing heavily) Ow! (Groans) (Exhales) (Groans) (Grunts) (Groans) (Sighs) Hey, it's me. I ne--I'm gonna need that prescription. Just--just bring it to my suite at the club. Yes, as soon as possible. (Sighs) (Exhales) (Sighs)

[Adam remembering]

Adam: This was, uh, this was Mom's.

Together: With this ring, I thee wed.

Sharon: You said that Dr. Taylor was drunk before he ran out into the street and got hit by a car, but then the hospital said his blood-alcohol level wasn't that high.

Adam: Anything else?

Sharon: Yeah. (Sighs) Phyllis says that she saw you two arguing just before the accident, and she heard Dr. Taylor say, "You’re finished." Why would he say that?

Adam: What is this?

Sharon: It's Skye's diary. I believed you when you told me that you didn't know that Dr. Taylor had been accused of molestation, and I defended you in front of everyone, and I cannot believe that I was wrong! What he did to those women is disgusting. It's revolting, and you knew all along. Oh, God, she's alive, isn't she? My baby is alive!

Ashley: So what happened? Did Adam hurt you?

Sharon: No. Thank you. You're gonna think that I've lost it.

Ashley: Why? What happened?

Sharon: Well, we were arguing, and then suddenly, I had this flash of the moment that Faith was born. And, Ashley, I know I heard her cry. I'm absolutely positive that I heard her. But Dr. Taylor told me that she was a stillborn, but you know what? I don't believe it. I don't. I think she's alive.

Ashley: After you left, Jack and I were talking, and we came up with the exact same thought.

Sharon: What? How? I--

Ashley: I know, well, we-- we--we--we think that Adam wanted Dr. Taylor to maybe do something with my baby, maybe take her. But then the plan fell apart when he couldn't get into my room when I went into labor at Fairview.

Sharon: So then he took my baby instead?

Ashley: Did you confront Adam?

Sharon: Well, yeah, but he's denying everything.

Ashley: (Sighs) Of course he is. We have to find the truth.

Sharon: How are we gonna do that? Dr. Taylor's dead, thanks to Adam.

Ashley: I know. Well, I was-- (Sighs) I was thinking about it, and, Sharon, we need to make some phone calls, okay? We have to call the hospital, Fairview and the morgue.

Victor: Are we alone?

Jack: What, you don't want any witnesses when you admit your failure? You're here to talk about Adam, aren't you? The monster you set loose on the world... and my sister.

Victor: He wasn't a monster to start out with. You led him down that path.

Jack: Oh, no, no, no, no. You can't blame that on me, no. He inherited his dark side, and not from Hope. And, of course, you and I weren't too shy about taking advantage of that.

Victor: Mm-hmm. And now he's taken advantage of us, isn't he? Of our fight over Jabot.

Jack: Yeah, he does seem to have plopped himself right in the middle-- catbird seat-- waitin' to see who's gonna make him the best offer.

Victor: And I think he believes that you and I are far more interested in besting each other than in avenging what he has done to your sister.

Michael: So the goal for today's proceeding is to reach a temporary agreement regarding... (Clears throat) Custody, living arrangements and so forth that will be binding until we negotiate the terms of the divorce.

Man: Oh, thank you.

Victoria: Yes, uh, J.T. and I have agreed that we want to make this as easy on each other as possible.

Man: Oh, glad to hear it. I assume that means you'll be acceding to J.T.'s request to stay on in your current place of residence.

Victoria: So that our son can watch his mommy and daddy's marriage fall apart? No, I'm sorry. You assume incorrectly.

Man: Surprising, given how little interest you've shown in your son's welfare.

Victoria: Did you tell him that?

J.T.: (Sighs) No. Look, that's not the way we want to approach this.

Michael: There's no reason for this process to be adversarial.

Man: It's a divorce. By definition, it's adversarial.

Michael: It may be a divorce, but that does not necessarily preclude love or respect.

Man: I take it you're not married.

Michael: Actually, I am-- quite happily.

Paul: (Sighs)

Lauren: (Giggles) You know what this place needs?

Paul: Yeah. (Chuckles) To stop spinning.

Lauren: (Chuckles) No, it needs a bicycle on the wall.

Paul: (Sighs)

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Paul: We had one of those, didn't we?

Lauren: We did.

Paul: In our place.

Lauren: Mm-hmm.

Paul: Hmm. Those were happy times... a very long time ago.

Lauren: You deserve to be happy.

Paul: I let so many people down. (Sighs) Patty, April, Heather, you, Christine.

Lauren: Me? No. No, I am so proud of you. I am proud to be your friend. (Sighs)

Paul: (Sighs) Just, um, kind of got away from me, you know? (Voice breaks) It just all got away.

Lauren: Hey.

Paul: (Sniffles) (Sighs heavily)

Lauren: I'm here. I'm here, and I-- I'm not going anywhere.

Lauren: Mm.

Paul: No. Uh, no, no. We should--- we shouldn't be doing this.

Lauren: No?

Paul: No, it's a bad idea.

Lauren: Really?

Paul: What about Michael?

Lauren: Michael? Michael! He could help you with Patty's situation. I-I cannot believe I didn't think of this sooner.

Paul: I--lo--I don't-- I don't want him involved in this.

Lauren: Why not?

Paul: Why not? 'Cause now I'm uncomfortable. That's why not.

Lauren: But, Paul, he likes you. He would want to help you.

Paul: (Sighs) I don't get it. (Stammers) This doesn't make any difference to you that we almost...

Lauren: No. (Laughs) You are so silly! I-I just wanted you to feel better. (Giggles)

Paul: Are you okay?

Lauren: You're worried about me. You are the sweetest man ever. (Chuckles)

Paul: Lauren, wa-wait a second.

Lauren: I love you. Call me. Bye.

Victoria: It's important to me that J.T. and I protect Reed from our problems.

Man: Mothers who disappear for weeks at a time legally have no leg to stand on.

Victoria: Hold on a second. I didn't disappear. I went on a business trip. I wanted to take reed with me.

J.T.: Look, Bruce, this isn't, uh, it's not the way I want to do this, okay?

Victoria: What are you guys doing right now? Is this, like, "Good cop, bad cop" or something?

J.T.: (Sighs) This isn't working out. Thanks for your time.

Bruce: Look, before you do that, think of your son-- his best interests.

J.T.: Well, it's not to attack his mom, all right? So we're done.

Bruce: (Sighs)

J.T.: You want to shoot me over some lawyers, names you trust?

Michael: I can do that.

J.T.: We'll try this again some other time.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Michael: Like I said, love and respect.

Victoria: Can you show yourself out, Michael?

Michael: I can.

Victoria: Thanks.

Jana: (Screams)

Daisy: It's your own fault! You couldn't convince Kevin to stop looking for you!

Jana: I wrote your bloody letter!

Daisy: Yeah, well, he didn't buy it, so you're gonna make a phone call, or Kevin takes your place in this--place in this crate. You understand?

Jana: (Grunts) Get off! Get off! (Screams)

Sharon: What did the hospital say?

Ashley: Sharon, the baby was not brought in with you. And they have no record of any infant fatalities that night.

Sharon: (Gasps) Wha-- the woman at Fairview-- she--she was new, but she said that she would check my files and then call the morgue. Everyone told me not to trust Adam.

Ashley: Oh, please, don't go there. Don't do it to yourself. I loved Victor for years. Do you know how many warnings I ignored? How many red flags I chose to ignore? I let him pretend to be the man that I needed him to be. You and I both have to forgive ourselves for that.

Sharon: Don't ask me to forgive Adam.

Ashley: My God, no. That man has to be behind bars so he doesn't hurt anybody else ever again.

(Cell phone rings)

Sharon: It's the sanitarium.

Ashley: Do you want me to? Okay. Hello?

(Knock on door)

Adam: (Exhales)

Heather: This was here for you.

Adam: Thanks.

Heather: Painkillers?

Adam: Yeah, my back.

Heather: Aw, you take another spill?

Adam: Why are you here, Heather?

Heather: Do you remember how nice you used to be to me? How sweet and charming? That was when you needed my help with all your legal problems.

Adam: You know what? I haven't had the best day.

Heather: No, I'd imagine not, what with all the people starting to put together the pieces about what you've been up to.

Adam: What are you talking about?

Heather: It's only natural they'd come to me once they started suspecting criminal behavior.

Adam: "They"?

Heather: Oh, well, let's see, uh, just in the last few days, it's been Ashley, Neil, Victor. I've become quite popular, thanks to you. But for old time's sake, I thought I would offer you the opportunity to respond to their accusations before I launched a formal investigation.

Adam: You got nothing.

Heather: You're right. It's a whole lot of smoke so far. Hard to believe there's not a fire, though, especially considering it's you we're talking about. The walls are closing in. Can you feel it? Thought so. Catch you later.

Victor: I've been to the D.A.'s office, and apparently there's not enough proof, not enough evidence, to prosecute him for terrorizing his sister.

Jack: So you being you, you've taken matters into your own hands... only you need my help, or you wouldn't be here right now.

Victor: I'm here, Jack, because I thought that you and I might put aside our differences for the sake of your sister.

Jack: Like we did when we agreed to help Katherine? Let's see, how'd that turn out? Oh, that's right. You went around behind my back and got Adam to help you steal Jabot from me. Starting to regret that now? What, is Adam dangling that over your head?

Victor: He has leverage against both of us because of our fight over Jabot.

Jack: Well, I guess there's only one way to fix that. Take Jabot out of the equation.

Michael: There you are.

Lauren: Mm.

Michael: What?

Lauren: Mm. (Chuckles)

Michael: (Chuckles)

Lauren: I just love you so much. (Sighs)

Michael: Wow, what did I do?

Lauren: I just-- I was just with Paul, and he's just very sad and lonely.

Michael: Eh. Yeah, Patty's situation.

Lauren: Well, I mean, that's only part of it. It just made me very grateful for you and Fen and--and our family.

Michael: Huh. Well... yeah, well, I'm totally in sync with you. I have spent the morning with people whose marriages are in serious trouble.

Lauren: It's so sad.

Michael: It's terrible. That's why I feel truly blessed.

Lauren: Would you do me a favor?

Michael: Oh, anything for you.

Lauren: Will you look at Patty's case?

Michael: I can do that.

Lauren: Once again, you're my hero. (Chuckles)

Michael: (Chuckles)

Paul: Um, could I get a very large cup of coffee, please?

Heather: Hi.

Paul: Hi, Sweetheart.

Heather: Hey. I, um, I thought I saw you drive by, so I came in. I haven't seen you in a while.

Paul: Well, um, I've been spending a lot of time at the hospital.

Heather: Oh, yeah. How is Aunt Patty?

Paul: Oh, not good.

Heather: I'm sorry.

Kevin: Uh, excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt.

Heather: Oh.

Kevin: Hey, did you-- did you get my messages?

Heather: I-I-I did. I wish there was more that I could do.

Kevin: I--you know, you have so many connections on the force. I mean, isn't there any way you could light a fire and get them to amp up their search for Jana?

Heather: There's been no sign of foul play.

Kevin: Well, the-- the fact that she's missing-- that's--that's a sign of foul play. She wouldn't do this to me.

Heather: I'm so sorry. Um, excuse us.

Kevin: (Sighs) Thanks.

Mac: You know, when she does come back, it's gonna mean a lot to her that you had so much faith.

Kevin: Thanks, Mac.

(Cell phone rings)

Kevin: (Sighs) Hello?

Jana: Kevin, it's me.

Kevin: Jana? Jana, where are you?

Jana: Never mind that. If I had wanted you to find me, you would have by now.

Kevin: Wait, what--ba-- I-is somebody with you?

Jana: No. Did you get my letter?

Kevin: (Stammers) I-I didn't think you wrote that.

Jana: For God sake, Kevin. How much clearer do I need to be? (Sighs) The marriage is over. (Sighs) I hear that you're offering a reward, which is absolutely ridiculous, because I don't... want people approaching me in the street and giving me a hard time. I'm moving on, and so should you.

Kevin: I don't understand. What--

Jana: If you love me, you will let me go. Will you please do that? Good-bye.


Daisy: (Chuckles)

Kevin: (Sighs)

Daisy: You know, you're better off without him. It's true. Women depending on men-- that's where all our problems get started. Look at my mother. She made sure I knew I don't need anyone, especially a man. Makes me sick, all you damsels in distress.

Jana: (Sighs) Kevin and I have a connection you will never understand. He won't ever stop looking.

Daisy: Yeah, yeah, I get it. He'll never, ever give up on you.

Jana: That's right. He won't.

Daisy: (Sighs) You'd better hope he does, for your sake... and for his own.

Jana: (Sighs)

Kevin: Did I ever tell you about how happy she was on our wedding day? She was. She was so beautiful. And in our vows, she prom-- (sighs) Well, it doesn't really matter, does it? I'm gonna be in the office.

J.T.: Hey, just a coffee. Thanks. Hey, barkeep. How's your day going so far?

Mac: Um, pretty weird.

J.T.: Yeah, I know the feeling. It's nice to see a friendly face, though.

J.T.: Thank you.

Ashley: Really? But you do have it on record that she was rushed into the hospital? Okay, now Ms. Newman said that you were gonna contact the morgue. (Gasps) Okay, so we have positive confirmation. Thank you so much. I-I will definitely be calling you back. Thank you.

Sharon: What'd they say?

Ashley: There is nothing in their records that indicate that you ever gave birth. Dr. Taylor kept it a secret, Sharon.

Sharon: And the morgue?

Ashley: There were no stillborn infants in Genoa City that night.

Sharon: She's alive. (Sighs) She's alive. (Sighs)

Adam: Hey, this is Adam Newman. Yeah. No, no, no, no. It's okay. You don't have to thank me. I--yeah. Yeah. I look forward to meeting you, too. Say, listen, what about, uh, what about that little burger joint by the highway? Yeah, that's the one. Right, uh, um, what do you think about right now? Perfect.

Adam: I'm sorry, Mom. I have no choice.

Jack: You've claimed that you plan on returning Jabot to Katherine eventually. Follow through on that, and I'll drop the suit.

Victor: So you and I would be back to square one.

Jack: Well, I'd rather be king of square one than Adam's pawn. And you're right, we have to take away his power to play us against each other if we're gonna bring him down, and we are going to bring him down. My father wanted Jabot to stay in the Abbott family. But my father would rise from his grave and give me hell if I didn't-- if I didn't pay Adam back for what he did to my sister. Jabot is better off being run by Katherine than by you. I can live with that. I presume you can live with my being reinstated as C.E.O.

Victor: If that's what it takes to secure your cooperation.

Jack: We have a deal?

Victor: We do, Jack.

Jack: What's your plan?

Victor: What I have in mind requires some extraordinary measures.

Jack: What does that mean exactly?

Victor: I have come to you because I know that you don't mind working outside the bounds of the law, nor outside the bounds of common decency.

Jack: This is starting to sound like fun.

Victor: Isn't it? You know my son Adam is an extremely clever fellow, very manipulative. He's covered his track at every corner, and as the D.A. just told me, the system can't touch him.

Jack: Well, that's where you and I come in. Don't worry at all. Whatever your plan is, if it means exposing Adam and protecting my family, I'm in. I'm all in.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Heather: You're kind of the only person I can talk to about this.

Rafe: Yeah? About what?

Heather: About Adam.

Man: I'm just glad I got the chance to say thanks. What you did was phenomenal.

Sharon: I'd like to be the one to tell Nick about the baby.

Victor: Of course, you would.

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