Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/4/10 -- Canada; Friday 3/5/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9350 ~ Ashley Starts to Put the Pieces Together
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Cane: Getting a PET scan like you promised?
Lily: Yes. Yes.
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: I got the last appointment of the day.
Cane: Okay. Okay. God, I wish I could go with you. (Sighs)
Lily: You'll be there. So, um, Dad told me that Michael is your lawyer now?
Cane: Yeah. Um, he took over from the Chancellor corporate team. They have no expertise in criminal or immigration matters.
Lily: Cane, you are not a criminal, okay? You made a mistake of pretending to be Phillip. But that's all been sorted out now. And no one who knows you thinks you should be punished for that, and we have to make the authorities see that.
Cane: I love how supportive you are.
Lily: Well, of course I'm gonna be supportive. I'm your wife. We made vows to each other, remember?
Cane: Yeah, of course I remember. How could I forget?
Lily: Listen, I want to... (Sighs) Tell you something. That is why I have decided that if we lose this battle, and you end up getting deported, then I'm going with you to Australia.
Patty: "S.S.I.R.s are counter--counter--" No. No. Oh, God. They're, uh, "Contraindicated--" indicated-- "For bipolar depression, as they may tend to exas-- exacerbate-- exacerbate-- manic symptoms in susceptible patients." Oh, my God, I--Pat-- (scoffs) (growls) Why can't you just be a clerk or something, Emily? Psychiatrist is just too hard. Okay.
(Front door closes)
Patty: (Gasps)
Jack: Emily? Em?
Patty: Mm-hmm.
Jack: Oh, there's my lovely bride.
Patty: Oh, wow. (Laughs) I thought you, uh, were with Ashley, uh, talking about Jabot and--
Jack: I am later, after I give you these.
Patty: (Sighs) Oh, Jack. (Giggles) Oh, they're beautiful. (Inhales) Mm.
Jack: So...
Patty: What?
Jack: Take them.
Patty: Oh, okay. (Laughs) Wow. Oh, the roses. I love roses, Jack. Oh. (Gasps) Is this--is-- is this for me? Oh, my God, this is beautiful. Is it--is it what I think it is?
Jack: It's a garnet. It's Kyle’s birthstone.
Patty: (Sighs)
Jack: Thank you for bringing him back into my life, and thank you for reaching out to Diane the way you did.
Patty: (Chuckles)
Jack: I don't know too many women who would-- would be that unselfish.
Patty: Mm. Yeah.
Jack: Seriously. It blows me away every time I think of it.
Patty: (Chuckles) Oh, Sweetheart, don't you know I would do anything for you? (Chuckles) Anything.
Paul: Hi, Patty. I just talked to your, uh, neurologist Dr. Stanley. He tells me that now that you're recovered, they're gonna have to send you back to your old hospital.
Emily: The state facility for the mentally insane?
Paul: Yeah, I know.
Emily: No, you can't-- Paul, you can't let 'em put me there.
Paul: I'm not happy about it, either...
Emily: (Sighs)
Paul: Which is why I'm going to ask them to release you to my custody.
Emily: (Sighs)
Paul: I know it's a long shot, but it's worth a try.
Emily: (Sighs)
Paul: You--you're my sister. It's worth a chance.
Emily: You have to listen. Listen to me, okay? I'm-- I'm not Patty. I am Emily... Peterson. Patty, uh, overpowered me in the room, and she drugged me. (Sighs) And then she switched places with me.
Paul: You know, right now, um, I want to focus...
Emily: (Sighs)
Paul: On keeping you out of that institution. And we can--we can... figure all that out later, okay?
Emily: Okay, Paul, there's nothing-- there's nothing to figure out, okay? I'm--I'm not your sister. I-I can prove it.
Paul: (Sniffles)
Emily: (Sighs)
Daisy: I need some more of that liquid X. My friend's really into it. Okay, good. Meet you in the alley. Same as last time. (Sighs) Hey, Michael. How was your trip? Did you find anything?
Michael: Uh, I thought I had a solid lead, but, you know, it wasn't Jana. Just another dark-haired woman with a British accent.
Daisy: I'm sorry. All the way to Minneapolis, and nothing. You must be so frustrated.
Michael: Yes. I just stopped by for a little moral support from Lauren before I break the news to Kevin.
(Clears throat)
Daisy: Oh, she's been having those awful headaches again. But the doctor gave her some medicine, so she's doing a little better.
Michael: Well, where is she? Where is she? At home?
Daisy: Um--
Lauren: (Gasps)
Daisy: (Chuckles)
Lauren: Michael, hi!
Michael: Hey!
Lauren: (Laughs)
Michael: (Laughs)
Lauren: Oh, Baby. Mm.
Michael: Mm.
Lauren: Mwah. I missed you...
Michael: Whoa.
Lauren: So much. Oh. I was so lonely in bed last night.
Michael: (Chuckles)
Lauren: Oh, I thought I was gonna go crazy. (Giggles)
Michael: (Chuckles)
Lauren: Mwah.
Michael: Well, I-I-I missed you, too.
Lauren: Oh, and you smell-- oh. (Gasps) You smell so good. Oh, I could just eat you up. (Giggles)
Michael: (Chuckles)
Lauren: Mm.
Michael: Mwah.
Lauren: (Giggles)
Adam: You're upset with me.
Victor: Why do you think that is?
Adam: (Inhales) Because I missed the Jabot hearing. I didn't testify that the bids were clean, and Jack's lawsuit didn't get thrown out. But you need to give me a chance to explain.
Victor: So I'm all ears. Go ahead and explain.
Ashley: "Today, I told Adam that Dr. Taylor had molested me. Typical Adam-- he said maybe we should use what happened to blackmail that creep." Oh, my God. I can't believe this, Sharon.
Sharon: Skye goes on and on in that. Are you sure you want to read the whole thing?
Ashley: Well, now we know Adam lied. He knew Dr. Taylor was a degenerate.
Sharon: There were so many times when I felt these nagging little... I guess impulses to not trust him, and I always pushed those aside.
Ashley: I know, Sharon. It's okay. He fooled me, too. Oh, my gosh. Heather Stevens.
Sharon: What about her?
Ashley: Do you remember that piece of purple cloth that I confronted Adam with the other night? Well, I sent it to a forensics lab. It came back positive for blood. So Neil and I thought we should talk to Heather-- at least go on record with the D.A.'s office.
Sharon: And what did she say?
Ashley: Well, she said it wasn't proof that he'd committed a crime, but now that the diary has surfaced, maybe we have something now.
Sharon: Okay, well, you and I are gonna comb over every page of this. We're gonna find out what Adam was doing and why.
Ashley: Okay.
Cane: I just don't see how you can leave Genoa City any time soon. Your doctors are here. Your family's here.
Lily: Cane, you are my family.
Cane: And what about Mackenzie? She's carrying our babies. You have to be here when the babies are born.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: Look, if you need to be realistic about this, I-- if I get thrown out of the country, I just don't see how you can leave to be with me any time soon.
Lauren: Mm, it just feels like you've been gone forever.
Michael: Oh, you know, you sh--maybe later, okay?
Lauren: What?
Michael: There-- there are people.
Lauren: What people?
Michael: There are customer-type people right--
Lauren: (Gasps) Where?
Michael: Right there.
Lauren: Where? Where?
Michael: Take a look. Mm-hmm.
Lauren: Mrs. Randall. How are you?
Mrs. Randall: (Clears throat)
Lauren: Are you having as fabulous a day as I am?
Mrs. Randall: Apparently not.
Lauren: Well, you see, my husband has been out of town, so you can understand why I'd be celebrating, right?
Mrs. Randall: (Chuckles)
Lauren: (Chuckles)
Michael: (Chuckles) L-listen.
Lauren: What?
Michael: Daisy said that you had been having your headaches, and that the doctor gave you some pills.
Lauren: Yeah. Yeah, some beautiful-- oh, my God. They're so beautiful. They're pink. They're great.
Michael: Do you mind if I see 'em please?
Lauren: All right, I'll show 'em to you.
Michael: All right.
Lauren: (Giggles) Can't get the-- oh!
Michael: (Chuckles)
Lauren: (Laughs) They're great.
Michael: Yeah.
Lauren: They're pink. They're beautiful.
Michael: Wow.
Lauren: Yeah, you know what? I had this really bad headache. It was awful. I was acting like a bitch on wheels. And then the doctor, you know, prescribed these for me, and... (Laughs) I'm another person.
Michael: (Chuckles) You certainly are.
Lauren: (Chuckles) Oh, hey, hey.
Michael: Hmm?
Lauren: Let's go in my office so I can welcome you home properly.
Michael: (Chuckles) Well, maybe you should take care of the customers first.
Lauren: (Laughs) I'd rather take care of you. (Chuckles)
Michael: Oh, that's sweet.
Lauren: Where's Daisy? Where'd she go?
Michael: I have no idea.
Lauren: No? All right. You stay right there.
Michael: Okay.
Lauren: Okay?
Michael: Okay.
Lauren: Mm, Baby.
Michael: Oh. (Chuckles)
Lauren: (Laughs) Hi.
(Indistinct conversation)
Michael: Yes, hello. I'd like to speak to the doctor. It's about some pills he gave my wife. Yeah, Mrs. Michael Baldwin.
(Indistinct conversation)
Michael: (Sighs) All right, thank you.
Lauren: Bye. Nice to see you. Mm. Who were you on the phone with?
Michael: That was your doctor.
Lauren: Mm-hmm.
Michael: He said these painkillers he prescribed you should not alter your mood.
Lauren: (Laughs) Well, good. I don't want it altered. I feel fantastic.
Michael: (Chuckles)
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Oh.
Lauren: No. No. Come on.
Michael: All right, Sweetie, this--this could be...
Lauren: Don't answer that again.
Michael: About Jana. This could be about Jana, all right? Hold on. Yes? Michael Baldwin. Yeah. Yeah. I am Mr. Ashby's attorney. I just took over the case. Is this about his immigration status? Uh, well, has a-- a hearing date been set? Today? To--you're serious? To-- (Clears throat) No, nev-never mind. I will be there. Thank you. All right, I hate to do this, Sweetheart.
Lauren: No, don't leave me. (Singsongy) I'll be so lonely.
Michael: (Sighs) (Chuckles)
Lauren: (Laughs)
Daisy: Don't worry, Michael. I'll take care of her.
Michael: All right, look, I will be back as soon as I can.
Lauren: Mwah. Okay.
Michael: All right?
Lauren: Bye.
Michael: Okay.
Lauren: (Chuckles) (Normal voice) Mmm.
Patty: "Halo-- halo.. per--peridol." "Ha--haloper--peri--" (Sighs) Okay. "Peridol." "Thi-or-I-- thi--thioridaz-- thioridazine. And other medications in the 'Ana-psycho'--" (Sighs) "In the antipsychotic cataro--catagory block certain receptor cells in the brain from making use of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin." My head is going to explode! Aah! (Sighs) How am I supposed to remember this? I can't remember this. I can't remember. Yes, you can. Patty, stop it. Stop, okay? Just take a deep breath. (Inhales deeply) (Exhales) Take a deep breath. You can do this, okay? (Chuckles) You can do this, because you have to.
Emily: Four years at the University of Minnesota. And then I had four years of medical school at Emory... (Clears throat) Followed by a 5-year combined residency in psychiatry... (Sighs) And internal medicine at Rush-Presbyterian in Chicago.
Paul: Okay.
Emily: Okay, then I had a 1-year fellowship on top of that to become board-certified in psychosomatic medicine. Those are my credentials.
Paul: Okay.
Emily: Patty only has a high school education, so she couldn't fake my level of training, not even close.
Paul: I'm not sure what you want from me. (Sighs)
Emily: You're an investigator. I want you to investigate. Ask--ask Patty--the woman-- no, Paul, please. Ask Patty, the woman you think is me, what her G.P.A. was her senior year. It was... (Clears throat) A 3.9. Who--who her-- her... (Sighs) Who her... (Sighs) Her medical professor was at Emory. He's Dr. Swenson, okay? She won't know these things. So you just-- you--you have to investigate and find my transcripts, and you'll know that I'm telling the truth.
Paul: Patty.
Emily: No.
Paul: Patty. Look, let me tell you something. As an investigator, I know you spent years together. Dr. P. could have told you all of these things. And you remember them, and you're just-- you're just... reiterating them to me now.
Emily: Okay, fine.
Paul: Right? I want you to focus on getting better.
Emily: Okay, Paul. If you're not going to do that, please just ask-- ask--ask her a medical question, okay?
Paul: Okay.
Emily: The--the more obscure, the better. Please.
Paul: I'll do that. I'll do that. You know what I'll--
Emily: (Sighs)
Paul: What I'll do right now, though? I want to talk to Dr. Stanley before he goes off duty.
Emily: Okay, I'm gonna take your pen for a minute.
Paul: Patty. Patty, give me the pen please.
Emily: No, just for a second. It's just for--just--
Paul: Patty! Give me that.
Emily: I just need a little blood, that's all.
Paul: God!
Emily: Just one--no, no. It's okay. It's okay. Look. No. No, Paul.
Paul: We're gonna need some help here, please.
Emily: Okay.
Paul: Patty.
Emily: No, I want you to--
Paul: Let me see that.
Emily: No, please just ta--
Paul: Can I see that?
Emily: Take this to the lab, and I want you to compare your D.N.A. with mine, please. Please, you'll know I'm telling the truth. It's okay.
Paul: You're still bleeding. She cut her finger.
Emily: Its okay, it's fine.
Man: Let me take a look at it, please. Let me see it.
Emily: The pen--the pen-- no, the pen just slipped. It's all right.
Man: You don't want it to get infected.
Paul: (Sighs)
Jack: Listen to this. "Adam says if I report Taylor, the police will laugh at me. He's a big-name doctor, and I'm a lowly grad student. Maybe he's right. But it'd sure be nice to have a boyfriend who gave a crap. The guy gropes me during a pelvic exam, and Adam is like, 'Get over it.'"
Ashley: Nice, huh?
Sharon: Well, so much for his sensitivity.
Jack: This is why Phyllis came by to see me yesterday. Diane and Kyle were there, so we didn't get to talk.
Ashley: Sharon and I have just been going over this entry by entry trying to find something, anything, to nail Adam with.
Jack: Any luck?
Sharon: Other than what's there about Taylor, no.
Ashley: I mean, Adam lied. That's not news.
Sharon: So, uh, go ahead, Jack. Say it. "I told you so."
Ashley: Oh, yeah. You can say that to me, too.
Jack: I'm just glad both of you are out from under his spell. I mean it. If I found out he did anything to harm either one of you, I will kill him.
Adam: Whichever way I testified, I was gonna get screwed. Either I perjure myself and I take the risk of going back to jail, or I tell the truth, blow your deal, and I for certain end up back in jail.
Victor: So you disappeared?
Adam: I went to Kansas to see Mom's grave. I was looking for some answers.
Victor: Since when, Son, do you agonize about perjuring yourself? You were hired because of your extraordinary talent for deceit.
Adam: (Sighs)
Victor: What's the matter? Hurt yourself, or what?
Adam: No, no. No, I just-- I slipped on some ice. I tweaked my back. I'll be okay.
Victor: Or does the truth of what I said hurt? Seems that whatever you plan to do, you slip up, don't you?
Adam: Are we still talking about the hearing?
Victor: Let's talk about more than the hearing. Let's talk about everything else that you have done that hasn't gone as planned.
Lily: Okay, so how soon do we leave for court?
Michael: Uh, there are agents waiting outside to transport Cane. Lily, I'm afraid you won't be able to attend.
Lily: What?
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: No, no. That is completely unacceptable.
Cane: All right, Sweetheart. Sweetheart, listen.
Lily: No, if they think for one second that I'm leaving your side--no!
Cane: Listen, I need you to stay calm.
Lily: Cane, calm? What are you talking about?
Cane: Listen to me. Listen to me here. I am gonna fight like hell to stay. And if things don't go my way, I will fight like hell to get back to you. Do you understand me? Nothing will keep us apart, okay? Nothing will keep us apart.
Lily: (Sighs) Okay.
Cane: Okay?
Lily: I will be here waiting for you.
Cane: Okay, come here.
Lily: (Sighs)
Lily: (Sighs)
Lauren: I felt so giddy when Michael was here, and now my head's starting to throb again.
Daisy: Is it time for your pills? Do you want me to get you some water?
Lauren: Uh, yeah. Thanks.
(Touch tones beeping)
Lauren: Hey, it's your slightly embarrassed wife. Sorry I overdid the lovey-dovey stuff.
Michael: Mm, you're sounding more like yourself now... thank God.
Lauren: Listen, I realized when you left I never even asked you how your trip was.
Michael: (Sighs) I'll fill you in later. I'm with Cane. We're on our way to court. Pick you up afterward?
Lauren: That'd be great. I love you. And good luck in court.
Michael: Love you, too.
Lauren: Bye.
Daisy: Do you have your pills?
Lauren: Yeah. Do you think these are the reason I'm feeling so weird?
Daisy: The doctor told Michael they wouldn't do that.
Lauren: You're right. (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Jack: What was Adam up to? Let's assume that he had the means and the opportunity to victimize you. The question is, why? What was his motive?
Ashley: To get back at Victor for insisting that he serve time.
Jack: Or was he getting back at me for setting him up?
Ashley: Well, that would have been a twofer-- Victor's wife, your sister.
Jack: So--so--so let's take it a step further. The motive is revenge. You are the weapon of choice. So why this particular scam? What does Adam want? And why would he involve this obstetrician?
Sharon: Could it have had-- had something to do with the baby?
Jack: We still don't know what Adam wanted. What was his master plan? There's a piece missing. What is it?
Victor: You're being accused of some terrible things. You just visited your mother's grave. What do you think she would have said if she had known what you have done?
Adam: She'd be disappointed in both of us. You were the one who encouraged me to break the law so that you could beat Jack's bid.
Victor: You could have said no.
Adam: I was following orders, Dad, your orders. Be a shame if that got out.
Victor: That's the second time you have made that threat. Maybe it is time I called your bluff.
Adam: Listen, I'm just stating a fact.
Victor: Is that what you call it?
Adam: Dad, there are certain people who hate me. They're saying very vicious things about me, and they have no proof. All I'm saying is, I know a secret, and it's true, and I have proof.
Victor: You're walking on dangerous ground, Son.
Adam: I've been in danger ever since I agreed to this scheme. I put myself on the line to please you, Dad, and what have I gotten in return? I just think it's in everyone's best interest if you protect me.
Victor: You're threatening me. You know where I grew up? In an orphanage. I was left at the doorsteps of that orphanage when I was 7 years old. Do you think I'm afraid of you? Do you know why they call me ruthless?
Sharon: I never saw Dr. Taylor before Fairview the night that he delivered my baby.
Ashley: Well, he was my Ob, but then he left my room when a nurse came in and said there was another pregnant woman in distress.
Sharon: I was having a rough time. Um, I remember him coming in and telling me that everything was gonna be okay. But I swear, I heard my baby cry. I swear, and then I passed out. And I woke up in St. Mary’s. And Dr. Taylor told me that I'd given birth to a stillborn. And--it must have been Faith that I had heard down the hall. I--
Jack: Hey, here.
Sharon: I-I'm sorry. I wish that I could-- there was more I could say to help.
Ashley: No, Sharon. Don't apologize, please.
Jack: The important thing right now is that you just stay away from the man.
Sharon: I guess I could go and stay at my mom’s.
Ashley: Why don't you come live here again? Really. I mean, the girls and I love having you around.
Jack: I think that's a great idea.
Sharon: Yeah, I mean, I-I could. We could try it and see how it goes.
Ashley: Why not, right? Okay, it's settled.
Sharon: All right. (Chuckles)
Jack: Okay, let me give you a ride to the club. You can pick up your stuff, okay?
Sharon: No, Jack, thank you. But I can, um, I can handle it. I think I really need some time on my own right now.
Jack: If you run into Adam...
Sharon: I'm not gonna say anything.
Jack: Okay, then we're all agreed. "Mum" is the word until we know what Adam was up to and we can prove it.
Emily: If you won't call my husband, please, just let me have access to a telephone.
Man: I have my orders, Ma'am. No calls.
Emily: (Sighs) Okay. Let me talk to your supervisor.
Man: (Sighs)
Emily: Look, I am a doctor. Patty is my patient. She did this to me. Please, you have to believe me.
Man: Calm down...
Emily: (Sighs)
Man: Or we'll have to get the restraints. Understand?
Emily: But-- (Sighs)
Patty: This is Patty's coping mechanism. I mean, she isn't pretending to be me. She truly believes she is me. This is what I would call a, uh, an extreme case of transference.
Paul: Well, the proof she offered was pretty scary.
Patty: Um, proof?
Paul: Oh, yeah. Patty gave me your-- your, uh, curriculum vitae. She told me about your schools, your professors.
Patty: Okay, I'm not surprised. She had access to my files when she was a janitor at the office building. I just didn't realize how obsessed she was with me at the time.
Paul: No, it--it-- it didn't stop there. She took a-a pen and stabbed herself in the hand hard enough to draw blood. She wiped it with a tissue and told me to test her D.N.A.
Patty: (Sighs) How--how did you respond?
Paul: It makes me sick to see my sister act like that. I threw out the tissue and-- and came here straight to you.
Patty: I'm glad you did that. Paul, I will do anything to help.
Paul: Including supporting my decision to bring her home with me?
Patty: (Sighs) Okay, the courts aren't gonna approve that.
Paul: Patty needs someone to care for her that loves her, okay? Someone that understands her, that knows her history. And if you were to go before a judge and--and tell them that you support my decision, it would make things a lot easier.
Patty: Okay, you know what, Paul? Patty had a complete psychotic break. Her--her behavior is too erratic for you to even think about bringing her home.
Paul: You don't seem to understand. I love my sister.
Patty: I know.
Paul: And I have let her down. This is my chance to make it up to her, okay?
Patty: I-I really understand, Paul. (Sighs) But Patty is a danger to herself and to others, and she needs to be locked away for a very long time.
(Loud music playing)
Lauren: (Humming) (Chuckles)
Daisy: Looks like you're feeling no pain.
Lauren: I'm not. My headache's all gone. Come on. Dance with me! (Laughs) Oh, I love to dance. Oh, I feel so free. (Laughs)
Daisy: (Laughs) I bet you wish I were Michael right now.
Lauren: (Sighs) You know, he's supposed to pick me up. I wonder where he is. I'm gonna--I'm gonna call him. (Sighs)
(Touch tones beeping)
Lauren: Hey, Lover. Where are you? I am ready to party. (Laughs) Hurry up. Hurry up. I miss you so much.
Daisy: (Chuckles)
Lauren: Love you. Bye. Hmm, well... well, I'm just gonna have to find someone else to have fun with. Can you watch the store?
Daisy: Of course.
Lauren: Great. Okay. Away I go.
Daisy: (Laughs)
Lauren: (Laughs)
Paul: I'm telling you, Todd, if you would have seen-- if you would have seen her, it would have broken your heart. Yeah, I know. It's just our sister is, um, is just so lost. And I don't know if it was the--the coma that-- that pushed her over the edge or not. But, uh... Patty is... so far from the girl we used to know.
Emily: You.
Patty: You better stay calm. The orderly told me that they almost had to restrain you. What a shame.
Emily: Okay, Patty, you're not gonna get away with this.
Patty: Watch me. Let go of me! Help me! Help! Help! Aah! Aah! Somebody, help me! Help! Help!
Adam: If I go down, Dad, the whole thing with Jabot goes down with me-- you, me, Nick. We all hang together, or we hang separately.
Victor: Let me tell you something, Son.
Sharon: Victor. I didn't know you'd be here.
Adam: Dad was just leaving, right?
Victor: You'll be all right?
Adam: Of course she will be all right, Dad. She's my wife. Thank you.
Sharon: I'll be okay.
Victor: You just don't do anything rash.
Adam: That's good advice for the both of us. Hey. Have you thought about what I said about-- about us being together?
Sharon: Excuse me. I have to pack.
Lily: Oh, my gosh. Thank God you're still here.
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: What did the judge say? What happened?
Cane: He ordered I be deported back to Australia as soon as possible, and I'll be put on a plane the moment arrangements can be made.
Lily: (Sighs)
Michael: Lauren's gone? When?
Daisy: (Sighs) A while ago. She seemed antsy to get out of here.
Michael: Where the hell could she be?
Lauren: She came out of the coma? That is so wonderful!
Paul: Well, it would be wonderful, except that she was more delusional coming out of the coma than she was before the overdose. She doesn't even know who she is anymore.
Lauren: (Clicks tongue) It's so discouraging. How are you coping?
Paul: You know, it was all I could do to hold it together when I was there with her. This is just all my fault.
Lauren: No. No, it's not your fault.
Paul: Well, you were wondering what I was doing here in the middle of the day drinking. Now you know.
Lauren: I just-- I hate seeing you this sad. I know what's gonna make you feel better. (Giggles) Mm.
Man: (Sighs) She should be much calmer now.
Patty: Okay, thank you. Enjoying your medication? Whew, you will be flying soon. Whee! (Laughs) (Groans) Dr. Peterson--me-- has, uh... recommended heavy sedation for you. Yeah. (Gasps) Oh guess what? (Clears throat) I convinced that nasty old shrink Jasper that I should be back on your case. And, um... I re--also recommended that, uh, your incarceration be restricted... severely restricted. That means... not many visitors... 'cause you can't be trusted. After, uh, what you did to me and your suicide attempt-- unh-unh. (Laughs) Happy trails! (Gasps)
(Door closes)
Victor: Call me as soon as you get this message. There's been a change of plans regarding Jabot.
Adam: Sharon, please, do not throw our marriage away.
Sharon: You did that, Adam.
Adam: (Sighs) Sharon, you got to listen to me. I swear, I would never intentionally hurt you.
Sharon: (Sighs) You're not the man I thought you were. And you're never gonna be that for me again. I'm leaving you.
Jack: Craziest thought just popped into my mind.
Ashley: What is it?
Jack: What if Adam was trying to steal your baby, and Dr. Taylor just went along with it because he had to-- he was being blackmailed?
Ashley: You really think someone--
Jack: I think there are a lot of couples out there who would pay top dollar for a-a healthy baby, no questions asked?
Ashley: I mean, if that was their plan all along, then why didn't they go through with it?
Jack: Yeah, I don't know. I still think we're on to something. Tell--tell me again about the night the baby was born.
Ashley: Oh, my gosh. It was--I mean, it was utter chaos. I had barely gotten settled in when I started to have contractions. You know what's strange, Jack? I mean, I wasn't expected to go into labor. Dr. Taylor wasn't prepared. Neither was Adam.
Jack: Yeah, you were early.
Ashley: Oh, my God. What if, in all the confusion, they decided to take Sharon's baby instead? I mean, what if she did hear... her little girl cry?
Jack: Sharon has insisted all along. She never saw the body. Dr. Taylor is the only one that did.
Ashley: Maybe Sharon's baby didn't die.
Jack: Oh, jeez.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victor: He has leverage against both of us.
Jack: Well, I guess there's only one way to fix that-- take Jabot out of the equation.
Kevin: I-I-I didn't think you wrote that.
Jana: The marriage is over.
Sharon: She's alive, isn't she? My baby is alive!
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