Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/3/10 -- Canada; Thursday 3/4/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9349 ~ Jill Double-Crosses Katherine
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Victor: Have you heard from Adam?
Nick: Not a word.
Phyllis: If he knew what we had on him, he'd never show his face again, that's for sure.
Nick: This is Skye's journal, Adam's ex-girlfriend. It confirms everything that we have been saying.
Phyllis: Yeah, Dr. Taylor molested her, and Adam knew.
Nick: Adam put Ashley in the hands of a degenerate criminal.
Ashley: The lab called. There was blood on that piece of cloth. Do you know what that means?
Neil: Yeah, that you weren't making it up.
Ashley: That--that I'm not crazy. I wasn't crazy, Neil. I mean, Adam manipulated me into believing that I killed Sabrina, just like I said.
Neil: So wait a minute. Hold on. Did-- did the lab identify the D.N.A.?
Ashley: No, it was too degraded.
Neil: Oh. Oh, that's too bad.
Ashley: I don't care. I've got what I need. I just want to see Adam try to squirm his way out of this one.
Neil: Right, right, right. You know, I remember when Adam first got into town to Genoa City, he was working at Newman Enterprises.
Ashley: Yeah?
Neil: He had a giant chip on his shoulder even then. He thought Victor owed him.
Ashley: I don't know. I think this is more than just Victor.
Neil: More than-- why would he do that?
Ashley: Well, I don't know. I wouldn't put anything past Adam. I just think maybe there could be other things I'm not remembering.
Neil: Is that the sense you're getting?
Ashley: I don't know. You know, I just get this feeling that maybe there's something more going on than I know.
Adam: I'm sorry if I worried you.
Sharon: You disappeared.
Adam: (Sighs) I had to get away, Sharon. It was too much for me-- the whole Jabot situation. Tucker wanted me to testify at the hearing, and all those things people were saying about me and Ashley-- those unspeakable things-- I just had a meltdown.
Sharon: Where did you go?
Adam: I went to Kansas to visit my mother's grave.
Sharon: You went to your mother's grave. Really?
Adam: I needed perspective.
Sharon: And did you get it?
Adam: Sharon--
Sharon: Adam, you don't look well.
Adam: I had a rough couple of days.
Sharon: Yeah? Well, so have I. Here, you might want to read this.
Adam: What is this? (Sighs)
Sharon: It's Skye's diary. I believed you when you told me that you didn't know that Dr. Taylor had been accused of molestation, and I defended you in front of everyone, and I cannot believe that I was wrong! What he did to those women is disgusting. It's revolting, and you knew all along.
Jill: (Sighs)
Billy: Well, according to this, the painting is a Simon Griffin. You know, I've seen his work. There was an exhibit in New York City on minimalism. How much do you think this thing is worth?
Jill: Millions. Ten times as much as back when Tucker tried to bribe the Yugoslavian minister of culture so he could get his group heavy rotation on the national radio network.
Billy: Well, that is a colorful way to launch a fledgling record label into the big leagues, isn't it?
Jill: Yeah. Tucker covered up his little payola scheme very, very well.
Billy: Well, not well enough. The thing that I can't get is why wouldn't Katherine want to use this against him? It could help her regain control of Chancellor Industries.
Jill: If she won't help herself, we'll do it for her.
Billy: Okay. Well, then I will start writing "Restless Style's" new cover story, and Tucker's not gonna know what hit him.
Tucker: Well, you're looking better-rested today.
Kay: I will take that as a compliment. Uh, so what, uh, brings you by so early?
Tucker: Well, you know, I heard, uh, Esther makes some killer tofu pancakes.
Kay: Oh, I doubt she will make those for you.
Tucker: Yeah. I'm not one of her favorite people, am I?
Kay: (Laughs)
Tucker: Well, maybe she'll come around.
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Tucker: There is one other thing. Yesterday was an eye-opener, and I'd like to make you an offer.
Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, my God. Isn't--isn't that where this all started?
Tucker: How would you like to have a bigger voice at Chancellor Industries again?
Chloe: Why are you so sure that Riggs didn't commit suicide?
Chance: Chloe, I still don't know how Riggs escaped out of jail. Every lead we've had has gone absolutely nowhere. My gut tells me this whole investigation was screwy from the start.
Chloe: What does Sid think?
Chance: I'll find out when he gets here. I will tell you this, though-- someone on the force is dirty.
Chloe: You can't be so sure.
Chance: If Sid’s not gonna investigate it, then--
Chloe: Then what?
Chance: Then--
Chloe: Then what?
Chance: Then-- then I don't know, Chloe. But I'm not gonna give up on this. (Sighs)
Chloe: Okay, uh, I've gotta go. How about you call me after your meeting?
Chance: You're gonna go help Billy with the next issue?
Chloe: No, Billy's got plenty of help from his newest staff member.
Billy: Well... (Sighs)
Jill: Keep writing. You're on a roll. I'll check back with you later.
Billy: Where are you going?
Jill: To try and knock some sense into Katherine.
Billy: Uh, don't-- don't do that.
Jill: You really want to see her blindsided when this article hits the stands?
Billy: No, I just don't want you two arguing anymore.
Jill: Billy, she needs to stop being sentimental about Tucker, okay? And start fighting for her company.
Billy: Mom, look. She buried the photos. She buried the story. She's made her decision, okay?
Jill: Out of guilt for abandoning her child. She's all wrapped up in emotion, okay? And what has Tucker done to earn her loyalty?
Billy: I get it. You're preaching to the choir. I agree with you. The guy screwed her over royally, and who's to say he's not gonna do it again?
Jill: I don't want to see her heart broken.
Billy: And without Chancellor Industries.
Jill: I mean, she might as well know that we're printing this, okay? If she's smart, she can take advantage of it.
Billy: You really want to save her?
Jill: I don't want to see her end up with nothing.
Billy: What, you're so worried about Katherine being hurt? What about you?
Jill: I'll be fine.
Billy: Katherine's protecting Tucker because he is her son. She wants him in her life.
Kay: Well, you, uh, certainly know how to get my attention.
Tucker: I think we made a mistake the last time we spoke.
Kay: Oh?
Tucker: You see, you and I, we're a couple of bird dogs when it comes to business. You can't ignore that. So I think every time you look at me, you see the guy who took control of Chancellor out from under you.
Kay: I see my son.
Tucker: Same guy. So I think if we're gonna have a shot at gettin' along, we need to be equal partners. Now I've decided to give you enough shares of Chancellor Industries to make that happen.
Kay: To give me... you and I... equals?
Tucker: Yeah.
Kay: Working together?
Tucker: Mm-hmm.
Kay: Why would you do that?
Tucker: Eh, for purely selfish reasons.
Kay: Oh? Hmm.
Tucker: I mean, imagine what we could accomplish.
Kay: Oh, ho, imagine.
Tucker: Who knows? You might even be able to teach me a thing or two.
Kay: Well, it's about time you realized that. (Chuckles)
Tucker: So you up for this?
Kay: One proviso.
Tucker: Only one?
Kay: You let me buy those shares from you.
Tucker: (Sighs) Katherine, I'm making a gesture here.
Kay: I buy them, or there's no deal.
Tucker: All right, done.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Tucker: I'll make some calls, get things rollin'.
Kay: Tucker?
Tucker: Hmm?
Kay: Um, why don't you use the phone in the--in the study, and then we could, um, chat some more?
Tucker: Well, that sounds good. Hey, maybe I'll even help myself to whatever's in the kitchen.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Unless you think Esther’s gonna chase me around with a rolling pin.
Kay: No, she's all bark, no bite.
Tucker: You know, Katherine... (Sighs) I'm actually startin' to think I could like you.
Kay: Well, I'm beginning to think the same thing.
Tucker: All right.
Phyllis: Yeah, so when Adam heard that Skye had been molested...
Nick: He wanted to use it to blackmail Dr. Taylor.
Phyllis: Right. He didn't care what she had been through. I mean, it's beyond contemptible.
Victor: Let me see this. "I've worked too hard to be top of my class at Harvard. If I don't handle this carefully, I'll blow it all. I need to talk this over with someone I can trust."
Nick: Why she thought she could trust Adam...
Victor: (Sighs heavily) "Today I told Adam that Dr. Taylor had molested me." (Sighs) Where'd you find this?
Nick: Taylor's private papers.
Victor: How did he get a hold of this woman's diary?
Phyllis: We don't know.
Victor: Does anyone know about this?
Nick: Only Sharon.
Victor: Poor Sharon. This must have come as a shock to her.
Sharon: Aren't you gonna read the rest of it?
Adam: It's just a copy.
Sharon: Oh, really? So what are you saying? That this is a fake? This is just another conspiracy against you? Someone forged this, like you forged Victor's diary?
Adam: Who gave that to you?
Sharon: Is that all you care about is who knows? Because it doesn't matter who knows. What matters is that you swore to me that you were being honest with me, and Nick was right about you. You are a pathological liar, and I cannot believe that you recruited this sick man to be Ashley's doctor! Who are you?
Billy: "In the mid-'80s, Tucker McCall, then a mere mogul in the making, turned a band of little-known artists into superstars and became one of the wealthiest men in the world. Our investigation has uncovered a bombshell that suggests that Mr. McCall’s good fortune was less a matter of cunning than of minimalism."
(Cracks knuckles)
Chloe: You're making a mistake.
Billy: Oh, don't you have some work to do, Princess?
Chloe: Billy, Katherine doesn't want to go after Tucker.
Billy: How do you know?
Chloe: Because I live with her, and she is trying to make amends for the past.
Billy: Well, maybe she shouldn't be, not after what he's done, so... (Buzzing)
(Front door opens)
Kay: Ooh, I thought I felt a chill in the house.
Jill: I didn't come home to argue with you.
Kay: Good, because I've had a very pleasant morning.
Jill: Katherine... (Sighs) I want you to hear me out.
Kay: Jill, I already know your opinion of Tucker.
Jill: This is serious. I am not bluffing this time, okay? I know what you found on Tucker. I have the photographs of the Yugoslavian minister with the Simon Griffin painting, the one Tucker used as payola.
Kay: Where are my files?
Jill: Billy has them.
Kay: But you had no right to take them.
Jill: We are going to publish that story.
Kay: Well, you can’t.
Jill: Well, it's already in the works.
Kay: And you will continue to do this knowing I oppose it?
Jill: Listen to me. Believe me. I'm doing this for your own good.
Ashley: It's really hot. Careful.
Neil: Thank you. Thank you so much.
Ashley: Yeah. (Sighs)
Neil: You know, Ashley, I've been thinking about what you said. I don't think you should confront Adam yet.
Ashley: Why not?
Neil: Because he's a liar. He's not gonna give you the answers that you're looking for. We should see if there's more to the story first. Maybe we should start by calling the D.A.'s office.
Ashley: And what do I say? That Adam lied to me? And that's not illegal.
Neil: Yeah, but he told you that you killed someone. Maybe the D.A. can find out where the blood on the cloth came from.
Ashley: D.A. -- I wonder if Heather Stevens thinks Adam's dangerous.
Neil: Let's find out before anyone else gets hurt.
Adam: Sharon, look at me. Dr. Taylor never harmed Ashley, okay? Just know that, all right?
Sharon: You told me that you had done some bad things in the past, but I never imagined that you had done anything like this. I mean, unleashing that sick freak on Ashley? What does that make you?
Adam: It wasn't like that, Sharon.
Sharon: You know what? You knew what I'd been through. You knew what I'd been through with Jack and with Nick, and I thought that you cared enough about me not to lie to me.
Adam: Yeah, well, I was afraid that if I told you the truth, Sharon, that you were gonna leave me. Does that make any sense to you?
Sharon: I thought that you'd changed. I thought that you had been a better man now.
Adam: I am a better man. I'm a better man when I'm with you, Sharon.
Sharon: It was all an act, Adam.
Adam: No, it's not an act. Sharon, do you understand? It's not an act. This is more real than anything I've ever felt. Sharon, I came back here for you. Yes, I know there's people out there that want my head on a platter. Why would I come back? Listen, Sharon... (Sighs) I-I love you more than you could ever imagine. I know you love me. I know you do.
Sharon: I loved the man that I thought that I married, and now he doesn't even exist!
Adam: Just give me another chance, Sharon. Let's just get away. Let's just start over again.
Sharon: We're done.
(Door slams)
Victor: When I told him about the allegations against Dr. Taylor, he denied them. He lied to my face.
Phyllis: Well, he's incapable of telling the truth.
Victor: (Sighs) When I wanted to cut my ties with him, Ashley begged me to give him another chance. She was the only friend he had. How he could bring that sick Dr. Taylor into our house in order to look after Ashley is beyond me. I should have trusted my own instincts, never let him back in the house again.
Nick: He played your sympathies to get him out of prison.
Victor: Yeah, he used his eyesight, his failing eyesight, and he knew I had promised his mother that I would look after him.
Phyllis: Listen, Victor, he's really a pro at playing people-- without sorrow, without regret. I honestly think that he knew he couldn't get to you, so he tried indirectly by going after the weakest link.
Victor: You know, I'd hoped all along that some of his mother's-- some of Hope's decency had been passed on to him.
Nick: All Adam wanted from the start was revenge.
Victor: When I think of the damage that man has done... poor Ashley. My God. (Sighs heavily) Well, a man reaps what he sows.
Chance: Riggs' death wasn't a suicide. He was helped off that bridge into the water.
Sid: Not according to the coroner.
Chance: He calls me and asks me to go down to the jail to meet him, then conveniently escapes. When I go to meet him again after he called, I get knocked out and wake up with drugs planted on me. The Chancellor mansion is broken into, and only my watch is stolen.
Sid: Tell me something I don't know.
Chance: (Sighs) Sid, I got a phone call warning me that my life is in danger.
Sid: Chance, when were you gonna tell someone?
Chance: When? Sid, I don't know who I can trust right now.
Sid: So you think somebody on the force is behind this.
Chance: How else was he supposed to escape out of jail? Sid, someone on the inside helped him out.
Sid: I'll look around, but keep this between us.
Chance: (Sighs) Okay.
Sid: Keep your nose clean.
Chance: Okay.
Sid: Let me handle it, and don't tell anybody.
Chance: Thank you, Sid.
Chance: (Sighs)
Chloe: You are going to ruin any chance Katherine has of repairing anything with Tucker.
Billy: Maybe she shouldn’t.
Chloe: But this is not your call.
Billy: (Grumbles)
Chloe: It j--
(Cell phone rings)
Chloe: (Sighs) Hello? Hi, Chance. Hi. How--how'd it go? Um, yeah, actually, I-I could use some fresh air myself. Okay, great. I'll see you in a little bit. Bye. Billy, please don't run this article.
Billy: You're keeping "Soldier boy" waiting.
Chloe: You're going to break Katherine’s heart.
Billy: Look, I don't want to hurt her, okay? But I'm not dropping this.
Chloe: But you don't even know all the facts.
Billy: I've got enough. The government is gonna be all over Tucker once this gets out, and who knows how many other people he's paid off? McCall’s not gonna be able to make a move, and he just might lose some of his assets, like, I don't know, say, Chancellor Industries.
Chloe: Okay, I get it. You win the Pulitzer, and Katherine owes you her eternal gratitude for getting rid of her diabolical son.
Billy: That works for me.
Chloe: Nothing good is going to come of this.
Kay: And since when have you become the arbiter of what is best for me?
Jill: I'm trying to protect you, Katherine.
Kay: Tucker will lose everything.
Jill: He deserves to lose everything.
Kay: (Scoffs)
Jill: When he found out that he was the child you gave up for adoption, did he come to you?
Kay: (Scoffs)
Jill: No, he spent years-- years planning his revenge.
Kay: Things are changing. Don't you understand that? Now Tucker and I had a very good conversation yesterday.
Jill: (Laughs) I'll just bet you did. So why is it he didn't come to you until you had something on him? Can't you see how manipulative that is?
Kay: You're wrong about him.
Jill: Why are you putting your faith in somebody you barely know? You care more about him than--
Kay: You?
Jill: I finally got to the point where I thought blood didn't matter, that things had healed between us. I still feel like your daughter. I still love you like one.
Kay: Well, if you mean that, that you truly love me like a daughter, don't take away my son.
Jill: (Sighs)
Heather: So you think Dr. Taylor was sketchy, and Adam lied to you? Why come to me?
Ashley: I'm hoping that you'll help us put the pieces together.
Neil: Okay, hold on. Why--why would Adam try to convince Ashley that she'd murdered a dead woman?
Ashley: Yeah. Why?
Heather: If in fact he did. Look, Ashley, you were in a psychiatric hospital when you were pregnant. Who's to say what you remembered even happened?
Ashley: No, excuse me. The forensics lab found blood on the piece of cloth, just as I remembered.
Heather: I understand, but what does that prove? We don't know whose blood that--that was. I mean, it could have been yours.
Neil: Well, you-- you were with Adam then. Maybe you saw something.
Heather: Nothing. I'm--I'm sorry.
Ashley: Really? You're not gonna help us at all?
Heather: How would I explain to my boss that I want to spend time and money digging into my ex-boyfriend's life? Adam didn't commit a crime.
Neil: Adam didn't commit a crime that we know of.
Heather: Look, find something, and we can talk.
Ashley: You know, I really thought you'd be more sympathetic. I really did--not just as an assistant district attorney who's seeking justice, but as somebody who has been wronged by Adam, too.
Heather: (Sighs)
Adam: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Skye: What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.
Adam: What are you doing here?
Skye: No, "Skye, Baby, good to see you"?
Adam: Well, you ruined my life, you know.
Skye: (Chuckles) You did that yourself, Sweetheart.
Adam: You had to go and write that stupid diary and screw me over.
Skye: The trump card. You had it in your hot little hand. What were you thinking giving it to Dr. Taylor?
Adam: What were you thinking writing about Dr. Taylor, Skye?
Skye: It's my diary, jerk-face.
Adam: (Sighs) Well, it cost me the only woman I ever loved.
Skye: And here I thought you loved me, too.
Adam: (Sighs) It's different, Skye. Sharon is... she's everything.
Skye: Look at you waxing all poetic.
Adam: I'm serious, Skye. She's incredible, kind and decent-- the only person who ever believed in me when no one else would.
Skye: (Scoffs) Wow. She got under your skin bad. Props to "Blondie." She did the impossible-- made you care about someone more than yourself.
Adam: What, are you here to torment me now?
Skye: To tell you it's time to let her go.
Adam: Well, I won’t. I'm not giving up on Sharon.
Phyllis: Hey. Hey, baby girl.
Sharon: Um, I just ran into Gabby walking the kids up from the stable, and Summer wanted to stop by here.
Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.
Phyllis: All right, come in.
Victor: Hi, my Sweetheart. Were you playing with the horsies?
Summer: Starfire. She's my favorite.
Victor: Oh, she's your favorite? Well, I tell you what. One day, you and I will take her for a ride. How's that? I don't think Abby will mind. And then we'll take your grandmother along.
Phyllis: Hey, Baby, um, why don't you get the toy that-- you came here to get a toy for Reed, right?
Nick: (Sighs) So, uh...
Victor: She's sweet.
Phyllis: She is sweet.
Nick: What brought you by?
Sharon: Um, well, Adam's back. I thought you might all want to know.
Phyllis: Oh, you know what? Um, I'm gonna go with you to Reed’s. We'll go together, okay? Say bye to everyone.
Summer: Bye.
Victor: Bye, Sweetheart. Bye, Sweetheart.
Nick: See you, Baby.
Victor: We'll go riding one day, okay? Bye.
Nick: You all right? It's okay. Dad knows everything.
Victor: I'm sorry, Sharon.
Sharon: Thank you.
Nick: Did you talk to Adam?
Sharon: Yeah, I, uh, well, I gave him the diary, and he didn't deny it.
Victor: Well, how could he?
Sharon: I just had to get out of there. I-I couldn't stay there with him any longer.
Nick: I'm glad you came here.
Victor: I really am sorry this is happening to you, Sharon.
Sharon: Thank you. Adam really, uh, is good at playing the victim, and he--he had me fooled. I thought that he'd changed, and--and I thought that all of you were wrong for accusing him. I-I just had no idea.
Victor: This is unbelievable. None of us had an idea.
Sharon: This must be really hard for you, too.
Victor: Well, that's not important right now, but thank you. Where is Adam?
Sharon: I left him at the hotel room.
Victor: Huh. Okay. If you'll excuse me...
Sharon: What do you think Victor will do to Adam?
Nick: Do you really care?
Sharon: What is wrong with me, Nick? Why didn't I listen to everyone-- everyone when they warned me? Now my whole life is upside down, and I just-- I don't know anymore.
Nick: You're gonna figure it out, all right? I'll help you.
Sharon: (Sighs) You know, um, I should go.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you can stay. No problem.
Sharon: No, I just came to let you know that Adam is back, and, uh, Nick can fill you in on the rest.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Sharon: I, uh, shouldn't have come down on you before when you told me that you had a lead on Adam and Dr. Taylor, and that I needed to keep my eyes open. You know, you were right.
Phyllis: Well, thank you. But it's not about being right. I don't care. It's about taking care of yourself and your family. (Sighs) It's good that you walked out on Adam. Keep walking. Keep walking. Please don't ever turn back.
Skye: You're making a mistake if you think there's a shot for a happily-ever-after with Sharon.
Adam: (Sighs) I usually get what I want, Skye.
Skye: (Scoffs) You used to be a pretty decent poker player. Not as good as me, of course, but you had great instincts. Why you'd want to toss it away--
Adam: You wouldn't understand.
Skye: True love? Blah, blah, blah? (Scoffs) Should have folded when you had the chance. Talk about a sucker bet. The stakes couldn't be any higher, and I'm not just talking about "Wifey." Sooner or later, they're gonna realize what you've really done.
Heather: That is the second time you've thrown Adam in my face. My personal relationship with him is absolutely none of your business, and totally irrelevant to whatever you think was going on.
Ashley: I think that you were too close to Adam not to suspect something. You had to have some idea who he really was.
Heather: If you can find proof of a crime committed, I am happy to open an official investigation. If that investigation shows that Adam did anything illegal, I am ready to prosecute. Until that happens, I can't help you, and I will show myself out. Thank you.
Ashley: I can't believe that bastard's gonna get away with it.
Neil: Hey, come here. I know.
Ashley: Honestly.
Neil: It's okay, okay? Just because she refuses to help doesn't mean that we give up.
Ashley: Have I told you lately how terrific you are? Hmm?
Neil: I'm glad you think so.
Ashley: You are.
Neil: Thanks.
Ashley: And you've been here a long time, and I'd love for you to stay...
Neil: (Sighs)
Ashley: But I know you have work to do.
Neil: I'm gonna call you later. And remember, no matter how frustrating this gets, we're gonna work on this together, and we'll get through it.
Ashley: Okay, thank you.
Jill: (Sighs) You want me to kill the story on Tucker?
Kay: Please.
Jill: All right, on one condition.
Kay: Hmm?
Jill: That he agrees to reinstate you at Chancellor as his equal.
Kay: He will.
Jill: No, I mean it, Katherine. I want you to promise me that you won't be played for a fool again.
Kay: Well, that's-- that is an easy promise to make.
Jill: Okay.
(Cell phone rings)
Billy: Ooh. Hey, Mom, I was just gonna call you. Can I read you the last paragraph?
Jill: We're gonna kill the cover story on Tucker.
Billy: It's our cover story. Are you out of your mind?
Jill: Billy, I'm doing this for Katherine’s sake, okay?
Billy: What did you drink, the Kool-aid? You were going over there to give her a heads-up. What did you do? What the hell happened, Mom?
Jill: I'll explain everything to you later, Honey. Just do as I ask.
Billy: Are you sure?
Jill: Yeah.
Billy: Okay.
Jill: Thank you, Darling.
Kay: You really don't know how much this means to me.
Jill: (Chuckles) I just hope we're doing the right thing.
Billy: (Clicks tongue) All that work. (Groans) (Grumbles)
Chance: So Sid told me to back off and let him handle it.
Chloe: Will you?
Chance: I just want this whole thing over with so that I don't have to keep looking over my damn shoulder every minute.
Chloe: Will you let Sid look into it...
Chance: (Sighs)
Chloe: Without interfering?
Chance: Chloe--
Chloe: For me. For me.
Chance: (Sighs) That's a low blow. You know I can't say no to you when you look at me like that.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Mm.
Chloe: Thank you.
Chance: You're welcome.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
(Engine revs) (Tires squeal)
Chloe: (Gasps)
Chance: You okay? Are you--?
Chloe: Yeah.
Chance: Yes? Yep?
Chloe: That car came right at us. Did you see who the driver was?
Chance: No, I didn’t. But I did get part of the license plate.
Chloe: Well, good, because that person should be locked up for drunk driving. (Breathing heavily)
Chance: (Sighs)
Chloe: Oh, my God. That was on purpose, wasn't it?
Chance: Yes, it was. (Sighs) Somebody is sending me a message to back off.
Jill: Well, I'd better get back to the office and peel Billy off the ceiling.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Jill: We don't have a cover story now.
Kay: Jill, uh...
Jill: (Sighs)
Kay: Again, I can't thank you enough, and I'm glad we cleared the air. If it's any comfort to you, you'll always, always be my daughter.
Jill: (Chuckles) I give you grief like one.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Jill: (Sighs)
Tucker: Well, paperwork's under way, Partner.
Kay: How, um, how much of that did you hear?
Tucker: Enough to know I needed to make myself scarce.
Kay: Well, you know, um, Jill and I worked things out.
Tucker: You care about her.
Kay: Does that surprise you?
Tucker: Well... (Sighs) Let's just say you, uh, you keep me on my toes.
Kay: (Chuckles) Tucker, there's just, um, one last thing I would like.
Tucker: What's that?
Kay: A hug.
Tucker: (Laughs) Are you messin' with me?
Kay: Well, we can try it, and, you know, see if we can tolerate it.
Tucker: (Clears throat)
Jill: (Sighs)
[Cell phone rings]
Billy: Hey, Mom. I'm glad you called. I was--I'm just going crazy here trying to figure out how we're gonna replace this cover story.
Jill: Did you delete the story on Tucker yet?
Billy: No, I didn’t. I was hoping you would come to your senses.
Jill: Yeah, well, I have. Run the damn story.
Nick: That was fast.
Phyllis: Yeah, you know, Reed had to go to the doctor and get his booster shot.
Nick: You have plans today?
Phyllis: Mm, nothing special. Why?
Nick: All right, well, how about if I don't go into the office today, and we can, uh, just kind of hang out? I can kick with my two best girls. Maybe we'll go to the big hill, do some sledding.
Summer: Mommy, too?
Nick: Mommy, too?
Phyllis: Mommy, too, yeah. Go get your snowsuit.
Nick: Thought we could use a family day.
Phyllis: Yeah, that's a good idea. We've been so focused on Adam.
Nick: Hey, Connie, it's me. Uh, I'm not gonna come in today. But I'll have my cell if you need me. Okay, bye.
Phyllis: It's so wild. We're finally gonna have Adam out of our lives, right?
Nick: Yep.
Phyllis: Okay.
Nick: Oh, let's get that thing on you so we can get out of here.
Phyllis: Whoa! You got the purple one. You know, I'm gonna put my boots on, okay?
Nick: All right.
Summer: (Giggles)
Nick: All right, if we're gonna get this on you, you're gonna have to stop squirming.
Summer: (Giggling)
Nick: Mommy, will you make her stop?
Phyllis: Okay, I'll make you stop.
Nick: I can't put clothes on her like this.
Phyllis: Go. Go on! Right here. Right here. Right here.
(Doorbell rings)
Sharon: I'm here about Adam. I have something for you to read.
(Door slams)
(Knock on door)
Adam: Dad.
Victor: I heard you were back.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: You and I are gonna comb over every page of this.
Adam: I was following orders, Dad. It'd be a shame if that got out.
Victor: Maybe it's time I called your bluff.
Patty: Let go of me! Help me! Aah! Somebody, help me! Aah!
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