Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/2/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 3/3/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9348 ~ Ashley & Sharon Have Disturbing Dreams
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Sharon: (Sighs) You have to be calm, Sharon. You need to be smart here. Adam, I'm worried. You always return my calls so quickly. Will you please just check in as soon as possible? "Adam is a scammer, a con. We're so much alike. Today I told Adam that Dr. Taylor had molested me. Typical Adam-- he said maybe we should use what happened to blackmail that creep." (Sighs) I've lost so much already. I will not let you take anything away from me. (Sighs) I'm gonna get my rest, and I'm gonna be ready for you when you get here.
Ashley: Yeah, hi. This is Ashley Abbott. I'm calling about some results of a forensics test that was done on a piece of cloth. Oh, really? Not until tomorrow morning? Okay, um... okay, thank you. I'll--I'll talk to you then. Right, so first thing tomorrow I'm gonna have proof that Adam was trying to make me think I lost my mind. We're not gonna let anybody mess with us, are we, Sweet Pea?
(Baby crying)
Sharon: (Gasps) (Breathing heavily)
(Crying continues and grows louder)
Sharon: Is anyone here?
(Baby crying)
Sharon: Is that your baby? How can you just let her cry like that?
Sharon: If she isn't yours, then whose is she?
(Crying continues)
Sharon: Can't you hear that? Don't you care? Wait. I know you.
Skye: Of course you know me. You're reading my innermost thoughts. Way to give the dead girl privacy.
Sharon: You're Skye. In your diary, you sound so--
Skye: Crass? Smart? Bitchy? Or just a scammer and a con like Adam? I bet I offend your delicate sensibilities.
Sharon: You didn't deserve what Dr. Taylor did to you no matter what.
Skye: Thanks for the sweetness, sweetness. Best two out of three? That work for you?
Sharon: What are we playing for?
Skye: Big stakes, Pumpkin. The biggest. We're playin' for the baby.
(Thunder crashes)
Ashley: (Gasps) Faith! Oh, Faith. Don't be scared, Honey. Mommy's coming. Faith? Faith, where are you? Faith, where did you go? Mommy's coming.
Adam: What's your rush?
Ashley: You get out of my way, Adam. My baby needs me.
Adam: Oh, no, Ashley. Don't go. It's not safe.
(Thunder crashes)
Ashley: Wai--wait. You--you just--
Adam: You're wrong, Ashley. It's not what you think. I'm your friend, the only one you've got.
(Thunder crashes)
(Baby crying)
Sharon: The baby crying-- that--that doesn't bother you? I mean, you don't want to go and check on her?
Skye: Sweet. Straight flush. Damn, you're not even putting up a fight.
Sharon: Well, w-wait. Wait, no. I-I-I didn't get to play my hand.
Skye: You want the baby that bad? How much misery can one person take? I mean, you know you have crap luck with children.
Sharon: You watch your mouth when you talk about my children. You deal those cards.
Skye: (Scoffs) Kitten has claws after all.
Sharon: (Sighs) Mine are all blank.
Skye: (Laughs) Oh, you really are too easy-- so not Adam's type. He doesn't do trust, and he doesn't do love.
Sharon: Right. He's a scammer and a con, and he wanted you to blackmail Taylor.
Skye: You're already quoting my diary. I'm flattered. Creeped out, but flattered.
Sharon: You seem to have all the answers. You know what's going on. Tell me. Why would Adam want to con me? What does he want?
Phyllis: Oh, please, Sharon. You're not that naive. You're dense and stubborn. But you're not that naive. You knew what Adam was after.
Sharon: Yeah, so you've said, Phyllis. Not that anyone asked you. But he was only after me because of Nick.
Phyllis: That's right. Adam hates Nick, and all of a sudden, he loves you? You had to wonder what was going on.
Sharon: Of course I did. I wondered.
Phyllis: You wondered, but what did he say? That you were wonderful and beautiful and strong and brave?
Sharon: Not exactly. I mean, it--
Phyllis: "Not exactly." So you just fell into his arms and said, "I do" so you could be Mrs. Newman again?
Sharon: No. Wait. Wait. No, my--my--my cards, they're-- they're--they're still blank. They're blank. Who won?
Phyllis: I did. I have Nick. Game over.
Sharon: Not Nick. Not Nick. We are not playing for Nick. The baby. What about the baby?
Phyllis: Oh! (Laughs) Sharon, be serious. (Whispers) No baby for you. No baby for you.
Ashley: Faith? Mommy's coming. I won't let anything bad happen to you, Honey.
(Thunder crashes)
Ashley: I can't lose you, Honey. Not again. (Sobs) If I lose you, I'm lost, too. (Sobs)
Adam: Hey, Ashley?
Ashley: There's something wrong with the stairs. What have you done?
Adam: Me? I'm just standing here minding my own business.
Ashley: That cloth.
Adam: (Sighs) What cloth?
Ashley: That cloth in your hand. You put blood on it, and you said it was evidence that I'd killed somebody that was already dead. You're a liar. And pretty soon, I'm gonna be able to prove it.
Adam: Yeah, that makes sense. After you told me that you plowed over Sabrina, and I was the only one who supported you and everyone else wanted you locked up, you want to blame it on me. That makes a lot of sense. Is there someone I can call? Do you need help?
Ashley: (Quietly) You're doing it again. You're doing it just like you did before. You want to make me think that I was losing my mind, and then you sicced Dr. Taylor on me. Adam, he was a predator. You sent him to treat me. Why, Adam?
Adam: I don't know. You tell me. This is all news to me.
Ashley: (Normal voice) Nick, you said Adam did it out of revenge, out of spite. And Phyllis, what-- what was it you said? You said that he-- he like to play mind games. Remember? For fun.
Phyllis: We didn't say anything like that, Ashley.
Nick: I hate the guy, too, but in this instance, he's done nothing wrong.
Adam: Hmm, I appreciate that, Nick. Listen, we just want you well. There is no shame in needing help.
Ashley: Don't look at me that way. There's nothing wrong with me. Stop looking at me that way. Stop it! (Gasps) (Sighs) Oh, Baby. Thank God you're here. You're here, and I'm fine. When you're with me, I'm better than fine, my baby. I'm perfect. (Moans) Baby, I'm coming! I'm coming. Mommy's here, Baby.
Victor: What are you doing?
Ashley: Victor, I have to find her--the baby. Is she with you?
Victor: What do you mean is she with me? What are you talking about?
Ashley: I have to... hi, Sweetie. Hi, my sweet Faith. There you are. There you are.
Victor: What are you talking about? She was there all along. Come here. Come here. Come on.
Ashley: Wait, what are you doing?
Victor: You're gonna be with me now, okay? I'll never let you down, unlike your mother.
Ashley: Don't you say that to me.
Victor: My baby.
Ashley: Victor, I love both my girls so much. You know that.
Victor: If you love them, then you love them from a distance. It'll be best for both of them.
Ashley: How dare you say that to me?
Victor: (Murmuring)
Ashley: I am the one constant in those girls' lives, and you know it. It's not you. Victor, they're the constant in my life. Without Abby, without my Faith...
Victor: You would lose your mind, wouldn't you? Why don't you admit to that? That's what you're thinking, isn't it?
Ashley: You're so cruel.
Victor: No.
Ashley: And you're so vile. That's just who you are. I'm not gonna let you punish my daughters the way you punish everybody! Everybody that disappoints you in your life. (Gasps) My Faith. What did you do with her? You're trying to trick me. Where's my baby?
Victor: You've ripped an empty blanket out of my hands.
Ashley: (Sobs)
Victor: What's the matter with you? You're not fit to be a mother.
Ashley: (Sobs)
Victor: You're insane!
Ashley: (Sobs)
Victor: You need to be reinstitutionalized.
Ashley: (Sobs)
Victor: Go back to where you were once before. Get the help you need. Let us go quietly. Just quietly. For the sake of the children, don't make any noise now. Okay? Let's go.
Ashley: Jackie! Promise me.
Jack: Ash, what is it?
Ashley: Promise me... (Sobs) You won't let them lock me up again. (Sobs)
Phyllis: The world already thinks of you as needing a man, Sharon. Adam was able to string you along.
Sharon: I loved him, but now I know better.
Nick: Real love? With Adam? You just want to believe that because you want to get over me.
Sharon: I am over you.
Nick: Sharon, you need to face it. This is about me. It always has been.
Phyllis: Hey, Baby. Hi. Is she bugging you with her needy-desperate thing again? Oh, let me guess. She brought up Cassie again and offered to rent a room. That's how she gets you all the time.
Sharon: The only person who used Cassie to get to Nick was you. You moved in on him when he was grieving our daughter.
Phyllis: Whatever, Sharon. He's mine. He's mine! And you can't have him back.
Sharon: I don't hate myself.
Nick: Then why would you marry someone like Adam?
Phyllis: Sharon, you try. Show us how you really feel.
Sharon: No. No. Phyllis, I... I-I-I'm not weak. Whoever I used to be, I'm not that person anymore. No matter how many times you say it or--or you write it or you think it, it will never be true. I'm not some fragile doll who needs rescuing. Everybody just get away from me! I do not hate myself. No!
Nick: Sharon...
Sharon: (Grunts)
Nick: You'll never be alone.
Sharon: What do you mean? What are you talking about? You? You're with Phyllis. (Gasps) Oh! Oh! The baby kicked! She's alive! (Laughs) (Sighs) Oh, Nick. (Laughs) (Sighs)
(Baby crying)
Jack: Sharon?
Sharon: Can you hear it? Do you know where it's coming from? The crying? Have you seen the baby?
Jack: I don't hear anything.
Sharon: I have to go and find her.
Jack: Wait, wait, wait, wait. You're doing it again? You're stealing?
Sharon: Jack, I have no idea where those things came from. I've never seen them.
Jack: You don't need baby clothes, Sharon. There is no baby.
Sharon: Not right now, but there will be. (Gasps) (Moans) No! No, she-- the baby--I-I felt her. I felt her kick.
Jack: You know the truth. You've always known the truth, even when you lied to me.
Sharon: That was real. Wasn't it?
Jack: Why? Because you wanted it so badly? I wanted it, too. Remember? I planned for a baby that wasn't even mine. I kept the lie going long after I knew for you, because you asked me to, as a sacrifice to Nick. Always Nick.
Sharon: Jack. Jack, I'm so sorry. I--but... it--can't you hear the baby crying?
Jack: There is no baby! We both ended up with nothing. Accept it. You got what you deserve.
Ashley: Okay, it's not real. It's just a dream. I can get up the stairs. Just one at a time. Slowly. Just one at a time.
(Thunder crashes)
Ashley: (Whimpers)
Jack: Ash? Are you okay?
Ashley: Jack.
Jack: No matter what, we can get through this together.
Ashley: I know Victor said things. He did, didn't he? He thinks I've lost my mind. But, Jack, I know-- I know there was a time when I questioned reality, but not anymore. Not anymore. In this moment right now, I know it's real with Faith, my baby girl, secure in my arms.
(Thunder crashes)
Ashley: If I could just get up the stairs, I could get her to bed.
Jack: Ash?
Ashley: No.
Jack: The baby--
Ashley: Do you feel it, too, Jackie? The stairs, right? I mean, there's something wrong with them. Do you feel it? Isn't it crazy?
Jack: I know how much you wanted a baby, Ash. Something happened. It was an accident.
Ashley: You're doing it again. It's just like that bad dream that I keep having over and over and over.
Jack: Listen to me. The baby didn't make it.
Ashley: I'm not listening to you, Jackie. I have to get my baby to bed, okay? Faith needs to go to bed.
Adam: I-I found this sticking out. It--it feels like a-a piece of clothing.
Ashley: No, go away. Go away! Go! Go away.
Jack: There's no one there, Ash.
(Thunder crashes)
Ashley: No, there was before, though, Jackie. There was before. I've got to get Faith up to bed. Faith--
Jack: You can’t.
Ashley: I know I can't because of the stairs, Jackie. I know.
Jack: You can't because there's no Faith.
Ashley: (Sighs)
Jack: It's an empty blanket, Ashley. There's no baby.
Ashley: Oh, Jack, what are you saying? She's right here in my arms. Faith? Faith? Faith, where'd you go? Baby! Faith? Faith! Faith! Faith, where are you?! (Sobs) Don't do this to mommy. (Voice breaking) Don't scare your mommy like this, Faith. Don't scare her.
Jack: Ashley, we all understand.
Ashley: (Sobs)
Jack: We all want to help. The baby died. I'm sorry.
Ashley: (Whispers) It's not true. (Sighs) (Normal voice) There you are. I knew you were here all along, my Faith. Come on, Sweetie. It's time for bed. Yes, it is. Time for bed, huh? (Gasps) Yeah. It's time for bed.
Jack: Ash? You know this isn't real.
(Thunder crashes)
Sharon: She's here, Nick. She's in my stomach again. She's safe. (Sighs) It's a new chance at a family together.
Nick: It's not a new chance. It's the same one.
Sharon: I never wanted to admit it, not to anyone or even myself.
Nick: Admit what?
Sharon: That this is what I've wanted always, but every time we get close, something happens. And, Nick, if I lost it all again--
Nick: That is not gonna happen. You can't fight fate. And that's what we are, the three of us. Cassie knew that.
Sharon: (Sighs) Look. It's the picture of our family that Cassie drew-- you, me, Noah, Cassie.
Nick: Look closer.
Sharon: (Gasps) Faith is with us. Cassie drew in her-- her baby sister Faith. She even drew her name. Our family.
Nick: You never gave up.
Sharon: I did, so many times. (Sighs) And then when I married Adam--
Nick: No, Sharon. You always believed in us, even if it was deep down. So thank you. Once we have this baby, we're gonna have everything that we ever wanted.
Ashley: It was physical. It was an ongoing, never-ending, excruciating ache in my heart. That's how it hurt when I lost Robert. And so I told myself that he was still alive. It was a coping mechanism, I guess. Just a way for me to try to go on with my life. For the people around me that loved me to see me like that, it was awful. And then I found out I was pregnant again. (Laughs) Oh, it was so exciting. It was so unexpected. It was like a miracle. And some people worried that maybe I would... I would lose touch again. Now I worried, too. I still do. I mean, even though Faith is fine and she's beautiful, and she's amazing. (Thinking) Sometimes I still have those moments of fear, you know? I mean, if anything was ever to happen to her... but before I had her, you know? (Thinking) Things started to go off again for me. They just didn't seem right, you know? Something was wrong. My brothers Jack and Billy, they knew it. (Chuckles) My brothers. They wanted me to get help. (Thinking) Psychiatric help. (Chuckles) Victor... (Thinking) Victor... Asked Olivia to keep an eye on me... (Thinking) Asked Olivia to keep an eye on me... Adam was the only one who believed in me. I trusted him. But the whole time, he was just manipulating me. He was reinforcing all my worst fears. And I don't know why. I mean, what did he want? Faith is fine, and I'm fine, but that couldn't have been his plan. (Thinking) He wanted me to think I'd lost my mind. And he wanted me to trust him, but... what was he after? I don't understand. Do you have any insight?
Adam: (Sighs) Just give yourself a break. Concentrate on getting rest, getting well. I'm here for you, Ashley. Whatever you need.
Ashley: No! No! No! (Sobs) No! No!
Nick: Hey, Faith, it's daddy. I sure can't wait to see you. But you take as long as you need, 'cause we're not going anywhere.
(Door opens)
Adam: Sharon? I brought spaghetti, peeled grapes, pasta primavera.
Sharon: Adam? No, you can't be here. Not now.
Adam: Why is Nick here?
Nick: Where else would I be?
Adam: Sharon, you wouldn't break our marriage vows, would you?
Sharon: We're still married?
Adam: You were never married, not to him. I brought spaghetti and peeled grapes and pasta primavera.
Nick: She's mine now. She always has been, really. So is the baby.
Adam: So what? You're torturing her now? The baby's gone. It's not here. There is no baby.
Nick: You're wrong.
Sharon: There is.
Adam: Sharon, did you forget to tell him the baby died?
Nick: You lied to her, and now she's with me.
Adam: I asked you if you were with me to get back at Nick.
Sharon: I-I asked you if it was all about Nick.
Adam: Wait, w-w-wait. This isn't happening. Hol--hold on. Hold on. Just--I'm just-- I'm just gonna go outside, Sharon, and I'm gonna come right back in, okay? (Stammers) And it's gonna be different.
Sharon: I'm sorry, Adam, but nothing will have changed, becau... wha-- Nick and I-- Nick and I are forever.
Adam: Sharon. So what, our marriage was for a few months?
Sharon: Those vows are why I gave you so many chances to be honest. And now I have my own chance to have my baby, my family.
Adam: You were the only one who believed in me. Everybody was always saving you. You were gonna be the one to save me.
Sharon: I can't, Adam, not after Taylor. You knew what kind of man he was. You put him in Ashley's life, which means you put him in my life.
Adam: Sharon, no. No, you never let me explain about him.
Sharon: (Gasps) Oh, God. The baby's coming.
Adam: Hey, sit down.
Sharon: She's coming. (Panting)
Adam: It's okay. It's okay. Listen. The car is right outside. We'll be at the hospital in no time. It's okay. Just breathe. Just relax, okay?
Sharon: (Exhales)
Adam: Come here. Mwah.
Sharon: (Whimpers)
Adam: Our baby.
Sharon: No. No, she's not your baby. She's Nick's baby. (Breathing heavily)
Adam: Yes, Doctor. Yes, she's in labor right now with our baby.
Sharon: (Moans)
Adam: Yes, she's having our baby.
Sharon: (Breathing heavily) No! No! No! Adam, I want Nick. I have to have Nick. Someone good and decent has to hold her. If she's not held and loved by someone good-- (Groans) (Sobs)
Adam: Sharon.
Sharon: (Whimpers)
Adam: I'll be right outside, okay? Just for one second. I'm putting this bag in the car. I'll be right back to get you.
Sharon: No!
Adam: This is it-- a real family.
Sharon: (Breathing heavily)
Ashley: Oh, thank God. Oh, I'm home. Oh, I'm free.
(Thunder crashes)
Faith: (Crying)
Ashley: Faith? Faith, Mommy hears you. I'm coming, Honey. (Gasps) No! No! I've got to get to my baby, and I'm not gonna let you stop me! Not this time. Faith, Mommy's coming. I'll take care of you.
(Thunder crashes)
Sabrina: (Whispering) Ashley... Ashley...
Ashley: (Gasps) Who are you? What do you want from me?
(Thunder crashes)
Ashley: No! I'm not gonna let you stand between me and my baby. Not anymore! (Whispers) No. (Normal voice) No. No. No. Faith? Faith, where are you? Faith! Faith, where are you?
Sharon: (Exhales sharply) Oh. Its okay, Baby. It's okay. The doctor's coming. He'll help us. He will. (Breathing heavily, sighs) Please! Doctor, my baby's coming! Please help her! (Sighs)
Nick: Sharon?
Sharon: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Nick: Sharon, I'm right here, all right?
Sharon: Oh!
Nick: Just look at me. We'll do this together.
Sharon: Nick. Nick. Please don't ever leave again.
Nick: Oh, never again. I swear it.
Sharon: (Gasps) Nick, our baby's coming. We're gonna get to see her. We'll hold her. We're gonna take care of her this time. Promise me that she'll be o-- she'll be okay always.
Nick: Okay. Okay. Now just breathe, all right?
Sharon: (Breathing heavily) Nick, I'm scared.
Nick: Don't be scared, Sharon. I am right here.
Sharon: Is she gonna be okay? Not like before?
Nick: No, no, no, no, no. There is no before. There's only now, all right? So just--just breathe.
Sharon: (Grunts) So that--that never happened? She didn't die?
Nick: No, no. It was just a bad dream, all right?
Sharon: (Breathing heavily) Okay. Okay. So what is this? What's this?
Nick: This is your baby's debut, Sharon. So if you're ready...
Sharon: (Breathing heavily)
Nick: You can push.
Sharon: (Sighs) Okay. Okay. (Grunts) (Sighs) (Groans) Aah! (Sobs) (Laughs) My baby. (Chuckles) Is she okay? Is she okay? Let me see her. Let me see our beautiful baby. Faith, can you hear Mommy?
Faith: (Crying)
Adam: I'm sorry, Sharon. The baby didn't make it. Birth defects.
Sharon: No. No!
Adam: She never took a breath. She didn't suffer.
Sharon: Stop it! Stop it! I heard her cry. I heard her cry. Let me see her.
Adam: I had her taken away. You couldn't have seen her in the condition that you're in.
Sharon: No. No, let me see her. Let me see her. Let me see my baby.
Adam: Sharon. Sharon, listen, there is no baby.
Sharon: Let me see her. Let me see her!
Adam: Sharon, if I could take your pain away, I would. Listen, please.
Sharon: Faith! Faith?
Adam: Sharon there is-- there is no Faith. There's no Faith.
Sharon: You stop it. I want to see my baby. You bring her to me. Bring her to me right now. I heard her crying.
Adam: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Come here. Come here. Shh.
Sharon: (Whimpers) No.
Adam: I'm right here. I'm right here.
Sharon: (Sobs) No, I need to see her. (Voice breaking) I need to see her. And she--she needs me. I-I need to hold her just once. If I just hold her once... Faith? Faith.
Ashley: Faith? Faith, Mommy needs to know where you are, Sweetie. Cry for me. Cry for me just one more time, and I'll find you, and you'll never have to cry again.
Victor: Ashley, I knew you had fallen apart. What are you doing out here in the cold snow crying for Faith? Where do you think she's hiding? In the bushes? Maybe you weren't sane to begin with.
Ashley: I don't need you, Victor. If you won't help me, I'll find somebody who will.
Adam: It's what everyone expected. Nobody thought you should have the baby, and they were right.
Ashley: Jackie, make them shut up and look for her.
Jack: I'll help you.
Ashley: I knew you would.
Jack: We'll all help you. We'll help you get a good doctor, the very best.
Ashley: I'm sane, and I'm healthy. I can prove it. Now get out of my way so I can find my daughter. I'll show you I'm fine. I just need the proof.
(Telephone rings)
Ashley: I'll find it myself.
Ashley: (Sighs)
Ashley: (Sighs) Hello? This is Ashley. You did find blood? You couldn't get D.N.A., but you found blood? I knew it. Thank you so much. Thank you so, so much.
Ashley: It's over. I've got proof. Adam can't hurt us anymore.
Sharon: (Crying) Not again. I can't lose my baby again. I can’t.
Nick: You want your mom, don't you?
Sharon: (Whimpers)
Nick: Here she is.
Sharon: Oh. (Gasps) Nick. Oh. Is this her? Is this really Faith? (Chuckles)
Nick: Yeah. That's our little girl.
Sharon: Oh.
Nick: And she really wanted her mommy. Did you hear her crying out in the hall?
Sharon: I did! I did. I heard her crying, and no one believed me. But it was real. (Sighs) Faith. (Chuckles) She's perfect. She's beautiful. (Laughs) I've got you, Baby. Mommy's got you. Finally. And I'm never gonna let you go.
Nick: Yeah, don't let go. And I won't let you go.
Sharon: Nick, I missed you so much.
Sharon: No. (Sobs) No. No, Faith. Faith. Faith. (Sniffles) (Sighs)
(Door opens then closes)
(Footsteps approach)
Adam: I'm back.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Tucker: I'm actually startin' to think I could like you.
Kay: Well, I'm beginning to think the same thing.
Chance: Sid, I got a phone call warning me that my life is in danger.
Sharon: You might want to read this.
Adam: What is this?
Sharon: It's Skye's diary.
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