Y&R Transcript Monday 3/1/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 3/2/10 -- USA
Episode # 9347 ~ Billy & Jill Search for Tucker's Secrets
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Tucker: Am I intruding?
Kay: Uh, well, no. I had a very quiet evening planned. Uh, I-I-I didn't sleep well last evening.
Tucker: You were on the hunt for these.
Kay: What are you doing just waving those around? Get rid of it.
Tucker: I'll let you take care of that. My future's in your hands.
Jill: I want the dirt on Tucker, too, more than you do. But you are not the one to be talking to Cane.
Billy: I am the perfect person to be talking to Cane, Mom, because I'm here where he is.
Jill: Well, put me on speaker. Let me ask the questions.
Billy: I'm not putting you on speaker. I know what-- exactly what you would ask. "Poor baby, are you okay?" No, no, no.
Jill: Look, he's being detained by immigration, okay? He could be deported.
Billy: Which means we need to get these answers sooner rather than later. So I've got--
(Gate opens)
Billy: I gotta go, Mom. Bye.
Cane: (Sniffles)
Billy: Hi, Bro. How are things?
Amber: So you haven't heard from Chance yet, have you?
Chloe: No, I mean, they must be getting to Chicago soon. I haven't heard from him yet, though. I mean, he's with Kevin.
Amber: I'm really worried about what they're gonna find.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Amber: It can't be a good thing for Jana to be missing this long.
Chloe: (Giggles)
Lauren: Hi, Chloe.
Chloe: Hi, Lauren. Look, I'm boostin' up your bottom line again.
Amber: (Laughs)
Lauren: Good. Uh, did you follow up on the shipment for Castle Hill?
Amber: Oh, oh, oh, that's-- that's next on my list.
Lauren: (Scoffs) You know what? Never mind. I'll do it myself.
Chloe: Wow.
Jana: Thank you. Daisy must not be here. You're never this nice to me in front of her.
Ryder: It's water.
Jana: I don't blame you for not wanting to cross her. When I think of all those times we were grilling you with her right there, God, we must have put you in such an awkward situation.
Ryder: I wouldn't have said anything anyway.
Jana: I wonder. Um, could you maybe bring me a blanket? It's just so cold in here. Please?
Ryder: (Sighs)
Kevin: Jana? Jana, are you in there?
(Elevator bell dings) (Sighs)
Chance: Kevin.
Kevin: Hey. Nobody's answering.
Chance: (Sighs) Got the key from security.
Kevin: All right. I gotta get me one of those detective badges.
Chance: They do come in handy. All right. Careful, don't handle anything that could be considered evidence, okay?
Kevin: All right. Chance, this-- this is Jana’s. This is hers.
Chance: You sure?
Kevin: Yeah, I'm positive. I gave this to her for Christmas. This-- this just doesn't make sense. It looks like somebody's been partying in here. That's--that's--that's not Jana.
Chance: Look, maybe she'll be back in a minute, and she can explain some of this.
Kevin: All right. It's just-- this isn't adding up. (Opens cupboard) (Sighs) (Cupboard doors close)
Chance: Kevin.
Kevin: There's no way. That's not--that's not-- no way. Unh-unh.
Kay: Well, I imagine you have questions for me.
Tucker: Yeah, now that I'm reconsidering selling Chancellor, a lot of decisions to be made. I definitely want your input.
Kay: Oh, well, you would have had it, uh, even if you hadn't have asked for it. But that isn't exactly what I meant when I said, uh, you have questions for me. You didn't come here to talk business.
Tucker: No.
Kay: Well, what is it you want to know of me?
Tucker: Tell me about my father.
Kay: Well, Arthur, um, Hendricks-- sit down-- uh, he was a good man. Is a good man. Um, you can be proud of him. God knows, he would be astonished by you.
Tucker: You haven't told him?
Kay: No, we're not in touch. I'm not even sure, uh, he knows that Jill is not his daughter, which I'm sure is-- is a great relief to him when he finds out.
Tucker: She was the reason he left Genoa City the second time?
Kay: Yes. She was thoroughly convinced that he had--
Tucker: Murdered his wife.
Kay: (Sighs)
Kevin: Whoever planted that suit in there went too far. I mean, there's n-- there is no way in a million years that Jana would be hooking up with some other guy. I-- look, you're--you're not buying into this, right?
Chance: No. No, look, I'm not buying into anything. I'm here looking for Jana, same as you.
Kevin: All right, well, uh, clearly, somebody does not want us to find her. I mean, look at this. Look--look at this-- look at this crap. I mean, look. There's-- (Sighs) look, there's no way. There is no way she would be hooking up with some other guy, and even if she was, there-- no--she--
Chance: Look, it--it sure doesn't sound like her.
Kevin: Okay, now I'm really freakin' out, because I-I thought maybe there was an accident or something, but this is-- this is a conspiracy.
Chance: Okay, okay, okay. Calm down. Before we jump to conclusions, there's a couple things that we do know--one, she's alive. Two, she's been in this hotel room. Now the phone call that you got that came to your-- that came to your phone, you said it came from this hotel, and you're positive it was her voice on the phone.
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, it was her.
Chance: Okay, well, that's good. Do me a favor-- look around here. See if there's anything else that you can find, okay?
Kevin: Wh-where are you-- where are you going?
Chance: I'm gonna go to the stores where these purchases were made, see if I can find out if they can identify the person who is using her credit card, take a look at their surveillance cameras, okay?
Kevin: Okay, that's good. Thank you. Please hurry up. Uh, sh-she needs our help. She's in trouble.
Jana: I think I now realize what you've been through, Ryder. Your story is so similar to mine. You don't know about my father, do you?
Ryder: (Sighs) I can't wait to hear this.
Jana: He was a criminal, an art thief. (Scoffs) And a hell of a lot better than your father was. (Sighs) Oh, gosh, he made me do some really awful things. He made me do unforgivable things. (Sighs) And Kevin forgave me anyway, and it completely transformed my life. And you know what? He would do the same for you if you'd let him.
Ryder: (Scoffs)
Jana: (Breathing heavily) Look, if you think that he won't forgive you for this, you're wrong. Bring me back to him. He'll be so grateful. And it will be proof that he wasn't wrong to trust you, Ryder. (Sighs) You're different to Daisy. And your life could be so different to what it is now if you just let it. (Sighs) You could have a real family. (Sighs) I know that that is something you really want, isn't it?
Ryder: Take it.
Lauren: (Winces) (Sighs)
Chloe: Lauren, are you okay?
Lauren: (Sighs) I just-- oh, I've been getting these headaches, and, you know... (Sighs) It'll--it'll pass.
Amber: So, uh, the shipment was held up a few days because of the snow.
Lauren: Great. And they didn't bother to tell us?
Amber: Well, we should have it by the morning.
Lauren: (Sighs) Would you call Mrs. Davila, please, and tell her?
Amber: Davila?
Lauren: Yeah. Oh, don't give me the blank stare. You know, the woman who's been calling every day wondering when her mother-of-the-bride dress was coming in? That one?
Amber: Oh, Mrs. Daughtry.
Lauren: All right, whatever. Whatever. Just-- would you call her? Thanks.
Amber: Okay.
Chloe: Um, Lauren has a very bad headache.
Amber: Oh, well, you know, why don't you go home? I can handle everything around--
Lauren: Oh, you gonna handle everything while you're chattin' it up with your friend? No, maybe you should go home, Amber, for all the good you're doing me here.
Chloe: Oh, whoa. Wait. Wait. We--we weren't chattin' it up. She actually made a lot of sales tonight. I--
Amber: You know, Lauren, listen, I'm telling you this as your friend--
Lauren: You're not my friend. You are my employee. And you know what? I'm not so sure you're that, either. So why don't you get your stuff and get outta here, 'cause you're fired.
Cane: So... (Sighs) What do you want?
Billy: I want what you have on Tucker.
Cane: Can't help you, Billy.
Billy: Oh, sure you can, Cane.
Cane: Uh, sure I can't, Billy. So maybe you should go... and talk to Katherine.
Billy: You know, I did that.
Cane: Mm.
Billy: And she said what she found on Tucker wasn't enough to bring him down.
Cane: Well, there you go.
Billy: I just think she's being soft on the guy. You know, Katherine has a tendency to be over-forgiving to people who have screwed her over, but you know everything about that, don't you?
Cane: That is gonna be her call, okay?
(Drums hands on table)
Billy: This guy came to town with the explicit purpose of screwing her over and used my mom to do it. Now all it takes from you is a few little words to knock Tucker out of the picture. So why don't you give me the words?
Cane: You see, the problem is, if Katherine wanted that to happen, then Katherine--
Billy: Would you just knock that crap off, please? She can't do it by herself. It's too much. This is her son. So it's up to us, okay? So why don't you man up, "Buttercup"?
Cane: (Slams fist on table)
Billy: Ooh.
Cane: Don't ever tell me to man up.
Billy: Oh, scary guy. But I guess I was right, wasn't I? All that talk about you, uh, loving Katherine and Mom and you would do anything in the world to help them out, it's all crap, isn't it? I was right. Look at you.
Cane: You walk in here and you tell me all of a sudden that this a family thing? You tell me-- how many times have you told me to stay away from your family? This is your family, Billy's family. And now you need my help. We're all gonna band together like brothers? Is that what this is?
Billy: Oh, I'm not going that far with you.
Cane: Well, I'm not gonna go that far, either, Billy, so I'll tell you what, if you want to know the truth, you can go and see Katherine, 'cause I am not gonna break her trust, especially to someone like you.
Tucker: You think Hendricks murdered his wife, don't you?
Kay: No, I don’t.
Tucker: Well, you let him walk out of your life. You never tried to find him.
Kay: Not because I thought he was guilty.
Tucker: What other reason? You were in love with the man, supposedly. You were engaged to be married.
Kay: Yes, uh, so when he left, though I couldn't admit it at that time, or I wouldn't admit it at that time, it was this... I don't know, sense of relief, because some part of me knew that we could never-- we could never be happy.
Tucker: Is that why you didn't tell him you were pregnant?
Kay: Maybe so. Because he was an honorable man. He would have done the decent, responsible thing. But, Tucker, we would have all wound up so miserable in the end. He was so different.
Tucker: How so?
Kay: Well, he wasn't very daring.
Tucker: You know, I think what I'm hearing you say is that I don't have very much in common with my birth father, personality-wise.
Kay: I'm afraid, uh, the dominant traits of your personality, um, your... rebellious streak, your risk-taking, and if I may say so, your tendency towards vindictiveness can be laid directly at my feet. And for that, I am truly, truly sorry. I apologize.
Jill: Aw, just look at the two of you. This does bring back memories.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Chance: (Sighs) You find anything else?
Kevin: Just more planted stuff-- razor, shaving cream, lingerie. Um, how about you? Did--did anyone remember who bought all this crap?
Chance: Yeah, a few people. I showed them Jana's picture, and they, uh, they recognized her.
Kevin: They did?
Chance: Yeah.
Kevin: Ho-how did-- how did she seem-- was she with anyone, or was she upset? What--
Chance: No. No, she wasn't with anyone. She was by herself, but, uh, she seemed like she was in a good mood. I did talk to the front desk, and they don't think she's coming back. She actually checked out a little while ago. Uh, perhaps she saw us come in.
Kevin: No. No, she didn't do this. I'm telling you, man, it's somebody else.
Chance: Kevin, whoever it is, I don't think they're comin' back.
Kevin: That's fine. I'm not leavin', though. I'm not. I'll just-- I'll tear this place upside down if I have to to figure out who is responsible for this and where the hell my wife is.
Jana: (Shivering) Oh, God. Thank you. That is so much better.
Ryder: Don't make a big deal of it.
Jana: Oh, but it is a big deal. You know why? (Whispering) Because it shows you don't like what Daisy's doing or how she's doing it. (Normal voice) I bet she thinks that kindness is weakness, doesn't she?
Ryder: It is.
Jana: No. You're much more like Kevin. You are. You're-- you're so compassionate. It's probably because of what you've both been through together-- all of Tom's abuse. God, I know the stories. Not yours-- Kevin kept your confidence. Don't worry. It must have been nice to have someone to talk to, though, wasn't it? All those painful memories? You know, Kevin still has nightmares to this day. He's like a child... (Sighs) Begging Tom not to hurt him. Oh, God, it breaks my heart.
Ryder: It makes my skin crawl.
Jana: (Sighs) Yes, I know. I know. Tom is a terrible, terrible man.
Ryder: That is such a load of bull!
Jana: What?
Ryder: There was nothing wrong with my dad. It was Kevin-- a weak, snot-nosed little brat. He deserved everything he got.
Jana: How can you defend Tom after what he's put you through?
Ryder: He didn't lay a hand on me. And you know why? Because I didn't do anything to deserve it. What's the matter, Jana? I thought you'd be happy for me. We're such good friends now, right? I had a great childhood-- Tom always tellin' me how much he loved me, how proud he was of me. Kevin... (Chuckles) He made me look good-- so pitiful. It's no wonder I was the favorite. (Chuckles)
Jana: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sighs)
Chloe: Okay, all right. If-- if you are in this much pain, I think you should go to the doctor.
Lauren: No, I don't need a doctor.
Chloe: Lauren, Lauren, this isn't you.
Amber: Uh, can you take her? I'm the only one here.
Chloe: Yeah, yeah, I'll take her.
Lauren: You don't work here anymore, Amber.
Amber: Okay, fine, um, then I will take you, and we'll call Daisy--
Lauren: Daisy can't do it. She's got a school project.
Amber: Okay, then we'll call someone else.
Lauren: Oh, don't you understand that there is no one? (Voice breaking) I don't have anyone. I have no one! (Sobs) Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Chloe: Okay.
Lauren: I don't know what's the matter with me. (Sobs)
Chloe: I'm gonna call Michael. We should call Michael.
Lauren: Oh, no, oh, my God. Don’t. I don--I don't want him to see me like this. Please?
Amber: Okay, give me the number to your doctor.
Lauren: Okay. My... address book.
Amber: Okay.
Lauren: (Sobs) (Sighs)
Chloe: Here. It's okay. Here.
Lauren: (Gasps) I'm so sorry.
Chloe: It's okay. I l--hey, look, I work with divas that are worse than you on your worst day, okay? Okay?
(Cell phone rings)
Chloe: Um, I have to get that. Hold on. Sorry.
Lauren: (Sobs)
Chloe: Hi, Chance. Hi. Any news?
Chance: Yeah.
Chloe: That doesn't sound good.
Chance: From what we're hearing, Jana's okay, but she may have left Kevin for someone else.
Chloe: What? Wha-- o-o-okay, well, does he know?
Chance: He doesn't want to accept it. Can you get a hold of Amber?
Chloe: Yeah, she's here with me now.
Chance: He's gonna need his friends tonight, Chloe.
Chloe: (Sighs) Poor guy.
Billy: You given any thought to what Mom's going through? Tucker's poisoned her relationship with Katherine. He dumped her. Hell, he fired her.
Cane: Are you seriously gonna walk in here and try and guilt-trip me to make me think that you are going after Tucker to defend Jill's honor? I don't think so. I think that you just want to sell some magazines, 'cause Billy wants to make a buck. (Clicks tongue)
Billy: Oh, is that the problem?
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Billy: You want a piece of it? That's fine. I can write you a check. Would you like me to write you a check?
Cane: You really think I want a check from you, Billy?
Billy: I don't know what you want, but I think I know what the problem is. I think the problem is there's nothing in it for you. You're headed back to Australia, so who gives a damn what happens to Mom? Do you really want to be remembered this way, "Brother"? You have the chance to help her out, but instead, eh, in the end, you don't really give a damn.
Jill: It wasn't very long ago that I was in your position. I was the prodigal child returning home, being welcomed with open arms, in spite of all my past transgressions.
Tucker: Well, Jill, I'm just here asking questions about Arthur Hendricks. That's all.
Jill: Ooh. Daddy. Now that's one part of my life as a Chancellor that I am happy to hand over.
Kay: Do you know where he is?
Jill: Not at all. But come on. That's not really why you're here. You're here to call a cease-fire, a truce, aren't you?
Tucker: I would have thought you'd approve.
Jill: Oh, I do. I think it's a very wise decision. But then, what else can you do when you're being blackmailed? What, you didn't really think that she would keep your dirty, little secret all to herself, did you?
Tucker: I'm not sure what you're gettin' at, Darlin', and I don't think you are, either.
Kay: All right, let's stop with the nonsense, hmm? Jill is chasing rumors with no more success than she had chasing men.
Cane: So, no, I'm not going to tell you what Katherine found. But I love Jill. So I will tell you how she found it. So if you do the same research that Katherine did, you might come up with the same information then.
Billy: And make a completely different decision on what to do with the information. Okay, I guess it's something. So where do we look? Is it--is it--is it in filings, contracts, what is it?
Cane: Photos.
Billy: Photos?
Cane: Of McCall with famous paintings in the background. There is one particularly very famous painting.
Billy: I don't get it, man.
Cane: Well, that's more than Katherine had to go on, so, uh... you need to figure it out, Billy.
(Cell phone rings)
Jill: Why are you protecting him after what he did to you?
Kay: Well, we all saw how upset you were with what he did to me—
Kay: By jumping back into his bed.
Jill: And yet, you're forgiving him-- him, not me.
Tucker: You know, I think I'm gonna come back another time.
Kay: No, no, no, please. Uh, please.
Jill: (Sighs)
Kay: Oh, by the way, uh, why don't you take a walk with me? You haven't seen the grounds. Come. Come.
Tucker: All right.
Kay: Excuse us.
Jill: (Scoffs) (Ring)
Jill: Excuse you. Excuse you. What?
Billy: I talked to Cane.
Jill: And?
Billy: We need to be looking for, uh, photos of McCall with famous paintings.
Jill: Meet me at the club.
Kevin: Every single thing in here is designed to make her look guilty. Its like--it's--it's like somebody has staged this. (Sighs)
Chance: So you think somebody wanted you to see it this way?
Kevin: Yeah, somebody who doesn't know me well, and thinks that this is gonna make me stop looking for my wife.
(Cell phone buzzes)
Chance: Sorry. Excuse me.
Kevin: Is it Chloe?
Chance: No, this is about the case I'm working on. There's been some new information. (Sighs) Look, Kevin. I hate to do this, but I gotta get back to Genoa City.
Kevin: I-I-I understand. I-I appreciate you coming.
Chance: (Sighs) Look, I don't think you're gonna find any more answers here, okay?
Kevin: I'll be right behind you.
Chance: Okay.
Kevin: Thanks.
Kevin: (Sighs) Jana, it's me. Um, I'm trying to find you. I-I'm at this hotel in Chicago, and, uh, and it's registered under your name and, uh, and--and it seems like you've been here with, uh, with some other guy. You might not even get this message, but I had to tell you, I'm never gonna give up. I don't know what the hell is going on, but I know that this isn't you. I'm scared to death for you right now. And, uh, I'm never gonna stop searching until I know you're okay.
(Bar clangs)
Jana: (Sighs)
Ryder: Brilliant. Now what do we do?
Daisy: (Sighs)
Lauren: I just, you know, I hear myself say these things, and I'm--I'm horrified.
Chloe: No.
Lauren: I--
Chloe: This pain would send anyone over the edge, okay?
Amber: So, uh, your prescription is on its way.
Lauren: Thanks, Honey. Why don't you go?
Chloe: You know, I-I think we should stay till it gets here.
Lauren: I'm fine. I'm okay. I'm really sorry.
Amber: Does this mean I'm not fired?
Lauren: You are so not fired. (Laughs) Can we just forget about this? And you-- you go and you support Kevin, okay?
Amber: I don't care what they saw. There is no way Jana was cheating on him.
Chloe: Look, I--all I know is what Chance told me, and it looked like she was in Chicago meeting with a lover.
Jana: Kevin knows how much I love him. You heard him. He will never lose faith.
Daisy: So we have to find some other way to stop him. What do you think, Ryder? How would Dad handle this situation?
Ryder: I think he'd find someplace small and dark, and he'd lock Kevin away.
Daisy: That could work. It'd certainly solve our problem. Is that what you want us to do, Jana?
Jana: He's your brother. He would have done anything for you!
Daisy: What will you do for him? Will you write him a little letter explaining why you left?
Jana: (Sighs)
Kay: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Thanks for the tour.
Kay: Well, it is long overdue.
Tucker: Well, you know, it's not like I would have lived here if I'd grown up as your child. Your husband would have thrown both of us out of here. You would have had to give all this up.
Kay: You--you think that's the reason I-- that I made that choice?
Tucker: I had a lot of ideas about who you were and what you did.
Kay: (Chuckles) Had ideas. So does that mean you-- you've reevaluated?
Tucker: Like I said, you're not what I expected.
Kay: Good, because I like to defy people's expectations.
Tucker: Something else we have in common.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Of course, we do have our differences.
Kay: Well, perhaps that's because I have, uh, had a hell of a lot more time to make mistakes and probably learn from them.
Tucker: Well, maybe if you put up with me a little while longer, I'll catch up.
Jill: These are files that Katherine pulled on Tucker for the business library. They were sitting in the middle of her living room.
Billy: Okay, well, are there any, uh, pictures with Tucker with famous works of art?
Jill: Well, I don't know. Let's find out. So what is this about a famous work of art?
Billy: I don't know. Cane didn't really tell me anything.
Jill: Oh, my God, do you think that he's sending you on a wild goose chase?
Billy: No, I don't, actually. The only reason he told me what he did was because he-- well, it's for your sake. He genuinely wants to help you. Surprise, surprise. Huh. What's this? Do you recognize this painting?
Jill: No, but here it is again.
Billy: This must be what Cane is talking about. But I have no idea what it means.
Chloe: So we're supposed to just believe that Jana left everything behind? Everything--I mean, her family, her friends, everyone that she loves for the sake of some guy that she's never even mentioned before?
Kevin: It's crazy, right?
Chance: You're her best friend, right?
Amber: Uh, correction. Kevin is her best friend.
Chance: W--but--yes, okay, but if there were-- and I'm sorry to bring this up-- if there was someone that she was talking to or possibly even seeing, would she have confided in you?
Amber: I-I don't even know how to answer that. I-I can't imagine there being anyone else. I mean, Jana's entire world centered on Kevin.
Chloe: Yeah. Did you bring the Chicago police in on it?
Kevin: No, no. Chance doesn't even think we should tell the G.C.P.D.
Amber: Why not?
Chance: Well, because anyone who saw what we did would think we have the case pretty much solved, so...
Chloe: Right, so you think they would just cancel the search?
Chance: It certainly would knock it farther down their priority list, yeah.
Kevin: Which is the whole point of setting up that room. I mean, just by going there, I played right into their hand. Whoever-- whoever the hell "They" are. (Sighs)
Chance: (Sighs)
Chloe: Wow. I'm--I'm really happy that you went with him, because I don't know how he would have handled this on his own. I feel so bad.
Chance: No, I know. I just wish there was more I could do. I had to get back, though. The, um, the coroner's report just came in on Riggs.
Chloe: What did it say?
Chance: Suicide.
Chloe: That's so bizarre.
Chance: Yeah. And I don't buy it for a second.
Chloe: Because you think that someone killed him? I mean, maybe the same person or people that beat him up that night?
Chance: Probably the same people or persons who helped him break out of jail.
Chloe: That means that there would have to be some sort of connection in the force, right?
Chance: Or someone on the force themselves.
Tucker: Well, thanks for this. It's been an enlightening evening.
Kay: Well, we needed this conversation.
Tucker: Well, we keep this up, we might even find something to like about each other.
Kay: I already have.
Billy: So Tucker and this Tomas guy, they're old pals?
Jill: Yeah, or old business associates.
Billy: What type of business would Tucker have with the cultural minister of Yugoslavia?
Jill: (Sighs) That is a very good question.
Billy: Okay, so whose painting is it? I mean, is it--is it Tucker's? Is it Tomas'?
Jill: Well, it's there in Tomas' office.
Billy: Yeah, well, you have it over here in Tucker's office.
Jill: Oh, yeah. All right, I guess McCall sold it to this guy. Unless... oh, my God.
Billy: Unless what?
Jill: (Sighs) All right, follow this. Tucker made his initial fortune in the record industry, okay? But it's always been a mystery how he got his big break.
Billy: Mystery, how? He found the next Beatles.
Jill: (Scoffs) He was an insignificant record promoter, okay? With an insignificant band. And all of a sudden, they're skyrocketing to stardom?
Billy: So wha--you're-- you're saying that he, what? He paid--
Jill: I'm saying that Tucker gave this official the painting to guarantee that the band would receive widespread airplay.
Billy: In payola?
Jill: On an international scale.
Billy: Well, I-- that could be it. I mean, th-that's it? Is--is that the cover of "Restless Style" right there?
Daisy: Hey, how's it going?
Lauren: (Sighs) I've been better.
Daisy: Still not feeling well?
Lauren: Oh, this headache.
Daisy: I'm sorry. If I had been here, you could have had the night off.
Lauren: Oh, you should be glad you weren’t. I was so short-tempered, I lost it with Amber.
Daisy: I'm sure she understood.
Lauren: How was your project?
Daisy: Oh, uh, it's not quite done yet. We ran into a snag, but I think we're back on track.
Lauren: Mm, can you just hand me that water over there?
Daisy: Sure.
Lauren: Thanks. Oh, great. Listen to these side effects-- "Dizziness, dry mouth, stomach upset, drowsiness, insomnia."
(Sighs heavily)
Daisy: Sounds kinda scary.
Lauren: Just-- I want to get rid of this pain, and I want to be myself again.
Ryder: Cheer up. You just saved your husband's life.
Jana: I hate you! (Sobs) (Sniffles) But you know what? I hope that somebody loves you one day and that you love them back, and I mean really love them back, because that is the only way you will ever understand what a horrible thing this is that you've made me do. (Kicks bars) (Bars clang)
Woman: This just came by courier.
Kevin: Okay, thanks. Well, this is Jana's handwriting.
Jana's voice: Dear Kev, my heart breaks as I write this, because I know how much it will hurt you. But I have to be clear so we can both move on. I know this may feel sudden to you, but I have struggled for some time with who we are to each other. I think you know what I'm talking about, and I won't use this letter as a place to retread our past. It's time to move forward, and in order to do that, I have left Genoa City and do not plan on returning.
Amber: "Seeing each other will only make this more difficult. I'm sorry to be hurting you like this, but it's for the best. Perhaps one day, you'll understand. Jana." Kev, I am so sorry.
Kevin: No. No, no, no. Jana wouldn't do this to me. There's no way. She didn't write that. No way. (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: What are we playing for?
Skye: We're playing for the baby.
Sharon: She didn't die?
Nick: It was just a bad dream.
Victor: You're gonna be with me now. I'll never let you down, unlike your mother.
Ashley: I'm not gonna let you stand between me and my baby!
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