Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/25/10 -- Canada; Friday 2/26/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9345 ~ Jack Challenges Victor in Court
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Cane: (Sighs)
(Door opens)
Lily: Cane.
Cane: Hey, come here. Oh!
Lily: Oh, my gosh.
Cane: Oh, you got my message, huh?
Lily: What happened? W-well, the agents out front won't tell me anything.
Cane: Don't worry about that. How was the PET scan?
Lily: Well, I didn't have it.
Cane: Sweetheart, why didn't you have your scan?
Lily: Cane, that's not important. I'll reschedule.
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: Why are you being held at immigration?
Cane: They want to deport me.
Victor: Thank you.
Sharon: Um, if you're looking for Adam, he's not here, though you wouldn't be looking for him, would you? You two are so estranged.
Victor: What has he told you?
Sharon: Well, it's a little confusing, you know? He's told me that he's working for Tucker, only he's--he's really working for you and Nick.
Victor: Right. It is kind of confusing, isn't it? Uh, listen, he is not answering his phone. Tell him the hearing is at 2:00. He'd better be there, okay?
Sharon: He will be. Victor, he loves you, and he's willing to do anything to get back into your good graces. He will be there.
Victor: Make sure you impress that upon him, okay?
(Door closes)
Phyllis: (Southern accent) Oh, okay. Ah, all right. I understand. So Dr. Taylor's personal files are--are here, but his patient files are in Boston? Oh, isn't that lucky? Because that's where I am right now. Listen, um, could I examine them for possible inclusion in our library? Oh, yeah, I would send you a letterhead, but you know, I'd fax it to you, but--but it's just very difficult since I'm here and my--my office in-- is in North Carolina. Okay. That's great. You are a doll. Thank you very much. I'll talk to you soon. (Normal voice) Oh.
Nick: (Southern accent) You know, I just love that accent.
Phyllis: Was that good?
Nick: Who you supposed to be this time?
Phyllis: (Southern accent) I am Dr. Pamela Heath at the department of obstetrics at Duke University school of medicine.
Nick: (Normal voice) Nice.
Phyllis: Hmm.
Nick: Well, that's easy enough to check.
Phyllis: (Normal voice) Yeah, state attorneys, you know, they're busy. It's a lead. It's a lead.
Nick: What makes you think his lawyers are gonna let you anywhere near, like, his stuff or papers?
Phyllis: Listen, I'm giving it my best shot, okay? And I think it's gonna work. We're gonna uncover some stuff on Adam. I'm sure of it.
(Footsteps approaching)
Nick: Hmm. Hey, Dad.
Phyllis: Hey, Victor.
Victor: Hello, Phyllis. Ready to go to court?
Nick: Yeah, let's do it.
Victor: All right.
Nick: I'll call you later.
Phyllis: Good luck.
Victor: Nice to see you.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Hi, Sharon, it's Phyllis. Yes. Are you alone? Great. Um, I'm in the restaurant. I would like to see you. Yes, now. Okay, you know what? Fine. You don't have to. I'll just go ahead with what I'm planning, and I won't clue you in.
Billy: Aha! (Claps hands) Newman versus Abbotts. Classic grudge match. Let's get it on. Oh, come on. Doesn't that get your blood pumping just a little bit?
Victoria: (Sighs) After the year I've had, the last thing that I need is more conflict.
Billy: The year you've had? Honey, half this town hates me because of "Restless Style."
Victoria: Oh, gee, poor baby. I had to go into exile because of you.
Billy: "Poor baby"? You went to Dubai. That's not exactly slumming it, Sweetheart.
Victoria: I was away from my family for weeks.
Billy: My little girl is on the verge of calling another man "Daddy."
Victoria: Well, according to my soon-to-be ex, I don't know what my son's favorite food is anymore.
Billy: Oh, yeah? Well, the second-in-command at my office is my mommy. Top that.
Victoria: My father and my brother trust Adam more than they do me.
Billy: Yeah, that's not good at all. That's--that's bad for you.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: That's--that's--
Victoria: And as if that weren't bad enough--
Billy: Oh, but wait! I can top this, actually. The love of my life-- the love of my life is having twins--plural-- with a guy I can't stand.
Victoria: The love of your life...
Billy: Yeah?
Victoria: Can't seem to stay away from my husband lately. In fact, she--
Billy: Actually--
Billy: (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Um, I--
Victoria: (Grunts)
Billy: (Groans) (Sniffles)
Victoria: What the hell is wrong with you?!
Billy: Mm.
Michael: No, how about this? You call me as soon as you hear anything. That's my brother's wife we're talking about. Yes. Thank you. So you ready to rock 'n' roll?
Paul: Oh, I can't remember the last time I-I went skating, but, um... Nina got me out there. I'm glad she did. You know, I had forgotten how... (Sighs) What a wonderful feeling it is, you know, grabbing somebody's hand and... gliding on the ice. Remember the last time you did that? Oh, God. Patty? Patty, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand. Patty, squeeze my hand. Oh, my God. Nurse! Nurse, can you get Dr. Stanley? I think my sister is coming out of her coma.
Patty: (Laughs)
Jack: Wow. Look how big you have gotten. Oh, boy, does the time fly!
Kyle: My mom says the same thing.
Jack: Yeah? I'll bet she does. So how did you get here?
Diane: Hello, Jack.
Jack: Diane. Hi. Um, wow. I can't tell you how much it means to me, you bringing Kyle here for a visit.
Diane: Your new wife is very persuasive. You must be Emily. I am Diane Jenkins. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I-I feel like I already know you.
Patty: (Chuckles)
Diane: Oh, I was so touched by your beautiful e-mails about how much Jack misses his son.
Patty: (Sighs)
Diane: It was really selfless of you to arrange this.
Patty: Yeah. Well, there's nothing I wouldn't do for my husband.
Jack: Thank you, Diane, from the bottom of my heart. Now for the bad news. I have to be at a hearing right now, and I can't miss this, and I won't take long. Can you guys stay?
Kyle: Oh, can we, Mom?
Diane: Of course.
Jack: Great. Great. We got a big flat-screen TV in the den. You can watch a movie. What do you say?
Patty: While you do that, um, I'll get our guests something to drink.
Diane: Oh, anything fizzy is fine. (Quietly) Much better.
Jack: (Quietly) Better than what?
Diane: Than Phyllis. Aren't you glad you dumped that redheaded witch?
Jack: Now, now. Play nice.
Diane: Who, me? I'm always nice.
Jack: (Normal voice) Kyle, let's go check out that remote. I'll show you how it works.
Kyle: Okay.
Diane: (Normal voice) You were Patty Williams' psychiatrist, right?
Patty: Mm-hmm.
Diane: I couldn't believe it when I read about all the damage she caused.
Patty: Well, what couldn't you believe?
Diane: (Laughs) Well, when I knew her, she was a complete airhead. And for her to pull off a sophisticated plot like that, as--as tragic as it--
Patty: Here's your soda. (Soda fizzing)
Diane: I meant no disrespect, Doctor. I know you tried very hard to help your patient, but Patty was clearly beyond help.
Patty: (Sighs)
Paul: Am--am I reading too much into this?
Dr. Stanley: Well, Patty's brain activity has definitely increased, though it's too soon to say if she's actually waking up. She may have just been responding to the sound of your voice.
Paul: Well, either way, that's a good thing, right?
Dr. Stanley: Well, keep talking to her about people and places that she knows. I'm gonna consult with one of my, uh, colleagues.
(Door closes)
Paul: (Rolls stool over) Patty...
Paul: Patty, did you hear that? You're getting better. Don't give up on me, okay? Come back to me. I'm right here.
Billy: (Clears throat) So, uh, about before...
Victoria: (Whispers) Not now. Go.
Billy: Okay.
Victor: Is he giving you any trouble?
Victoria: No. No, not at all. No.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Excuse me, guys.
Nick: Hey, Mike, you got a second?
Michael: Sure.
Nick: Uh...
Victor: If that man gives you any trouble, I want to know about it.
Victoria: Dad, it's nothing that I can't handle, okay? He's just being his usual... adolescent self.
Victor: I can't stand that guy.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: Now what does that mean?
Victoria: Dad, it means its fine. It's nothing to worry about. Just drop it, all right? (Clears throat)
Nick: Okay.
Victoria: So is Michael aware that Adam's a spy in Tucker's company?
Nick: It's on a need-to-know basis only.
Victoria: (Sighs) Well, Michael’s our attorney. What if he's blindsided?
Nick: Let's hope it doesn't play out like that.
Victoria: Hmm.
Phyllis: Just... hear me out.
Sharon: Oh, I plan to, Phyllis.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Sharon: When you start in on your vicious rumors, I'll be listening.
Phyllis: Well, they're not really rumors. I have a solid lead. I have a solid lead that's gonna open your eyes to the man you married.
Sharon: You know what you need? You need a job or a hobby or something to keep you off of this. Do you know how tired I am of being harassed?
Phyllis: Wait, you think I'm harassing you?
Sharon: It wouldn't be the first time, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Sharon, uh, look--
Sharon: You have Nick. You have him. I-I-I'm married. Adam and I are together. We're happy. Leave it alone.
Phyllis: Listen, I don't know if you're gonna feel that way when my phone rings.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Phyllis: When I get this call, I don't think you're gonna feel that way. That's why I called you down here. I have a legitimate lead. It's gonna prove that your husband and Dr. Taylor had a very twisted relationship.
Cane: Because when I arrived here from Australia, it was, um, it was under false pretenses.
Lily: So what? You're married to an American. I thought they can't deport you.
Cane: Yeah, I know. I know. But when I got married, I used Phillip’s social security number. And because I masqueraded as a natural-born U.S. citizen, it's a deportable offense. And, look, they don't care who I'm married to-- immigration won’t. They just want me gone.
Lily: (Sighs) Oh, my gosh. I cannot believe this is happening now.
Cane: I don't know how they even figured this out, but once they-- once they figured it out, they caught on that it's-- that it's--
Lily: Cane, I mean, we have to stop this.
Cane: I know. I know. I know. Chance has got their best lawyers working on it, Baby, okay?
Lily: Okay, but is that gonna be enough?
Cane: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry this happened today, the day of your test.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: I can only imagine how furious Neil and Malcolm are gonna be, and I'm s--I know. You have every right to be mad at me, as well.
Lily: No, Cane, please. I'm not mad at you. I mean, I'm mad. I'm angry with the people that are holding you here. I'm not gonna let them take you away. (Sighs)
Sharon: What makes you think that I would sneak around behind Adam's back the way you do with Nick?
Phyllis: Okay, it's one thing to defend your husband. It's another thing to live in denial.
Sharon: What is all of this about, Phyllis, really? The snooping, the accusations-- I mean, do you just-- do you really need to be right? Is that what it is?
Phyllis: I care. God help me, I care. Adam's a freak. He's sick. He gets off on making other people suffer. He gets off on it, Sharon. And the longer you stay with him, the worse it's gonna be. Am I getting through to you at all?
Patty: When you mentioned Patty earlier, were you implying that Jack never loved her?
Diane: (Sighs) Jack loved Jack. Uh, m-maybe he's changed since then. But what he wanted more than anything was to run Jabot. So if pretending to settle down was what it took to placate John, then...
Patty: So you're saying he didn’t.
Diane: (Sighs) Patty Williams was a child. She thought Jack was some sort of savoir. I mean, it wasn't the reality. But then again, Patty's never had too firm a grip.
Patty: Any woman whose husband was ripped from her by another woman might tend to have some issues, don't you agree?
Diane: It was years ago, Emily. We had a lot of growing up to do.
Patty: (Laughs) Yeah, didn't we all? Would you like some more soda?
Diane: No, thank you. I'm going to go check on Kyle.
Patty: (Inhales sharply) (Whispering) This is all your fault. You had to bring that bitch Diane back into my home.
(Cell phone rings)
(Sighs) (Breathing heavily) (Sighs) (Sighs) Hello?
Paul: Emily, its Paul Williams. There has been a change in Patty's condition. You need to get to Memorial right away.
Patty: (Sighs)
Nick: How's this gonna play out?
Michael: Jack's gonna make a lot of noise, but that's all it is--noise. It's Adam I wonder about.
Victor: Adam?
Michael: Well, you two are on the outs. That's not good.
Victor: Hmm.
Victoria: Well, I wouldn't put it past him to try and make trouble for us.
Victor: Why would he make trouble? We did nothing wrong. If he says otherwise, he'll be in the biggest trouble he's ever been in.
Nick: Shouldn't he be here by now?
Michael: Adam is a witness. He'll wait outside until he's called to testify. All right.
Woman: Come to order. Court is in session. The Honorable Arthur Holland presiding.
Judge Holland: There were ten bids for Jabot Cosmetics. Are you claiming they were all compromised, or just yours?
Jack: I believe that Victor Newman secretly had access to all nine bids against which he was competing-- mine, in particular, which was one of the higher bids or probably the highest bid-- and that access allowed him to submit his own winning bid moments before the deadline.
Judge Holland: Mm-hmm. W-where is the seller, uh, Tucker McCall? Will he be testifying?
Michael: Your honor, Mr. McCall was out of town and unable to be here, but I do have a sworn affidavit stating that the bids were sealed, and they were locked away where no one was able to get to them ahead of time.
Jack: And he guarded them himself.
Judge Holland: I'll ask the questions, Mr. Abbott. Suppose you tell me how you think Mr. Newman gained access to the other bids?
Jack: Mr. Newman and I have a lot of history, your honor, going back decades.
Judge Holland: I'm well aware. Please answer my specific question.
Jack: I believe an employee of Tucker McCall was working undercover for Newman Enterprises, that he had access to the bids, that he knew what was in them, and that he fed that information to Victor.
Judge Holland: Does this, uh, employee have a name?
Jack: Adam Wilson, though his name at birth was Victor Adam Newman. He's Victor Newman's son.
Judge Holland: Thank you, Mr. Abbott. Mr. Newman?
Victor: Your honor, contrary to what Mr. Abbott claims, I had no spies in Mr. McCall’s camp. And my son Adam and I have been estranged for quite some time now.
Jack: Or so he would have the world believe.
Judge Holland: Counselor, please instruct your client to speak when spoken to. I want to hear their side of this.
Victor: Your honor, I knew the Abbotts' bid would be over market value. That was quite obvious, so it didn't take too long to figure out how much I would have to bid to win the company.
Michael: Additional documents for the court to peruse-- Mr. Newman's sealed bid and the original sales agreement between Newman Enterprises and Tucker McCall Unlimited, listing the same amount as the sales price of Jabot Cosmetics.
Victor: Your honor, I'm sorry that this has been a difficult time for Jack Abbott. Once he realized he wouldn't regain control of his company--
Jack: Just call Adam Wilson. Let him testify. He's right outside those doors.
Victor: Your honor, I concur. We should not waste any more of the court's time.
Judge Holland: Please bring Mr. Wilson inside to testify.
Nick: Adam better not blow this.
Victoria: How do we know we can trust him anyway?
Billy: Look, this guy's perjured himself before, so whatever is gonna come out of his mouth is gonna be a lie. Just be ready for it.
Judge Holland: Where's the witness?
Woman: Not here, your honor. Security guard in the hall said no one's seen him.
Nick: (Sighs)
Sharon: Phyllis, you never reach out to me, unless you have an ulterior motive.
Phyllis: Well, I'm reaching out to you now, okay, Sharon? I'm offering you this chance to look into this with me side by side. We can look into it together. And--and--and you can find out the kind of man that your husband is truly.
Sharon: And if you're wrong?
Phyllis: If I'm wrong, I'll drop it. But if I'm right, which I know I am, you need to get away from him. You really, really need to get away from him, or you're gonna end up back at Fairview.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Paul: I, uh, was pretty harsh with you the last time we talked, blaming you for my sister's suicide attempt.
Patty: Uh... (Clears throat) Is this an apology?
Paul: Well, I, um, I was hoping that you might be able to understand why I was so upset, and, uh, that maybe you could, um, put all that aside to help my sister. I, um... something's happened. I was talking to her about ice-skating, and she, uh... she squeezed my hand twice.
Patty: She did?
Paul: She's trying to tell me something.
Patty: What do you mean? (Laughs nervously)
Paul: She would open her mouth, and I could-- it was like she was just saying, "Emily." So I think she is--is calling for you.
Patty: Oh. Oh, Paul, you--you really love your sister.
Paul: Of course I do.
Patty: Well... (Clears throat) Excuse me. I've been keeping my distance, uh, for everyone's sake. But I-I-I promise I'll take good care of Patty.
Lily: (Sighs) Well, no one's giving me a straight answer. They just keep shuffling me to different desks.
Cane: All right, Baby, just please, let the lawyers take care of this. Don't stress yourself out about this.
Lily: Cane, what if they can't, okay? We have to fight this. This is ridiculous. You are a man who hasn't hurt anyone, who has a sick wife and twins on the way. And that's what the government wants to go after? It doesn't make any sense.
Cane: It's been a long time since I've, uh, seen you this fired up.
Lily: Yeah, well, once my PET scan comes back negative, there's nothing I can't do, trust me.
Cane: Okay, so go to the hospital, Baby. Please, go to the hospital. Reschedule it.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: When I find out your results are clean, I'm gonna be able to deal with this. Please.
Lily: Cane, no. I'm not going without you. I'm not gonna do anything without you. (Sighs)
Paul: Hey, Pattycake. Look who I brought with me-- Dr. P. She's paying you a surprise visit.
Patty: Hello, Patty.
Paul: You know, I-I think she missed you so much, that even before the overdose, she was trying to convince herself she was you.
Patty: (Clicks tongue)
Emily: (Mumbling inaudibly)
Patty: Oh. You know, if, um, she wakes up, it might be better if you leave so that it-- that it doesn't confuse her.
Paul: Really? That's not what the neurologist said.
Patty: No?
Paul: No. He wanted me to talk to her as much as possible to try and stimulate her mind to recognize familiar things.
Patty: Oh. Yeah, well, by all means, then you should do that. Mm-hmm. (Sighs)
Paul: Hey, Patty.
Victor: This is absurd.
Michael: Well, a delayed ruling is better than a ruling against us. If Tucker McCall had been there to testify in per--
Nick: What is it?
Michael: It's a possible lead on Jana.
Victor: Okay, go take care of it.
Michael: Yes, thank you. Uh, excuse me.
Victoria: (Sighs heavily) Well, thanks a lot, Adam.
Nick: What the hell happened?
Victoria: (Scoffs)
Victor: I don't know, but I am gonna find out.
Nick: You know, I'm gonna talk to Jack for one second.
Jack: So is your old man already off licking his wounds?
Nick: There's no winners or losers here. It's a standoff.
Jack: Oh, I won something-- 30 days. Lots of time to find all the proof I need to overturn this deal. Need a ride anywhere?
Billy: No, I'm good.
Nick: You ready to get out of here?
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, let's go.
Billy: Hmm. Hmm.
Billy: Oh, man. (Laughs)
Phyllis: Right, so once we get the okay, we'll go right to work. It may take a while, so if you need to clear the decks—
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Wait, hang on. This is a call on my phone. (Southern accent) Hello? Oh, that's right. Speaking. Oh, that's great. I'll just come by and pick up a key. Thank you very much. (Normal voice) All right. So that was the call I was waiting for. Are you ready? You ready to see which one of us is right about Adam?
Sharon: Yeah, I am, Phyllis. You know what? This whole thing, it's a setup. It's anything that you can do to try to make my husband look bad.
Phyllis: I don't understand that everybody else can see who he really is. Why can't you?
Sharon: I'm gonna go upstairs and wait for my husband there. He's gonna be home from court soon.
Phyllis: Oh. Listen, Sharon, I gave you a chance. I gave you your chance. So with what happens next, I'm really sorry. Hey, Baby. Um... all right, we're ready to go. It's, um, that storage place that's on Chestnut and State. It's on the southeast corner. I'll meet you there. I think we're gonna get what we need to bring Adam down.
Sharon: Adam, when you get this, will you call me? I haven't heard from you all day, and I'm just really wondering how the hearing went, okay? Bye.
(Knock on door)
Victor: Where the hell is your husband?
Nick: So since Adam was not there to dispute Jack's claims, the judge didn't have enough evidence to make a ruling, so they froze the sale. The Abbotts have 30 days to prove that we perpetrated a fraud in constructing our bid.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, Jack is probably happy to have the time off. I mean, I'm not on his side, of course. It's just that Adam is such a weasel, that-- oh, wait a second. Baby, look. Oh, good.
Nick: Did you find something?
Phyllis: Yeah. (Gasps)
Nick: Is that Dr. Taylor's journal?
Phyllis: No, Skye Lockhart.
Sharon: When Adam left here, he told me he was going to testify.
Victor: But no one has seen him or heard from him.
Sharon: Wait, you haven't heard from him at all?
Victor: Not a word. Not a word.
Sharon: (Sighs) Victor... (Sighs) What if something happened to him?
Victor: Do you think perhaps it's more likely that he skipped town?
Sharon: No, no. His clothes, his suitcase-- they're all in the closet. There's no way he left.
Victor: (Sighs) Boy, you'd better pray that you're right about that.
Phyllis: Oh, my God. Adam knew. Adam knew that dr. Taylor was molesting Skye. He knew the whole time.
Nick: And still, he brought him here to treat Ashley.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Oh, God. Nick, when she finds out...
Nick: How do you tell somebody with Ashley's history...?
Phyllis: Oh.
Nick: Something like this?
Phyllis: Maybe I should talk to Jack, right? I should get his advice?
Nick: Yeah, you do that. I'm gonna find Adam. I want to see him talk his way out of this one.
Paul: Why can't I remember her name? It was, um... um... Linda! She wanted you to try out for, uh, pom-poms or cheerleader or whatever it was. It was the seventh grade. She thought it would help you get over your shyness.
Patty: Paul... why don't, um... why don't you take a break? I mean, you've been doing this nonstop, and you look exhausted. I can--I can watch over Patty.
Paul: Okay. Um, maybe a short one. I'd--I'd like to call my family.
Patty: Oh, I'm sure they'll appreciate the update.
Paul: (Whispers) Be right back, Pattycake.
Paul: (Sighs)
Patty: You're ruining everything. I mean, I put you in a coma, a-and I married Jack, and I still can't win. (Sighs) (Whispers) And if anyone's gonna have his baby, it's going to be me, hmm? But instead... instead, I am sitting at that house pretending I am you making nice to that little bitch Diane and her little runt son! (Sobs) (Normal voice) And I can't even talk to Pauly, my-- (sniffles) My best friend in the whole wide world.
Emily: (Mumbling inaudibly)
Patty: What are you mumbling? (Whispers) What are you mumbling? Whatever it is, it'd better be your prayers, because I am going to finish what I started. Oh, my God!
Lily: Okay, well, please just call my cell day or night the minute you hear anything. Thank you. (Sighs)
Cane: Do the lawyers have any news?
Lily: (Sighs) They're gonna get you out of here, okay?
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: They have to.
Cane: I'm sorry. I've put us through so much because of my mistakes. I'm just sorry.
Lily: Cane, please, I-- (Sighs) Listen, do you remember New Year’s Eve...
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: When I was in the hospital, and I basically had no hope?
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: And you told me to close my eyes and imagine where we'd be this time next year after the babies are born?
Cane: Yeah, I do.
Lily: Well, you saved me that night, okay? And that is what we're gonna do now. No more looking back. We are only gonna look forward... okay?
Cane: Okay.
(Door opens)
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: Visit's over.
Lily: Listen...
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: We are gonna beat this, okay? I promise you, I will see you first thing in the morning.
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: I love you.
Lily: I love you, too.
Cane: Bye, Baby.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: I love you.
(Door closes)
Cane: (Sighs) oh, my God.
Billy: (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Um, I--
Victoria: (Grunts)
Billy: I thought you left. (Chuckles)
Victoria: I forgot these.
Billy: Are they your lucky sunglasses?
Victoria: Well, what's your excuse?
Billy: Well, I... ran off...
Billy: Cold neck. (Clears throat) So do you want to talk about it?
Victoria: What?
Billy: You know what-- what happened.
Victoria: Nothing happened.
Billy: (Sighs) Whatever you say.
Victoria: (Sighs) Good-bye.
Billy: Yeah. (Clears throat) Whatever.
Billy: (Clicks tongue) (sighs) Hmm.
Michael: I know it's a long shot, but if it means finding Jana... (Sighs)
Victor: Don't you worry about that. Family comes first.
Michael: (Sighs)
Victor: When will you be back?
Michael: Uh, a few days maybe. If you need me, don't hesitate to call. Uh, I'll try and do as much as I can out of Minneapolis. In the meantime, per your request, every investigator you have on the payroll is out searching for Adam.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Thank you for handling that, okay?
Michael: Uh, you mind if I ask why you're so anxious to find him?
Patty: What the hell are you doing?
Emily: (Mumbling inaudibly)
Patty: You can't wake up.
Patty: (Breathing heavily)
Patty: You're in the way, Dr. P. and one of us has to go. And guess what? It's you.
Jack: I cannot wait to take you all the places I used to take you when you were a little kid. Okay, we're out of here. Um, I will stay in touch, all right?
Diane: Okay.
Jack: Come on, Buddy.
Kyle: Bye.
(Doorbell rings)
Phyllis: Oh, J--
Diane: Phyllis, we meet again.
Sharon: Adam, I need to know that you're okay, and you're not out there somewhere hurt, or that you haven't gone out and done something stupid, so please just call me, okay? Bye. (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Sharon: (Sighs) Nick, Adam's not here.
Nick: May I come in?
Sharon: Why? I don't know where he is. Um, do you just want to vent to me some more?
Nick: Sharon, it is important.
Sharon: Come in.
Nick: I wanted to get to you before anyone else did. But there's something you don't know about Adam, something terrible.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jana: Stop looking for me.
Kevin: Uh, Jana? Jana, hello?
Phyllis: You wouldn't be using this little father/son visit to torpedo Jack's new marriage, would you?
Patty: You all want Jack, but you can't have him, because he's mine!
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