Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/23/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 2/24/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9343 ~ Katherine Makes an Unexpected Move
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Jana: Help! (Breathing heavily) (Gasps) Somebody, help me! Someone! (Breathing heavily) (Sobs) Someone, help me! (Sobs) Anyone! (Sobs) (Breathing heavily) Help me! Someone, help! (Sobs) What do you want from me? Help me! (Sobs) Help. (Sighs) (Inhales deeply) (Exhales) (Quietly) It's okay. (Exhales) Save your strength. (Exhales) Its okay. Be strong. (Exhales)
Gloria: Good, and hit every single store, and don't let anybody tell you no. We need flyers every place possible. With so many shoppers, somebody's bound to see her. Yeah, you, too. Jeffery's on his way to Twin Lakes mall.
Kevin: Good. That's good.
Gloria: Any, uh, leads?
Kevin: (Buzzes lips) No, just more of the same. Either they don't sync up with when Jana went missing, or they just don't pan out. I feel like I'm wasting my time looking online.
Gloria: Don't you give up on me.
Kevin: I'm not. I'm not. I'm not giving up. I just-- you know, sitting here waiting to hear from Jana or waiting to hear from someone who has heard from her, it's--it's driving me nuts. (Sighs)
Michael: Hey, good news. I just came from the police department.
Kevin: They found her?
Michael: No. No, not yet. But Chance got the police to file an official missing persons report.
Gloria: And about time, too.
Kevin: Yeah, why did it take this long for that to happen?
Michael: He also made sure they put her on a nationwide database.
Kevin: A-and what about her cell phone? Are they able to track it?
Michael: They tried to triangulate her location, but unfortunately, the cell is not on.
Kevin: Okay, now I know something's wrong. Jana's phone is never off.
Michael: And, uh, there's been no activities on her credit card.
Daisy: Still no word about Jana?
Gloria: Not unless you have one.
Daisy: Oh, God, I wish I could help, but like I told Michael, I was working when she disappeared, and then I came here.
Michael: And she's got the witnesses to prove it.
Daisy: We'll find her.
Gloria: What is it about that girl?
Kevin: Jana doesn't trust her.
Gloria: (Scoffs) Yeah.
Michael: Well, there is no point in focusing on her or Ryder, since we know they both have solid alibis.
Kevin: Well, at this point, I would take help from the devil if it meant bringing my wife home.
Victoria: I did not leave my son.
J.T.: Oh, really? W-well, what do you call flying halfway across the world for weeks on end?
Victoria: I wanted to take him with me if you remember correctly. You got all bent out of shape about it. I didn't want to fight with you.
J.T.: That's a first.
Victoria: Wait a minute. Why are you trying to twist this around and make it look like I abandoned my child? It was business.
J.T.: Oh, business. Right. Is--is that what you wanted me to tell Reed when he was crying and asking if his mom was ever coming home again?
Victoria: Wait a minute. I didn't plan on being gone that long.
J.T.: You didn't have to be.
Victoria: I needed to close the deal for Newman.
J.T.: Right, well, proving once again, you put work over your family.
Nick: Sure is good to have you as a neighbor again, Dad. This house just never felt right without you.
Victor: Well, Son, I am very glad to be back. But I must say I'm becoming increasingly disturbed by what may have gone on during my absence.
Phyllis: Oh, God. Uh, did you talk to Ashley about what we told you about?
Victor: I tried to. She doesn't want to talk about it-- wants to distance herself from Adam.
Nick: It's too bad she didn't do that a long time ago.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: Especially after what we found out.
Adam: (Sighs)
Ryder: Thinking about leaving the country?
Adam: Haven't you ever thought about starting fresh somewhere?
(Cash register buttons beep)
Ryder: Yeah, every day.
Adam: Well, I'm thinking about doing it for real.
Tucker: You're grasping at straws, Katherine.
Kay: Are you going to deny that's the same painting you owned?
Tucker: (Sighs) Tomas admired the piece. I was tired of looking at it, so I lent it to him. It's as simple as that.
Kay: Mm-hmm. Well, Alexander Tomas was cultural minister of Yugoslavia. He was born into an extremely wealthy aristocratic family. He's hardly a man who needs to borrow art.
Tucker: Well, people had to borrow a lot of things because of the iron curtain.
Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, Tucker, come on. The iron curtain was lifted years ago. When did you get it back? Uh, well, let me rephrase that, did you get it back?
Tucker: No.
Kay: No? So you lent a Simon Griffin to someone for 25 years?
Tucker: I forgot about it.
Kay: Well, did you also forget that when you let Mr. Tomas borrow that painting, you removed it from your insurance policy, and he added it to his?
Tucker: Well, you've really researched this, haven't you?
Kay: Well, you see, Mr. Tomas' insurance company considers him the owner of that painting, and that's despite any record of sale.
Tucker: (Sighs) Well, I guess it was more of a-- more of a gift than a loan.
Kay: A gift, huh? Well, the department of justice has another name for gifts worth millions of dollars given to officials to, um, well, you--in order to profit in one way or another. I think they call it "International corporate bribery." You are aware if the news of this payoff gets out, you could be punishable under the, uh, foreign corrupt practices act.
Tucker: Look, that was the way business was conducted back then. It's how you got ahead. It's how you survived.
Kay: Uh-huh. But does that make it any less illegal?
Tucker: I'm not a criminal.
Kay: Well, the department of justice may disagree. And your investors just might run for the hills. In fact, this is one thread that could unravel your whole empire. Take it from me. Watching someone take your life's work-- the thing that you've given your heart and your soul to-- and rip it apart, that stinks.
Victor: If any of this is true, I wouldn't want to be in that boy's shoes.
Nick: Well, that's the problem, Dad. There's just no way to prove this. Adam insists he never saw this purple cloth, and that Skye never told him that Dr. Taylor ever sexually assaulted her.
Phyllis: Well, he is definitely lying.
Nick: And with Skye and Taylor both dead, I mean, there's just no way around this. It's more a question of who you believe more-- Adam or Ashley.
Phyllis: Right.
Victor: I already talked to some therapists about the validity of Ashley's memories.
Nick: And?
Victor: They said given her mental state at the time, she could have had false memories.
Phyllis: It also could be true.
Victor: (Sighs) Excuse me.
(Cell phone rings)
Adam: (Quietly) Should you be calling me here?
Victor: I want to see you at the ranch, Adam.
Adam: Yeah, well, I'm in the middle of something. I--
Victor: Now.
Victoria: You used to respect my work and support me in it.
J.T.: Victoria, this isn't about your job. It's about our son. You know, I-I-- I have a demanding job, too, but I still find time to be present for him. If somebody asked me to--to pick between working for McCall or Reed, I would--I would say good-bye to McCall in a heartbeat. Can you say the same thing about Newman?
Victoria: Hold on, J.T. I am just simply asking you to move off of the ranch. I am not trying to cut you out of your son's life.
J.T.: No, you are asking me to be an every-other-weekend father, and that's not good enough for me, and it's not good enough for Reed! (Cell phone rings) I will be in my son's life all of the time, and not you or a judge or Victor is gonna be able to push me out, all right?
J.T.: Yeah, what do you want? (Sighs) No, your timing's perfect. Yeah, no problem. All right. No, you're not imposing at all, okay? I'm happy to help.
Victoria: Don't tell me. That was Mr. McCall, the man whose company you would leave in a heartbeat to prove what a great parent you are.
J.T.: That was Kevin. Jana didn't come home the other night, and he hasn't heard from her since.
Victoria: Oh, that's-- that's horrible.
J.T.: He sounded pretty upset.
Victoria: Hold on. You're leaving now?
J.T.: The guy's wife is missing.
Victoria: Okay, well...
J.T.: Did you hear me?
Victoria: Our marriage is ending. You don't have a few minutes more to discuss the future of your son? You're just gonna leave?
J.T.: You know, I think we've said enough on that subject for now.
Kevin: Well, J.T. is on his way.
Gloria: Oh, good. He'll know something about missing persons cases. I mean, he worked with, uh, Paul Williams for so long.
Michael: The last time you saw Jana, Kevin, you said she was, uh, a little tense?
Kevin: More like frustrated. I mean, I don't blame her. I was trying to force something on her that just wasn't us.
Gloria: Mm. Did her behavior surprise you or catch you off guard?
Kevin: W-what are you-- what are you asking?
Michael: Gloria and I were wondering, uh, if Jana had been to see her doctor recently for a checkup.
Kevin: (Sighs) By "Doctor," you mean her neurologist.
Michael: We're not saying that's what this is, but--
Kevin: Look, I had this conversation with Daniel yesterday. She had an appointment recently. There was no signs or symptoms that her brain tumor had returned.
Gloria: Angel, Honey, the last time she behaved irrationally, it was because of her tumor.
Kevin: Her C.T. scan was completely clear, okay?
Michael: Well, look, we just need to consider every possibility.
Gloria: And do anything we can to help.
Kevin: You mean that?
Gloria: Of course I do.
Kevin: Okay, how much money do you have?
Gloria: I beg your pardon.
Kevin: I'm gonna go on the news and offer a reward. I think a million bucks is enough, right?
Gloria: I--
Michael: Hey, hey, hold on. Kevin--Kev--
Kevin: I figure I could borrow up to 150 grand on this place, if you guys could just put up the rest.
Gloria: Whatever you need, Angel.
Michael: I-I-if it comes to that.
Kevin: What? If it comes to that? What do you mean, "If it comes to that"? My wife has been missing for two days, Michael.
Michael: Yeah, and I want her back safe and sound, but offering a reward that big tends to bring every nut-job and--and con artist out of the woodwork. You know, your good clues will be buried under a pile of--of--of bogus tips and false claims.
Kevin: I-I have to do something. (Sighs)
Michael: You have. Look, you've gotten the word out over the internet. You've enlisted friends and family, and now you've got the police on board. You've just gotta let them do their job.
Kevin: Okay.
Daisy: Do you believe this?
Ryder: Kevin didn't waste any time, did he?
Daisy: He's gotta be stopped. Not only does he have these plastered all over town, he got the police to file a missing persons report.
Kevin: He must be worried sick.
Daisy: He's gonna have reason to be if he doesn't back off.
Ryder: What did you think? That he'd just forget about her? It's his wife. He loves her.
Daisy: Well, then he should have stopped her from sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.
Ryder: Do you even care that he must be worried sick right now?
Daisy: (Scoffs) You are not gonna get me to feel sorry for the guy. Its bad enough I have to pretend to care to stay one step ahead of the search.
Ryder: What are you doing?
Daisy: I'm moving on to plan "B." That way, Kevin will never have to wonder what happened to Jana again.
Ryder: (Sighs)
Tucker: So... (Sighs) I suppose you've already called the justice department and reported me, huh?
Kay: I haven't called anyone.
Tucker: Yet. But you will, especially since you know this will derail my control of Chancellor.
Kay: That it would.
Tucker: So what are you waitin' for? Oh, you want me to say you won? I'll admit this is an unexpected bump in the road. But the war is far from over.
Kay: There can only be a war if both sides are willing to fight.
Tucker: You expect me to believe you're not in this to win?
Kay: Well, unless you, uh, choose to make this public, this conversation will remain... (Drops magazine) Right here between the two of us.
Adam: So what's the big emergency?
Victor: Sit down.
Adam: You really think it's a good idea meeting here?
Victor: I said, "Sit down."
Adam: What if Tucker or someone from his organization were to find out?
Victor: I don't give a damn about Tucker McCall. I want to know what went on in this house last summer when Ashley was pregnant.
Michael: Hey, Detective Chancellor says that nobody fitting Jana's description has been reported in any hospitals or m-- morgues.
Gloria: Well, that's wonderful.
Kevin: Oh, yeah, it's great. It's great. For all we know, she's lying in a ditch somewhere too hurt to move, or... or her body just hasn't been found yet.
Michael: No, just don't got there, Kevin.
Kevin: I can't help it.
Gloria: Honey, Honey, Honey. Angel, Angel, listen. You have got to stay positive, just like Jana did when you were missing. She never gave up hope that you were coming home to her.
Kevin: (Sighs) At least she and the police had some idea where I was. They were able to track me. I've got a bunch of-- I've got fliers. I've got fliers and false leads! (Sighs) (Sniffles) Look, if something happens to her, if something happened to her--
Michael: Wait up. Just tell me, Kevin. Tell me. What else? What else? What else do you want me to do?
Kevin: (Sniffles) I don't-- there's something. I'm missing something. I know I'm missing something. What am I missing? Help me figure out what I'm missing, Michael.
(Breathing heavily)
Ryder: Here. Something to eat and wear, toothbrush, soap, that kind of thing.
Jana: You can't even look at me, can you? 'Cause I was right. I was right about you and Daisy, wasn't I? You're connected. (Laughs) You're bloody twins. (Chuckles) (Sighs) Oh, and I know about your mother.
Ryder: Are you scared?
Jana: No.
Ryder: You should be. You wanted to know so bad who we are, and we let you.
Jana: Why are you doing this? Hmm?
Ryder: You brought this on yourself.
Jana: (Sighs)
Ryder: You just kept digging and digging.
Jana: (Sighs)
Ryder: You wanted to know, and we let you. Was it worth it?
Jana: God, look at you. You are trying to be so tough. But you know what? I don't believe you. I don't think you want to do any of this, do you, Ryder?
Ryder: You don't know anything about me.
Jana: I know that you care about Kevin. And he still cares about you so much.
Ryder: Right.
Jana: He does.
Jana: Ryder? (Sighs) If you help me get out of here, you'll prove that Kevin was wrong about misjudging you. (Sighs) You can bring me home, and you'll be a hero. And I swear, I won't-- I won't say anything--
Ryder: Would you just stop it? You said it yourself. You know who my mother is. Do you honestly think you're ever gonna get out of here?
Phyllis: Do you think that Victor will get Adam to admit anything?
Nick: If anyone can break Adam, it's Dad.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, I'm glad that Ashley could finally see through him.
Nick: Well, it's about time.
Phyllis: You know, I understand how she wasn't able to. I mean, he played her like he was her only friend. I mean, of course she would trust him. How--how could she not?
Nick: Well, I still don't understand why he... (Sighs) Look, Ashley was Adam's biggest champion. I mean, Ashley's the one who convinced Dad to let Adam live at the ranch in the first place, so why would he turn around and try and convince her that she killed someone? And why would he bring that creep Taylor into her life? It just doesn't make any sense.
Phyllis: Something tells me that--that Adam is just sick enough to-- to put Ashley through this for the fun of it.
Nick: Well, I'll tell you this. If Adam is behind those hauntings, Dad is gonna want him gone. And if that happens, you can bet Adam is gonna use this Jabot deal against us.
Phyllis: Yeah, let him try. If your dad finds out that Adam was torturing Ashley, he's not gonna survive long enough to get back at anyone.
Victor: You know, Adam, I can be very forgiving. You know that better than anyone. Last year, when I came back from Mexico, you'd taken over this home, you had taken over my company, and you had forged a diary about me. And yet, here we are.
Adam: And where is "Here," exactly? 'Cause if you ask me, it feels like you just got back from Mexico again.
Victor: I meant every word of what I said on the anniversary of your mother's death. She would have been proud of you, as I am, considering everything that has been thrown at you.
Adam: Mm, and here you are accusing me of trying to hurt your ex-wife.
Victor: I just want you to answer some questions.
Adam: As if Nick and Phyllis haven't already poisoned your mind against me?
Victor: My mind is open, Adam, okay? If the accusations against you are true, and you admit to your guilt, there's always room for forgiveness.
Adam: I don't know why we have to be going into this.
Victor: I'm giving you a chance to come forth with some honest answers.
Adam: I've been giving honest answers to Nick and Phyllis and Ashley over and over, and I've told them to come to me with some kind of proof that I'm lying, and they haven't been able to substantiate anything.
Victor: (Sighs) Then either you're innocent, or you're very, very devious and you know how to cover your tracks.
Adam: No, there's no tracks to cover. I don't know anything about a piece of purple cloth or Dr. Taylor's disgusting past. But what I do know is how you were able to get that high bid on the Jabot deal.
Victor: What does that have to do with anything?
Adam: I'm just saying that if you and Nick keep up with these accusations about me, I might just have to tell people what you've done.
Victor: Let me tell you something. You expose the Jabot deal, you go down with it. But if you're lying about what you did to Ashley, the fallout of the Jabot deal will be nothing compared to the hell that I'll put you through.
Phyllis: We should get the check, don't you think?
Nick: Mm, not yet. It's been so long since we, uh, have had a chance to have a cup of coffee together-- just been alone together. I think we should celebrate.
Phyllis: What do you have in mind?
Nick: I got a lot of things in mind.
Phyllis: Wow.
Nick: What?
Phyllis: Well, I was saying, "Wow," because not only did we find out that we're keeping secrets from each other-- well, that we were keeping secrets from each other, and we just got through a crisis that involved-- shocker-- it involved Sharon, and we're still talking. That's a feat for us.
Nick: Well, I want to do a lot more than talk.
Phyllis: You do? Really?
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: Well, I wonder what you want to do. You know, Summer's home with the sitter.
Nick: Race you to the front desk.
Phyllis: Okay. (Giggles)
Adam: Well, this is a coincidence.
Tucker: Is it?
Adam: Yeah. I was gonna call you, but, uh, this conversation might be better handled in person.
Tucker: Sounds serious. What is it?
Adam: Well, I understand that you still haven't filled the, uh, V.P. position for the being in charge of European operations.
Tucker: You have someone in mind?
Adam: You're looking at him. I can leave immediately.
Victor: Well, this is an unexpected surprise.
Kay: Well, my dear, it seems to be a day for surprises.
Victor: You all right?
Kay: Uh, well, I'm better now. Seeing you seems to ground me always. I, however, could use a good stiff...
Victor: Mm-hmm. A seltzer.
Kay: (Laughs)
Victor: Just a seltzer.
Kay: Oh, you're not gonna let me get away with a thing, are you?
Victor: Look who's talking.
(Liquid pouring and fizzing)
Victor: There we go.
Kay: Thank you.
Victor: Does this have anything to do with Tucker McCall?
Kay: Now, you see, you're the only one who would know that without my saying a word.
Victor: (Chuckles) What happened? What did he do now?
Kay: Well, Victor, as you know, I've been-- been trying to find a way to bring him down, stop him from pillaging my company.
Victor: Well, did you?
Kay: Well, in the beginning, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Victor, that man's background is almost spotless.
Victor: Hmm. Almost?
Kay: Mm-hmm. I finally did find something.
Victor: Really? Well, tell me about it, and I'll take him down.
Kay: I can’t.
Victor: Why not?
Kay: (Sighs) I went to him, and I had that sword right above his head, but I couldn't drop it. Now I had a chance to destroy a man who nearly destroyed me... and I walked... I walked away from him.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Kevin: Hey.
J.T.: I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner.
Kevin: Hey, I appreciate that you came.
J.T.: Sure. Uh, bring me up to speed on what you've done so far.
Kevin: Okay.
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Ooh, I'm so sorry. So sorry. Oh, this is a client. I have to take this. Sorry.
Kevin: Um...
Michael: Victoria?
Victoria: Hey. I wasn't sure you'd answer. Um, I heard about Jana. I figured you'd be pretty wrapped up in that.
Michael: Uh, well, I have a moment. What's up?
Victoria: It's my divorce. Um, I'm afraid that J.T. saying that he wanted to end things amicably was just--was just talk, so...
Michael: Can you meet now?
Victoria: I don't want to take you away from Kevin.
Michael: Oh, we're in limbo at the moment. Um, where are you?
Victoria: I'm home.
Michael: All right, give me five minutes.
Victoria: Thanks, Michael.
Michael: Sure. Uh, that was a client, and I have got to run--so sorry.
J.T.: That sounds-- that sounds urgent.
Michael: Listen-- yeah, anything happens, you give me a call.
Gloria: (Sneezes) Excuse me. I'm so sorry.
Kevin: I will.
Michael: All right. See you.
Kevin: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Gloria: (Gasps) Its Jeffrey.
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Gloria: (Sighs) Hi. Has someone seen her? Every single store? Well, then put the manager on the phone, and I'll tell her how important this is.
Kevin: (Sighs) So I've--I've heard people say that... (Sighs) When someone goes missing, the first 48 hours are the most critical, and, um, we're coming up on that.
J.T.: Yeah, it's true. The longer somebody stays missing, the colder the trail gets, but it doesn't mean we're not gonna find her.
Daisy: Perfect.
Ryder: I think Jana might be sick.
Daisy: Poor thing.
Ryder: She's been getting these wicked headaches.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Ryder: She almost fainted just now.
Daisy: She's probably faking.
Ryder: I don't think so.
Daisy: Well, then maybe her brain tumor grew back.
Ryder: Her what?
Daisy: Yeah, I read about it online a while ago. Uh, she used it to get out of killing someone. She told the courts that her tumor was making her do things that she didn't want to do, and the--the judge bought it, and she was sprung.
Ryder: Yeah, well, whatever it is, I think she needs to see a doctor.
Daisy: No way. She belongs behind bars. Now give me those clothes.
Ryder: What are you gonna do?
Daisy: Simple-- make Jana disappear.
Nick: You are so beautiful.
Victoria: You don't think that J.T. would try to get custody of Reed, do you?
Michael: Well, he could. I'm just hoping he realizes that would be a no-win for everyone.
Victoria: Well, if he's even considering something like that, there is absolutely no way I can live under the same roof with him, Michael.
Michael: Victoria, you might not have a choice. Since Sharon owns the house and leased it to both of you, you have no legal grounds to ask J.T. to leave. If you try to make an issue of it, you'll weaken your position in court.
J.T.: Yeah, I'd like to schedule a meeting with somebody in your office. I need representation for a, uh, divorce.
Gloria: Here you go, with marshmallows, just like when you were my little boy, hmm?
Kevin: (Laughs) Thanks, Mom. (Sighs) just sitting here... (Sighs) Knowing that... my wife could be hurt and not being able to help her...
Gloria: It is going to be okay, Kevin.
Kevin: You don't know that, Mom. Nobody does. (Sighs) (Sighs) And I just keep thinking about... all the times over the last few months she came to me wanting to talk, and I would just shut her down. (Sighs) And now I might not ever have the chance to make that up to her. (Breathing heavily)
Gloria: You will get that chance. And you have got to believe that. (Sighs)
Daisy: (British accent) Would you help me? Uh, I need a room, a single. My name? Jana Fisher.
Ryder: I can't believe you're actually going through with this.
Daisy: (Normal voice) It's time Kevin faced the cold hard truth. His loving wife wasn't abducted. She left him.
Victor: You know, my friend, you have the power to blow this man out of the water.
Kay: I know that. (Sighs)
Victor: Well, then why the hell aren't you doing it? Remember what he's done to you? He's deceived you, manipulated you.
Kay: Well, when I was searching for a way to salvage my company, I was determined to beat him at his own game.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Kay: And when I found what I needed to make that happen... I was determined-- determined to grind his face right into the ground with it.
Victor: But you didn't do that.
Kay: No. (Clears throat) Uh, no, I went-- so I went to Tucker, presented my proof...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Kay: All of a sudden, I wasn't looking at Tucker McCall at all. I was looking into the face of my son.
Victor: Well, that doesn't give him the right to deceive you to the point where he steals the company from you.
Kay: (Laughs) Listen to you, my friend. Your own son helped send you to prison for murder...
Victor: (Sighs)
Kay: And yet you reopened your house to him, hired him back to work for you.
Victor: You got a point.
Kay: And I, uh, I-I'm sure you have to wonder, as do I, if things would have been a lot different for Adam had you been around to give him the love and support that he needed.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Kay: So you see, I, uh... I couldn't crush my son today. No, that choice I made all those years ago, well, that's--don't you see? That's what made him the man that he is today. And that's something I'm going to have to live with. You do, too.
Adam: My father's written me off. I have no ties to Genoa City. I believe I could be an asset to McCall's overseas operations.
Tucker: I have no doubt you would be.
Adam: I could leave tonight if you want.
Tucker: Listen, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I have plans for you here.
Adam: What kind of plans?
Tucker: For starters, I want you to put a hold on all sales of Chancellor companies.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Ashley: Is he stopping the sale of Jabot?
Jack: He's agreed to hear me argue the validity of the sale.
Man: Immigration officer. You need to come with us.
Ashley: Everything's on schedule. Your package has arrived.
Patty: You really--you really think he'll love it?
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