Y&R Transcript Monday 2/22/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 2/22/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 2/23/10 -- USA


Episode # 9342 ~ Katherine Discovers Tucker's Secret

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Devon: No, Neil, it's cool. The table's not even ready yet. Yeah, well, they thought we were coming tomorrow.

Cane: Hey, Malcolm. Hey.

Devon: Okay, yeah. We'll just play it by ear then.

Cane: How you doing, man?

Malcolm: Hey, Cane. What you having, man?

Cane: Uh, nothing. I, uh, look, I can't make the party. I'm sorry.

Malcolm: Oh, come on man. You're kidding now. I mean, this is for Lily.

Cane: Yeah, I know. Uh...

Devon: Is something wrong?

Cane: No, nothing's wrong, but I got a last-minute call from Tucker, so I gotta meet him here.

Malcolm: Oh, okay. The big Chancellor powwow.

Cane: Yeah.

Malcolm: Yeah, that's why they haven't been able to seat us. I mean, the guy's taken over half the room.

Devon: Yeah, why don't you, uh, tell the billionaire to hurry it up a little, would you?

Cane: I'll do that for you...

Devon: Thanks.

Cane: All right? All right, I'll see you guys later. Bye.

Malcolm: All right, now. Well, it looks like it just might be you and me, Dude.

Devon: Do you think so?

Mac: Oh, here's the guest of honor.

Malcolm: Hey.

Devon: Hey, hey. How are you? You look great.

Lily: Oh, thank you. I feel great.

Mac: Hi.

Malcolm: Hi.

Mac: You guys heard that Cane can't make it?

Malcolm: Hey, Baby.

Devon: Uh, yeah, and Neil has a business meeting, too, so...

Lily: Oh, okay.

Malcolm: Um, you want to reschedule?

Lily: What? No. No. Are you kidding me? Listen, I have spent months dreaming of when I'd be done with chemo, and it is finally here, so please, let us party, okay?

Malcolm: Oh, that's my girl. Come on. What you having?

Lily: (Chuckles) All right. Um, let's see. Hi. Can I get, um, an orange juice? Thank you.

Mac: Two.

Victoria: Peanut butter and bacon? You're not gonna eat that, are you?

J.T.: It's not for me. It's for Reed. It's his favorite. Check the list on the fridge.

Victoria: Yeah, the "B" stands for "Banana," not "Bacon."

J.T.: No, not any-- not anymore. We tried it while you were gone, and he loved it, so I've been feeding it to him every day since.

Victoria: Oh, okay. I didn't realize that.

J.T.: There's no reason to feel bad.

Victoria: Wait, what?

J.T.: That you didn't know.

Victoria: (Laughs) I don't feel bad. It's a sandwich for God sakes.

J.T.: All right.

Victoria: Look, I know the important things, all right? God, why am I defending myself to you? This is ridiculous.

J.T.: Because you feel bad that you put work in front of your family.

Victoria: Oh, I did that? I think that you're the one who wanted to move to New York without us. That's what I think.

J.T.: Oh, you know what that was about.

Victoria: Yeah, it was about you making a point, trying to get back at my dad, which is what you're doing now working for Tucker McCall. How exactly is that putting family first?

J.T.: See, when I talk about family, I mean you and Reed. You mean Victor.

Victoria: Okay, don't start, okay? He is not to blame for our problems.

J.T.: No, no, of course. He wouldn't have done anything to us if you were willing to stand up to him.

Victoria: Did I or did I not just walk away from the C.E.O. job that he offered me?

J.T.: After you accepted it first.

Victoria: Well, the point is that I-I decided against it.

J.T.: Why, w-was that for us? So you could spend more time at home with Reed and maybe work on our marriage?

Victoria: What marriage?

J.T.: Yeah, well, exactly.

(Knock on door)

Nikki: Hi.

J.T.: Hi. See you later.

Victoria: I'm, um, I-I'm gonna give-- I'm gonna take Reed his lunch. I-I'll be right back.

Adam: Hey. Glad you're here. I want to take my gorgeous wife to lunch.

Sharon: Yeah? I'm surprised you have time.

Adam: Well, I finished my project with Tucker, and, uh, he didn't need me for the meeting, so... you're packing.

Sharon: Yep.

Adam: So don't tell me that you changed your mind and you're gonna leave Genoa City with me.

Sharon: Nope. They finished the house. They finished restoring Brad's house. We can move back in.

Adam: (Sighs heavily) You sure you want to do that?

Sharon: Well, leaving town would feel like running away.

Adam: Okay. Listen, I am-- I'm happy as long as I'm with you.

(Knock on door)

Sharon: Oh, that's Jack. He came with the keys, and I didn't know you'd be here.

Adam: No, don't--don't worry.

Jack: Adam, hello. I, uh, have some keys for you.

Adam: So I heard. Come in.

Jack: Hi.

Sharon: Jack, thank you. Thanks for finishing the house so quickly.

Jack: No problem.

Sharon: I'm just gonna get back to packing. I'm--I'm anxious to get out of here.

Jack: So have you, uh, been considering my offer?

Adam: Mm, so this is why you've been so polite, kind.

Jack: You know what? I'm gonna let Victor do my recruiting for me. It's only a matter of time before he kicks you to the curb.

Ashley: Hey, Jackie, I need to get a hold of you. I talked to the contractor, and Brad's house is ready today, which is fantastic, because the girls and I are leaving the ranch today, so I need to get the keys. Call me back right away.

(Front door closes)

Ashley: Oh, good, um, we're all set. The movers should be here any second.

Victor: Nicholas and Phyllis tell me that you suspect Adam, that he's the one who tormented you last summer.

Ashley: I really don't want to have this conversation with you right now.

Victor: Why would you want to protect him from me?

Ashley: I'm not, believe me. I am not protecting Adam.

Victor: Then kindly tell me what you think he did.

Ashley: (Sighs)

Cane: (Clears throat)

Tucker: Ah, Cane. That's some good work you did on that Bio Link prospectus.

Cane: Thank you. So, uh, is that what this meeting's about? You want to, uh, put Bio Link up for bid?

Tucker: Oh, not just Bio Link-- all the divisions of Chancellor.

Cane: So you want to, uh, sell all of Chancellor off in one day, huh?

Tucker: Well, I see no reason to hesitate. The sharks have been circling ever since I took control. I figure I'll throw everything in the tank, and start a feeding frenzy like I did with Jabot. You know, you and Adam and J.T. provided such excellent analysis on each company, I think it should help us bring in top dollar.

Cane: Okay, um, but I think you would add more value to your organization if you merged tool and die with web standard. You would broaden your product line, and, uh, increase the economy of scale with that.

Tucker: It's all going, Cane. And when you tell Katherine, as I fully expect you to do, be sure and remind her what a bundle of money she stands to make. Go on now. I'm sure she's expecting you.

Cane: (Knocks on table)

Neil: Well, well, Tucker McCall, look at this. This is your life.

Kay: (Chuckles) Yeah. Every scrap of information I could get on the man. It's in rough chronological order starting with the '80s in, uh, the music business up until now.

Neil: Right.

Kay: And, um, and I have, um, the other piles starting with, um, the airplane strike, testimony before congress, and then, um, uh, personal profiles.

Neil: How long have you been at this?

Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, in the wee, wee hours. My son is not the only one who has this obsessive streak.

Neil: Well, what'd you find out so far?

Kay: Nothing-- definite, that is. I have this-- this other pile over here. Um, uh, red flags. You know, it's-- it raises questions with me.

Neil: I'm sure it does. Okay, I'm gonna suggest to you that you take a break...

Kay: No, no, no.

Neil: And let me get going on it.

Kay: No, no, no, no, no, no. I am not gonna rest until I find the smoking gun. 'Cause I'm telling you something right now, it's gonna be a cold day in hell before I let that pirate son of mine demolish my entire life.

Neil: Katherine, I highly advise that you let me bring in Chancellor lawyers on this.

Kay: Oh, please. They're McCall's lawyers now. Don't forget that.

Neil: No, I haven't forgotten that. (Clears throat) Their loyalty is to you.

Kay: But this is my mission. And I swear to you, I'm gonna find that man's weakness. Unfortunately, he, um, he's thorough in ev-- every single thing he does, thorough.

Neil: He gets that from you.

Kay: Well...

Neil: (Clears throat) Yeah, unfortunately, he didn't inherit your integrity.

Kay: (Sighs) (Chuckles) Well, he has good taste-- not in his love life, obviously. He dated Jill.

Neil: Obviously.

Kay: But...

Neil: Mm?

Kay: In his art. No, no, no. He has a very substantial collection.

(Front door opens)

Kay: Oh, Cane, Darling. Hello.

Cane: This just came, uh, from the, uh, G.C.U. business library.

Kay: (Stammers) Put it over there. I'll go through that next.

Cane: So, um, you're trying to find something on Tucker, huh?

Kay: Mm.

Neil: If you've got the time--

Cane: That's the problem. We don't have the time. He's selling off the rest of Chancellor right now.

Nikki: Victoria, nobody could ever call you a bad mother.

Victoria: Well, J.T. just did, didn't he? Not in so many words, but he did.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Victoria: (Sighs)

Nikki: Look, I know you all are living under the same roof for Reed's sake, but if it isn't working, and clearly it isn't, you need to reconsider. Now why don't you...

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Nikki: Come up to the main house? That way, you'd have some breathing room, but J.T. is still close by.

Victoria: No, Mom. (Sighs) I can't, okay? I just--I can't be around Dad right now.

Nikki: Oh, come on. Don't let a little business disagreement get in the way of this.

Victoria: Oh...

Nikki: You--uh, we're family. You need to be with family.

Victoria: It was way more than a business disagreement, okay? He put my professional reputation on the line. He brought Adam into his confidence, and he left me in the dark.

Nikki: You go talk to him. I'm sure you can work this out.

Ashley: I've handled the situation with Adam.

Victor: All you have done is throw him off the ranch.

Ashley: I told him I don't want him to have any part in my life. (Sighs)

Victor: That's it? After what you say he has done?

Ashley: Victor, this isn't your fight.

Victor: How can it not be my fight? My son lives here at my home, and he gaslights my wife? How can it not be my fight?

Ashley: Well, you tried to get him off the ranch, remember? You tried to do that, and I wouldn't let you do it.

Victor: How did he manage to make you a victim and an ally at the same time?

Ashley: I guess I was in desperate need of support. He made you and Olivia believe that I was losing my mind, and he made me believe that he was the only person that I could turn to. It was cruel and despicable and disgusting, and I don't know why he did it to me.

Victor: But you still think he did it.

Ashley: I don't have any proof, Victor. God, the more I remember, I'm certain of it, and the more glad I am that I'm leaving this place.

J.T.: You all have updated prospectuses on all the companies that make up Chancellor Industries, with the exception of Jabot, which was recently sold to Newman Enterprises for a record amount. Now if you have any questions on the financial statements, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll turn it over to Mr. McCall.

Tucker: Thank you, J.T. well, here we are. I think you're all savvy enough to know the opportunity I'm presenting. Some of these companies have been in the Chancellor stable for decades. From the yearlings to the most veteran warhorse, they're all thoroughbreds. Anyone looking to find a bargain today is in the wrong place. So make your best offer. If you don't, you'll walk away empty-handed. It'll be 20, 30 years before you get another crack at it. And we'll be taking bids for the next, uh, 55 minutes. After that, the window closes.

Kay: Let's focus, really focus, on when he first started. He got his start, right? Before this veil of silence ever descended.

Cane: Okay, well, uh, he began managing a band.

Neil: That's true. He took a group of nobodies to the top of the charts in the blink of an eye. He created his own record label after that.

Kay: And then that's his claim to fame-- taking new talent and turning them into stars.

Cane: Okay, so, all right, he has the Midas touch. Okay.

Neil: So it would seem.

Cane: You think there's something else going on?

Neil: Well, that would explain the meteoric rise.

Cane: Payola?

Neil: If he did pay off people to play his artists, he covered his tracks very well.

Kay: Okay, right, and his--his financial records are in order. No, there's not a thing, not one single thing that indicates any type of a bribe. (Stammers)

Cane: It looks like he was the toast of the town, okay? Here he is. He's hobnobbing with heads of state, with senators, with ambassadors.

Neil: Right, right, right. And he called them his friends.

Cane: Uh-huh.

Neil: Uh, he still does. Look at what I have here. Uh, "Tucker McCall and former Yugoslavian minister of culture Alexander Tomas to helm 2009 film festival."

Kay: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

Neil: What?

Kay: Give me that.

Neil: What? What? What is it? Katherine, what is it?

Kay: (Chuckles) (Laughs) Oh, rotten. Gentlemen, I think we finally have got Mr. Tucker where we want him.

Malcolm: Boiled gingerroot-- guaranteed to ease morning sickness.

Mac: Thank you.

Lily: And how do you know about that?

Malcolm: Oh, you pick up a lot of home remedies when you're in places without a drugstore on every corner.

Mac: That'll come in handy if you ever have kids. I mean, other-- I-I'm sorry. Never mind.

Lily: (Chuckles) Uh, no, actually. It--it's fine. That's funny, because I could have little half brothers and sisters.

Malcolm: Oh, how did we get on that topic?

Devon: I think the miracle is we were actually off the topic of babies for a while.

Malcolm: (Chuckles)

Lily: Well, don't you want to be a father again?

Malcolm: Well, you're kind to put it that way... (Sighs) Seeing as how I was never much of a father the first time.

Lily: Well, you're making up for it now.

Victor: But why don't you understand that this is for your benefit?

Victoria: (Sighs)

Victor: Sweetheart?

Nikki: Now look, you two, I just left you alone for a minute to turn on a movie for Reed. What's going on?

Victor: (Exhales slowly)

Victoria: Oh, no, Mom. We are fine. Dad was just explaining to me what an ungrateful spoiled brat I am.

Victor: That is not at all what I said. I said you overreacted when you found out that I acquired Jabot.

Victoria: Well, you can't blame me for not wanting to be involved in another huge public scandal.

Victor: Who says that would have happened?

Victoria: You can't say that it wouldn't with Adam involved. With everything that he knows that he could use against us? Dad, I cannot believe that you would put me in this position.

Nikki: Your father thinks that he has Adam in control.

Victor: But you're right in not trusting Adam. He may have his own agenda.

Victoria: Well, you seem to trust him more than you trust me.

Victor: Sweetheart, that's not it. I did this because I wanted you to be able to truthfully say that you knew nothing of this transaction.

Victoria: (Chuckles) No one is gonna believe that.

Victor: In other words, I'm gonna have to settle for a second-rate C.E.O.

Nikki: He was so looking forward to seeing you head up Jabot. I was, too.

Victoria: Well, I was looking forward to it, as well, until I found out that Adam's little spying game is the only reason you were able to buy Jabot in the first place.

Victor: There's another reason that Adam is working for Tucker McCall.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. You need him there so he can gather information.

Victor: No, that's not all. I want to keep Adam at arm's length. I want him at a distance from my family.

Ashley: It looks great.

Jack: Isn't it something?

Ashley: I mean, it doesn't look any different.

Jack: Never a fire here.

Ashley: Oh, I can't wait to get all settled in.

Jack: Uh, listen, about that. Um, I had no idea you were thinking of living here. I've already told Sharon and Adam they could move back in.

Ashley: Oh. Oops. I wish I'd gotten a hold of you sooner. But you know what? They're just gonna have to make different arrangements.

Jack: Okay, think about this. What if you and the girls moved in with me and Emily? We'd love to have you. There's plenty of room. I'd--

Ashley: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. I really want to be on my own, Jackie.

Jack: Now wait. Now wait.

Ashley: Honestly.

Jack: Just hear me out.

Sharon: It's so great to be home.

Adam: Ahh, finally.

Ashley: Hi there. I'm really sorry to disappoint you, Sharon, but, um, there's been a change of plans.

Kay: Then it's got to be here somewhere.

Cane: What are you looking for?

Kay: Um, come on. Come on. Come on. Where? Where? Where? It's a magazine. Come on.

Neil: Is it this one?

Kay: No. No. Here. Aha! Ah, here it is. Here it is. (Laughs triumphantly) All right. Gentlemen, young Tucker McCall in his office in the '80s...

Cane: Mm-hmm.

Kay: And here is Tucker McCall in Alexander Tomas' office 20 years later. Now what do you see?

Neil: The-- it's the--the--the painting.

Cane: The painting, yeah.

Neil: It's the painting. It--it's the same one as on the wall there.

Kay: Mm-hmm, exact--yes. A Simon Griffin painting, and that is worth tens of millions of dollars.

Cane: You think he sold it to him?

Kay: No, he gave it to him under the table.

Neil: Right, right. So that Tomas would make sure that McCall's recording artists would get preferential radio and TV time. Of course.

Kay: Yes, and that's how he made everybody a star. Everybody be a star! Cheat!

Neil: Oh, you know what? It wouldn't surprise me if he did this in other parts of the world.

Cane: Okay, but how are we gonna prove this? There probably wouldn't be record of this, okay?

Neil: It's the insurance. There's gotta be a providence.

Cane: Uh-huh.

Neil: Some account of who has purchased and sold that painting. Just give me a minute, and I'll find out for us.

Kay: We've got him! We've got him! Aah! We've got that little ch-cheat exactly where we want him.

Malcolm: You don't think your dad is staying away because of me, do you?

Lily: No. No, no, no, no. No, this fight for Chancellor is taking up a lot of his time.

Mac: I know Grandma's really appreciative of his loyalty, and Cane’s.

Malcolm: That's right. I always forget you're a Chancellor.

Mac: Actually, well, technically I'm a Reynolds, 'cause Brock is my dad.

Lily: Yeah, and she didn't find that out till she was in high school.

Malcolm: Okay, you two have that in common then.

Mac: Sort of. Except at least Lily knew you and you had a relationship. My dad didn't even know I existed.

Lily: Hey, that's kind of like, um, like your dad, Devon.

Devon: Yeah.

Malcolm: I thought your dad took off.

Devon: So did I. But, uh, I found out my mom never told him about me.

Malcolm: (Sighs) You ever, uh, you ever think about trying to find him?

Devon: Absolutely, all the time. Um, I'm just not sure about it yet.

Malcolm: Well, you got the best dad you could ask for, man.

Devon: That is true.

Mac: Well, Lily's the best sister you could ask for, but you were still happy when you found Ana, right?

Devon: Yeah. Yes, I was. That's definitely another way to look at it. You know, and your babies are gonna have two moms, right?

Mac: No. No, Lily is the only mom.

Devon: Well, yeah, but, I mean, you have maternal feelings for them. It's only natural, right?

Mac: Um, well, I-I feel protective, and I worry about them. I guess that's maternal. But mostly, I think it's about, um, wanting this to happen for Lily and Cane.

Lily: Yeah, and you are doing a great job.

Mac: Well, it's easy.

Lily: Easy? (Laughs) What?

Mac: Well, yeah. I just have to carry them. You're the one that has to raise them.

Lily: That's true.

Malcolm: She speaks the truth. (Chuckles)

Lily: Yes. (Chuckles)

Sharon: You're not going to take it this far, are you?

Ashley: You know what? This decision really has nothing to do with you or Adam.

Adam: I'm supposed to believe that?

Jack: What--did-- did I miss something here?

Ashley: You know what? This is Abby’s home, and she feels close to Brad here and to Colleen. You can understand that, right?

Sharon: I could understand why you would do this for Abby, but I don't think that's all there is to it. I don't think you're finished punishing Adam.

Jack: Punishing Adam for what?

Ashley: Jack, I'll explain later, okay? Look, I'm telling you the truth. I made this decision for Abby’s sake. But it's also true when I tell you that I'm not comfortable having Adam on our family property.

Sharon: The same property where Adam saved Noah’s life. Uh, I guess that's been forgotten.

Ashley: No. I mean, obviously, Adam's capable of great heroism. He's also capable of much worse.

Sharon: You have no proof for any of that.

Ashley: Sharon, I'm not gonna debate this with you. I'm sorry you got caught in the cross fire, but you're gonna have to find another place to live.

Jack: Uh, l-l-l-let me get on the phone, make a couple of calls, see if I can find a p--

Adam: Come on, Jack. Jack, forget it, okay? And you can forget about this partnership, okay? I'm cutting off all ties. And as for you, Ashley, the way you want to treat me, it--that's fine. I don't care. But the way you're treating Sharon? It's inexcusable.

Ashley: What the hell? What "Partnership," Jack?

Jack: (Sighs)

Victoria: Dad, listen. I really do appreciate your offer to make me the C.E.O. of Jabot. But... (Sighs) The issue of Adam aside, I just don't know if right now is the best time for me to be taking on something new.

Victor: Because of the divorce?

Victoria: I just think that it's gonna be really hard on Reed, and I think I need to be available to him full-time.

Nikki: Well, Honey, that is important. But is this part of your response to what J.T. said?

Victor: What did J.T. say?

Victoria: (Sighs) He thinks I'm neglecting Reed.

Nikki: Now, Honey... (Sighs) People say things in the heat of an argument. They don't mean them. You know that well. The best thing for Reed is for you and J.T. to work things out together and make it okay for him.

Victoria: No, Mom, I just don't see that happening. It's just been so bad for so long. It's--it's just not gonna happen.

Nikki: All right, well, the best thing you can do in that situation is protect your son. And the bitterness and hostility that I saw today--no child should be around that ever.

Victoria: I don't have any good options. What am I supposed to do? I can't take him away from the only home that he's ever known and a father that he adores.

Victor: But don't you think anything is better than what you're going through now? You're in a--you're in limbo.

Nikki: You just know we will support you whatever you decide. Okay, Baby? Don't worry.

J.T.: Okay, what were the fourth quarter asset write-offs? All right. Okay. Thank you. Hey.

Mac: Hi. You can't tell me what's going on over there, can you?

J.T.: Uh, well, you'll know soon enough.

Mac: Poor Grandma. How you doing?

J.T.: Okay.

Mac: No, really.

J.T.: Really? Uh, horrible, actually. But Reed's a bright spot right now, you know? I spend a few minutes with him, and I forget about everything else, so...

Mac: How much does he know about what's going on between you and Victoria?

J.T.: I try to protect him as much as I can.

Mac: You're a good dad.

J.T.: I'd better get back.

Mac: Okay.

Cane: Huh?

J.T.: Hey.

Cane: Hey. All right, you can start the party now.

Malcolm: Hey, you were able to make it after all.

Lily: Hey.

Malcolm: All right.

Cane: So, uh, Neil's over at Katherine’s still. I think we found something interesting. And he's gonna stay and follow up on this, so it's good.

Lily: Well, just tell me you found a way to help her.

Cane: Yeah, I think we did.

Devon: What'd you come up with? What--

Man: David-- David Belford. How are you?

Cane: You talking to me?

Man: Come on. It hasn't been that long.

Cane: Uh... sorry, Mate. I think you have the wrong guy.

Devon: (Scoffs)

Cane: (Sighs)

Sharon: (Sighs)

Adam: I hate that you're being dragged down with me in all of this. (Sighs heavily)

Sharon: It'll all blow over.

Adam: Sharon, you're kidding yourself. Right now, Ashley is telling Jack all her paranoid theories about what happened over the summer, and if my dad hasn't found out about it yet, he's going to. And--and they're gonna be coming at me, at us, from all sides. Listen, let me-- let me take you out of here. Let's just--just-- let's just leave. I don't care if you want to call it running, okay? I... (Sighs) (Sighs heavily) I just want to be the one who makes you happy. I'm sick and tired of feeling like I'm making your life a living hell.

Sharon: Well, just ignore them.

Adam: We're supposed to be starting over, remember? That's what we were all about. And now we're just-- we're just fighting the past every damn day. I'm sick of it. I just want to get out of here. (Sighs) Let me-- let me take you somewhere, anywhere. Let's--let's-- let's just go far away. I-I'll go wherever. Let's--let's go to Paris, and we'll--we'll be near Noah.

Sharon: If we run, you're going to look guilty.

Adam: They think that I'm guilty no matter what. It doesn't-- it doesn't matter to them. Do you understand? I mean, I will stay here, Sharon, if that's what you want, but listen, we could be so much happier. We could. We could be so much happier if we just got out of here. I mean, it could be like Tahoe. Come here. It could be like our honeymoon. (Sighs) It could be like that all the time. Let me take you away from here, please? We'll start fresh, a new life.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Victor: (Sighs) Tell me what you need.

Victoria: I need for Reed to be okay, Dad, and I don't know how to do that.

Victor: Now you know what it's like for me to see my child in pain. I just want to make you happy. I want what's best for you, okay?

Victoria: I know you meant well, Dad. But I just-- I don't have an answer for you about Jabot now.

Victor: Never mind that. Family comes first. I'm proud of the choice you made.

Nikki: Reed looks like he's fading pretty fast. Should I put him down for a nap?

Victoria: (Sighs) No, I'm gonna get him home.

Victor: Good.

Victoria: Hmm?

Victor: Then he can ride on my shoulders.

Victoria: Oh. (Chuckles) That would make his day.

Victor: That's right.

Victoria: Okay.

Victor: Come on. He will love that.

Tucker: And if you consider the international opportunities, that--

Kay: Um, uh, no, no.

J.T.: Katherine, hi.

Kay: Please, please, don't get up. How very nice to see all of you once again. And, um, the meeting is now adjourned.

Tucker: What do you think you're doing?

Kay: You're just like Jo-Jo, aren't you? You can hardly wait to, uh, throw a big yard sale and, uh, unload everything all at once.

Tucker: This "Yard sale" is gonna net you a fortune beyond your wildest dreams.

Kay: Oh, Tucker, I don't dream of fortunes. Ever since you took over this company, I've dreamt of that moment when I could finally put you in your place, and now it's here. Oh, excuse me. I, uh, do you really want to continue this in front of all of these lovely people?

J.T.: Slight change of plans. (Sighs) I'll be accepting your offers on your way out.

Kay: Oh, uh, by the way, uh, uh, don't call us. We will call you.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Tucker: You accomplished nothing here.

Kay: Oh, spoken like a man who's used to getting his own way. And you always do, do you not? Ever since you took that unknown band and, let's see-- you made them an overnight success. Oh, I mean, that was quite a coup for a young up-upstart like you. How did you ever manage to pull that off?

Lily: So who did he think you were? David Belford?

Cane: (Clicks tongue) I know. It's weird, huh?

Devon: Yeah, I thought for a minute you might have a third identity to tell us about.

Cane: (Chuckles)

Lily: That's not funny.

Cane: Yeah.

Malcolm: All right, uh, here, a toast to the mother- and father-to-be.

Devon: Hear, hear.

Lily: Thank you.

Cane: Thank you.

(Wineglasses clink)

Cane: Cheers, everybody.

Devon: Cheers.

Lily: What--what-- what's wrong? What's wrong?

Cane: You all right?

Mac: I'm-- (sighs) I'm fine. I think that I felt them move.

Devon: (Chuckles)

Lily: Really?

Cane: Where?

Mac: Aah! There--there-- there--there they are again. Right there.

Devon: They want to join the party.

Lily: Oh, my gosh.

Mac: Clearly, they do.

Lily: Wait, what does it feel like?

Mac: Um, it's hard to explain. It's like, um, like bubbles popping or--or popcorn.

Cane: Wow.

Devon: (Chuckles)

Mac: Oh, my gosh.

Lily: Ohh.

Malcolm: (Laughs)

Devon: That's cool.

Man: Yep, it's him-- Cane Ashby. When do we move on him?

Ashley: (Scoffs)

Jack: Obviously, Adam isn't one of my favorite people. But to get Jabot back, I would partner with the devil himself.

Ashley: Well, you know what? You're not far off with Adam.

Jack: What the hell happened? You used to be his staunchest supporter.

Ashley: Well, I should have listened to you. You tried to warn me. But now you have to listen to me. You don't want any part of Adam.

Jack: What did Adam do?

Ashley: All the things that happened last summer, Jack-- you know, all those things that made me think I was losing my mind?

Jack: You think Adam's responsible?

Ashley: I know he was.

Sharon: (Sighs) You know what? There's nothing in Genoa City worth staying for.

Adam: Are you saying...

Sharon: Let's get outta here.

Victor: Oh, he loved that ride on my shoulders.

Nikki: (Chuckles) Thank you for reaching out to Victoria, and for not lashing out at J.T., because I know you were tempted.

Victor: She doesn't need to hear that from me now.

Nikki: Well, you never know where things will lead. Right now, they're angry. They're hurting. They're hurting each other. We've certainly been there. But I guess we found our way right back to where we started, didn't we?

Victor: If we had known what it would take all those years to get this point--?

Nikki: Yeah, well...

Victor: (Chuckles)

Nikki: It's probably, um, best that we didn’t. We would have looked at each other and run screaming in the opposite direction. I wouldn't want to be anywhere other than where I am right now.

Victor: I will never let you get away again.

Victoria: (Sighs)  

J.T.: I'm sorry if I was rude to your mother.

Victoria: (Sighs) She understands.

J.T.: I'm sure she does.

Victoria: But... (Sighs) Obviously, we cannot continue like this. It's not good for Reed. So I think that it's time that you find your own place.

J.T.: I am not leaving my son.

Victoria: Neither one of us wants to leave Reed. But this is something--

J.T.: Really? Really? Because, uh, you didn't seem to have any problem when you took off for Dubai.

Tucker: You're talking about things that happened so long ago, I can barely remember.

Kay: Really? Well, it's very fresh in my mind. I was reading about it just now, you see, and, uh... (Sighs) Could you tell me how you, um, made household names out of, uh, all those... unknowns?

Tucker: Well, it's just a matter of knowing what the public wants.

Kay: Ah, what the public wants. I see. Okay. Uh, was that what, um, Alexander Tomas wanted? Was it by any chance that Griffin painting that you had then in your art collection that is now s-so prominently displayed in--in his collection? Oh, my gosh. What do you know? I am betting that's how you paid him off. You paid him off with that... for playing your music. Do you realize what the authorities can do with that information? Oh, my God, that's all they need to open up investigation in every deal you ever made, and they-- not your mother-- they... can shut you down.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Ryder: Do you honestly think you're ever gonna get out of here?

Adam: If you and Nick keep up with these accusations about me, I might just have to tell people what you've done.

Ryder: What are you gonna do?

Daisy: Simple-- make Jana disappear.

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