Y&R Transcript Friday 2/19/10 -- Canada; Monday 2/22/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9341 ~ Jack Confronts Victor About Adam
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Patty: Aah!
Jack: (Chuckles)
Patty: Jack...
Jack: Yep, door.
Patty: Oh, door. Get the door. Let me get the door. Okay, now you can put me down.
Jack: No, it is my right to carry my wife over the threshold.
Patty: (Giggles)
Jack: Ask anyone.
Patty: Oh. Mm.
Jack: Mm.
Patty: Hey, you know what? Will you say that again? Wife.
Jack: My sexy, lovely, beloved wife.
Patty: (Laughs) It's so wonderful to be back here starting our life together.
Jack: Mwah. Well, I'd say we got off to a pretty good start in paradise, only you insisted we come home.
Patty: Well, you needed to get your company back from Victor. That man... can't toy with other people and their dreams. He needs to learn a lesson.
Jack: Don't worry, Mrs. Abbott. I'm all over it.
Patty: (Giggles) (Sighs)
Victor: So, Tucker, what would you like to drink?
Tucker: A bourbon, please. You know, you might want a double-- make it easier for you to part with all that cash.
Victor: Well, now, Tucker, acquiring Jabot is what's important. The price tag is secondary.
Tucker: You know, I'm glad to see your son working for me hasn't blown our deal.
Victor: I keep my business and personal life separate.
Tucker: Blood is tricky, though-- makes people do things they might not otherwise.
Victor: Yeah, you're right. My son has certainly disappointed me before. I'm sure he'll do it again. Cheers.
Ashley: It's right here in my hand. This is the piece of cloth that you said did not exist.
Adam: Whatever you think I did, Ashley--
Ashley: Not "Think," know. You showed me this piece of purple cloth stained with blood and told me that it was proof that I killed Sabrina. Now admit it!
Adam: It didn't happen, Ashley. I've never seen that cloth in my life.
Amber: Okay, we got here as soon as we could.
Daniel: Anything yet, Buddy?
Kevin: No, nothing. 24 hours of nothing.
Amber: Well, the police-- they--they--
Kevin: The police don't care. They--they don't care.
Daniel: What about Michael?
Kevin: (Sighs) He and Lauren are out looking for her. Um, but if she's hurt, then--
Amber: Oh, no, no, no. You can't go there.
Daniel: I mean, look, we're gonna find her, all right? Safe and sound.
Kevin: Where? Where are we gonna find her?
Jana: (Sighs)
Patty: I love this house.
Jack: Do you?
Patty: (Sighs) Yes. Who wouldn't?
Jack: Well, I didn't know when I talked you into staying here for Christmas that, uh, you'd be falling for this place.
Patty: (Giggles) This house is special at the holidays.
Jack: Yeah, you make it special, which is why...
Patty: What? (Laughs) What?
Jack: I couldn't help myself.
Patty: What did you do?
Jack: Here, follow me.
Patty: What did you do?
Jack: I'll tell you.
Patty: (Laughs) Jack?
Jack: You ready?
Patty: (Chuckles) Okay.
Jack: Stunning, isn't it? Every day when I come home, I can look at that picture and remember Christmas, decorating the tree, all the moments I fell in love with you.
Patty: You shouldn't say that.
Jack: Oh, it's my prerogative as your husband. That woman, that gorgeous woman, said, "I do." That remarkable lady-- so beautiful, so wise, so lovely.
Patty: Okay, you know what? S-stop. (Sighs) It's not true.
Jack: What's not-- what, you don't like it?
Kevin: So at first, I thought she just got tired of waiting for me when I was stuck in the elevator, but then I got home, and she wasn't there. I--
Daniel: Maybe she just needs a couple days to cool off, man.
Kevin: Look, I don't care what that waiter says. We may not have been all smiles last night, but we were not fighting.
Daniel: Well, then why'd she leave the club?
Kevin: I guarantee it was not her idea.
Amber: So you-- you think someone took her?
Kevin: I don't know. I don't know. They both have alibis.
Amber: "They"? Who--who, "They"?
Kevin: Um, Daisy and Ryder. Jana's been doing her "Sleuth girl" thing trying to find a connection between them.
Daniel: (Laughs) So Ryder's got an alibi, and you believe him?
Kevin: Well, it checks out for both of them. Hey, Chloe.
Chloe: Hi.
Kevin: Um, hi. Listen, uh, your boyfriend is a detective, right? Um, will you make him help me find my wife, please?
Ashley: Do it. Try to lie your way out of this one. It won't work.
Nick: Answer the question.
Adam: None of you were here last summer. You didn't see how things were before the baby was born.
Phyllis: He--he wants you to think that you were so out of your mind you had no idea what was happening.
Ashley: You know, when I remembered this cloth, you said that it didn't exist. Do you remember that? So what is this?
Adam: It's a scrap of fabric, that's what it is. It's not a conspiracy. I don't know what to say, Ashley.
Phyllis: Summer found it on the ranch months ago.
Adam: I've still never seen it before. Ashley, we were friends. You leaned on me, and I was glad I could be there for you. But for you to accuse me of I don't know what--
Ashley: Of trying to make me think I was losing my mind and then siccing your friend Dr. Taylor on me.
Adam: Now why would I do that, Ashley?
Nick: Why do you do anything? Revenge, spite.
Adam: I'm sorry. I didn't know about Dr. Taylor's past.
Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You hold on there, Buddy. Does the name "Janelle Storrs" ring a bell to you? It should. I talked to her, 'cause I heard that Dr. Taylor targeted her. And she was best friends with Skye, your girlfriend at the time. And he molested Skye, and there is no way you didn't know about that.
Sharon: Is that true, Adam? Did you know what kind of man Dr. Taylor was?
Jack: Wait, y-you-- you don't like it?
Patty: (Sighs)
Jack: Sweetheart, you've never been more beautiful.
Patty: Oh, God, don't-- don't say that.
Jack: Why? Why not?
Patty: Because people will think I'm vain. I mean, they'll walk in here and see her.
Jack: Oh, don't be silly. People will look at that picture. They won't think you're vain. They will think that Jack Abbott is one lucky bastard to have a woman who is so lovely and kind and strong, intelligent, with so much love.
Patty: I love you more than you know. (Giggles)
Jack: What we have, I never expected, and I am so grateful, and, yes, probably too proud that Emily Peterson agreed to marry me. I love you more than I could ever love anyone else. Hey, you okay?
Patty: Yeah. (Sniffles) (Chuckles) I'm perfect. (Laughs) Mm. Whoo! (Laughs)
Jack: Good. You are perfect, you know? So perfect, it makes it hard for me to leave here. Yet, I have a date with destiny.
Patty: Mm.
Jack: I have to go get Jabot back. And you probably have patients to see, right?
Patty: Oh, yes. Yes, of course. (Sighs)
Jack: You were right about Jabot, you know. I cannot let "The Mustache" get his mitts on it.
Patty: Mnh-mnh. You go take back what's yours.
Jack: See you.
Patty: Okay.
(Front door closes)
Patty: (Exhales deeply) (Sniffles) See? Jack's taking back what's his, just like I did. You have the picture, Emily... (Laughs) But I have the man. I'm his beloved wife, not you. Me.
Phyllis: Skye may not have told the authorities that Dr. Taylor molested her, but she definitely told her friend Janelle.
Nick: What are the chances she told her friend and not her boyfriend?
Phyllis: Zero.
Ashley: You knew all along that Dr. Taylor was a predator.
Sharon: Did you know what Taylor did to those other women?
Adam: Are you sure about Janelle? Maybe she misunderstood.
Phyllis: Oh, please, Adam. Spare us the bad performance.
Sharon: You know, he seemed so kind and decent, and it was all an act.
Adam: I loved her, okay? It wasn't what I feel for you, but it was love, and if someone took advantage of her or violated her in an--
Adam: My God, wait a second. Wait a second. There was a week. I won't ever forget it. She was--she was-- she was distant, and she was removed, and she just-- maybe Dr. Taylor got to her. I don-- I thought it was Harvard or--or--or the exams, but she couldn't turn to me for help.
Ashley: Would you just stop? You can't fight all the evidence, Adam.
Adam: What evidence, Ashley? A-a woman was assaulted by a man, and she didn't tell her boyfriend? That happens every single day, Ashley. Women don't talk about that kind of stuff. She didn't want people to find out, obviously. She didn't report Taylor.
Phyllis: Uh, I'm--I'm sorry. You were her boyfriend, not just "People."
Ashley: And even after you knew-- you knew what he had done to her, you still sent him to me? I don't understand you. Why would you do that? I mean, it wasn't enough to break me down mentally, Adam? Did you want him to do something to me or my daughter?!
Adam: You know what? This is--that you could even accuse me of something like--
Ashley: To my daughter?
Adam: Sharon, let's get-- let's get out of here before you hear any more garbage.
Nick: No, no, no, no, no. Don't tell me you're going anywhere with this punk.
Chloe: Okay, great. Thanks, Chance. Yeah, I'll let him know. Okay, bye.
Kevin: What'd he say? Can he pull some strings?
Chloe: He's gonna go over to the club and check it out.
Amber: Progress is good. You know, we found Mrs. C. we'll find Jana.
Chloe: Yeah, and look, you're getting a lot of hits on the post that you put up. I mean, look. I mean, they're all really supportive of you finding her. Like, a lot of hits.
Amber: Well, the more people who see it, the better chance we have of finding her.
Chloe: Yeah.
Daniel: The stones on this guy.
Ryder: Look, I-I know you may not want me, but I'm here anyway. Let me help you look for Jana.
Victor: Rest assured, I'll retain most of the Jabot executive staff.
Tucker: Your company, your call.
Victor: You got that right.
Jack: Ah, just the titans I wanted to see.
Victor: This is a private meeting.
Jack: What kind of welcome is that? I came all the way back from my honeymoon just to see you... and you, actually. See, it suddenly clicked for me. I know how you stole my company, and I know how he made a fool of you in the process.
Nick: Sharon, don't do this.
Adam: Nicholas, leave her alone.
Nick: Yeah, as soon as I hear she's not going anywhere with you.
Phyllis: You know better than that, right?
Ashley: Sharon, you can stay here as long as you need to.
Sharon: Okay, everyone, just give me a minute to think.
Adam: Yes, Ashley, that's right. I brought Dr. Taylor to you. Everyone said he was amazing, including Olivia-- a doctor. And if I had any idea about the rest of that stuff, if I had any idea what he did to Skye at the time, I would have killed the man. Instead, I brought him to my one and only friend, and that's what you were to me-- my friend. I wouldn't have put you in danger.
Phyllis: Oh, no, but you would hand her off to a pervert.
Ashley: You knew how fragile I was, Adam, and you exploited that in every way possible.
Adam: Was he anything but professional with you? Come on. Think about that now. You are healthy. You have a gorgeous baby girl. Was that part of my evil, twisted plan? Listen. I told you that was it, okay? They're never gonna stop. They want to tear apart my happiness, and you are my happiness. You know me. You can trust me. I'm innocent. I want to get outta here.
Sharon: Yeah, let's get outta here.
Daniel: How can you help find Jana? 'Cause you know where she is? Look, I-I just want to help. Jana didn't trust me, but she still gave me a place to live, a job, because she loves you. And if I can help bring her back to you, then--
Amber: Lay it on thicker next time, why don't you?
Kevin: Yeah, thanks.
Daniel: What? No. No.
Kevin: Yeah. Yes, he can help look for Jana, and I can keep tabs on him. So now, Ryder, you and I are gonna head out and check all of Jana's regular spots. And, uh, can you guys man the phones and just keep checking the web site?
Amber: Yeah, yeah, of course.
Chloe: Yeah, yeah, actually, I-I'm already on it. Look, we--we--we got a hit from this guy who works over at the Francis movie theater.
Kevin: What is it? You think it's legit?
Chloe: I don't--I don't know. But he saw her yesterday. Why don't you go talk to him?
Kevin: Okay, let's go.
Ryder: W-why would she go to, um--?
Daniel: Hey, you know what, man? You can stay here and ask all these pointless questions. We're gonna go.
Jack: I gotta hand it to you, Victor. That was quite a little show you and Adam put on-- the rumble at the club, the slash-and-burn interview at "Restless Style."
Victor: Rather presumptuous for you to assume that that fight was for your benefit.
Jack: I was suspicious of the whole production from the very beginning. No, something about it seemed a little hinky. And then you outbid me for Jabot, offering far more than the company's listed value. And all the pieces started to come together.
Victor: You undervalued your father's company. That's an insult to your dad's memory.
Jack: I know the value of that company right down to the last pencil. And I upped it a considerable percentage with my offer. Then you slither in at the last minute with a bid for even higher? No. No, unless you had inside information. Admit it, Victor, your son the snake is also a mole.
Tucker: So, uh, Adam got to the bids and passed the information on to his dear old dad?
Jack: Yes, so it would seem.
Tucker: Sealed bids locked in my desk?
Victor: Accessed by a man who's going blind, delivered to a father who he hates?
Jack: Yes, Adam is a very clever young man. That's why you hired him, isn't it? Well, that and to needle Victor. Tell me something, when you got Victor's bid, when it came in higher than mine, you had both bids for more than the company was worth. Did you even suspect collusion?
Tucker: Well, maybe I was just dazzled by all those dollar signs.
Jack: I'll bet you were.
Victor: Tucker, I'm used to the man's bluster. I hope it's not too irritating to you.
Jack: No, Mr. McCall doesn't seem irritated at all. In fact, he looks, uh, amused.
Tucker: Well, I'm gonna make a lot of money. That always makes me smile.
Jack: Victor, you would never pay more than a company's worth unless you knew what the next highest bid was. And how would you know that? Enter Adam.
Victor: Jack, so far, you have only embarrassed yourself in private. Are you sure you want to go public?
Jack: Oh, I want to shout this one from the rooftops.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Jack: And your obvious malfeasance will bring this deal to a screeching halt.
Victor: Jack, you have always had a gift-- a real gift for spinning stories about me, haven't you?
Jack: What can I say? You inspire me. You're my muse.
Victor: (Chuckles)
Jack: Only this story-- this story is true, and this story is gonna bite you right in the Jabot deal.
Victor: (Sighs) You should finally reconcile to the fact that Jabot has not been yours for years. Get used to it, Jack.
Patty: "Diary, dreams... come true." "I am Mrs. Jack Abbott..." "For real... for keeps. Nothing and no one to come between us." So you can't chase me away. This is my home, my life, my--my--my wonderful life. (Chuckles) "My wonderful..." (Sighs) "My wonderful, wonderful life married to a man who loves only me." It's me he kisses and makes love to, not you. You don't matter to him at all. (Sighs) "Mrs. Jack Abbott." (Giggles) (Sighs) "'My beloved... wife.'"
Ashley: I can't believe that Sharon would leave with Adam knowing everything she knows.
Phyllis: I can. She doesn't want to see it.
Nick: She thinks she loves him, so she's gonna stand by him. That's just who she is.
Ashley: You know what? Speaking from experience, she needs to get over that.
Nick: A lot of what Adam said makes sense.
Phyllis: I'm sorry. Are you kidding?
Nick: Look, maybe Skye didn't want to talk about what Dr. Taylor did to her. That's not surprising. And from your accounts, he never crossed the lines, and your baby girl is perfect.
Ashley: Nick, just because Faith is amazing doesn't mean that Adam is completely innocent.
Nick: I'm not defending him, all right?
Ashley: Uh-huh.
Nick: I can't stand to see the sight of him without wanting to hit him. But Sharon has reasons for not wanting to walk away from him. She's gonna give him the benefit of the doubt until we can come up with some proof.
Ashley: Then we test the fabric.
Phyllis: Um, I don't think we can do that, Ashley. I'm sorry. I've washed that about a hundred times. She found it on the ranch somewhere.
Ashley: Well, isn't there-- isn't there a chance of maybe testing it for blood being on it at some point in time?
Nick: I'm not sure that's even possible. You should be prepared for that.
Ashley: This fabric is my proof, and if not this, then something else, and I'll keep trying things until even Adam can't deny what he did to me.
Adam: You should eat. I'll order you room service.
Sharon: No, I'm not hungry.
Adam: All right, then you should take a nap.
Sharon: No, Adam! No food, no resting, nothing but the truth, okay? I told you before, I need to know everything that you've done. I-I need to know everything, or else we are not going to make it.
Adam: You'll walk away.
Sharon: No, I will run.
Chloe: Come on, Jana. Someone must know where you are.
Amber: Mm.
Chloe: Okay, I meant someone living.
Amber: Well, Jana gets answers from this thing. Maybe we can, too. Here, move the computer.
Chloe: (Groans) From a slumber party toy. Fine.
Amber: Okay.
Chloe: Fine, whatever works.
Amber: Please. Please.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Amber: Please, please. We need to know where Jana is. Help us find Jana. "M"... (Gasps) "A"... "M"... (Gasps) "A."
Chloe: "Mama"? Jana's with her mom?
Amber: No, no, no, no. Uh, let's-- let's try it again. Let's try it again. Okay. (Exhales) Help us find Jana. Jan... "M"... "A"...
Chloe: Okay, okay.
Amber: (Sighs)
Chloe: We're going back to the "Mama" thing. What's going on with the "Mama"?
Amber: You know what? It's--it's talking-- it's talking to me.
Chloe: Are you pregnant?
Amber: No, I'm not pregnant, but I have babies on the brain.
Chloe: Wow. And is Daniel up for this?
Amber: No. No. So the board is feeling my pain, and it's ignoring Jana.
Chloe: Or maybe your fingers are as obsessed with being a mother as you are.
Amber: You think I pushed it?
Chloe: Oh, not on purpose.
Amber: But I want to find Jana.
Chloe: No, I think you want a baby, because you think that they're cute and they smell all babyish, but they're a lot of work. Believe me. You're newlyweds. Enjoy it.
Amber: I know about babies, okay? Let's just--just--just focus. Focus, okay?
Chloe: (Sighs)
Amber: Spirit guides, please, help us find Jana. Nothing about me or babies or--
Chloe: "M!" "M," Amber. Amber, stop it. Stop it. "A." Amber, stop it now!
Amber: I'm sorry, Jana.
Kevin: You saw this woman?
Man: Definitely.
Kevin: All right, who was she with? Uh, what did she do? Did she say anything? Did she look scared?
Daniel: Did you see her leave here?
Man: No.
Kevin: So you don't know whether or not she left alone?
Man: No idea. Hey, is there a reward?
Kevin: "Is there a reward?" My wife is missing. You're asking me about money?
Daniel: Hey, it's okay.
Man: Maybe she bolted because you're a tool, huh?
Daniel: (Sighs) You want to piss off all your leads?
Ryder: He didn't see anything.
Daniel: He saw Jana here.
Ryder: You're-- you're gonna trust that guy?
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, she was here. She was here. Why? And where did she go? (Sighs) Come on.
Sharon: Well, you made some mistakes. There are some things that you regret, but this thing-- this with Dr. Taylor-- you know, Adam, he delivered my baby. He was the only person to ever hold her. A man like that? So if you are responsible for him being in my life and in Ashley's life--
Adam: It kills me what you lost, Sharon. I would go back and fix things if I could, more than you even realize, but what Nick and Phyllis and Ashley said, it makes no sense. Come on, think about it. I used Taylor to hurt Ashley? Come on.
Sharon: Well, did you make her think that she was unstable?
Adam: The woman was already unstable. We know this. Her history is not some big secret. She lost it there for a while, okay? She's trying to find someone to blame, or she's ashamed of it, or I don't know what. But I didn't do anything. I had nothing to do with it.
Sharon: (Sighs) I want to believe you.
Adam: But you can't, right? You can't believe me? Sharon, I've enjoyed every single second with you. I have loved every second with you, and I would walk through hell for you. But if you're gonna let them make you think that I'm a monster, then you should leave me.
Sharon: (Sighs) Okay, what--look, you've told me everything, right? I mean, that's-- that's everything?
Adam: You can accept it, and we can move on from here, but this will never stop, Sharon. They will never stop trying to convince you that I'm a monster. Listen, we can't stay here. We won't survive. There's no reason to stay. Uh, Noah is in Paris. The--the Jabot deal's already done. There's nothing keeping us here in Genoa City.
Sharon: You want to run away?
Adam: No, I want to fix things. I want to protect us, p-protect the marriage that we have. This is a toxic place. We will never survive here.
Tucker: So... you're really going to a judge with this theory of yours?
Victor: You know any judge will toss you out on your ass.
Jack: Eh, there's enough evidence to raise a few red flags, buy me a little time-- time enough to prove that Adam compromised the bidding process under your orders. You know, truthfully, I would rather have gotten Jabot back fair and square with my very generous bid. But this'll be fun, too. Gentlemen.
(Door closes)
Kevin: (Sighs) Hi.
Chloe: Hi. So what did the movie guy say?
Kevin: He saw Jana. She was there.
Chloe: Okay, but why movies? I don't get it.
Kevin: I don't know. Jana liked old movies, but that still does not explain why she would have just gotten up and left dinner.
Daniel: Kevin, you know, sometimes tumors can come back.
Kevin: (Scoffs) I know. She--she went to see her doctor right after she was on all-- having all those headaches when I was-- look--look, it was clear. Her C.T. was clear.
(Cell phone rings)
Chloe: Oh, it's Chance. Hi. Okay, uh, the--the waiter still says that Kevin and Jana had a fight?
Kevin: Except we didn’t. That guy is an idiot.
Chloe: And you're going to file a missing persons report.
Amber: Oh, I love Chance.
Chloe: Okay. Okay, right. Good. Credit cards, phone records. Okay, okay, but-- but there's still no proof that Jana just took off on her own.
Kevin: No, no, no, no, no. Lis--hey, Cha--Chance? Hey. Um, look, she did not leave on her own, okay? We just found out that she was at the-- the Francis Movie Theater, and then wherever she went next, whatever she di-- (Scoffs) Well, yeah, I'm worked up. I mean, wouldn't you be? (Sighs) Okay. Okay. Okay, I-I appreciate it. Thank you. (Sighs)
Amber: Are you okay?
Kevin: (Sighs) I feel like I'm gonna crawl out of my skin. (Sighs) I mean, I'm her husband. I'm supposed to be the one to keep her safe, and I-- (Sighs) (Breathing heavily)
Amber: Come here. Come here. It's okay.
Kevin: She wouldn't have just left dinner. She wouldn't have just left. Something's happened to her. I know it.
Jana: Someone! Help! (Breathing heavily) Someone, help me! Help!
Patty: This is Dr. Emily Peterson. I was calling about a patient, Patty Williams. Still comatose? Possibly brain damage? O-of course. Of course. From the lack of oxygen. Oh, what a shame. Yes, she is a lovely, misunderstood woman. Well, I'll be praying for her recovery. Yes, thank you.
Patty: What a shame. (Laughs) It looks like you're not gonna make it. (Sighs happily)
Victor: Well, I'll send this to my attorney for his final perusal.
Tucker: Of course. (Sighs) But, um, if Jack is right about that judge...
Victor: I gotta warn you about Jack Abbott. He's just mouthing off, all right?
Tucker: Well, he is right about one thing. It, uh, seems like more than luck that you had the magic number to make Jabot yours. Now I don't know how you did it. I don't care, either. Your money's fine by me. But if Jack is correct, and your boy did your bidding, you'd better be sure you can trust him not to sell you out.
Victor: Tucker, thanks for coming by. I'll be in touch with you about the final deal, all right?
Tucker: All right, then.
Victor: You have a nice day.
Tucker: You do the same.
Jack: Hey, Adam. Gee, you seem so glum. I probably shouldn't pile on when you're this down, but I will. I'm gonna gut the Jabot deal. It is my firm belief that you fed Victor inside information about the Jabot bids, and once I prove it, you and the deal will be toast.
Adam: Stuff it, Jack.
Jack: It's me, Adam. I know how desperate you are to get your father's attention. This whole thing has that stink of desperation to it. You think this is gonna make daddy love you? Think again. If you're smart, you'll get your licks in now. Work with me to get Jabot back where it belongs.
Adam: With you?
Jack: At least I'll be straight with you. More than you can say for daddy. You don't see him asking Nick to compromise himself, do you? Or Victoria, daddy's little girl? She comes out of this squeaky clean. You know why? When this thing falls apart, the only person in front of the firing squad is you. You've been had, my friend. Come work with me. At least with me, what you see is what you get.
Adam: Last time, I got jail because of you.
Jack: Don't whine. It isn't becoming. Chalk it up to experience and move on. It was never personal, Adam. It was about Victor. It still is. With you and me, it always is. That's the one thing we will always have in common. Let's use that focus. Put it to good use. Think about it.
Phyllis: Adam practically said that Ashley was insane and what she has to say doesn't matter. He's disgusting.
Nick: Yeah, Ashley was out of it for a while, all right? We have to look at this from every angle.
Phyllis: No, we have to find out what was on the purple cloth.
Nick: Why? What is that gonna accomplish? Adam is just gonna explain that away.
Phyllis: So what? We won't believe him.
Nick: Who would? A judge? Cops?
Phyllis: Nick, Adam was after something, and he's hiding something, and it has to do with Dr. Taylor and Skye. We all know that, right? So Ashley's fine. The baby's fine. What was he after?
Ashley: My sweet Faith. My little love. Thank God Dr. Taylor didn't do anything to hurt you. I don't know what I would do without my special girl.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kay: I am not gonna rest until I find the smoking gun.
Man: David Belford.
Cane: You talking to me?
David: Come on. It hasn't been that long.
Cane: I'm sorry, Mate. I think you have the wrong guy.
Ashley: I'm really sorry to disappoint you, Sharon, but there's been a change of plans.
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