Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/18/10 -- Canada; Friday 2/19/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9340 ~ Adam Takes on Victor and Nick
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Kevin: Hey, uh, did--did Jana show up to yoga this morning? Um, uh, what-- what time is the next class? Okay, will you, uh-- yeah, that'd be great if you could do that. Thanks.
Lauren: Hey, Honey.
Kevin: Hey.
Michael: I was in court. I just got your message.
Lauren: How long has Jana been missing?
Kevin: Since last night.
Michael: Did she leave a note?
Kevin: No, nothing.
Michael: Well, does Jana have her phone?
Kevin: Yeah, but it keeps going right to voice mail.
Lauren: Did you call the police?
Kevin: I did. They said they can't do anything.
Michael: It's too early unless she's a minor or there are suspicious circumstances.
Lauren: Yeah, but Jana--this is so unlike her to disappear.
Kevin: Yeah, and--I don't know, I just--I have a feeling something bad has happened.
Billy: You know, I have a feeling this move is the start of something good for you.
Ashley: Well, I hope so. And you know what I can't believe? The contractor called, and the house is actually ready.
Billy: Oh, very propitious. It's, uh, the word of the day on my desk calendar. Don't look at me like that. Just--okay.
Ashley: Yeah, uh, okay.
Billy: Uh-huh.
Ashley: Anyway, Abby is very excited about moving back.
Billy: What does Adam and Sharon have to say about that?
Ashley: I haven't said anything to them, but it is Abby's house, so if she wants to move there...
Billy: (Sighs) Well, I gotta tell you, I'm happy you're getting out of this mausoleum. You know, if you fumigated this place, it would still reek of Victor.
Ashley: Do you think it's possible that we could have one conversation without mentioning his name?
Billy: Okay, fine. I agree--new subject. How about Tucker McCall? Do you know anything about this guy?
Ashley: I haven't had any business dealings with him.
Billy: Okay, something personal, anything. Do you know anything? Have you heard anything?
Ashley: Why are you asking me?
Billy: Because I am doing an exposé on this guy...
Ashley: Ohh.
Billy: And I can't figure anything out, and someone in his position has had to squash at least a few dozen people to get there, so I-I don't know.
Ashley: Well, you know, I, uh, I've run into him a couple times since he's been in town, but other than that...
Billy: I just--you know, I'm not getting anywhere here.
Ashley: I don't know what to tell you, except are you sure you've spoken to everyone?
Billy: Well... (Clears throat) There is this last person that could-- uh...
Victoria: We never talked about this.
Victor: The reason we didn't is because you were in Dubai. I didn't want to upset you.
Victoria: Oh, wait a minute. Why would you think that I would be upset? I am--I'm thrilled. I am thrilled. Adam deserved to be exposed. I'm just--I'm shocked that you went to the press. It's not your style to go public, especially with Billy Abbott, after everything he's done to our family.
Victor: I have my reasons.
Phyllis: Connie is amazing. You should give her a raise.
Nick: Why?
Phyllis: Because she always knows where to find you.
Nick: Yes, before there was G.P.S...
Together: There was Connie.
Phyllis: Yeah. I wish it could find Summer's doll.
Nick: Oh, that's up at the main house. Abby called, and I guess, uh, when she was watching Summer, she left it there, so...
Phyllis: Oh great.
Nick: I'll pick it up on my way home.
Phyllis: That's great. Are you busy?
Nick: Yes, but, uh...
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Nick: I'm never too busy to kiss my hot wife.
Phyllis: Um, can we talk about something?
Nick: Talking? Yeah, let's do that. Yeah, let's do it. What's up?
Phyllis: I know you told me to lay off of Adam.
Nick: (Clicks tongue)
Phyllis: I know that's what you said. You did. You said that to me.
Nick: Yes, I told you, I don't want you to get involved in this. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.
Phyllis: Oh... (Sighs) I think you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. I think Adam is a lot more dangerous than we thought.
Sharon: I told Ashley that I'd stop by later and pick up the rest of our things.
Adam: I'd help, but I have business.
Sharon: Don't worry. It's handled. (Sighs) I've been thinking about what you told me last night-- how you've been spying for Victor and working undercover in Tucker's company, and you know what? It really makes me anxious.
Adam: That's why I was hesitant to tell you in the first place, Sharon.
Sharon: Your father has betrayed you before.
Adam: I'm not worried.
Sharon: If the word got out that you looked at those bids for Jabot and you helped Victor, you would be made the scapegoat.
Adam: If I go down, he goes down. The good news in all of this, Sharon, is that you're actually worried about me, which means you still love me, despite all the accusations being slung around by Phyllis and Ashley. It...
Sharon: Of course I still love you. You're my husband. I love you. I--
Adam: Well, you have no idea how much that means to me.
Michael: Tell us everything that happened leading up to Jana's disappearance.
Kevin: Um, we were having this, uh, romantic dinner that I planned at the club. I got up to talk to the concierge. I got stuck in the elevator-- which wasn't any fun, let me tell you.
Lauren: Really.
Michael: I can imagine.
Kevin: Um, then by the time I got out, she was gone. I-I thought maybe there was a miscommunication, or--or--or she just got tired of waiting for me.
Michael: What were you talking about before that?
Kevin: Uh, well, it was more like what we weren't talking about-- her obsession with Daisy and Ryder.
Lauren: But she told me yesterday that her suspicions panned out-- that they have known each other for a long time.
Kevin: Yeah, and she feels since they lied about that, maybe there's other stuff they're lying about.
Michael: Like what?
Kevin: I never gave her a chance to say. I ju--I wanted one night where their names didn't come up, you know? So I insisted that they were off-limits, but I knew she was worried about it.
Michael: Do you think they could be involved in Jana's disappearance?
Lauren: Well, not Daisy. I mean, Daisy's a good kid.
Kevin: Well, I thought the same thing about Ryder.
Michael: Maybe Eden was right about her.
Kevin: Well, I put her picture up on this missing persons site. I-I called all her normal haunts. I--nobody has seen her.
Michael: Her car?
Kevin: We drove to the club separately, and it's not there.
Michael: All right, I'll get in touch with my friends on the force. We'll see if we can get the authorities in motion. Meantime... (Computer keys clicking) We'll check with the club to see if anyone saw anything suspicious.
Kevin: (Sighs) Oh, I lost my signal. I'm gonna check my e-mail in the back.
Lauren: Okay.
Michael: Where is Daisy? I didn't hear her come in last night.
Lauren: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.
Phyllis: Ashley took it pretty hard.
Nick: Why would you go there after I asked you to leave this alone?
Phyllis: Because she was a patient of a man who was accused of molesting his own patients. Of course I'm not gonna let it go. And Adam brought this person into her life. And Ashley is upset, of course, because he was the one who-- who's been messing with her head since last summer.
Nick: What are you talking about?
Phyllis: Ashley thinks that Adam was the one who was gas lighting her.
Nick: Okay, I thought that that was Patty and Estella.
Phyllis: A-absolutely. So did Ashley, until everything started pointing to Adam.
Nick: Does Adam know Ashley's suspicious?
Phyllis: Oh, yeah. She had it out with him. Yeah.
Nick: And what'd he say?
Phyllis: (Sighs) Well, he denied it, of course. I mean, of course. At best, Adam is untrustworthy. At--at worst, he's diabolical. And--and you and your dad are conspiring with him about this-- this Tucker/Jabot thing. Baby, you have to know what you're dealing with.
Nick: (Sighs) No, you're right. I-I can't ignore this. Dad should know, too.
Sharon: I just, um, came by to get the rest of my things.
Ashley: Sure. Do you need any help?
Sharon: No, no, it's okay. I can manage. Um, Ashley, I know how upset you are with Adam, but I hope that you will at least consider what he said.
Ashley: He's a liar.
Sharon: Um, he was under house arrest. He was losing his vision. There's no way that he could have possibly done half the things you accused him of.
Ashley: Sharon, I don't know how he did them, but he did do them.
Sharon: Ashley, for you of all people to lose faith in him-- you were one of the few people who could look past the walls that he puts up, and you knew the reason why. You could see the hurt behind it. You knew that deep down, he was a good man with a kind heart.
Ashley: Oh, boy, I'm sorry, Sharon. I don't think Adam's loveable. I don't even think he's likeable. And that so-called kindness of his? It was an act. I don't know why he targeted me, but I'll never forgive him for it.
Sharon: He would never do anything to hurt you.
Ashley: I understand why you're defending him. I defended Victor for years. I mean, I thought he was misunderstood and that I was the only one who could see the good inside of him. But you know what? I always had a feeling-- I always had these little nagging doubts. You must be having doubts about Adam, and, you know, loving a man like that, it comes at a great price. I almost lost myself in my marriage. Just please don't let that happen to you.
Sharon: N-no, this is different.
Ashley: Yeah, I know. It always is. You know, whatever problems I have with Adam, you were always so kind to me, and so incredible with Faith.
Sharon: (Sighs) Um, I'm gonna miss her. I really love that little girl. And it's just sad that I'm not gonna see her that much anymore. Excuse me. I'll--
Ashley: (Sighs)
Billy: (Clears throat)
Victoria: Hello?
Billy: Hello? Hey, uh, it's Billy.
Victoria: What do you want?
Billy: Well, I never really thanked you properly for saving my butt New Year’s Eve, so I thought, um, I don't know, maybe a drink at the club? Want to join me?
Victoria: I don't have time for this. Go on, Dad.
Victor: Uh, it was a setup from the start, Sweetheart. I needed Tucker McCall to hire Adam so that he would be on the inside to watch the whole Jabot deal go down, okay? As for the article in "Restless Style," that was a ruse to make sure that Tucker McCall believed the feud between Adam and me was real.
Victoria: Does Billy know?
Victor: We didn't discuss it. He was just eager to get the story.
Victoria: You know, I really wish you would have told me this before I accepted the job at Jabot. I've been under S.E.C. scrutiny for months. And now I'm the C.E.O. of a company that you've acquired unscrupulously? Dad, do you have any idea what kind of jeopardy you've put me in?
Victor: There are only five people who know-- you and Nicholas, Phyllis and Adam and I.
(Door opens)
Victoria: Adam? Adam is a loose cannon.
Victor: I will handle him. Don't you worry, okay?
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nick: I'm guessing you told her.
Victoria: Since when did you start trusting Adam?
Nick: Well, I shouldn't have. I just found out some information you both need to know. Ashley kicked Adam off the ranch. She thinks he was trying to drive her insane while she was pregnant.
Victor: How does she know that?
Nick: Just memories that have been flooding back to her, plus his relationship with Dr. Taylor, who he recommended to her. It turns out he was suspected of molesting his students.
Victor: That guy had an impeccable reputation.
Nick: Well, there wasn't enough evidence to take him to trial.
Victoria: (Sighs) Well, great. You're depending on Adam to carry off this deal with Jabot. If he could be this cruel to Ashley, how do we know he's not out to get the entire family?
Victor: Mm-hmm. I actually knew Adam was moving off the ranch, but Ashley didn't say why. As far as this Dr. Taylor's concerned, I didn't hear a bad thing about him.
Nick: When Adam was living with you, did you see anything strange? Something in retrospect that corroborates his story?
Victor: Here and there, some things didn't add up.
Victoria: Okay, listen, it's a little late to be looking back trying to figure out how we missed the clues. Clearly, Adam is a psychopath. And the fact that you made a deal with him behind my back--
Nick: Vick?
Victoria: Yes? I could get royally screwed here.
Nick: We're gonna make this right. I promise.
Victoria: (Scoffs)
Victor: I will protect you.
Victoria: You can't guarantee that Adam won't turn on us. Ashley didn't do anything to him, and look at what he did to her. I cannot believe that you would put me in this position, Dad. (Sighs) That's--I-I have got no choice. I'm quitting Jabot.
Victor: I wish you would hold off with that decision.
Victoria: No, I can't, okay? This whole thing could just blow up in our faces. (Sighs) You're gonna have my formal resignation by the end of the day.
Victor: She'll change her mind once she cools off.
Nick: I don't think so.
Victor: I'll talk to her.
Nick: We should have told her about all this before she accepted that job.
Victor: What's done is done. As far as Adam is concerned, if it is true what you say and what Ashley says, he'll be punished. Meanwhile, we just tread lightly.
Nick: Well, you'd better hope that Adam doesn't have some last-minute plans to burn us.
Victor: Once the contracts are signed, that boy won't know what hit him.
(Knock on door)
Adam: We need to talk.
Sharon: (Sighs) Well, this is everything.
Ashley: I really-- I really hope that we can still be friends, Sharon.
Sharon: I'm sorry. I-I got a little bit emotional before.
Ashley: That's okay.
Sharon: It's just, um, everything's upsetting me right now-- Adam, and--and, um, I'm feeling like I'm losing another baby from my life.
Ashley: Oh, um, you know, you're always welcome to come by and see Faith, always. I just ask that you don't bring Adam when you do, okay?
(Telephone rings)
Ashley: Oh, excuse me a second. Hello? What's the matter, Abby? You're kidding me. Okay, okay, okay. I'll be right there. All right, hold on. Oh, um... (Sighs) Abby's class is leaving for a field trip in 20 minutes, and she forgot to ask me to sign her permission slip. The baby's asleep upstairs. I hate to wake her up.
Sharon: Oh, okay. You know what? Go. I will stay with her.
Ashley: Are you sure you don't mind?
Sharon: I love spending time with her.
Ashley: Okay. Thank you so much. Just--
Sharon: Right, no Adam. I promise.
Ashley: Thank you. Yeah, okay. Bye.
Lauren: So if you hear anything from Jana, please call me. Yeah, th-this number. Thank you.
Phyllis: Hey, how are you?
Lauren: Hi, how are you?
Phyllis: I'm good.
Lauren: Have you seen Jana anywhere?
Phyllis: Uh, no. Why? What's up?
Lauren: Well, she didn't come home last night, and Kevin is a wreck.
Phyllis: Oh, wow. Of course he is. Oh, I'm sure that Daniel and Amber know something. Uh, they're out of town, but they're coming back today.
Lauren: I'm pretty sure that Kevin ca--talked to them.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, if you need anything, listen, just--just come ---
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Oh, shoot, you know what? I have to get this.
Lauren: No, get it go.
Phyllis: A-all right.
Lauren: All right, thanks.
Phyllis: We'll talk later. Hello? Yeah, this--this is she. Oh, right, from Harvard. Ahh, yes. Um, oh, gosh, um, Ms. Storrs, thank you so much for calling me back. Um, listen, um, I'm gonna bring up a not-so-pleasant subject, uh, about Dr. Taylor. Yeah. Um, listen, I have some questions. Hopefully, you can answer them. All right, well, one of them is, do you know a student, uh, who was there while you were there named Adam Wilson? I--you do. Oh-- I'm sorry. He what?
Michael: Hey. Sit down. All right, the waiter remembers you and Jana.
Kevin: Okay, did he see her leave?
Michael: He said she got up, and she walked out alone. I asked if she seemed distressed. He said not at all.
Kevin: Why would he remember that?
Michael: He was surprised she was in such a good mood. He claims that he heard you two fighting right before that.
Kevin: We weren't fighting.
Michael: He says he heard Jana say something about your marriage not being salvageable.
Kevin: (Sighs) She was talking about the night. You know, how getting a room at the club just wasn't us. That's why I got up and left the table. I had to go talk to concierge. I had planned this whole stupid, romantic thing. I had to cancel it all. That's what she was talking about. (Sighs) Did he see anybody else?
Michael: No one.
Kevin: You know, they said that that whole elevator thing was mechanical failure. Wh-what if it wasn't?
Michael: You think that was done to you on purpose?
Kevin: I don't know. I don't know. I just--I keep thinking about Jana's theory about Daisy and Ryder, and--and maybe they do know more than they're-- than they're letting us know.
Michael: We know very little about them.
Kevin: I'm gonna get some answers.
Victoria: (Sighs) Can I get an old-fashioned? Thank you.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Aha. You took me up on my offer after all.
Victoria: Oh, yeah. I forgot. You called.
Billy: Yeah, and you hung up on me.
Victoria: Well, I was in the middle of a very intense conversation.
Billy: Would you care to talk about it?
Victoria: So you can plaster it all over your little magazine? That's really the last thing I want to do, thank you.
Billy: O-o-off the record. Uh, just calm--
Victoria: Oh, off the record? With you? That's funny.
Billy: Rather drown your sorrows in bourbon?
Victoria: I'd rather be left alone.
Billy: Okay. Fair enough. There's an empty seat at the end of the bar. Feel free to take it.
Daisy: You wanted to see me?
Lauren: Where were you last night?
Daisy: The boutique. Natalia was sick. I took on an extra shift.
Lauren: And where'd you go after?
Daisy: I-I met some friends from school here.
Lauren: Did anybody see you?
Daisy: What? Uh, Zack, the guy that works the counter at night. Why? What--what's going on?
Lauren: Jana disappeared last night, and Kevin seems to think that you have something to do with it.
Daisy: (Chuckles) Me? Seriously?
Lauren: Apparently, Jana discovered that you and Ryder have known each other longer than you let on.
Daisy: She said that?
Lauren: Why didn't you tell me, I mean, after all the trouble that Ryder has caused my family?
Daisy: He's so not a part of my life. I don't even feel like I know the guy. I mean, we were never friends or anything.
Lauren: You hid information about Ryder, and I gotta be honest with you, I'm having trouble trusting you now.
Daisy: I would never hurt you, Lauren. You're like my family.
Lauren: I hope for your sake you're telling the truth.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Kevin: So you're working here now?
Ryder: What's it to you?
Kevin: Where were you last night?
Ryder: I was here. Do you want to see my time card?
Kevin: (Sighs) Yeah. Yeah, show it to me.
Ryder: You can double-check with my manager. He'll vouch for me.
Kevin: My wife is missing.
Ryder: And you think I had something to do with it?
Kevin: Did you?
Ryder: I like Jana. I wouldn't want to hurt her. Do you want me to help you look for her?
Kevin: (Sighs) (Slams time card on counter) You stay away from me.
Ryder: (Sighs)
Billy: So Delia takes all the clothes that I just folded-- took me forever-- threw 'em all over the place. She puts the basket over her head, and she makes this face that she always does when it looks like she's, you know, she's done something wrong, this like... (Whimpers) It's cute. I'm telling you. It's the cutest thing you've ever seen.
Victoria: Mm, yeah, I can always tell when Reed has done something that he thinks he shouldn't have done. It's cute.
Billy: Yeah? How's he doing?
Victoria: (Sighs) He's fine.
Billy: Okay. How's his mom? How's work? Are you making big changes at Jabot?
Victoria: I don't want to talk about it.
Billy: Okay. What are your impressions of Tucker McCall?
Victoria: (Chuckles) That came out of nowhere.
Billy: Well, I--
Victoria: Why?
Billy: I don't know. I'm--I'm curious. What do you think of the guy? Do you know him very well?
Victoria: Not very.
Billy: Okay, I'm just--
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Sorry, I-I don't know. I just--I don't know. The guy just seems like he's more hype than substance to me. I bet he's got a full closet just full of skeletons. I-I don't know. You don't have any impressions of him whatsoever?
Victoria: (Laughs) Are you pumping me for information for a story on Mr. McCall? Is that what you're doing?
Billy: Well, I mean, it's better than targeting the Newmans every week, right? I mean, you gotta like that.
Victoria: Okay, hold on a second. You're really wasting your time, because even if I knew anything, I wouldn't tell you.
Billy: (Sighs) Fine. I'll just go ask J.T. about it. Where can I find him?
Victoria: I wouldn't know.
Billy: Are you just trying to make this harder for me? Why are you doing that?
Victoria: (Sighs) I don't know where J.T. is, okay? I imagine that he's at work, but he could be anywhere really.
Billy: Fine. Okay. What, is there trouble in paradise?
Victoria: We're getting a divorce. That's right. I swear to God, though, if I read that online tomorrow, I'm gonna knock your head off.
Victor: I was just saying to Nicholas how I was about to sign the final papers with McCall.
Nick: We were talking about how important you were in landing this Jabot deal, Adam.
Adam: Mm. I'm glad you see it that way.
Nick: We're gonna need you to continue to play your part.
Adam: Okay, in other words, keep up the pretense, go along with your plan? So tell me, what do I get out of it?
Victor: Adam, we all get something out of it as long as we stick together and shut our mouths.
Nick: You should leave now. We don't want to tip our hand to Tucker.
Adam: Not so fast, Nicholas. I haven't even told you why I'm here yet.
Victoria: Ay-yi-yi. I shouldn't have told you about the divorce. That was so stupid.
Billy: I promise you, I'm not gonna make it public. And for what it's worth, I think J.T. is an idiot.
Victoria: What are you trying to do? Are you trying to charm me so I'll talk to you about Tucker? (Chuckles) Yeah.
Billy: No. I'm not that charming. I'm serious. I mean, come on, you know this. All the clichéd sayings apply. You're smart. You're creative. You're a powerful woman, and we all know that you're very beautiful. And--and-- really, J.T. is an idiot for walking out on something that's hard to find.
Victoria: What exactly is your angle, Billy? Because three days ago, you despised me.
Billy: Hey, look, okay? Don't get ahead of yourself. You're not the type of girl that I go for. I get your appeal to other lesser people, but...
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Thanks. Thank you.
Billy: And--and don't let that go to your head, either, because we're still sworn enemies.
Victoria: Totally.
Billy: Mm-hmm. Divorce sucks.
(Glasses clink)
Victoria: Amen to that.
Adam: I'm the one who put my ass on the line to get this deal done. I took all the risk. If something goes wrong, I take the hit. Now I-I know what I was getting into when I agreed to this whole thing, but if you cross me... if you cross me, I will not go quietly.
Victor: You threatening me?
Adam: Threaten you? Why would I do that? I'm simply reminding you that you need me, and I need to be treated with respect. Otherwise, you won't have to worry about this whole Jabot thing going wrong. You'll have much greater legal troubles than that.
Nick: (Chuckles) You have nothing to worry about.
Adam: I'm glad you see it that way.
Victor: Mm-hmm. You'll get everything you deserve.
Ashley: Hi. Could I get a latte with regular milk? Thanks. To go.
Phyllis: Hey, Ashley.
Ashley: Yeah. Hi.
Phyllis: Uh, hi, um, I was just about to call you.
Ashley: Why? What's going on?
Phyllis: Um, I-I just talked to one of Dr. Taylor's, um, victims, a woman named Janelle Storrs. I-it so happens that she really wanted to go after Dr. Taylor, but she didn't have enough evidence.
Ashley: Okay, so what about her?
Phyllis: (Sighs) Guess who her best friend was?
Ashley: Who?
Phyllis: Skye Lockhart.
Ashley: That's Adam's old girlfriend that was murdered.
Phyllis: Yeah. (Sighs) It so happens that Dr. Taylor molested her, too, and Janelle is certain that Adam knew all about it.
Ashley: Oh, my God.
Phyllis: Adam knew that this man was evil.
Ashley: Oh, my God.
Phyllis: He knew it, and he intentionally brought him into your life-- hooked you up with this man who was a molester.
Michael: Look, uh, the police are at the club asking questions now.
Lauren: All right.
Kevin: And Ryder has a solid alibi.
Lauren: So does Daisy. She was here.
Michael: We drove the route Jana usually takes from the club looking for any signs of an accident.
Kevin: Nothing.
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Oh. It's my police contact.
Lauren: Okay.
Michael: Yes, hi. Michael Baldwin. Uh, all right. That's right. That's not exactly how it went down. No, is there something-- yeah, all right. No. Fine. Thank you.
Kevin: No-go?
Michael: Well, the police interviewed a waiter at the club. They believe that Jana left under her own power.
Kevin: Well... (Hits chair) they're wrong. That's not what happened!
Lauren: All right, well, we'll just have to find a way to prove it.
Kevin: (Sighs) And what happens until then? I mean, wh-what--what does that mean for Jana? What if she's in, like, serious trouble or--or worse? (Sighs)
(Footsteps approach)
Nick: Thought you moved out.
Sharon: Um, I did. I just came back to get a few of my things.
Nick: Where's Ashley?
Sharon: She had to go out for a few minutes, so I'm watching Faith.
Nick: What's up, little one?
Sharon: Isn't she cute?
Nick: It's your big bro.
Sharon: (Chuckles) I just love spending time with her. Hey, um, do you know what today is?
Nick: (Sighs) Would have been our anniversary.
Sharon: Time goes by so fast, huh? I mean, Noah's all grown up.
Nick: It won't be long when this one's in school and we're old and gray.
Sharon: Yep, that's why they invented hair color.
Nick: (Chuckles) You know, Sharon, there's, uh, there's been a lot of talk about Adam.
Sharon: I don't want to hear it, Nick.
Nick: Look, I don't know what's true and what isn't. Honestly, I don't care. The only thing I care about is you and your safety.
Sharon: Everyone is just making such a big deal out of this. I mean, they're overreacting, especially Phyllis.
Nick: (Sighs)
Sharon: You know, Ashley was looking for a new ob-gyn. Adam introduced her to Dr. Taylor.
Nick: There's a lot more to it than that.
Sharon: Nick, come on. Your dad checked out Dr. Taylor. He--he--he took good care of Ashley and her baby. Look at this baby. She's perfect.
Nick: Still, something's off about the way Taylor came into our lives, and certainly the way he went out.
Sharon: That accident was-- was tragic. He--he had a tragic death.
Nick: One Adam just happened to witness.
Sharon: They were two friends going out to have a drink together. What is so strange about that?
Nick: Is that what Adam told you?
Sharon: Yeah, why?
Nick: Well, Adam told Phyllis that he just ran into Taylor on the street.
Sharon: Okay, so maybe they had a drink earlier.
Nick: Or maybe he can't keep his lies straight.
Sharon: (Sighs) When Phyllis was grilling him on the street, demanding answers, Adam had just witnessed his friend getting hit by a car.
Nick: And so he can't remember if he agreed to meet with Taylor earlier or if he ran into him on the street? Sharon, come on.
Sharon: Well, what-- what is the big deal? I mean, why are you making such a big deal of this? Who cares?
Nick: Because it's all the details, Sharon. Everything-- everything this guy says or does is a lie. Can you not see that?
Billy: (Laughs) When I was little...
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Billy: There was this episode of "Divorce Court," and, uh, this--this wife was up there just beating on her husband in front of the judge. I mean, she's slappin' the snot out of this guy, and I was little, but I knew two things.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: One, that guy probably deserved it, and, two, when I grow up, I don't ever, ever, ever, ever, ever want to piss off a woman...
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: 'Cause you guys are mean, man.
Victoria: Well, you know, sometimes we all just want to let off a little steam.
Billy: Yeah? You want to let off some steam?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Go ahead. Come on. Let off some steam. Let's see what you got.
Victoria: (Sighs) You want me to hit you?
Billy: Yeah, sure. Why not? I mean, you're a featherweight. I can take it. You're little, skinny.
Victoria: Mnh-mnh, I'm not-- I'm not gonna-- okay, I'll hit you.
Billy: Come on. You want to hit me? I know you been waitin' on this. Let's see it. Come on. Really?
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: Really? You punch like a girl. I thought your daddy was, like, a big boxer or something. Come on. Let's see what you got. Come on. I can take it. That was pretty good. Now get--here. I'll get closer. Get a good one. Let's see what you got. Come on. Come on. Oh! Whoa. Okay. That was good. That was a--that was a-- that was a good one. Ow. I will--don't do it again. I will call you "Boom Boom" Newman from now on.
Victoria: (Giggles)
Billy: Good work. Ahh.
Victoria: Oh, well, um, you know, I didn't realize the time, but I have to get back to Reed. And thank you so much for the company.
Billy: Uh, you're welcome. And thank you for the, uh, scoop on McCall, Boom Boom. (Laughs) Good-bye. (Groans) (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs) Dad.
Victor: Did you tell him about your resignation?
Victoria: No, of course not.
Victor: I want you to reconsider.
Victoria: I'm not leaving Newman. I just don't want to be in on your Jabot scheme with Adam.
Victor: It's the last time I'll ask you.
Victoria: I'm sorry, Dad. No.
Billy: How many Newmans does it take to change a light bulb? None. They always get somebody else to do their dirty work.
Victor: I'll be watching you.
Billy: (Scoffs) (Clears throat) The guy thinks he's Snidely Whiplash or something. Thank you... for the short pour.
Sharon: Every time I turn around, someone's telling me not to trust my husband, and I'm so sick of it.
Nick: Sharon, I don't mean to upset you, but I am more worried about you now than ever. I can't sit back and do nothing.
Adam: Sharon?
Sharon: Adam, um, what are you doing here?
Adam: Is that Nick you're with?
Nick: Give me a break. You know it is.
Adam: Oh, you are so quick. You stalking my wife again?
Ashley: I thought that was your car and driver, Adam. I told you I don't want you anywhere near me or my daughters.
Adam: We'll be leaving soon, Ashley.
Phyllis: Is this an impromptu family get-together?
Nick: I just came to get Summer's doll.
Phyllis: Oh.
Sharon: I just, uh, have a few more things to load into the car and we can go.
Adam: We're getting out of your hair shortly, Ashley.
Ashley: Where did this come from?
Phyllis: What? That's Summer's doll.
Ashley: No, not Summer's doll. Where--where did this come from?
Phyllis: The--the cloth? Summer found that in the ranch a few months-- is--is that-- is--
Ashley: This is-- this is the piece of cloth that you showed me the night you said I killed Sabrina. This is it.
Kevin: Not a single lead on my wife.
Michael: (Sighs) Kevin, we'll search every inch of Genoa City if we have to.
Lauren: We'll find her.
Kevin: Mm-hmm. (Sighs) Oh, I don't know what I would do without you guys. Thank you. (Sighs) Oh, Jana, where are you? (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Ryder: Let me help you look for Jana.
Phyllis: So Ashley's fine. The baby's fine. What was he after?
Jack: You've been had, my friend. Come work with me. At least with me, what you see is what you get.
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