Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/17/10 -- Canada; Thursday 2/18/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9339 ~ Jana Discovers the Truth
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Patty: What are you looking at?
Jack: Oh, nothing important. (Sighs) Nothing as important as seeing you in that bikini. Wow.
Patty: Mm. Wouldn't you rather see me out of it?
Jack: What'd you have in mind, Mrs. Abbott?
Patty: Well, Mr. Abbott, I was thinking maybe we would take a shower before dinner.
Jack: Uh-huh, and after that?
Patty: Oh, we'd skip dinner.
Jack: You're gonna wear me out.
Patty: Uh-huh. Mm, that is my plan.
Jack: Uh-huh.
Patty: Uh-huh.
Jack: I'll be right in.
Patty: Mm-hmm. You better hurry.
Jack: (Chuckles)
Patty: (Chuckles) (Sighs) Chh, chh, chh. (Giggles)
(Door closes)
Jack: (Muttering) Ash, it's me. Get back to me as soon as you can. I have some new information about Victor and Jabot.
JackKevin: (Sighs) So you hungry yet?
Jana: Mm, yeah, I suppose I could eat something light, a salad or something.
Kevin: Mm.
Jana: God, if I would have known you were taking me out, I would not have eaten with...
Kevin: Uh.
Jana: He who shall remain nameless.
Kevin: You promised, Jana.
Jana: I know. I know the rules. No talk about Ryder or Daisy. I promise.
Kevin: Or anything that would make us worry at all, because tonight we are gonna splurge. We are gonna live it up and act like it is our last night on earth together. What do you say?
Jana: Ooh. Oh, hello. (Laughs)
Kevin: Hmm?
JackRyder: (Whispers) Did you get a hold of "Mama Bear"? Bet she wasn't happy. Stupid Jana, digging around in my past.
Daisy: (Whispers) Our mother has a plan, but you have to follow it exactly. What she wants us to do, it changes everything.
Ryder: What sort of plan?
Daisy: The Fishers are about to learn what happens when Mama Bear gets backed into a corner.
Ryder: (Sighs)
JackAshley: I could not have gotten through today without you. Seriously. Thank you so much for being so supportive.
Neil: Are you kidding me? You're very welcome.
(Front door closes)
Victor: Hello.
Neil: Hello, Victor.
Victor: Neil.
Ashley: Now's not a good time, Victor. It's been a really long day.
Victor: I'm here to see Adam.
Neil: Since when are you back on speaking terms?
Victor: This is the anniversary of his mother's death. I thought I should pay him a visit.
Ashley: He's not here.
Victor: When do you expect him back?
Ashley: I don’t. He and Sharon moved out tonight. He's at the club.
Victor: Hmm. Whose decision was that?
JackSharon: I can't believe that I would wind up living here again out of a suitcase like last year when my life was in a total shambles.
Adam: Hey, this is only temporary, Sharon. We're... listen, w-we'll call the contractor tomorrow. We'll find out how the repairs are going. We'll be back in the house in no time, I'm sure.
Sharon: I can't even think about a home right now. Not after what I heard tonight at the ranch from Ashley and Phyllis.
Adam: So now you've decided that you don't believe me?
Sharon: If you were friends with Dr. Taylor, how could you not know what he was accused of?
Adam: Why would I introduce Ashley to doctor-- listen, Dr. Olivia, Ashley's friend, a doctor, had nothing but glowing things to say about him.
Sharon: Well, you have an answer for everything.
Adam: Because it's the truth.
Sharon: Really? Or is it what Ashley said-- you're starting to believe your own lies?
Adam: What do you want me to say, Sharon?
Sharon: I don't know if there's anything you can say.
Jack(Glasses clink)
Kevin: Cheers.
Jana: Cheers. Mmm.
Kevin: (Sighs) So you ready to order?
Jana: Yes, in a sec.
Jana: I know you don't want me to ask you this.
Kevin: But you're going to anyway.
Jana: Well, you know what? (Sighs) Otherwise if I don't, my imagination will just get the best of me. I'll start creating all these crazy stories in my head, and ones worse than the other, and--
Kevin: Well, we certainly wouldn't want that.
Jana: What did Tucker want when he called you aside earlier?
Kevin: He asked me to do a search at Chancellor and see if anybody had sent out an e-mail looking into his previous business affairs.
Jana: Why would he ask you to do that?
Kevin: I don't know. He's paranoid?
Jana: So basically, he's asking you to spy on the people you work with, the people who trust you.
Kevin: It doesn't matter. That's corporate policy. Anything that's on those computers is--is--
Jana: Well, I still don't know how I feel about you investigating the people you work with. It's just not right.
Kevin: (Scoffs) Suddenly you have trouble investigating? You had no problem investigating Ryder.
Jana: That was completely different.
Kevin: Oh? (Sighs)
Jana: We're doing it again.
Kevin: Mm-hmm. I'm sorry.
Jana: God, I'm sorry, too. I am. Let's order something. I-I'm hungry suddenly.
Kevin: Now you're talkin'.
Jana: Yeah?
Kevin: I'm starving.
JackAdam: Look, just-- just knowing that Taylor delivered your baby-- the idea of him putting his hands on you...
Sharon: You know what? That night that he showed up at Fairview, as horrible as it is to think about what he did to those other women, I was in labor, and he was nothing but professional with me.
Adam: Well, good. That is a relief. Because, I mean, if something happened--
Sharon: Adam, wait. Look at me. This is about more than just Dr. Taylor.
Adam: What do you mean?
Sharon: I need to know what happened in that house last summer. Did you drive Ashley to have a nervous breakdown?
Adam: Sharon, I'm sorry about what happened to Ashley last summer. I'm sorry that I couldn't help at all. I'm sorry about the whole thing. But I didn't do it.
Sharon: Okay. Thank you for telling me the truth. (Sighs) You know what? Um... let's just-- let's go see a movie and get our mind off of things.
Adam: All right. Sounds good.
Sharon: Here it is February 18th already.
Adam: Wait. (Stammers) It’s February 18th?
Sharon: Yeah. Why? What about it?
Adam: Fe-- February 18th is the anniversary of my mom's death.
JackNeil: All right, well, listen, I'm gonna leave for a little bit. I'll give you two some time alone to talk, all right? Ashley. Victor.
Victor: Neil. You didn't answer my question before. Why did Adam move off the ranch? I thought you were such a big defender of his.
Ashley: It was always a temporary arrangement, Victor. It just seemed like the right time, so...
Abby: Hi.
Neil: Oh, hi, Abby.
Abby: (Chuckles) Hi, Neil.
Neil: Hi.
Victor: There's got to be more to it than that.
Ashley: I'm sorry you came all the way out here for nothing.
Abby: Uh, Dad.
Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.
Abby: (Sighs) Uh, what are you doing here...?
Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.
Abby: So late? Is everything okay?
Victor: Yes, everything is fine. I just came by to see Adam, but I didn't know that he and Sharon had moved off the ranch.
Abby: Yes! Finally. I mean, Sharon's okay, but Adam? (Shudders) It'll be nice just to have the house to ourselves again, just you, Faith and me.
Ashley: Yeah, about that, Honey. (Sighs) I really didn't want to get into it tonight, but since your father's here, we're all here, I've decided not to take the ranch after all. So you and I are gonna have to find another place to live. I'm sorry.
Abby: Like this year hasn't been bad enough? No we're gonna be homeless on top of it?
Victor: Sweetheart, you're not gonna be homeless, okay? You're not gonna be homeless. Don't you worry about it.
JackJack: Your dastardly plan is working, you know.
Patty: (Sighs) My plan?
Jack: Yeah, wearin' me out so I can't even get out of bed. (Chuckles)
Patty: (Chuckles) Well, I finally got you where I wanted you.
Jack: Mm. Mm. Hey. Whoa. (Chuckles) I'm telling you...
Patty: Hmm?
Jack: These last couple of days, I have seen sides of you I did not know existed.
Patty: Do you have a problem with that?
Jack: No. No, not at all.
Patty: Oh, good. (Chuckles)
Jack: But... I think I know where this is coming from. This is about Patty, isn't it?
Patty: (Sighs)
JackAshley: Abby, I know you've been through a lot this year-- lots of upheaval, and this is the last thing I wanted to do to you.
Abby: Not like anyone cares.
Victor: Sweetheart, why would you say that? We love you very much.
Abby: Maybe if you loved me, you would ask me how I feel every one in a while. But you never do. It's like I'm not allowed to have an opinion.
Ashley: Of course you can have an opinion, and I want to know what you feel and--and what you have to say.
Abby: Really?
Ashley: Yes.
Abby: Because you didn't ask when we moved to London or Los Angeles or back into Granddad's house or here. And now we're moving again?
Victor: If you'd like, you can stay here with me, okay?
Abby: I'm 15 years old, and you guys still treat me like I'm a baby, like I'm supposed to go along with everything that you say and pretend like I like it. Well, I don’t.
Ashley: Abby? Abby, wait a second. Abby, hold on a second! (Sighs) God.
(Front door slams)
Victor: Want me to go after her?
Ashley: Why? So you can convince her to stay here with you and Nikki?
Victor: I just presented her with the option.
Ashley: "Option." It's an interesting word coming from you.
Victor: Is this how it's gonna be from now on? You pounce on every word I say?
Ashley: Look, Adam's at the club. I would really love it if you would just go.
Victor: I will call her cell and try to smooth things over.
Ashley: Could you wait until tomorrow, please, when she's calmed down? And then I'll do some damage control when she gets back tonight.
Victor: Meanwhile, I suggest you calm down.
Ashley: Right.
JackPatty: Why are you bringing up Patty?
Jack: I know how hard you worked, how much you gave of yourself, how you uprooted yourself for that woman. To find out that she tried to commit suicide? Well, it doesn't take a degree in psychology to wonder if there isn't a little escapism going on in this room.
Patty: Okay, Jack, I am here, and I'm-- I want to focus on you. Hmm? On us. I see. You're thinking I'm using sex as a distraction, is that--
Jack: We all have our different means of coping. You know how responsible I felt for the hell Patty's life became after the divorce. I can only imagine what it must be like for you, her loving, caring doctor.
Patty: (Sighs) (Chuckles) I-I do care about Patty. (Sighs) Of course I do. A-and--and that she wanted to end her life? Yes, a part of me feels like I failed her. So if--if... I don't know, maybe you're right. You are right. I just--I'm trying not to, uh, think about it.
Jack: On the other hand, I have heard...
Patty: (Chuckles)
Jack: That it's a mistake to let guilt run your life.
Patty: And what magazine did you read that from?
Jack: Actually, it was my new favorite book-- "Help yourself help others" by Dr. Emily Peterson. Ever heard of her?
Patty: (Chuckles) You're really taking my words to heart.
Jack: I take everything you say to hear. Yeah. But I want you to remember this-- if something's going on, if you're upset or worried about something, you can always talk to me. Always.
Patty: I'll remember that. (Sighs) But, um, right now, talking is not high on my list of things that I want to do with you. Okay?
JackAdam: I've been so caught up in everything else. I should have gone to Kansas. I should have visited her grave. I should have gone to the farm. I loved it there.
Sharon: You don't talk about it much.
Adam: I pushed it out of my mind ever since Mom died. But growing up...
Sharon: Well, what was it like there?
Adam: It was simple, carefree. I learned to count by the hens laying their eggs. I would... Mom would let me, uh... she'd let me name all the animals when they were born, all the little baby animals. It just made me so happy when I was little. I-I know it sounds silly. It just--
Sharon: No. No, it's-- it's not silly at all. Those memories are gonna be with you forever. And it's no wonder you love your baby sister so much. Hope really taught you to love all life in all its forms. Oh, Honey, is-- is there anything that I can do? Is there anything you need?
(Knock on door)
Sharon: (Sighs) I'll--I'll take care of it. I'll--I'll--I'll tell whoever it is to go away.
Sharon: Victor?
Victor: I'm here to see Adam.
JackKevin: Tonight is our night. Let's really enjoy ourselves. You want caviar? Order caviar. The sky is the limit.
Jana: (Sighs) Look, I'm sorry to be a downer. I just can't help the way I feel.
Kevin: Well, then I guess I am just gonna have to try a little harder to put a smile on your face. And if champagne and caviar won't cut it, well, then... maybe my next surprise will.
Jana: What have you done?
Kevin: I might have booked us the honeymoon suite with a couple extra bells and whistles to show you how much I love you.
Jana: Kev, this just isn't working for me.
Kevin: (Scoffs) (Chuckles) Wh-what's not?
Jana: All of it. This. It's just--this is not us. It's like we're pretending to be something we're not.
Kevin: So what-- what are you saying?
Jana: (Sighs) I don't know. I think we should maybe just call it quits.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Jana: You know? Too much has happened. I don't know if this can really be salvaged now.
Kevin: (Sighs) Um... I'm expecting a call from work. Yeah, this is it. Do you mind if I take it?
Jana: Go ahead.
Kevin: Okay. Concierge, please? Hey, Matthew, it's, uh, Kevin Fisher. Um, listen, uh, can we make a couple of changes to the honeymoon suite? Like all that stuff I had asked for, the candles and the rose petals and all that, can we just get rid of that all? I'm... gonna go for a different approach-- just nice and simple. Thanks. Hey, if you could send somebody up there right now, I could meet them there. Uh, yeah. Okay, great.
JackNeil: Long time no see. Do you, uh, mind if I sit down? Uh, well, cat got your tongue, or you're really bummed about something. What is it?
Abby: (Scoffs) Does it matter?
Neil: Yeah, of course it matters. It matters to me, and most of all, it-- it matters to you.
Abby: My dad is taking back the ranch, so my mom and I are moving... again. It's like my superpower is packing.
Neil: (Chuckles) Oh, uh, uh, I'm sorry, d-- um, forgive me for laughing. You know, I-I-I understand. It--it must be rough. You--you probably don't know this, but Lily, she went through a very similar thing.
Abby: She did?
Neil: Oh, yeah, sure. You know, Lily lived in Europe with her mother for a few years while her mother was modeling. You know, they traveled all over the place. They'd go to, uh, Milan for a few weeks and then off to Athens for a few days and then back to Paris to catch their breath and off they went again and again.
Abby: Well, how did Lily deal with it?
Neil: I think by keeping in mind that home isn't about a place. You know, it's about-- it's about the people that you live with. It's about the love and the heart that's there. And Lily knew that her home was wherever her family was.
JackVictor: Despite our difficulties, I know that we are both thinking of Hope this evening.
Adam: True.
Sharon: I wonder what she would say if she was here right now. What she'd say about the way that you've alienated your son. Victor, you know I've always respected you.
Adam: Sharon, please. Thank you for being so loyal. I'd like to speak to my dad alone.
Sharon: Okay. I'll, uh, I'll be downstairs.
Victor: All right. I see you haven't discussed anything with her.
Adam: Just going along with the plan.
Victor: Good. I went out to the ranch earlier. I understand you moved out.
Adam: What'd Ashley say?
Victor: She just said that it was time.
Adam: Yeah, well, Sharon and I need to live on our own anyway. Besides, you'll be moving back to the ranch. We'd have to get out of there.
Victor: Mm-hmm. To keep up appearances.
Adam: My one regret-- telling my wife all these lies. They're eating me alive.
Victor: Well, it's for the best.
Adam: (Clicks tongue) Well, Sharon was right about one thing.
Victor: What's that?
Adam: What would Mom think of you and me right here, right now, pulling all that we're pulling?
Victor: She'd be prouder of you than you think.
JackJana: "You were right. This isn't us. Meet me at the Francis Theater on Elm-- fourth row, first seat on the aisle. Love always, K." (Laughs)
JackKevin: I-I appreciate it. It's just, uh, not really Jana's thing, I guess. If you'd set up an Ouija board theme, then I bet she'd have been really--hello? Hello, Matthew? (Sighs) (Thud)
JackAdam: Proud of me, that's a stretch, after all the mistakes I've made since Mom died.
Victor: Son, I'm not sugarcoating any of this. But you paid your debt. You served time. Only to find out that you inherited your mother's dreadful disease that made her blind from birth. Son, what you have accomplished, all those odds against you, is extraordinary. You graduated from Harvard. That's remarkable. Now you've married this wonderful and decent woman.
Adam: Dad, please. Please just stop, okay? I can't hear it right now, especially coming from you.
Victor: I want you to remember your mother's legacy. She saw only the good in people. And I want you to do that now. I want you to look at yourself and just think of the positive things in your life, all the good in your life. Do that in memory of your mother, okay?
JackAshley: You're on your honeymoon. What are you doing calling me?
Jack: I got a fax from our lawyers about Victor and Jabot. I'm putting together a new game plan.
Ashley: (Scoffs) You know, if--if I were Emily, I'd want to hit you upside the head right now.
Jack: I can't help myself. This is Jabot.
Ashley: The sale isn't even complete yet.
Jack: Yeah, which means there's still time.
Ashley: Exactly. And you're gonna be home in a few days. We can talk about it then. Now go enjoy Emily, all right?
JackJack: Ash... (Sighs) (Sighs)
Patty: Well... I couldn't help overhearing.
Jack: Hey. Ready for dinner?
Patty: (Sighs) After you tell me what's happening with Jabot. Hmm?
Jack: You even have to ask.
Patty: Well, humor me.
Jack: It wasn't bad enough the Chancellor takeover, Tucker McCall decides to put Jabot on the chopping block for the highest bidder and... I assumed that's what we would be when we put together that insanely high offer.
Patty: Only you weren’t.
Jack: No. No, once the "Black Knight" swooped in a trumped us.
Patty: Oh, Victor Newman.
Jack: The one man I don't want to see running that company again. If there was some way to get a judge or an S.E.C. panel to void this sale, to somehow stop it.
Patty: Okay, we're ending-- ending our honeymoon. We're going home tonight.
Jack: Aren't you the person that keeps telling me I need to detach? To focus on my personal life for a change?
Patty: All right, whatever I said in the past-- if you want to go after Victor, I will be behind you 100%, especially after what he did to me.
Jack: You--you mean giving Patty your face?
Patty: Yeah, that and, uh, hurting you and Ashley. I'm your family now, and this is my battle, too.
Jack: Where is this coming from?
Patty: What do you mean?
Jack: Whenever I started ragging on Victor, you always seemed, I don't know, disappointed in me. I--why the change of heart?
Patty: I know you, Jack. And you are gonna stand for yourself and what you believe in. This is you, and this-- this is what I love about you. And if Victor wronged you, you can't back down. You know he isn't going to.
Jack: Wow. I don't know where this is coming from, but it sure is a nice surprise.
Patty: I think our marriage is gonna be full of nice surprises. And you're gonna see sides of me that you've never seen before.
JackAshley: Abby, I'm so glad...
Neil: Isn't that great?
Ashley: You're back.
Neil: Hey. Hi.
Ashley: Hi. I wasn't expecting to find you two together. What's going on?
Neil: Well, you know, we ran into each other at Crimson Lights. And we brought you back some of your favorite brownies.
Abby: Caramel fudge. There were six, but you know, stuff happens.
Ashley: Honey, I--thank you. And I owe you an apology. I never should have dumped that news on you. I'm sorry.
Abby: Well, it's okay. I sort of overreacted anyway. But Neil said something that gave me a great idea.
Ashley: Oh, yeah? You did? He did?
Abby: Well, home is where your family is, right?
Neil: That's absolutely right.
Ashley: Yeah.
Abby: Well, Colleen and Daddy were my family, and I still own Colleen's house. So when the construction is finished, we can just move in there, can't we?
Ashley: Wow, I hadn't really thought about it. Would that make things better for you?
Abby: Yeah, but, uh... I mean, I know Sharon was renting the place, but she and Adam can find someplace else to live, can't they?
Ashley: Yeah. Let me call the contractor and see where things stand.
Abby: So if everything works out, you'd be okay with it?
Ashley: Absolutely, you bet I would.
Abby: Great. Well, um, I'm gonna head upstairs, but I want to say thank you, Neil, for the brownie and the ride home, and you know.
Neil: Yeah. Yeah, I know. You're--you're very welcome.
Abby: Okay, well, good night. (Laughs)
Ashley: I'll be up in a little bit, Honey.
Abby: Okay.
Neil: Good night, Abby.
Ashley: What did you say? She hasn't been that nice to me in a really long time.
Neil: Well, Ash...
Ashley: Like months.
Neil: I don't know. Call me crazy, but I have a little bit of experience with a teenage daughter that has a definite mind of her own, hmm?
Ashley: I'm so grateful.
Neil: Yeah?
Ashley: I mean, I'm really, really grateful.
Neil: (Sighs)
Ashley: Very grateful.
Neil: (Chuckles) Mm.
JackAdam: What would you really say if you knew all the terrible things I've done? If I had it to do over again, I would, but I can’t. I can't go back. Now I'm in love. And it's real, Mom. For the first time since leaving the farm there's someone in my life who feels like home to me. I just want to make Sharon happy. I want to take away all her pain and suffering. But if I tell Sharon the truth, that Faith is hers... I'll lose Sharon forever. I can't give her back what I've taken away, Mom. (Sniffles) I just want to make things better. I want to make things right, but I don't know how to. I don't even know if that's possible. I just... sometimes I don't know who I am anymore, or what I'm doing.
(Door opens)
Adam: (Crying)
JackJana: Oh. (Whispers) Kevin? (Normal voice) Are you here?
JackKevin: Oh, come on! It's a nice place! How can the emergency phone be dead?! Hello?! Hello?! Hello, can anybody hear me?! I'm stuck in the elevator! Hello! (Sighs)
JackJana: (Sighs) (Giggles) Okay, now this is more like it. You know how I adore a good mystery. Jana: Kevin, where are you? (Giggles)
JackKevin: Help! Help, somebody! Help! Get me out of here! Oh! (Exhales deeply) Help!
JackJana: (Laughs)
Jana: (Sighs)
JackSharon: Today of all days for Victor to come in here and make you feel like this.
Adam: This isn't about him.
Sharon: Don't defend him. He disowned you. I'm amazed that you even allowed him to come in here and talk to you, after all the things he said about you in the magazine.
Adam: It's not real. It was a hoax, Sharon.
Sharon: What was? What was?
Adam: Everything. Me quitting Newman, the fight downstairs, the article-- it was all just orchestrated to get me hired by Tucker McCall so I could be a mole in his company, uh, so Victor and Nick and I could... get Katherine her company back. I'm sorry, Baby. I am sorry. I... hate... I hate lying to you more than you realize. But with this, Victor insisted. (Sniffs) He figured, what the hell? What's another lie, right? Uh, to stack on to a mountain of lies of Adam's already screwed-up life.
Sharon: Well, he swore you to secrecy. I understand.
Adam: You do?
Sharon: Yeah. It's been, uh, a rough relationship you two have had, and I'm sure this looked like a way for you to get back into his good graces.
Adam: Like that'll ever happen.
Sharon: It could.
Adam: You're always so understanding. You are so encouraging, and you see the best in me. And there's only two people in my life who have ever treated me like that, and one of 'em is dead. (Sighs) I'm so lost, Sharon. I'm so lost, so utterly lost. I don't know what to do, and I'm out of Newman, and if I lost you, I--
Sharon: You're not gonna lose me. Adam, I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm gonna be right here, no matter what Ashley or Phyllis or anybody says, I'm gonna be right by your side. And we're gonna move back into the house. We're gonna clear your name, and we're going to build a life together.
Adam: I don't deserve you.
Sharon: Shh. Shh.
JackVictor: Here's to you, Hope. You were a sweet woman. You're missed.
JackJack: You sure you want to do this?
Patty: We have a whole lifetime full of romantic trips. But right now, yeah, we need to go back and fix this.
Jack: We're going home. And when we do, we're gonna take my father's company back.
JackKevin: You sure you don't mind staying until close? All right, great. I would've, uh, called you back sooner, but, Dude, I got stuck in an elevator. Yeah, it was crazy. There was this loud screeching noise. I thought for sure that thing was gonna crash. Turns out it was just the guy getting it started up again. Uh, wait, but, um, before you go, is, uh, is Jana there? Well, I, um... I had to get up from the table for a minute, but it looks like she's gone. I thought maybe she went back to the coffeehouse. All right, bye. That's weird. Where'd she go?
JackJana: (Thinking) Ryder and Daisy are twins?
Jana: If they're brother and sister, who--who's their mother?
Jana: Oh, God, no. It can't be.
(Book thuds)
Jana: Aah!
JackNext on "The Young and the Restless"...
Lauren: I mean, Daisy's a good kid.
Kevin: Well, I thought the same thing about Ryder.
Victor: I wish you would hold off with that decision.
Victoria: No, I can't, okay? This whole thing could just blow up in our faces.
Phyllis: Adam knew that this man was evil.
Ashley: Oh, my God.
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