Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/16/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/16/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 2/17/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9338 ~ Ashley Publicly Confronts Adam

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Billy: Here's your contract with the changes you requested.

Malcolm: Appreciate that.

Billy: Hey, we were happy to make any changes you feel you need here. Um, I want to accommodate you. I'm a big fan. You're--you have an edgy style. You've got a great eye. It doesn't matter if you're shooting runway models in Milan or refugees in Kenya. You always show us something new.

Malcolm: Ah, well, it's getting harder every day to keep people's attention.

Billy: Yeah? Well, here, demand it.

Malcolm: All right.

Billy: All right. And it's official.

Lily: Hey, how are you?

Malcolm: Hey.

Lily: (Chuckles) Hey. Um, we're gonna get some food to celebrate. Do you want to join us?

Billy: No, can't--swamped. But you guys enjoy it, okay?

(Telephone rings)

Lily: Okay.

Billy: Hi. Yeah, this is Billy. No--oh, hey, guys, um, will you think about your feature, okay? Uh, we want to announce your presence with authority.

Malcolm: I already know what I want to do.

Billy: All right, well, let me know when you're ready.

Malcolm: All right.

Billy: Is that what I asked you to do? No, it's not what I asked you to do. I'm not yelling at you, but, I mean, come on.

Lily: So what sounds good? The club? Indigo?

Malcolm: Uh, why don't we grab some takeout and head back to your place? I've got something private I want to discuss with you.

Lily: Okay.

Jill: (Sighs)

Cane: All right, look, firing you had to be just a symbolic gesture. Katherine knows that Tucker's just gonna override her.

Jill: No, he won’t. He says that he doesn't want to get involved.

Cane: All right, just let me talk to him.

Jill: No, no, no, Honey. This isn't why I told you this. I can handle Tucker on my own.

Tucker: Do I hear my name?

Jana: God, you don't need to thank me, Noah. I'm just as determined as you are to find out what's going on here. Yeah, okay, so look, um, what I do know is... (Sighs) That Ryder and Daisy have some sort of a connection to this boy named Max who disappeared a few years back. God, no. I can't even mention Ryder's name to Kevin, or he gets so tense. Plus, I don't have any concrete material... yet, that is. Yeah, I know. Um, listen, I've got to go. Bye.

Ryder: They said at the boardinghouse you were looking for me?

Kevin: Yeah, and can you make sure it's a nice table, somewhere kind of private? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that'd be great. All right, thanks. Daisy, hey. I got your books here.

Daisy: Oh, thanks. I forgot 'em after I slipped and fell.

Kevin: Yeah, Michael said your back's all right.

Daisy: Just a little sore.

Kevin: Okay, what can I get for you?

Daisy: A mocha latte?

Kevin: You got it.

Daisy: It's kinda quiet.

Kevin: Yeah, it'll get busy later. But that's her problem. (Chuckles)

Daisy: Giving yourself the night off?

Kevin: Yeah, I'm taking my wife out to dinner.

Ryder: You want to buy me dinner?

Jana: Ryder, I think I have misjudged you. And if you're willing, I would really like to start fresh. Hmm? Get to know each other a little bit. Will that be all right with you? Hmm? What do you say?

Ryder: Yeah. (Chuckles) Yeah, sure.

Jana: Yeah?

Ryder: Okay.

Jana: Terrific. Okay, let's go get a table then.

Ryder: Um, let me just get rid of my jacket.

Jana: Fine.

Neil: Hey.

Ashley: (Sighs)

Neil: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Ashley, Ash, what's going on?

Ashley: (Sobs) I'm just so upset.

Neil: I can see that. Hey.

Ashley: (Sighs)

Neil: Why? Because of Dr. Taylor-- what--what Phyllis said to you? I mean...

Ashley: Oh, you know--

Neil: Did Doc--Dr. Taylor-- did he h-hurt you?

Ashley: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, he never did anything like that to me.

Neil: All right.

Ashley: It's just that if those accusations are true...

Neil: Well, Phyllis seems certain of it.

Ashley: (Sighs) Then Adam had to know, didn't he? What Taylor did to those poor women? I mean, don't you think?

Neil: Yeah, I do think so. It would be very strange if he didn’t.

Ashley: He brought that man into my home with my young daughter.

Neil: I know. I know he did with no reservations. I know.

Ashley: (Sighs) (Exhales) I was looking at this statue of Sabrina and remembering when that... (Sighs) This part of the statue, the baby's head, was sent to me in a package. But I'm remembering things, like how Adam used to reinforce my suspicions about Estella and Patty-- that they were the ones that were trying to drive me insane. Oh, my God. What if it was him?

Neil: Ashley, what-- what if he was the one who was torturing you?

Ashley: Is that even possible? He was losing his sight.

Neil: Well, you don't have to see in order to plant ideas in people's minds, right? Like showing you the piece of bloody cloth...

Ashley: Oh, God.

Neil: From the car bumper. I mean...

Ashley: I think I'm gonna be sick. I just feel sick about this. He-- (sighs) So many people warned me, Neil, so many.

Neil: I know. I know.

Ashley: I just didn't want to hear it. I mean, at the very least, he has to know more than he's admitted, right?

Neil: Looks that way to me.

Ashley: He's coming back from his honeymoon today. I have to confront him.

Adam: Unbelievable. You are just lying in wait waiting for us to get home from our honeymoon, aren't you?

Sharon: You--you really do need to get a life, Phyllis.

Adam: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Well, I was just talking to Ashley, and, um, since I was waiting for her to get back to finish our conversation, um, maybe you'd be interested in what we were talking about and everything I learned about your friend Dr. Taylor. I guess it--it isn't true what they say-- dead men do tell tales.

Sharon: (Scoffs) I'm gonna go upstairs and unpack. Adam, do you want to join me?

Phyllis: You're not gonna be able to hide from this one, Sharon.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Why don't you let it go?! A man died. It was an accident. It was horrible. But it was just an accident. That's it, Phyllis-- no scandal, no cover-up.

Adam: You know what, Sharon? You've got the right idea. Just ignore her. Let's go upstairs.

Sharon: No, you know what? No, this needs to end. This needs to end right now. Why don't you find a job or something to occupy your mind?

Adam: (Chuckles)

Sharon: Because Adam did nothing wrong. In fact, he did Ashley a favor by recommending this incredibly highly regarded doctor.

Phyllis: Oh, highly regarded? Really? I wonder if Ashley will feel the same way when she finds out, um, that this highly regarded doctor was sexually harassing his patients?

Jill: (Sighs) Something you needed?

Tucker: It's come to my attention that someone's been making inquiries into my past business dealings. You know anything about that?

Jill: No. Although I'm sure it's not a matter of much concern to you. You're a man who covers your tracks.

Cane: Would you, uh, like me to look into it for you?

Tucker: No, that's all right. As Jill says, I'm, uh, more curious than concerned. Excuse me.

Cane: So is this true? You, uh, don't happen to know who's investigating him?

Jill: Could be any number of people. Tucker McCall is a very unpopular man, with good reason.

Cane: Well, in that case, let's not waste any more energy on this. Let's find you a job.

Jill: Oh, don't worry about that. I've already got that one covered.

Lily: So this... (Sighs) Private conversation you wanted to have-- you and my dad butting heads again, or...

Malcolm: Oh, no, we're cool. No, nothing like that. I, um, I-- actually, I wanted to ask if maybe you'd be interested in working with me. You see, this first photo essay for "Restless Style" needs to be something special.

Lily: Uh, sorry. Before you finish that thought, I'm--I'm just-- I'm not really feeling the whole modeling thing these days.

Malcolm: Well, I'm not talking about a fashion shoot. Lily, I want to tell your story.

Lily: The story of my illness, you mean.

Malcolm: Your survival.

Lily: Right, so I would literally be a poster child.

Malcolm: Would I do that to you? Come on now. When I look at you, I don't see weakness. My dainty little ballerina has become a warrior.

Lily: (Chuckles) (Scoffs) Yeah, unwillingly.

Malcolm: Look, I understand you don't want to be known as "The girl with cancer."

Lily: Yeah, I don't want to be known as that in my own mind, as well, you know? It's like, I work very, very hard to keep a sense of myself apart from the disease.

Malcolm: But it's changed you, right? I mean, you're a different woman than you were a year ago. And you've discovered strengths you didn't even know you had. And it shows-- the way you carry yourself, your eyes. I want to capture that.

Lily: (Sighs) I don't know. I... (Sighs)

Malcolm: Let--let--let-- let me show you what I mean. I mean, we'll take a few test shots.

Lily: Wait, now? (Sighs)

Malcolm: Yeah, we'll try it. We can shoot a few test shots, and if you don't like it, we'll scrap the whole thing.

Lily: (Sighs)

Neil: Ashley, are you sure that going head-to-head with Adam is a good idea?

Ashley: I'm okay. I'm okay. You know, last year, I couldn't have handled it. Finding out that somebody I had been leaning on and trusted had betrayed me-- you know, if there were signs along the way, I-I just didn't let myself see them. I don't really-- I don't understand why. I mean, w-why would you want to make a pregnant woman think that she's insane? I mean, how sick do you have to be to want to do that to another human being, Neil?

Neil: I don't know. I don't know why. Maybe--maybe he has some kind of grudge against you or--

Ashley: What? I've been nothing but supportive of his relationship with Victor. I mean, what reason c-could he possibly have to want to hurt me like that?

Neil: Ash, some people don't need a reason, you know? They just prey on whoever is vulnerable, which you were last summer.

Ashley: Well, he's definitely gonna be dealing with a different person now.

Neil: I'd like to be there, okay? I'd like to be there to support you when you talk to him. Is that okay with you?

Ashley: I would love that.

Neil: Come here.

Sharon: I can't believe that you would say something so nasty about Dr. Taylor. He was--he was a respected and renowned researcher and physician.

Phyllis: Well, apparently, he was also a pervert who molested his patients. Yeah, it happened to be common knowledge at Harvard. It was the worst-kept secret. And everybody knew. Well, e-everybody who was there when you were there and who knew Dr. Taylor when you knew Dr. Taylor.

Sharon: Did you ever hear this rumor?

Adam: No.

Phyllis: Really? Oh, that's strange, because everyone I talked to said it was--it was out. It was common knowledge.

Adam: Not to me.

Sharon: Well, then it can't be true, Phyllis. Dr. Taylor would have lost his license and gone to prison.

Phyllis: Well, that's the thing with this kind of a deal, Sharon. People are afraid. No charges were filed. It never hit the newspaper, 'cause women were afraid to come out against him. But they told their friends, and their friends told their friends, and everybody knew. Everybody knew, except, apparently, Adam. He had no idea.

Adam: Even if there is any basis in fact, which it seems kind of impossible...?

Phyllis: You knew.

Adam: What does it have to do with me?

Phyllis: You knew who this man was, and what he was...

Adam: It is the first that I have heard of it, Phyllis.

Phyllis: And you brought him into this house...

Adam: It's the very first I've heard of this.

Phyllis: And toward Ashley, and there has to be a reason.

Sharon: Wait a minute. What are you saying, Phyllis? You think that Adam wanted him to attack Ashley?

Adam: Sharon--

Sharon: No, listen. This is disgusting, and it's insane, and it just-- it's--there is something the matter with you, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Oh, the matter with me?

Sharon: Yes! You are so obsessed with us. You traveled 2,000 miles to dig up some dirt on someone who Adam happened to know. You haven't proved anything here, except how vindictive you are.

Phyllis: Oh, I'm vindictive?

Sharon: Yes, you are.

Phyllis: Oh, interesting.

Sharon: And you will stop at nothing. You know what?

Adam: (Sighs)

Sharon: I'm happy, and-- and you--you can't stand it. That's how much you hate me.

Malcolm: There.

Lily: (Sighs)

(Camera shutter clicks)

Malcolm: Yep.

Lily: I'm sorry. (Chuckles) I just--I don't think this is what you're looking for.

Malcolm: No, no, no. Whatever you're comfortable with is good for me.

Lily: (Sighs) Okay. (Chuckles)

Malcolm: So, uh...

(Camera shutter clicks)

Malcolm: Tell me about the wig.

Lily: The wig?

Malcolm: You said it's the first time that you've worn it.

Lily: Oh, yeah. Um, I've actually-- I've had it for months. (Chuckles) But, um, I don't know. It just-- putting it on kind of seemed...

Malcolm: What?

Lily: Like a surrender. (Chuckles) I know it's not rational. I know.

Malcolm: No, no, no. I, um, I-I get it.

Lily: Yeah. Colleen did, too, actually. She, um, had all these plans to help, you know, get me through it.

(Camera shutter clicks)

Lily: Like she was gonna try on ones with me, like crazy ones in different colors, and, you know, make it fun... or as fun as cancer can be. (Scoffs)

Malcolm: (Sighs) You, um, you must really be missing her.

Lily: Yeah.

Malcolm: I, um... (Sighs) I-I turned down an assignment at the Canal Saint-Martin last year.

Lily: What? You're kidding me. That would have been great. That was actually one of Mom's favorite spots in Paris.

Malcolm: Exactly. Um, being in the places Dru loved without her makes it too real that she's gone.

Lily: Is that why you, um, stayed away from Genoa City so long?

Malcolm: (Sighs) I'm--I'm-- I'm not as strong as she was.

Lily: Hey, nobody is.

Malcolm: You are.

Lily: You know what? Um, turn around. (Chuckles)

Malcolm: I-I don't want to push you into this now.

Lily: No, no, no. It's--its okay. I'm, uh, I'm ready to show the real me. (Chuckles) (Sighs)

Billy: Well, I need to know by tonight, okay? Thank you. Um, oh. We're supposed to have dinner, aren't we?

Jill: It's okay. It's okay. I can see that you're busy.

Billy: Yeah, well, it is a madhouse in here, but I love it. I really do. Oh, thank you! I need--and, you, can you please put this where it goes? I don't know where that is, but thank you very much.

Jill: (Chuckles) You look like you could use some help.

Billy: Yeah, actually, you know what I could use? Elves.

Jill: (Chuckles)

Billy: They can come in here. And they--they can take care of things while we're asleep, and, you know, very cheap labor, those elves.

Jill: I have a better idea, Honey.

Billy: You do? What's that?

Jill: Hire me.

Billy: Hmm.

Phyllis: So, Sharon, you think I'm saying these things because I'm out to get you? And so is Nick, and so is Jack?

Adam: (Sighs) It's more rational than anything you're suggesting.

Phyllis: Oh, no, the opposite is true. You hooked up with him to upset Nick and get Nick's attention.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Phyllis, you poor thing. No, we have been trying to get away from all of you, and you are the one who has obsessively been following us around trying to make up these vicious lies.

Phyllis: Okay, um, it may interest you both that I have a phone number of a woman who has experienced the hands of Dr. Taylor, and I intend to talk to her today.

Adam: Knock yourself out, Phyllis. I have nothing to hide. Come on. Let's go.

Sharon: Okay.

Ashley: Adam?

Adam: Ashley.

Ashley: I'm glad you're here.

Adam: I hear that, um, you and Phyllis have been discussing me.

Ashley: Yeah, I have some questions for you.

Adam: Well, I'd be happy to answer anything that you ask.

Ashley: I'll take you up on it.

Sharon: I really wish you wouldn't let Phyllis poison your mind against Adam.

Phyllis: Oh, now I'm poisoning her mind.

Neil: All right, Ladies. Ladies, come on, please? Ashley, g-go ahead.

Adam: You know, Ashley, I, um, I assume that you're gonna be asking me questions about Dr. Taylor, these nasty accusations.

Ashley: I want you to tell me the truth. Was it you who was trying to drive me insane?

Lily: (Sighs)

Lily: (Chuckles)

Malcolm: So... is bald beautiful, or what?

Lily: My gosh. Malcolm, they look-- they look amazing. (Chuckles) Thank you.

(Front door opens)

Cane: Hey, what's going on?

Lily: Cane.

Malcolm: I was just taking some test shots.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Cane: Hey, ex-excuse me. What? What'd you say to me? You're doing test shots? Test shots for what?

Lily: Um, Billy hired Uncle Malcolm to work at "Restless Style."

Cane: You--hang on a second. Are you exploiting what she's going through so you can further your career? What are you doing here?

Lily: No, Cane, stop. It's not like that.

Cane: Baby, Baby, you're almost in tears here. What are you doing, Malcolm? I thought we talked about this. We can't afford to stress her out, and what are you doing bu--

Lily: Cane, stop. It's okay, really.

Malcolm: Look, I'm--I'm-- I'm gonna give you two some time to discuss this, okay?

Cane: You okay?

Lily: Yes. (Sighs) Thank you. Thanks.

Malcolm: Yeah.

Lily: You know, you really could have waited to find out what was going on before you jumped down his throat.

Cane: You might trust the guy. I don't trust him. I'm sorry.

Lily: (Sighs)

Billy: This really isn't your type of environment. I mean, it's not corporate. It's--it's-- it's no-holds-barred. It's fly-by-night. It's, uh--

Jill: In your face?

Billy: Yeah, you're damn right. It's in your face.

Jill: I know. That's what people are responding to. Billy, I'm proud of you. In a few short months, you have managed to redefine the brand. "Restless Style" is now the brash newcomer. It's the barbarian at the gate.

Billy: Yeah, it's more like the little kid pointing at the emperor with no clothes on laughing at him, yeah.

Jill: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But if you want to keep on getting these stories, you need an insider in the palace, don't you? I mean, contacts and relationships. That's the name of this game.

Billy: Mom, are you offering to be my spy?

Jill: (Chuckles) Well, I don't think it should be my official title.

Billy: Okay, well, this does have certain possibilities, but as long as it-- it's clearly understood that this is my magazine...

Jill: Mm-hmm.

Billy: It's my vision, that you actually work for me, not the other way around. Is this something that you can handle?

Jill: Yes, Honey, I can live with this.

Billy: You're sure this works for you?

Jill: Mm-hmm, yes.

Billy: Okay, then, well, you're hired.

Jill: (Laughs)

Billy: There we go. There it is. Very good.

Jana: Oh. (Laughs) Oh, well, that was lovely.

Kevin: Oh, no, no, no, no. That's just the beginning. I'm taking you out to dinner.

Jana: Oh, no.

Kevin: Well, that's not the reaction I was hoping for.

Jana: Oh, I've already eaten.

Kevin: Well, come on. There's always room for wild mushroom strudel.

Jana: That's actually exactly what I ate.

Kevin: You ate at the club? With who?

Jana: With Ryder.

Kevin: With Ryder? What's that all about?

Tucker: Kevin. Uh, would you excuse us for just a--just a minute?

Kevin: Okay, Sir.

Kevin: Hi.

Tucker: I need you to do a search for me on the main server. Flag any e-mails that have gone out in the last three weeks requesting information about me or my business dealings.

Kevin: Well, I think if somebody's trying to dig up dirt on you, they'd be smart enough to use a private e-mail address.

Tucker: There's a nice bonus in it for you if you find me something.

Kevin: All right. Any idea who they'd be trying to contact?

(Cell phone rings)

Jana: Hi, Noah? Um... (clears throat) No, not much. No, Ryder still claims he doesn't know who's in the other half of that photo. Oh, God, no. Believe me. I'm not giving up yet. Listen, I have to phone you back, okay? Um, so what'd your boss want?

Kevin: Look, don't ask, and I won't ask what's going on with you and Ryder. How about that?

Jana: (Sighs) Look, um, I really think that you should hear it.

Kevin: Yeah, I know. I know. There's some past between him and Daisy.

Jana: No, Kev, it's more than that. Um, I really think that you should-- you need to know what I f--

Kevin: Okay, look, look, look, look, look, look, look. What I need is to have a nice romantic night alone with my wife where we do not talk about Ryder, okay?

Jana: (Exhales)

Adam: I can't believe you're asking me this.

Neil: Ashley, notice he's not answering the question.

Adam: I've defended myself against these accusations time and time again, Neil.

Phyllis: There must be something to it.

Sharon: Stop putting ideas in her head.

Ashley: She's not. This sick feeling I have in my stomach has nothing to do with anything Phyllis has said to me.

Adam: So you don't think there's any connection between her wild accusations and your return to paranoia? If you're not careful, she's gonna mess with your mental health.

Phyllis: Oh--oh, my God. Are you kidding me? Are you calling her crazy? Is that what you're saying?

Adam: Phyllis--

Neil: You don't want to go there, Adam. You hear me?

Ashley: Why did you want to hurt me?

Sharon: Um, do all of you realize that this man is practically blind? He wasn't even allowed out of the house last summer. There's no way he could have possibly have done the things that you're accusing him of. And you know what? I do blame you for this, Phyllis, because Ashley was Adam's faithful friend.

Ashley: That's true. I've been such a good friend to you, Adam. I convinced Victor to get you out of prison. I stood by your side as your sight was failing you. I asked you to be the Godfather to my child.

Adam: Which means the world to me, Ashley.

Ashley: My God, the total conviction in your voice. Is it really that easy for you to lie to me?!

Sharon: Ashley, why do you think that he's lying?

Ashley: Because of the tone of his voice and the expression on his face. It's exactly the same as when he said things to me that I know were not true, like when you brought me that bloody purple cloth and told me that I had killed somebody, and then stood there and said you never said such a thing. You have been lying to me this entire time.

Adam: No, Ashley, its not--

Ashley: And I want you out of my house right now.

Adam: Ashley--

Neil: You heard her.

Ashley: I am going...

Neil: It's the end of the discussion, Adam.

Ashley: To take my daughter. When I get back, I want you gone.

Jill: Okay, so this would be the cover story?

Billy: It might not be your personal cup of tea, but people can't get enough of this stuff.

Jill: Meaning...

Billy: (Coughs)

Jill: There's already a lot of it out there. Honey, I thought you wanted to be the one to break the big stories, not rehash them.

Billy: Is it my fault that the Newmans haven't busted a move this week? I mean, if you have a better idea, I-- what am I talking about? You always have "A better idea."

Jill: No, no, I don't want to overstep here. If you're happy with that story, that's fine.

Billy: You don't want to overstep. Just tell me your idea.

Cane: You know, he just disappears for years, and then when he shows up, he just wants something from you straightaway.

Lily: No, you're wrong. He gave me something. He helped me see myself through new eyes. I wish that you could have seen the pictures that he took. Or you know what? Actually, you will, and someday, our children will, too.

Cane: All right, sounds like a lot-- a lot of people are gonna see these pictures. And I just-- I just want to know, are you ready to share that? Are you ready to share what you're going through with strangers like that?

Lily: Okay, first of all, they were just test shots. I haven't even agreed to show them publicly yet. And if I do, then it'll be because it might help someone else who's dealing with the same thing as me.

Cane: I don't want you going through that much. That's all.

Lily: Listen, it is just a few pictures. I'm not trying to be a spokesperson or anything. You know I'm must hoping that when we get my pet scan next week, it'll show that the chemo is working and that we're almost done with cancer, and then we can just put this whole thing behind us.

Cane: I hate to see you cry.

Lily: (Sighs) I know, but believe it or not, they were actually happy tears.

Cane: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Well, I guess Ashley is vindictive, too. You could just add her to the long list of people who are out to get your husband. (Chuckles) Could we all be wrong?

Adam: (Sniffles) You've made your point.

Phyllis: I hope I have, Adam.

Adam: Without you, I'd be falling apart right now.

Sharon: (Sighs) Well, uh, I guess we-- we don't have time-- we don't have much time, anyway, to get all of our things together.

Adam: Don't worry about it. You can go get ready. I'll--I'll bring the suitcases.

Jana: What? You're--you're not even gonna let me tell you?

Kevin: Jana, come on. I did what you wanted-- cut Ryder out of our lives almost completely.

Jana: (Sighs)

Kevin: Please, do not bring him back in.

Jana: We need to know what he is up to.

Kevin: Then some other time, okay?

Jana: (Sighs)

Kevin: (Sighs) I need this to be a nice night for us, okay? The way things were before Ryder came into the picture.

Jana: But it's not possible.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Cane: Tell me what you saw in the pictures then.

Lily: I saw strength and courage, you know? The kind of woman that our children will be proud of someday.

Cane: Sweetheart.

Lily: I don't know. It's just-- Malcolm is like Colleen, you know? He studied beauty, so he's able to recognize it where maybe most people wouldn’t.

Cane: Listen, if you think that no one thinks you're gorgeous, you are wrong.

Lily: No, no, no. That's not what I'm saying.

Cane: You're wrong about that. You're beautiful.

Lily: You don't understand. I mean, I didn't, either. You know, I-- (sighs) It's like, when I would do photo shoots, I kept thinking that it was all about the hair and the makeup, thinking that that's gonna make or break a shot. And yet, I don't even have hair under here.

Cane: (Chuckles)

Lily: And... (Sniffles) Malcolm would give a damn about makeup, and yet, those were the most beautiful pictures that anyone has ever taken of me because I saw my mom in myself. And, you know, maybe if some other woman can look at those and feel better about what she's going through, I would love to have that kind of impact on someone's life.

Cane: Do you know you blow me away?

Lily: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Hello.

Malcolm: Hey.

Phyllis: Are you, uh, scoping out the singles scene?

Malcolm: (Chuckles) Tell me, how long has this been going on?

Ashley: (Speaking indistinctly)

Phyllis: I don't know. I don't know if there's a story there. If there is, it's a good thing. She needs somebody in her corner.

Malcolm: Oh, because of the divorce?

Phyllis: Mm, well, the divorce is the least of her worries right now. She got taken by a liar, a user, God knows what else.

Malcolm: (Sighs) Don't do it.

Phyllis: Do what?

Malcolm: Get involved.

Phyllis: I'm not involved.

Malcolm: (Laughs)

Phyllis: I'm not involved...

Malcolm: (Laughs)

Phyllis: At all. I mean, like I have a-a little-- a little involvement, just minimal.

Malcolm: Okay, all right.

Phyllis: But I'm not involved.

Malcolm: All right, you keep playing if you want to. You're gonna find yourself in a hot mess like you always do.

Phyllis: I'm not-- "Like I always do"?

Malcolm: Yes.

Phyllis: No, I don’t.

Malcolm: Oh, okay.

Phyllis: What are you talking about? No, no. This guy--this guy is a us he's gonna take the fall. Believe me. He created his own disaster. He's taking the fall. It's gonna happen. It already started happening.

Malcolm: Oh, just don't you get dragged down with it.

Phyllis: I'm not gonna get dragged down with it. (Scoffs)

Malcolm: All right.

Phyllis: Do I ever? Nothing is gonna happen to me.

Ashley: Better? Are you feeling better? Oh.

Neil: Hi. How you doing? Yeah, does that feel good to be with Mommy like that?

Jana: (Sighs) Look... (Clears throat) As long as I feel like Ryder and Daisy are a threat to our family, I ca--

Kevin: (Sighs) Come on, Baby. Baby, can we please take the night off?

Jana: Well, it's not as if I like worrying about this, you know.

Kevin: Well, then don't, okay? At least not for a few hours.

Jana: (Sighs)

Kevin: I promise to make it worth your while.

Jana: Really?

Kevin: Mm-hmm.

Jana: Well, can you be more specific?

Kevin: No, not in public I can’t.

Jana: Okay.

Kevin: (Chuckles)

Jana: Well, you know, we do have to talk about this at some point.

Kevin: (Clears throat) Come with me, please.

Kevin: (Chuckles)

Daisy: (Whispers) My half of the photo is gone.

Ryder: (Whispers) What do you mean, "Gone"?

Daisy: As in somebody took it.

Ryder: Well, who would--?

Daisy: (Sighs)

Ryder: (Sighs) Jan--Jana was asking me about my half of the photo again. Do you think she would--?

Daisy: That's exactly what I think.

Ryder: (Sighs)

(Buttons scatter)

Lily: What are you-- ?

Billy: (Sighs) Oh, I get it now. You want to work here to settle a score, huh, Mom?

Jill: A concept you're not unfamiliar with.

Billy: Oh, no, it's my favorite pastime, actually. So tell me you have something good, something really good on this guy.

Jill: Well, it's sure to be good. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so nervous about people digging into his past.

Billy: You don't have any dirt on him yet, do you?

Jill: No, Billy, but you know what I'm like when I'm highly motivated.

Billy: Yes, y-yes, I do. And I actually almost feel sorry for this guy.

Jill: You should. (Chuckles)

Neil: What is it, Tucker?

Tucker: I wondered how much you know about the very curious person who's spent a lot of time lately digging into my past.

Neil: Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have anything for you. But I'll get back to you tomorrow, okay?

Phyllis: Well, you had the axis of evil living right under your roof.

Ashley: Well, apparently so. You know, who saw through him from the very beginning was Abby.

Phyllis: Well...

Ashley: She never trusted him. She always kept him at arm's length. Thank God, because you know what? If he had done anything to my daughter, I would have had to have killed him.

Phyllis: Yes, I'm sure. Of course, but your daughters are safe...

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Because you've kicked him off the ranch.

Malcolm: Good for you.

Phyllis: Yeah, absolutely. Good for you. See? Your mommy's tough.

Neil: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Your mommy is tough, Faith.

Ashley: (Chuckles) That's right.

Phyllis: Yeah, she got rid of--she got rid of Adam. (Laughs) Yeah, she's tough.

Adam: (Sighs)

Sharon: It's a good thing J.C.A.C. had a room available tonight.

Adam: Sharon, please talk to me.

Sharon: Who do you think I'm talking to, Adam?

Adam: (Sighs) You know what I mean. You like Ashley, respect her. But you didn't see her last summer when-- w-when she was so ill-- seeing ghosts, and--and not being able to tell what was real and what wasn't, and this is just more of the same.

Sharon: Phyllis' accusations at Dr. Taylor are just preposterous.

Adam: Yeah, I-- look, I just-- I-I don't even want to go there.

Adam: (Sighs) The things that you heard today, did they change how you feel about me?

Sharon: No. I believe in you.

Adam: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victor: I'm here to see Adam.

Jana: I still don't know how I feel about you investigating the people you work with.

Kevin: You had no problem investigating Ryder.

Jack: I think I know where this is coming from. This is about Patty, isn't it?

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