Y&R Transcript Monday 2/15/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 2/16/10 -- USA
Episode # 9337 ~ Phyllis Confronts Adam With Her Newfound Information
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: Well, that was some Valentine’s Day night, Mr. Newman. At least, it was for me. It was good for me.
Nick: I'm sorry. I'm just, uh, thinking about Victoria and J.T.
Phyllis: Oh. Yeah, I bet they're glad that this holiday's over.
Nick: Probably could have avoided divorce if they had not kept things from each other.
Phyllis: They probably could have. It's not your responsibility, though.
Nick: I don't want that to happen to us.
Phyllis: Is there something you want to tell me?
Nick: You know, I was just about to ask you the same thing.
Phyllis: Do you think I'm keeping something from you?
Nick: Are you?
Phyllis: Well, what-- what would it be?
Fr. Todd: Hey.
Paul: Hi.
Fr. Todd: Changes?
Paul: She's still critical, but, um, she's also still here.
Fr. Todd: Yeah. Well, fortunately for us, it's not her time yet. You know, it's amazing what a good nap does. Why don't you take a break?
Paul: No, I'm fine.
Fr. Todd: I-I'll be here. She won't be alone.
Paul: No, I know. After that last scare, I'd just as soon stay here.
Fr. Todd: Yeah, I figured you'd say that. That's why I decided to bring in the big guns.
(Door opens)
Nina: Hi. I'm so sorry.
Adam: (Sighs) Last bag.
Sharon: I can hear the ocean from this, but it just won't be the same.
Adam: Trust me, I do not want to leave, either.
Sharon: Let's take one more walk on the beach. Come on. One more time.
Adam: All right. (Sighs)
Sharon: Wow, I am gonna miss this place so--
Adam: (Sighs)
Sharon: Jack?
Jack: Sharon? What are you doing here?
Adam: Well, we're on our honeymoon.
Jack: So are we. When we leave here, we leave here with no baggage.
Sharon: Literally?
Jack: Well, no, the s-suitcases are kind of expensive. I meant--
Sharon: (Laughs)
Jack: (Laughs) I meant we'd start with a clean slate.
Sharon: Uh, what are the odds?
Jack: Unbelievable, huh?
Patty: Yeah. (Chuckles) Unbelievable.
Kevin: Hey, Jana?
Jana: Yeah?
Kevin: How did all these bills pile up? I thought you were gonna be taking care of this now that I'm so busy at Chancellor.
Jana: Oh, I'm sorry. I got sidetracked.
Kevin: By what?
Jana: Um, just, you know, just stuff. Just stuff. (Chuckles)
Kevin: What kind of stuff? Apartment stuff? Coffeehouse stuff? What?
Jana: Ryder and Daisy stuff.
Kevin: (Scoffs) Forget I asked.
Jana: Look, you want details? I think you should get them.
Kevin: Not about this I don’t.
Jana: I know something, Kevin. I know something new about the two of those.
Kevin: Jana, we talked about this. I--
Jana: I was right. I was right. Those two have known each other a really, really long time. In fact, much longer than I'd even imagined.
Kevin: What difference does it make? He's not a part of our lives. Will you just let it go? (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: Hey. What, you couldn't get enough of me last night?
Lauren: Why aren't you at the store?
Daisy: Uh, I'm not on the schedule. I worked doubles three days straight. You might not know that, since you haven't been there.
Lauren: Where do you think I just came from?
Daisy: (Chuckles) What--what I meant was, uh, you haven't been there that much.
Michael: Hey, is this another one of your headaches?
Lauren: No. No, I'm just tired.
Daisy: I-if you want, I ca--I can go in. I-I just--
Lauren: No, no. Never mind.
Daisy: Okay, well, I'm gonna go work on my photography project.
Lauren: (Sighs) Okay, okay.
Michael: Uh, this is more than just fatigue.
Lauren: No, you know what? I am just so sick and tired of having to watch what I have to say because we have houseguests. That's what this is.
Michael: Well, I am more than happy to close down the Baldwin B and B, but you were so adamant to have Daisy stay.
Lauren: Yeah, well, that is because she was afraid and didn't feel safe in the dorm. You know what? I-I-I think we should just call the dean and have him beef up security.
Michael: You want to do this now?
Lauren: Yeah, I do. I do. I-- (Sighs) You know, I don't want her getting any more attached than she already is. This is much better for us, and much better for her.
Ashley: Hi.
Neil: Hey, there.
Ashley: Bonnie said you were down here.
Neil: Yeah. Remember this? Look familiar?
Ashley: Yes.
Neil: You left it in my car last night.
Ashley: Oh. You didn't have to come all the way over here to bring it to me, you know.
Neil: Well, you know, actually, uh, the shawl was just a ruse...
Ashley: Yes?
Neil: To see if maybe you would go out on a second date with me.
Ashley: Oh, really?
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: A ruse?
Neil: A ruse. What do you think?
Victor: I didn't expect to see you here, Neil.
Neil: Hello, Victor.
Ashley: You're making a bad habit--barging in uninvited, aren't you?
Victor: I'm reacquainting myself with the staff.
Ashley: Oh, really? And you couldn't wait till I was gone?
Victor: I meant no disrespect.
Ashley: That's exactly what you meant.
Victor: Are you blaming me for Neil leaving Newman Enterprises, as well?
Ashley: What are you talking about?
Neil: (Clears throat)
Ashley: Leave him out of this, please.
Victor: How could I? He was here last time I showed up.
Ashley: Yeah?
Victor: What's going on between the two of you?
Daisy: So, uh, how's your sister liking Paris?
Kevin: My sister?
Daisy: Eden.
Kevin: Oh, Eden’s Michael's sister, but, uh, yeah, she likes it.
Daisy: Like Ryder's your brother and-- and not Michael's?
Kevin: Uh, yeah.
Daisy: You know, Eden told me that when you, uh, found out you and Ryder were related, you accepted him on the spot.
Kevin: Yeah, and that was a big mistake.
Daisy: Why? What did he do?
Kevin: It doesn't matter what he did. So how about you, Daisy? You get on well with your brothers and sisters?
Daisy: I don't have any siblings.
Kevin: Well, that's too bad.
Daisy: No, actually, it's a good thing. I didn't play well with others.
Paul: I thought you were in California meeting with producers.
Nina: Yeah, I j-- I just got back. I called your place, and Todd told me what happened. I'm so sorry.
Paul: Yeah, it's been pretty intense.
Nina: But Patty's hanging on, which is good.
Paul: Yeah, the doctors say, uh, she's, uh, stable. But that doesn't mean she's gonna stay that way.
Nina: Well, you know, staying glued to her bedside isn't gonna guarantee it, which is why I made a deal with your brother to get you out of here for a few hours, okay? Look, y-you need to relax, and I just kn-- I know just the thing.
Fr. Todd: Like I said, I'm not gonna leave her alone.
Paul: Look, if--if--
Fr. Todd: I'll call.
Paul: Hey, Pattycake. I'll be back. And when I do come back, I expect to see you doing better, okay?
Patty: Well, it's nice to see you two together.
Jack: Just a little surprising to see you here.
Adam: Uh, what? Is this island exclusive to only certain Genoa City residents?
Jack: Apparently not.
Sharon: Um, he didn't mean that that way.
Adam: Well, then why is he acting so surprised that-- oh. Uh, you've been here with him before.
Patty: Oh, is this-- is that true?
Jack: It--it-- it was a long time ago.
Sharon: Yeah, it was a very, very long time ago.
Jack: And not a particularly happy time.
Sharon: Oh, wh-which makes being here now that much better.
Jack: Because it means we both have found the right people to be with.
Nick: So that's why you went to Harvard? So you could check up on one of Adam's doctor friends?
Phyllis: Yeah, I figured since I was in Boston, it wouldn't hurt to ask some questions.
Nick: You told me you were gonna stop pursuing this.
Phyllis: Well, I-I was. I-it was just--I was finally getting somewhere with this.
Nick: No, all you have come up with so far...
Phyllis: (Clears throat)
Nick: Is that this Dr. Taylor is some old pervert who has a thing for coeds.
Phyllis: Well, yeah. And Adam knew this.
Nick: So what if he did?
Phyllis: Uh, Nick, Adam referred Dr. Taylor to Ashley.
Nick: Even so, that is none of our business.
Phyllis: Well, it is our business. (Scoffs) I can't believe you. You've been on Adam's case since he got into town. He doesn't work at Newman anymore. Your father has disowned him. Why not uncover his secrets? Why not go after Adam? Nick?
Nick: (Sighs) You know, let's just drop this. I have some calls to make.
Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. What are you not telling me now?
Nick: Phyllis.
Phyllis: Well, you know I'm gonna find out sooner or later. You know this.
Nick: Look, Adam didn't leave Newman, okay? And he and Dad are just fine.
Phyllis: What? Wh-what about that fight at the club?
Nick: It was all an act. We needed McCall to see that-- that Adam had been banished from the family company. Otherwise, why would he ever hire Victor Newman's son?
Phyllis: S-so that interview that your father gave to "Restless Style" and-- and publicly disowning him?
Nick: It's just a cover. I set this whole thing up so we could get Jabot from McCall.
Phyllis: Wow. I'm impressed. I'm really impressed. And I'm sort of hurt at the same time, especially since you were on my case for keeping secrets.
Nick: (Sighs)
Phyllis: And then you-- you have this secret. I mean, you set it up.
Nick: I couldn't let you be responsible for any of the information.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. Thanks, I guess.
Nick: Do you see now why I needed you to just back off?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. But I can't back off.
Nick: Phyllis, damn it.
Phyllis: I can't back off.
Nick: Please.
Phyllis: I can't do it. I'm sorry. Listen, I'll keep your secret about Adam still working at Newman, but, Nick, I'm uncovering so many things about Adam right now. I'm learning so many things about him. My God, I saw a man die. And I know for sure that Adam had something to do with it.
Lauren: Okay, all right.
Michael: Hey.
Jana: Hi, Lauren.
Lauren: Hey, how are you?
Jana: Um...
Lauren: Oh, um...
Michael: Dean Reid’s probably waiting for us.
Lauren: Uh, you know what? I-I'll be right there, okay?
Michael: Okay.
Lauren: Hi.
Jana: Hi, um, okay, I know you're busy. I just wanted to talk to you about the, um, Ryder-Daisy situation. You see, from what I've pieced together, those two have a lot of history, and it goes way back.
Lauren: Are you kidding? They have history? What did you find out?
Jana: Well, nothing yet, but, Lauren... (Breathes deeply) Oh, my God. My gut--my gut just tells me whatever it I-is, it's not good.
Lauren: Your gut? Oh, Jana, that's not a lot to go on.
Jana: Well, now you sound just like Kevin. I mean, he's been wanting me to drop this whole thing.
Lauren: Yeah, well, he's still protecting Ryder for whatever reason.
Jana: I'm hoping maybe you can talk to Michael to help. Um, 'cause I know that he has a lot of connections to legal searches.
Lauren: Mm, no. No, I'm not gonna do that.
Jana: Okay.
Lauren: No, you see, we're trying to eliminate stress from our lives, not add to it. In fact, that's why we're meeting with Dean Reid right now. We're trying to get Daisy back in the dorms.
Jana: Oh. Did something happen?
Lauren: We're trying to de-stress our home front.
Jana: Okay, I'm sorry. I--look, I didn't mean to pry.
Lauren: (Sighs) Look, Jana, I am happy to keep helping, but I am gonna spare Michael. You know, unless there's cause for alarm. You know what? I should really go, okay? Bye.
Jana: (Sighs)
Jana: (Sighs) "The Three Musketeers, Daisy, Ryder and Max."
Jana: Well, what do you know? "Three Musketeers summer camp roster."
Michael: The dean here was just saying that it would be no problem getting Daisy back into the dorm.
Lauren: Oh, that's good. But now the whole reason we took her in is because she didn't feel safe there.
Dean Reid: Yeah, I-I didn't realize.
Lauren: I just-- I don't think she-- well, I think she was embarrassed to tell you. Thanks, Honey.
Dean Reid: I'll definitely look into it. Do you mind if I ask why you want Daisy to move out?
Lauren: Uh, she didn't do anything, if that's what you mean.
Dean Reid: Mm.
Michael: We just think it's best for everyone.
Lauren: Yeah.
Kevin: Are you serious?
Michael: Not really your concern. Well, thank you so much...
Lauren: Yes.
Michael: For helping.
Lauren: It's great.
Dean Reid: Not a problem.
Lauren: Really appreciate it.
Michael: (Chuckles) Well, getting Daisy back into the dorm was not that hard after all.
Lauren: Not at all. (Mugs clink) Thank you, Honey.
Michael: Mm-hmm.
Nina: Isn't this great? Oh, I just love that they redid it. Now all they need are some patrons to keep it going.
Paul: (Chuckles) Yeah, no kidding. Listen, I'm just gonna check in with Todd and make sure Patty's doing okay.
Nina: Paul, you need a break from that room, okay? I promise I won't keep you out long.
Paul: All right.
Nina: Okay.
Paul: I don't have service here. What are you doing?
Nina: This?
Paul: Yeah.
Nina: This is Dr. Webster's prescription for stress.
Paul: Mixing your chocolate-covered raisins with your popcorn?
Nick: Oh, don't knock it till you try it.
Paul: I won't knock it then.
Nina: (Laughs)
Paul: (Laughs)
Ashley: How dare you walk in here and start questioning us ab--
Neil: Wait a minute. Hold on. Hold on. Wait a minute. Victor, don't get the wrong idea here, okay? Ashley and I, we're just friends.
Victor: She is the mother of my children. Who she spends time with is very much my business.
Ashley: I can't believe you have the nerve—
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Excuse me.
Ashley: Oh, my God.
Victor: Yes, Son? I'm right next door. I'll be over. Okay. I'll leave the two of you alone to figure yourselves out.
Ashley: Bye. I am so sorry. He is so utterly despicable.
Neil: No, no, wait, Ashley.
Ashley: I cannot believe him.
Neil: Ashley, look, don't worry about it.
Ashley: I cannot believe him.
Neil: I-I-it's not like I haven't faced Victor's scrutiny before. You know that. I worked for him for a long time.
Ashley: I know. I know.
Neil: (Sighs) But you know something? Honestly, I mean, he does have a good point.
Ashley: What?
Neil: Us. Are we... friends?
Ashley: Yeah. Yeah, of course we're friends.
Neil: Ashley?
Ashley: Yeah?
Neil: You know I'm-- I'm not gonna dance around this any longer, okay? I gotta tell you how I feel. I'm--I mean, I like you. You know that. I have feelings for you, and the question is, do you-- uh, do you feel the same for me?
Ashley: You know I do. I do. You're one of the few people that I, um, I can actually trust. I guess more than anything, that's what I need right now.
Neil: (Sighs) Come here.
Peter: Well, I like privacy when I retire. Yes, I'm very delicate in that respect. Behold, the walls of Jericho. Uh, maybe not as thick as the ones that Joshua blew down with his trumpet, but a lot safer. You see, uh, I have no trumpet.
Nina: (Laughs)
Peter: Now just to show you my heart's in the right place, I'll give you my best pair of pajamas.
Nina: I promise I'll give it back if Todd calls, okay?
Paul: (Sighs)
Peter: All right.
Nina: At least give it a try.
Peter: Uh, perhaps you're interested in how a man undresses.
Paul: All right, one bite.
Peter: You know, it's a funny thing about that-- quite a study in psychology. No two men do it alike. You know, I once knew a man...
Paul: That's not bad. Do you mind?
Nina: I told you.
Paul: It really is pretty good.
Nina: (Laughs) I know.
Peter: Years later, his secret came out. He wore a toupee. Yeah. No, I have a method all my own. Eh, if you'll notice, the coat came first. Then the tie. Then the shirt. Now, uh, according to Hoyle, after that, the, uh, pants should be next. Here's where I'm different.
Nina: Oh, I love this part.
Peter: I go for the shoes next. First, the right...
(Shoe hits floor)
Peter: Then the left.
Nina: (Giggles)
Peter: After that...
(Shoe hits floor)
Peter: It's, uh, every man for himself.
Paul: (Sighs)
Ashley: You know, I guess I just can't believe that the person who held my hand during my worst nightmare could actually be behind all those horrible things that happened.
Neil: Yeah, but, Ashley, why? I mean, what would Adam gain from torturing you?
Ashley: I don't know. You'd have to ask him, but, you see, he's pretending that nothing ever happened, so...
Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but you're forgetting. Like I said, the guy is a liar. But he might change his tune if I confront him.
Ashley: You're very sweet. Thank you, but, you know, it's just a feeling that I have, Neil. It's--I don't have any proof that he did anything.
Neil: No, I understand that.
Ashley: You know, I don't have any proof at all.
Neil: I understand, but--
Phyllis: Hey, um...
Ashley: (Gasps)
Phyllis: What if you did have proof? The door was open. Sorry.
Ashley: Uh, wh-what are you talking about? You know something about Adam?
Phyllis: Well, not so much Adam, but his friend Dr. Taylor.
Neil: So that would be your ob-gyn that delivered Faith.
Ashley: What? What are you talking about? Dr. Taylor?
Phyllis: Apparently the good doctor couldn't, um, keep his hands off his female students.
Ashley: What are you talking about? Who told you this, Phyllis?
Phyllis: More than a few people told me, Ashley.
Ashley: Uh, Phyllis, this man had an impeccable reputation. Olivia told me that he had--
Phyllis: I don't care what Olivia said. Apparently, he has a really good P.R. person.
Ashley: O-okay, so if that story is true, then why would Adam want to bring somebody like that into my home? Into my daughter's home? I mean, how could he do that? I mean, first of all, he-- he brings me that piece of purple cloth that he said he tore off the--the bumper of the car and that I killed Sabrina, and now this.
Neil: Ashley--
Phyllis: I know. It makes you wonder what else he's trying to do to you. I understand.
Neil: Ashley. Ashley.
Ashley: You know what? I just--I need a minute, okay?
Neil: Do you want me to go with you? No?
Ashley: No, I'll be all right.
Adam: Where's your husband?
Patty: Oh, he's checking on our room. Sharon let him use the phone. My patient Patty sought refuge at your ranch. Maybe you saw her?
Adam: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I did. We never met, though.
Patty: Oh, really? That's--that's interesting.
Adam: Sharon, the car's waiting. I'll let 'em know we're on our way down.
Patty: (Sighs) You're not a good man.
Nick: From the minute Phyllis saw that accident, she has been on a mission to nail Adam.
Victor: But it's not as if Adam is responsible for hitting Dr. Taylor.
Nick: Still, Phyllis is convinced he's involved. So I was worried that if I didn't tell Phyllis that Adam was our mole in McCall, she was gonna expose him and then blow our whole plan out of the water.
Victor: I don't need to impress upon you the importance of Phyllis keeping quiet. Tucker McCall cannot find out that we planted Adam so that we could acquire Jabot.
Nick: She understands that.
Victor: He has been nothing but loyal to me lately.
Nick: I wouldn't trust that completely.
Victor: Well, Son, rest assured, I don’t. But so far, he has been very effective in our attempt to help Katherine.
Nick: No, we need him to keep this up longer. That means he's gonna have to stay at McCall longer than we planned, because we cannot have him anywhere near Newman Enterprises.
Victor: You got that right.
Ashley: For so long, I thought it was Estella and Patty that were tormenting me. Oh, my God. What if Adam just stood back and let me blame innocent people for what he was doing?
[Ashley remembering]
Victor: Sweetheart, I just don't think that Estella would do this. I'm sorry.
Ashley: I wasn't gonna say anything... (Sighs) Because of how it looks, but the other night when I ran upstairs after that whole dress episode, I went into my closet, and there was a garment bag and there was a photo taped on it, and it was of Sabrina from the gala, and not just that, but there were receipts of my credit card with-- with my signature, as if I had bought that entire ensemble, Victor. And I did not buy it! When I confronted Estella, she denied it, but I know she's lying, Victor, and now this. More things are happening all the time, and it--it--they're-- it's trying to unnerve us. It's trying to undermine our trust in each other.
Ashley: Adam had access to everything, just like Estella did. He even had more. Maybe I was the blind one for not even considering that Adam was trying to hurt me.
Sharon: You think she knows all of our secrets?
Adam: Who?
Sharon: Emily. I mean, maybe it's because she's a therapist, or, you know, reading people is her job, I don't know. But I just felt like she could see right through me.
Adam: Well, what do you think she would see that was so bad?
Sharon: Guilt. I should have told you that I'd been to that island before. It was just--it was a memory that I was trying to keep in the past.
Adam: You don't have to-- to downplay that for me. You don’t.
Sharon: No, I'm-- I'm telling you the truth. It--it was just-- it was a last-ditch effort to try to save a marriage that just wasn't worth saving.
Adam: 'Cause of Jack?
Sharon: 'Cause of his lies. It just never ended. Just one after the other, and... (Sighs) You know, as painful as that was, I-I learned a very valuable lesson in that-- that as bad as things are, I would just rather know the truth.
Kevin: She trusted you, and now you're kicking her out in the cold?
Michael: The dean said he'd look into security.
Kevin: Oh, it doesn't matter. She's not gonna go back there. She's gonna end up on the street just like Ryder, and then how are you two gonna feel when you walk down a street, and you see her begging for change?
(Liquid spills on floor)
Lauren: Oh, jeez.
Michael: All right, first off, Daisy is not Ryder.
Lauren: Exactly. And thank God for that.
Michael: If she needs help, we'll be there for her.
Kevin: Oh, great, as long as she doesn't darken your doorstep, right?
Daisy: (Screams)
Kevin: Daisy, what happened?
Daisy: (Moans) I slipped. My back.
Michael: All right, don't move. Don't move. Don't move.
Lauren: Why are you so clumsy?
Daisy: (Sighs)
Jack: To Mrs. Jack Abbott.
(Wineglasses clink)
Patty: Oh, I always liked the way that sounded. Well, when I would say it to myself in my head before we were married.
Jack: Well, you don't have to keep it in your head any longer.
Patty: Mm. I like being here. It's--this is like a dream finally coming true, Jack.
Jack: Yeah, I didn't think I would ever be this happy again myself.
Patty: And the last time you were happy like this, it was with Sharon here?
Jack: No, no, no, no. Sharon and I were not happy here. My time with you here is all I want to remember.
Patty: (Sighs) Okay. (Laughs) Well, I would like to see everything then.
Jack: Well, you will. Oh, everything except, that is, any action on the hardwood. The cable is out.
Patty: I can see my home improvement shows back home.
Jack: Oh, I don't think Kobe or Lebron are gonna be fixing any faucets anytime soon.
Patty: That would be a feat.
Jack: Yeah, I think they better stick to hoops.
Patty: Hoops? (Chuckles) Hardwood. (Gasps) Basketball. You think I like basketball?
Jack: I thought you liked all sports.
Patty: Well, yes, of course I do. But I also like home improvement shows. (Chuckles)
Jack: Well, clearly, there are still some things I need to learn about you.
Patty: Yes. Mm.
Jack: Mm. Mm.
Peter: Do you love her? A normal human being couldn't live under the same roof with her without going nutty. She's my idea of nothing.
Mr. Andrews: I asked you a simple question. Do you love her?
Peter: Yes! But don't hold that against me. I'm a little screwy myself.
Nina: (Laughs)
Paul: (Laughs)
Ellie: Well, here's to the merry-go-round.
Paul: I think I've eaten too much. (Laughs)
Nina: Well, stop. I didn't say eat the whole thing.
Paul: But you're right, I needed this.
Nina: I told you.
Ellie: I hope you got your money.
Peter: You bet I did.
Paul: (Sighs) I just hope my sister didn't pick up on how...
Nina: (Sighs)
Paul: Down I was.
Nina: No, don't worry about it. Mission accomplished.
Paul: What mission?
Nina: Just to make sure you get what you need, that's all.
Paul: Well, you were right. I needed to laugh.
Ellie: I'm not interested.
Peter: Now just a minute, Ellie.
Paul: And because of you, I did. Thanks.
Nina: I'm glad to help. (Chuckles)
Michael: Come on.
Jana: How did this happen?
Kevin: She slipped on some spilled coffee.
Jana: Well, who spilled it?
Kevin: Well, that doesn't really matter.
Lauren: You know what? This whole situation is stressing me out.
Michael: We just can't take her to the dorm now. It's not right.
Lauren: All right. All right, all right. I guess getting back to normal's just gonna have to wait.
Kevin: You guys, she needs a doctor.
Michael: I'll take her. I'll take her. Come on. Come on. Come with me. Lean on me. Careful.
Jana: "Three musketeers Summer camp news." (Sighs)
Kevin: Michael just called. Uh, the doctor said nothing's broken. She's just gonna be sore for a while.
Jana: Oh. Glad it's nothing serious.
Kevin: Even though you think she spilled the coffee on purpose?
Jana: I never said that.
Kevin: You didn't have to.
Jana: (Sighs) "Missing boy mystery still unsolved." Yeah, that is definitely him.
Jana: "Boy in question, Max Potter, went missing on Halloween night. Two local children whose names were not released at their mother's request, alleged that a stranger moved in and took him."
Nina: (Laughs) So what? (Laughs)
Paul: (Laughs)
Fr. Todd: Well, is that an actual smile I see on your face?
Paul: Yeah, she's a miracle worker.
Fr. Todd: I can see that.
Nina: Yeah, well, me and Clark Gable anyway.
Fr. Todd: Well, Paul's not the only one who took a turn for the better.
Paul: Patty?
Fr. Todd: Doctors came down ten minutes ago, took her off the critical list.
Paul: That's fantastic.
Nina: That's great.
Fr. Todd: They don't know exactly what lies ahead, but for now...
Paul: (Sighs)
Fr. Todd: Looks like she's gonna be okay.
Nina: Oh, wonderful.
Paul: That's awesome.
Patty: Uh, why haven't you changed?
Jack: Uh, there's something we need to talk about before we head out. I-I-I-I didn't want to bring it up on our wedding day.
Patty: Okay. You--you can just say it, Jack.
Jack: It's Patty. She tried to commit suicide. She's in a coma.
Patty: (Sighs) Yeah, I, uh, I know. How did you find out?
Jack: Paul stopped by the church before the wedding and told me. He said he'd already informed you.
Patty: Yeah. It's, uh, it's terrible, isn't it?
Jack: Why didn't you tell me?
Patty: Well, Jack, it-- it was upsetting, and--and-- we were about to be married, and I just didn't want to talk about it.
Jack: Okay, I understand.
Patty: You do?
Jack: Yeah, I just want you to know you can tell me anything now, no matter when, no matter how bad. We're partners.
Patty: (Sighs) "Partners." (Chuckles) Mm.
Nick: So we cannot let our guard down, no matter how much Adam seems on our side, because we both know from experience that Adam is in this for himself.
Victor: Yeah. To be frank with you, I'd hoped for some time now that Adam would take his place beside you as a trusted son.
Nick: (Sighs) Don't hold your breath.
Victor: I won’t. But for your information, I will continue to dangle the possibility of acceptance, okay? Maybe he'll come around.
Nick: All right.
Ashley: (Crying) But why would Adam want to hurt me? Why, Adam? Why did you want to hurt me?
Neil: Ashley? Hey. Hey, Honey, I-I got worried about you when you never came back.
Ashley: (Sniffles) I'm sorry.
Neil: Am I intruding?
Ashley: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Neil: Oh.
Ashley: Not you.
Neil: Baby, is there anything I can do to help? Huh?
Ashley: You're doing it.
Neil: Ashley.
Ashley: Thank you for being here.
Neil: Oh.
Ashley: Thank you.
Adam: (Sighs)
Sharon: Oh. (Sighs)
Adam: So was I supposed to carry you across the threshold, or that's just for after the wedding?
Sharon: Um, no, actually, I think you're supposed to do that every time for, like, the next year.
Adam: Oh, yeah.
Sharon: Yeah.
Adam: Every single time. That's right.
Sharon: (Giggles)
Adam: Let's not unpack.
Sharon: Uh, tonight, or ever?
Adam: I mean, let's just-- let's just get out of here. Let's go back to the airport. Let's get tickets to wherever, as long as we're together.
Sharon: That sounds nice.
Adam: Let's do it.
Sharon: Are you serious?
Adam: I don't want the honeymoon to end.
Sharon: It doesn't have to end.
Adam: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Hi, honeymooners.
Adam: "Super detective" Phyllis. What do you want?
Phyllis: Well, I was just talking to Ashley. We were having a little chat. She needed a breath of fresh air. She was upset by what I was telling her. And, Sharon, I think you'll be upset, too. It's about Adam.
Sharon: Why are you always stirring up trouble?
Phyllis: I'm just the messenger.
Sharon: We're not interested in your message.
Phyllis: Adam, why don't you tell your wife what's going on? (Sighs) I think it's time she's heard what you and Dr. Charles Taylor were really up to.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jana: I really think that you should hear it.
Kevin: Yeah, I know. I know. There's some past between him and Daisy.
Jana: It's more than that.
Jill: Hire me.
Ashley: Why did you want to hurt me?
Adam: Look, you've all made up your minds that I'm guilty.
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