Y&R Transcript Friday 2/12/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 2/12/10 -- Canada; Monday 2/15/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9336 ~ Patty Gets Her Dream Wedding

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Chloe: (Quietly) Okay, don't keep 'em waiting. (Whispers) Okay.

Patty: (Whispers) Right. (Sighs)

Patty: (Sighs)

Jack: You look beautiful, Emily.

Patty: (Whispers) Yeah.

Fr. Todd: We're gathered here today to join Jack and Emily in holy matrimony. Let us pray. Father, you have made the bond of marriage a holy mystery, a symbol of Paul's love for his church. Hear our prayers for Jack and Emily. With faith in you and each other, they pledge their love here today. May their lives bear witness to a reality of that love. Emily, are you okay?

Patty: Yeah.

Fr. Todd: Let us continue.

Patty: (Sighs)

Paul: She needs a doctor. She--she was in v-fib. She was, um, beating really fast, and then she flatlined. It just, uh, it just ha-- (Monitor flat lining)

Doctor: She's coding. Give me 300 joules. Clear.

(Defibrillator charges)

Michael: Mmm.

Lauren: Mmm.

Michael: (Chuckles)

Lauren: This is really good. You did not make this.

Michael: (French accent) I did a mushroom-asparagus-garlic hollandaise sauce, in a puff pastry-- piece of cake.

Lauren: Where'd you learn how to cook like this?

Michael: (Normal voice) It's good to keep a little mystery about yourself.

Lauren: Yeah?

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: But who helped you? I mean, clearly not Gloria.

Michael: Gloria does not know what those knobs on the front of the stove are for.

Lauren: That is true. That is true. Is it, uh, Kevin? Nah. Jana? Come on.

Michael: No. Shut up and dance with me.

Lauren: Oh, gee, who could turn down an invitation like that?

Michael: Well...

Lauren: (Laughs)

Victor: Well, hello, my darling.

Nikki: Victor, I thought you were working late tonight.

Victor: What do you mean, "Tonight"? This is Valentine’s Day.

Nikki: Oh.

Victor: A day of love and presents and romance and...

Nikki: Oh, my goodness. Presents. I've been so busy worrying about Victoria and Katherine, I haven't had a chance to buy presents.

Victor: Don't worry about a damn thing.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Victor: I got one for both of us.

Nikki: Really?

Victor: Mm-hmm. Take a look.

Nikki: Both of us, huh? What could this be? I don't think you would wear a necklace.

Victor: Mnh-mnh.

Nikki: A key.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: My God, you've bought us a new house!

Victor: It's a key to the old one. We're moving back to the ranch.

Nikki: I never in a million years thought Ashley would give the ranch back to you.

Victor: Well, Traci encouraged her. You know, told her to let go of her anger and move on with her life.

Nikki: Well, I think it's the best for everyone, really. I mean, there are a lot of painful memories for Ashley at that ranch, and besides, it's your house. That's where you belong.

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: What?

Victor: Patty Williams rushed to the hospital? She's in the I.C.U. whoa. Apparently due to a suicide attempt.

Nikki: Oh, my God.

Victor: Wow.

Nikki: Oh, poor Paul. (Sighs) I have--I have to go see him. Darling, I know you had something special planned for tonight, but can we just postpone it?

Victor: Of course we can. My goodness. There's something I have to do. You tell Paul that if he needs anything to call me, all right?

Nikki: I will. I will.

Victor: Okay, Sweetheart.

Nikki: I love you. Bye-bye.

Paul: I see. How bad is it?

Doctor: I think you should prepare for the worst.

Fr. Todd: "What therefore God hath brought together, let not man put asunder." Gospel of the Lord. Now before we go on, Jack, Emily, would you like to say a few words to each other?

Jack: Just three months ago, I didn't know you were on the planet. We were on a collision course I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams. And I didn't even know you were alive. Was it luck? Was it fate? Or just a big mistake from the guy upstairs? I-if that's the case, by the way, now that I have her, I'm not letting go. You continually amaze me-- the way you personally care for each and every patient, the way you watch sports with such intensity, the way you enjoy an evening of skating and hot chocolate every bit as much as a five-star meal and an evening at the theater, the way you challenge me to be more, to be a better person, even the way you shrink me. I've made a lot of mistakes in life, Emily. There are, uh, witnesses in this room. I might make one or two more in my life. But this much I know for sure-- it ends where it starts with me. I love you. I love you, Emily, more than I've ever loved anyone in my life. You are the one person I've been waiting my whole life for.

Fr. Todd: Emily, is there something you'd like to say?

Patty: Um, yeah. (Sniffles) Oh, yeah. (Chuckles) Yeah, I definitely want to say something. (Sighs)

Lauren: Michael?

Michael: Hmm?

Lauren: I know I haven't been the easiest person to live with lately.

Michael: I do not recall the word "Easy" in our wedding vows.

Lauren: I just want you to know how sorry I am.

Michael: (Groans) Already forgotten. Mm... mm. (Kisses Lauren)

Nikki: Paul?

Paul: Hey, Nikk.

Nikki: Hey. Can I come in?

Paul: Well, sure.

Nikki: Hi.

Paul: (Sighs)

Nikki: Do they have any idea what happened?

Paul: Well, uh, as near as we can tell, it, uh, seems as though she was hoarding her meds...

Nikki: (Sighs)

Paul: And, uh, she O.D.'d last night.

Nikki: Oh, my God. I-I thought she was improving.

Paul: Well, she seemed to be.

Nikki: Do you have any idea what set her back?

Paul: I know exactly what did. She found out that Jack and Emily were getting married. Kind of ironic, isn't it? Patty lying here, and they're getting married.

Emily: (Thinking) Where am I? Oh, God. I'm supposed to be at my wedding.

Patty: (Whispers) Here.

Patty: You said that you never expected to be standing here like this with me. But no one is pinching themselves more than I am. I have been alone for so long, hoping that you would come back into my-- hoping that you would come into my life.

Jack: It's okay. Go ahead.

Patty: Marrying you-- it's like a second chance-- a chance I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever have. But here you are. Here we are. (Gasps) And it's gonna last. It will for both of us. I have been waiting a very long time too, Jack. And if we are... (Sniffles) Together for the next hundred years, you will never know how much I love you.

Fr. Todd: Jack, Emily, would you take each other's hands? Jack, repeat after me. I, Jack, take you, Emily, to be my lawfully wedded wife...

Jack: I, Jack, take you, Emily, to be my lawfully wedded wife.

Patty: (Inhales deeply)

Fr. Todd: To have and to hold from this day forward...

Jack: To have and to hold from this day forward.

Fr. Todd: For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer...

Jack: For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer.

Fr. Todd: In sickness, and in health, to love, honor and cherish, till death do us part...

Jack: In sickness and in health, to love, honor and cherish till death do us part.

Fr. Todd: Emily, please repeat after me. I, Emily, take you, Jack, to be lawfully wedded husband...

Patty: I, Emily, take you, Jack... (Sighs) To be my lawfully wedded husband.

Fr. Todd: To have and to hold from this day forward...

Patty: To have and to hold from this day forward.

Fr. Todd: For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer...

Patty: For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer.

Fr. Todd: In sickness and in health, to honor, love and cherish till death do us part...

Patty: In sickness and in health... (Sniffles) To honor and cherish till death do us part.

Fr. Todd: Billy, the rings.

Billy: Here.

Patty: (Chuckles)

Fr. Todd: Lord, bless and consecrate Jack and Emily in their love for one another, and may these rings be a symbol of their true faith and a constant reminder for their love of one another. Jack.

Jack: I give you this ring as a token of my love and fidelity. With this ring, I thee wed.

Patty: (Whispers) Sparkly. (Normal voice) I give you this ring with a token of my love and fidelity. With this ring, I thee wed.

Fr. Todd: Jack, Emily...

Patty: (Gasps)

Fr. Todd: I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Patty: (Sighs, sniffles)

Fr. Todd: You may kiss the bride.

Fr. Todd: Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abbott. (Cheers and applause)

Michael: If you thought the first course was amazing, wait till you-- (Chuckles) Mm.

Lauren: You like it?

Michael: Yeah. Mm. More. More. More.

Murphy: Boy, this is some shindig.

Chloe: Yeah, thank you.

Murphy: All right.

(Camera shutter clicking)

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Jack: Great. Thank you.

Woman: Thanks.

Traci: Um, everyone, uh, please grab a glass. I'd like to propose a toast.

Murphy: Ah.

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Traci: (Chuckles) To the person who has put a perpetual smile on our brother's face... to Emily. Thank you so much for making Jack happy again.

Ashley: (Chuckles) Ohh.

Jack: To Emily.

Traci: We're so grateful that you've come into his life and into ours.

Nick: Hear, hear.

Murphy: Hear, hear.

Patty: Um, you know what? I'm gonna get a glass of water.

Jack: Oh, I'll get it for you.

Patty: No, no, it's okay. Just be with your family. And I'll be--I'll be right back.

Jack: Okay.

Traci: (Laughs)

Billy: (Laughs)

Neil: Hey.

Ashley: (Gasps)

Traci: Oh.

Neil: Look what I got.

Ashley: Oh! Is that a stuffed mushroom? Is that sun-dried tomato? Really?

Neil: That is a n-dried tomato, and that is a stuffed mushroom.

Ashley: Oh, okay.

Neil: There you go. Try it.

Billy: Yeah, I'm gonna go find somebody to feed.

Ashley: Do that.

Billy: That's--you, uh, you're smooth, huh? Mm-hmm.

Ashley: (Laughs)

Neil: Yeah. Uh-huh.

Traci: Don't listen to him. I think it's very sweet.

Phyllis: It was a beautiful ceremony. Congratulations.

Jack: I believe its best wishes to the bride and congratulations to the groom.

Phyllis: Oh, okay, um, it was a beautiful ceremony. Best wishes.

Patty: Thank you.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Yeah, unfortunately, we can't stay.

Patty: Oh.

Phyllis: Yeah, we have sitter issues.

Nick: Yeah.

Jack: Well, give Summer a big kiss for me.

Phyllis: Oh, I will. She has improved so much lately. You should really come by and see her, Jack.

Jack: Well, we'd love to.

Nick: Good.

Patty: Oh, yeah, absolutely, when we--once we get settled in.

Phyllis: Great.

Nick: Well, good luck.

Jack: Thank you.

Phyllis: Congratulations.

Jack: Thank you.

Nick: You look beautiful.

Patty: Thank you.

Nick: Bye. Mwah.

Kay: Bye-bye.

Murphy: Good night. Good night.

Kay: Well, my dear old friend John Abbott is smiling somewhere.

Jack: Oh, I sure hope so.

Murphy: Oh, with a bride like this, how could he not?

Jack: (Chuckles)

Kay: Uh, he would have loved you.

Patty: Thank you. Um, I didn't get that water. I'll be right back. I'm sorry.

Kay: Mm-hmm. Is she all right?

Jack: Oh, I j-- I think it's just been a big day for her.

Murphy: Oh.

Kay: Well, you, too.

Murphy: (Chuckles)

Chloe: (Sighs) How's it going?

Billy: Well, you give good wedding.

Chloe: Thanks. Well, unless it's ours, right? (Clicks tongue)

Billy: Well, here. Nobody can really blame you for that.

Chloe: (Sighs) Hmm. Well, nothing is going to go wrong today. Everything is going to be perfect.

Billy: Oh.

Chloe: It's a perfect day.

Billy: Dummy, you just jinxed it.

Fr. Todd: Hey.

Patty: Mm. Oh, you scared me.

Fr. Todd: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Patty: It's okay. Um, I want to thank you. The ceremony was beautiful. And I'm glad you were the one to do it.

Fr. Todd: Really? I-I haven't even met you before.

Patty: I couldn't imagine anyone else doing it, that's all. It was moving, especially the opening prayer.

Fr. Todd: Yes, I could see that it definitely had an effect on you.

Patty: The, um, words just-- they reminded me of another wedding I was in, and... (Sighs) They got to me when you said them.

Jack: Hey, there you are. I've been looking for you.

Patty: (Sighs)

Fr. Todd: Jack, listen, I am sorry to marry and run, but...

Jack: Oh.

Patty: Oh, please, it was such a pleasure to meet you. (Chuckles)

Fr. Todd: Well, may you both have a long, healthy, happy life together.

Patty: Thank you.

Jack: Thanks, Father Todd.

Patty: (Exhales)

Jack: Hey.

Patty: Hmm?

Jack: You okay?

Patty: Yeah, I, um, I'm actually missing my family.

Jack: I'm your family now.

Patty: You mean that?

Jack: Of course I mean that.

Patty: (Sighs)

Chloe: Can everyone please gather around? It is time for Emily's big surprise for Jack. Emily? Emily, come on in. So she has been planning this surprise for weeks, and it's over here. So, Emily, take it away.

Patty: Can we do it later?

Chloe: What? No?

Patty: A little later? I just--

Chloe: What do you mean? Ev-everyone wants to know what the surprise is, right?

All: Yeah.

Chloe: And I-I-I don't think that they are going to let you leave until you've spilled the beans, so...

Patty: (Chuckles)

Billy: Spill the beans.

Patty: (Clears throat) Okay, uh...

Traci: What is it?

Patty: Uh... (Chuckles)

Billy: Come on.

Patty: Jack and I-- this is the surprise-- um, we are going to start a family together right away.

Ashley: Ooh.

Billy: Aw.

Ashley: Okay. Okay.

Billy: All right.

Jack: Uh, Sweetheart, I don't think that's a big surprise to anyone here, uh, though it's a lovely present.

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Billy: All--all right. All--knock--knock it off. Save it for later. Now it's time for the toasts.

Jack: Okay, let me get a drink.

Chloe: Um, are you-- are you gonna do it later? Are you gonna tell him later?

Patty: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Chloe: Okay, oh, you're gonna keep him guessing.

Patty: (Laughs)

Chloe: Keep him on his toes.

Jack: Excuse me. You are officially relieved of any duties with the bride.

Chloe: Okay, she's all yours.

Jack: I'm taking over.

Billy: Okay. Okay. (Taps glass with spoon) Now it's time for the fun part. This is when we get to roast-- I mean, toast Jack and Emily.

Ashley: Okay, maybe you-- maybe I should take over for you here.

Billy: (Stammers) No, no, no, no. I'm--I'm--

Ashley: I don't know. This could get a little--

Billy: I'm gonna be good.

Ashley: Okay, we'll see. We'll see. We'll see.

Billy: I'm--I'm gonna kill it. I'm gonna be good.

Chloe: Yeah, kill it.

Neil: Good luck. Good luck.

Billy: All right. I want everyone here to know what it's like to be Jack's brother.

Ashley: Uh-oh.

All: (Laugh)

Billy: Actually, Emily, uh, I'm sure you know this-- that you married one of the good guys. Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to be just like Jack. And, uh, I guess I still do. You see, he has an incredible sense of loyalty to his family. And, yes, I'm sure there's been a time, maybe a dozen, he wanted to turn his back on one or the other of us. But he never has. You make me proud to be an Abbott. You make me more proud to be your brother. He's never gonna let you down, Emily.

Ashley: Aw.

(Camera shutter clicks)

Ashley: Well, Billy's right. You're lucky to have Jack, but he's also lucky to have you. You've given Jack something he hasn't had in a long, long time, and that's hope-- hope that he can finally have the life that he's always wanted. You know, I've known him forever. I mean, right? Forever.

All: (Laugh)

Ashley: And it was--it's-- it was true what--what he said earlier. He's been waiting for you, Emily, his whole life. I'm so happy he finally found you. Here's to my brand-new sister-in-law. Welcome to the family.

Billy: Yay!

Chloe: Hear, hear!

Billy: To Jack and Emily.

Neil: To Jack and Emily.

Chloe: To Jack and Emily.

(Glasses clink)

Chloe: Hear, hear.

Neil: Cheers.

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Traci: (Laughs)

(Camera shutter clicking)

Victor: Well, it seems I came just in time.

Jack: What are you doing here?

Victor: To wish the bride and groom well. Why else would I interrupt this little party?

Jack: This is a private wedding reception-- invitation only.

Victor: I have a gift for you, Jack.

Jack: You came all the way yourself to deliver it. Aren't you too busy with your new company?

Victor: Now how could I possibly pass up this opportunity? Why don't you go back to your guests? Don't mean to spoil things for you.

Jack: No, we wouldn't have that, would we?

Neil: Victor.

Jack: Thank you for the gift.

Victor: It's the least I can do.

Jack: We both know that's not true.

Neil: Victor, as Jack said, this party is by invitation only.

Victor: Hello, Neil. You're speaking for Jack now?

Neil: I think I'm speaking for everyone at this party.

Victor: To the bride, I hope that I have not subjected you to undue stress.

Patty: No. I'm fine.

Victor: And I hope this marriage will bring both of you everything you deserve.

Traci: Victor?

Victor: Yes, Traci?

Traci: Before you go, might I speak with you?

Phyllis: You're quiet. Is something going on?

Nick: (Sighs) It was just weird seeing Jack and Emily so happy, you know, hopeful. Then to hear my sister's marriage is breaking up.

Phyllis: Well, is-- is that over? I mean, can't they work it out?

Nick: I think it was over before she went to Dubai. They just were afraid to admit it.

Phyllis: Going from J.T. holding vigil at her bedside to--to this in such a short time, it's weird.

Nick: Well, back then, all J.T. cared about was Victoria. Then once she got better, he started thinking more about what he wanted, and less about what she needed, and she did the same.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: I know. But it just got to the point where they couldn't even talk to each other anymore.

Phyllis: Yeah, communication. You know, once that goes out, everything goes south real fast. Sad-- two people so in love, and now it's over. It's sad.

Nick: Just goes to show you, you know, you can’t... (Sighs) Take anything for granted.

Phyllis: No, you can’t.

Paul: Thanks for being here.

Nikki: Paul, you know I'll always be here for you.

Paul: That's what I told Patty, but I let her down.

Nikki: You did not. Don't say that.

Emily: (Thinking) Why--why is Paul here?

Paul: You know, I should have taken control. I should have taken her somewhere where she never would have heard about Jack and Emily. Now they are getting married. They're gonna be happy, and Patty is here. It just doesn't seem fair, does it?

Nikki: Now, Paul, stop that. You need to focus on your sister, her getting well.

Paul: Yeah, you're right.

Emily: (Thinking) Wha-- oh, God. Oh, my God, they--they-- they think I'm Patty? Wh-why would they think-- oh, God, the sanitarium. Patty pushed me and... I hit my head, and, uh, okay, she forced me to drink that water. What--what-- what was in the water? What? Why--why-- why am I in this hospital? What... (Sighs) If they think I'm Patty, and Jack's getting married, Patty must be with Jack pretending to be me. No!

(Door opens)

Fr. Todd: Ah. May I come in?

Nikki: Oh, yeah, of cour-- I-I was actually just leaving.

Paul: Thanks again.

Nikki: All right. Honey, you give me a call if you need anything, okay?

Paul: Okay. Thanks, Nikk.

Nikki: Okay. You take care, Todd.

Fr. Todd: Thank you. (Sighs) Any news?

Paul: The doctors don't think she's gonna make it through the night, Todd.

Emily: (Thinking) (Sighs) Oh, God.

Traci: Victor, I gave you a gift. I gave you the greatest gift I had. I don't just mean Colleen's heart. I gave you a part of mine because she was the best part of me. I raised her to be successful and happy and strong, but m-mostly, I wanted her to be good, and she was, and she had a beautiful heart. And now you have it. (Sighs) Victor, you're wasting it with this ridiculous, petty feud that you insist on continuing with Jack. Haven't we all paid enough? I mean, how many more lives is this worth?

Kay: Uh, Victor-- excuse me here, Traci-- uh, Murphy and I are leaving. Uh, why don't you come with us?

Victor: I'll be right there.

Kay: Good.

Victor: You're a beautiful person. You're the heart of this family.

Kay: Uh, Jack, thank you for a lovely evening again. (Chuckles) You be happy, both of you, okay? You--you keep him in line.

Patty: Oh, I will.

Kay: (Chuckles) Good night, everybody.

Murphy: Good night.

Chloe: Good night.

Neil: Good night, Katherine.

Phyllis: Are you thinking about Victoria?

Nick: (Sighs) Um, no. Jack and Emily, actually.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah?

Nick: Watching them say their vows to each other tonight got me thinking about us and the promises that we made to each other, and how important it is to keep those promises.

Phyllis: Sometimes you get caught up in, um, all the other stuff, and you forget to appreciate what you have.

Nick: I don't want that to happen to us.

Phyllis: We just have to remind each other how lucky we are, right? Even if it's, um, the small things we do.

Nick: The littlest thing can make a difference.

(Wineglasses clink)

Phyllis: Yes, it can. So... to us, right? And...

(Wineglasses clink)

Phyllis: That way, we'll never take what we have for granted.

(Wineglasses clink)

Jack: Here we go. Here we go.

Neil: Wow, look at that cake.

Ashley: That's beautiful.

Jack: All right, this I can do.

Patty: Okay.

Jack: Here we go. Ready?

Patty: Yeah.

Ashley: Nice.

Chloe: Yeah.

Ashley: Like that cake-cutting? Very well done.

Jack: Okay.

Patty: Oh!

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Patty: Are you ready?

Neil: You should be a professional one, Jack.

Patty: Okay.

Jack: Are we ready?

Patty: Yes. All right, be nice.

Jack: Aren't I always nice?

Chloe: Not on the dress.

Ashley: (Laughs)

Neil: Mm.

Chloe: Mm, yay!

Billy: (Laughs) Yeah.

Traci: (Chuckles)

Jack: Mm.

Ashley: Aw.

Billy: Aw. (Applause)

Fr. Todd: It's in God's hands now.

Paul: There's so much I wanted to tell her.

Fr. Todd: Well, tell her now.

Paul: Sweet Pattycake, listen, S-sweetheart.

Emily: (Thinking) Paul, I'm not her. I'm not your sister. Can't you see that? Paul, you have to see that. Pl--Paul, Paul, you have to help me, please. I'm--I'm--I'm not Patty. I'm not. I'm Emily. Emily!

Traci: It's getting harder and harder to say good-bye to you. Just be happy, Jack. Now get inside. Your wife is waiting.

Jack: Love you.

Traci: Mm, love you.

Jack: You okay?

Patty: (Sighs) Yeah. Why do you keep asking me that?

Jack: Well, it's been a long day. You must be exhausted.

Patty: Yeah, I am a little tired.

Jack: We have another long day ahead of us tomorrow. First flight out in the morning. You know, you could always get some rest tonight. We could start our honeymoon tomorrow.

Patty: Mnh-mnh. I don't want to wait.

Patty: (Gasps)

Patty: (Chuckles)

Lauren: Mmm, this smells go-od!

Michael: Well, at least something does.

Lauren: Oh, Baby. I'm so sorry your dinner was ruined. I mean, I'm sort of sorry. I'm not sorry we were doing what we were doing when it got ruined. Let's put it that way. (Giggles)

Michael: I guess the evening wasn't a total bust.

Lauren: Oh, no. Are you kidding? It was so wonderfully Baldwin-imperfect. (Chuckles)

Michael: You up for a little more imperfection?

Lauren: (Giggles) Oh, please, let's eat our pizza first. Come on.

Michael: Oh.

Lauren: This looks so good.

Nick: Hey, um, we haven't exchanged gifts yet.

Phyllis: Oh, we haven’t. Well, I'm gonna be wearing the one that I gave you when you see me upstairs... or not.

(Cell phone rings) (Ring) (Ring)

Nick: Hey, Amy, did you forget something? Yeah, I know. She's turning into a regular night owl. Uh, it's okay if she stays up past her bedtime like an hour or so. Yeah, I'll tell Phyllis. Okay, good night.

Fr. Todd: Let us pray.

Jack: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Hey, slow down. Slow down. We have all the time in the world.

Jack: Hey.

Patty: (Sniffles)

Jack: It's okay. It's okay.

Fr. Todd: Watch, o, Lord with those who wake or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend your sick, o, Lord. Rest your weary. Bless your dying. Soothe your suffering. Pity your afflicted. Shield your joyous for all love's sake. Amen.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Ashley: Why would Adam want to bring somebody like that into my home, into my daughter's home?

Phyllis: It makes you wonder what else he's trying to do to you. I understand.

Sharon: Jack?

Jack: Sharon, what are you doing here?

Victor: What's going on?

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