Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/10/10 -- Canada; Thursday 2/11/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9334 ~ Victor Issues J.T. a Warning
Provided By
Y&RFix Yahoo Group
Proofread By Emma
Patty: (Sighs) It worked. It really worked, just like I hoped it would. Well... Dr. Emily Peterson, now you look exactly like me. (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Paul: You know, I think once Patty realized that she wasn't going to have the life she wanted, it was just too much. And now she's so delusional she doesn't even know who she is. She keeps insisting she's Emily.
J.T.: Her therapist?
Paul: You know, none of this would have happened if Victor hadn't come up with this sick plan to change Patty's face and get even with Jack. So now Patty has Emily's face, and she's taken on her persona as well.
J.T.: Victor never stops to think about collateral damage.
Victoria: Oh, it's so good to see you.
Nikki: Well, we knew that you would want some private time with J.T. after getting back, so we waited as long as we could to call.
Victoria: Well, I appreciate that. Well, don't keep me in suspense, though. I'm dying to know. I'm just guessing that since we're meeting here that the business you wanted to discuss has something to do with Jabot.
Victor: Mm-hmm, it does.
Victoria: I still can't believe that you bought it.
Victor: An opportunity presented itself, and one is presenting itself to you now as well. I want to name you C.E.O.
Ashley: (Laughs)
Billy: (Laughs) Excuse me. Could I get a couple of cappuccinos? Thanks. Yeah, keep laughing, because we're gonna be a couple of ice sculptures before Emily and Jack get married.
Ashley: (Giggles)
Billy: Help yourself. There you go.
Ashley: Thank you. By the way, I'm so happy you're standing up for Jack.
Billy: Yeah, well, after all the chances he's given me, I couldn't really say no.
Ashley: No, that's right. You couldn't, especially after we lost Jabot. I mean, that was harder on him than anybody else. He needs our support.
Billy: Uh, what he needs is a bachelor party.
Ashley: (Laughs) No. I think he was pretty clear on how he wanted this evening to go.
Billy: Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure that I can send him off in a fashion that he would remember for the rest of his life.
Ashley: I have absolutely no doubt about that. Ew.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Ashley: But I think our surprise is gonna really mean a lot to him. Don't you?
Billy: Yeah, but... eh...
Ashley: (Laughs)
Traci: (Chuckles)
Jack: I thought you weren't here till tomorrow!
Traci: (Chuckles) Surprise. Ashley and Billy thought that it would be a great idea for all of us to have dinner together tonight to celebrate your getting married tomorrow.
Jack: That sounds perfect.
Traci: (Laughs)
Jack: That sounds perfect.
Patty: (Exhales) Well, I'd like to say I'm sorry, but I'm not. That's what you get for trying to steal Jack away from me. Good-bye, Dr. Peterson. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Man: Dr. Peterson?
Patty: Oh, hi.
Man: How's Patty?
Patty: Well, she, um... she had a really rough night. But she's sleeping comfortably now.
Man: Good.
Patty: Yeah.
Man: Mm-hmm.
Patty: Good night.
Man: Night.
(Keys rattle in lock)
Jack: They're on their way.
Traci: Oh, good.
Jack: I am going to open a bottle of wine, or maybe two.
Traci: Oh, Jack, it's so good to see you so happy.
Jack: (Sighs) I have had my moments lately.
Traci: I know. It was hard watching someone else get Jabot.
Jack: Yeah, it was. It is.
Traci: What is it?
Jack: You--here you've come all this way for my wedding, early so you could be part of a celebration of my happiness, and here you are consoling me about my business loss.
Traci: The nerve of me. (Laughs)
Jack: How do you do it? After everything you've lost, how do you care about anything or anyone else?
Traci: Jack, you're my brother. I will never stop caring. Yes, there have been some dark days, but that's why now more than ever, we need to celebrate the great things in life. (Chuckles)
Patty: (Sighs) Oh, perfect. (Sighs) Perfect, perfect, perfect. What else? "Emily." "Dear Emily, though we're spending this night apart, you'll be on my mind every second. I can't wait until I can call you my wife." (Scoffs) "Jack." (Sighs)
Victoria: You really want me to run Jabot?
Victor: Now eventually, we'll return the company to Katherine. But meanwhile, I can't think of anyone more qualified to run the company.
Victoria: I would love it. I mean, I would-- I would love to reestablish myself as a top executive. You have no idea.
Nikki: Well, that sounds like a "Yes" to me.
Victor: Is it?
Victoria: Yes. (Sighs) Definitely, yes.
Victor: But what? What's wrong?
Victoria: Uh, no, it-- it's not the job, Dad. It's just that, um, well, my homecoming wasn't exactly what I expected it to be.
Nikki: Oh, Honey, did you and J.T. have a fight?
Victoria: Yeah, I guess you could call it a fight. Um, anyway, I don't want to talk about this. The--this is an amazing opportunity that you're-- you're offering me, and the last thing that you want to talk about is how my marriage is ending, so I--
Nikki: Honey, what happened? What happened?
Victoria: I can't-- I can't do this right now. (Sighs)
Victor: I have a meeting to go to. Um, come here. I adore you, and I'm happy you're back. And we are your family, and we will always be there for you, okay?
Victoria: Thank you, Dad.
Victor: (Exhales sharply)
Victor: (Sighs) J.T., this is Victor. I want to see you now.
Victoria: I remember thinking before I left how much I wanted to miss my husband.
Nikki: But you didn’t.
Victoria: That's not to say that I didn't miss Reed. I missed him so much, Mom. It killed me to be away from him. But with J.T., I was just-- I was just so relieved to be away from all of the fighting and--and the stress and the tension, and... (Sighs)
Nikki: All that kicked up again now that you're back?
Victoria: (Sighs) The minute I walked in the door, we were going at it about my loyalties to Dad and J.T. working for Tucker McCall, and...
Nikki: Well, personally, I-I don't know how he could even think of working for that man after what he did duping Katherine. And as everyone knows, your father is not the easiest to deal with.
Victoria: No, he is not, but he's also not to blame for my marriage ending, Mom. I am the one to blame. I didn't trust J.T., and if had trusted him, I wouldn't have cheated on him.
Nikki: Baby.
Victoria: And then after that when I stopped working, and his career took off, and I resented him so much.
Nikki: Stop. You're human.
Victoria: I know, Mom, but I am also my father's daughter, and I always have to be in control, which is great. It's great in professional life, but it just doesn't work in personal relationships.
Nikki: Well, you've obviously been doing some soul-searching, and that's good, because that means that you understand what went wrong, what's happened...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: And so you have a better chance of working it out.
Victoria: Mom, we don't love each other anymore. I'm afraid that if we push it that it's just gonna get ugly. And that would just be terrible for both of us, and not to mention, it would be worse for Reed. I just don't want to put everyone through that.
Victor: Hello, J.T.
J.T.: Victor.
Victor: The usual, please. Thank you. (Sighs) So I understand this has been a difficult day for you.
J.T.: Well, I should have known Victoria would say something.
Victor: Mm-hmm. She's very upset, you know. Let me tell you something from experience. The end of a marriage is, um, it's tough.
J.T.: Reed's my biggest concern.
Victor: Then I hope you will not go through a long, drawn-out custody battle. That would be very, very hard on Reed.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Patty: (Sighs) "A new you is just minutes away. It's as easy as one, two, three." (Sighs) (Sighs) Bye, bye, Blondie. (Sighs)
Paul: Thank you, Marcus.
Marcus: Mm-hmm.
Paul: Patty, you want a visitor? Patty? It's your brother. I told you I'd come back. Patty?
Paul: Patty, wake up.
Paul: Patty? Patty! Patty! Patty! Patty! Help me! Help! Help! Somebody help me! Patty! Patty! Patty! Patty! Listen to me. Listen to me. You can't do this. Patty, come on, baby. Baby. She's barely breathing! She--she tried to kill herself.
Marcus: I'm gonna get help.
Paul: I need some help.
Marcus: I'll get help.
Paul: Come on, Patty. Patty, listen to me. Don't leave me like this. Patty! Patty, wake up! Wake up, Patty!
J.T.: You know what, Victor? It almost sounds like you were issuing me an order.
Victor: You're misunderstanding me. I'm merely suggesting you make this divorce as amicable as possible, especially as regards to the custody of Reed.
J.T.: I will not discuss my son with you like he's a subsidiary to be voted on by a committee. You know, you have imposed yourself into my marriage from the beginning. Thank God I don't have to put up with your power plays much longer.
Victor: All right, you want to be free? Consider yourself sprung, all right? Just know that I will always look out for my daughter and my grandson. And if you cause any kind of difficulty, you'll have to play with the big boys. You will deal with me.
Victoria: Can I get a coffee?
Billy: I see I'm still getting the cold shoulder. That's okay. Best man duties--they beckon. I'm--
Victoria: You're someone's best man?
Billy: Don't look so shocked. Although it was pretty last-minute. I think I am Jack's only resort, so...
Victoria: Oh. How soon are they tying the knot?
Billy: Tomorrow.
Victoria: Hmm. Oh, I didn't realize.
Billy: Oh, well, don't tell me you were expecting an invitation in the mail or anything.
Victoria: Oh, no. Hardly. In fact, I doubt that I'll be invited to any Abbott gathering any time soon after you all hear the news.
Billy: What news?
Victoria: I'm the new C.E.O. of Jabot.
Billy: Says--says who?
Victoria: My dad. He offered, and I accepted.
Jack: (Laughs)
Ashley: (Laughs)
Traci: (Laughs) Oh, you guys, I'm so glad that I came, and-- and not just because of you, Jack. When I think about sitting around this table eating with my family, it's just one of my favorite things. (Laughs)
Ashley: I know.
Jack: Well, I'm hoping that Emily and I can build some new memories around this table. Lord knows I've had more than my share of opportunities, and screwed every one of them up.
Ashley: Aw.
Traci: (Sighs)
Ashley: Well, I just pray that you've learned from your many, many, many...
Traci: (Laughs)
Ashley: Many, many mistakes.
Jack: I'm thinking Emily's my chance to set things right.
(Telephone rings)
Jack: Oh. Hello? No, I didn't get that message. Are you serious? (Sighs) (Stammers) Do I have a choice? You--you know what? Worry about other things. This'll be fine. We'll work it out. Um, that was the wedding coordinator at the church. The priest who was going to officiate had to leave for a family emergency. So Father Todd is gonna take his place.
Traci: Uh, are you okay with that?
Jack: Uh, well, it isn't like Emily and I were tied to Father McMillan. Paul does have his issues with the marriage, but obviously, Todd doesn’t.
Traci: Hmm.
Ashley: You know, I think I read somewhere that one thing going wrong at a wedding is actually really good luck.
Traci: (Chuckles)
Ashley: So...
Jack: Well, if this is the worst thing thrown my way, I'm gonna be a very happy groom.
Traci: Mm-hmm. (Chuckles)
Ashley: Cheers.
(Glasses clink)
Patty: Thank you. "Enclosed-- find bridal portrait proofs. Enjoy. Malcolm." (Sighs) Oh, good. (Sighs) (Sighs) All right. (Sighs) Now I know how I'm going to do my hair and makeup. Hmm? So beautiful.
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Patty: Okay, okay, you know what? You can do this.
Patty: You can do this, all right? (Clears throat) Dr. Emily Peterson.
Patty: (Sighs) Hi, this is Dr. Emily Peterson. Okay. This is Dr. Emily Peterson.
Paul: Emily.
Patty: Paul?
Paul: Patty has hurt herself. They've rushed her to the hospital. I want you to get over to Memorial now.
Patty: (Sighs)
Victoria: Is Reed up?
J.T.: No, he's out with Gabby.
Victoria: I wasn't sure you'd be here.
J.T.: Well, I wasn't sure you'd be back.
Victoria: Hey, listen, I'm sorry that I ran out before, okay? But it turned out to be pretty important, actually.
J.T.: I'm sure it was.
Victoria: My father's naming me C.E.O. of Jabot.
J.T.: Wow, that's, uh, that's big news. I'm surprised he didn't mention that when I saw him earlier.
Victoria: You spoke with my father?
J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, right after you mentioned to him that we're splitting up.
Victoria: Well, I'm sorry, all right? He could see that I was upset. I'm not gonna lie to him.
J.T.: No, of course not. Of course not.
Victoria: (Sighs) Well, what did he say?
J.T.: Uh, he just basically made it clear that he couldn't be happier.
Billy: Mm, good to see you.
Traci: Mm.
Ashley: Now don't you tell me you're late because the dessert wasn't ready.
Billy: No, the dessert's fine.
Ashley: Easy with that.
Billy: I, uh, I ran into Victoria.
Jack: Oh, was she gloating about her father's triumph at Jabot?
Billy: No, but, uh, Victor is letting his daughter share in the spoils.
Jack: Wait, how bad is it?
Billy: Victoria's the new C.E.O. of Jabot.
Jack: Are you kidding me?
Ashley: Oh, my God. How could he do that?
Billy: Well, what better way to stick it to us?
Jack: Well, here we go. The "Newmanization" of Jabot.
Ashley: Well, it's the perfect revenge. I'm mean--
Jack: Which is why we have to find proof that he had inside information during that bidding war. We prove that, we can turn this whole thing around on him.
Billy: Bet you're glad you gave CeeCee's heart to Mr. Mumbles, aren't you?
Traci: What I'm not glad about, Billy, is that all of us are here together to celebrate on this very special evening, and instead of doing that, celebrating our-- our brother's future happiness, you're all focused on a vendetta that was ultimately responsible for my daughter's life. As to giving Colleen's heart to Victor, I don't regret it. I did what I thought was right. I did what I believed Colleen would want. And if I spent all of my time agonizing over that choice, I would be consumed with rage, and, Billy, I won't live like that. Instead, I have chosen to move forward. And I wish more than anything else in the world that the rest of you could find a way to do that, too.
Patty: Okay. (Sighs) (Clears throat) What happened?
Paul: She tried to kill herself.
Patty: How?
Paul: Um, an overdose, they think. She, um, must have been stashing her meds all this time.
Patty: And--and where is she now?
Paul: They're still trying to revive her.
Patty: Do they think they w--they will? I'm sorry. I mean, um... did they say what her chances would be?
Paul: Um... no. No, they haven’t. Not yet.
Patty: (Sighs)
Paul: You know, according to the log, you were the last person to see her.
Patty: Was I?
Paul: Did you tell her that you weren't gonna be treating her anymore?
Patty: I did.
Paul: How did she react to that?
Patty: She was upset at first. And then she was fine when I left.
Paul: Mm-hmm. She wasn't fine. She wasn't fine when I left, and she wasn't fine when you did. You are a doctor. You should have seen that! This was in her hand... (Paper crinkles) When I found her. "I couldn't go on anymore," it says. "After I learned my doctor, the person I trusted more than anyone else in this world, was gonna marry my husband. I thought she cared about me. I thought they both did. But she betrayed me. She betrayed me. There's no reason to live." Read it yourself! (Sniffles)
Patty: Uh, you know what? I'm sorry. I'm--
Paul: You should be. She knew about you and Jack, you know.
Patty: I didn't know.
Paul: You see this? I found this in the papier-mâché house. This is what sent her over the edge.
Patty: Okay, it was painful I'm sure.
Paul: How did she get it?!
Patty: Can you please stop yelling?
Paul: You promised me she would be protected! This is your fault, your responsibility! I told you about this time and time again! You wouldn't listen! Oh, come on. Don't you have anything to say? You have nothing to say at all?
Patty: Paul, I feel very terrible about what happened. And I just pray that Patty comes out of this and that her new doctor, uh, will do a better job than I ever could.
Paul: (Scoffs) Yeah. (Voice breaking) What don't you just-- why don't you just get out of here, please? Just leave me alone, and leave my sister alone.
Patty: (Sniffles) (sighs) Um... (Sniffles) Whatever happens, just know that your sister loved you a-and that she knew that you loved her. (Sobs) (Gasps) (Sobs)
Victoria: I'm really not up for another argument about my father right now.
J.T.: Oh, believe me, Victor's the last name I want to hear right now, while we're deciding how to end this.
Victoria: So are we... ending this?
J.T.: (Sighs) Yeah, I guess so.
Victoria: Wow, it doesn't seem like that long ago that I was in the hospital fighting for my life and you were there right beside me willing me to be okay. Well, I guess the circumstances surrounding us getting together were pretty intense, what with me being married to Brad and everything. And then when we got together, I guess we were still coming out of some pretty intense circumstances.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Victoria: I guess maybe the day-to-day living without some kind of a crisis hanging over our head just made us realize how little we know about each other.
J.T.: Maybe.
Victoria: But I really still have some happy memories with you.
J.T.: Me, too.
Victoria: (Sighs) So in honor of that, and for Reed, do you think maybe we can end this as friends?
Patty: (Sighs) (Inhales deeply) (Exhales sharply) You had to do that at some point, Patty, okay? Okay. It's done. (Sobs) (Voice breaking) I know. I just don't like to see Pauly upset. (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Ashley: Hi, Emily. It's Ashley. Don't worry. Jack's not with me.
Patty: (Clears throat) (Chuckles) Oh, hi.
Ashley: Hey. May I come in?
Patty: Oh, yes, I'm sorry.
Ashley: (Laughs)
Patty: Of course. (Laughs)
Ashley: I know that you wanted a quiet evening, but I was on my way-- we're having a little family dinner with Jack, and I just wanted to stop in and see if you need anything last-minute.
Patty: Um... no, no. I don’t. Um, just a good night's sleep.
Ashley: I promise I won't keep you. But I did want to give you these first. Okay, something old, something new, something borrowed...
Patty: (Chuckles)
Ashley: And something blue.
Patty: Wow, uh, which one would you like me to open first?
Ashley: Oh, I don't know. Maybe we should get the old one out of the way. (Laughs)
Patty: Okay. Okay.
Ashley: Okay.
Patty: So pretty.
Ashley: Jack told me how much it meant to you to be married in the church, so...
Patty: I'm sorry. I j--I've had a rosary like this before, but I lost it.
Ashley: Oh.
Patty: (Chuckles)
Ashley: Well, hopefully, this one will take its place.
Patty: You were always so nice to me, Ashley.
Ashley: Well, why wouldn't I be?
Patty: (Sighs) Right.
Ashley: Especially when you make my brother so happy.
Patty: Hmm.
Jack: Once Ashley's back from visiting with Emily, we will have a dinner together where the thought of anything Newman will be banned.
Billy: Even if they're evil thoughts?
Jack: Well...
Billy: (Chuckles)
Traci: I know. I know it's hard, but I really believe that we'd all be better off if you could just let Victor go. Uh, use some of that energy for that bright future you were just talking about.
Jack: Victor has ruined too many important moments in my life. I am not gonna let him or anyone else ruin this one.
J.T.: I don’t want things to get uglier.
Victoria: (Sighs) Thanks.
J.T.: So I guess the, uh, first question is who's gonna go to a lawyer first?
Victoria: Oh, right. Um, I'll call Michael tomorrow morning.
J.T.: Okay.
Victoria: Okay. What about, uh, living arrangements with Reed and everything?
J.T.: Well, look, you just got back. Um, I-I think it would be-- I think it would be very unsettling for Reed if one of us were to leave right now, so I'll stay in the guest room. That way, we can both be-- be there for him for now.
Victoria: Yeah, okay. It's probably best... for now.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Victor: As much as I would love to stay here right now, please forgive me, but I've got to work out.
Nikki: Oh, I know you do. I certainly don't want to get in the way of that.
Victor: Good.
Nikki: You do that. I'm gonna call room service so the food'll be here when you get back.
Victor: Love it.
Nikki: And I think I'm gonna give Victoria a call, see if she's doing any better.
Victor: She's lucky to have you, you know.
Nikki: Well...
Victor: See you shortly?
Nikki: Yes, indeed. Be careful.
Victor: Yep.
Ashley: Hi.
Victor: Hi.
Ashley: Um, could I speak with you for a moment?
Victor: Sure.
Ashley: Um, I know you said I could have the ranch...
Victor: Yes, I did.
Ashley: And that you wouldn't fight me on it.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Ashley: Uh, but it still came at a price, didn't it?
Victor: In what way?
Ashley: Well, as soon as you said that, you took over control of Jabot.
Victor: You and I have discussed that, Ashley. One has nothing to do with the other.
Ashley: I know. You can rationalize it any way you want, but I think we both know what the coup was about. It doesn't even matter, honestly. You know, I've just been thinking a lot about... (Sighs) Oh, about something Traci said tonight.
Victor: Hmm. Said tonight? Is she here?
Ashley: Yeah. She is, yeah.
Victor: Oh.
Ashley: She's doing very well.
Victor: I'm not surprised.
Ashley: Yeah, well, you know, she's a remarkable woman given everything life's dealt her.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Ashley: Well, you might be surprised when, uh... when I tell you what her words made me realize. I'm moving out of the ranch, Victor.
Victor: What do you mean you're moving out of the ranch?
Ashley: I'm moving out.
Victor: You fought long and hard for it.
Ashley: Well, I guess--
Victor: Why would you suddenly move out?
Ashley: I guess I was fighting because I was clinging to an idea of how I thought our children should be raised, but I desperately want to let go of that. So you can have your ranch. I don't want any part of it.
Paul: Um... you mentioned that, um, she had a-a bump and a hematoma on the back of her head. Do you think it's possible that she could have injured herself before she took the pills, and that's-- that's what caused the coma?
Doctor: Her coma's a direct result of the drugs and the fact that your sister's stomach was pumped too late.
Paul: Is she gonna make it?
Doctor: Well, if she does...
Paul: What?
Doctor: If she does, she may never be herself again.
(Cell phone rings, ring, ring, ring)
Patty: Hello, Jack.
Jack: I know I'm not supposed to bother you. I couldn't help myself.
Traci: He can't live without you!
Jack: Traci's right. I hate even one night apart.
Patty: I hate it, too, because I know I'm the one woman in the world who can make you happy.
Jack: Yes, you are, which is why I can't wait till tomorrow.
Patty: Neither can I.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Billy: The Abbotts are gonna fight like hell to get Jabot back.
Victoria: Good luck with that.
Patty: If you can give me a sign, you know, anything, I just--I can't do this alone.
Fr. Todd: What-- what do you mean, "Too late"? Will she recover?
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