Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/9/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/9/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 2/10/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9333 ~ Patty's Psychosis Spins Out of Control

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Sharon: Oh, this is exactly what we needed.

Adam: (Sighs) Yes, you needed a break.

Sharon: More than I realized. Gosh, everything that we do is under scrutiny back home.

Adam: Forget about Genoa City. We're here now. We don't have a care in the world except what we want for lunch. I can have, uh, room service bring it down to our cabana, if you want.

Sharon: Mm, let's not go back to the beach just yet.

Chloe: Yeah, no, don't worry. You're gonna wear waterproof makeup. Yes, because you think that you're not gonna cry, but all brides do. Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm on it. Okay, I have my cell on me if you need anything. Okay, bye. (Sighs)

Mac: Emily?

Chloe: Yes. Please tell me, why did I decide to plan a wedding on the same day as my daughter's first birthday? Why did I do it?

Mac: I have never pretended to understand you, Chloe.

Chloe: It was not smart. No, it wasn’t. I love your sweater.

Billy: Hello.

Mac: Oh.

Billy: Hello!

Chloe: Wow.

Billy: (Makes silly noises) You're so cute.

Chloe: How'd your meeting go?

Billy: It went well. Great ideas, great writer, and he's gonna do a piece for us for "Restless Style."

Chloe: Nice.

Mac: Heard you were stuck in the airport.

Billy: Yeah, it was a lot of fun. So, uh, why are my two exes sitting having coffee? Should I be worried about something?

Mac: No.

Chloe: Yes. Come on. Keep him on his toes.

Billy: (Chuckles sarcastically) Well, wait till you see what I got you. I got a, uh, little sparkly tiara in here somewhere.

Chloe: Oh, she loves sparkles, just like her daddy.

Billy: Yeah. It's in here.

Chloe: Where? Where is it?

Billy: Somewhere. I, uh... (Chuckles)

Victoria: J.T.? Reed? I'm home! I made it. (Sighs) Hello? (Sighs) Hey, I'm back!

J.T.: Hey. Welcome home.

Victoria: Hi. It's good to be here. I missed you.

J.T.: Yeah, I missed you, too.

Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah.

J.T.: Reed was really disappointed that your flight got delayed.

Victoria: Oh, I know. 13 hours from Dubai, and then bad weather at J.F.K. but they had the cutest kids' store in the duty-free...

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Victoria: And I have-- is he in his room? I want to--

J.T.: Uh, no, actually, he's down for his nap already.

Victoria: Oh, okay. Well, then I'll just wait until he wakes up.

J.T.: Is, uh, that my anniversary gift?

Victoria: Huh? Oh, no. This? No. This--this belonged to another passenger. I-I just ended up with it by mistake. I'm sorry that I missed our anniversary.

J.T.: That's no big deal. It's all right.

Victoria: So should we celebrate another night, maybe?

J.T.: Yeah. Yeah. You, uh, you pick it.

Victoria: Okay, well, let me just, um, check with my office and then I'll--I'll-- I'll let you know.

Emily: All right, I am all checked in.

Jack: Sure you don't want some company?

Emily: Hmm, that kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?

Jack: You know, we could always have a private rehearsal of our wedding night.

Emily: Oh, we don't need to rehearse. Trust me. And don't you dare show up in the middle of the night. Next time I see you, we'll be in the church.

Jack: I think it is adorable that you want to do this.

Emily: (Chuckles) Okay, you know what? I'm gonna call Chloe one more time so that--

Jack: Uh, you don't have to call Chloe...

Emily: (Sighs)

Jack: About the tablecloths. You've called her twice.

Emily: I just want it to be perfect.

Jack: It will be perfect. It will. Tomorrow, you will be Mrs. John Abbott Jr.

Emily: Mm, and what makes you think I'm gonna be taking your name?

Jack: You're not taking my name?

Emily: No. (Chuckles) Tomorrow, I will be your wife, Dr. Emily Peterson.

Paul: Thanks. Hey, Pattycake. It's me... your brother. Patty?

Paul: Emily? Dr. Peterson?

Patty: Yes, I'm Dr. Peterson. How can I help you?

Victoria: So is, uh, Reed still crushing on that girl in his playgroup? Aurora? (Chuckles)

J.T.: Uh, Ariel? Yeah. Yeah, he is.

Victoria: Ariel, yeah, uh--

J.T.: Hey, uh, sit down for a second.

Victoria: Hmm?

J.T.: I want to give you your anniversary gift.

Victoria: Oh.

J.T.: And instead of looking back, I want to look forward.

Victoria: I'd like that, too.

J.T.: Look, Victoria, this year-- this past year has been pretty hard on us. But we're still together, and I think we're gonna be better off for it.

Victoria: I hope so.

J.T.: Happy anniversary.

Victoria: (Sighs)

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Victoria: You really shouldn't have. Oh.

J.T.: Got it?

Victoria: Oh. Oh, it's--it's beautiful. Um, thank you. I got this for you at a shop in Dubai.

J.T.: Oh.

Victoria: Happy anniversary.

J.T.: (Sighs) Well... well, now that's, uh, that's extravagant.

Victoria: I know. I know you don't normally wear something that expensive.

J.T.: No, I-I like it.

Victoria: But--

J.T.: I like it. You know, your father has one of these, and I've always admired it, so I'm sure Tucker will really like this when I wear it to work. That guy does not miss a beat.

Victoria: How can you still work for that guy?

J.T.: Look, Victoria, you just got home. Let's not--let's not do this right now, okay?

Victoria: Oh, okay. You just want me to keep the peace no matter what? Just ignore the truth?

J.T.: Well, you've been ignoring the truth.

Victoria: (Clears throat) Oh, really? I've been ignoring the truth? What is that supposed to mean?

J.T.: Look, you--you know I was miserable at Newman, okay? But it served your purpose to have me there, so you didn't care how I felt.

Victoria: Oh, that is not true.

J.T.: No, it is true. Then--wh-why did you pressure me to keep staying there when you know I didn't like it?

Victoria: You were happy when my father offered you that job.

J.T.: Well, things change. I needed independence.

Victoria: Oh, you were upset about Colleen.

J.T.: I was upset before that.

Victoria: Okay, well, you never said a word to me.

J.T.: No, I did. I did. You just never heard me.

Victoria: We had a great life.

J.T.: (Scoffs) Your life, your terms.

Victoria: Okay, so your terms are standing beside a man who stole Katherine’s lifework out from underneath her?

J.T.: Victoria, you know I didn't have anything to do with that.

Victoria: Oh, yeah, but yet you're still there.

J.T.: You don't get it. I wouldn't get that opportunity anywhere else. You know, your father saw me as nothing more than a glorified bodyguard.

Victoria: Oh, here we go again. You really haven't changed, have you?

J.T.: No, I have changed. That's--that's the problem. And anyway, why am I the bad guy here when--when all I'm doing is standing up to your father? You know, you're the one who cheated in this relationship, not me.

Victoria: Well, I thought you'd forgiven me for that. But you just keep rubbing it in my face. Fine!

J.T.: (Sighs)

(Front door slams)

Reed: Is Mommy home?

J.T.: (Sighs)

Billy: Go ahead. Say "Da-da" again.

Chloe: That-- that was "Ba-ba." She wants a bottle.

Mac: I think it's cute how you're so into her.

Billy: How could you not be into this little peanut? (Silly voice) Little peanut.

Chloe: (Giggles)

Mac: Okay, you're in a good mood. Is there something going on we don't know about?

Billy: (Normal voice) Can't a guy dote on his little daughter without people being suspicious?

Chloe: Don't look at me. I happen to like the new-and-improved Billy.

Mac: And if you could, uh, channel this positive energy into "Restless Style," you could pull it out of the gutter and make it something more meaningful.

Billy: After the hot streak we're on? No way.

Chloe: No, no, no, no. That do-gooder issue of Rory Gleason was a disaster. Actually, it was our worst issue yet.

(Cell phone rings)

Mac: Excuse me.

Billy: So bring me up to speed. What's happening at the office?

Chloe: Well, we scored. Uh, Heidi has a front row seat at fashion week in New York. (Clicks tongue) Yes.

Billy: Do we have an exclusive?

Chloe: Uh, yeah, I had to promise her Berlin in, uh, July.

Billy: Without asking me?

Chloe: I made an executive decision.

Billy: It's a good call.

Chloe: I have an idea for our next issue-- dysfunctional families.

Billy: How about you narrow that down just a little bit?

Chloe: I was thinking about you and Jack.

Billy: Ah. And suddenly, we're not talking about business anymore.

Chloe: Well, look. Mom is coming over here in a few minutes to get Delia, and I have to head over to Jack's to deal with last-minute details for the wedding.

Billy: And why are you telling me all this?

Chloe: Because I know the two of you had a little blowup after he asked you to be his best man, and I was thinking that maybe the new "Billy 2.0" would reach out to his brother.

Jack: There you go.

Emily: Thank you.

Jack: Wow, 24 hours without you.

Emily: (Sighs)

Jack: I don't know if I can make it.

Emily: Well, I think you'll survive.

Jack: I don't know. Maybe I need something to tide me over.

Emily: Mm.

(Cell phone rings)

Jack: Oh, don't answer that. Don’t.

Emily: Hold on. No, it could be Chloe. It could be Chloe. Hello?

Paul: Emily, it's, uh, it's Paul Williams.

Emily: Hello, Paul.

Paul: Listen, I am at the, uh, the hospital with Patty, and she--she's gotten worse.

Emily: If she's in crisis, then she needs to be with her primary doctor.

Paul: Y-yeah, I'm aware of that, but, uh, Dr. Jasper is out of town at a symposium.

Emily: (Sighs) Isn't there someone else to fill in?

Paul: Look, she needs you.

Emily: Paul, I'm getting married tomorrow.

Paul: You have to see it for yourself. Patty is completely delusional. I can't reach her. I-- I, um, I think maybe you are the only person who can.

Emily: Okay, but this will be the last time.

Paul: Thank you.

Emily: Mm-hmm.

Jack: So you gotta go over there?

Emily: Yeah, he said it was an emergency.

Jack: I get it. I-isn't she with Dr. Jasper now?

Emily: Yeah, but he's out of town.

Jack: (Sighs) There's no one else?

Emily: No one she trusts.

Jack: Okay, fair enough.

Emily: Oh.

Jack: Mm.

Emily: (Sighs)

Jack: This isn't how I wanted to part, you know.

Emily: (Chuckles) I know.

Jack: Next time I see you, you'll be walking down the aisle.

Emily: Yay. (Giggles) (Sighs)

J.T.: Thanks for coming. I can't miss this meeting, and Reed's nanny is at the doctor, so...

Mac: Well, like I told you-- anytime. Should we draw something special for daddy?

J.T.: Yeah, Dude, draw me one of your cool pictures, all right?

Reed: And Mommy?

J.T.: Yeah, yeah, sure.

Mac: Why don't we, uh, why don't you get started on a "Welcome home" card for mommy? And I will be right there.

Reed: Okay.

Mac: Okay. (Sighs) Did Victoria come home?

J.T.: Yeah, she got home this morning.

Mac: How'd it go?

J.T.: The big reunion? Well, it, uh, it couldn't have gone worse.

Mac: I'm sorry.

J.T.: No, I should have known better. We don't see eye to eye about anything anymore.

Mac: I know this isn't my business, but have you thought about therapy?

J.T.: (Chuckles) The Newman’s don't do therapy.

Mac: Well, if you want, I can watch Reed so you and Victoria can talk things out.

J.T.: Yeah, we talked. We talked. She was so angry, she stormed out before she said hi to her son.

Mac: Does he know she was here?

J.T.: Yeah, he heard her voice. I've never seen him so upset.

Mac: (Sighs) If there's anything I can do to help--

J.T.: You are helping. Thank you.

(Cell phone beeps)

J.T.: Oh. Oh, you know what? I feel like I've been hit by a train. I really don't even want to go to this meeting.

Mac: Can you cancel?

J.T.: (Sighs) No, I gotta go.

Mac: Well, don't worry about Reed.

J.T.: Thanks.

Mac: And whatever I can do, always remember that.

J.T.: I will.

Chloe: Mom, it's in the diaper bag. I put it there. Yeah.

Billy: Oh, hi. You know, I think you might be in possession of one very valuable tiara.

Victoria: Oh, yeah, I actually have it here. One of the sparkly things fell off, so I can definitely get you a new one.

Billy: I don't think Delia’s gonna notice. It's okay. Are you-- have you been crying?

Victoria: Jet lag. (Chuckles) Just jet lag, yeah.

Billy: Really? Jet lag?

Victoria: Go away.

Billy: Oh, I get it. We can be friends in New York, but when we get back here, the old rules apply, is that it?

Victoria: We were never friends.

Sharon: Oh, I wish we could stay here forever, just drink piña coladas, take walks on the beach.

Adam: Yeah, and miss out on that freezing cold temperature, all the snow and the disapproving stares from every single person we know?

Sharon: (Chuckles) Yeah, you know, that's-- that's a lot to give up. That's a big sacrifice.

Adam: It is.

Sharon: Um, I think I'm convinced I'm never going home. (Chuckles)

Adam: Yeah, well, there's this, um, there's this little thing called money.

Sharon: Yeah, but we'd have each other.

Adam: Um, okay. You, me and a little grass shack. I could do that.

Sharon: Mm. Don't we wish?

Adam: Yeah, you have no idea.

Sharon: Well, as long as we're here, let's make the best of it.

Emily: She doesn't seem manic.

Paul: No, she isn't throwing fits anymore. In fact, she's the opposite. She's-- she's incredibly calm. She just isn't Patty. Her voice, her--her body language, well, she's totally become you.

Emily: The same way she took on the Mary Jane persona.

Paul: Yeah, you didn't see her then. But she was so completely different than Patty.

Emily: She'll do anything to avoid herself. It's a lot of self-hatred.

Paul: Well, uh, she was getting better, I--we had some very good talks lately.

Emily: (Sighs)

Paul: Why is this happening?

Emily: I don't know. I don't know. (Stammers) You know, we've adjusted her medication several times. It could be the wrong cocktail.

Paul: (Sighs) Can you help?

Emily: Well, if Patty comes face-to-face with me, it might be difficult to maintain that persona.

Patty: Hello, Jack. (Sighs) You took my breath away the moment I saw you. You are so handsome. Your rascally smile... (Laughs) How could I not fall in love with you? (Sighs) You made promises to me, Jack. You said you'd never hurt me again. Sweetie, why didn't you come and see me? Hmm? (Sighs) I've been so alone here. I need you. But you lied to me over and over and over again, and I forgave you every time. I'm your wife. I'm your wife. I'm not gonna let you take him. You can't have him! He's mine. He's mine. (Breathing heavily) Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! (Grunts)

Chloe: Come on. I totally saw you flirting with her.

Billy: Uh, with who? Victoria? Are you out of your absolute mind, woman?

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Billy: Delia is the only thing in my life--

Chloe: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Back. Back there in the pantry. Nothing goes back there.

Billy: All right. (Clears throat) What am I doing here? I'm--I'm taking off.

Chloe: No, no, no, no, no. Your brother is getting married tomorrow, and I'm gonna throw a hell of a party. You're not gonna want to miss it.

Jack: Oh, good, you're here. If Emily sees those flowers, she's gonna have a fit.

Chloe: (Sighs) Red carnations?

Jack: Can you take care of that?

Chloe: Yeah. (Sighs)

Jack: Billy, I don't know why you're here, but I don't have time right now.

Billy: Well, I hear you lost the Jabot bid to Victor.

Jack: What, are you here to gloat?

Billy: Now why the hell would I want to do that, Jack?

Jack: Well, you should have all the facts, then. Victor also fired Ashley and me.

Billy: Well, we know he's a bastard.

Jack: And just to add a little sting, he's hired Gloria Bardwell as the company's new ambassadress.

Billy: (Sighs) The woman who almost ruined the company.

Jack: Yeah.

Billy: Well, you know, Jack, if you would have let me borrow against my inheritance, I could've thrown in with you guys, and we could have beat this, but--

Jack: No, I don't think so. Newman's bid was significantly higher than ours. He had to have inside information. I know that, and when I prove--

Chloe: No, I-I don't want to see them, because those are supposed to be delivered tomorrow. Linens go back.

Billy: So what's gonna be your next move?

Jack: Well, after snatching Jabot back from Victor, I have a little thing called a wedding.

Billy: Well, you know, you could always get back into the magazine business, come run "Restless Style" with me.

Paul: Before you see Patty... (Sighs) If she finds out about you and Jack--

Emily: Okay, we've taken every precaution.

Paul: What if an orderly slips up and mentions you're getting married?

Emily: But, Paul, they won’t. They know.

Paul: And after the wedding?

Emily: Oh, God.

Paul: What if she needs to see you?

Emily: Could we please just take it as it comes? Her obsession with me is as unhealthy as her obsession with Jack. And in the long run, she'll do much better with another doctor. And if it's not Dr. Jasper, we'll find another psychiatrist. I promise.

Paul: All right, thanks.

Emily: Yeah, um, are you gonna stay?

Paul: No, I can’t. Uh, there's some work I gotta take care of. Uh, I'll be back later.

Emily: Okay.

Paul: Thanks again.

Emily: Yeah. (Sighs) Okay, I'm--I'm ready.

Emily: (Sighs)

Emily: Hello.

Patty: Hi. I'm Dr. Emily Peterson. And you are?

Emily: I am a consultant here at the hospital.

Patty: How do you like it?

Emily: Uh, very much. I just got through speaking with, uh, Paul Williams.

Patty: Mm, a patient.

Emily: A brother of a patient. You know him.

Patty: Do I?

Emily: He's your brother, Patty. You grew up together. You know, he's very concerned for you.

Patty: Families can be so complicated, hmm? Do you have any siblings?

Emily: Patty, why are you mimicking me?

Patty: Oh, Dr. P., (Laughs) I-I just admire you so much and want to be so much like you.

Emily: (Sighs) Well, that's very nice.

Patty: That's why you can never leave me.

Emily: You have another doctor.

Patty: You're my doctor.

Emily: Okay, but, Patty, this is gonna be the last time I'm gonna be coming, my last visit.

Patty: Last visit? Why is that?

Emily: Okay. (Sighs) We've talked about this before, Patty. It's just time.

Patty: Really? "It's just time." It isn't because you're marrying my husband Jack?

Emily: Patty, where'd you get that idea?

Patty: You didn't answer my question. Are you marrying Jack, or not?

Emily: We're not gonna talk about my personal life, Patty.

Patty: Are you marrying him?

Emily: You're upset. I--

Patty: You are damn right I'm upset. How would you feel if you found out that your therapist was marrying your husband? I see right through you. You wanted Jack the moment you saw him. That's why you had me locked up in here.

Emily: Patty, you're in here because of your behavior-- what you did to Colleen Carlton, the--the Newman’s, Phyllis, Nick, the little girl Summer. Remember?

Patty: I didn't do anything to them. Those are lies. You never cared about me like a real doctor.

Emily: Oh, Patty, don't you remember in Minneapolis, you talked about wanting to put the past behind you?

Patty: (Chuckles) It's all making sense. It's making a lot of sense, Dr. P. when we were in Minneapolis, I showed you that picture of Jack in the newspaper. You wanted him then.

Emily: (Sighs)

Patty: You did. You followed me to Genoa City so that you could have him. You used me to get to him. (Whispering) But I'm gonna tell you something, Dr. P. you won't get away with it, because he's mine. He's mine! Get out of my way.

Emily: Jack doesn't belong to anyone but himself.

Patty: (Normal voice) Get out of my way!

[Emily lands on the floor]

Emily: (Grunts)

Patty: (Sighs)

Patty: Jack is mine. He always will be mine.

Heather: A little early in the day to be drinking alone at the bar.

Paul: (Chuckles) I'm waiting for a to-go order. It's been a while since I've seen you.

Heather: It's been crazy at work. Two A.D.A.s out sick. I slept on my couch at the office last night.

Paul: Not good for the back.

Heather: Or for the soul. How are you doing?

Paul: Had better days.

Heather: What's wrong? Look, if you don't tell me, I'm just gonna worry about you all day. This whole father-daughter thing, it works two ways, you know? Over the last few years, I don't know what I would have done without you. Whenever I lost a big case or that whole fiasco with Adam, you were there to listen. So whatever's going on with you, you can share it with me.

Paul: It's not me. It's Patty. I wish you would have known your aunt when she was younger. She was, uh, so sweet and innocent.

Heather: I've seen pictures. She was beautiful.

Paul: I think Mom was just too protective of her. She couldn't handle the real world, let alone somebody like Jack Abbott.

Heather: I thought her treatment was going well.

Paul: It was. Something happened. I, uh, I went to see her today, and she didn't respond to her own name. She wouldn't acknowledge me until I called her, um, "Dr. Peterson." First, she makes herself over to look like Emily, and now she's taken on her personality.

Heather: Well, what's her psychiatrist say?

Paul: He can't be reached, not that it was working anyway.

Heather: Well, is there someone else that can work with Patty?

Paul: Well, Dr. Peterson's with her now, but she's taken herself off the case.

Heather: Well, she should, because she's marrying Jack. (Sighs)

Paul: You know, I, uh, I should have tracked her down when she ran away. I mean, if nothing more, just to let her know that we love her. She's just too delicate to be out there on her own.

Adam: (Sighs) We should buy a boat.

Sharon: A boat?

Adam: Yeah, we could sail around the world.

Sharon: Mm, pirates.

Adam: Oh, pirates.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Adam: Okay, well, then we stay here, and we take a boat out for tourists and take 'em fishing and scuba diving.

Sharon: I already have my certification.

Adam: Done.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Adam: I mean, we could spend the rest of our lives here in paradise, Sharon.

Sharon: You know what? I have an idea. We should buy one of those bars on the beach. You know, we'll get one with the big umbrellas, and then the little ones for the drinks.

Adam: Yeah, could you imagine working all day in our bathing suits?

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. We--we would meet the most interesting people.

Adam: Talk about no pressure. Perfect.

Sharon: And can you imagine the look on everyone's face back home when they find out we're running a bar in Saint Martin?

Adam: (Chuckles)

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Adam: You want to do it? You want to see if there's some real estate available? Check into it?

Sharon: Are you serious?

Adam: Why not? Uh, who says we have to stay in Genoa City anymore?

Sharon: No one.

Adam: And you know Noah would think you're, like, the coolest mom ever owning a bar and running it on a beach.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh, I can't believe I'm seriously considering this.

Adam: Why not do it? We could just dump our baggage.

Sharon: Baggage? Me?

Adam: (Sighs) Well...

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Adam: You and your ex-husbands and me and my, uh, my checkered past. We could just leave it all behind and start over again with our fresh life.

Sharon: Let's do it.

Adam: Come here.

Victoria: J.T., we need to talk.

Reed: Mommy!

Victoria: Hi. Where's my husband? Look at you. I read your e-mails, and I looked at your picture every single night. (Giggles)

Reed: Are you going away again?

Victoria: No, Baby, I'm not going away again. You know, sometimes people... (Chuckles) They get upset when they're happy. They cry. I'm just happy. I'm happy to see you. (Kisses Reed) Mwah!

Mac: J.T. had a meeting. He asked me to watch Reed.

Victoria: Oh. Okay. Where's Gabby?

Mac: Doctor's appointment.

Victoria: So why didn't Abby baby-sit?

Mac: She's in school.

Victoria: Right. I'm sorry, I'm just-- whoo, I'm a little jet-lagged. So how's the pregnancy going?

Mac: It's good. I can't--I can't stop eating.

Victoria: (Laughs)

Mac: And I don't know if you heard. I'm having twins.

Victoria: Twins? Wow. That's--that's wonderful. How's Lily?

Mac: She's great. She's really strong.

Victoria: Good. Good. I'm glad to hear that. Well, you don't need to stay.

(Doorbell rings)

Mac: Oh, um, my pizza. I didn't know how long I'd be here, but I-I'll just take it and go.

Victoria: Okay.

Mac: Okay.

Victoria: Well, thank you for--for looking after him. I appreciate it.

Jack: I appreciate the offer. I really do. But I don't think the Abbott brothers should be running "Restless Style."

Billy: Is that criticism of how I do things? Because, you know, Jack, you used some of the same tactics.

Jack: I may disagree with some of your choices, but I certainly can't argue with your success.

Billy: Well, I learned from the best.

Jack: Listen, what you said the other day, that I treat you like a kid, you're right. I'm sorry I didn't include you in the Jabot offer.

Billy: Thank you for saying that.

Chloe: Thank you. Okay, so the valet just cancelled on us. And the rentals are on the truck on the side of the road stuck with a flat, but everything is going to work out, I swear. What I really need to know is are you going to be the best man? Because that window is closing rapidly.

Jack: I'd like that. I'd love for you to stand up for me at my wedding, for me and my bride.

Emily: Oh. (Sighs) Patty?

Patty: I'm right here, Dr. P.

Emily: Oh, my head. (Sighs)

Patty: You must have a doozy of a headache. You, uh, tripped and hit your head on the, uh, window.

[Patty is pouring pills in a water bottle]

Emily: I-I need some help.

Patty: No, no, no, no. Don't get up. Don't get up. You may have something broken.

Emily: No, just call me an orderly.

Patty: No, no, no. I will help you. I will.

Emily: Oh, God, I can't get up. (Sighs) Oh.

Patty: Okay, drink this. It's gonna make you feel so much better.

Emily: Oh, w-what is it?

Patty: Drink it.

Emily: Get me a doctor, Patty.

Patty: Dr. P., you're gonna drink it, damn it.

J.T.: Still hungry for pizza, huh? Where's Reed?

Victoria: Uh, he's in his room playing with his new toys.

Mac: He drew you a picture. It's on the table.

Victoria: Thanks, Mac. Appreciate it.

Mac: Anytime. Bye, J.T.

J.T.: Bye.

Victoria: It's over, isn't it?

J.T.: Yeah, I think it is.

Adam: Okay, the concierge says there is a realtor that we should speak to, and he didn't sound surprised.

Sharon: Well, I guess people decide they want to stay here all the time.

Adam: Can you blame 'em? Wake up to paradise every morning... incredible.

Sharon: Adam.

Adam: You know what? Grab your flip-flops. We'll go out.

Sharon: No, wait. It would be wonderful if we could stay here forever. But I can't just ditch my life and start a new one.

Adam: Sure you can.

Sharon: We have obligations at home.

Adam: Well, there's this cool little invention called the internet.

Sharon: (Chuckles) Really? I haven't heard of that. I haven't--no, I'm--

Adam: It's cool. You should check it out.

Sharon: Seriously, what about your job?

Adam: I'll quit.

Sharon: What? You kept me up for a whole night before we got married telling me about how important your career was to you, and how you knew you wanted to go to business school by the time you were 10. Now you have this amazing opportunity with this world-famous financier. You would really walk away from that?

Adam: Maybe there's more important things in life.

Sharon: Like what? Running a bar on the beach? I mean, how long before you get bored?

Adam: If you were there, never.

Sharon: (Chuckles) You say that now. We have responsibilities.

Adam: Those responsibilities and obligations are just weighing us down.

Sharon: (Sighs) What are you afraid of?

Adam: (Sighs) Sharon, we--we're happy here. I mean, there's no pressures and no family and no scrutiny from the media. The second we land back in Genoa City, everything's gonna just pick up right where it left off.

Sharon: Well, we don't have to let it bother us that much, and besides, we'll be okay as long as we're together.

Adam: I hope you're right. I'm just... (Sighs) I'm just so afraid of losing you.

Sharon: Don't be afraid, my love. You're not gonna lose me.

Adam: (Sighs)

Billy: I'd be honored to be your best man.

Jack: Wouldn't be the same without you. Thanks.

Chloe: You still got your tux?

Billy: Hanging in my closet.

Chloe: All right, well, then you better start, uh, get crackin' on that toast.

Billy: Ah, I'll wing it.

Jack: No, no, no, no, no. No, no. With too much champagne, you could clear the room.

Chloe: Yeah.

Billy: I'm gonna make this a toast to remember. You're gonna like this.

Jack: No, no, no. I want you to write it down. My wedding is tomorrow, and I don't want anything to ruin it.

Patty: Dr. P., you said you were my friend. You said you would help me.

Emily: Patty, I will. I will.

Patty: Liar. You liar! You stole my life. You're not gonna get away with it because I'm taking it back.

Emily: (Yelps) (Choking) (Gasping)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Billy: What news?

Victoria: I'm the new C.E.O. of Jabot.

Ashley: I'm moving out of the ranch, Victor.

Victor: What do you mean, you're moving out of the ranch?

Ashley: I'm moving out.

Victor: You fought long and hard for--

Ashley: I know.

Paul: Please! Help! Help! Somebody, help me!

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