Y&R Transcript Monday 2/8/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 2/8/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 2/9/10 -- USA


Episode # 9332 ~ Katherine Gives Tucker a Reality Check

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Kay: Well, I, um, I certainly thought you would be celebrating, uh, that remarkable price you got for selling, uh, Jabot. Eh, I'm saying it-- quite remarkable.

Tucker: Told you I'd make you a fortune.

Kay: Mm-hmm. Well, I could care less about that than the fact the company went to my dear friend Victor Newman.

Tucker: It was the highest bid. It wouldn't have mattered to me who made it.

Kay: So it's a win-win situation. Well, what's the matter? It isn't as satisfying as you thought?

Tucker: I'm very pleased with the sale.

Kay: Pleased? Oh, well, that's something. Not triumphant? Not vindicated? Oh, that is what you were hoping for when you set out on this quest to take what's important away from me? I told you it would never work, didn't I? Oh, you could punish me. You could rip my heart out, but that wouldn't make you feel any better, wouldn't undo what's been done. The fact is, I gave you away. I handed you over to strangers the day you were born, and there's nothing-- nothing that either one of us can do to change that.

Jack: No, I don't have proof. It is definitely corporate espionage. Why else would Victor make his bid so late? He wanted to see how much I was gonna offer. Well, what is the standard of e-evidence in a case like this? Okay, while you're doing your research, find out how much he actually bid. (Sighs)

Victor: You having a rough day, Jack?

Jack: Oh, let me guess, you're here to help me pack.

Victor: Many changes will have to be made. I'm very anxious to get started, as is Jabot's new ambassadress.

Jack: Ambassadress?

Gloria: Congratulate me, Jack. At long last, I'm returning to these hallowed halls.

Amber: Look. Look. Look. Look. Look.

Daniel: Is, uh, that, uh--

Amber: Yeah, it's-- that's little "D." I-it's, uh, he's fine.

Daniel: Who sent that to you?

Amber: Mom. I tracked her down. She let me talk to him.

Daniel: Did he remember you?

Amber: Yeah, um, sort of, you know? It--it's not really like Deacon said.

Daniel: Huh. Well, surprise there, huh? Deacon lied.

Amber: Guess he was just trying to make me feel guilty.

Daniel: But the kid's in good shape?

Amber: Yeah. I mean, Mom seems really happy to have him, and, uh, it doesn't hurt that Deacon gave her a pile of cash to look after him, so...

Daniel: Well, I gotta tell you, you know, that's a relief, 'cause I don't know what we would do if we suddenly had a kid to take care of. We are so not ready for that. What? (Sighs) Baby, please don't tell me that he's coming to stay with us.

Amber: No, no, no, no, no. No, he--he's fine. He's happy where he is. It's just... (Chuckles) You know, you say that we're not ready for kids.

Daniel: We're not.

Amber: You're not. I am.

Mac: Reed crashed out already?

J.T.: Yeah, he is.

Mac: Oh, that's too bad. I was looking forward to hanging out with him while you guys went out to dinner. Happy anniversary, by the way.

J.T.: Oh, thank you. Appreciate that.

Mac: Victoria getting ready?

J.T.: Well, actually, she's not here. She's stuck in New York.

Mac: Oh.

Victoria: Yeah, well, listen, can you just try to get me something out of LaGuardia? Fine. Yes. Great. I need to get home. Okay. (Sighs) Can I get a beer? Uh... (Chuckles) Green. Right. Of course. Yeah. Thank you.

Billy: Hey, Chloe, yeah, uh, man, my flight's been delayed. No, I-I-I don't--I don't know when we're gonna get outta here, so I guess I'll just see Delia sometime tomorrow. But, ooh, um... (Chuckles) Tell her I have a big surprise for her. All right, bye. (Groans) Hey, man, I have no idea when this plane is gonna take off, if ever, so, uh, I hope you have enough green beer for me and my friend to keep us entertained.

Victoria: (Sighs) You know, I'd think twice about serving him if I were you. I've seen him drunk. (Chuckles) You think he's annoying now? You should just wait. Hello, "Fancy pants."

Billy: (Chuckles) This is like a bad joke. "A Newman and an Abbott walk into a bar..."

Daniel: I, uh, I realize that you've had this kid on your mind a lot recently, and I'm sure that's brought up a lot of memories.

Amber: I loved being a mom, which was a total surprise. I mean, I-I thought I would be a disaster at it-- the whole thing would be a disaster. And I was too young, and-- and that's--that's probably how you're feeling.

Daniel: Well, yeah. (Sighs)

Amber: But something happens when you become a parent. Y-you have this kid, and--and--and your whole mind, it just--it rearranges itself. And the things that you thought were your top priority, they're just, like... (Imitates engine sputtering) Gone. (Chuckles)

Daniel: (Snorts) You don't say.

Amber: Yeah. I have no doubt in my mind that you are gonna love our kids so much. You'll be the best daddy ever.

Daniel: Yeah, you know what? Maybe someday.

Amber: (Sighs) And you know the problems that I've had carrying a-a baby to full term. And I'm--I'm just afraid that if we don't start trying now, then I really might miss my chance. Will you say something, please?

Daniel: You, uh, you know how I feel.

Amber: You're not sure. You're not ready. You want time just for us, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Daniel: "Blah, blah, blah--" that's not cool. They're all legitimate reasons, on top of which, I don't even have a job. We're barely scrapin' by. I mean, you want to bring a kid into this situation?

Amber: You know what? We have our entire lives to make money. We have one tiny little window of opportunity to make--

Daniel: Amber. Amber, no. I don't know how many different ways I can say this to you, but I am not ready.

Mac: What'd you get?

J.T.: Your favorite.

Mac: Vegetarian?

J.T.: (Laughs) Do you want a napkin? That pizza--

Mac: Mmm. You want some? Thank you.

J.T.: No. No, thanks. I'll, uh, I'll wait and eat with Victoria.

Mac: What do you have planned?

J.T.: Oh, you know, I'm gonna keep it simple. A little dinner and dancing at Indigo.

Mac: Nice.

J.T.: Yeah, I didn't want to go overboard and force it since things really haven't been that great between us lately, so...

Mac: Did you get her something special?

J.T.: Yeah, I did, but I'm, uh, I'm not real sure about it.

Mac: Why?

J.T.: I'll show you.

Billy: So how was... (Irish accent) Dublin?

Victoria: (Sighs) Dubai.

Billy: (Normal voice) Okay, how was Dubai?

Victoria: I don't know. I didn't see much of it. I was working the whole time.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: You get lonely on the road?

Billy: What?

Victoria: Well, it looks like you had to buy a friend.

Billy: (Chuckles) Oh, the dog. Yeah. Well, that's--that's for Delia. Her 1st birthday's coming up. I've gone a little overboard. I've got presents coming out of everywhere.

Victoria: (Laughs) Yeah, so I see.

Billy: Looks like Reed made out like a little bandit, too.

Victoria: Oh, yeah, he did. They're not all for him, though. (Clears throat)

Billy: Oh, you broke down and bought hubby a little something, huh?

Victoria: Yeah, an anniversary gift, actually.

Billy: Cool. When's the big day?

Victoria: (Sighs) (Sniffles) Today. (Scoffs)

Billy: Well, uh, it's a hell of a way to spend it.

Victoria: Is that gonna end up in "Restless Style," too? "Newman heiress spends anniversary drinking alone."

Billy: Hey, you've got the knack. If you ever want to get into journalism, just give me a call. How about that? Hey, hey, look, you know, its human nature to be curious about what goes on behind closed doors, especially the really nice doors.

Victoria: So I take it you ignored my advice?

Billy: You gave me advice?

Victoria: Not to ruin any lives while I was gone.

Billy: Mm.

Victoria: Or am I wrong? Were you a good boy?

Billy: I take it you haven't seen the, uh, issue. Here, um, you might like this.

Victoria: (Sighs heavily) What the hell did you do now?

Gloria: Victor came up with the title "Ambassadress," which, of course, I love, and he set up meetings for me with heads of department stores all over the world.

Jack: Is she serious?

Victor: I think she'd be perfect as the face of Jabot.

Jack: The face of Ja-- this woman single-handedly almost destroyed this company.

Gloria: Jack, I would have thought you'd welcome my cooperation.

Jack: In a behind-the-scenes capacity, perhaps. Unfortunately, your public image is one of lawsuits and poisoned face creams.

Gloria: Exactly. And people will see beyond that. I'm a survivor. I'm tough. And women need that now-- proof they can bounce back from whatever's got them down. And who knows that better than me? In the last year alone, I've faced poverty, public humiliation, even prison.

Jack: Just the associations we need for our brand. Come on. Are you kidding me?

Victor: I think her approach adds enormous value to the company.

Gloria: Spoken like a true visionary.

Jack: Don't kid yourself, Sweetheart. He's not talking about value to the company. He's using you to get at me. And don't get too used to the idea of the money, either. I'll see to it my lawyers garnish any wages he pays you to meet the terms of our settlement.

Gloria: Jackie, being here isn't about the money. That's why I've agreed to work for next to nothing. Now I know it must be difficult to leave Jabot. Believe me, I understand, having been excluded for so long. But rest assured, Jack. When you're gone, I'll take care of things.

Victor: Gloria, why don't you take a look at the other executive suites? I'm sure you'll find something to your liking.

Gloria: Excellent idea. Gentlemen...

Jack: You're not really gonna do this. You're so eager to get at me you would destroy your own investment?

Victor: Do you recall before I went to Belgium, I told you that I would make your life a living hell? This is just the beginning, Jack.

Mac: Victoria's gonna love it.

J.T.: You think?

Mac: Yeah, of course. It's perfect. Were you--why were you worried?

J.T.: Oh, I don't know, you know? It's an anniversary gift, you know? But it's more about Reed than us, which, unfortunately, describes our marriage right now. And it's kinda sad. Like, he's the only thing keeping us together.

Mac: I think that's okay. Marriages go through hard times, and you need something to keep you connected, so why not Reed, this perfect little person who's only here because you fell in love?

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Mac: He's the best parts of both of you, and if the way that you feel about Reed is what brings you and Victoria back to each other, I mean, isn't that kind of perfect?

J.T.: That is exactly what I needed to hear.

Mac: Well...

J.T.: Thanks.

Mac: Not that I'm an expert on relationships, obviously.

J.T.: Well, you're an expert on me, you know? I tend to focus on the negative. You're right, you know? We--Victoria and I have a lot we're fighting for. Hopefully, she feels the same way.

Victoria: What is it-- this fixation that you have with my father?

Billy: Oh, I love your dad. He's like the gift that keeps on giving.

Victoria: I-I mean, could this possibly be good for business, having him on the cover over and over again? I'm sure your readers are just as sick as I am of your mean-spirited attacks.

Billy: Oh, "My mean-spirited attacks"?

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: That's funny coming from you because you--

Victoria: Don't even start with your mile-long list of grievances, or I will seriously have to shove a shamrock down your throat.

Billy: Well, that's kinky. Um, have you-- (Stammers) You haven't even read this article. You really should.

Victoria: I don't want to read it.

Billy: Well, may I impress upon you, Princess, to take a gander at the cover? How do you think I got this picture? Do you think I hogtied him? No, he posed for it. That's right. This whole interview was his idea.

Victoria: Well, I'm sure you twisted his words.

Billy: No, I didn't have to. The old man was out for blood. I just let him spew. There it is, right there.

Victoria: "Adam has no morals and no scruples." (Sighs) "I'm ashamed that he bears the Newman name."

Billy: Yeah. How's it feel to see your least favorite sibling skewered in print?

Victoria: No comment.

Billy: Eh, your lips have no comment, but your eyes say you're lovin' it.

Victoria: You quote my eyes, and I will sue your ass.

Billy: (Laughs) That's good. I tell you what, you can keep this copy. We're gonna print another run very soon.

Victoria: How do you live with yourself, profiting off of other pe-- (Yawns)

Billy: (Yawns) Oh, yeah. Yeah, you're even tired of saying it, aren't you?

Victoria: (Sighs) I've been traveling for hours, okay? With no end in sight.

Billy: Okay, fine. Would you care for another green beverage? Hey, Buddy.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: I think she likes us.

Amber: I'm not pressuring you. I'm just trying to tell you how I feel, and if you understood how important this was to me, you would be--

Daniel: I'd--I'd what? Give in?

Amber: Let's just-- let's just drop it.

Daniel: Fine.

Amber: Good.

Daisy: Hey, guys.

Daniel: Oh, hey. I thought maybe I'd missed you.

Daisy: Oh, no way. I feel so bad I kept your camera this long.

Daniel: You know what? It's fine. You could have kept it longer.

Daisy: No need. I finally saved up enough money to buy my own.

Amber: You know, I'm gonna get going.

Daniel: What happened to dinner? I thought we were gonna--

Amber: I'm all of a sudden not hungry anymore. I'm just gonna eat on my own.

Daniel: All right.

Daisy: Bye. Is she okay?

Daniel: Yeah, she's fine. Sh-she'll be fine. Let's see what you got in here. What's that?

Daisy: I-I took those the other night. It's the full moon.

Daniel: That's really cool.

Daisy: Yeah, isn't it spooky with the tree branches in the foreground?

Daniel: (Chuckles) (Eerie voice) Yes, you can almost hear the headless horseman coming for you.

Daisy: (Laughs) I know.

Daniel: (Normal voice) And what happened in this one?

Daisy: Mm, the streaking lights? I don't know. It's on a bunch of them. I was hoping you could tell me what I'm doing wrong? Mm, but you probably need to get home, right?

Daniel: Um, no, you know what? I've got time.

Daisy: (Laughs)

Jack: Oh, "Goldilocks" finish trying out all the offices?

Victor: Goldilocks is narrowing it down.

Jack: Why don't you give her this one? You can make her the C.E.O.

Victor: That's an interesting idea.

Jack: Yeah, but it's farther than you're willing to go, isn't it? Gee, after all that bluster, I thought you'd come back from Belgium hurling thunderbolts from the sky. Gloria as ambassadress? That's more like a spitball, isn't it?

Victor: You think I'm finished with you, Jack. I've only just begun.

Jack: What are you gonna do now? Give another interview? Say bad things about me? I'm afraid, my friend, you've lost your edge.

Victor: You keep thinking that way, Jack. It'll allow me to catch you unawares. When I do, look at yourself.

Jack: Oh, believe me, I know this is my doing from the moment I convinced Traci to let you go on living.

Victor: I wondered how long it would take you to bring that up.

Jack: Oh, sorry. Is it inconvenient for you to remember that my niece's heart beats in your chest? It's a shame we didn't give you her conscience, too.

Victor: Jack, you talk about conscience? You know damn well that you took advantage of Katherine Chancellor's tragedy to take back Jabot.

Jack: Oh, and how is that different from you?

Victor: The difference is that I will give it back to her.

Jack: When?

Victor: None of your business, Jack.

Jack: So you say you're not finished? What are you gonna do next? Who's gonna be the next C.E.O.? Your dog Segundo?

Victor: He might do a better job. Rest assured, it'll be in very capable hands.

Tucker: The ship's been down there, like, a hundred years. It's got its own ecosystem. It's like swimming in an aquarium. There's sharks, dolphins. You've got sea snakes wrapped around your legs. Oh, I'll shoot you the guy's number. All right, Bobby. (Sighs) What were we saying?

Kay: Well, we were about to discuss how this takeover has something to do with our history.

Tucker: We don't have a history.

Kay: You know, it's not entirely clear to me what you think you missed out on being raised by an alcoholic mother in a miserable marriage. Now what--whatever fantasy you had about the life you think you were denied, it's time you got over it.

Tucker: You're the one who keeps coming back to the subject.

Kay: Well, what did you think? That I'd just stand by? My God, you really do not know me, do you?

Tucker: Who should we blame for that?

Kay: Well, there is one thing that you should know about me-- I've never been defeated, nor will I ever be. I can tell by that tiny smirk on your face that you think you'll be the first. Oh, you bet you knocked me down with a sucker punch. But I'm gonna tell you something, I've been hit many, many times before, and I've always come back swinging, clawing, doing whatever I had to do, so you just go right ahead. Do your damnedest to dismantle my empire. You watch me suffer as you chop off my fingers one by one. Now whatever it is you-- you are getting out of this, you better damn well enjoy it while it lasts. Because just know this-- as you keep chopping away, there's one finger that you've forgotten to chop off yet.

Tucker: (Chuckles)

Tucker: (Laughs)

(Door slams)

Daniel: Well, look at this one. You see you've got this natural line right there? If you had just moved a little bit to the left, then that line would have naturally just drawn your eye right to the subject's head.

Daisy: Okay.

Daniel: And, you know, with the--with the candid just as much with the posed shot, you--you've gotta plan out your background. Look, you got another one here that's like that.

(Camera shutter clicks)

Daisy: (Giggles) Gotcha.

Daniel: (Chuckles)

J.T.: Well, that sucks.

Mac: She's not even on the plane yet?

J.T.: No, the weather hasn't improved. It could be minutes. It could be hours. You know, you might as well head home.

Mac: I'll wait, in case you and Victoria want to go out when she gets home, if she's not too tired.

J.T.: Plus you're, uh, you're still hungry, right?

Mac: That's pretty much a constant these days.

J.T.: (Chuckles) Hey, so tell me, what--what's going on with you now? Are you, uh, you're gestating? You getting out there and meeting people, mixing it up?

Mac: You mean dating?

J.T.: Yeah.

Mac: (Chuckles) Are you serious? I'm carrying twins.

J.T.: Well, it would be a great conversation starter.

Mac: No, not happening, which is good, because I'm still getting over Billy.

J.T.: What, the, uh, you having second thoughts about the breakup?

Mac: He's just-- he's just not easy to forget. Billy has a way of getting to you whether you like it or not.

Billy: No tip for that guy, that's for sure.

Victoria: Well, he's lucky that I didn't punch his lights out.

Billy: Well, it's your own fault he pinched you. You're not wearing any green.

Victoria: So what? I'm not wearing green. You're not wearing green.

Billy: I am too wearing green. I got a green shirt on. I've got green socks. I've got green on.

Victoria: I thought you were gonna say you're wearing your "Kiss me, I'm Irish" boxers.

Billy: You know, I just might be.

Victoria: Well, you should show the bartender. You might get free beer for the rest of the night.

Billy: (Scoffs) Fine. Let's see what we got here.

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Billy: Hey, Bartender, what do we get for all this and, uh, brains, too? (Laughs)

Kay: Well, do you care to share your secret?

Victor: Which one?

Kay: (Chuckles) Well, uh, how you managed to top everyone's bid for Jabot.

Victor: I spent a ridiculous amount of money, Katherine.

Kay: (Laughs) At least I know it's gonna be in good hands.

Victor: Till I turn it back over to you.

Kay: Well, that's certainly gonna burn Tucker's hide.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Kay: He said breaking up Chancellor Industries was simply a business matter, but, uh, we both know that was nonsense.

Victor: (Chuckles)

Kay: The man hates me, you know.

Victor: Really? I wouldn't worry about that. He doesn't know you.

Kay: He doesn't care to. He doesn't care, period. There's not a sentimental bone in his body.

Amber: Thank you so much for coming. I know you have a world of problems of your own right now.

Kay: All right, so what happened?

Amber: (Sighs) I'm not sure Daniel and I are gonna make it.

Kay: Darling, you--

Amber: (Sighs)

Kay: You just got married. I mean, wh-what on earth are you saying?

Amber: I know. I just--it's-- we have totally different goals in life.

Kay: All right.

Amber: (Sighs)

Kay: And your goal is what?

Amber: To be a mother.

Kay: Oh, I see. And Daniel is not interested in--in children right now?

Amber: Mm-hmm, not now, maybe not ever. I mean, how do--how do I go through my entire life without being able to--

Kay: Honey, shh. Shh. Just--just slow down. The most important thing is to maintain your relationship.

Amber: I know. I, uh, I want babies with him. But, you know, what if we stay together and-- and he never wants them, ever?

Kay: Well, Darling, you don't know what he's going to be thinking in a year or--or two years, maybe three. I mean, I understand what is going through your head right now-- your biological clock. But... (Laughs) Oh, Sweetheart, you don't have to worry. You have plenty of time.

Amber: Yeah?

Kay: Yeah.

Amber: Okay.

Daniel: Well, there's not much of a moon tonight, but, I mean, you get the idea, right?

Daisy: Yeah, no more weird streaking lines.

Daniel: You know, you've actually got a pretty good eye.

Daisy: Thanks.

Daniel: Well, I-I should probably get going. (Sighs)

Daisy: Yeah. Amber seemed pretty ticked off.

Daniel: (Chuckles) Making up's half the fun.

Daisy: I wouldn't know. I've never had a boyfriend.

Daniel: Really? I'm surprised.

Daisy: (Scoffs) High school boys? I'd rather be with someone more... mature.

Daniel: (Laughs)

Daisy: What?

Daniel: Uh, no. No, you know, it's not my business.

Daisy: No, no, no, no. Tell me.

Daniel: I was just thinking, you know, if you were my kid sister, I would tell you that there is no rush. All right, you know, these "Mature" guys, they're gonna be there long after you've grown up, you know?

Daisy: Right.

Daniel: Well, thank you, and good luck with your camera. See you around.

Victor: Uh, kindly schedule that meeting for me first thing in the morning. Make sure that Dalton is there. I want to hear his input, all right? All right. See you then.

Gloria: (Sighs)

Victor: I thought you had gone.

Gloria: It's just so good to be back here, and I am bursting with ideas.

Victor: Well, I'm sure you are.

Gloria: I've written them all down, Victor-- ways we can expand my role to maximize the fact that--

Victor: Oh, you bet. You bet. Would you kindly tell me about that another time?

Gloria: I think you'll be very impressed, Victor.

Victor: I would like to hear about it another time, but not now, okay?

Gloria: Now, or ever?

Victor: Good night, Gloria.

Jack: What'd you find out? Victor bid how much? No, that can't be right. No, it's way bigger than our offer, and our offer was obscenely high. Why would he do that? It doesn't make any sense. Why would Victor do that?

Victoria: (Groans)

Billy: What?

Victoria: What is that?

Billy: These are fritters. They're great. You want to try one?

Victoria: No, thank you. No. (Clears throat) The smell is bad enough. It's really--

Billy: How could you not like this? This has all the major food groups. We got--we got meat, potatoes. We have cabbage. This is good. Look, I'm telling you.

Victoria: Grease--you've got a lot of grease in there.

Billy: Yes, we got lots of grease.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Want to try a bite? Just a little bite?

Victoria: No, thank you. No.

Billy: Come on. Choo-choo.

Victoria: No, actually, I'd rather starve to death. Thank you.

Billy: Okay, all right. You know what? I've got something for you I think you might like right here. Hold it. Oh, here it is. There you go, "Princess." Now you've got a crown to fit the title. (Chuckles)

Victoria: That's very funny.

Billy: It is funny.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: I'm just calling it like I see it, your royal highness.

Mac: Yes! Double purple.

J.T.: (Groans) No, are you kidding me?

Mac: Yes.

J.T.: Cheater.

Mac: Your turn.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Mac: Peppermint... peppermint... ha! Eat it, Jeffrey Todd!

J.T.: I love that you're such a gracious winner.

Mac: The game's not over.

J.T.: Yes, it is. I surrender. I give up. I'm--you know, I can't wait for Victoria anymore. I'm starving.

Mac: Sorry.

J.T.: No, it's--it's okay. I'll, uh, I'll, uh, have some sandwich stuff that's in the fridge, unless you got to that, too.

Mac: I wouldn't raid your fridge.

J.T.: Really?

Mac: I wouldn't!

J.T.: Oh, the person who ate all my pizza and kicked me when I was down in "Candy Land"? That same person?

Mac: Oh, my God, stop complaining, you big baby. I'll make you a sandwich.

J.T.: No, you stay away from my food, all right?

Mac: What, you don't trust me?

J.T.: No, you already ate all my food. Just back up. Back up.

Victor: Tucker.

Tucker: Hey, I thought you might be stoppin' by. Drink?

Victor: It'd be nice.

Tucker: You just come from Jabot?

Victor: Yeah.

Tucker: Victory is sweet, huh?

(Liquid pours)

Tucker: How long'd you give Jack to clear out now?

Victor: My lawyers tell me that you're legal department was very cooperative. I appreciate that.

Tucker: Well, we both want to get this deal wrapped up quickly-- me, so I can put your money to work, and you, so you can hand the company back over to your good friend Katherine.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Tucker: Then again, you might not be in such a hurry to see that happen, since combining Jabot with your Beauty of Nature line would give you dominate market share.

Victor: To be honest with you, I don't know what my plans are for Jabot.

Tucker: Katherine's lucky to have you in her corner. You're a powerful ally.

Victor: You know, Tucker, Katherine is powerful, as well. You underestimate her.

Tucker: Possibly. She's definitely tougher than I gave her credit for.

Victor: Oh, yeah. One day, you'll find out how tough. And when that happens, I want to be there to witness it.

Daniel: I thought I might find you here.

Amber: (Sighs) I'm sorry.

Daniel: No, you know what? It's-- (Sighs) You're a passionate person, and that's what I love about you.

Amber: Yeah, but I push too hard.

Daniel: I just want you to know, I'm not saying "Never" to kids, okay? A-a-a month ago, I thought that I was gonna spend the rest of my life in jail, and now I'm free, and I can do anything that I want, and I don't even know where to start. But to try and picture myself as a father with a kid? Being in charge of somebody else's life when I don't even know what the hell I'm gonna do with my own? I-it's a little much for me right now.

Amber: I can see that.

Daniel: I don't want to disappoint you, though. I-I know how bad you want this.

Amber: (Sighs)

Daniel: But I-I-I can't sign up for that, not right now. Can you live with that?

Amber: Yeah.

Daniel: Without making yourself miserable?

Amber: Listen, I know what miserable is. It's life without you in it.

Daniel: I think the two of us are gonna be just fine.

Amber: (Chuckles) Yeah.

Daniel: Yeah. Yeah.

Amber: (Sighs happily)

J.T.: Well, it doesn't look like Victoria's gonna make it home tonight.

Mac: That's too bad.

J.T.: Eh, there'll be other nights.

Mac: Well, if you need a sitter, you know who to call.

J.T.: Yeah, the pizza parlor. You'll come running.

Mac: I'm never gonna live that down, am I?

J.T.: (Laughs) Hey, uh, thanks for hanging out tonight.

Mac: Anytime. Good night.

J.T.: Night.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Billy: Unh-unh. (Chuckles)

Gloria: Today... ambassadress. Tomorrow... is up for grabs.

Jack: Hello, Katherine.

Kay: Oh, Jack. Sit down, Darling. Sit down.

Kay: (Sighs) I-I know how disappointed you must be. The opportunity to buy Jabot, and it's snatched away at the last moment.

Jack: Yes, it was a bitter pill. But I'm not convinced it was my last chance.

Kay: Oh, Jack.

Jack: Katherine, I know what "The mustache" has promised you-- that he's gonna give you your company back. I hope you're not counting on that.

Kay: (Sighs) (Chuckles) Darling, you and Victor Newman have a history of turbulence. It's highly unlikely he will turn on a dear friend.

Jack: The way he turned on Ashley when their marriage wasn't even a year old? The way he turned on the family that gave him a second chance at life? You heard his letter, the one Victoria read at Colleen's funeral, the one in which he professed his "Undying gratitude." Well, I guess it died after all. Katherine, as your friend, I'm telling you this-- Victor Newman is a scorpion. He may not want to sting you, but he will. It's his nature.

Tucker: You know, it's uncanny how close you came to missing the auction deadline. And then to make a bid far and away above everyone else's, well beyond even what the Abbotts were willing to pay.

Victor: Was theirs not close?

Tucker: It's a rather expensive way to make your point.

Victor: Just an investment, Tucker.

Tucker: You way overpaid, unless you have a larger goal other than just acquiring Jabot.

Victor: Let's put it this way-- it was a hell of a purchase. And down the road, it'll prove to have been a very good investment. I want to thank you for the opportunity, and thank you for this drink. It's good stuff. Enjoy it, Tucker.

Tucker: Thank you. I will.

Victor: You have a good day.

Tucker: You, too.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Emily: I just want it to be perfect.

Jack: Tomorrow, you will be Mrs. John Abbott Jr.

Paul: Patty is completely delusional. I can't reach her. I--

Emily: It's just time.

Patty: It isn't because you're marrying my husband?

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