Y&R Transcript Friday 2/5/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 2/5/10 -- Canada; Monday 2/8/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9331 ~ Ashley & Jack Learn the Fate of Jabot

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Jack: (Sighs)

(Knock on door)

Jack: Hey, Sis.

Ashley: Hey. Oh, I hope you're not gonna have to cough up that canary you swallowed.

Jack: No, I think I'm feeling pretty confident about this one.

Ashley: Oh, what did Tucker say when he called?

Jack: I told you, he wants to meet us here.

Ashley: Yeah, yeah, but could you hear anything in his voice?

Jack: Don't sweat it. There is no way anyone out there has outbid us for Jabot.

Ashley: And that's the next question-- what was our bid?

Jack: We bid far more than the company's worth, but I was willing to spend my last dime to get the company back in the fam--

(Intercom buzzes)

Jack: Yeah? Send him in.

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Jack: Tucker, welcome. Listen, suppose we dispense with the formalities and we get right to the good news?

Tucker: I'm afraid there isn't any.

Ashley: What?!

Tucker: Someone outbid you.

Jack: What? Who?

Victor: I'd give anything to see the look on Jack Abbott's face once he realizes that Jabot Cosmetics is now owned by Victor Newman.

Nick: Think Jack's brain is going to spontaneously combust?

Victor: Your idea of planting your brother Adam in Tucker McCall's company was a stroke of genius.

Nick: Thank you. You know, Jack's not my favorite person these days, but I do get what Jabot means to him.

Victor: Don't waste your feelings of empathy on blowhard Jack Abbott.

Nick: I know how I would feel if I lost your company, Dad.

Victor: This is business, Son, cold, hard business.

Nick: Plus, this will help us get Chancellor back to Katherine where it belongs.

Victor: You got that right.

Nick: So what's your first move gonna be as Jabot's new C.E.O.?

Victor: (Sighs) I'm not going to be the C.E.O.

Nick: Really? Who is?

Adam: Starting the party without me? That is not very nice, considering if it weren't for me, there wouldn't be a reason to celebrate.

Sharon: I know that you're practically a grown man, but I do expect you to call me often so that I don't worry.

Noah: (Sighs) What worries me is what's gonna happen to you and Dad and Adam while I'm gone.

Victor: Here you go, Son.

Adam: I should win an award-- best newcomer on a reality show-- "Who wants to screw over a billionaire?" I take it Dad told you.

Nick: Yeah, I know you've been working for him undercover.

Victor: Adam, this entire ruse-- you quitting Newman Enterprises, working for Tucker McCall and staging that fight at the club was the brainchild of your brother.

Chance: What do you mean, "The case isn't high priority"? Somebody broke into the house here. Wait, just because they only stole a watch-- no, you know what? You listen to me. Katherine Chancellor has done so much for this town. I think you guys should show her a little bit-- y-you know, fine. Okay. You know what? All right, just let me know when you get some information, all right? And you can't even tell me that you can't find someone to work on this case, all right? Thank you. All right. Bye. (Scoffs)

Chloe: Whoa, you look like you're ready to punch a wall.

Chance: Yeah, well, you know how intense I get when I get into work mode.

Chloe: Well, this is about the break-in, isn't it?

Chance: Y-- (Sighs) Look, Chloe, I got a few more phone calls I have to make, okay? If you'll excuse me...

Chloe: Yeah-- (Sighs) Chance, you know, we could-- we could talk about it.

(Doorbell rings)

Chloe: Oh, who's here? Who is here to see us?

Billy: Hello.

Chloe: Oh. Look who it is.

Billy: (Silly voice) Hello. Hey, Baby. (Normal voice) Can I talk to you for a second?

Chloe: Yeah, what's up?

Billy: Uh, I'm heading out to New York tonight to, uh, meet a hot young writer.

Chloe: Oh, let me guess-- long, blonde hair and a big rack.

Billy: (Chuckles) Actually, I was thinking of hiring him to do some work for us at "Restless Style."

Chloe: Oh, that's cool.

Billy: Yep. So I'm gonna head out tonight. I'll be back sometime tomorrow. (Makes silly noises)

Chloe: Oh, did you come to say good-bye to little Delia?

Billy: Yes, that, and to ask you to run the magazine while I'm gone.

Cordelia: (Babbles)

Neil: Hey, Katherine. (Groans)

Kay: Dear God in heaven. What happened to you?

Neil: Oh, it's really silly. You know, actually, I'm part of an over-40 basketball league. You know what they say, "It's a young man's game."

Kay: (Laughs) Oh, well, thank goodness you're not one of Tucker's casualties.

Neil: Right? So, um, any word on Jabot?

Kay: No, I think he's enjoying making us wait.

Neil: Speaking of which, uh, I've already got people digging into his past.

Kay: Mm, well...

(Footsteps approach)

Kay: Isn't there some way we could find some shady business deal he's been involved with?

Neil: He--yeah, we--we-- we could go to the, uh, S.E.C.

(Clears throat)

Jill: What are you two whispering about?

Neil: We are whispering about business.

Kay: And it doesn't involve you.

Jill: The hell it doesn't.

Kay: Well, since you and, um, Tucker have parted ways, and Jabot is being sold to the highest bidder, I've decided your services are no longer necessary at Jabot or Chancellors'.

Jill: You're firing me?

Kay: Effective immediately.

Chloe: Wow, Billy Abbott giving up his precious magazine for a whole 24 hours?

Billy: Hey, come here. Come here. You know what? Mommy can be a real pain in the... (Makes silly noises) Can't she? Yeah. Oh.

Chloe: Well, you know, last year, you would've hopped on a flight, hit on some flight attendants, and never even come to say good-bye to your daughter.

Billy: Yeah, well, behold the new and improved Billy Abbott, fresh off the showroom floor.

Chloe: Mm.

Cordelia: (Babbles)

Billy: Oh.

Chloe: Did you ever think we'd be in such a good place?

Billy: (Sighs) Well, I guess miracles can happen. Thank you. That's sweet of you.

Chloe: You know, you're a pretty horrible husband. But as a friend, eh, you know, you're not that bad.

Billy: Yeah, you're--you're-- you're okay, too.

Chloe: You know, and if you could morph into this great ex-husband and this great father, I think that maybe...

Cordelia: (Fusses)

Chloe: You are ready for a commitment, and make some girl really lucky.

Billy: (Chuckles) Oh, no, thank you. Right now, this little pipsqueak... (Silly voice) Is the only girl I need in my life, right?

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Billy: Mwah. Look at this face.

Cordelia: (Babbles)

Billy: Look at this face. (Makes silly noises)

Chloe: (Laughs)

Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, God, that felt so good.

Jill: No, need I remind you the kind of mess that Jabot was in last year before I came and whipped it into shape? Our fourth quarter figures were nearly double what we expected.

Kay: Well, that's why I find it so difficult that you would betray me with-- with your Tucker.

Jill: Oh, my God, how many times do I have to say I didn't know he was planning a takeover, and I certainly didn't know he was your son.

Neil: Jill, it doesn't explain why you stayed with him after you found out that he lied to everyone.

Kay: So now, you see, you have lost McCall and me.

Jill: Katherine, please don't do this.

Kay: You know, deep down, I will always love you. But you'll never work for me again.

Jill: You don't mean that.

Kay: Oh, you've stabbed me in the back one too many times.

Jill: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Neil: You know what? Excuse me, Ladies. I have to take this. Hello?

Jill: Tucker will not let you get away with this.

Kay: Oh, do you think he will even care?

Jill: Yes, I do, because he values my talent more than you ever did.

Neil: Katherine.

Kay: What's wrong?

Neil: Jabot has been sold to...

Jack: Victor? His was the highest bid?

Ashley: Jack, you told me that we--

Jack: We offered an astronomical amount of money.

Tucker: What can I say? Newman offered more.

Jack: It's not bad enough he stole the company from us once. He's done it again?

Ashley: I'm so angry, I can't even see straight.

Tucker: I'm really sorry.

Ashley: Don't give me that! If you had wanted, you could have made sure that Jabot ended up in our hands. You're worried about your profit.

Jack: For all we know, you told Victor the magic number.

Tucker: Now whether you want to believe it or not, Newman won fair and square.

Jack: He told me he wasn't through with me. He said once we worked together to help Katherine deal with him, he was gonna get his revenge on me. I-- (Sighs) I should have known. I should have known I was being played. I was so focused on getting Jabot back, I let my guard down. That will never happen again.

Adam: Why didn't you tell me it was Nick's idea?

Victor: Son, the two of you were constantly at each other's throat-- about Sharon, about Newman. I had no right to assume that the two of you could work together as a team.

Nick: We couldn't risk you blowing the plan.

Victor: The purchase of Jabot is far more important than anyone's ego, all right?

Adam: Yeah, but I have always put the company first. It wouldn't matter if Nick was involved or not.

Nick: Of course I'm involved, Adam. This company means as much to me as it does to Dad, and since you and Dad are supposed to be estranged right now...

Adam: Well, then if we're gonna continue this charade, I can't be seen here.

Victor: You do go back to McCall, and you wait for me to tell you what to do, all right?

Nick: I still don't think it was a good idea to tell him the truth.

Victor: I think he took it well.

Nick: Believe me, he resents it.

Victor: I'm in control of the situation, not your brother Adam, not anyone. I'm in control.

Kay: I would certainly be interested to know why Tucker sold Jabot to Victor.

Neil: Of course. Uh, do you think that they made some sort of deal under the table?

Kay: Well, what would Tucker have to gain? My God, he knows how close Victor and I are.

Neil: Right, um, and Victor-- do you believe that he-- it just so happened that he bid the most money?

Kay: Well, I'll know more when I speak to that miserable excuse of a son. Hey--

Neil: Yeah, walk by and don't say hi.

Chloe: (Chuckles) Sorry.

Neil: No.

Chloe: Hi, Neil.

Neil: Just kidding.

Kay: All right, why the long face?

Chloe: Oh, uh, Chance.

Kay: The two of you argued?

Chloe: Well, how could we when he's barely speaking to me?

Kay: Mm-hmm, what's that about?

Chloe: He is obsessed with finding out who broke in last night.

Neil: Who broke in here Las--?

Chloe: Yeah.

Neil: W-w--you were robbed?

Kay: Uh, well, nothing major was taken. Come on.

Neil: Well, hold on a minute. Were you here when it happened?

Chloe: Well, she and Jill locked themselves inside their bedroom, and the intruder was right outside jiggling the doorknob.

Kay: He heard the--the siren, and--and he ran off. That's all.

Neil: Oh, my goodness. How did he get past security?

Kay: That's a good question.

Neil: So do you think Tucker McCall had something to do with this?

Chloe: No, no. This had nothing to do with corporate intrigue, nothing at all. Someone is messing with Chance, and he is ready to take on the entire Genoa City P.D. if he has to.

Neil: Why the police?

Chloe: Well, because they're not investigating the way that they should, and he wants to know why. I'm just--I'm really concerned, because he's completely shutting me out.

Kay: I'll talk to him. Where is he?

Chloe: Uh, he's in there somewhere, but I'm gonna go check on Delia and see if she's up from her nap.

Neil: Okay, yeah.

Chloe: Bye.

Neil: Hey, um, Katherine, would you mind if I made some phone calls in your study?

Kay: No, no, of course not.

Neil: Okay.

Kay: In there.

Neil: Thanks, Sweetheart.

Kay: What are those?

Chance: Um, these are forensic photos of this room just after the break-in.

Kay: Mm-hmm. What are you looking for?

Chance: Uh, well, a smudge, a-a knickknack that's been moved, anything.

Kay: Oh, in case the, uh, criminal left fingerprints?

Chance: (Sighs) Look, I do know one thing-- whoever broke into this house wasn't just after my watch.

Kay: Uh-huh. Well, do you, uh, suppose someone is targeting you?

Chance: (Sighs) Yeah. Yeah, I do. I think they're trying to get after me by going through my family. (Sighs) And there's gotta be something here that I'm missing.

Kay: There is.

Chance: Wh-what?

Kay: People who love you, Chance, people who want to support you. Just let us in.

Noah: (Growls)

Nick: Oh, man. I'm gonna miss you, Buddy.

Noah: (Sighs) Me, too.

Nick: I'm really sorry we didn't get to spend more time together before you left.

Noah: Its okay, you know? There's a lot going on at Newman.

Nick: Well, there's a lot going on in your life, too. You know, your mom told me about Eden, and how you're working to clear her name.

Noah: Look, Eden didn't do anything wrong. Somebody is setting her up to make it look like she's trying to scare Lauren.

Nick: I believe you. Just don't do anything stupid, all right?

Noah: How can I? I'll be thousands of miles away. Besides, Jana's looking into it...

Nick: Good.

Noah: While I party my butt off in Paris.

Sharon: (Laughs) You think you might, um, find any time at all for your studies?

Noah: I will try.

Nick: Look, we wouldn't be letting you go if we didn't trust you. But I do know you're gonna have a good time there with Eden.

Noah: Aw.

Nick: Come here. Aw, man.

Noah: (Sighs) Hey, uh, is Abby upstairs?

Sharon: As far as I know.

Noah: Cool.

Nick: (Sighs) So where is your new husband?

Sharon: Um, I'm not sure.

Nick: Well, I guess he was just too busy to say good-bye to his stepson, huh?

Billy: Sir, I'll take a beer, please. (Chuckles)

Adam: What are you lookin' at?

Billy: What are you lookin' at? I owe you, man.

Adam: For what?

Billy: Well, for the cover story, of course. When your daddy called you a sociopath-- thank you-- that was pure gold. And "Restless Style" is just flying off the shelves. And it couldn't happen to a more deserving guy, so here's to you.

(Knock on door)

Jack: Well, well, "The black knight" himself come to gloat.

Victor: Hardly, Jack.

Jack: So how'd you do it, Newman?

Victor: I hope we can make this transition as peaceful as possible.

Jack: Yes, I'm sure you do.

Ashley: Did you really just come here to rub it in?

Victor: No, I came here to deliver a message personally rather than send it by e-mail.

Jack: And what message would that be?

Victor: You have one week to pack your things and get the hell out of here.

Jill: Oh, you will not believe what just happened.

Tucker: Hey, hey, hey, this isn't really a good time, Jill.

Jill: I ran into Katherine at the club...

Tucker: Uh-huh.

Jill: And she fired me. Can you believe it?

Tucker: And you're telling me this because?

Jill: (Blows raspberry) Well, I know that we're not a couple anymore, but come on. We both know I'm a fantastic businesswoman. You've gotta do something for me.

Tucker: Like what?

Jill: You have to reconsider selling Jabot, because I want to run it with Jack.

Tucker: No, no, it's too late. Victor Newman's buying the company.

Jill: Victor?

Tucker: He bid the most money.

Jill: Okay, a-all right. You must have a place for me, an executive position, at Chancellor Industries.

Tucker: No, I can't do that. I can't get in the middle of the petty disputes between you and Katherine. That ain't gonna happen, Darlin'.

Ashley: Could you be any more callous?

Victor: I understand this is an emotional time.

Jack: Oh, please, don't pretend to care about our feelings.

Victor: Are you forgetting that you and I agreed to help Katherine out of this mess?

Jack: You can cut the "Team player" crap, too. This is about payback.

Victor: If you say so.

Jack: What I can't figure out is how you did it. There's no way you could have known I was gonna bid that much for Jabot, unless you had inside information.

Abby: (Sighs) I can't believe that you're leaving me in this nuthouse. Why can't we just have a normal family?

Noah: If you need to talk, call me.

Sharon: What?

Nick: You know, I don't blame Noah for wanting to leave the country.

Sharon: Yeah, neither do I.

Nick: I sure hope marrying Adam was worth it, 'cause it's driving our son away.

Sharon: Nick, we had problems long before Adam came into the picture. He's not at fault for this. We are.

Adam: You need to shut that big, old, toothy mouth of yours, Billy.

Billy: (Chuckles) You weren't so tough the other night, were you there, "Princess"?

Adam: You need to back off. I mean it.

Billy: Do you mean it? Really? You know, it wasn't embarrassing enough that you got beat up by your dad in public. But everybody in this town has read about your other exploits. I'm surprised that you have the stones to show your face in public.

Adam: Things aren't always what they seem.

Billy: Did you read that out of a fortune cookie?

Adam: There's a lot you don't know, Billy-boy.

Billy: Or I might know more than you think. (Drums fingers on table) I'm gonna tell you what I do know. One of these days, we're gonna find out about the rest of your dirty little secrets, and then you're gonna lose your job. And then you're gonna lose your friendship with my sister, and then you are going to lose that pretty wife of yours. And you know where I'm gonna be? I'm gonna be right here, writing down every sordid little detail. Just to let you know.

Chance: Look, it is driving me nuts that I can't figure this case out.

Kay: But it's only been 24 hours. I mean, why so pressured?

Chance: No, look, I don't-- I don't want to worry you with that. You already have enough on your plate. I mean--

Kay: Oh, come on, you're gonna worry me more...

Chance: With that creep Tucker McCall--and Grandma, and ev--

Kay: If you don't tell me.

Chance: I think the people I work with... (Sighs) Are trying to cover something up.

Kay: Fellow officers?

Chance: First, Riggs escapes. Then someone breaks into your house.

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Chance: And now the people are treating it like it's no big deal.

Kay: Well, did you speak to your superiors?

Chance: I don't know which one of 'em I can-- I can trust. I don't know.

Kay: Uh-huh. All right, internal affairs?

Chance: No. No.

Kay: How about them?

Chance: I can't go to them. If I--if I go there, and it gets leaked out that I went to them, it's gonna look like I'm the traitor.

Kay: Oh, Sweetheart. (Chuckles) Come on. Come on. Think about this. You cannot go through life...

Chance: (Sighs)

Kay: As an army of one. Now we are all concerned about you, especially Chloe.

Chance: Look, Kay, I can't just drop this, okay? I can't let this go.

Kay: No, no, no, I'm-- I'm not asking you to. No, no, no. But if you're in over your head, you need to reach out for help.

Jack: It's true, isn't it? Somehow you found out how much I bid.

Victor: You can't be serious. You and I both know the envelopes were sealed.

Jack: Then how did you do it?

Victor: Let's just say I made sure that I was the highest bidder. How's that?

Jack: You arrogant S.O.B. You vindictive--

Victor: What are you gonna do? Take another chair through-- through the window?

Jack: No, I think this time, I'll throw you out the window.

Ashley: Jack, don't bother. Please? He's not worth it. Don't.

Victor: If I were you, I would control myself, Jack.

Jack: Or what?

Victor: I'll have you forcibly removed.

Ashley: Go.

Jack: Don't bother.

(Door slams)

Ashley: This isn't just about Jack. It's about me, too, isn't it?

Noah: Is everything okay?

Sharon: Uh, yeah.

Nick: Yeah.

Sharon: Honey, we were just saying how sad we are. We're gonna miss you.

Noah: (Sighs)

Abby: Well, I'd better go before you make me ruin my makeup.

Noah: Bye. I love you.

Abby: Bye. Love you, too.

Noah: (Sighs) Well, I'd better get to the airport. (Sighs)

Nick: Be good. Have fun. Tell Eden I said hi, okay?

Noah: I'm gonna miss you.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Noah: Wait, who's gonna do my laundry?

Sharon: (Scoffs)

Nick: (Chuckles)

Sharon: You know, I envy you. All those great little cafés and museums and...

Noah: (Sighs)

Sharon: The wonderful buildings, music and streets.

Noah: I hope you know how proud of you I am.

Sharon: I'm surprised you're even talking to me after last year.

Noah: Yeah, well, you went through hell. But you are back, and you are stronger than ever. You done good, Mom.

Sharon: Oh. (Chuckles)

(Cell phone rings)

Adam: Hello?

Man: Hey, Adam, it's Gavin Brown, your old Harvard buddy.

Adam: Wow. Blast from the past. I haven't heard from you in ages. Where have you gone since Harvard?

Gavin: (Chuckles) Nowhere. I'm teaching here now.

Adam: (Chuckles)

Gavin: Listen, this hot chick was asking questions about you.

Adam: What kind of questions?

Gavin: About your relationship with Dr. Taylor.

Adam: Did you get her name?

Gavin: No, uh, but she had red hair, smokin' bod.

Adam: (Whispers) Phyllis.

Nick: Love you, Dude. Don't forget to call.

Sharon: No matter how late it is. (Sighs)

Nick: (Sighs)

Nick: You know, I-I'm really sorry for what I said earlier. I wasn't trying to pick a fight.

Sharon: That's not why, um, that's not why I'm crying. (Sniffles) I was thinking of Paris.

Sharon: Um, I'm just gonna go to bed early.

Nick: Okay. Night, Sharon.

Sharon: Good night.

Nick: (Sighs)

Ashley: I didn't fight you on anything in the divorce except for the ranch, and that was for our daughters.

Victor: What do you want from me?

Ashley: I guess I want to know how you can stand there and just take away my family's company, Victor. What did I do to deserve this?

Victor: This has nothing to do with you.

Ashley: Really? I guess I'm just naive. I thought somehow I could avoid your games, maybe get a free pass because we had children together.

Victor: You're taking this entirely too personally.

Ashley: I was a fool to think that Colleen's heart could actually turn you into a human being.

Victor: You tell your brother Jack he has one week to get the hell outta here and not one minute more.

Jill: Let's just get comfortable. I'm sure we can figure something out.

Tucker: I'm not interested in figuring anything out.

Jill: Why are you treating me this way? Have you forgotten that I stood by you both personally and professionally even when it was awkward for me?

Tucker: And I appreciate it.

Jill: I don't want your appreciation, okay? I want you to keep your promises. Now you promised that you and I would take Jabot and Chancellor to new heights.

Tucker: I've said so many things, it's hard to keep track.

Jill: (Sighs)

Jill: Who are you?

Tucker: Good night, Jill. And don't worry. You're a strong woman. You'll land on your feet.

Tucker: Sorry. It took longer than I expected.

Woman: Less talk. More action, Baby.

Tucker: I like the sound of that.

Chloe: Hi, um, I'm gonna go take Delia for a walk.

Chance: Uh, Chloe, could you wait a second? Um, could you forgive me?

Chloe: For what?

Chance: Well, I promised you that I was gonna go talk to somebody about all the, uh, strange things that have been happening.

Chloe: So why didn't you?

Chance: Paranoia. I started to wonder how many people were in on it down at the precinct. Look, I trust you. I trust my family. So I promise that before I become one of those, um, jaded detectives that I hate so much, I will take your advice, and I will go ask for help.

Kay: And, um, who do you think would be your safest bet?

Chance: (Sighs) Sid Meeks. He's been there for me before, so...

Chloe: E-- (sighs) Even after the Riggs case?

Chance: Y--well, yeah. Honestly, I don't think I really gave the guy a fair shake.

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Chance: I mean, I can't expect someone to investigate a case 24/7. I mean, the guy barely has a personal stake in it. I mean, as far as what happened with the Christmas tree lot... (Sighs) Well, if I had found one of my fellow detectives with a-a bunch of narcotics in his jacket pocket, I'd probably do the same thing that he did to me. I'd take him in for questioning, too.

Kay: So you will speak to him then?

Chance: Yeah, I will, first thing tomorrow.

Chloe: What about tonight?

Chance: Tonight? (Sighs) Well, tonight, I could definitely use some fresh air. So, um, if I'm invited...

Chloe: Okay.

Kay: (Chuckles) Come on. Let's go.

Chance: (Mouthing words)

Neil: Hey, Katherine?

Kay: Hmm?

Neil: Hi. Listen, I just got off the phone with one of the P.I.s that I hired to look into Tucker's background.

Kay: Uh-huh.

Neil: Well, there might be something around the time that Tucker started managing a rock band. Uh, this group of unknowns went from total obscurity to superstardom virtually overnight. And Tucker, he parlayed that into a record label. Guess what happened? The exact same thing. These new artists, they all shot to the top of the charts. The question is, how did he accomplish that?

Kay: I'd like to know the answer to that myself.

Neil: Well, once we find out, we finally may be able to fight back.

Tucker: Listen, if you don't hear from me for a while--

Woman: It's fine. You're a fun guy, but I don't do clingy. Mm.

Tucker: Bye-bye.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Billy: Mom? Hi.

Jill: Hi, Honey.

Billy: You okay?

Jill: No.

Billy: All right. (Clears throat) What's wrong?

Jill: I've ruined my relationship with Katherine. I've alienated all the people that I love, and all for a man who was using me from the moment he met me.

Billy: (Clicks tongue) Tucker.

Jill: I thought I'd finally found someone who was decent. But now I realize that I can't trust my own judgment. So I'm better off alone.

Billy: Okay, look, I have to fly to New York right now, but I will be back tomorrow. How about we grab some dinner?

Jill: Don't do this out of pity.

Billy: I don't do pity. You know me. I'm not that nice. Mwah. Okay? I've gotta go. My cab's outside.

Jill: Great. All right, I'll call you tomorrow night.

Billy: Don't forget.

Jill: I won't forget.

Billy: Good-bye.

Jill: Bye. (Chuckles)

Adam: (Sighs) Pack a bag. We're going on our honeymoon.

Sharon: Uh, what? Now?

Adam: Why not now?

Sharon: Your job?

Adam: Ah, Tucker won't mind. Look, you better go pack a bag right now, Sharon. I'm serious. We're gonna go miss our flight if you don't hurry up.

Sharon: You're not gettin' me on a plane.

Adam: Look, the odds of us getting in a second plane crash are like 50 billion to 1.

Sharon: Well, I can't just leave town at a moment's notice.

Adam: Sure you can.

Sharon: What about the dog?

Adam: The staff will watch Fisher. Come on, Sharon, you need this, okay? To get your mind off of missing Noah, and I need it, too. I can forget about... (Sighs) My dad crucifying me in "Restless Style." Let's just--come on. Let's go.

Sharon: Well, shouldn't we be spending the time looking for a new place to live?

Adam: Look, I think that's all the more reason why we can just give Ashley some time to just-- to just calm down.

Sharon: Hmm... okay. You know what? Let's do it.

Adam: Come here.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Adam: You are not gonna be sorry. (Sighs) This is--I can't wait to get out of here. The sooner, the better. (Sighs) Come here.

Jack: Oh, Dad. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Ashley: Let's get outta here, Jack.

Jack: This isn't over yet, Ash. There is no way Victor's bid just happened to be higher than mine.

Ashley: You can speculate all you want, but we don't have any proof that Victor did anything illegal.

Jack: If he cheated, I'm going to find out.

Ashley: And do what?

Jack: And nail him to the wall.

Nick: You know, Noah took off for Paris today.

Victor: I'm sorry to hear that. That couldn't have been easy for you.

Nick: No, it was really tough on Sharon.

Victor: (Sighs) Yeah. Well, at least he won't be caught in any more cross fires now.

Nick: Yeah, like you and Adam fighting at the club.

Victor: Sorry that he had to witness that. I really am.

Nick: (Sighs)

Victor: Son, if you'll excuse me, I have a phone call to make.

Nick: Sure.

Victor: All right.

Nick: Hey, you know, you still haven't told me who's gonna be running Jabot.

Victor: All in due time, Son.

Nick: All right.

Victor: You call me back as soon as you can. I acquired a new company, one you would be very interested in.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kay: I've never been defeated, nor will I ever be.

Victoria: Hello, "Fancy pants."

Billy: (Chuckles)

Jack: Who's gonna be the next C.E.O.?

Victor: Rest assured, it'll be in very capable hands.

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