Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/4/10 -- Canada; Friday 2/5/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9330 ~ Adam Enacts Victor's Plan
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Jack: Uh, Hol--I'll-- I'll take it from there, okay? Thank you.
Emily: Champagne. Isn't it a little early in the day?
Jack: Not today. No, bidding for Jabot officially closes at noon, and-- oh. Ta-da our wedding announcement. I guess Chloe got it in under the deadline.
Emily: That girl is a miracle worker. (Chuckles)
Jack: So you see? There's lots to celebrate. For starters, Jabot could be mine again in just a few hours, and in a week, I will be married to the greatest woman in the world. (Groans)
Emily: Oh, get it. Get it!
(Cork pops)
Emily: Aah!
Jack: Hey, Paul.
Emily: Excuse me. Hi.
Jack: Care for some bubbly?
Paul: I saw the announcement in the paper. Do you really think that's wise being so public about it?
Jack: Paul--
Emily: You're not worried about Patty seeing it?
Paul: Of course I'm worried.
Emily: Paul, she is in a secure facility. She has no access to the library where the magazines and newspapers are kept.
Jack: Paul, if I thought for one minute there was reason for concern, we'd have handled this whole thing differently. As Emily said, there's nothing to worry about.
Patty: (Sighs) Hey, did you find any more materials in the art closet so I can finish my papier-mâché house?
Man: The paper bin in the craft room was empty. But I found part of a newspaper in the recycle bin. Will this work?
Patty: Oh, that-- yeah, that'll be great.
Man: Are you sure you're okay?
Patty: (Sighs) I'm fine. I'm just very excited to finish my house.
Man: All right, well, let me know if you need anything else.
Patty: Okay, thank you.
Patty: (Sighs) "Dr. Peterson, a visiting professor in psychiatry at Genoa City University School of medical sciences, and John Abbott Jr., co-C.E.O. of Jabot Cosmetics, will tie the knot on February 14th at the Church of Sacred Heart in Genoa City." Sacred Heart... but that's where you and I, Jack, got married. (Sighs)
Billy: So what's Esther got planned for Delia today?
Chloe: Um, lunch, play date and a nap.
Billy: Well, that kid has got the life, doesn't she?
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Oh, by the way, do you know what she said last night?
Chloe: What?
Billy: She said, "Da-da."
Chloe: Um, no, I'm-- I'm sure that you thought that she said, "Da-da," but she really said, "Prada." Yeah. Can you believe that her birthday's coming up? It's coming up so fast.
Billy: Yeah, it's been a year, man. We're getting old.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Billy: We should probably talk about a celebration.
Chloe: Um, yeah, I do want to talk about that. But I need to talk to you about something first. Someone broke into the house last night.
Billy: Katherine's house?
Chloe: Yeah, and they scared the crap out of your mom and Katherine.
Billy: How could they even get in? The place is like Fort Knox.
Chloe: I know. We don't know. I mean, it was really weird, though. They didn't take anything.
Billy: Well, is everybody okay?
Chloe: Yeah, they seem to be. I'm just really glad that our little girl was with you last night.
Kay: So when I yelled, "Police," whoever it was took off and, um, no harm done.
Cane: So, uh, what did your security firm say about it?
Kay: They're investigating, as is Chance.
Cane: All right, let me know what they, uh, find out.
Kay: Mm.
Cane: You know, things are difficult enough for you as they are without you now having to worry about intruders breaking into the house in the middle of the night, right?
Kay: Mm. Well, it's the intruders who operate during the daylight. They do the most damage.
Cane: Yeah.
Kay: Tucker McCall is auctioning off my life's work piece by piece. Do I have to just stand by and watch?
Cane: (Sighs) You know, I-I just hate going to work now in the morning, that that man's in charge. But we will find a way to get this man. You know that, don't you?
Kay: I really appreciate you hanging in there, being my eyes and ears on the inside. I just don't have the heart to go back into the office, not since Tucker took control.
Cane: You are not alone, okay? You remember that. No matter what happens, you're not alone, okay?
Tucker: Jill.
Jill: Hi.
Tucker: (Sighs) This really isn't the best time.
Jill: Oh?
Tucker: I'm expecting the mayor. He's issued a proclamation welcoming Tucker McCall, Unlimited, to Genoa City, and I--
Jill: Look, look, look, look. I know you're busy, okay? But... (Chuckles) I'm just--I'm beside myself. I didn't know who else to turn to.
Tucker: What's going on?
Jill: Well, I was getting ready for bed last night, and I heard somebody roaming around downstairs. So I called out to them, and nobody answered.
Tucker: You think it was a prowler?
Jill: Yeah, I know it was a prowler. So I went to Katherine’s room. And I woke her up. We locked ourselves in her room, and then he tried to get in there. It was terrifying. He cut the phone lines. He cut the power lines.
Tucker: Well, you had a cell, though, right?
Jill: Yeah, and I called the police, and whoever it was, yeah, they took off after they heard the sirens, but then Katherine and I were both on edge, and we had this ridiculous fight, and... (Sighs) And I haven't slept, and I'm really upset. I'm just shaking. My whole family's against me. I just needed-- I needed to see a friendly face, that's all.
Tucker: I'm glad you're all right.
Jill: What, is that it?
Tucker: Well, what do you want me to say?
Jill: Well, I just told you that there was an intruder in my house last night. I could have been killed. He had a knife, uh, maybe.
Tucker: Well, fortunately, it didn't play out that way...
Jill: (Sighs)
Tucker: And you and Katherine are safe, but like I said, this isn't a good time.
Jill: Are you upset with me because I didn't spend the night last night?
Tucker: No, no, no. It's just as well. You didn't seem too happy with me at dinner. Your family's upset we're seeing each other. I don't think this is working out anymore, Jill. It's probably best we go our separate ways.
(Cell phone rings faintly)
Adam: Hello?
Victor: You ready for action?
Adam: Yes, Sir.
Victor: I got keys made from the imprint that you took off of Tucker's set.
Adam: The tricky part will be getting him out of his office long enough.
Victor: That'll be no problem. You'll find the keys and two disposable phones on the second shelf.
Adam: Will do.
Nick: Think he can pull it off?
Victor: He wants to please his father.
Jill: Y-you're dumping me?
Tucker: I'm not big on drama, Darlin'.
Jill: (Laughs) You caused the drama. I alienated my children. I damaged my relationship with Katherine probably beyond repair. I'm living in a house full of hostile people, and I did it all for you.
Tucker: Be honest, Jill. You did it just as much for yourself. You kept trying to use what we had between us to convince me to hand control of Jabot to you. Even after I warned you I don't mix business and pleasure, you wouldn't let up.
Jill: No, no, I'm sorry if that's the way you read it. I didn't mean to imply that I didn't care about you. I do care about you.
Tucker: Well, be that as it may, from here on in, I think it's best we keep things strictly professional. Now if you'll excuse me, I really do have some things to get done before the mayor arrives.
Emily: Well, what's this?
Jack: Oh, a little something-- actually, a-a very little something.
Emily: Oh... Fenmore’s. Someone has good taste.
Jack: Only the best for the best.
Emily: I thought you said there was something in here.
Jack: It's the honeymoon teeny-weeny bikini.
Emily: Oh.
Jack: I want to show you off.
Emily: Well, if you're planning on me wearing this outside, you'd better have enough cash for bail.
Jack: Oh, this is for our honeymoon. I plan on seeing you on the beach in this.
Emily: Are we going to Hawaii maybe?
Jack: Um, we are going somewhere warm. That's the only hint I'll give you.
Emily: Mm, well, with the winter we've been having, it sounds fabulous. Now I know what to pack.
Jack: Oh, just bring this and a toothbrush.
Emily: (Chuckles) Now that we're on the subject of packing, I want to book a room here at the club the night before our wedding.
Jack: I thought you weren't superstitious.
Emily: I'm not. I just like the tradition of you not seeing me until I walk down the aisle. It'll make it more special.
Jack: If that's what you want, that's what we're gonna do.
Emily: I don't want our wedding to be just another day since we've been living together, hmm? When the minister pronounces us husband and wife, it'll be a new start, a new future together.
Jack: I like the sound of that.
Patty: No! No! No, you can't have him! You can't have him! He's mine! He's mine! He's mine! He's mine! He's mine! I won't let you have him! No! (Wails) No! No! No! No! No! No!
Paul: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings, rings)
Paul: Paul Williams.
Patty: No, he's mine! You can't have him!
Man: Mr. Williams, this is Mark from Walworth County Mental Health. I'm outside Patty's door. She's having a meltdown.
Patty: No!
Paul: Um, how bad?
Patty: No! He's mine! You can't have him!
Mark: Your sister's completely out of control. I called for backup.
Paul: Do you know what set her off?
Patty: I won't let you marry him! I won't! I won't! I won't!
Mark: No idea, but I'm afraid we'll have to put her in a straitjacket.
Paul: I'm on my way.
Chloe: Um, and then-- oh, I have to call Ashley and figure out that last fitting for her dress. Excuse me, eyes over here...
Emily: (Giggles)
Chloe: You little lovebirds. Have you, uh, figured out the marriage certificate yet? Did you get a hold of it?
Jack: Yep.
Emily: You got it? Mm.
Chloe: Okay, great. And have you found a witness to sign it?
Emily: She's talking about a best man, Jack.
Jack: (Sighs)
Chloe: Yeah, so did you pick one yet?
Jack: Nope.
Emily: Hmm. (Gasps) Well, it is your decision. I know you want to.
Jack: What the hell, I only have one brother, right? Billy. Can--come by here for a second.
Emily: (Chuckles)
Billy: (Clears throat)
Chloe: Hi.
Billy: Hi.
Chloe: We were just, uh, talking about the last-minute details for the wedding.
Billy: Okay, so do you want me to tie tin cans to the back of your car or pass out silly string? I could do that.
Jack: I know we've had our differences lately, but our big day wouldn't feel quite as special if you weren't standing up there beside me.
Billy: Wait, are--are-- are you asking--
Jack: I'm asking you to be my best man.
Emily: (Giggles)
(Front door opens)
Kay: Uh, why are you home?
Jill: I just couldn't stop thinking about last night, okay? I mean, why we were at each other's throats when something so horrible had happened to both of us.
Kay: (Stammers) Are you working your way up to some feeble apology?
Jill: It is not... feeble. It is sincere. Trust me. I wish I had never become involved with Tucker McCall. And when I found out the kind of man he was, and what his intentions were, I should have run right then.
Kay: Well, that would have required some sense of loyalty and fair play, which you have neither.
Jill: Did it ever occur to you that maybe I was staying close to him so I could find a way to help you?
Kay: Mnh-mnh, Jill, Jill, Jill, Jill.
Jill: No, Kath--
Kay: Still transparent.
Jill: You don't believe me?
Kay: He dumped you, didn't he? (Laughs) Yeah. Well, my dear, you made your own bed, and now you've just been kicked out of it. I can see I'm right.
Jill: We ended things. So do you think you could afford me just a little forgiveness? Can you not see that I'm in pain?
Kay: From where I stand, no one deserves it more.
Jill: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Well, boys, Jabot is a hot commodity.
Cane: So there are the bids, huh?
Tucker: The ones I'm interested in entertaining.
Cane: So, uh, how many came in altogether?
Tucker: A couple dozen. I've whittled it down to the folks I know I can do business with.
Cane: Any, uh, surprises? Anyone we should be interested in maybe?
Tucker: The only surprise so far is that I didn't get an envelope from your father.
Adam: Well, either he doesn't want to expand Newman Cosmetics, or, uh, it's a misguided attempt to show solidarity with Katherine.
Tucker: Misguided is right.
(Telephone rings)
Tucker: Excuse me. This is Tucker. (Sighs) Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. No problem. All right. That was the mayor. He's running late. They want to know if I can meet him at the Athletic Club instead. All right, this is a prospectus of all of Chancellor's holdings. I want you boys to go over the material. Make me a list of which companies we should sell off next.
Cane: And, uh, what if there aren't any?
Tucker: Excuse me?
Cane: (Sighs) Well, what if there aren't any companies that we should be selling off next?
Tucker: Are you on my team?
Cane: Of course I'm on your team. I'm saying maybe considering the economy, maybe we should, uh, hold off a little longer. I'm offering you my opinion.
Tucker: The only opinion I want of yours is which companies to sell off next.
Adam: All right, we'll get on it.
Cane: All right, well, I have an appointment outside the office, so it might be a while before I can tackle this.
Adam: Yeah, I need to scramble, too.
Cane: Okay, I'll touch base with you later.
Adam: Sure.
Nick: (Sighs) I should get going.
Victor: All right, Son.
Nick: You seem to be enjoying this.
Victor: Let me put it this way, there's nothing more satisfying than helping a friend whilst taking down a bitter enemy.
(Front door opens)
Cane: (Sighs)
Kay: Well, twice in one morning.
Cane: Yeah, I'm sorry. I should have called you first.
Kay: Oh, no, no. Come in. Sit down. Have, um, Esther make us some tea. Sit.
Cane: Unfortunately, this is not going to be a social visit.
Kay: You upset?
Cane: Yeah. I've got some news for you, and, uh, it's not good.
Kay: Involving Tucker McCall, I assume?
Cane: Yes. He's, uh, he's moving fast. He's figuring out which part of the company he's gonna sell off next.
Kay: (Stammers) But the Jabot auction hasn't taken place. It--
Cane: I know. I know. I know. But the bids are due today, and after they're finalized, he's going to-- he's going to move on to the next bit of destruction.
Kay: I see.
Cane: I tried to talk him out of it, and, uh, I almost got myself fired for doing that.
Kay: Hmm. Tucker McCall is a megalomaniac, and he will not tolerate any dissention whatsoever, though I do appreciate your attempt.
Cane: You know, at the rate Tucker's going, in a couple of weeks, there will be no longer a Chancellor Industries, just a big pile of cash and a bigger pile of ashes.
Jill: (Sighs)
Victor: All clear.
Patty: (Breathing heavily, sighs)
(Key rattles in lock)
Patty: (Whimpers, sniffles)
Paul: Patty?
Patty: Paul!
Paul: Patty?
Patty: Paul! (Sobs)
Paul: Oh, okay. It's okay.
Patty: (Sobs)
Paul: Oh, come on. I'm here, all right?
Patty: (Sobs)
Paul: It's okay. It's okay.
Patty: You have to help me. I can't--I can't-- (Sobs, sniffles, sobs)
Paul: Oh, I got a call you were upset. What--what happened?
Patty: (Breathing heavily)
Paul: What's wrong?
Patty: (Breathing heavily) I-I-I don't--I can't be in the hospital one more day. I have to get out of here.
Paul: I-I know.
Patty: I have to.
Paul: I-I wish you could. You're gonna have to stay here till you get better.
Patty: But I don't like my life anymore. (Sobs) It's not supposed to be this way. (Sobs)
Paul: I know.
Patty: (Sobs) Oh, Paul... (Sniffles) Paul, I-I can't go on like this. Please? Please?
Paul: It's gonna be all right.
Patty: (Sobs)
Paul: You'll be fine. Just breathe, okay?
Patty: (Inhales deeply)
Paul: Just breathe for me.
Patty: (Breathing deeply)
Jack: Thanks, Billy. I appreciate you standing up for me.
Billy: Well, I didn't think you would ask.
Jack: Maybe it's time we bury the hatchet, huh?
Emily: Well, with your sister as my matron of honor, this is gonna be a real wedding.
Chloe: Yeah, and that's great, because there's one more thing checked off the list. And we actually need to get back to the house. The florist is coming.
Emily: Oh, right. Right.
Jack: Okay. I'll see you two later.
Emily: And I shan't forget this.
Billy: What is "This"?
Emily: Oh, put it this way, if you're thinking about getting us a wedding gift-- sunscreen...
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Emily: Lots of it. Hmm? (Laughs)
Jack: See you.
Chloe: Mm.
Emily: Bye.
Billy: Uh...
Emily: Um...
Jack: Thirsty?
Billy: Hey, I'm parched. (Groans) Oh, the good stuff, huh? (Chuckles)
Jack: Oh, yeah. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Billy: Thank you, Sir. You're not a bartender anymore. Here's to you and Emily.
Jack: Oh, wait. Oh, no. Here's to my little brother Billy.
Billy: Okay, we're gonna compromise. To new beginnings.
Jack: Good. To new beginnings.
(Glasses clink)
Tucker: Hey, now. You boys wouldn't be getting ahead of yourselves now, would you?
Jack: Hey, Tucker. Actually, my brother was just toasting me and my bride.
Tucker: Well, I was just up in the founders' room having my picture taken with the mayor. Tucker McCall, Unlimited's, official welcome to Genoa City right there.
Jack: Well, congratulations. I take it the two of you, uh, have met?
Billy: Yep. Yep.
Tucker: Yeah. You know, for what it's worth, Jack, I, uh, I would really love to see Jabot back in the Abbotts' hands. Now I can't make any guarantees since the bids are sealed, but...
Jack: So have there been, uh, more than a few bids?
Tucker: A fair number. Not from Newman, though, which kind of surprises me. Well, I'm gonna get back to the office before the deadline.
Jack: I'll look forward to some good news.
Billy: Yeah, I can't wait.
Tucker: I wish your family all the luck in the world. I've always been a sucker for a happy ending.
Adam: Okay, there's only a couple left, all right? I'm gonna send the rest. Hang in there. Okay, here's another one.
Victor: I got it.
(Cell phone beeps)
Victor: Hold on for one second. Uh, Tucker's on his way now.
Adam: All right, no worries. We're on the last one here.
Adam: This is, uh, yep, it's Jack’s. What'd you offer, Jack? Wow.
Victor: What do you mean, "Wow"?
Adam: That's, uh, this is twice as much as what Macgruder offered. This is by far the largest.
Victor: I expected no less.
Adam: Okay, I'm gonna be e-mailing it in a second. Then I'm gonna put everything back the way I found it. I don't want Tucker walking in on me. There would be hell to pay. Okay, sending now.
Victor: Well, that's perfect. I like that.
Emily: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: You know, I-I don't know who I'm prouder of-- Jack for asking Billy to step up as his best man...
Emily: Or maybe Billy accepting so graciously.
Chloe: I know. Those two guys-- they're just full of surprises, aren't they?
Emily: (Laughs) Yes, but they're not the only ones.
Chloe: (Gasps) That's right.
Emily: Yeah.
Chloe: Your surprise. How is your surprise coming along, by the way?
Emily: Well, everything is, uh, all set. I told Ashley, and so you two are the only ones who know about it.
Chloe: Jack is gonna love it. He's gonna love it.
Emily: Yeah, well, now that the feud is finally over between Billy and him, it's going to be a perfect day.
Chloe: I know that Billy would never admit it, but he idolizes his brother.
Emily: Yeah.
Chloe: And when Jack was freezing him out like that, it--it was driving him crazy.
Emily: Well, it was killing Jack, too. But they put their differences aside, and moved forward.
Billy: How could you blindside me like this? I had to sit here like a full-blown idiot in front of McCall, not knowing that Jabot is on the block or that my entire family is bidding on it except for me.
Jack: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Take it easy. It's all good.
Billy: Oh, Jack, when it comes to you, I'm sure it is, especially for you.
Jack: Listen to me. I put together an offer for much more than the company is worth. Now that Newman is not in the running, our chances are even better. By the end of today, we could have Jabot back. What is so bad about that?
Billy: Well, for one, Jabot being sold like a bunch of meat to a pack of wolves, that's bad enough, but then to know my entire family is bidding on it-- you have Ashley and Traci. You didn't even talk to me!
Jack: Easy. Easy. Ju-just calm down.
(Pounds table)
Billy: He's my father, too, Jack. And for you to treat me like some bastard stepchild, like I'm not even a part of this family is--
Jack: Wait a minute. Of course, you are.
Billy: Then what do you call shutting me out like this?
Victor: Hello, Son.
Nick: Hey. Where do things stand?
Victor: Adam sent me copies of the sealed bids.
Nick: How do they look?
Victor: Pedestrian on the whole, mostly offers at market value.
Nick: Mostly?
Victor: Except the Abbotts offered twice the amount of the highest bidder.
Nick: Well, I did see Jack drinking champagne at the club.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Nick: He was with his fiancée, so it could have been wedding-related.
Victor: I'm glad he's enjoying his morning.
Nick: By the way, what are we offering?
Victor: Oh.
Nick: Dad?
Victor: I know it's far higher than Jabot is worth.
Nick: Yeah, it-- much more. Are you sure you want to go this high?
Victor: Trust me when I tell you that in the long run, it's gonna be a bargain. Kindly give this to the messenger outside, and make sure it's delivered to Tucker McCall’s office as quickly as possible, all right?
Nick: (Hits envelope on desk) Done.
Chloe: Whoo.
Emily: Oh, hey, did you catch the florist?
Chloe: Yes, yes. And he agreed to change the color of the bows on the pews, so...
Emily: Wow. Well, that's, um...
Chloe: (Sighs) That's--
Emily: Everything on the list.
Chloe: That's everything. How's it feel? It feels good, doesn't it?
Emily: I-I-I still haven't processed what's happening. (Laughs)
Chloe: Why? Because we got everything squared away so perfectly?
Emily: No, no, no.
Chloe: (Giggles)
Emily: It's just I-I can't believe I'm actually getting married. Uh, it's just the last thing that was on my mind.
Chloe: And then you met Jack.
Emily: Who I couldn't stand at first.
Chloe: (Laughs)
Emily: No, I couldn’t. I-- (laughs)
Chloe: Well, I can understand how he is an acquired taste.
Emily: (Sighs) No, I mean-- you know what? Never mind. That was then, and I am madly in love with him.
Chloe: And he feels the same way about you. He does.
Emily: (Laughs)
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Emily: Oh, did I show you the trousseau gift he gave me?
Chloe: No.
Emily: No? Okay, you ready?
Chloe: Yeah.
Emily: Look at this. And he expects me to wear this.
Chloe: Wow. Because you can! You are gonna rock that. You have to wear it.
Emily: No. No. Me an exhibitionist?
Chloe: (Laughs)
Emily: Yes, that's his thought, right? (Laughs)
(Telephone rings)
Chloe: Oh, do you want me to get it?
Emily: Oh, no, it's okay.
Chloe: All right.
Emily: Aah! Can you imagine me in that thing?
Chloe: Yes. (Chuckles)
Emily: (Chuckles) Hello? Uh, y-yes, this is Dr. Peterson. M-may I ask who's calling, please?
Paul: Thank you for your help.
Mark: I've paged Dr. Jasper, but he's in Chicago at a symposium. He hasn't called in yet.
Paul: Well, that's okay. I, uh, I think Patty's better now. I, um, I guess just being locked up in here got to her.
Mark: She's not the first.
Paul: Thanks again, Mark.
Mark: Holler if you need anything.
Paul: Okay. (Sighs)
Patty: It's lovely to see you again, Paul. I'm Dr. Emily Peterson.
Kay: All right, this division right here-- Chancellor's east coast real estate holdings.
Cane: Okay, what about those ones?
Kay: Well, as you know, the commercial market is on a downward spiral, and it would take months to unload them.
Cane: All right, so if I can convince Tucker to put them on the block before they lose too much value...
Kay: Well, it's a stall, at least.
Cane: Yeah, well, I'm all for stalling.
Kay: All right, now you see, these two here, they've always been chronic underperformers. I've been thinking about selling these at some point anyway.
Cane: All right, so there's gonna be no harm done if I recommend that we spin them off now.
Kay: It's all harm-- all harm done.
Cane: I realize that. I do. But if we can just slow Tucker down, just slow him down before he completely eviscerates Chancellor, who knows? Maybe--maybe it'll give Victor a chance to figure something out. Or who knows? Maybe Tucker will just come to his senses.
Kay: Or pigs will fly.
Cane: (Whispering) All right, listen, I have to do something, all right? (Normal voice) I'm--I'm not gonna just stand around and be the man's lackey while I'm in a position to stop some of this pain.
Jill: I could help, if you let me.
Kay: Oh, I think you have helped quite enough already, Jill.
Jill: Katherine, would you please be reasonable?
Kay: Cane and I thought we were meeting privately.
Jill: Would you talk to her, please? You know that my input would be valuable. I know the company. I certainly know Tucker. And before you say anything else, I know it was a huge mistake for me to continue my relationship with him.
Cane: Do you really?
Kay: Oh, uh, by the way, um... (Chuckles) She's just gone from being mistress to just another dog-- cog in the wheel.
Jill: I told you I was sorry about that, Katherine. You will never know how sorry I am.
Kay: No, you were sorry you got caught. You're sorry you got dumped, and you're sorry you can't waltz right back into my good graces.
Jill: I'm standing here trying to make amends to you. How can I do that if you continue to wallow in your bitterness? Now for the love of God, let me sit down with you and help protect what's left of the company.
Cane: Jill, I think this is, um, something that Katherine and I need to figure out at the moment. I'm sorry.
Kay: (Bangs desk) Yes. Uh, let us continue this in my study, shall we?
Jill: Mm-hmm.
Jack: How was I supposed to include you in this? Billy, you went to Ashley for insane amounts of money to buy "Restless Style." The rest of your money's tied up in trust.
Billy: Only because you won't release it to me. I could have borrowed against it, made our position stronger.
Jack: You're in hock up to your eyeballs already in an industry that's probably the riskiest known to man. It would have been irresponsible of me to let you take on more debt.
Billy: That's "Jack speak" for "You don't trust me."
Jack: No, I didn't say that. And before you accuse me, it wasn't about cutting you out. You are my brother, and I love you.
Billy: You've got a-- (chuckles) You have a funny way of showing it, Jack.
Jack: You're the one that walked away from the family business, remember? Billy, I had no idea you would react this way. I am pulling out all the stops to get Jabot back for the entire family. That includes you.
Billy: Is that it? Is that your entire rebuttal, Jack? Because it's not gonna fly. I should have been told that Jabot was being auctioned off. I should have been told...
Jack: I--
Billy: That my siblings were going to pursue it. And I should have been given the opportunity to judge the pros and the cons and see if I should throw my weight in with you. Instead, what did you do? You treated me like a little kid just like you always do, a snot-nosed little brat. And I'm telling you, man, I am sick of it. Oh, a-and because you insist on treating me like a child, I suggest you go and look and find yourself a new best man.
Jack: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Tucker: It's open. Good, you got my message.
Adam: If it's about the list of Chancellor divisions--
Tucker: No, no, no. That can wait. Its three minutes till noon. I thought you ought to be here for the unveiling.
Adam: That's right, the Jabot bids. Excellent.
Tucker: Well, we'll open them together, see what we think.
(Telephone rings, ring)
Tucker: This is Tucker.
Victor: Tucker, Victor Newman. I'm sending over an offer for Jabot Cosmetics. It should be arriving momentarily.
Tucker: I got your daddy on the line. He's gonna join in the fun.
Adam: (Sniffs)
(Knock on door)
Tucker: Get that. I believe it's just arrived, with about a minute to spare.
Victor: Well, you know, I had some things to think about.
Tucker: I never thought for a second you wouldn't throw your hat in the ring.
Victor: You thought right, Tucker.
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jill: You promised that you and I would take Jabot to new heights.
Tucker: I've said so many things, it's hard to keep track.
Sharon: I was thinking of Paris.
Adam: Pack a bag. We're going on our honeymoon.
Sharon: What? Now?
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