Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/3/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/3/10 -- Canada; Thursday 2/4/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9329 ~ Jill & Kay Find Themselves in Danger

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Jack: Sorry I'm late.

Emily: Mwah. Did it have to do with Jabot?

Jack: I'll tell you about it later. Hey, Malcolm!

Malcolm: Hey, Jack!

Jack: Hey, good to have you back.

Malcolm: Thanks, man.

Jack: Boy, it's been a long time. Genoa City seem different?

Malcolm: A lot of changes.

Chloe: You know, I couldn't believe when Jack said that we were getting the Malcolm Winters to do the engagement photos. This is great.

Jack: Well, we have Phyllis to thank for that.

Chloe: Yes, I will.

Emily: Yeah, we really appreciate it with the wedding only a week away and--

Malcolm: Oh, no, that's my pleasure.

Emily: Shall we get started?

Chloe: Yes, yes, so okay, I need you to back up.

Jack: Okay.

Chloe: We're gonna do it over here, okay?

Jack: Jacket closed.

Chloe: You stand in front. Put your arms around her waist.

Jack: There we are. Her waist. Okay.

Malcolm: All right. All right now. Emily, look at him.

Emily: Oh, okay.

Malcolm: A little more. A little more there. Chin up.

Emily: Right here?

Malcolm: All right, yeah, look just like that. Now--

Jack: Look just like that.

Malcolm: Think about the honeymoon, you guys.

Chloe: That's beautiful.

Malcolm: There we go.

Patty: Bet you had it all figured out, didn't you, Emily? Keep Patty here all drugged up and in a daze, so that you could seduce Jack and marry him.

Paul: (Sighs) Hi.

Patty: Oh. (Giggles) Hi, Pauly!

Paul: (Chuckles) Whoa!

Patty: I wasn't expecting you.

Paul: Well, I missed you...

Patty: (Sighs)

Paul: So I thought I'd stop by.

Patty: (Sighs)

Paul: How are you feeling?

Patty: Good. Great. (Laughs) Yeah, I feel like my old self again.

Ashley: Hi.

Neil: Oh, hi. That didn't take long.

Ashley: Yeah, well, Abby's not really in the mood for a big talk, so I tried to reassure her as best I could that I'm fine.

Neil: Mm. Did you tell her you're concerned about Adam?

Ashley: Mnh-mnh. No, then I'd have to get into everything that happened last year, and how I thought I almost hit Nikki--no.

Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. Too much information?

Ashley: I don't get this.

Neil: Hmm?

Ashley: I mean, Adam-- he convinced me that I did something horrendous, and I keep going over in my-- in my mind, why? Wh-why--why did he tell me that? Why is he lying now?

Neil: Hey, Ashley.

Ashley: (Scoffs)

Neil: You know what you need? You deserve a break from all this.

Ashley: I know I need one. And actually, Abby was kind enough to, uh, say she'd baby-sit Faith tonight.

Neil: Oh, really?

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Neil: You hungry?

Ashley: I'm so hungry.

Neil: Oh, um, let's do it quick before she changes her mind. Come on.

Ashley: (Laughs) Okay.

Neil: But you gotta promise me one thing.

Ashley: Hmm?

Neil: That the topic of Adam is gonna be completely...

Ashley: Mm.

Neil: Off-limits.

Ashley: Well, I'll try. I don't know if I'm gonna be so lucky about Jabot, though. You know, it goes to the highest bidder tomorrow.

Neil: Well, you know who the highest bidder's gonna be, don't you? It's gonna be you and your sister and your brother.

Ashley: I hope so. I don't know, though, Neil. I don't know who else is in the running, and what they're gonna offer...

Neil: Mm.

Ashley: You know? I mean, anything could happen.

Jeff: I'm here now. What's got you all atwitter?

Gloria: Jabot is up for sale.

Jeff: You serious?

Gloria: Kevin told me.

Jeff: (Sighs)

Gloria: And Jack confirmed it. He's putting his bid in tomorrow, and he wants us to go in on it with him.

Jeff: Why?

Gloria: (Laughs) Why? Because he needs our money.

Jeff: Ahh. By "Our money," you mean my money, right?

Gloria: Well, I can hardly use mine.

Jeff: Yeah, because if Jack knew you had any, he'd seize it to settle your debt. You can't do this deal without me. That's the only reason I'm hearing about it, isn't it?

Gloria: Of course not.

Jeff: As it is, you negotiated the whole thing behind my back.

Gloria: Jack knows you have the final say.

Jeff: You know, I'm getting a little tired of you taking me for granted.

Gloria: So you're saying you don't want in on this?

Jeff: Well, if I did, I wouldn't need you, now would I, Sugarplum?

Tucker: Meet me at the club for dinner?

Jill: We haven't spent much time alone together. Why don't we just order something in?

Tucker: You don't want to be seen with me in public?

Jill: It's not that.

Tucker: You've faced down worse scandals than this.

Jill: I-- you're absolutely right. I have. I would love to have dinner with you, Tucker. See you soon. Don't wait up.

Kay: Oh, believe me, I won't. Looking forward to the peace and the quiet.

Jill: (Chuckles) Total silence, you mean. There are what, eight people in this house, and not one of them can stand to spend the evening with you?

Kay: Well, Chance and Chloe are out on a date, and Mac is working.

Jill: And Esther escaped to the movies, and even Murphy preferred to freeze his butt off ice fishing.

Kay: Well, then don't let me keep you. I'm sure you're anxious to, uh, get back to sleeping with the enemy.

Jill: It never occurs to you that maybe I'm trying to use my influence with Tucker to save Jabot.

Kay: "Save Jabot"? Oh, please, my dear. (Laughs) You're trying to take over.

Jill: Yeah, you would see it that way, wouldn't you?

Kay: Jill, you cannot buy Jabot, because you don't have the money. So you're back to your old tricks again, and I do mean "Tricks."

Jill: (Sighs)

Kay: (Sighs) I--how can you think that Tucker McCall does not see straight through you just as I do? Of course he is happy to have you in his bed! He's using you, for heaven sakes.

Jill: I told you, he is not using me.

Kay: What makes you think you have anything that would entice that man to just hand over Jabot?

Jill: You know what? I prefer not to keep your son waiting.

Kay: (Sighs)

Kay: (Chuckles)

Chance: You okay?

Kay: Uh, yes, I'm fine. I, uh, thought you were out with Chloe.

Chance: I am meeting up with her later, unless you'd like some company, that is.

Kay: No, no, no, Darling. I'll be fine. It--it really takes more than a run-in with Jill to, uh, you know, bring me down. (Chuckles)

Chance: Yeah. I really don't understand what she's trying to do. I had hoped that she'd snap out of it on her own, but after the way she just sounded--

Kay: Psst, psst, psst. Now you listen to me. I do not want you to get involved. This is going to work itself out.

Chance: Okay. She is digging herself into a hole, though.

Kay: Oh, well...

Chance: No, McCall-- I mean, he can't be trusted.

Kay: Ah.

Chance: That's pretty obvious.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Chance: I mean, she has alienated herself away from you and anyone close to you. Kay, that's a lot of people.

Kay: Indeed. She made a terrible mistake, Chance. It was her choice. Nobody could talk her out of it. And you know what?

Chance: Hmm?

Kay: She's the one who's going to have to live with the consequences.

Tucker: I love a good seared tuna, but only when it's done right.

Jill: Well, it's excellent here.

Tucker: I'll trust your judgment.

Jill: (Chuckles) When it comes to dinner, but not Jabot.

Tucker: Ahh... I see. Still not happy with my decision?

Jill: You say that you have no doubt I could make a success of Jabot. But if that were true--

Tucker: It is true.

Jill: Well, then why are you selling?

Tucker: I don't have the same emotional attachment to Jabot you do. I'm looking to make a quick profit.

Jill: Just get what you want and then move on?

Tucker: Exactly. But if I'm not satisfied with any of the bids, I'll hang onto it, and you can be involved.

Jill: To me, "Involved" means total commitment, okay? How can I do that if I know that you have one eye out looking to get a better offer... for Jabot?

Tucker: No more shoptalk. Now as much as I admire your talent for business, that's not why I called you tonight.

Jill: What's that supposed to mean?

Tucker: It means I enjoy your company... when you're not trying to leverage our personal relationship to your advantage.

Gloria: You can't do this deal without me, because Jack doesn't trust you.

Jeff: Mm, yeah, and you and Jack are so tight.

Gloria: He knows how I feel about Jabot. Its one thing we do have in common.

Jeff: Jack doesn't give a damn about your tender feelings. He needs cold, hard cash, and that's where I come in.

Gloria: You wouldn't do this without me.

Jeff: Wouldn't I?

Gloria: Then you're a backstabbing lowlife...

Jeff: (Laughs)

Gloria: Double-crossing--

Jeff: Spitfire. I love it. (Laughs)

Gloria: Teasing me.

Jeff: Mm.

Gloria: Shame on you.

Jeff: Well, you'll forgive me, as soon as I make you part owner of Jabot Cosmetics.

Gloria: This could really happen, couldn't it?

Jeff: Maybe. (Sighs) This is Jack we're talking about.

Gloria: Mm-hmm.

Jeff: I'm not giving him 1 red cent until we get it in writing that we don't get shoved aside when the deal is done.

Gloria: He'll agree to anything. He's desperate.

Jeff: Mm.

Malcolm: All right.

Emily: Oh.

Chloe: Oh, it's great.

Jack: Mm.

Emily: Mwah.

Malcolm: All right, guys. Last one.

Jack: Last one. Here we go.

Emily: Okay.

Malcolm: Make it count.

Emily: Mm.

Malcolm: There it is. That was great. I think we got it.

Chloe: All right, well, then that's a wrap.

Emily: Oh, Malcolm, you made this so much fun.

Jack: You haven't lost your touch, my friend.

Chloe: Well, um, I gotta go, so I'm sorry.

Emily: Oh, no, a-are you losing your babysitter?

Chloe: Uh, no, actually, uh, Billy has Delia--his night off, and he actually volunteered.

Jack: Well, there is hope for the boy yet.

Emily: Wow. Are you going out with Chance?

Chloe: Yes, I am.

Emily: Ooh, have fun.

Chloe: Um, you know what? While--while we still have Malcolm, I think that you should do your bridal portrait, if that's okay with you.

Emily: I-I was planning on doing it at the-- the wedding ceremony.

Chloe: Um, yeah, when-- when I got married, my husband's ex showed up, and then there was a cake fight at the reception, so, uh...

Emily: Oh! Okay, I get your point. I get your point. Is the hair and makeup team still upstairs?

Chloe: They are here for you till whenever.

Emily: All right, then let's do it.

Chloe: Believe me, you're gonna be glad that you did it, because weddings just have a tendency to get really crazy.

Jack: (Chuckles)

Chloe: Crazy.

Paul: (Sighs) Hey, Pattycake, you haven't said how-- how it's going with Dr. Jasper.

Patty: Fine.

Paul: Just "Fine"?

Patty: You know it takes me a while to warm up to people.

Paul: Well, I know it's hard for you to trust anyone, but you've been through an awful lot. That's understandable. But Dr. Jasper is a good man...

Patty: (Thinking) Focus. Focus, Patty. Look him straight in the eye.

Paul: And he has your best interests at heart.

Patty: That's it. Sit up straight.

Paul: I know it's a big adjustment. I do. But promise me you'll give him a chance, okay?

Patty: I--of course. (Chuckles) I like him, Pauly.

Paul: So what have you been doing? Do you have any more arts-and-crafts projects you want to tell me about?

Patty: My papier-mâché.

Paul: Really?

Patty: Yeah. It's not done yet.

Paul: That's interesting. That's new. That keeps it interesting.

Patty: (Laughs)

Paul: That's fun.

Patty: (Thinking) Smile, Patty. Okay, don't overdo it. (Sighs) Do you want to see it?

Paul: I sure do. You want to show me?

Patty: Mm-hmm. (Thinking) Patty, no one knows you better than Paul. If you can pull this off with him, you can pull it off with anyone.

Ashley: Well, we've done everything we can. Absolutely. I'll call you as soon as I hear anything. Okay, I love you, too.

Neil: Hmm?

Ashley: (Sighs heavily)

Neil: How's Traci?

Ashley: She's hangin' in there.

Neil: Yeah. Losing Jabot would hit her especially hard now.

Ashley: Well, actually, we haven't owned the company for a long time, but we could always trust Katherine to do right by us, you know? She loved our father, too.

Neil: Mm.

Ashley: Now if there's a new owner, I mean, they could fire Jack. They could fire the entire staff if they wanted to, and turn Jabot into something completely unrecognizable.

Neil: Yeah.

Ashley: Oh, no, don't start feeling guilty.

Neil: Oh, well, come on, you know? As if I ever stopped?

Ashley: No, it's not your fault that Katherine lost Chancellor.

Neil: (Sighs)

Ashley: But this Tucker McCall guy, I mean, what's he like? I can't imagine carrying around that kind of bitterness and resentment for all those years.

Neil: Ashley, if you'd seen him delivering the news to Katherine-- outwardly, you know, he was-- he was calm and very collected. But if you'd seen his face, it was like he waited a lifetime to give her that news.

Ashley: Really?

Neil: He rel-- he relished it.

Ashley: Oh, that's a cold person.

Chloe: Because I would like something somewhat healthy. That's all. You know, like a-- like a salad.

Chance: A salad? Tell you what, how about we get you extra lettuce on a burger? Does that work?

Chloe: Yes, actually. Let's have a burger. A burger sounds great. Let's do it. Burger.

Chance: (Stammers) Okay, that was too easy.

Chloe: Hey, watch who you're calling "Easy," Bub.

Chance: Uh-huh, come on.

Chloe: Come o--

Chance: Let's go.

Chloe: (Sighs) Um, you know what? Let's--let's just go. It's not a big deal. Let's go. Burgers.

Chance: You know what, Chloe? Get us a table.

Chloe: (Sighs) Oh, boy. Great.

Tucker: ...Long, long time.

Jill: Chance.

Chance: Please reconsider what you're doing right now.

Jill: Why don't we talk about this some other time, hmm?

Chance: Well, if you weren't dodging all of us, maybe we would talk about it.

Tucker: I got an idea. How about you two join us, and we can get to know each other a little bit better?

Chloe: Yeah, I think that's gonna be a big, fat "No."

Chance: Anyone who could treat Katherine the way that you did isn't someone that we want to get to know. If he could smile and lie to her, what makes you think he won't do the same thing to you?

Malcolm: So you open it up, you pour a little hot sauce in, and you slurp it out. (Slurps)

Jack: Ugh!

Emily: That's nasty.

Malcolm: (Laughs)

Jack: You didn't eat that, did you?

Malcolm: Yeah, I did.

Jack: Ugh.

Malcolm: But that-- that was before I had any idea what it was. (Laughs)

Emily: (Groans)

Jack: All this talk of brains and intestines made me hungry.

Emily: Ugh.

Jack: Anybody care for another sandwich?

Emily: No. No.

Jack: (Chuckles)

Malcolm: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Did I ruin your appetite? (Laughs)

Emily: (Laughs) Yes, you did.

Jack: Um...

(Doorbell rings)

Malcolm: Let me-- you get that. I'll get the sandwiches.

Jack: Okay.

Emily: Okay. Ah! (Scoffs) Who's that?

Jack: That's "Boris" and "Natasha." Wait here. Come in.

Gloria: Mm.

Jack: Gloria and Jeffrey Bardwell, please meet my fiancée Dr. Emily Peterson.

Gloria: Oh, my God.

Jeff: She's the spitting image of--

Gloria: Oh, that--that-- that--that--that-- that woman who shot, uh, Victor.

Jeff: Yeah, man, it's amazing what they can do with plastic surgery these days, isn't it, honey bunch?

Gloria: I wouldn't know. It's so nice to meet you, Dr. Peterson.

Emily: How do you do?

Gloria: Mm.

Jeff: Uh, congrats on the wedding.

Jack: I assume you're here to get in on my bid for Jabot.

Jeff: No.

Jack: No?

Jeff: Not until you tell us what we want to hear.

Paul: Well, it's obviously some kind of an animal. There are gills here and a--

Patty: It's a house.

Paul: No, I'm teasing. Of course it's a house. It's a beautiful house.

Patty: I-I, um, I had a hard time with the roof, and I put too much paste on, and--and--and-- and it didn't dry very well, and--

Paul: Honey, its fine. It's your first house.

Patty: It's important! It's--

Paul: It's gonna be fine. You'll figure it out. All you need is-- is, uh, some time and practice. That's all.  

Patty: It was supposed to happen by now. (Breathing heavily)

Paul: What was, Patty?

Patty: My house! The happily-ever-after-house. It was--with the--with the baby and a husband! In--in my mind-- aah! In my mind, it's--it's-- it's just--it's so clear. And--and it's just wrong! Look at it! It's completely wrong! And I'm running out of time, Pauly. I'm running out of time!

Paul: You're fine. You're fine. You're fine.

Patty: (Breathing heavily)

Paul: You're fine, okay?

Patty: (Wails)

Gloria: I know you've been thinking about this, Jack, just like I have. Jabot in the hands of some stranger who doesn't care about your father or his legacy-- turns my stomach. And we can make sure it doesn't happen.

Jeff: For a price.

Jack: Cut to the chase.

Jeff: (Chuckles) Yeah, I can see we're interrupting here. What, you, um, taking a new portrait to hang in the halls of Jabot? Could be jumping the gun there, Jackie-boy.

Jack: My patience is wearing thin.

Gloria: We just want to make sure there are seats for us at the table. We seal the deal for you, we're entitled to positions of real influence at Jabot, not just nameplates on a door.

Jack: Agreed.

Jeff: You'll put that in writing?

Jack: No.

Jeff: Ah, then we're done here.

Jack: W-w-w-wait. Wait. I can't guarantee positions right now. I have partners. They're going to want to have a say.

Jeff: So call 'em up.

Gloria: He can't.

Jeff: Why not?

Gloria: Because his partners are his sisters, and Ashley hates me...

Jeff: (Sighs)

Gloria: And she'll do anything to kill the deal.

Jack: Believe me, it's gonna be a lot easier to convince her to let bygones be bygones once the company is ours again, once we've undone the damage you did.

Gloria: How do I know she won't convince you to keep us on the sidelines?

Jack: All I can do is give you my word. You will get the positions you deserve.

Jeff: Mm, I don't like it. Too loosey-goosey.

Gloria: Okay, I guess we need to think about it some more.

Jack: Unfortunately, I have to make my bid tomorrow.

Gloria: We'll get back to you, Jack.

Jeff: Or not.

Emily: (Sighs) What have you gotten yourself into, Jack?

Jack: (Sighs)

Tucker: Thanks.

Jill: Tha-thank you.

Chloe: Well, this is a first.

Chance: Hmm? What's that?

Chloe: I never had to compete for attention with my date's grandmother before.

Chance: (Sighs) Look, I-- look, I'm sorry.

Chloe: Look, you know what? Let's just go. Let's go home.

Chance: No, we're not gonna go home. We're not gonna let Tucker McCall ruin our night together.

Chloe: Well, if we stay here, he is going to ruin our night, so let's go home. We'll just go watch a movie or something.

Chance: No, no. Chloe, you wanted to go dancing tonight.

Chloe: (Sighs) I don't-- I don't want to go dancing anymore, and it's cold out, and the snow has already ruined my Louis Vuittons. It's-- (Sighs)

Chance: You don't have to do this. I know going home, cuddling on the couch, watching "Lord of the Rings" isn't gonna be your idea of a good time, so...

Chloe: Okay, well, yeah, and that-- that's my idea of a good time-- falling asleep in your arms.

Chance: No, no. You won't be falling asleep this time, though.

Chloe: Okay, yeah. Try and stop me.

Tucker: Impressive kid.

Jill: (Sighs) Yeah, speaks his mind, doesn't he?

Tucker: Yeah. I always admire that. You know, you'd be able to make him understand. He's just worried about Grandma keeping company with "The big bad wolf."

Jill: (Laughs) Well, the truth is, um, I have been spending very little time at the house ever since the takeover. I should probably go back there tonight.

Tucker: Sure, okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow then.

Jill: Yeah. Yeah. Should be interesting to find out what happens when the bids come in.

Tucker: Yeah, it should be.

Jill: Good night.

Tucker: Night.

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Neil: What? (Laughs)

Ashley: Hi.

Neil: Hey, Jill.

Jill: Hello, Neil, Ashley. Excuse me.

Ashley: So--

Neil: Hmm.

Ashley: Wow. She's certainly in a hurry to get out of here.

Neil: Wonder what that was about.

Tucker: This is Tucker.

Ashley: Oh, I think I have some idea.

Jeff: (Sighs) It was all talk. He won't guarantee a damn thing.

Gloria: The name Abbott still means something.

Jeff: Oh, man, you really can't think straight when it comes to Jabot.

Gloria: If this were any other investment, I'd walk away. And believe me, I know how badly this could end. This is my last chance to get my foot in the door, and I'm willing to take the risk.

Jeff: Well, it's not really your decision to make.

Gloria: But you know what this means to me. So what are you gonna do, hmm?

Emily: So Gloria is the reason you lost Jabot to begin with.

Jack: Yes, and when she had a chance to sell me what would have been controlling interest in Jabot just a little while ago, she turned me down.

Emily: And now she wants to be partners again?

Jack: Unless I pushed her too far just now.

Emily: There is so little trust between you. You sure you want to get in business together?

Jack: I sure as hell don't. It's a necessary evil.

Emily: You need the money that badly?

Jack: Unfortunately, yes. (Sighs) My sisters and I have put together a strong offer. It's perfectly fair. It's a good offer. It's--it's not insurmountable, though. And with Gloria's stash added to it, we're all but guaranteed to win.

Emily: But Gloria said that Ashley wouldn't want to be involved.

Jack: Well, Ashley gave me carte blanche to do whatever I needed to do to finish this deal. She's not gonna like it, but she'll understand.

Emily: (Sighs)

Jack: What?

Emily: It's your business, your call. But you did tell me that Ashley-- Ashley's biggest issue with you is you have a tendency to take over and blow her off. Just be prepared for her reaction. That's all.

Tucker: Neil.

Neil: Tucker.

Tucker: How you doing this evening?

Neil: Um, Tucker McCall, I'd like to introduce Ashley Abbott.

Tucker: Finally, we meet. Well, I was going to introduce myself to you earlier, but you were otherwise occupied when your ex and his son were trying to beat the stuffing out of each other. Hey, why don't you join me? Neil, pull up a chair.

Neil: I'll pass, man. Thanks.

Ashley: I, um, I just wanted to look the man in the eye who betrayed my friend and who's about to throw my family's company to the wolves.

Tucker: Well, selling Jabot isn't my first choice, believe me.

Ashley: You know, I don't believe you, because you go with your gut, and you never look back. Isn't that what you say in all your interviews?

Tucker: Oh, you've read them all? I'm flattered.

Ashley: Don't be. I read nothing that really impressed me very much at all.

Tucker: Well, I, on the other hand, am very impressed with what I know about you. And I'm gonna tell you a little secret. I'm rooting for your family tomorrow. Hopefully, the next time we see each other, I'll be giving you back the keys to Jabot.

Ashley: Hopefully, the next time we see each other will be the last time we see each other.

Jill: (Whispering) Katherine. Katherine, wake up! Katherine. Katherine.

Kay: What--what--what-- what's going on? Oh, Jill, go away.

Jill: No, there's somebody downstairs.

Kay: Well, it's probably Esther or Chance.

Jill: No, I called out to them, and nobody answered.

Kay: Oh, for heaven sakes.

Jill: What are you doing?

Kay: Well, I'm going to go downstairs and find out who's there, you big baby.

Jill: You are going to get yourself killed.

Kay: Well, I'm sure you have no problem with that.

Jill: God, don't do this.

Kay: (Sighs) All right.

Jill: Oh, my God.

Kay: The power's out.

Jill: My God, I know. I know.

Kay: Who's there? (Crash)

Jill: (Gasps)

Kay: Um, security. Let's call security.

Jill: Call. I'll lock the door.

Kay: All right. Um,

Jill: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Kay: Line's dead.

Jill: (Gasps)

Kay: Oh, what's--

Jill: Oh, your cell phone. Where's your cell phone? Where's your purse?

Kay: Purse. Purse. In my purse.

Jill: Where? Where? Where? Oh.

Kay: Right there. Here. It's in the bottom. You got it? Okay.

Jill: Yeah, I got it. 9-1-1. Oh, my God.

Kay: Shh.

Jill: (Normal voice) Yes.

Kay: Shh!

Jill: (Whispering) Yes, there is an intruder in my home.

Chloe: Okay, so let's get a pizza. I want a pizza.

Chance: A pizza?

Chloe: Yeah.

Chance: You just wanted salad.

Chloe: You're having a really hard time keeping up with me tonight, aren't you? Huh?

Chance: Tonight? Why should tonight be any different?

Chloe: (Laughs)

Chance: (Laughs) (Loud bang)

Chance: Get down!

Chloe: Aah! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Chloe: Okay.

Chance: Hey.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: Are you okay?

Chloe: Yeah, what was that?

Chance: Okay, it was a, um, it was a car backfiring or something. I thought it was a gunshot. Look, that doesn't matter. Are you okay? Are you sure?

Chloe: No, I'm fine.

Chance: I didn't land on your leg or something? I know--

Chloe: Your heart-- your heart is pounding. Are you having post-traumatic stress or something?

Chance: (Sighs) No. No, I'm not.

Chloe: Listen, I-if you are, it's not something to be ashamed about, okay?

Chance: No, look. Chloe, Chloe, stop. There's more going on that I haven't told you about. (Sighs) I got a call. A threat, a warning. I don't know what it was, all right?

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: I-it was the other day. It was on my cell phone.

Chloe: Was it Riggs?

Chance: I don't know. I don't know who it was, all right? I-I couldn't make out the voice. I-- they just said that I was in danger, all right? But that was it. I don't know. It could have been a joke. For all I know, it could have been just a stupid little prank that someone played on me.

Chloe: You don't think it was a prank. You don't think it was a prank. Did you tell someone on the force?

Chance: Chloe, I-- I don't know who I can trust.

Kay: Well, it's quiet. He must be gone by now.

Jill: I don't know.

Kay: (Sighs)

Jill: No, no, stay put. Stay put.

Kay: W-well, I've got to find something for a weapon, for heaven sakes.

Jill: Mother, do not move this--

Kay: "Mother"?

Jill: Well, I can't just turn it on and off like that.

Kay: Could have fooled me.

Jill: I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry.

Kay: (Whispering) All right, listen, listen, listen. We're gonna get out of this. We're gonna be just fine. I promise you, just—

(Footsteps approach)

Kay: No, the police are coming!

(Siren wails)

Jill: (Breathing heavily)

Paul: Do you remember that house you made out of popsicle sticks when you were a little girl?

Patty: It wasn't a house. It was a mission.

Paul: Oh, that's right. It was a mission. You spent hours and hours on it. And just before you were gonna take it into the classroom, somebody--I forget who-- ran right into you and--

Patty: Joey Ferguson. And he ruined it.

Paul: Joey Ferguson. But it was an accident. He--he--it was-- it was an accident. And he-- but it fell to the ground, and it broke into a million pieces.

Patty: Yeah, and I said--

Paul: You were furious.

Patty: I was. I said some awful things, too.

Paul: I remember that. But I also remember that you--you felt a lot better when I told you that I would help you build another one.

Patty: Yeah. (Chuckles)

Paul: And I would buy you an ice cream cone the next time we went to the lake. I think you even forgave Joey.

Patty: (Laughs)

Paul: And you gave him a big hug.

Patty: Yeah. And I got my ice cream-- two scoops.

Paul: Mm-hmm.

Patty: I loved being at the lake with you, Pauly.

Paul: Me, too. Those were awfully fun times, weren't they?

Patty: (Laughs)

Paul: Great times at the lake.

Patty: Yeah. (Laughs)

Paul: (Chuckles) You could just throw yourself into having fun.

Patty: Uh-huh.

Paul: And worry about nothing else.

Patty: Yeah, throw your sister in the water.

Paul: (Chuckles) I don't remember ever throwing you into the water.

Patty: (Scoffs) Only a hundred times.

Paul: (Chuckles)

Patty: (Sighs)

Paul: So that's what I want you to do when you get upset. I want you to-- I want you to think back and remember those days, and how much fun we had at the lake. You can have that much fun again, and you can be that happy again, Patty.

Patty: Well, I want to believe that.

Paul: You can.

Patty: (Sniffles) (Chuckles) You know what, Pauly? You know how to make me feel so much better. I wish you could take me out of here for real. (Sighs) We can go back to the lake together. Wouldn't that be fun?

Paul: I will come and visit you as often as I can.

Jack: Hey, that looks good. All right, ooh.

Emily: Ooh, I should take some of that up to the hair and makeup.

Malcolm: Oh, I did that already.

Emily: Thank you. I guess I should go up and get changed.

Jack: I guess.

Malcolm: Well, then I guess you'd better take that to go.

Jack: Why?

Malcolm: You're not gonna let him see you in your dress.

Emily: Oh, it'll be fine. We're not superstitious, are we?

Jack: No reason to be, none at all.

Emily: (Sighs) (Chuckles) Mm.

Jill: We're all safe, so...

Chance: Masters.

Jill: Oh.

Masters: Hey, Chancellor, everything's fine, okay? Nothing much seems to have been taken.

Chance: Wait, someone broke into the house?

Jill: Yes, they cut the power lines. They cut the phone lines.

Chloe: Did you see them?

Kay: Well, we heard footsteps outside my bedroom, and he-- he ran off when he heard the police siren.

Chance: Wait, someone was outside of your door?

Kay: Yes.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Masters: Look, we searched the grounds, okay? We're combing through the neighborhood right now.

Chance: Okay, look, just fill me in on it if you find anything at all, okay? Thank you. Hey, listen to me.

Jill: (Sighs)

Chance: Did you hear anything? Did you hear a voice? Did he say something?

Jill: Well, that's how I knew something was wrong. I called out, and nobody answered. At first, I thought it was you up until then. (Sighs)

Chance: Okay. Okay. Look, I'm just glad you guys are safe. Listen, I'm gonna go upstairs and have a look around. I will be right back, okay?

Jill: Okay, all right.

Chloe: I'm just glad that you heard them and you called the police.

Kay: Oh, well, Darling, that was Jill. I was sound asleep.

Chloe: Well, thank God for you.

Kay: (Sighs) And had she gone home with Tucker as she had planned, I could be murdered in my bed.

Chloe: Oh, don't say that.

Jill: Oh, no, that's all right. She's just letting you know that this was my fault.

Kay: No, I did-- I didn't say that.

Jill: No, everything that goes wrong, you blame on me, whether I had anything to do with it or not.

Kay: Then why did you apologize, Jill?

Jill: To keep you from going into the hall and getting your fool head shot off, you batty old woman.

Kay: "Batty old woman"? At least I can remember whether we're mother and daughter. (Laughs)

Jill: (Sighs) Yeah, and you never let me forget that.

Kay: Oh, I-I-- I can't talk to her. I can't talk to her. I can't say anything to her.

Chloe: (Sighs) What? What is it?

Chance: He was in my room. He took my watch.

Chloe: Okay. Okay. Do you think this is the same guy that called you?

Chance: I-I don't know. I don't--Chloe, I don't know. (Sighs) If something had happened to either one of them--

Chloe: Or if Delia wasn't with Billy. Listen, you have to talk to someone.

Chance: (Sighs)

Chloe: You have to find someone who can help you with this, someone that you can trust. Hey, promise me.

Ashley: It felt great being able to tell him how I felt to his face.

Neil: Mm. He wasn't expecting it, that's for sure.

Ashley: But he still has all the power, though. I mean, he could sell the company to somebody else, or he could decide not to sell it at all.

Neil: Or by this time tomorrow, you may have your company back.

Ashley: (Sighs) Every minute that that gets closer to being a possibility, I realize how much I want it to happen. But I thought I had completely let go of that whole concept of having the company again. And Jack used to annoy me because he didn't seem like he could let go, you know? But now--

Neil: Wow, all those memories, you know? Working with your father.

Ashley: Yeah, I would love, love, love to be able to do that for my dad. And then finally, Jabot could be all to ourselves. I mean, that's just the way he always envisioned it.

Jeff: I'm wiring the money into your account. You'll have it within the hour.

Jack: Good. You won't regret it.

(Telephone rings, rings)

Tucker: This is Tucker.

Jack: Jack Abbott here.

Tucker: Hey, Jack. You know, I was just speaking with your sister. She seemed really confident about your bid.

Jack: You might want to start filling out the paperwork right now. No one--no one is going to top our offer, not even Newman. I assume you have their bid by now?

Tucker: Well, I haven't heard from him yet.

Jack: Well, I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow.

(Camera shutter clicks)

Malcolm: All right.

Emily: (Giggles)

Malcolm: There we go. Just like that. Don't move.

(Camera shutter clicks)

Malcolm: There it is.

Patty: You've ruined everything, Emily... everything. I hate you. I hate you! I hate you!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jill: You're dumping me?

Tucker: I'm not big on drama, Darlin'.

Patty: I'm Dr. Emily Peterson.

Adam: Will do.

Nick: Think you can pull it off?

Victor: I followed his progress for years.

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