Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/2/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 2/3/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9328 ~ Gloria Approaches Jack About a Partnership
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Phyllis: Just explain to me why a business major would be friends with a doctor in the medical school old enough to be his father.
Adam: No great mystery, Phyllis. Charles Taylor was an acquaintance. I met him through friends at the obstetrics program. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to check in with my wife.
Phyllis: Sure. I'll wait right here.
Adam: You are nails on a chalkboard personified.
Phyllis: That's me.
(Cell phone rings, ring)
Sharon: Hello?
Adam: Hey, it's me. Uh, you and Noah still at Trumble's?
Sharon: Well, yes. Noah left, but I-I ran into Nick here, and we're--we're just having coffee and talking. Um, how's Ashley? Adam, are you okay?
Ashley: I searched everywhere in Adam's room. Nothing.
Neil: Nothing, huh? Well, he could have thrown that purple cloth away.
Ashley: (Sighs) Look, why is he pretending it didn't happen? Why is he lying to me?
Neil: Because that's who he is. I know the two of you have been close. Now maybe he's a different person at home, but at work, lying is part of Adam's nature.
Adam: Ashley's fine. Yeah, there's nothing to worry about.
Sharon: Tell her Faith is being a very good baby.
Adam: Okay. I'll see you later. I am so sorry I cannot stay and chat.
Phyllis: You know what? Uh, tell me about this purple cloth that Ashley is trying to find. Why--why does she want to find it?
Adam: (Sighs) Oh, Phyllis. (Sighs) Fine. Want to have a drink? Let's go have a drink. I'm sure Nick and Sharon have a lot to catch up on.
Phyllis: Oh, uh, are they together?
Adam: At Trumble’s. Wait, he didn't tell you?
Nick: (Sighs) I wish it would have been that easy to put Noah to sleep.
Sharon: Our son liked the nightlife.
Nick: He did indeed. So you're not uncomfortable at all being around her?
Sharon: No. In fact, it's--it's comforting. Somehow I feel closer to our daughter. I can't really explain it.
Nick: Things would have been different if, uh...
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: Excuse me. Hello?
Victor: How'd your meeting go with Tucker?
Nick: Uh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you.
Victor: I'm at my office.
Nick: I'm on my way.
Sharon: You have to go?
Nick: Yeah, I have to get to the office.
Sharon: Okay.
Nick: It was nice seeing you, Sharon.
Sharon: He's going to see your daddy.
Adam: You upset?
Phyllis: Upset because Nick is with Sharon and his little sister? Don't be ridiculous.
Adam: Well, that's good. That's real good, 'cause you have nothing to worry about.
Phyllis: No, I have nothing to worry about. I am not threatened, but you on the other hand, Adam... I can't wait to see Sharon's face when she finds out who you really are.
Lauren: Who called? You seem upset.
Michael: The pet store.
Lauren: And?
Michael: (Sighs)
Lauren: Who bought the rat?
Michael: Teenage girl, long, dark hair, average height, with a major attitude.
Lauren: You're describing Eden.
Michael: Eden wouldn't--
Lauren: Who else would it be?
Jana: What exactly have you and Ryder been through together?
Daisy: (Chuckles) Nothing. He's a loser.
Jana: Why did he say that you abandoned him?
Daisy: (Scoffs) He caught Abby drinking. I convinced him not to go to her parents. He said--he said I owed him for keeping quiet, wanted me to find him a place to live. What a dirt bag, right?
Noah: Eden, hold on. I found Daisy's backpack. (Sighs heavily) Are you still there? No, there's nothing. It's just--it's-- everything's school stuff. (Sighs) Hold on. There's another pocket. I found something.
Gloria: (Sighs) Be an angel. Make me one of those special coffee drinks I love so much.
Kevin: I can't, Mom. I'm busy.
Gloria: Too busy for your mommy? Come on. We haven't caught up in ages.
Kevin: Yeah, I know. Things have been crazy at Chancellor, especially now that Tucker is selling Jabot.
Gloria: Tut, tut, tut, tut, tut, tut, tut. Selling it? To whom?
Kevin: I don't know. He's taking bids. He's gonna make a decision tomorrow.
Gloria: Hmm, Jack Abbott'd sell his first-born child to get his hands on that company.
Kevin: Well, he's gonna have to put in a bid, just like everybody else.
Gloria: Wouldn't that be something if I could trump Jack?
Kevin: With what? The minute you touch the money you've stashed away offshore, Jack is going to swoop down and take it.
Gloria: Aw, that damn face cream settlement.
Kevin: Besides, it's not enough money anyway.
Gloria: Jeffrey has money.
Kevin: You still would need a partner.
Gloria: And look who just walked in.
Kevin: Don't do it.
Gloria: No guts, no glory. I have a proposition that might be good for both of us.
Jack: You have nothing that I want, Gloria.
Gloria: Not even my help in getting your father's company back?
Jack: You're going to help me buy Jabot from Tucker McCall?
Gloria: Mm. I understand he's taking bids, and I'm willing to pool my money with yours.
Jack: Your money? I believe the judgment says that what's yours is mine. Time for you to pay up, Sweetheart.
Gloria: You'll never see a dime of that money, Jack, unless we use it to buy Jabot.
Jack: (Chuckles) You've got some chutzpah, Sweetheart. You're making a deal with me with my own money?
Jana: You will not believe what I just saw. Daisy and Ryder together.
Kevin: So?
Jana: So I think they've know each other much longer than we think.
Kevin: Jana, Ryder was working here. Daisy's always around. What's the big deal?
Jana: No, there's definitely something going on with the two of them. Ooh, red alert. Your mom's talking to Jack.
Kevin: Yeah, I know. And so far, neither of them have thrown a punch.
Jana: Well, what are they up to?
Kevin: Tucker McCall is selling Jabot. The vultures are circling.
Victor: So, Son, is all going according to plan?
Nick: Yeah. You think you're being too hard on Adam?
Victor: No, it had to be convincing.
Nick: Well, it certainly was that. And perfect timing, too. Did you happen to catch Tucker wandering in?
Victor: Did he buy it?
Nick: Looked like it to me.
Victor: Good. Tell me about your meeting with Tucker. How did he react to your offer?
Nick: He wants to buy Newman Cosmetics, merge it with Jabot.
Victor: Uh-huh. You turned him down.
Nick: Of course I did.
Victor: Uh-huh. Jabot is still in play?
Nick: He's takin' bids.
Victor: Uh-huh. Let's make him an offer.
Nick: One he can't refuse?
Phyllis: I couldn't help but overhear earlier, um, you're fighting with all of your friends. First Dr. Taylor. Now Ashley.
Adam: You never disagreed with a friend, Phyllis? I find that hard to believe.
Phyllis: Oh, my friends don't accuse me of trying to drive them crazy.
Adam: (Sighs) Phyllis, it was a figure of speech.
Phyllis: Well, I would just hate to see you ruin all your relationships. That's all. I care.
Adam: Mm, that is so very thoughtful of you.
Phyllis: Mm, yeah.
Adam: Phyllis, if you don't mind me saying-- don't take this the wrong way.
Phyllis: No, not at all.
Adam: You're a bit melodramatic.
Phyllis: Well... (Chuckles) I-I just know that, um, holding onto secrets can just tear you up inside.
Adam: (Sniffs) Well, I hope you have a nice-- nope, a wonderful evening. Give Nick a big, wet kiss for me, will ya?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Adam: I'm sure you'll take care of the tab.
Phyllis: Sure, I'll take care of it. Give Sharon a big, wet kiss for me.
Rafe: I cannot believe you were at their baby shower, too.
Brian: (Laughs)
Rafe: (Laughs)
Brian: He's not answering any more questions about that article.
Rafe: Uh, it's okay. She's not a reporter. She's a friend.
Brian: Oops. My bad. I'll be in self-help.
Sharon: (Chuckles) That's nice. You still consider me a friend?
Rafe: Well, why wouldn't I?
Sharon: I married Adam.
Rafe: We all make mistakes.
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Rafe: So, uh, how are you?
Sharon: Terrific.
Rafe: Good. Well, you know, I sincerely hope it stays that way. I hate to think that the plane crash after your wedding was an omen of some sort. Look, Sharon, I know this--this really isn't any of my business, but you can't trust this guy. He's a consummate game player. He'll--he'll do that "Lost boy" routine, make you feel like you gotta take care of him. When he screws up, he'll--he'll thank you for your patience, and then when you least expect it, he will drive a knife right through your heart.
Sharon: I'm really sorry that things went that way for you. But it's different for me.
Rafe: Well, maybe he's changed. I sincerely hope so, for your sake. Take care of yourself, all right?
Sharon: You, too.
Phyllis: Is this the Harvard alumni association? Oh, great, um, I am doing a story on, uh, one of your late members. Um, I'm with, um, the Genoa City "Chronicle." And his name is Dr. Charles Taylor. Right, I--oh, no, it was horrible what happened to him. Horrible. We're doing a tribute, and--and I need some information. I was wondering if I can have access to your archives, um, talk to one of your colleagues maybe. I-I'm gonna be in Boston tomorrow. 10:00 to 4:00. Great. See you then.
Gloria: In addition to my money, there's Jeffrey's money.
Jack: Does Jeffrey know you're speaking for him?
Gloria: I'll handle Jeffrey.
Jack: As you have in the past?
Gloria: If you want Jabot, you will need every penny you can lay your hands on. Tell me you're not a little bit intrigued.
Jack: I'm still sitting here, aren't I?
Gloria: Mm. I'll get us coffee. We'll discuss this further.
Jack: Make mine black, no sugar.
Gloria: Just like your heart.
Kevin: (Clears throat)
Gloria: I think he's taking a nibble at the bait. If this works, you get a big, fat finder's fee.
Kevin: Uh, how about a high-level position at Jabot?
Gloria: How about we discuss it?
(Rubs hands together)
Kevin: Sounds cool, huh?
Jana: No, not to me. You have a job. You have a good job.
Kevin: Yeah, but for how long?
Jana: (Sighs) Oh, God, your-- your mom is the queen of schemes, and they never turn out the way you hope they will. I'd hate to see you get sucked back into that all.
Lauren: (Sighs) When was the last time we had the place to ourselves?
Michael: Mm, a year and a half ago, before Eden moved in. I don't think Eden bought the rat. It's too neat and tidy.
Lauren: (Sighs) And this is your professional opinion?
Michael: Nothing is that simple, unless someone wants you to think it is.
Lauren: All right, you know what? Let--let's not talk about rats, okay? All right?
Michael: Fine.
Lauren: 'Cause what I want to talk to you about is Daisy.
Michael: All right.
Lauren: You were right. You were, about not letting her stay here. I, uh... I think it's time for me to stop bringing strays home.
Phyllis: Hey, thanks for meeting me.
Rafe: Hey, not a problem. We wanted to grab some take-out anyway.
Phyllis: All right, cool.
Brian: Gina's lasagna, right?
Rafe: Yeah. Works for me.
Phyllis: All right. O-oh, are you on a date? Am I interrupting that?
Rafe: It's fine.
Phyllis: Okay, good.
Rafe: So, uh... (Sighs) You wanted to talk to me about Adam.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, about Adam, and, um, his "Friend" Dr. Charles Taylor.
Rafe: Oh, right, Ashley's doctor, yeah.
Phyllis: Right. Right.
Rafe: Um, I used to see him at the ranch all the time. Seemed like a nice guy. I was very sorry to hear about his accident.
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. It was sad. It was sad. Um, do you know how Adam knew Dr. Taylor?
Rafe: Harvard? Uh, I'm not really sure.
Phyllis: But what I'm asking is do you know were they-- were they intimate?
Rafe: Oh.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Rafe: (Chuckles) No, no.
Phyllis: No?
Rafe: Uh, whatever psychosexual issues Adam has, I'm--I'm fairly certain Dr. Taylor was straight. You know, in fact, I'm not even really sure they liked each other.
Phyllis: Right. Really?
Rafe: Yeah.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Rafe: There was always this kind of--like a-- a weird vibe between them.
Phyllis: Right, right, right.
Rafe: No, it wasn't sex.
Phyllis: No.
Rafe: Um, something else.
Phyllis: Something else. Thank you. Thank you.
Neil: Well, my experience of Adam is limited to Newman Enterprises. He's smug, deceptive, dishonest...
Ashley: Wow.
Neil: Competitive. He will do anything to get his way.
Ashley: Sounds like Victor, all caught up in the corporate world.
Neil: Thanks. My question is, how do you differentiate the two? You know? I mean, you can't come home and change your personality like you do a change of clothes.
Ashley: I have to admit I'm seeing a side of Adam I've never seen before. What's so strange about it is that he was with me when I was going through this, Neil. He was with me every step of the way. He knows what I went through. For him to tell me it never happened, to try to make me doubt my sanity-- that sounds to me-- it sounds like he's a psychopath. Doesn't it?
Neil: Yeah, it sure does. Have I told you how beautiful you are today? Hmm?
Ashley: Thank you.
Neil: Ashley?
Ashley: Yeah?
Neil: Look at me. We're gonna get through this thing together, all right?
Ashley: Well, I know one thing. I'm gonna find that purple cloth if I've gotta tear apart this entire house.
Neil: Are you cool if I leave you alone for a little while?
Ashley: Yes, I'm fine.
Neil: Okay.
Ashley: In fact, I'm gonna go look in Adam's room again.
Neil: All right, I gotta go. I will call you later.
Ashley: Okay. Bye.
Neil: Bye.
Neil: (Clears throat) Hey, it's Neil. I need to see you. It's about Adam.
Jack: I don’t like you much.
Gloria: I don't like you either, Jack. But we both love Jabot. And neither one of us want to see your father's company end up in a stranger's hands.
Jack: You're the reason I'm in this situation. I suppose it seems only right that you would be part of the Abbott’s getting Jabot back.
Gloria: I've got lots of good ideas on how to revive her.
Jack: I'll bet you do. Listen, I'm gonna have to run this by the attorneys, okay?
Gloria: And I'll make sure that Jeffrey's on board. Partner.
Jack: I'll be in touch.
Gloria: (Sighs)
Kevin: Okay, not in my lifetime, I never thought I would see you and Jack Abbott shaking hands.
Gloria: Your husband is going to be a big mucky-muck at Jabot.
Kevin: (Chuckles)
Gloria: I just have to convince my husband to go along. Isn't this exciting?
Kevin: (Sighs) You don't seem happy.
Jana: Well, it's just you were finally making something of yourself, you know? On your own.
Kevin: Yeah, Baby, stuck in the I.T. department. Jabot isn't just gonna be a job. It could be a career. You know, I'll be able to take care of you and our kids. Well, you know, our future kids, all 14 of 'em. Huh? I could help Ryder out of his situation.
Jana: Oh, Ryder doesn't need your help. You know what? He's got a plan, and it involves Daisy.
Kevin: You are reading way too much into that one conversation.
Jana: You used to trust my intuition.
Kevin: Where are you going?
Jana: I'm gonna go find Ryder-- make him tell the bloody truth.
Noah: Jana, can I talk to you?
Jana: Oh, uh, later?
Noah: It's about Daisy.
Jana: Walk with me. Come on.
Neil: Mm, Ashley's very scared. She doesn't know why Adam is lying to her.
Phyllis: Well, he lies to everyone. What is going on with that purple cloth?
Neil: Yeah.
Phyllis: Did she find it?
Neil: The purple cloth. She's still looking.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. What is that about? Do you know?
Neil: Yeah, I do. Um, all right, listen, before Faith was born, Ashley thought she hit someone with Victor's car. The next day, Adam goes to check the car out, right? He finds a dent, but wait a minute, not only does he find a dent, he finds a bloody piece of purple cloth. He shows it to her and says that she hit Sabrina.
Phyllis: That's crazy.
Neil: Yeah, but you know what's crazier still? Now Adam's claiming the conversation never, ever took place.
Phyllis: Why-- why is he doing this? What does he have to gain?
Neil: Yeah, I wish I knew. And that's exactly what I want to find out.
Phyllis: You know, whatever is going on with him that Dr. Taylor, he knew. He knew about Adam's secrets.
Neil: Okay, hold on. Wait. Uh, um, Ashley's ob/gyn.
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. But he died before he was ever able to get--to--to tell anybody about Adam's secrets.
Neil: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Wait, do--so you think that Adam...
Phyllis: Had something to do with Dr. Taylor getting hit by the car?
Neil: Right.
Phyllis: Yeah, I-I do. I think it's possible. But I think it's a lot more possible than I did before.
Neil: (Sighs) You know as well as I do Ashley's been through total hell, right?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Neil: It's only been in the last few months that she's, you know, started to fee like her old self again.
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. You know, I-I think that if the two of us teamed up, we could find out what's going on with Adam and get him out of all of our lives for good. What do you think?
Neil: I think that's a great idea. Let's do it.
Adam: There you are.
Sharon: Are you okay?
Adam: (Sighs) Do you love me?
Sharon: Of course I do.
Adam: I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. You're so kind and so good, and I don't know what I would do without you.
Sharon: I'm not going anywhere.
Adam: I'm sorry that you saw me at my worst with Victor.
Sharon: You didn't deserve to be treated like that.
Adam: What'd Nick have to say?
Sharon: Are you upset that I was here with him?
Adam: No, I--
Sharon: Because you have nothing to worry about. You know what? (Sighs) You had a really rough day. Victor had no right to attack you like that or say the things that he said. I'm really sorry.
Adam: It's not your fault.
Victor: I'm very proud of you for putting this together.
Nick: Thanks. You know, Adam was there when I went to see Tucker.
Victor: Did he stay?
Nick: No.
Victor: How did he play it?
Nick: Letter-perfect. (Sighs) Arrogant and resentful, the way he always is with me.
Victor: It's a very elegant plan, you know, using our family weakness, the feud between you and Adam, and turning it into a strength.
Nick: Not to mention Adam's talent for deceit. We might as well use that to our advantage for a change.
Victor: Yeah, but I gotta be honest with you. If I were Tucker McCall, I would have been suspicious of Adam the moment he showed up at my door. But I guess after that rather acrimonious display in the dining room, he thinks otherwise.
Nick: Adam doesn't know this is my plan, right?
Victor: Mnh-mnh. He thinks it's mine.
Nick: It might not be such a bad thing if Adam never knows.
Victor: You don't want the credit?
Nick: (Sighs) I'm thinking for the future. If we ever do this again, we're gonna want Adam to trust us.
Victor: We'll play it your way from now on, Son. Any regrets?
Nick: Well, I don't like the way this is affecting my family.
Victor: (Sighs) Phyllis will understand eventually.
Nick: I hope so. We promised each other no more secrets, and I hate keeping things from her.
Victor: Mm.
Nick: It'll be a lot easier once she goes out of town.
Victor: Where is she off to?
Nick: Boston. They're meeting the doctor who treated summer in Switzerland there.
Victor: I promise you that I'll do everything in my power to regain your wife's trust.
Nick: Thanks, Dad. That means a lot.
Victor: Okay. Son, we're gonna do great things together, starting with Jabot.
Michael: How's your headache?
Lauren: Mm. You know what? It's better. Maybe it's the vitamin C I took.
Michael: Mm.
Lauren: Mm, that's good.
Michael: Shall we give, uh, Daisy the boot when she gets home?
Lauren: All right, you're sounding entirely too happy about that.
Michael: Look, I am just selfish enough to want to be able to spend time with my wife without worrying about who is going to walk in on us.
Lauren: Sounds good, doesn't it? Hmm? You know, for all the grief that I have given you for putting other people first, I never asked you if Amber could move in. And--and then when Amber left, there was Daisy. (Sighs)
Michael: You have a big heart.
Lauren: (Chuckles) Or maybe I'm just a big sucker for a sob story.
Michael: Shh.
Lauren: (Chuckles)
Michael: It's nice.
Lauren: Mm, yeah. Quiet.
Michael: I could get used to this.
Lauren: Oh, yeah. We're finding new accommodations for Daisy.
Michael: You mean it?
Lauren: Mm-hmm. The Baldwin boarding house is officially closed for business.
Michael: (Chuckles)
Lauren: (Chuckles)
Michael: (Off tune) Hallelujah
Lauren: Okay, don't sing. Don't sing. (Laughs) Don’t.
Michael: Ha-- kiss me.
Lauren: If it stops it.
Michael: Kiss me more.
Lauren: (Chuckles)
Neil: Bye, Sweetie.
Phyllis: What did Olivia say?
Neil: Well, first of all, she said hi.
Phyllis: Okay.
Neil: She said that Adam brought Dr. Taylor in after Olivia and Ashley had a-a falling out.
Phyllis: Over what?
Neil: Well, it seems that Olivia wanted Ashley to get psychiatric help. But Ashley didn't want to do that. She refused. Adam recommended Dr. Taylor, but he also promised Ashley that she wouldn't be institutionalized. Now Taylor was renowned in his field.
Phyllis: Right.
Neil: So Olivia naturally thought that Ashley was in excellent hands.
Phyllis: Right.
Neil: But she was concerned that the doctor wouldn't address Ashley's mental instability.
Phyllis: All right, so l-let's put this together.
Neil: Okay.
Phyllis: Um, Patty...
Neil: Uh-huh.
Phyllis: Is trying to drive Ashley nuts as revenge toward Victor, right?
Neil: Right.
Phyllis: But then Adam brings in a Harvard doctor to sort of o-oversee Ashley's situation, and... but--but why? Why--why-- but why does he do that? And all the while, he's-- he's juggling Rafe and Heather.
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: For what? What's going on with Adam? What is he trying to hide?
Neil: I don't know, Phyllis. Something must have happened between Adam and Ashley.
Phyllis: And Dr. Taylor knew what it was.
Adam: Abby wanted to stay at the club and work out.
Ashley: I know. She's home. We talked about it. She's upstairs watching TV.
Sharon: Faith took a bottle, and then she went right down.
Ashley: Thank you so much. I appreciate that.
Adam: It's been a long day.
Ashley: Don't you think we need to talk about the argument we had, Adam?
Sharon: What argument?
Adam: It was a misunderstanding.
Ashley: It was much more than that, and you know it. Either you lied to me the morning after I took Victor's car, or you're lying to me now. Which is it?
Phyllis: So, um, did Abby find Noah?
Nick: Yeah, he was with Sharon at Trumble’s. We had a cup of coffee together.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah?
Nick: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: That's nice. A weird day, don't you think? Your dad goin' off on Adam like that? Why'd he do that?
Nick: Who knows why Dad does anything? How was Ashley?
Phyllis: Oh, she was okay. Neil's with her. I left, you know? I didn't want to get involved, Baby. It's not my business.
Nick: That's a good idea.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Adam: I've never lied to you, Ashley.
Ashley: Well, then I must be insane. Because according to you, I'm remembering something that never happened.
Adam: I didn't say that. You found a blood-stained purple cloth, right?
Ashley: Yeah, the morning after I thought I hit Nikki. You brought it to me.
Adam: You're confused.
Ashley: Adam, you went out and checked the car for me. You brought back a piece of bloody purple cloth you told me you found on the bumper of the car. And then you tried to convince me that I killed Sabrina.
Sharon: Sabrina?
Adam: Yeah, do you hear what you're saying? Sabrina was dead at that point. Why would I do something like that?
Ashley: I don't know.
Adam: Well, remember when the blood-stained purple dress was found in the potting shed?
Ashley: That was weeks before, Adam.
Adam: That's what I'm saying.
Ashley: Oh, you're saying that I-I'm confusing the morning after I almost hit Nikki with the day that the purple dress was found?
Adam: What I'm saying is Patty had been terrorizing you up to that point in time.
Ashley: Uh-huh.
Adam: Okay?
Ashley: Right.
Adam: You thought it ended at that point until that morning. I clearly remember how upset that you were, all right? You were going on and on and on about how you killed Sabrina, and I was trying to tell you that you didn’t. I thought things were starting back up again. O-obviously now we know that it was Nikki that was in the road. I never said that you killed Nikki, Sabrina, anybody for that matter.
(Doorbell rings)
Sharon: Um, I'll-- I'll get it.
Adam: That was a rough time for you, Ashley. And, yes, we talked about a purple dress, but it had nothing to do with the night that you took out Victor's car, okay? You're just mixing things up in your mind.
Neil: Hey.
Ashley: Hi.
Neil: Hi.
Ashley: So Adam has an explanation for the piece of purple cloth. He says I'm confusing two different days.
Neil: Really? My man, you sure you're telling the truth?
Adam: Listen, it's a theory.
Neil: Yeah, so you say. I'm just hoping that we can get to the bottom of this quickly.
Adam: You know, I really don't appreciate being called a liar, Ashley. I am your biggest supporter. We have been there for each other through some rough, rough times. And now all of the sudden, out of nowhere, you're suspecting me of-- of--of this? Frankly, it's upsetting.
Ashley: I know it is. I think maybe you're right. Maybe-- maybe you should move out, Adam. I think what you and--and I need is some distance.
Jana: You broke into Michael and Lauren's apartment? That was not very smart.
Noah: I had to. Eden is being accused of stuff she didn't do.
Jana: (Sighs)
Noah: All right, look what I found in Daisy's backpack. Eden said you and Kevin found a picture of Ryder when he was a kid.
Jana: How did she know that?
Noah: She heard you talking. That's why she wanted me to show you this. Look at the back.
Jana: "Daisy and Max."
Noah: What do you think?
Jana: (Sighs) It's the proof I've been looking for.
Gloria: I got it. All right, now I'm gonna go meet Jeffrey, and tell him the good news.
Kevin: Well, I hope he takes it better than Jana.
Gloria: Yeah, well, she'll change her mind after you get your first paycheck, "Mr. V.P. of Creative Affairs," or whatever title we invent for you.
Kevin: You know, Jana doesn't care about paychecks.
Gloria: You're not backin' out on me, are you?
Kevin: Hell, no.
Jana: This is the other half of the photo we found in Ryder's things. It had his name on the back.
Noah: Well, then who's Max?
Jana: I don't know. But this proves that Ryder and Daisy have known each other since they were kids.
Daisy: We need to keep an eye on Jana Fisher. She's snooping around. I don't know, but she's suspicious. I'll tell him.
Michael: (Speaking indistinctly)
Daisy: How'd it go at the doc's?
Michael: Oh, they think that her headaches are involved with stress.
Daisy: Uh, can I do anything to help? More tea?
Lauren: Oh, I'm fine, thank you.
Daisy: Okay, well, if you need anything, you know where to find me. I have massive studying to do. Big test tomorrow.
Lauren: Okay.
Daisy: Good night, guys.
Lauren: Good night.
Michael: (Groans)
Lauren: All right. All right. I'll talk to her tomorrow. Come on. I'm so enjoying being right here.
Michael: Hmm.
Phyllis: I have to make a phone call.
Nick: Now?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Nick: Like right now?
Phyllis: Yeah. I have to talk to Dr. Gallatin and tell him that, uh, Summer and I are gonna meet him. But I'll be upstairs right afterward.
Nick: All right. Hurry.
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Hey, Dr. Gallatin. It's Phyllis Newman. Great. How are you doing? Oh, terrific. Yeah, tha--right. That's why I'm calling. Um, I wanted to know if--if we could make Summer's appointment a little earlier. I have an errand to run a-after-- after Summer's check-up. Yeah. Oh, great. Yeah, I'm looking up an old friend at Harvard.
Adam: Ashley, if you want us to move out, we'll go. I just don't want this to drive a wedge between us. I don't want to lose our friendship.
Sharon: Okay, you know what? Why don't we just put this on hold for the night? You know, it's been a rough day for everyone. We'll talk when everyone isn't so tense and exhausted.
Ashley: That's fine.
Sharon: So why don't you and I go out, and we'll just give Ashley some space?
Adam: Okay. I could do with a drink anywhere but the club.
Sharon: We'll talk tomorrow.
Neil: You think Adam could be right? Are you confusing one day with another?
Ashley: (Whispers) I remember exactly. He's lying.
Neil: (Quietly) Yeah? Okay. So here's what we do. We let him think he's dodged a bullet.
Ashley: But how am I gonna prove that I'm right?
Neil: Don't you worry about that. I am working on it.
Ashley: You are? What are you--what?
Neil: Come on. Let me tell you. Come on.
Adam: I don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you for being patient with me.
[Sharon remembering]
Rafe: He's a consummate game player. He'll--he'll do that "Lost boy" routine, make you feel like you gotta take care of him. When he screws up, he'll--he'll thank you for your patience, and then when you least expect it, he will drive a knife right through your heart.
Adam: Sharon? Where'd you go just now?
Sharon: I'm just chilly. Let's get out of here. Let's go catch a movie. I could use a distraction.
Adam: (Sighs)
Victor: I have a plan for the Jabot bid tomorrow. I'll be in touch, all right?
Jack: I may have found the funds I'll need for our bid. Enough to make it happen. I'll call you tomorrow. Thanks. Uh, my regular-- a double.
Victor: You look happy, Jack.
Jack: Well, it isn't every day I get to watch you beat up on Adam, make a display of yourself in public. It was a good day. Tomorrow will be even better.
Victor: You bet. It will all be very interesting.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jill: Maybe I'm trying to use my influence with Tucker to save Jabot.
Kay: You're trying to take over.
Patty: Bet you had it all figured out, didn't you, Emily? You could seduce Jack and marry him.
Chloe: (Laughs)
(Loud bang)
Chance: Get down!
Chloe: Aah!
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