Y&R Transcript Monday 2/1/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 2/2/10 -- USA
Episode # 9327 ~ Ashley Confronts Adam With a Clue
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Nick: All right, I'm gonna run Mr. Ears to the club so Summer will have him and Mom and Dad won't be up half the night.
Phyllis: All right. This was, uh, Dr. Gallatin who just called. He's gonna be in the states. He wants to check on Summer.
Nick: That sounds great.
Phyllis: Yeah. Um, he's gonna be in Boston.
Nick: (Scoffs) Well, I got too much going on at Newman right now. I just can't leave. But you and Summer should definitely go.
Phyllis: Okay. I'll check the flights.
Nick: You know, Noah's gonna be leaving for Paris soon. Maybe I can take all three of you to the airport.
Phyllis: Oh, sweet. He misses Eden?
Nick: Yeah. Sharon convinced me that he needs a break from the family drama.
Phyllis: Oh, great. You spoke to Sharon?
(Computer alert chimes)
Nick: Yeah, earlier.
Phyllis: Did she happen to tell you that she went off on me?
Nick: (Inhales sharply) No. Do I...
Phyllis: Hmm.
Nick: Even want to know about that?
Phyllis: Well, I was just, you know, saying how it was weird that Victor was going on and on about, uh, Adam and kind of socking it him, and, um, I-I suggested that Adam had it coming, and she didn't want to hear it.
Nick: Okay. Well, you, beautiful...
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Nick: Promised me that you were gonna stop focusing on Adam and Sharon and start concentrating on us.
Phyllis: I'm--I'm not focusing on Adam and Sharon, and I'm always concentrating on us. But let me tell you something-- I-I saw a man get hit by a car, and I saw him dying, Nick. And I just-- I know Adam has something to do with it. It--it just is-- it's all so weird. And I know that there's somebody out there-- I mean, there has to be somebody out there-- that knows what was going on between Dr. Taylor and Adam. I'm gonna find out.
Nick: Okay. Okay.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: Until you do, or until you have some facts to back this up, I really think you should let this go.
Phyllis: (Inhales sharply)
(Knock on door)
Nick: Just--yeah.
Phyllis: Oh.
Nick: Yeah, gonna stop right there.
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Nick: Hi.
Abby: Hi. Um, I'm so sorry to bother you guys, but--
Nick: No, you're not bothering us. What's up?
Abby: My mom is totally freaking out.
[Adam remembering]
Adam: I went back to Victor's car and I checked around where the dent was and--and--and underneath the bumper, I-I found-- I found this sticking out. It--it feels like a-a piece of clothing.
Ashley: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, there's blood on it!
Adam: Oh, jeez.
Ashley: Oh, my God. Does that mean that I hit somebody? Adam, I mean, could it have been her?
Adam: Well, you--you--you said you saw Sabrina’s face before you--you--you hit her.
Ashley: (Sighs) I have to go tell somebody about this, Adam.
Adam: No, say nothing. Do you understand that if you tell anyone what you saw, they will throw you in jail for suspicion of vehicular manslaughter? Do not say anything. You want to have your baby in prison?
Ashley: My God, of course not.
Adam: Listen, we're just--we're just gonna keep this between us, okay? And--and--and I'll-- I'll protect you. Do not worry. I'm the only one who can protect you now.
Sharon: Hey, what's, um, what's going on in here?
Ashley: Hi. I'm looking for something.
Sharon: What is it?
Ashley: Oh, it's a, uh, it's a little piece of, uh, purple cloth.
Sharon: Oh, am I supposed to know what that is?
Ashley: No. It's from a-a-a-a car accident.
Sharon: What car accident?
Ashley: (Sighs)
Sharon: Well, if you tell me a little more about it, maybe I can help you.
Ashley: I appreciate that. I think I've got it covered, though. Thanks, Sharon.
Faith: (Crying)
Ashley: Oh, Honey. No, Baby. I know. I know. She's been fussy all day.
Sharon: Oh.
Ashley: She's probably picking up on my anxiety. Honey. You know what you could do for me, Sharon? Do you think maybe you could take her out for a little bit? I think a drive might help her sleep.
Sharon: Oh--
Ashley: Just until I find what I'm looking for.
Sharon: Yeah. That always worked on Noah.
Ashley: (Sighs)
Sharon: You know, in fact, I was just on my way to see him and Adam.
Ashley: Oh, well, never mind. Thanks, anyway.
Sharon: No, no. It'll be okay.
Ashley: Are you sure?
Sharon: I'm sure they won't mind if Faith joins us. Just call me whenever you want me to bring her back.
Ashley: Okay. Bye, Baby. Have fun, okay? Thank you so much.
Sharon: Sure. Ready to go for a ride?
(Door opens)
Lauren: (Sighs) Oh.
Michael: You're home early.
Lauren: I shouldn't be. There's so much to do at the boutique.
Daisy: She had another migraine and felt light-headed.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Daisy: I insisted on bringing her home.
Michael: Thank you.
Lauren: (Sighs) Where's Fen?
Michael: Petey's mom took them to a movie, remember?
Lauren: That's right. (Groans)
Michael: All right, there's got to be something we can do about these headaches.
Lauren: (Sighs) You know what? You know what? I-I'm sure it's--it's a bug. I'm sure.
Michael: Yeah, you've been saying that for two weeks. Here, sit down.
Daisy: I'll make you some herb tea.
Lauren: Okay.
Michael: Come on. Mm.
Lauren: (Sighs) What's that doing out?
Michael: Oh. Uh... talk about that later.
Lauren: No, I-I want to talk about it now.
Michael: I called Eden.
Lauren: And did you tell her that I found the binder and that I found the receipt to the pet store in her things? Did you tell her that?
Michael: She swears she's innocent.
Lauren: (Sighs) Of course.
Michael: She thinks she's being set up.
Lauren: By whom?
Michael: Daisy.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Kevin: (Sighs) Hey, Babe.
Jana: Hey.
Kevin: Had I known that I was gonna be working at Chancellor for somebody who wasn't Mrs. C., I would have just stayed here and kept brewing coffee.
Jana: Okay, sit. I'm gonna make you a cup of tea.
Kevin: No, no, no, no, no. I don't want any tea.
Jana: No? (Clicks tongue)
Kevin: I just want to lock up, go home to our nice warm bed and pretend that I don't have to be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow. What?
Jana: Oh... (Clicks tongue) You know, it's just when you say... "Nice warm bed"...
Kevin: Yeah?
Jana: Well, uh... I ran into Ryder earlier.
Kevin: How's he doing?
Jana: Uh... he was eating out of the rubbish bin.
Kevin: What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Jana: Well, you've been working.
Kevin: Well, you should have called me.
Jana: Where are you going?
Kevin: I'm going to find my brother. Where do you think?
Noah: Mom's not here yet?
Adam: (Sighs) Oh, any minute now.
Noah: (Sighs) So... how you doing?
Adam: You mean, after my dad knocked me down in front of a roomful of people?
Noah: It seems like every time this family is together lately, there's a scene.
Adam: Mm. Tell me about it.
Sharon: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.
Adam: Hey. What are you doing with Faith?
Sharon: Well, Ashley was upset about something, so she asked me to take Faith out for a little while.
Noah: (Scoffs) Did she and Abby have another fight?
Sharon: She didn't mention Abby, just that she was looking for some piece of purple cloth from a car accident.
Adam: Is that all she said?
Sharon: Yeah.
Adam: (Sighs)
Sharon: Where are you going?
Adam: Uh, I-I know how Ashley gets when she loses something, so I'll go help her out.
Sharon: Oh, well, I should have called you. You've been with her through everything.
Adam: Hey, can you, uh, pick me up in front of, uh, Trumble's? I need to head back to the ranch. Thanks. (Flips phone closed) Sorry to rush off, guys.
Sharon: We'll be fine.
Adam: (Clears throat) Yeah, I'll call you later.
Sharon: Okay.
Adam: My God, Ashley, what are you doing?
Noah: Seriously, Dad said I can go to Paris?
Sharon: He understands what a rough time you've been having.
Noah: (Gasps) Oh! Eden is gonna be so psyched!
Sharon: Okay, now listen, Honey, I know that you're excited to see Eden, but you're not just going there to be with her. Your dad and I expect you to keep your grades up.
Noah: Oh, I-I will. I will. And, uh, oh, man. I-I wish--I wish I could go now. (Sighs)
Sharon: Believe me, with all the animosity between Adam and Victor, I wish I were the one going out of the country.
(Cell phone rings)
Noah: It's Eden.
Sharon: (Whispers) Yay.
Noah: Hey, uh, yeah, I just got the go-ahead from my dad. I can go to-- whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Michael said what? He accused you of what?
Lauren: You know, it's not like we even knew Eden when we took her in. I mean, she was sullen and--and she barely spoke, and she resented being here. And Daisy--I mean, she's been so sweet and--and accommodating.
Michael: All right, first off, Daisy is your employee. And what child wouldn't be bitter after everything Eden went through? And eventually, she did come around.
Lauren: Or so it seems.
Michael: (Whispering) What are you saying?
Lauren: (Whispering) I am saying that she was brought up in a cult, Michael. Who knows how her mind was manipulated.
Michael: All right, how did we get from a couple of hippies doing yoga on an ashram to an evil mind-bending cult?
Lauren: (Normal voice) Oh, my God. (Inhales sharply) Oh!
Michael: (Normal voice) All right. All right, that's it. You're going to a doctor.
Lauren: Oh! I can't hear any of this.
Daisy: What's going on?
Michael: Come on. We're going to a doctor. We're going to find out what's causing these headaches. But don't leave. I need to talk to you. Come on.
Daisy: Sure. I-I hope Lauren's okay.
Michael: Yeah, thank you. Come on.
Lauren: Oh.
Abby: I tried to help, but my mom was so frustrated, and it scared me, especially after last summer.
Phyllis: Wow, was it that bad?
Abby: No, but this is how it all started. At first, she was really annoyed and frustrated with everything. And then she started locking herself in the bedroom, and my dad had to kick down the doors. And then there's creepy Adam lurking around and... (Sniffles) Trying to act all concerned and protective.
Phyllis: But you don't think that was the case?
Abby: I guess it could have been. He was the only one who could talk her down, but the guy still weirded me out.
Phyllis: Wow.
Abby: (Sighs)
Phyllis: I think she needs some tissue. She needs some tissue.
Nick: Okay. I will go upstairs and get some, but I will be right back.
Phyllis: Okay. Thanks, Baby.
Phyllis: When you-- when you said that Adam was the only one who could talk your mom down, do you think that's because he was the only one, you know, who knew what was happening to her, that he had something to do with it? Is that what it is? I mean, is Adam the reason that she's so determined to find the purple cloth?
Adam: Ashley?
Ashley: Where is it?
Adam: Where's what?
Ashley: The piece of purple cloth you said you took off of Victor's bumper the morning after I thought I hit Sabrina.
Adam: First of all, you need to calm down.
Ashley: You tried to make me think that I hurt somebody and that I even killed somebody when I didn’t. I was eight months pregnant, Adam.
Adam: What are you talking about?
Ashley: I was half out of my mind because of the things Patty Williams was doing to me, and you were trying to make me think that I was a murderer. Why would you do that?
Adam: It didn't happen that way at all.
Ryder: Think you could spare some change? Lady, I haven't had anything to eat all day. Just--just a cup of coffee, some-- hey, can you spare--
Kevin: I don't believe this.
Ryder: Jana wasn't supposed to have told you.
Kevin: Why do you lie to me about staying in a motel?
Ryder: I knew you'd feel responsible. Look, I've messed up your life enough.
Kevin: Well, I'm not gonna let you just stay out here and freeze to death. What can I do to help you?
Ryder: Let me crash on your sofa again. You know what? (Sighs) Forget it.
Kevin: Wait, R-Ryder, uh, look, just... (Sighs) At least let me know where I can find you.
Ryder: I don't have a lot of options. If I'm not at the shelter, I guess I'll be here.
Kevin: (Scoffs)
Noah: Yeah, I-I know where they hide the spare key. I'll get it and see what I can find. Don't worry. We will figure it out. I'll call you when I'm at Michael’s. I can't wait either. (Sighs)
Sharon: You asleep now? Well, I guess you just needed some fresh air.
Noah: (Sighs)
Sharon: How's Eden?
Noah: Not good. (Sighs)
Sharon: Wait, don't tell me now that you're going, she's ready to come back?
Noah: Not even. But being that far away still hasn't stopped someone from trying to wreck her life.
Sharon: What happened?
Noah: Someone is trying to make Eden look like she did something she didn't do.
Sharon: Oh.
Noah: Mom, we know it's not you.
Sharon: Well, I-I just--I did that to Eden before, and I feel really bad about it.
Noah: (Sighs) No, you didn't know what you were doing. This is someone intentionally trying to make her look like she's a psycho.
Sharon: Well, is there anything I can do to help?
Noah: (Sighs) No, if anyone's gonna clear Eden's name, it's gonna have to be me.
Sharon: Honey, I know you love Eden, but please don't do anything that's gonna get you into trouble. Promise me.
Noah: Mom, don't worry. I know what I'm doing.
Abby: I don't know what Mom's meltdown was about. Uncle Jack said that that wacko Patty Williams was locked up into a mental hospital.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, that's where she's gonna stay, if I have anything to do with it.
Abby: So if the purple cloth isn't connected to her, then why did it make my mom so tense?
Phyllis: Well, listen. Oh. Hey.
Nick: I'm sorry it took so long.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: It was in the top of the closet.
Abby: I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to put all this on you guys. Uh, I really just came here looking for Noah. (Sniffles)
Nick: Well, I'm pretty sure he was headed to Trumble's, so I can give you a ride.
Abby: You really don't have to. It's okay.
Nick: It's all right. I got to take Mr. Ears to the club anyway.
Phyllis: You know, Baby, while don't you do that, uh, I'm gonna check on Ashley, get her maybe to tell me what's really going on.
Nick: Huh. I bet you are.
Adam: I never said you killed Nikki or Sabrina. Why would I lie about something like that?
Ashley: I don't know... just like I don't know why you're lying to me now.
Adam: Maybe you're remembering a bad dream?
Ashley: No, I know... what you told me. And I believed you... until Nikki explained what really happened.
Adam: You spoke to Nikki?
Ashley: Yes, I did, right after Faith was born, and she remembered that night-- how a car--Victor's car-- almost hit her, but at the last minute, it swerved and missed her. So I'm gonna ask you again. Adam... why would you show me a piece of bloody cloth that belonged to a woman I never hit? What did you stand to gain by doing that?
Adam: It never happened.
Ashley: You're a liar! You're a liar, Adam! Why are you trying to make me think that I'm insane?
Lauren: I'm feeling better.
Michael: Really?
Lauren: Yeah. I mean, maybe it was just the fresh air on the ride over. I... (Scoffs) You know, this is all stress-related, I'm sure. So...
Michael: (Sighs) Well, it could be something worse.
Lauren: Like what?
Michael: Well, reading all those articles about your history with Sheila, and remember how she-- how she tried to poison you with that necklace. I can't help thinking that there's some kind of connection.
Lauren: You don't think that sh-- she could--
Michael: Hmm? No. No. That's impossible.
Lauren: (Sighs) I'm scared, Michael.
Michael: No, no, no. No, no. Sheila is dead.
Lauren: That's not what I'm afraid of.
Michael: If I have to fly in every specialist in the world to find out what's causing these headaches, I will.
Lauren: And when did you become Victor Newman, huh?
Michael: Oh, I'm better than Victor Newman. I am the man who loves you. Hey, we'll figure this out. There's nothing to worry about.
Lauren: (Sniffles)
Noah: (Sighs) Oh, hey, Abby, what's up?
Abby: My mom, what else?
Noah: Well, let's go over there. You can tell me what happened.
Abby: Okay.
Noah: Hey, Dad, Mom told me you gave the okay on Paris. Thanks.
Nick: You're welcome. Use the time well, Son.
Noah: You got it. Let's go.
Nick: Sorry to interrupt your talk with Noah, but Abby was pretty upset.
Sharon: Oh, I can imagine. I saw Ashley earlier. She wanted me to take Faith out for a while until things calmed down.
Nick: Yeah, it's something about a purple cloth?
Sharon: I couldn't understand it either.
Nick: Okay. Well, uh... (Sighs) I should get going.
Sharon: Oh, wait. Um, I don't know if she told you, but Phyllis and I got a-- into a--
Nick: Yeah, you got into a little fight. She told me. I told her to back off.
Sharon: Oh, you did? I'm surprised. Just given the way that you feel about Adam, I would have thought that you... so... what brought on this sudden change of heart?
Nick: There's been enough fighting. It's time that it stops.
Phyllis: I'm sorry for interrupting, but the door was open.
Adam: Hmm. I'll bet.
Phyllis: Abby showed up at our house earlier.
Ashley: Oh.
Phyllis: She was pretty worried about you.
Ashley: Oh, I'm sorry. She--I wasn't in a good place when she left.
Phyllis: Can I help you?
Ashley: Where is she now? I'm okay. Thank you.
Phyllis: She-- she's with Nick. He took her to see Noah. She was doing better when--
Ashley: Okay. I appreciate you letting me know.
Phyllis: Yeah, sure. No problem. It looks like a cyclone hit in here.
Ashley: I know. Um, I was looking for something.
Phyllis: A piece of purple cloth? Abby told us.
(Doorbell rings)
Ashley: Who could that be?
Adam: Nice of you to stop by. I didn't know you and Ashley were friends.
Phyllis: Yeah, we are friends. We're practically family. We're neighbors.
Neil: Hi.
Phyllis: Hey, Neil.
Neil: Hi, Phyllis, uh, Adam. What--what happened here?
Adam: Uh, we lost something, but Ashley and I have it covered now, don't we?
Ashley: I'd like you to leave, Adam, right now.
Jana: (Sighs) I have been everywhere looking for Ryder.
Kevin: I found him outside Trumble’s begging for change.
Jana: My God. I'm so sorry, Kevin.
Kevin: Oh, it's not your fault. I'm the one who kicked out my own brother.
Jana: (Sighs) Well, he gave you no choice.
Kevin: Well, if I had known he was gonna end up on the street, I would--
Jana: What? What would you do, hmm? He--you just would have let him keep lying to you? For all you know, he's lying to you now. My God, I never know what to believe and what not to believe when it comes to this guy.
Kevin: Well, I feel the same way, okay? But there is no way he knew I was gonna be on that street corner tonight. God knows how long he's been outside in the freezing cold. (Sighs)
Jana: I'm sorry. I wish I would have told you sooner.
Kevin: So do I.
(Telephone rings)
Daisy: (Sighs) Baldwin residence.
Ryder: I only have a minute before my quarter runs out.
Daisy: I told you not to call me here.
Ryder: I need to see you. I'm down by Trumble’s.
Daisy: Not now.
Ryder: Look, either you come to me or I come to you, and I know you don't want that.
Adam: If we could just talk in private.
Ashley: Neil and I have business to discuss.
Adam: Okay. I'll go get my driver, and I'll go look for Abby.
Ashley: That's not necessary.
Adam: Ashley, I'm on your side. Don't forget that.
Phyllis: Hey, um, I saw Malcolm earlier. It's nice to have him back in town.
Neil: Yeah, Phyllis...
Phyllis: Yeah.
Neil: It--it--it is.
Phyllis: Hey, Ashley, call me if you need anything.
Ashley: Thanks.
Ashley: (Sighs) Hi, Sharon, it's me. Is the baby okay? Oh, good. You got her calmed down? Uh, no, I haven't found it, but I will. Um... I just have some business to attend to. Can I call you in a little bit? Okay, thanks.
Ashley: Faith's fine.
Neil: But you're not, are you?
Noah: (Sighs) We're gonna head to the club to see if we can find Grandpa.
Abby: Yeah, I just want to talk to him.
Nick: Well, in that case, would you mind dropping off Mr. Ears to Summer? She's staying the night with Dad and Mom there.
Noah: No problem.
Nick: Cool. You need a key?
Noah: I got one.
Abby: Thanks again for everything.
Nick: Abby, anytime.
Noah: Thank you for convincing Dad about Paris. Sweet dreams, little girl.
Abby: Bye, Faithy.
Noah: (Laughs) Let's go.
Abby: (Laughs)
Sharon: You're a good big brother.
Nick: All right. You hear that, little one?
Sharon: Oh!
Nick: I'm looking out for you, too. (Laughs)
Sharon: Did you-- did you see that face?
Nick: Yeah. Noah used to make that face all the time. (Chuckles)
Sharon: She reminds me so much of him.
Nick: That's the Newman genes in her.
Sharon: It's got to be.
Nick: Yeah.
Sharon: Oh. Do you remember this?
Nick: Are you kidding me? I read this to Noah, like, a million times. Knocked him right out.
Sharon: What?
Nick: (Sighs) I don't know. I mean, is this all real?
Sharon: What?
Nick: You... married to Adam, living at the ranch. That's what you want? I mean, you're happy?
Michael: That was furry friends pet store. The man who was working the night the rat was sold is on a break, but he will call me back.
Lauren: Do you really think that he's gonna remember who bought it after all this time?
Michael: I hope so. It'd be nice to have one mystery solved.
Lauren: Won't explain the headaches. (Sighs)
Michael: Well, I don't mean to keep bringing this up... but I'm still thinking that it might have something to do with the anniversary of that kidnapping all those years ago. I mean, not that there's somebody torturing you like before, but maybe it's post-traumatic stress.
Lauren: After all this time?
Michael: What Sheila put you through was horrific. Those kind of things stay with you.
Lauren: Yes, it does.
Michael: I just wish I could take you away from any reminders of it.
Lauren: No, Michael. I-I mean, I-I can't leave the store.
Michael: Well, if you don't get rid of these headaches, you're not gonna be able to work anyway.
Lauren: (Sighs) You know what? I think it would stress me out even more not to be--
Michael: All right, fine. Then I'm gonna insist that you start taking breaks, if I have to put you in the bubble bath myself.
Lauren: (Chuckles) I'm gonna hold you to that.
Michael: Hey.
Michael: Mm! Look... don't worry. We're gonna get through this. As long as we're together, we always do.
Lauren: (Sighs) That's true.
Michael: (Laughs)
Noah: Well, what did Daisy say?
Abby: She said it's not a good time. M-Michael and Lauren are at some appointment, and she's out running errands.
Noah: Oh, that's too bad. I was really hoping to get some of Eden's stuff.
Abby: Well, I-it's not like you leave for Paris tonight.
Noah: You're right.
Abby: Um, since my dad's not here, I'm gonna go to the treadmill and work off some of this frustration. You want to come with?
Noah: I wish I could, but I-I need to download some of the work I missed from that school in Paris before I do go.
Abby: I'm really gonna miss you.
Noah: I will make sure you are sick of me before I do go.
Abby: Seriously, you're my best friend.
Noah: I love you, too.
Abby: (Laughs)
Adam: Abby, hey. I-I've been, uh, actually looking over--all over the place for you.
Abby: Uh, why? Is it my mom? Is she okay?
Adam: No, no. She's fine. She's fine. It's okay. I-I just think she would benefit from seeing you. My car is outside. The driver's there waiting.
Abby: Oh. Um, well, I'm glad to hear that she's okay, but I'm actually gonna go work out.
Adam: (Sighs)
Adam: (Sighs)
Phyllis: What a coincidence.
Adam: Is it?
Phyllis: I would love to buy you a drink, Adam.
Sharon: Whenever anyone talks about Adam, it just makes me think about what a wonderful man he is and how he treats me like an equal. And I'm--I'm living in a house that feels like home to me. Plus, I get to take care of this little one. It feels pretty perfect.
Nick: You know, we used to think what we had was pretty perfect.
Sharon: Yeah, we did back then, and it was.
Faith: (Coos)
Sharon: But I think that you and I both had different ideas of what perfect meant back then. I'm just grateful that you and I are both happy in our separate lives now.
Nick: Then you are happy?
Sharon: I am.
Nick: I'm not sure I'll ever understand how you get that from Adam, but I guess I can see it being around this one.
Sharon: Yeah.
Nick: Oh. Come here, pretty girl. How's my pretty girl? Yes. Well, hello. (Whispering indistinctly) (Makes kissing noise) Yeah.
Ashley: It just all seems like a horrible nightmare. (Sighs) I mean, the things that... (Sighs) The torture that Patty Williams put me through to make me think that Sabrina was alive was just beyond cruel.
Neil: Well, why did she do that?
Ashley: Revenge, I guess. I mean, Victor had brought her here to town and then turned his back on her and then offered a reward for her capture. When she was running around on the loose, I was just seeing Sabrina everywhere.
Neil: I am so sorry.
Ashley: See, I-I thought I saw her that night in the road. I thought I hit her. And when I got back, I just--I woke up the next day and convinced myself it was a bad dream until Adam showed me that piece of purple cloth.
Neil: Okay. So you--you say that you-- he found the cloth on the car bumper.
Ashley: That's what he said. And it was bloody. It was a bloody piece of cloth.
Neil: Right.
Ashley: That's why I believed him.
Neil: Okay, even though you knew it couldn't have been Sabrina.
Ashley: And to make it even stranger and more confusing, Nikki had been here that night. She was at the ranch.
Neil: And--and--
Ashley: You see? And then she suddenly disappeared.
Neil: So you--you thought that you hit--
Ashley: I thought I hit her. I know. I thought maybe I-I had even killed her. And then she came back into town and assured me that even though a car had come close to hitting her, it had missed her. It--it--it hadn't happened.
Neil: Right. And what--and the purple cloth-- where--where did it come from?
Ashley: That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out. And now Adam is trying to pretend that the conversation I had with him, that it never took place, Neil. And he's suggesting that--that... maybe I'm... (Sighs) Maybe I was hallucinating.
Neil: Wow.
Ashley: I mean, you've been spending a lot of time with me lately. Don't I seem like I'm... steady and stable to you? Because I feel like I am. Do you think maybe I'm starting to remember what really happened?
Kevin: Yeah, uh, yeah, hi. Uh, your ad says that you have a room for rent. I would--well, I-I don't-- I don't need to see it. I'll--I'll take it. And I want to pay the first three months in advance. Uh, no, its not-- it's not for me. It's for my brother.
Doctor: Well, the tests show that there's nothing physically wrong.
Michael: Well, how do you explain the headaches?
Doctor: Well, severe stress can manifest itself into physical ailments. Have you been under any added pressure?
Lauren: Well, you know, things have been a little tense.
Doctor: I'll prescribe an analgesic for those headaches and a mild sedative to calm those nerves.
Lauren: Oh, skip the sedative. I-I just--I-I don't like the way they make me feel.
Michael: Thank you.
Lauren: Thanks. You know what? I'm gonna just freshen up, okay?
Michael: Okay.
Lauren: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: (Sighs) Michael Baldwin. Hello. Oh. So you're the man who sold the rat? Oh. So, uh, do you remember-- oh. So it was a girl. Can you describe-- oh. 16, 17, average height, long dark hair. Well, major attitude, too. Well, you certainly have some memory. No. Thanks. That's enough. Yes. Thank you.
Lauren: Michael? What's wrong?
Michael: (Sighs)
Daisy: Are you trying to stress me out more than I already am?
Ryder: Oh, I'm sorry. At least you have, like, a-a fancy condo and a ready-made family. I'm out here freezing my ass off begging for quarters from strangers.
Daisy: All you have to do is eat bread and sleep on a cot.
Ryder: (Scoffs)
Daisy: I am putting on dark wigs, sneaking around on rooftops, setting it up for annoying bitches to go live with long-lost relatives across the ocean. You know what? Go back to your panhandling and be grateful you're not me.
Ryder: After everything we've been through, how could you just abandon me? (Scoffs)
Jana: Hi there. What exactly have you and Ryder been through together?
Noah: Hello? Michael, Lauren, Daisy, is anybody home? Coast seems clear. Now let's see what Daisy's hiding.
Neil: (Sighs) Ashley, I want you to know that I do believe you completely.
Ashley: Thank you.
Ashley: (Sighs) Thank you.
Neil: Now, hey... (Clears throat) First things first, okay?
Ashley: Mm-hmm.
Neil: We're gonna go in that room over there, and we're gonna clean up this entire mess.
Ashley: Yeah, I think I made a pretty big one.
Neil: And then we are going to figure out what's really going on.
Ashley: Okay.
Sharon: Look, the moon. "At last, the mama and the papa sheep found their little lost lamb. And they were a family again."
Sharon and Nick: "All was finally right with the world. And they lived happily ever after."
Nick: Yeah.
Faith: (Coos)
Adam: I don't have time for a drink, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Mm. I'm sure it made you rattled seeing Ashley so upset, didn't it? Especially since what you've been through together. You had her all to yourself last summer, didn't you, you and your pal-- you and your pal Dr. Taylor.
Adam: (Inhales sharply) I'm not gonna do this.
Phyllis: You--you-- you knew him when, uh, you were a business grad at Harvard.
Adam: Yeah. You already knew that, though, right?
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. And he was a professor of obstetrics.
Adam: You know, you just let me by--
Phyllis: But this-- this is what I'm wondering, Adam. I just can't stop thinking about this. Why--why would a Harvard business grad be hanging out with an ob/Gyn twice his age?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victor: Tell me about your meeting with Tucker. How did he react to your offer?
Nick: He wants to buy Newman Cosmetics, merge it with Jabot.
Ashley: Either you lied to me the morning after I took Victor's car, or you're lying to me now.
Rafe: You can't trust this guy.
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