Y&R Transcript Friday 1/29/10 -- Canada; Monday 2/1/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9326 ~ Victor's Plot Deepens as His Family Turns Against Him
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Adam: You son of a bitch. You've gone too far.
Victor: You control yourself, all right, Son?
Sharon: Adam, please.
Adam: Control myself, huh? What about you?
Nick: Sharon, let 'em work it out.
Adam: What kind of a father do you think you are going off there, warping and twisting words like that, calling me a sociopath?
Victor: You're worse than that. You're scum.
Adam: "Scum"? Scum, that's a nice one, Dad.
Victor: Don't you call me "Dad." I'm ashamed that you're a Newman.
Adam: No, what you're ashamed of is the fact that I went and got another job right after I quit yours, that someone would actually hire me, that I'm of worth to someone else.
Victor: Son, I don't give a damn who you work for or where you work.
Adam: Oh, yeah? Then why would you go to the trouble of trying to smear me?
Victor: Get out of the way.
Adam: No, you answer me, Dad.
Victor: Don't you ever lay hands on me again. You got that? I'll crush you like a bug.
Ashley: Victor, stop it.
Sharon: Adam, just walk away.
Adam: (Grunts)
Victor: (Grunts)
Sharon: Adam!
Phyllis: God!
Victor: You're not my son, you got that? I disown you. I don't give a damn if I ever see your disloyal, abhorrent face again!
Adam: (Breathing heavily) (Grunts)
(Camera shutter clicks)
Adam: (Grunts)
Chloe: That dress was so perfect on you. You looked gorgeous. You didn't need any alterations.
Emily: (Chuckles)
Chloe: That never happens. Thank you.
Emily: Well, I am very happy. So what--what is next?
Chloe: Um, next, we're gonna go to the club, and we're going to sample the tasting menu. Em? Em?
Emily: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just noticing the new "Restless Style" cover. (Chuckles)
Chloe: Victor Newman, back on the cover.
Emily: Mm.
Chloe: Score 1 for Billy.
Emily: Well, Jack saw this online and went ballistic. Well, I am sure Billy will be hearing from his brother soon.
Chloe: Yeah. I think what gets to Jack is that they're just so much alike, you know? And neither one of them learned from his mistakes... although I gotta give it to Billy, he's actually turning out to be a pretty decent dad.
Emily: Well, let's hope that continues.
Chloe: Yeah, well, with your little surprise that you have planned for Jack in your wedding, he may be thinking about family, too.
Emily: (Laughs) Okay, you don't forget. Don't forget. That is our little secret.
Chloe: I know.
Emily: Okay.
Chloe: Mm.
Emily: Thank you.
Neil: Harry from chemo?
Devon: He died? When did that happen?
Lily: Um, I guess not that long ago.
Cane: Yeah, um, one of Lily's nurses stopped in for some coffee and didn't realize we hadn't heard.
Devon: (Sighs)
Neil: Honey, I am so sorry.
Lily: (Sighs) Thanks. Me, too.
Devon: Gosh, that's tough. I know you guys were close.
Lily: Yeah, Harry was a great guy, and I'm really gonna miss him. Uh, but that's actually not the only reason why we called you guys. So, um...
Neil: What's this?
Cane: We have, uh, something we want you to listen to.
Lily: Yeah.
Cane: Are you ready?
Neil: All right.
(Heart beats)
Neil: It's like a whooshing sound.
Cane: Uh-huh.
Neil: Oh. I know exactly what that is.
Lily: Yeah, it's the, uh, the first baby's heartbeat.
Neil: (Sighs)
Devon: (Chuckles)
Neil: That is absolutely beautiful.
Devon: He's in there going, "Hey, Granddad, here I am."
Neil: (Chuckles)
Cane: Now wait, wait, wait. Wait, there's a little pause. Hang on a sec.
Neil: All right.
Cane: And...
(Heart beats)
Cane: Baby number two.
Neil: Wow. Can I tell you how happy I am that you called me and included me in th-- I re--I needed this.
Devon: A little joy never hurt anyone.
Neil: Right.
Lily: Um, actually, I'm gonna take off.
Neil: Okay. Are you--everything okay?
Lily: Yeah, I just want to stop at the church and say a little prayer for Harry and the babies.
Cane: Do you want me to come with you?
Lily: Um, no, I'm fine. I'll just see you at home.
Cane: All right. Hey, Baby, take this.
Lily: Okay. Bye.
Cane: All right, Sweetie, bye.
Lily: Bye, guys.
Neil: Bye, Honey.
Devon: See you.
Lily: (Sighs)
Victor: Come on. Get up. Get up. You want some more?
Nick: No, no, no, no, no. That's enough, Dad. Dad, that's enough.
Sharon: Victor, my God, what is the matter with you?
Victor: Get him the hell out of here!
Nick: Get him out of here. Come on.
Sharon: Come on. Let's go.
Abby: I think I'm gonna be sick.
Noah: You are not the only one.
Jack: Gee, an old man with a stitched-in heart against a blind man. That's--that's entertainment.
Victor: What, do you want something next?
Nick: No, Dad, Dad, that's enough. That's enough.
Billy: Oh, there it is.
Nick: Abby and Noah are watching this whole thing. Come on.
Victor: My apologies. Please continue. It won't happen again.
Phyllis: Okay. Well, I think I lost my appetite.
Nick: I gotta stick around and make sure things cool off.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah. Good luck with that.
Jack: So you got any good shots?
Billy: Well, I'll post them online and let the reader's decide.
Jack: Uh, wha--the-- the waiter said our food will be ready in a minute.
Phyllis: Uh, I'm taking mine to go.
Jack: Well, uh, listen, before you take off, I'm-- I'm looking for a photographer who can do a portrait of Emily and me for the wedding. Can you think of anyone?
Phyllis: Besides Billy here?
Jack: We--
Phyllis: Uh, I'll look for you.
Sharon: You're sure you're okay? You went down pretty hard.
Adam: Oh, I've had much worse in my life. I'll be fine.
Sharon: Those things he said to you--I mean, is he-- is he out of his mind?
Tucker: Well, that was just Victor being Victor, wasn't it?
Adam: Actually, you're not far off.
Tucker: You doing all right?
Adam: Yeah, I've had worse. I'm fine. I'm just a little shaken up.
Tucker: Well, suck it up, kid. We got work to do.
Adam: Couldn't agree more. I'll call you later.
Sharon: Okay.
Adam: Let's go.
Phyllis: (Gasps)
Malcolm: (Chuckles) Hey, Baby.
Phyllis: Malcolm, hey! Oh, my gosh!
Malcolm: Aw.
Phyllis: I heard you were in town.
Malcolm: Oh, bad news travels fast, huh?
Phyllis: No, it's not bad news. It's great news. Oh, how are you?
Malcolm: Great. Great.
Phyllis: Yeah? You missed the fireworks.
Malcolm: What fireworks?
Phyllis: Oh, mm. Do you--do you have time to get some coffee together? I'll tell you about the fireworks.
Malcolm: Yeah, come on. Uh, Crimson Lights?
Phyllis: All right, let's go.
Cane: Thank you. Thank you.
Devon: Thanks.
Neil: Harry was there the first day that Lily had chemo. Couldn't help but admire the strength in that guy.
Devon: Yeah, I know. He made it seem easy almost, even though you knew it wasn't.
Cane: Yeah. You know what the saddest thing is? Is the last time we saw him, he said he was in the clear, and now he's--he's gone. It's just...
Devon: Well, it's the second time he had cancer, and he wasn't as young as Lily.
Neil: You know what it is? Lily has kept her spirits so high recently. I just don't want this to be a major setback.
Cane: You know what? She's gotta be a wreck on the inside. But she's trying so hard to be strong, 'cause she thinks that's what we need, you know? What she needs is someone she can talk to, you know? Someone she can be totally open with.
Lily: Lord, please just watch over Harry. He just gave me so much hope, and it was just so comforting to see how well he was doing. (Sighs) But I guess he really wasn't doing that well, was he? He obviously knew what was going on, but he just kept it from me so that... I wouldn't worry. But I just feel-- I feel so scared, because... I feel fine now, but... what if it doesn't last? It's like, if I die, and Cane-- Cane will be alone, and our babies will be without their mom, and I love them so much already. And Cane and I have dreamed for so long of having our own family. (Sighs) Just please don't take that away from me, please? Please do not deprive... (Sniffles) Two innocent children of having their mom... (Sniffles) Because they don't deserve that. They don't. (Sighs)
Jack: So all of these are appetizers?
Chloe: Yes, so the ones on the right side, these will be passed out by the waiters, and those will be on the buffet table.
(Cell phone beeps)
Chloe: Oh, hold that thought. "Would you like to pick out the movie, or would you like to be surprised?"
Jack: Oh, is that Chance?
Emily: Aw.
Chloe: Yes, he's very sweet. He's very good to me. You know, it's all about me.
Emily: (Chuckles)
Chloe: I'm not used to that.
Billy: Yeah, um, can I borrow you for a minute? It's, uh, work stuff.
Emily: I think we can manage.
Chloe: Okay. "Surprise me."
Billy: (Clears throat)
Chloe: If you need anything, I'll be over there.
Emily: Okay.
Billy: (Humming)
Jack: Well, glad I had a light lunch.
Emily: (Laughs) Wasn't that cute when she read that text?
Jack: Yeah. I think he's got it bad for her.
Emily: Yeah, maybe she'll be planning her own wedding soon, hmm?
Chloe: So Victor clocked the blind guy?
Billy: Mm, yeah, well...
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Billy: "Mr. Adam Wonder" had it coming, so...
Chloe: So you upload the pictures yet?
Billy: Well, I will when I get home, but I just, um, how did you know I was taking pictures?
Chloe: Because you never go anywhere without your camera.
Billy: Oh, that's true. Well, anyway, check out my captions and let me know what you think, because this story is the gift that keeps on giving.
(Cell phone beeps)
Chloe: Shh, shh, shh. I'm reading. I'm reading.
Billy: (Mockingly) Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
Chloe: Oh. (Giggles)
Billy: (Giggles mockingly) (Normal voice) What now? (Groans)
Chloe: "Dinner after. Stay out late." (Laughs) "Naughty us." (Chuckles) Oh, come on. What's your problem?
Billy: Oh, I don't have a problem. It's just--"Naughty us"? Since when is eating late a-- a sin?
Chloe: It's--
Billy: Sinner.
Chloe: It's a joke. It's a joke.
Billy: Oh, that's what you think? Come on. You and Chance, Jack and Emily. You're like a bunch of old fogies sittin' around, planning your little weddings, going on your little dates. What's wrong with you people? What's so wrong with having fun, huh? What happened to partying?
Chloe: Get over it, Dude. You wanted your freedom, right? That's what you wanted. Stop complaining. It's getting old.
Jack: If there's a good thing for Jabot about Adam working for Tucker now, its ju-- I'm doing it, aren't I?
Emily: Mm.
Jack: I'm stuck on business when I should be focusing on our wedding.
Emily: (Clears throat) You are under a lot of pressure. And if you don't win this bidding war, you are gonna have a stranger owning your company.
Jack: You know, with Katherine, she-- she understood what my dad did. She respected it.
Emily: Okay.
Jack: God forbi--
Emily: Jack, close your eyes, open your mouth, and pretend this is the happiest day of our lives.
Jack: Ooh.
Emily: (Laughs)
Jack: Oh, that's good. What is that?
Emily: I believe this is, uh, grilled wasabi tenderloin, and that was one of your picks.
Jack: Can I open my eyes?
Emily: Yes, you may, and here. You can wash this... (Laughs) Wash it down with that.
Jack: You're amazing, you know that? No matter how upset I get, how distracted I get, you always somehow bring me out of it.
Cane: You guys, I'm sorry to interrupt. I'm sorry. Um, Lily had a friend who just died. She knew him from chemo and, uh, he's been battling cancer on and off for a couple of years, and I was kind of hoping that...
Emily: She must be devastated.
Cane: Yeah, she is, um, so if you could just--
Emily: Of course. Say no more.
Cane: Thank you.
Emily: Uh, where is she now?
Cane: She's, uh, in the church down the block. She's praying at the moment.
Emily: All right.
Cane: Thank you.
Emily: I'll-- I'll just call you later?
Jack: Yeah. Yeah. Mwah.
Cane: I appreciate it. Thank you.
Emily: No--no worries.
Cane: Thank you. Jack, I'm sorry to intrude like that. It's just--before, Emily saw Lily, and just, you know, did a lot of good for her.
Jack: I'm happy she could be there for Lily.
Cane: Thank you.
Jack: My sister Ashley went through quite a lot. It's not work for amateurs.
Cane: Yeah, listen, um, I-I-I just also want to let you know that I'm not one of these corporate scavengers who are trying to make a play for Jabot. Jill asked me if I would run the company with her. I turned her down flat. I said no. You know, I-I-I'm disgusted by what McCall is doing with the company and with the way he's treating Katherine.
Jack: Well, that's kind of tricky, isn't it, taking a stand like that, now that you're working for Tucker and Jill?
Cane: Yes, but, uh, I have my reasons for doing what I'm doing.
Noah: Grandpa was talking about love and family this morning like it actually meant something. And then he goes and bashes Adam like that? Can you see why I want to go to Paris and get away from this garbage? It won't let up?
Sharon: Well, let me...
Noah: (Sighs)
Sharon: Talk to your father about it, okay?
Noah: Thank you.
Nick: (Sighs) I don't know. This doesn't, uh, sound like this is about Eden.
Sharon: No, I don't think it is this time.
Nick: All right, do you know anything about the school or where he'll be staying?
Sharon: Well, I talked to his counselor at Walnut Grove, and, um, apparently, they've transferred a lot of students there before, so it sounds pretty solid. And he'll have supervised housing, so...
Nick: I really don't want Noah's grades suffering because kids are hassling him.
Sharon: So you think it's okay if he goes?
Nick: As much as we'll miss him, I-I don't see that we have any other choice.
Sharon: Okay. I'm glad you agree. Thanks for being so reasonable.
Nick: Sure.
Sharon: Wait, Nick, before you go, you've got to explain what happened here. What was this all about? Were you involved?
Nick: That had nothing to do with me.
Sharon: Would you ever treat your own child that way? Is there anything that Noah could do or say to make you behave like that?
Nick: Noah is not Adam, and I am not my father. If you need answers, you're gonna have to go to them.
Ashley: Nobody here wants to talk to you, Victor.
Victor: What happened was between Adam and me.
Ashley: Well, it's not just between the two of you, not when you've attacked him in a national magazine and assaulted him in a public place. And then you disowned him in front of a room full of people, in front of your daughter who was already upset. So is this what Colleen's heart has done for you? She saved your life so you could behave like this?
Victor: I suggest you stay out of this, all right? I have my reasons.
Adam: Anyone submitting a sealed bid, they will know what the company's real worth is. But the key is to get people to overbid based on their emotions.
Tucker: "People," meaning "the Abbotts."
Adam: Among others.
Tucker: Renegotiation?
Adam: Uh, to the winner? Highest bidder? I wouldn't. Uh, I think it leads to too many contingencies, muddies the waters.
Tucker: Well, write up a proposal. I'll have a look. Right now, I'm more interested in you, son.
Adam: Me? What about me?
Tucker: Well, I hired you because I want someone on staff who knows Victor's moves. By "Moves," I wasn't talking about his left hook.
Adam: (Clears throat) Yeah, well, I wish you hadn't seen that.
Tucker: That's a nice little interview your daddy gave. He calls you, "A deceitful, congenital liar." Now why would he say that about you, Adam?
Ashley: What reasons could you have for being so cruel?
Victor: I didn't come here to discuss this. Before Adam interrupted, I told you I wouldn't fight you for the ranch.
Ashley: Yeah, and I'm really grateful that you have the decency to honor your word, at least for your girls' sake. But that doesn't excuse how you treat Adam compared to your other children, Victor.
(Footsteps approach)
Abby: This was delivered for you.
Ashley: Honey, what's wrong?
Abby: What do you think? After what Dad did in town today, I can't even show my face in public. When are you gonna stop to realize that the things that you do affect me?
Victor: Sweetheart--
Abby: Dad, don't even. I hate both of you.
Victor: Don't you talk to me that way.
Abby: All you ever do is humiliate me.
Victor: I said don't talk to me that way, all right?
Ashley: Well, that was nice.
Victor: We are either discussing the ranch, or I will leave.
Ashley: When did things get so bad between Adam and you? And why are you willing to flaunt it in front of everyone? That's not like you.
Sharon: I'd like to know the same thing. Why are you going to such great lengths to hurt my husband? What's gotten into you?
Malcolm: So after Cape Town, I decided no more shooting out of hot air balloons.
Phyllis: Yeah, right. You think?
Malcolm: (Laughs) Well, my fiancée kind of insisted that, uh, I stay alive.
Phyllis: Yeah, we like our men alive.
Malcolm: (Laughs)
Phyllis: You know, go figure. (Chuckles) Hey, congratulations with that. When did that happen?
Malcolm: Oh, well, it's still pretty new.
Phyllis: It is?
Malcolm: Yeah. Yeah.
Phyllis: Really? Good for you.
Malcolm: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Well, I can't wait to meet her.
Malcolm: Yeah.
Phyllis: So, um, Jack is getting married again.
Malcolm: Wait, wait, wait, wait, did--didn't-- didn't he just get divorced?
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, he did. But, you know, mm, oh, well.
Malcolm: (Laughs)
Phyllis: All right, yay.
Malcolm: Jack. (Laughs)
Phyllis: (Laughs) I know. Jack. Boy. I-I have a favor to ask you. I know you're way above this, and way beyond this, but Jack asked me to find him a photographer. Will you take a-a portrait o-of Jack and Emily?
Malcolm: Sure, yeah.
Phyllis: Really?
Malcolm: Yeah, I'd be happy to.
Phyllis: It's a favor, yeah?
Malcolm: Please. Please.
Phyllis: Oh, thank you.
Malcolm: Come on now.
Phyllis: I'm so glad that we're talking. I'm so glad that I'm seeing you here.
Malcolm: Yeah.
Phyllis: I wasn't really sure how you were gonna react toward me, uh, after, you know-- from the Drucilla thing.
Malcolm: (Sighs)
Phyllis: You know? We were always at war, always.
Malcolm: Yeah.
Phyllis: And--and-- and if we weren't so...
Malcolm: Hey, don't do that to yourself.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Malcolm: I mean, I've-- God knows, I've messed up plenty, so there's no way I could ever judge you. You know that, um, you're one of my favorite things in Genoa City.
Phyllis: Thank you. I'm sure you came here on Lily's account, didn't you?
Malcolm: (Sighs) Yeah. Yeah, I mean, when I found out how sick she was, I-I-I realized just how disconnected I've been from my family.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Malcolm: You know?
Phyllis: Yeah.
(Cell phone chimes)
Malcolm: Oh, hold on one second.
Malcolm: Yeah? Okay. All right, I'll be right there. Okay. (Sighs heavily) That's Neil. Um, something's come up with Lily. I-I-I gotta run.
Phyllis: Oh, wow. Okay.
Malcolm: All right?
Phyllis: You go ahead and go.
Malcolm: Okay.
Phyllis: All right, bye.
Lily: I need to know... are you gonna take me, too? Should I just give up trying?
Emily: No. No, Lily, you shouldn't give up.
Lily: (Sighs) (Sniffles) Hi, Dr. Peterson. (Sniffles) I guess you, um, you heard about Harry.
Emily: Yeah, I did. Hey, I am so sorry, hmm? You must be so scared.
Lily: I just keep thinking... (Sighs) What if I'm next?
Emily: I have had many patients ask that when someone they've felt close to passed away. And some of them were so afraid, they wouldn't leave their home. They thought they could hide somehow, cheat death. But you know what? They wound up cheating themselves.
Lily: I just want to live to be a mother to my children. And what if that doesn't happen?
Emily: Okay, what if? "What if" keeps us from being present, from here and now. And, Lily, you are someone who excels in that. Hmm? I've seen you rally your family around. You've even inspired a friend to bear your children for you.
Lily: (Sighs)
Emily: Now that is not a woman who is ruled by fear. That is a woman who knows how to live. Hmm?
Lily: (Sighs)
Emily: Come on. Oh, Honey.
Lily: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Chloe: Uh, there is more to--to life...
Billy: Shh.
Chloe: Than just getting wasted.
Billy: Shh. Listen to this. It's from Heather Stevens. (Clears throat) "Sorry. Can't help you with the Adam story. Checked out Dr. Taylor. He is squeaky clean." Damn.
Chloe: Well, don't you have enough dirt after today's issue?
Billy: I'd like to tie up my loose ends.
Chloe: Mm-hmm. Oh, what more?
Billy: Um, "Working alone in my room if you want more." (Clears throat)
Chloe: "More"? Wow, more what? More booty? Boo-tay?
Billy: Info.
Chloe: (Laughs) Info. Info. Wow. All right, well, so you're-- so you're messin' around with the assistant D.A. good job. Good job. You know, actually, that would probably really come in handy next time you're in the pokey.
Billy: Look, okay? Just--shh! Nobody else knows. I'd like to keep it that way. Besides, I'm--I'm not-- I'm not--I'm not even goin' up there, because I don't need another notch on my belt, baby.
Lily: Wait a minute. You asked for Malcolm to be here for me?
Neil: Lily, um, right now, you need all the support you can get.
Lily: Thank you, Dad.
Malcolm: I mean, I still can't believe that recording. Both babies' heartbeats? I'm--I'm still blown away.
Lily: Yeah, we were, too. Cane, hey, tell 'em-- what is it?
Cane: You got a letter, Baby. There's no return address on it.
Neil: You all right?
Devon: Who's it from?
Lily: It's from Harry. He must have written it right before... (Sighs)
Cane: Hey.
Victor: I do not owe either of you an explanation.
Sharon: Okay, fine. Don't give us an explanation. But I would at least like a retraction.
Victor: Every word in that article I meant. I'm gonna talk to Abby.
Sharon: I'll come back later after he's gone.
Ashley: By the way, Victor's giving me the ranch after all. I thought you'd want to know.
Sharon: That's excellent. Congratulations. Make sure you get it in writing this time.
Ashley: Believe me, I've learned my lesson. And you and Adam are welcome to stay here until your own home is habitable.
Sharon: Thank you. That's really generous of you, though it's gonna have to be Adam's decision. After today, I'm not sure he'll want to be around anything that reminds him of Victor.
Adam: My father never treated me like his other children. They've done everything they can to, uh, undermine me. They act like an M.B.A. from Harvard and experience on Wall Street mean nothing.
Tucker: What about your experience upstate? That serve you well, too?
Adam: I assumed you knew about my prison stint. I'm not hiding anything from you.
Tucker: Uh-huh.
Adam: Look, if you let a gadfly like Billy Abbott and his tabloid trash start to plant seeds of doubt in your head, that's unfortunate. It was a family squabble. It got out of hand.
Tucker: Way out of hand.
Adam: I want to work for you, Tucker. I'll do whatever it takes to prove myself.
Tucker: I'd say you already have by standing up to your old man.
(Knock on door)
Adam: I'll get it.
Lily: "Dear Lily, I've never been much of a letter writer. Since I won't have a chance... (Voice breaking) To say good-bye...
Cane: "...I'm writing letters to a few special people. You helped me get through some dark days, and you are at the top of my list. I remember feeling sorry for you at first because you're so young, and you have so much to live for. But that didn't last long. You are one of the bravest people I ever met, and when I was at my lowest, you were the angel that cheered me up. By the time you get this, I'll be watching over you from heaven, rooting for you to beat this damn disease."
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: "There's an old saying-- 'Being alive ain't for sissies.'" (Chuckles) "It's been my motto ever since Korea." (Sighs) "I accomplished everything I've ever wanted to do in my life, because I didn't put things off like most people. You're like 'Old Harry' that way, aren't you, Sweetheart? You get out there, and you enjoy yourself. Love people, and don't be afraid of a blessed thing. Remember, you are my angel, and angels never die. Love always, Harry."
Neil: (Exhales)
Lily: (Sighs)
Neil: Its okay, Baby.
Emily: Wow. "Enthralled." I'm flattered.
Jack: No, it's more than flattery. When I heard you telling Lily not to be so afraid of death that she forgets to live life, I thought of how many times I'd done that, how many times I desperately held on to something that was beyond my control. You freed me from that.
Emily: Oh, I'm so glad. (Sighs)
Jack: All I want to hold on to now is what's most important. That's you.
Nick: So it's true. You hired my brother. Good luck with that.
Adam: Nicholas, uh, Mr. McCall is a busy man. Try not to, uh, waste his time.
Nick: (Sighs) Sorry to just drop by like this, but there's some pressing business I would like to discuss with you.
Tucker: I'm listening.
Nick: I want Jabot. I want to buy it and fold it with Newman Cosmetics.
Tucker: Well, now, there's an idea.
Nick: So what's your price?
Tucker: You know, Nick... (Sighs) Is it all right if I call you that?
Nick: Sure.
Tucker: I've always wanted to get into the beauty business. And when I scooped up Chancellor, I thought, uh, Jabot might be a good starting point. I took a closer look, and I realized... (Sighs) It's too small for what I want to accomplish. Would you like one?
Nick: No, thank you.
Tucker: Because I want a cosmetics empire.
Nick: Well, then you won't mind spinning it off to us.
Tucker: Oh, I've got a better idea, Nick. How about I hang on to Jabot? You sell me Newman Cosmetics.
Malcolm: I wish I could've met Harry. He sounded like good people.
Devon: Yeah, that guy was a character.
Neil: Always had a smile on his face.
Cane: I didn't even know he'd been in Korea. I bet he had some stories, huh?
Lily: You know... (Sighs) It's, like, as sad as I am, Harry's letter made me realize something-- that being alive means being the best person that I can be... and being the best mom I can be to our twins. 'Cause it's, like, whether I live... (Sighs) eight days or eight months or 80 more years, I'm just gonna savor every second. (Sighs) 'Cause I know that... (Sniffles) That if I don't, Harry and Colleen are gonna come down here and kick my butt. (Laughs) (Sighs)
Chloe: Heather is really hot, and if you say that there are no strings attached--
Billy: Can we stick to business, please?
Chloe: And I know you and--
Billy: Can we stick to business, please?
Chloe: Oh, what happened? Did I hit a nerve?
Billy: (Chuckles)
Chloe: Huh?
Billy: Hey, d-do you have a sitter tonight?
Chloe: Yeah, why?
Billy: No, cancel.
Chloe: Why?
Billy: Because I'm gonna take Delia. I'd like to hang out with my little girl tonight. Thank you.
Chloe: Oh.
Billy: (Mockingly) Ooh.
Emily: It's such a peaceful place.
Jack: Yeah. You know what, though? It's you that gives me peace, anywhere I am.
Emily: I hope you always feel that way.
Jack: Let's go home.
Emily: Okay.
Ashley: "Congratulations on your new little bundle. Wishing you much joy. Love, Mother." (Scoffs) Well, at least you got it here before my little baby hit first grade, Mom. Hi. Did you talk to your dad?
Abby: No, I locked the door and told him to go away, but he said he'd be in the den if I wanted to talk.
Ashley: I'm sorry about all this. I really am.
Abby: Who is it from?
Ashley: It's from your Grandma Dina. It's a baby gift.
Abby: Oh, I'm surprised she knew you had one.
Ashley: (Chuckles) Do you want to open it with me?
Abby: Sure.
Ashley: At least she sent a gift today. You know, it's nice to open something after the day we've had, right?
Abby: Ooh, pretty color.
Ashley: Yeah? Let me see.
[Ashley remembering]
Ashley: Oh, my God, there's blood on it.
Adam: Oh, jeez.
Ashley: Oh, my God. Does that mean that I hit somebody, Adam?
Adam: Well--
Ashley: I mean, could it have been her?
Adam: You--you said you saw Sabrina's face before you-- you--you hit her.
Abby: Mom? What is it?
Ashley: Abby, I need you to do something for me. Um, I'm looking for a piece of fabric. It's about this big, and it's this color, okay? I don't know where it is or if it's even still in the house, but I-I need to find it, okay? And you need to help me. It's very important.
Sharon: (Gasps)
Phyllis: Sorry. Excuse me.
Sharon: Why don't you watch where you're going?
Phyllis: Sorry. I'm just a little jumpy today.
Sharon: Well, I just spoke to Victor, and he refused to even discuss the way he treated Adam.
Phyllis: I'm sure. Is it possible, Sharon, that Adam brought this upon himself?
Sharon: Absolutely not. Adam's not like that. And Victor painted the most hateful picture imaginable.
Phyllis: Well, something had to motivate this.
Sharon: How many times has Victor insulted Nick or cast him aside when something just displeased him? And you knew that Victor was wrong, only now because it's Adam, you think Victor's right.
Phyllis: No, no. Adam totally went off the deep end completely, and there is a reason. And I want to know why.
Sharon: Why are you even involved? Oh, wait, I know. You just can't keep your nose out of my life. You know what? You need to back off, Bitch.
Tucker: Well, you want Jabot? You can get in line. Offer a sealed bid along with everyone else. I told Jack Abbott the same thing.
Nick: So you want us to start a bidding war with the Abbotts?
Tucker: The more, the merrier... for me, that is.
Adam: (Blows on hands)
Victor: Hello, Adam.
Adam: What are you doing here?
Victor: You all right?
Adam: I'll be all right.
Victor: The charade is working. Everyone is hating my guts for what I've done to you.
Adam: Tell the magazine that, uh, I "Reeled you in before my mother's corpse is cold"? Do you think we had to go that far?
Victor: Don't forget for one moment that Tucker McCall is as sharp as they come.
Adam: (Sighs)
Victor: He needs to believe that our rift is authentic. You get that?
Adam: Yeah, I know that's your reasoning behind it, but...
Victor: If this rough stuff is too much for you, you tell me. I will not have you infiltrate his organization.
Adam: Uh, it's okay. Tucker's behind it. Everything's going according to plan.
Victor: Now once this company is back in Katherine's hands, you and I have a lot of explaining to do. Until that time, you continue hating my guts.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Michael: I called Eden. She thinks she's being set up.
Nick: Is this all real? You married to Adam, living at the ranch? Is this what you want?
Ashley: You're a liar, Adam! A liar!
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