Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/27/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/27/10 -- Canada; Thursday 1/28/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9324 ~ Tucker Reveals His Plans for Chancellor Industries

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Victor: I appreciate you arranging your schedule so I can spend some time with Faith.

Ashley: That's easy enough when I know when you're coming over. I appreciate you calling first.

Victor: Now do you want to discuss property arrangements, living arrangements?

Ashley: As far as I'm concerned, we'd already settled that.

Victor: Well, not as far as I'm concerned.

Ashley: Right. But you did agree to give me the ranch. In fact, your lawyer was here with the paperwork, which I signed, and I know you did not sign it, but your word-- you did give me your word.

Victor: Why don't I buy one of the adjacent properties? That way the girls can run back and forth. I'd love that.

Ashley: You know, the adjacent properties aren't for sale. The--my daughters aren't for sale, and neither am I.

Victor: I'm not suggesting that either you or the daughters are for sale, okay?

Ashley: No, but you do want me gone, and you think if you throw some money around, you're gonna make that happen.

Victor: You're entitled to compensation.

Ashley: According to you, I was actually entitled to the ranch. And this is so very typical of you. You make promises, and then you back out of them, and I'm so happy I'm not married to y... (Whispers) Oh, my God. (Normal voice) Abby, I'm sorry. This has nothing to do with you, Honey.

Abby: Oh, no, it's just my family's falling apart, but that has nothing to do with me, right?

Victor: Sweetheart...

Abby: I-I have no say.

Victor: Your mother and I are just trying to work things out, all right?

Abby: This is so typical. Nobody tells me anything except lies. And then you guys-- you want to know everything about my life? No. Screw that.

Ashley: Abby.

Abby: You've ruined everything. I wish I could divorce both of you.

Ashley: Abby. (Sighs)

(Door slams)

Victor: I'll call them at the gate and tell them to stop her.

Noah: Uh, that would make it worse, Grandpa. Let me talk to her. I've totally been there.

Ashley: Would you please, Noah?

Noah: Yeah.

(Door opens) (Door closes)

Victor: Happy now?

Emily: Jack, I know how upset you are that Tucker McCall is taking over Chancellor and Jabot.

Jack: (Sighs)

Emily: I-I-I would have expected that this wedding planning day would have taken a backseat.

Jack: No, that was my previous M.O. when I pushed my personal life aside all the time. That's why when you met me, I didn't have much of a personal life. No, I'm putting things in a little more perspective now.

Emily: Well, your future children and I are very grateful.

Jack: Yeah?

Emily: Yes. Mm.

Chloe: Hi, guys.

Emily: Oh.

Chloe: Sorry I'm late.

Jack: (Sighs)

Chloe: Huge emergency.

Jack: Oh?

Emily: Wha--uh, with the wedding?

Chloe: Oh. Just a broken water main at the church. The entire roof caved in.

Jack: What?

Chloe: Yeah. But I got it covered.

Emily: Okay.

Chloe: Actually, they referred me to Father McMillan at Sacred Heart, and they can fit us in.

Emily: They have Valentine’s Day available?

Chloe: Yes. They just got a cancellation, and, look, it's a beautiful church. It's very traditional. I'm sure you've been there for weddings and such.

Jack: Yeah. Yeah, I have.

Chloe: Great.

Emily: Well, I'm--I'm so relieved they have an opening. It wouldn't feel like I was married if it wasn't a catholic wedding.

Chloe: Hey, look, if your heart is set on St. Charles, we--we can push the date. Um, just probably March the earliest. And, I mean, that's just hoping that the weather is gonna be okay but...

Emily: No. No, we don't want to wait, right?

Jack: Uh, no. Definitely not. Hmm.

Chloe: Okay.

Tucker: You have something more to say, Katherine?

Kay: Now if you have issues with me, take it out on me, but do not-- do--do not disappoint, jeopardize the careers of everyone who works at Jabot.

Tucker: The new owners may choose to keep everyone on.

Kay: They may decimate the place.

Jill: I agree with Katherine. Tucker, Jabot is the crown jewel of Chancellor Industries.

Tucker: That's just another way to say it doesn't fit in. It stands out. It's nothing like your other companies or mine.

Cane: Well, don't you think that that's value? It's called diversification.

Tucker: It's a great little company, but it's undervalued and overshadowed by the huge conglomerate.

Cane: And you won't get top dollar for it in this economy. No one's got the capital.

Tucker: Well, if I am not satisfied with the bids, I will spin it off as a stand-alone entity.

Kay: May I have a minute alone with Mr. McCall?

Jill: Bad idea.

Tucker: We'll be fine.

(Door closes)

Tucker: Just for the record, she didn't know I was going to make this announcement.

Kay: Now you tell me right now what you plan to do with my company.

Tucker: I'm gonna sell it.

Kay: All of it?

Tucker: Yeah, all of it, bit by bit, piece by piece. I'm going to dismantle what you took a lifetime to build. And you, as part owner, will make a fortune.

Kay: I don't give a flying fig about the money.

Tucker: Well, good thing you're not making the decisions then.

Kay: You really despise me.

Tucker: No, not at all.

Kay: That is a bald-faced lie.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Ashley: After this year that Abby's had, the last thing that either one of us should do is add to her stress.

Victor: Mm-hmm, that's the last thing I want to do.

Ashley: I mean, she's only acting out this way because she's scared and she's confused and she doesn't feel that she can turn to us because we both let her down. And I'm not just talking about you, obviously. I have a long way to go till I can make up to her for not being there when she needed me.

Victor: Well, you weren't well.

Ashley: But she doesn't want excuses, Victor, she... (Sighs) She wants stability. And more than anything else in the world, that's what I want to give her is some stability.

Victor: And so do I. We just have different ways of arriving at it. There's one thing we can agree on and that is we don't want our children to suffer any consequences of the fights we have.

Noah: It's Noah. Where'd you go? Call me.

Abby: Hey, what you doin'?

Ryder: Job application.

Abby: Oh, yeah. Explains why I haven't seen you around the coffeehouse.

Ryder: Yeah. It didn't work out.

Abby: Yeah, well, the coffee's better here anyway. Try.

Ryder: Uh, no thanks.

Abby: No, no, seriously. You'll taste the difference.

Ryder: What are you doing?

Kay: Don't give me that manure that it was all about business. It's clear as day you were furious with me because I gave you away the day you were born. Would it surprise you to know that we have that in common? I was furious with myself even while I was doing it, and afterwards, I... I punished myself. Really punished myself, even more thoroughly than you ever could.

Tucker: You've lived a very comfortable life.

Kay: Comfortable life? Ha ha. Oh, come on, you've done your homework. You know I had a drinking problem, not because of boredom, though, at the time, my--my husband thought it was.

Tucker: What, guilt?

Kay: Fraud! I was a fraud. I was playing the part of a good wife, a-a good mother, and I had just given my newborn away to preserve a marriage that I already knew was failing.

Tucker: To preserve appearances more like.

Kay: (Scoffs) I'm not trying to defend myself. Not at all. I was weak, I was frightened, and I made a choice, I made a wrong choice. And I suffered from it. And apparently, you did, too. So you listen to me, and you listen to me well. I understand your resentment.

Tucker: I told you, I'm not harboring any resentment.

Kay: Oh, come on, don't deny it!

Tucker: (Sighs)

Kay: That's your inheritance from me. For years, I wallowed in bitterness, doling out punishment to someone I thought deserved it because she had stolen my life.

Tucker: Mm, well, now you're talking about Jill.

Kay: Now I'm going to give you your very first piece of advice from your mother. Vengeance is wrong. Totally wrong. Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing eases that pain except, ironically... (Sighs) Forgiveness.

Tucker: Forgiveness? (Chuckles) How convenient. All right, Katherine. You're forgiven. I hereby let go of all my bitterness, but not my business sense. Your company's parts are worth more than the whole. And that is the only factor in my decision.

Kay: You are so full of it. You never got that from me.

Tucker: If you had done your homework, you would know this is standard practice for me-- splitting up companies to unlock the value.

Kay: Of all the companies you could have chosen, dozens, and you chose mine. If you're going to do this to me, then, by God, you have the guts to tell me what it is really about. Or is this just a little boy's angry tantrum?

(Door closes)

Jack: Well, thanks. We appreciate you staying on top of this.

Emily: Yeah, we would have been lost without you.

Chloe: Oh, well, you know me. I love a good crisis.

Emily: (Chuckles)

Chloe: Speaking of which, I have decided to go back to my old job at "Restless Style" and work for Billy again. But I want you to know...

Jack: (Sighs)

Chloe: That this wedding is my top priority.

Jack: Going back in the lion's den, huh?

Chloe: Yeah. This time I'm bringing my chair and my whip.

Jack: (Laughs)

Emily: (Laughs)

Chloe: I mean, let's be honest. No one can really tame Billy. But anyway, have you chosen your song?

Emily: Uh...

Jack: Um...

Emily: (Laughs)

Jill: Tucker never said one word about selling Jabot. I'm sure he knew I would have been opposed to it.

Cane: Well... (Sighs) Whatever th--you thought you were gonna get out of this relationship, I just don't really even know--

Jill: Hold on right there, okay? I didn't go into this for what I could get out of it, okay? And I didn't know it was gonna turn into a relationship. For the last time, when I met the guy, I didn't know he was Tucker McCall. And just for the record, we never discussed business. Never. And he never asked for any proprietary information. He didn't need it. His plan was gonna work whether I was involved or not.

Cane: So you're saying if you had know, you would have tried to stop him?

Jill: Of course I would... (Sighs) Wow. I knew Katherine didn't believe me. (Sighs) You believe me, don't you?

Cane: Yeah, I believe you.

Jill: Thank you, Sweetheart.

Cane: So that puts you in a unique position to fight this man. 'Cause maybe now you can convince him not to sell Jabot.

Jill: No, no, no, no, no. He's had this in the works for years. This is way too late. (Sighs)

Cane: So, uh... what, are you just giving up like that? I don't understand.

Jill: I'm not giving up. I'm accepting the reality of the situation. But it may not be too late to save Jabot. So I think you and I should go over there and talk to Tucker, together.

Jack: So what's the latest on the takeover?

Jill: (Sighs) I'm in a bit of a hurry, Jack.

Jack: Oh, a hot date with your boss?

Jill: Would you give us a minute, please?

Cane: You sure?

Jill: Yeah. I won't be long.

Jack: So tell me about this meeting between Tucker and the, uh, department heads at Chancellor.

Jill: Don't know anything about it.

Jack: Ooh, lover boy cutting you out of the loop already?

Jill: (Chuckles) Did you have something you wanted to say about my relationship with Tucker?

Jack: We all know what you're up to, Sweetheart. You latch onto these men like the parasite that you are-- first, Katherine's husband, then my father, now Katherine's son. He seems a pretty bright guy. How long do you think it's gonna take for him to figure out just what you're about? Well, hopefully, not too long. That way, I won't have to deal with you much longer at Jabot.

Jill: (Chuckles) You just be careful what you wish for, Honey.

Cane: Thank you.

Tucker: Take a seat.

Cane: (Sighs)

Tucker: How's Lily?

Cane: Lily's good.

Tucker: The pregnancy is going well?

Cane: I, uh, I-I didn't realize that Jill told you about that.

Tucker: Well, she didn't. I make it my business to know what my employees are up to. That bothers you?

Cane: Well, there's, uh, you know, a couple of things you do that bother me. In particular, the way you're playing games with Katherine.

Tucker: Irony's getting a little thick in here, isn't it?

Cane: (Laughs) So you know how I lied to, uh, work my way into the family, huh?

Tucker: Yeah. Quite a scam from what I hear.

Cane: But the difference is I did it so I could have a family. And if you took the time to get to know Katherine, you would know that she is a wonderful mother.

Tucker: Giving birth doesn't make you a mother. And even if it did, in business, there are no sons and mothers, only players.

Cane: It's a cynical way to see the world, don't you think?

Kay: Oh, thank God I found you.

Jack: Something wrong?

Kay: Tucker is going to sell Jabot. No, he made the announcement at a meeting. Jill and I tried to convince him otherwise and--

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. Jill was at the meeting?

Kay: Yes, of course.

Jack: Does he have a buyer lined up?

Kay: Well, he said he was going to test the market. If he didn't get the price that he wanted, he would spin it off.

Jack: (Sighs)

Kay: Darling, I-I am so sorry. I know last year you-- you made the offer to buy Jabot. I wish to God I had listened. I-I mean, it-- it would have spared your family so much turmoil. I--

Jack: You know what? It may not be too late.

Kay: Well, I don't want-- I do not want Jabot in the hands of strangers. Now you make Tucker an offer.

Victor: You must have gathered by now that I want to resolve this amicably.

Ashley: (Sighs) I was just under the impression that we already had. Maybe it will help you to understand if--if I explain to you that I-I live with this every day. I see the effect that it's had on Adam. He feels that he can't compete with Nick and Victoria because he thinks you'll always love them more. And I don't want my girls to grow up feeling that way.

Victor: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Let's talk about our girls. And I will not allow that to happen.

Ashley: There was a time when that would have been enough for me-- to hear you say that and to hear those words come out of your mouth-- but not anymore. There's been too much betrayal, Victor.

(Cell phone rings)

Victor: Is that Abby?

Ashley: No, unfortunately. Hello.

Jack: Big news. McCall just put Jabot on the block.

Ashley: Are you sure?

Jack: Yeah, I'm sure. He just announced it at a meeting. Katherine told me. She's given us her blessing to make a bid. She wants Jabot back in Abbott hands.

Ashley: That's big.

Jack: The price tag is gonna be, too. Tucker's gonna want a huge return on his investment. All of us are gonna have to get in on this-- you, me, Traci, Billy.

Ashley: Uh, hold on a second. Excuse me just for a minute.

Victor: Sure.

Ashley: Do whatever you have to do, Jack. I'm in. If Tucker's selling Jabot, we have no choice. We have to get Dad's company back.

Abby: Want some more?

Ryder: Yeah, sure.

Abby: Hey!

Ryder: You're underage.

Abby: Well, it's not like I don't have more.

Ryder: (Sighs)

Abby: Come on. We can have fun.

Ryder: (Laughs) Look, I-I have enough problems as it is.

Abby: Fine. Fine, but don't say I didn't offer. I know there's plenty of people in this town who know how to have a good time even if you don't.

Ryder: (Sighs) Are you trying to get arrested?

Abby: What do you care? I thought you already have enough problems, remember?

Ryder: All right, give me that.

Abby: No.

Ryder: Just--

Abby: No, stop it! Get away!

Noah: Hey, back off, man! What are you-- you trying to get her drunk?

Abby: Don't be stupid, Noah. It was mine. He was just trying to take it away from me.

Noah: (Sighs)

Ryder: She's your headache now.

Noah: (Sighs) Come on.

Ashley: Oh, my poor baby. No wonder. You need a new diaper. I know.

(Cell phone rings)

Jill: Victor?

Victor: I understand that Jabot is for sale.

Jill: How on earth--

Victor: You just confirmed it. Now I hear that you have some pull as far as McCall is concerned. Why don't you do everything in your power to make sure that he doesn't sell to Jack Abbott?

Jill: (Chuckles) Why would I do you any favors?

Victor: Because if Jabot gets back into the hands of Jack Abbott, you'll be out of a job. He'll fire you.

Jill: Oh, and it would be so different with you, wouldn't it?

Victor: Let's just say that friends in high places could be beneficial.

Jill: And how beneficial was it when I was penniless and came to you for help? Huh? As for friends in high places, they don't get any higher than Tucker McCall, do they? You have yourself a real nice day, Victor.

Jill: Hi. (Chuckles) That took longer than I expected, but you know Jack.

Tucker: You were with Jack? You tell him I'm selling Jabot?

Jill: Um, no, I did not do that because I'm gonna talk you out of that.

Tucker: Is that so?

Jill: See, I think Jabot has so much hidden potential. I mean, it could be a stellar performer for you.

Tucker: Well, even if you double the profits, it's still such a small percentage of my revenue base.

Jill: Oh, Tucker, look at the big picture, though. Jabot as a brand-- I-it stands for glamour and luxury and sex appeal, and you link that in people's minds with McCall, unlimited-- oh, my God, you're gonna increase sales at your restaurants, at your hotels, your airlines, all of your consumer businesses.

Tucker: Interesting.

Jill: Yeah, and also we can do cross promotions and tie-ins. I mean, we could shoot Jabot campaigns at the various resorts.

Tucker: "We"?

Jill: Well, yeah. Cane and I. We have a proven track record at Jabot.

Tucker: (Laughs) First you heard of this, right?

Cane: Yeah.

Tucker: So what are your thoughts?

Cane: I think there are some interesting ideas there, but, um... I'm not interested. I'm sorry.

Jill: Cane--

Cane: I'm sorry. I've already proven myself at Jabot, and now I have an opportunity to work for Mr. McCall. He's one of the best in the business, and I'd like to do that.

Tucker: In spite of your personal issues with me?

Cane: I don't really think it matters what my personal issues are with you. This is business. I can separate the two.

Tucker: Good man.

Cane: Well, uh, Lily's expecting me.

Jill: Yeah.

Cane: We'll see you.

Jill: Mm. I have another son. He has an equal amount of experience.

Tucker: I met Billy-- Christmas, remember?

Jill: Oh, yeah, he-- he was a little--

Tucker: Wasted.

Jill: I can make it my personal business to s--

Tucker: I-I-I don't doubt that you can, Darlin', but I think I'll stick with the original plan.

Jack: Thanks, Traci. I'll be in touch with details. I love you, too, Sis. Bye.

Kay: Ahh, Jack.

Jack: Well, both of my sisters are fully on board.

Kay: Good, good, good. Um, well, if it makes you feel better, you do know I was upset when he announced his decision to sell. But look at it this way. Perhaps it was the best thing that could happen.

Jack: Katherine, listen to me. My family and I will take it from here. Don't you worry.

Kay: (Sighs) Well, actually, I can do nothing about his decision, legally or otherwise, but... you know what? If ever you need anything to strengthen your hand, please let me know.

Jack: You're the best. I gotta get back to Emily.

Kay: Oh, you go. Go, go.

Jack: Okay.

Chloe: That is stunning.

Emily: (Chuckles)

Jack: Sorry for the delay, Ladies. Uh, something's come up.

Chloe: Oh.

Emily: Well, you know what? (Clears throat) Let's cut him loose, and you and I go dress shopping.

Chloe: Okay, I love that idea. I will, uh, meet you at Fenmore's then. Okay.

Emily: Absolutely.

Jack: Thanks, Chloe.

Chloe: Bye.

Emily: (Sighs) What's going on?

Jack: Jabot is suddenly for sale. My family and I are putting together a bid.

Emily: This just happened?

Jack: Tucker just made the announcement a short while ago. We gotta move on this fast. I meant what I said about not letting business ruin our personal lives.

Emily: Jack, I know what Jabot means to your family, and I am very excited for you.

Jack: This isn't a sure thing.

Emily: You won't let it go.

Jack: I have befo-- I've been so close before and let it slip through my fingers. Not this time. Not this time. (Sighs)

Jill: (Sighs) Tucker, I wish you would take a little time and reconsider this. I mean, I think you're passing on a tremendous opportunity.

Tucker: Well, what about you, Darlin'?

Jill: Me?

Tucker: Have you considered the opportunities Tucker McCall, unlimited could offer you? You know, working at any one of my divisions. Maybe I could fund a start-up-- create your own legacy.

Jill: Wow. God, that is so generous of you. Thank you. But here's the truth. Nothing could mean more to me than Jabot does.

Tucker: Well, I still may hang onto it. Depends on the bids.

Jill: Okay. Okay. Just as long as you don't sell to Jack Abbott.

Tucker: Why not?

Jill: Oh. (Chuckles) Where do I start? You would not like the way he does business. I mean, he's not at all like his father. He--he plays very fast and loose with the rules.

Tucker: That's not always a bad thing.

Jill: Well, that's true in his personal life, too. He always has some huge drama going on. It prevents him from focusing. Trust me. He would be the death of that company.

Noah: Drink.

Abby: Really, I'm fine.

Noah: Drink and listen.

Abby: Here it comes.

Noah: You're gonna hear it from me or your parents. Make your choice.

Abby: Fine.

Noah: Stealing that bottle of booze from your mom's house was stupid. What were you thinking?

Abby: It's supposed to make you feel better.

Noah: No, it doesn't. It only makes things worse. It almost killed me. It did kill my sister.

Abby: Yeah, I know. I-I didn't mean--

Noah: I'm serious, Abby. Do not do it again.

Abby: Okay, I get it. Uh, who are you calling?

Noah: Your parents. They're worried about you.

Abby: You're not gonna say anything, right?

Noah: (Sighs) Grandpa?

Victor: Yes, Noah? Where are you?

Noah: At the coffeehouse with Abby.

Victor: Oh, you found her. Thank God.

Noah: We're heading that way now.

Victor: I will tell her mother, okay?

Ashley: Sorry. It took longer than I thought.

Victor: Uh, Noah just called. He's on the way back with Abby.

Ashley: Oh, thank God for Noah.

Victor: I would like to stay and talk to her, okay?

Ashley: I don't think we should be arguing, though.

Victor: Uh, we won't be arguing. We will decide all these issues another time, all right?

Chloe: Okay, so just put 'em all inside, and then-- okay.

Emily: (Sighs)

Chloe: Okay, just need a couple more seconds. They're putting them aside in the dressing rooms for us. Oh, my God.

Emily: Really?

Chloe: Oh, my God.

Emily: (Chuckles)

Chloe: I died. I have died and gone to heaven, because these dresses are so gorgeous, you're gonna want to have, like, two or three weddings just so you can wear all of them.

Emily: Okay, well, it's astonishing I'm even having the one. It's the last thing I expected in my life at this point.

Chloe: Well, Jack is the real deal.

Emily: You can vouch for him?

Chloe: I do. I adore him. He's like the patron saint of screw-up’s. He's been there. He came back from it. He's not all holier-than-thou about it. He was the best brother-in-law a girl could ever have, and I know that he is gonna be a great husband.

Emily: (Sighs)

Jack: I assume you know why I'm here.

Tucker: Yeah, news travels fast in this town.

Jack: Well, in the week to come, I'm sure you're going to be flooded with offers for Jabot. None will be better than this.

Chloe: Okay, they're ready for us.

Emily: Oh, okay, good. Just give me a sec.

Chloe: And listen, whichever one you choose, Jack is going to be blown away. Blown away.

Emily: Well, there is something else he'll be blown away with besides the dress. I have a surprise planned.

Chloe: (Gasps) Do tell.

Emily: (Laughs) 0kay, but, uh, only the two of us can know about it.

Chloe: Okay.

Emily: Hmm? All right.

Cane: How are you, Sweetheart?

Kay: Uh, mm, I'm all right.

Cane: You know, uh, for some reason, I don't quite believe you.

Kay: Well, I have to admit, I do get upset. Then I remind myself that I have my health, I have Murphy, love, respect of family and friends, and, uh, you know, these--things like this happen. In times of crisis, you--you know who's on your side and--and who's not.

Cane: I think that Jill is just trying to make the best of a bad situation. I don't think she was part of his plan.

Kay: Where is she now?

Cane: McCall's.

Kay: I see.

Cane: No, it's--its not-- she's, uh, she's trying to convince him not to sell Jabot, and, uh, keep it and let her run it.

Kay: Without Jack, of course.

Cane: Yeah, without Jack-- have me there instead in his place. And what am I supposed to do? I can't be your eyes and ears if I'm sidelined over at Jabot. So I had to say no.

Kay: And you rejected her offer.

Cane: Yeah.

Kay: Mm. That couldn't make her very happy. (Chuckles)

Cane: No, she wasn't very happy about it. Look, I don't want to take sides. I really don't. I love the two of you too much. I just... can you just focus your anger on the task? Just focus on McCall, and we'll get rid of him, and when we do, just work things out with Jill.

Kay: Oh, oh, oh, oh. I don't-- I don't know, Cane.

Cane: Sweetheart, you two have come so far.

Kay: It certainly seems that way, doesn't it? But it took so very little for her to just... (Blows raspberry) Cast me aside.

Abby: Well, I'm home now, so you guys can go back to doing whatever.

Ashley: Hold on. Come back here. Thank you, Noah.

Noah: No problem.

Victor: Are you a little calmer now? Sweetheart, we understand this is very painful for you. This is very difficult for you. But you're not gonna help things by lashing out and running away.

Abby: I know.

Ashley: Honey, we really do want to make things easier for you. And you really do have a say. In fact, if you have any ideas on how we can help you, I would love to know what I can do.

Abby: Okay. Can I go now?

Victor: No, Sweetheart, not just yet. Please sit down. Sit down for a minute.

Ashley: Come here.

Victor: Right here in the middle. I'm so sorry. I know this is very difficult. Okay? And I'll bet you you miss your sister, don't you? Just know that she's here. She's beating in my heart.

Abby: It's not the same. Nothing's the same.

Victor: We will try to fix things, all right?

Abby: (Sniffles) I need a tissue.

Ashley: Go ahead, Honey. I'll talk to you in a little bit. I really don't want any more upheaval in her life.

Victor: (Sighs) This ranch will always be her home, okay? We'll talk later.

Jack: Go ahead, take a look. I think you'll be pleased with my offer.

Tucker: I'm not currently accepting bids for Jabot.

Jack: You've announced the company's for sale.

Jill: A man's allowed to change his mind.

Tucker: I haven't changed my mind. Jabot will be put up for auction at a date to be determined. Bids will be sealed. If you wish to make a formal offer at that time, you may do so, but not before.

Jack: A bidding war? That's what you want?

Tucker: Let's see if you have the ammo to win it.

Jack: You really don't know me, do you?

Tucker: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: Vick's gonna be home just as soon as she can wrap it up. It's just turning out to be a lot more complicated than we thought.

J.T.: A lot of things are.

Noah: "Adam has no morals. I am ashamed that he bears the Newman name."

Adam: You son of a bitch. You had to take things too far, didn't you?

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