Y&R Transcript Monday 1/25/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 1/26/10 -- USA
Episode # 9322 ~ Victor Offers Billy a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity
Provided By
Y&RFix Yahoo Group
Proofread By Emma
Billy: I tell you what, kiddo. Next time you and I spend the day together, daddy is gonna start with one of these.
Chloe: Hey, little bugger. Did you tire daddy out? Hmm? Good girl.
Billy: Yeah, she's helping me train for the Miami marathon, aren't you? Mm. How are you?
Chance: Fine. Fine. Uh, the usual?
Chloe: Yes, please.
Chance: Yeah?
Chloe: Yeah.
Billy: I'm good, thanks.
Chance: All right.
Chloe: Well, you look wiped.
Billy: Well, thank you.
Chloe: Well, we can take over from here.
Billy: Well, you know, I was hoping that I can get a little one-on-one time with you. There's, uh, well, there's some stuff I need to say. There's some things you need to hear.
Cordelia: (Babbles)
Victor: You're gonna go through with it?
Adam: My official letter of resignation.
Victor: You could have e-mailed it, Son.
Adam: Consider it delivered. I hope you refrain from trashing my name all over town. I do need another job, you know.
Victor: You're making a colossal mistake.
Adam: No, my only mistake was thinking that I could get on your good side. I keep forgetting you don't have one.
Sharon: Hey, you gonna spend the next three months sitting there at that computer?
Noah: I'm waiting to hear from Eden.
Sharon: What time is it in Paris right now?
(E-mail alert chimes)
Noah: Oh, yes! Yes, finally!
Sharon: Okay, well, I'm gonna meet Adam for dinner. There's some leftover spaghetti if you want.
Noah: Yeah, all right. Thank you. Have fun.
Noah: "Dear Noah, so I'm finally settled and over my jetlag. Paris is gorgeous, even in winter. My mom's family is great. I'm learning so much about her. And the school I'm going to is amazing. You'd love it, too, and totally ace French, since our class at Walnut Grove is way ahead of the American class here. I'm giving you a link so you can check it out. Getting away has already helped me so much. Anyway, my aunt is awesome, even if she does keep insisting I'm the one who contacted her, which is weird, since I didn't even know my mom had a sister, let alone one living here, or I would have looked her up last year, you know? Something's definitely up with that. But don't say anything to Michael. He and Lauren will freak out and make me come home, and as much as I miss you, I love it here. Think about the school. You being here would make everything perfect. More soon. Love, Eden." (Sighs)
Noah: "...Even if she does keep insisting I'm the one who contacted her, which is weird..." which is weird. But who would want to send Eden away?
Lauren: Thank you so much for helping me. (Moans) Oh, boy.
Daisy: Oh, no problem. You still have that headache?
Lauren: (Sighs) Yeah, I just-- oh, it comes and goes.
Daisy: Where is everyone?
Lauren: (Sighs) Well, uh, (groans) Michael's working late, and, uh, Fen is with Kevin and Jana. Thank God, 'cause I gotta tell you something. This migraine does not put me in a good mommy mood. (Sighs)
Daisy: Times like this, you must really miss Eden.
Lauren: Yeah, I do. And, I mean, not just for the babysitting. I really got used to having a teenager around-- music blaring, doors slamming, random people I've never met raiding my fridge. It, uh, grows on you.
Daisy: You, uh, you want a lot of noise and no food in the fridge? Just say the word. I'll take this place over the dorms any day.
Lauren: Is it that bad?
Daisy: Uh... I've, uh, I've had a hard time making friends.
Lauren: You know what? I think I have an idea that will solve both of our problems.
Tucker: It's a no-brainer, Stan.
(Knock on door)
Tucker: All right, think about it. I'll be in touch. (Sighs)
Adam: Tucker McCall?
Tucker: Yes?
Adam: I'm Adam Wilson, Victor Newman's son. I think we should talk.
Lauren: Eden's gonna be gone for a couple of months. And--and you don't graduate till June. I-I-I think that's gonna work out timing-wise perfectly, and I don't know, I-I think maybe Eden's room could be cozier than your dorm.
Daisy: You're serious?
Lauren: Yes. Of course I am. Fen loves you. Michael and I are fans. And you certainly will help fill the void that Eden left.
Daisy: I--g-gosh, I-I love the idea. But shouldn't you clear it with Michael first?
Lauren: Nah. No, no, no. He'll be all over it.
Daisy: Are you sure? Because I will go get my stuff right now.
Lauren: (Laughs) I am positive. In fact, I am gonna go clean out Eden's-- excuse me--your room.
Daisy: I, uh, I almost feel guilty saying yes.
Lauren: Honey, no reason at all to feel guilty.
Daisy: (Chuckles) I said "Almost."
(Rattle shaking)
Chloe: (Chuckles) But it's so cute.
Chance: Okay, all right, got it. Are we all set?
Chloe: Um, Billy just asked me to stay for a minute.
Billy: (Chuckles) Whoa, dude. You can reverse the evil eye. It's just two friends catching up.
Chance: No problems. I'll tell you what, since we only have one car, I'll bring Delia home, get her all situated with your mom, and then I'll come back and pick you up.
Chloe: Yeah?
Chance: Sound good?
Chloe: Oh, it's great.
Chance: All right, okay.
Chloe: Thank you. (Giggles) Sorry--lipstick.
Chance: All right. No, that's okay. I understand. Believe me, I get it. All right, all right. Come here, baby. Come here. Come here. Come here. Oh, got you. Come here. Oh, that's right.
Billy: Don't forget your little dog.
Chance: That's right.
Chloe: Bye. I'll see you later.
Billy: Bye.
Chance: We're gonna go see-- go see Grandma. Say bye.
Chloe: I love you. Mwah.
Chance: Say bye.
Chloe: Bye. (Sighs) Is he great, or what?
Billy: Oh, yeah, he's a peach.
(Cell phone beeps)
Chloe: Oh, hold on.
Billy: Anyway--
Chloe: Um, sorry, it's Emily about the reception. Oh. (Sighs) Wow, I never knew how time-consuming a wedding could be. Anyway...
Billy: Yeah. Do you ever think about Delia's big day?
Chloe: Uh, I would like to get her out of diapers first.
Billy: (Chuckles) I think about it. I pictured it, even. I just, um, I really want to be there.
Chloe: I'm sure you'll be on the guest list. (Scoffs)
Billy: (Sighs) Yeah, well, I, uh, I hope so.
Chloe: What's going on? Why are you talking like this?
Billy: I had a rather big wake-up call this New Year's Eve, and, um, I realized that I can't go around hurting people if, uh, I want them to be there for me, so...
Chloe: (Scoffs) You're just figuring that out now?
Billy: I've been, uh, reaching out to people, trying to make amends, and I've gotten to just about everybody I know except for you, which is a mistake, because I owe you the biggest apology of all.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Victor: Well, this is a pleasant surprise.
Sharon: Actually, I was looking for Adam. We were supposed to meet here and have dinner, but his office is locked, and I can't find him anywhere.
Victor: Yeah, he quit.
Sharon: What?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: Why? What happened?
Victor: Well, I told him that I didn't want him to use this office as a playground to compete with his brother. He didn't like that, so he quit.
Sharon: Well, I'm sorry to hear things ended on such a bad note, but maybe this is for the best. There is so much animosity between him and Nicholas.
Victor: Mm.
Sharon: And it's really putting Noah in a tough position.
Victor: Ooh, I'm sorry that it's hurting Noah. I don't like that.
Sharon: Well, maybe it won't have to anymore. Like I said, maybe this is what's best for everyone.
Victor: You're putting a positive spin on it. Hopefully, it'll turn out that way, but I have a feeling that Adam will come crawling back very soon once he realizes it's a cold and brutal world out there.
Sharon: Well, if that does happen, will you do me a favor?
Victor: Depends.
Sharon: I know that you're really angry with him right now. And Adam makes it very difficult to accept him, but when things calm down, do you think you could find a way to have some sort of personal relationship with him?
Victor: He's family. In the end, I will always forgive him. I just hope that he will not take advantage of that.
Adam: Well, even with my slightly compromised vision-- thank you-- I can tell this place is pretty phenomenal.
Tucker: Well, it's embarrassing when you own as much property as I do. Sometimes you forget how lucky you are. I guess you can relate to that, being a Newman and all.
Adam: Mm, I wasn't exposed to this kind of wealth un-until just recently. I was raised on a small farm in Kansas by my mother. Didn't know Victor until, uh, until she died.
Tucker: Well, I guess we both found our parents a little late in the game.
Adam: Mm, I heard that you were Katherine Chancellor's son.
Tucker: (Chuckles) Making the headlines, is it?
Adam: Also heard that, uh, you had a pretty big chip on your shoulder that she abandoned you as a baby.
Tucker: Well, there's been a lot of speculation.
Adam: Mm, I wouldn't blame you if you had a grudge. Victor did pretty much the same thing to me, which is actually kind of ironic, considering his own history. Not that my mother didn't try and make up for it, but I, uh, I couldn't help but wondering as a kid growing up what was wrong with me.
Tucker: You still wondering?
Adam: Yeah, I'm through being disrespected by a man who clearly did not want me from the very beginning, so I'm going to be exploring other options.
Tucker: And by "Options," you mean...
Adam: I want to work for you.
Lauren: (Sighs) No, I don't want to leave a message, Michael. (Sighs) I know you're working late, but can't you just pick up for your wife?! What's wrong with me? (Whimpers)
Daisy: Uh, I didn't know you drank.
Lauren: I don't.
Daisy: Uh, sorry. I just--I've only seen you have water or coffee, maybe some wine with dinner sometimes. Y-you know what? Forget it. I'll--I'll go put my things away.
Noah: How was dinner?
Sharon: Adam and I must have got our signals crossed. Have you seen him?
Noah: Nope.
Sharon: The American school of Paris? Is that where Eden's going?
Noah: And where I'd like to go, if you let me.
Sharon: Noah, you're not gonna transfer schools halfway around the world because you miss your girlfriend.
Noah: It's not just the only reason.
Sharon: Okay, what else?
Noah: I'm tired of all this drama.
Sharon: What drama?
Noah: This family, all right? I-I'm sick of it. I need a break, and I need it now. (Sighs)
Adam: My father would rather go with opinions of his other children, even though I'm the one who worked on Wall Street. I graduated from Harvard, and I have made more than one good decision for Newman Enterprises.
Tucker: I did hear about the Mitsukoshi deal that you salvaged, among others.
Adam: Mm, that one decision alone made the company billions, with a "B." Every decision I've made for Newman has been a fiscally sound one, and quite often, very profitable.
Tucker: With the exception of a few glitches. Your contributions at Newman have been impressive.
Adam: I have been sitting on some ideas that would take the Genoa City business world to the next level, marketing trends that would revolutionize the way business is done in this town.
Tucker: You're quite ambitious.
Adam: Well, I still have a lot to learn. But, uh, I feel that even working with you, that I have something that I can bring to the table.
Tucker: Well, I'm sure you would. But, uh, I can't help but be a little suspicious.
Adam: About?
Tucker: Well, it's well-known that your father is very unhappy with my acquisition of Chancellor Industries, and suddenly, his son arrives on my doorstep looking for a job.
Adam: I knew you might say that, which is why I brought you this. It is a breakdown of potential acquisitions Newman Enterprises is considering. Top of the list is Castle Properties.
Tucker: Well, this goes a long way towards proving your sincerity. And the fact that we had similar upbringings wasn't lost on me, either. You're definitely the kind of person I'm looking to bring into the fold.
Adam: That's good to know.
Tucker: Now that's not just because you get me, but because you have a personal drive to get ahead. And in my experience, that makes for the hardest workers and the most loyal employees.
Adam: You trying to talk yourself into hiring me?
Tucker: Well, I don't know what positions I have available. But welcome to McCall, Unlimited.
Adam: You won't be sorry.
Noah: I'm just-- I'm wiped from everything. I mean, one minute you and Dad are-- are buying a house, and the next minute, you're not even talking to one another.
Sharon: I'm really sorry about that.
Noah: It's not just that. I mean, it was Brad dying when he was trying to save me, almost losing Grandpa and you losing the baby, and Colleen.
Sharon: I know. It's been a really rough year.
Noah: It's been rough for you, too. I-I shouldn't have said anything.
Sharon: No, I need to hear this. I thought you were struggling, but you always said you were fine.
Noah: I mean, I wasn't, but I had Eden.
Sharon: And now she's gone.
Noah: And I'm left to deal with all of this, and it's not over. The kids at school, they're always talking about how--how Grandpa really got his heart, and how Aunt Victoria had an affair with a guy who wound up in jail. I swear, when J.T. left that family dinner the other night, part of me wished I went with him.
Sharon: I wish you'd said something.
Noah: No, you got enough to deal with.
Sharon: It's my job to be there for you, and I want to help.
Noah: Then let me go. You know, being a-away from-- from here, it'll give me a chance to deal with all of this and get better. A-and I'm not gonna be hanging out in cafés all day. I'll be in a school, learning about another culture. A-and I won't have to worry about you.
Sharon: What do you mean?
Noah: I wouldn't leave you alone, Mom. But, you know, now you have Adam, and--and you seem happy.
Sharon: I am.
Noah: So I can go?
Sharon: Well, you know we have to run this by your father.
Noah: And if he says yes?
Sharon: If he does, it's okay with me.
Noah: Yes! Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Billy: So it's no secret then that I was, uh, less than decent to you.
Chloe: Uh, that's a nice way of putting it. (Chuckles)
Billy: Okay, I was an ass.
Chloe: Hey, no arguments here, you know?
Billy: Chance was probably right that night in the cabin when he said that I was just using you. I never really treated you like a real person with real feelings, and I'm sorry. I-I would like to now.
Chloe: Um, well, better late than never.
Billy: All you ever did was love me, and I made you pay for it.
Chloe: Well, you know, it's... (Chuckles) It's my fault, too. I knew what you were like.
Billy: Yeah, well, that's just it. You knew. You saw me, and you saw somebody who wasn't just a spoiled jerk. Actually, for whatever reason, you thought I hung the moon, which is a little off.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Billy: But thank you. But there was a lot of pressure there, too.
Chloe: Mm, so that's why you bent over backwards to prove me wrong?
Billy: I didn't want to be tied down. Which is ironic, because when I look back to when you and I were together and after Delia was born, those were some of the best times of my life.
Chloe: Okay, now you--
Billy: D-d-- d-d-d--don't--n-- shh. I'm not trying to get back into this, okay?
Chloe: Okay, because you know--
Billy: I know. You and Chance-- oh, you're very happy together. You're very happy people.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Billy: And I'm-- I'm happy for you. You deserve someone like that.
Chloe: Yes, I do. Thank you.
Billy: As far as you and I are concerned, uh, we have Delia.
Chloe: Yes, and at least we did something right there. Thank God. (Chuckles)
Billy: Well, you did. And I will always be grateful to you, because, uh, she is an amazing gift. Delia's the only thing in my life that proves that I'm not the screw-up that everybody here thinks I am, and I thank you.
Chloe: Wow, you had some wake-up call, huh?
Billy: Yeah. Well, you know, I'm not going to compete with Chance in the "Nice guy" department anytime soon, but, I-I've lost a lot, and I don't want to lose my little girl.
Chloe: Well, I don't see that happening, especially the way that you've been showing up lately.
Billy: You've noticed, huh?
Chloe: Yes, I have. I've noticed. My mom has noticed. Your mother has noticed. And actually, Delia asks about you.
Billy: No kidding?
Chloe: Yeah. And I hope that for her sake, this "New you" sticks around, because I know that she loves her daddy.
Billy: I don't plan on backsliding anytime soon.
Chloe: And I know that you're still hurt about Mac. Um, maybe I should go wait outside for him.
Billy: Actually, y-you know what? No... (Groaning) Just a second. There is one more thing I need to talk to you about.
Chloe: So there is a catch. Of course there's a catch.
Billy: There's not a-- there's not--hey. There's n--
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Would you just-- one--for a second? There's not a catch. There's more of a request... for you to come back to work at "Restless Style."
Chloe: (Laughs)
Billy: Unh-unh.
Chloe: You're kidding, right? You're kidding.
Billy: No, I'm not-- I'm not kidding, okay? I'm--I'm n-not kidding.
Chloe: Oh, so you're telling me that you're just gonna forget about how mad you were that I exposed the grand juror?
Billy: I'm gonna have to put it behind me, because, um, truth is... (Sighs) The magazine is suffering without you, our sales are down.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Billy: And I know what you're worth, and I could use the help.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Billy: So I would like you to come back to work.
Chloe: Okay, so you need me to boost sales...
Billy: Yes.
Chloe: And come up with headline grabbers?
Billy: Yes, among other things, just come back to work.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Adam: I understand you're considering an exposé on me, an idea you would be wise to scrap.
Billy: (Chuckles) Well, "Tough guy," good thing for you that you're not that interesting, so...
Adam: (Purses lips together) Good thing for you, too.
Billy: Okay, "Junior." (Sighs)
Chloe: Well, I see that you continue to make friends everywhere you go.
Billy: Forget about him. Are you gonna come back to work, or not?
Chloe: (Sighs)
Billy: Really? Really?
Chloe: I'd love to.
Billy: Okay, that's what I thought.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Victor: Tucker, how the hell are you?
Tucker: Excellent, Victor. I just came in for a drink.
Victor: Oh.
Tucker: Care to join me?
Victor: No.
Tucker: Unless alcohol's a no-no with the medication.
Victor: No, that's all right, but, uh, I'd rather pass, all right?
Tucker: Oh, you know, I heard that Castle Properties is in play and that Newman Enterprises is interested.
Victor: Where'd you hear that, Tucker?
Tucker: Oh, I heard it through the grapevine.
Victor: Through the grapevine.
Tucker: Mm-hmm.
Victor: All right.
Tucker: Best of luck.
Victor: Thank you.
Tucker: Oh, by the way, I forgot to thank you.
Victor: For what?
Tucker: For making it possible for me to hire my new star, your son Adam.
Victor: Uh-huh. Well, good luck, Tucker.
Tucker: Well, I'm hoping that he's a chip off the, uh, old block.
Victor: Yeah. Enjoy your drink.
Billy: Okay, now I've gotta go back to work.
Chloe: Hey, a magazine tycoon's work is never done.
Billy: (Chuckles) This is true. Uh, see you tomorrow?
Chloe: Yes, I will see you tomorrow.
Billy: All right. (Laughs)
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Chance: "I'll see you tomorrow"?
Chloe: Hi. Um, yeah. So I am taking back my old job at "Restless Style."
Chance: (Laughs) Okay. So you ready to go?
Chloe: "Okay"? What, no thoughts? Nothing?
Chance: Yeah, I do. But I don't think you want to hear 'em. Chloe, look, I know you liked working there, all right? But I also know how Billy treated you, and how horrible it was when he found out that you exposed the grand juror.
Chloe: Okay, look. I can take care of myself-- when it comes to Billy, or anyone else for that matter-- but I really think he's trying to change.
Chance: Okay.
Chloe: Plus, you know, I really miss my old job.
Chance: Yeah, but I thought you liked your new job.
Chloe: It's-- its one wedding.
Chance: Well, what about the other clients? I mean, doing freelance work and--and--
Chloe: Freelance is really risky.
Chance: And going back to work at "Restless Style" isn't?
Chloe: Okay, this isn't about me going back to "Restless Style." This is about me going back to Billy.
Sharon: Don't you think you should tell Eden that you might be coming to Paris before you tell all your friends?
Noah: I will call her and tell her on the way. She will be psyched. Thank you. Thank you for being so cool.
Sharon: Okay, well, remember... (Chuckles) Your dad still has to approve this.
Noah: I know. Thank you. Whoa! Hey, Adam.
Adam: Hey. Hey. Someone's in a good mood.
Sharon: Where have you been? I went to the office to meet you for dinner, and Victor told me that you quit.
Adam: Oh, I completely spaced on dinner. I--today has been insane.
Sharon: Are you okay?
Adam: Yeah, I'm better than okay, but it didn't start out that way.
Sharon: All right, well, Victor told me his version of the story. Care to tell me yours?
Adam: Well, he accused me of being obsessed with competing with Nick. Uh, he included our marriage in that scenario. Um, I just couldn't stomach it anymore.
Sharon: So you resigned?
Adam: Well, you know, I didn't really think about it at the moment. I just wanted to get out of there, or--or I was gonna explode, and then, you know, later, when I was in the car, I was thinking about how I wanted to provide for you, a-apart from inheritances and handouts and stuff.
Sharon: Okay, well, don't worry about me. I'm fine.
Adam: No, listen. I'm your husband, okay? I made a vow to take care of you, and, uh, you know, I want you to be proud of me and what I do.
Sharon: I am.
Adam: Well, I hope you are after I tell you what happened next.
Sharon: Oh, no. I'm listening.
Adam: Uh...
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Adam: Well, I went to go see Tucker McCall.
Sharon: The man who stole Chancellor from Katherine.
Adam: Uh, I think Tucker would call it an "Acquisition."
Sharon: Tucker, oh. So you're on a first-name basis with him now?
Adam: Well, it makes things easier when you work for the guy.
Sharon: What?
Adam: Yep, you're looking at the newest employee of Tucker McCall, Unlimited.
Billy: Y--I know. Look, I know, but Chloe's the only stylist that I want on this piece. Yes, I realize I fired her. I could hire her again if I need to. I just--I-- I'm gonna have to call you back.
(Cell phone clatters)
Victor: Hello, Billy.
Lauren: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Daisy: I finished unpacking.
Lauren: Already?
Daisy: Well, uh, it helps to have not that much stuff.
Lauren: (Chuckles) Oh, here they are. I thought maybe we would skip doing the catalogs, and have a movie night instead, but, you know, I checked the fridge, so I'm just gonna run out and get some snacks for us, okay?
Daisy: Oh, uh, let me go. I, uh, I forgot one of my-- my study books at the dorm.
Lauren: Are you sure?
Daisy: Yeah. It's the least I could do. Oh, um, I was-- I was putting my stuff in the desk, but there's still some of Eden's things in there-- books and binders and--and stuff- so should--should I put my-- my things under the--the-- the bed?
Lauren: No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. Absolutely not. I will go clean all that stuff out, okay?
Daisy: (Sighs) Thank you again.
Lauren: Oh, Honey. (Laughs) We are thrilled to have you.
Daisy: This is the closest thing I've had to parents in a long time.
Lauren: You're so sweet. Of course.
Daisy: (Chuckles) I'd better go.
Lauren: Okay.
Lauren: Oh, man. (Sighs) Eden's room. Okay.
Sharon: I've never seen you this excited.
Adam: I wish I could say the same for you.
Sharon: Adam, look at-- I-I don't mean to second-guess you, okay? But have you thought this through?
Adam: What do you mean?
Sharon: Well, Katherine Chancellor has a lot of friends in this town.
Adam: Meaning I don't need any more enemies? Is that it? Look, what Tucker did was a strategic business move. That's it. And if anybody sees it differently, that's their problem.
Sharon: Well, I don't know how it could not be taken personally, given the fact that he hid that he was Katherine's son.
Adam: I don't know-- not my fault. I'm--none of my business. It's between them. All I know is I might have made the biggest career move of my life.
Sharon: One that's going to drive your father crazy. So is that what this excitement is really about?
Billy: So, uh, I assume you're here to take me out. After hours, so there are no witnesses, right?
Victor: I'm not here to take you out, Billy, though I won't soon forget the smear campaign against my family.
Billy: So you're here to warn me?
Victor: No. I'm not here to warn you, either. I'm here because you have a magazine, and I have a story. Are you interested?
Billy: You know, if I say, "Yes," there are a lot of people who would say that I'm making the deal with the devil?
Victor: You interested?
Billy: Hmm.
Chloe: Okay, you're acting all cool and protective, but I know that you're bugged.
Chance: No, this-- this--stop, okay? This has nothing to do with your history with Billy. I know for a fact that you're over him. (Sighs) Chloe, I just-- I don't want to see someone so talented like yourself wasting it on someone who doesn't appreciate you like Billy.
Chloe: I love you for saying that. Thank you.
Chance: You're welcome.
Chloe: But if I hadn't had that talk with him, you know, I-I probably would have told him to get lost. But I really think he's trying to be a better person.
Chance: (Scoffs) Well, I hope you're right.
Chloe: And even when it comes to Delia-- I do. I see him, you know. It's not like he's just playing "Patty-cake" with one hand and picking up a phone call with the other. He's making a real effort, and he wants to spend quality time with her. He's doing it.
Chance: Do you really want to go back to that frantic pace of life, though?
Chloe: (Laughs) That's the best part of my job.
Chance: (Groans)
Chloe: That's my favorite part of the job.
Chance: You're gonna do whatever you want anyways, aren't you? Yeah.
Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, I am. (Laughs)
Chance: You are. I figured that. Okay. If that's the case, then I'm 1,000% behind you.
Chloe: Thank you.
Chance: You're welcome.
Chloe: Can you do me one favor?
Chance: Anything.
Chloe: Don't stop acting concerned...
Chance: (Chuckles)
Chloe: Because it's kind of adorable.
Chance: Well, I wouldn't know how to stop.
Noah: No, I-I think my mom really gets what I'm going through. I'm just glad you're as psyched about me coming as I am-- or--or maybe coming, depending on what my dad says. So what's the deal with your aunt thinking you went looking for her? No, it is weird. Why would someone pretend to be you? What do they get from you being in Paris? I won't. But I may do a little detective work on my own. Yeah, I will. I can't wait, either. Je t'aime.
Daisy: Hey, Noah. How's Eden liking Paris?
Noah: I just got off the phone with her. She's--she's having a blast.
Daisy: Oh, I'm glad, and not just for her.
Noah: What do you mean?
Daisy: Well, since Eden will be gone for... (Chuckles) A while, Lauren invited me to stay in her room. Cool, huh?
Noah: Yeah, cool.
Daisy: Um, well, I'd better go, uh, before Lauren's favorite cookies are gone.
Lauren: Eden can't need all this stuff. (Sighs) Mm, this can definitely go. (Chuckles) Eden. (Chuckles)
Lauren: What the-- "Lauren Fenmore kidnapping ordeal." "Sheila Carter killed in standoff with Fenmore socialite." "Bizarre twist in vendetta against Lauren Fenmore Baldwin." (Gasps) What?
Lauren: "Furry friends pet store." The rat. Oh, my God. Eden.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Tucker: I don't trust you Newmans for a second. But I'm down for the ride, no matter where it leads.
Adam: Listen, I would be... (Clears throat) Less than truthful if I said I didn't enjoy sticking it to Victor just a little bit. But, I mean, the truth is, this is a huge business opportunity. That's what's most important. I mean, Tucker McCall is one of the sharpest minds in the business. I mean, can you imagine what I could learn from this guy?
Sharon: Well, it won't exactly endear you to the Newman clan.
Adam: Yeah, was I ever really a part of it?
Sharon: I know how much the family means to you.
Adam: Listen, you're my family now, Sharon. As far as Victor goes, I could care less what he thinks anymore. He won't hurt me anymore.
Billy: So, uh, you gonna give me a clue what this story's about?
Victor: I'll grant you one candid interview where you can ask anything you want.
Billy: Seriously?
Victor: Mm-hmm, on one condition...
Billy: Yeah, naturally.
Victor: That the story pertain to my son Adam and what a disloyal, pathological character-- what an excuse for a human being he turned out to be.
Billy: I take it you and junior are getting along just fine.
Victor: Mm-hmm. You interested?
Billy: You know, I've been wanting to do a piece on Adam for a while now. Unfortunately, it's all gonna read like speculation and hearsay if I can't quote a source, and that's just not gonna sell me any magazines, Sir.
Victor: You cannot only include everything I say in detail. You can quote me verbatim.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victor: (Chuckles)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Daisy: Ryder, you still at the boutique?
Ryder: Yeah, I'm takin' off now.
Daisy: I need you to leave something behind.
Cane: Tucker wants me to sit in on a Chancellor meeting.
Kay: I wish we'd had more time to plan.
Sharon: Hi.
Adam: What were you doing out with the baby?
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