Y&R Transcript Friday 1/22/10 -- Canada; Monday 1/25/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9321 ~ Katherine Disowns Jill
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Nick: All right, you're absolutely sure about this?
Phyllis: Well, have you changed your mind about leaving the ranch?
Nick: Uh... no.
Phyllis: Ooh, well, then I am sure about it. Part of my life has to be a non-Victor zone, you know?
Nick: Well, as long as you want me in your life full-time, then I'm cool with whatever.
Phyllis: Okay, well, I'll take it.
Nick: All right. Good.
Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa, kids. Kids, no making out in the hallway. Ew.
Nick: (Sighs) What do you want?
Adam: Dad wants us in his office for some business-- grown-up stuff.
Phyllis: Uh, I'm gonna go to my office and get the rest of my stuff and then take off.
Nick: Okay.
Adam: Oh, you're quitting, huh?
Phyllis: Yeah, not a moment too soon.
Adam: Well, you know what they say, you can't stand the heat--
Phyllis: Be a coldhearted snake?
Adam: Yeah, you must speak from experience. I'll see you in Dad's office.
Phyllis: Wow. Okay. There's room in this box for your things.
Nick: And leave him here all alone? No way.
Adam: You wanted to see me?
Victor: Yes, Adam. Go ahead, Michael.
Michael: All right, uh, Cell Tron is legit. Neil ran a thorough background check on the company, and it holds up.
Jack: That's how McCall pulled this off. Katherine would never trade Chancellor stock for worthless paper.
Victor: What about their books?
Michael: I deposed bankers, accountants, all the stockholders that McCall bought out-- everything comes up clean.
Victor: And everything in order with the S.E.C.?
Michael: All forms
Jack: The guy's good.
Victor: Every man has his Achilles' heel. I'm gonna find McCall's.
Cane: You know, Victor, I think I can help with that.
Victor: Really?
Gloria: I think white truffles-- no, the caviar, and the real thing-- none of that fake stuff. Oh, I don't know. Truffles or caviar-- what do you think? I'll tell you what, I'll take both. And for my main course, the Kobe beef. Make sure it's nice and pink, or what about that 3-pound lobster? Beef? Okay, 3-pound lobster. And you tell the sommelier he's got that bottle of Chateau Margaux waiting for me, and I hope its breathing.
Jeff: (Sighs)
Gloria: Hello. Bribing the valet to give your new sports car two places?
Jeff: What, are you kidding? You think I'd let some high school degenerate high on testosterone touch my sweetheart?
Gloria: I can wish.
Jeff: (Sighs) I had to park two blocks away to find a place where nobody'd ding her, and let me tell you something... (Sighs) Two blocks is a lot farther than it used to be.
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Jeff: (Chuckles) Well, look at that. Tucker McCall outsmarted the old fox herself-- stole Chancellor Industries right out from under Katherine. (Laughs) Well, looks like your boyfriend's got it goin' on here.
Gloria: I'll say-- rich and smart.
Jeff: Yeah, well, they usually go hand in hand.
Gloria: But I know one thing he doesn't have.
Jeff: Hmm?
Gloria: Friends.
Jill: (Laughs)
Kay: So this-- this is where you have been all the time, knowing how anxious I was to get those test results?
Jill: This is not what it looks like.
Kay: Oh, shut up. Oh, for heaven sakes. I mean, I'm-- you take me for a fool?
Tucker: Katherine--
Kay: You shut up! You will never be my son. As for you, Jill, you were never my daughter.
Jill: I gotta go.
Tucker: Don't you want to know the results of the D.N.A. test?
Jill: (Sighs) You're her son.
Tucker: Not that it matters.
Jill: Oh... (Chuckles) You have no idea how much it does matter. See, I'm the one who wanted to find her real child, and it turned out to be you. So Katherine's gonna think-- she's never gonna forgive me.
Tucker: Her loss.
Jill: No, mine, too. I-I-I've gotta make her understand. (Sighs)
Nikki: Oh, Brock. Where is she? Where's Katherine?
Brock: Um, M-mother isn't here. Why?
Nikki: Well, she sent me a message on my phone.
Brock: Nikki, what's-- what's wrong?
Nikki: She said it was very urgent, that I needed to meet her.
Brock: Well, I-- maybe she, uh, she got the D.N.A. results.
Nikki: No, no. Those arrived earlier.
Brock: That's why you're worrying. (Sighs) What'd the test show?
Nikki: Tucker is her son.
Brock: Oh, dear Lord.
(Front door opens)
Brock: What is this going to do to "The Duchess"?
Kay: Damn them, both of them.
Nikki: Now, Katherine, please, calm down.
Kay: Oh, "Calm down. Calm down." I've just found out that the most despicable man I have ever met is my son, and Jill is sleeping with him.
Brock: Oh, man. Where did I leave my boots?
Tucker: Why all the upset? You knew I was Katherine's son. Didn't you?
Jill: Yeah, I guess on some level, I knew.
Tucker: So what's the problem?
Jill: You really don't know, do you?
Tucker: We are two unattached adults. We did nothing wrong.
Jill: This isn't a question of morality, Tucker. This is about hurting people who matter to you, okay? The people who've always given you unconditional love.
Tucker: Family.
Jill: Does that mean anything to you?
Tucker: Not really.
Jill: No? Well, it does to me, okay? Not that Katherine would believe that. Oh, my God, what must she be thinking?
Tucker: That maybe she should have knocked.
Jill: No! That I am a backstabbing, double-dealing liar. That's what she thinks. She's gonna hate me.
Tucker: Oh, well, so much for unconditional love.
Jill: How can you be so cool? That's your mother you're talking about. She's feeling betrayed. Don't you care at all?
Tucker: I care about you.
Jill: Oh, my God, no. I can't do this. I can't do this. I gotta talk to her. I gotta make this right.
Kay: I just want to wipe the image of the two of them out of my mind.
Nikki: Here.
Kay: God, how could she do this?
Nikki: Well, I guess it's easy when you don't have a conscience.
Brock: Mother, I don't like to see you this upset.
Kay: Lies--they're all lies. That's all she's ever said or done the past weeks.
Nikki: You know, when I went to confront Tucker, Jill was there, but I thought she was there to defend you.
Kay: He not only stole my company, he went after my family. He wants to obliterate every--every single thing I own.
Brock: Well, I won't let it happen.
Kay: Oh, Brock, no. Don't--don't--don't--
Brock: A foolish son is a sorrow to his mother. I think it's time someone showed this Tucker, uh, just how foolishly he's been behaving. All right, I won't be long.
Nikki: All right, Katherine, sit down. Sit down.
Kay: Nikki. Nikki, Nikki, Nikki. (Sighs) How could I have been so blind? Now wh-when we found out that Jill wasn't my daughter, I-- Jo-Jo. Jill hired Paul to find the baby I really gave up. That was gonna be her Christmas present to me. And she took something she knew meant so much, and she turned it-- used it as a weapon against me. How--how could-- how could that happen? How could Jill do that?
Nikki: Because Jill only cares about Jill. If there's something in it for her, everything else falls by the wayside.
Kay: But I-I thought we were-- we were through with punishing one another, that she and I were-- well, we had finally, truly become family. I-- I invited her back into my life and into my heart. Well, by God, I'm finished! Finished! If I live to be 100 years old, I will never be taken in by the likes of a Jill Abbott Foster. No! Never again! Not ever, ever again! Not ever again.
Cane: So basically, I can use my position at Chancellor to get the information you need to bring down McCall.
Victor: Mm-hmm. But he knows that you're close to both Jill and Katherine. He'll be on guard with you.
Michael: Your access to sensitive documents will be extremely limited.
Jack: You need to find out what Tucker's next move is before he makes it.
Nick: I'll tell you what his next move's gonna be-- Tucker buys up companies, breaks them apart, and then sells them. That's always been his pattern. It's a simple matter of the parts being greater than the whole.
Adam: No, I don't think it's quite that simple. I think McCall is gonna want to make a real profit, not just pocket change, so he's gonna load up Chancellor with a bunch of debt, and he will leave the bondholders holding the bag. It doesn't matter if he breaks it up or sells it. He's gonna net half a billion, maybe more.
Jack: Both interesting scenarios, particularly if you've got a little capital.
Victor: Let me remind you that we are here to help Katherine. This is not an opportunity for you to swoop down and take Jabot away from her.
Jack: Don't you dare question my loyalty to Katherine. That woman stood by my father till his dying day. I intend to do nothing less for her.
Victor: All I'm telling you is do not forget about the goal.
Jack: Beat McCall. No reason we can't all benefit in the process.
Michael: Uh, I've gotta get back to my office.
Jack: Yeah, me, too.
Michael: Victor, please, let me know when you decide what to do.
Victor: Thank you.
Cane: All right, and I will call you if I hear anything, okay?
Victor: Thank you. You two ready to get to work?
Jack: Well, if it isn't my gorgeous ex-wife.
Phyllis: One of them, anyway.
Jack: What's with the box?
Phyllis: I am moving out.
Michael: Oh, wait. You weren't fired.
Phyllis: Uh, no, I fired myself, thank you.
Jack: Oh, a little too much Victor in your life?
Phyllis: Uh, not enough Phyllis.
Jack: Well, good for you. Get out of here before you lose it altogether. You can always come back to Jabot, you know. We were a pretty good team.
Phyllis: Excuse me. Have you forgotten our "Restless Style" experience?
Jack: Well, we had a few disagreements.
Phyllis: "A few disagreements? Jack, are you kidding? (Laughs)
Jack: I-if you change your mind, you can always call me.
Phyllis: (Sighs) All right. (Clears throat)
Michael: Do you want to grab a cup of coffee?
Phyllis: Sure. Sure.
Michael: Oh.
Phyllis: I have nothing but time on my hands. Thank you. Jack, you want to come with us?
Jack: No, time is the one thing I don't have.
Michael: Well, that could change soon. You could end up in the unemployment line with Phyllis.
Phyllis: Oh, that's so lovely. Mm.
Jack: My father always dreamed that the Abbotts would be running Jabot again one day. I intend to make that dream come true.
Michael: Tucker McCall doesn't strike me as the sympathetic type.
Jack: Oh, I've dealt with bigger obstacles than Tucker McCall.
Gloria: Bring us another bottle.
Jeff: You know, you could at least smile when you're ordering a $3,500 bottle of wine.
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Jack: Did I just hear you say, "$3,500"?
Gloria: When it comes to fine wine, Jack, money is--
Jeff: Not that we'd know anything about that, right, Buttercup? Since we're drinking the house wine.
Gloria: Hmm.
Jack: Interesting. The house wine is now a 1982 Chateau Margaux? How much of my money have you spent, Gloria?
Gloria: Your money?
Jack: Yes, my money. I know short-term memory's the first thing to go. Fortunately, I'm a lot younger than you are.
Gloria: Ha.
Jack: So I can remind you of the Jabot settlement-- the legally binding Jabot settlement. It's time to pay up, Gloria.
Jeff: (Sighs)
Michael: So...
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Michael: You're really okay with leaving your job?
Phyllis: Sure. Yeah. (Winces) Talk to me in a few weeks.
Michael: Mm, it's not easy walking way from... (Firm voice) Victor Newman.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm not walking away from Victor Newman. He's my father-in-law. He's the grandfather of my child. Plus, he's coming back to live on the ranch.
Michael: (Normal voice) Ooh, one big happy family.
Phyllis: I know, and you know what else? Adam and Sharon are there, too. Yay!
Michael: That's one freak I've never been able to figure out.
Phyllis: Adam?
Michael: Mm.
Phyllis: Yeah. You know, I can't get that accident out of my head. I really can't. Adam's arguing with that guy. That guy runs into the street and gets killed.
Michael: It's hard to believe it's just a coincidence.
Phyllis: Yeah, but Adam insists it is.
Michael: Well, ugh, I don't envy you. It's hard enough being the Newmans' attorney. I don't think I could ever be married to one.
Phyllis: Well, Adam and Victor don't make it easy.
Victor: Now you both read the dossier that H.R. prepared on McCall?
Nick: Yes, Cramer did a very thorough job.
Victor: How do you think that'll help us assist Katherine Chancellor?
Nick: McCall's impulsive. I say we use that, sit back, wait for him to make a mistake. Once he makes a mistake with Chancellor, we take advantage of it.
Adam: Actually, I favor a more proactive approach. I think that the second that McCall starts to sell off subsidiaries, we just start buying it up with offshore accounts of our own, uh, foreign investors. We form dummy corporations--
Nick: You don't think McCall's gonna catch on to that?
Adam: Not if we're smart.
Victor: I think Adam is right. McCall is too smart to make a mistake like that. I want you to talk to acquisitions. As soon as one of the divisions of Chancellor Industries are up for sale, I want you to make an offer.
Adam: Okay.
Nick: Tucker's gonna be selling for way over market value. We don't have that kind of capital right now.
Victor: Don't you worry about it. I'll find it. Just a reminder-- we don't have that capital because you decided to pay back the depositors who lost money in the Caribbean bank failure.
Nick: I believed it then, and I believe it now. It was the right thing to do.
Victor: Mm-hmm. May I remind you that Newman did nothing illegal?
Nick: You're right. We didn't. But the S.E.C. didn’t think so. And this was a way for us to get them off our backs.
Victor: Nonetheless, right now, we are short on capital because of that decision you made. From now on, I'll make the decisions.
Tucker: Please, come in, Brock.
Brock: Thank you, Mr. McCall.
Tucker: Oh, Tucker, please. After all, we are brothers. So can I get you a drink? Ministers do drink, don't they?
Brock: Uh, I prefer to get to the point.
Tucker: Direct-- I like that.
Brock: Oh, I couldn't tell.
Tucker: Why? Do you think I'm hiding something?
Brock: I think you're hiding, period, behind corporate takeovers and holding companies. You used them to get to our mother.
Tucker: That's business. I am a businessman.
Brock: You are her son.
Tucker: Uh, is that supposed to mean something?
Brock: That does mean something, or else you wouldn't be here. You're here to find Katherine Chancellor.
Tucker: I found. I met. I conquered.
Brock: Well, now it's time to get to know your mother.
Jill: Where's Katherine? I need to talk to her.
Nikki: Get out.
Jill: Of my own house? If anybody's getting out, you are.
Nikki: Like hell. I'm not gonna let you get near her after what you did to her.
Jill: Oh, for God sake. Calm down. It was a huge misunderstanding.
Nikki: Oh, really? Oh, what happened? Did you slip and fall into Tucker McCall's bed?
Jill: What happens between Tucker and me is none of...
Nikki: It was pure Jill.
Jill: Your business. (Scoffs)
Nikki: It was classic Jill is what it was. A few little fancy bobbles and a few compliments, and you're willing to stab your mother in the back-- or at least the woman who has been acting like your mother!
Jill: Nikki, I had no idea that he was planning a takeover!
Nikki: Oh, and you expect me to believe there was...
Jill: I don't give a damn what you expect!
Nikki: No "Pillow talk" between the two of you?
Jill: You know what? Get out of my way. I want to talk to Katherine.
Nikki: No, unh-unh! Over my dead body.
Jill: Don't tempt me.
Nikki: You have upset her enough. It ain't happening!
Kay: It's all right, Nikki. I'll talk to her.
Nick: You know, he should just staple that Harvard degree right to his chest...
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: And stop trying to show me up with that Ivy League degree.
Phyllis: He's just looking to score points with your dad.
Nick: Well, he's doing a pretty good job. I mean, Dad ate up every single idea he threw out, and they weren't random, either. Dad knew we didn't have the capital to buy that division of Chancellor, and he also knew why, too.
Phyllis: Because of the bailout that you authorized.
Nick: (Sighs) Adam will do anything he can to make me look bad in Dad's eyes, and make him look good.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Yeah, I know.
Nick: You know, growing up, I always wanted a brother. I always wanted somebody I could shoot hoops with and someone who'd always have my back.
Phyllis: Instead, you got Adam.
Nick: Adam couldn't give a rat's tail about being my brother. He just sees me as this obstacle keeping him from Dad's attention.
Phyllis: So walk away with me. Life's too short.
Nick: (Sighs) You know, in the old days, I would have. I would've just chucked it all and started something new like we did with "Restless Style."
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. So we could do that again.
Nick: (Sighs) No, you were right. Life's too short. Almost losing my dad made me realize that. I know now he's not gonna be around forever, so there's no more walking away. I want to work with my dad. I want to make him proud. I want to run Newman on my own.
Phyllis: I know. What about Adam?
Nick: (Sighs) Ahh, Adam. If I'm gonna make it work with my father, I'm gonna have to find a way to make it work with him.
Phyllis: And how... (Chuckles) How are you gonna do that?
Nick: I'm gonna stop fighting who he is. I'm gonna beat him at his own game.
Phyllis: That's a tall order, but just like you-- very, very smart.
Gloria: Jack, I would love nothing more than to give you the money I owe you.
Jack: A cashier's check will be just fine.
Jeff: Stop bullying her. She doesn't have it.
Jack: Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm not on to you. You are still the same lying, cheating... woman you were the day you walked out of the gutter and into our lives.
Gloria: (French accent) Au contraire, Jackie. (Normal voice) For one thing, I speak French now, and you don't scare me, for another. Not that you ever did.
Jack: You ought to be scared of me. I want my money, and I'm gonna get it.
Gloria: I can't give you what I don't have.
Jeff: Tell you what, when our-- excuse me-- my second bottle of Bordeaux arrives, I'd be happy to pour you a glass, provided you drink it someplace else.
Jack: Don't mess with me. And don't mess with the law. I know a judge who will be all too happy to help your girlfriend here set up residence with some very nasty roommates. Your mother needs some legal advice.
Michael: Again?
Jack: She's got two choices-- she can pay me the money she owes me, or she can go straight to jail. Her call.
Jeff: (Scoffs)
Michael: (Sighs)
Nikki: Call me if you need anything.
Jill: For God sakes. (Sighs) Look, I know what you're thinking.
Kay: If you did, you wouldn't be here.
Jill: (Sighs) When I met Tucker in New York, I had no idea who he was.
Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, no end to the lies.
Jill: No, no, it's not a lie. And then he came here, and then you actually liked him, Katherine, okay? In fact, you offered him your entire I.P.O. I was gonna tell you about us.
Kay: Oh, but it just slipped your mind.
Jill: No. Before I could do that, he took control of Chancellor and claimed to be your son. I was furious. I wanted to kill him.
Kay: Mm, yes, well, you thought you should have sex with him first, however.
Jill: That was just a mistake.
Kay: No. No! That's who you are, and that's who you always will be-- white trash manicurist sleeping her way out of the gutter and not giving one damn about who she hurts in the process. I gave you everything-- money, security. And I-- I gave you love. But that wasn't enough. It's never enough, not for anyone as grasping and pathetic as you are.
Victor: Son, don't think I wasn't aware of how Adam was trying to push your buttons.
Nick: I was giving as good as I got.
Victor: Yep, you certainly did. Let's hope that Adam sees the wisdom in your proposal.
Nick: He should. It's win-win for all of us.
Victor: (Sighs) You know, Son, I'm proud of you. I came down very hard on you, and instead of letting it get to you, you stepped back, looked at the whole situation, and came up with a solution to a big problem.
Nick: I learned from the best.
Victor: Let you and Adam and I sit down, and we'll figure this out together, all right?
Nick: Cool.
Kay: You still here?
Jill: Yeah. I was waiting for you to calm down. Look, I know you're upset.
Kay: You think? I am sickened and disgusted. But I'm more angry with myself for my--my being taken in by you again.
Jill: Katherine, didn't you hear anything I said to you before?
Kay: Oh, yes. Oh, yes, I'm listening. I'm listening to that little voice in my head that's been telling me for years that you are this tramp who will use anyone to get what you want. There's no heart in there. It's a cashbox-- constantly needs refilling.
Jill: No, that's not the way it was with Tucker and me.
Kay: (Scoffs) Spare me the details.
Jill: It wasn't about money, Katherine.
Kay: Oh, it's always about money.
Jill: Oh, please, God, you've gotta know I love you after everything we've been through.
Kay: "Everything we have been through"? (Laughs) Oh, my dear, like, uh, pretending you're my friend while you're seducing my husband?
Jill: Stop it. Stop it.
Kay: In, uh, in the stables, in the car, right there on that very couch.
Jill: Just stop. Please stop it! Please stop it.
Kay: Th-th-this-- y-you were a conniving predator when you walked in this house and stole half of it from me!
Jill: You know, I really thought that we'd gotten past all this.
Kay: O-of, what? That's what you would like to think. I mean, you haven't changed, Jill. My God, you've not changed a bit!
Jill: No, you're the one who hasn't changed. You are an angry, bitter woman who is holding a grudge for something that happened over 30 years ago.
Kay: 30 years, 20 years, 10 years... (Stammers) Yesterday. You slept your way into this house, and now you have slept your way out.
Jill: You're still jealous over that?
Kay: "Jealous"? Oh, don't be ridiculous.
Jill: Jealous that your husband preferred me to a pathetic drunk held together with tawdry jewelry and plastic surgery?
Kay: Don't touch me. Why you...
Jill: Don't you touch me!
Cane: Hey, hey, hey. What is going on? What is going on?
Kay: Oh, my God. Oh, the--the--the fact that you chose Tucker McCall over me--
Jill: I didn't--
Kay: Oh, wait a minute! You shut up! Shut up! That's the day you meant nothing to me! Now get out!
Jill: Get out of my own house?
Kay: If I have to shove you out personally, I will do it.
Jill: I'd like to see you try that.
Cane: Jill, Jill, Jill, please. Please. Please. Please!
Kay: Don't worry about her.
Cane: Please! Katherine's been through a lot. Please!
Jill: Katherine's been through a-- yeah, you've been through a lot. We're not finished.
Cane: All right, come on. Let's go for a walk.
Jill: Don't touch me.
Kay: Yes, we are.
Cane: Wow.
Adam: I put together financials for each of the Chancellor subsidiaries and, uh, it's got in there what--what kind of debt they're carrying, um, their annual income and they're listed from top to bottom in descending order of those who will be sold off first.
Victor: Stop it, okay? Stop it. I know what you're trying to do.
Adam: I'm trying to do my job.
Victor: You came up with an idea to show up your brother, didn't you?
Adam: (Scoffs) Listen, uh, if you don't want my help, fine. I--
Victor: Please sit down.
Victor: Listen carefully. You're very bright. You know what you're talking about when it comes to this field. I value your opinion, but I don't trust you.
Adam: Dad, I don't know what else I can do to earn your trust.
Victor: I'll tell you what you can do-- stop competing with your brother. Put your own ambition aside in the interest of Newman Enterprises. You got that? Do you think you can do that?
Jill: It was a disagreement, okay?
Cane: Yeah, well, if that was a disagreement, I would hate to see a full-blown fight between the two of you.
Jill: Katherine just has a flair for the dramatic.
Cane: Yeah, so is it true? Jill. Jill. Jill, is it true? Are you in bed with McCall?
Jill: I didn't know anything about the takeover until it happened, okay? Clearly, Katherine chooses not to believe that.
Cane: Well, why wouldn't she?
Jill: Because of the past. Because she brought up a lot of history. I don't want to talk about this. I want us to focus on us and what we're gonna do about this.
Cane: And what are we gonna do?
Jill: You just got offered a job with Chancellor. You have twins on the way. Tucker McCall has big plans for you.
Cane: And what sort of plans has McCall got for me?
Jill: I don't know what they are, but I know it's very high-level.
Cane: Okay, at whose expense?
Jill: (Sighs) It doesn't matter, as long as we're taken care of.
Cane: By Tucker McCall? Are you involved with Tucker McCall?
Brock: Mother?
Kay: Oh, Brock. (Clears throat) I'm so glad you're here.
Brock: I brought someone.
Kay: Oh, Darling, please, I'm in no mood for that.
Brock: You need to see this person.
Kay: As long as it's not Jill.
Brock: No.
Tucker: (Sighs) It's me.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Jack: Ooh. Bad day?
Nikki: Doesn't begin to describe it.
Jack: Do you want to talk about it?
Nikki: Not really.
Jack: Hey, come on-- couldn't hurt.
Nikki: Jack--
Jack: It might actually help.
Nikki: Okay, you're right.
(Knock on door)
Victor: Come in, Son.
Nick: Let me guess, Adam's gonna do a PowerPoint presentation on how to save Chancellor.
Victor: I asked you both to come in here to tell you that I want you to stop competing with one another, all right?
Nick: I'm cool with that.
Victor: Ready to be a team player?
Adam: I've done every stupid, pointless task Nick has asked me to do. I never talked back. I never balked. I sucked it up, and I did my job. You have some nerve accusing me of not being a team player.
Victor: I am asking both of you--
Adam: Now Nick here, on the other hand, he's competing-- trying to, at least.
Victor: You do one-upmanship with your brother, not only in the office, but by marrying Sharon, his wife.
Adam: Hold on a second-- ex-wife.
Victor: You showed him up by marrying Sharon!
Adam: That's not the impression you gave her last night.
Victor: Don't you hurt her.
Adam: I would never hurt her, okay? You got that? I love her. And I don't give a damn if you or if you don't believe me or not. She knows it, and that is all that matters.
Victor: Wait till she finds out who you really are.
Adam: Oh, she knows already. You want to know why? Because she bothered to ask, "What is it like growing up without a father?" She grew up without one. She asked me what it was like to have my mother die-- the only woman on this planet who ever gave a damn about me. And you want to know something else? She asked me what it's like going blind. Imagine that. You and him, my own family, never asked. Sharon looks past my mistakes and believes in the person I can be, and she makes me believe in myself.
Victor: You may have fooled Sharon, but you ain't fooling your father.
Adam: I am sick-- sick and tired of jumping through hoops, defending myself. What the hell else do I have to do to earn your trust?
Victor: Son, I will never trust you.
Adam: You’re never gonna give me a chance to prove myself, a chance to be your son. It's clear that there's only room for one son in this company and in your heart. You know, Nick, you not only want your share of dad, you want mine. Have at it-- Dad, his respect, the job. It's yours. I quit, effective immediately.
Phyllis: Hey, Adam.
Adam: Save a place in the unemployment line for me, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Are you quitting?
Adam: Quit, past-tense.
(Elevator doors close)
Phyllis: Going down?
Nikki: Katherine had three separate labs run these tests, and they all came back the same. Tucker is her son.
Jack: Wow. Gee, and I thought my engagement to Emily was gonna win me "Shocking story of the month."
Nikki: Hmm. Jill's hard to beat.
Jack: What's Jill done?
Nikki: Oh, not much. Just got into bed with Tucker, literally and figuratively.
Jack: Yeah, that would explain what I saw-- the two of them celebrating here.
Nikki: Like the traitors that they are.
Jack: Of all the billionaires for Jill to pick, she picks Katherine's son. Boy, that's gotta hurt.
Nikki: I believe that was the point.
Jack: Well, at least Katherine's got you. That's gotta make it a bit easier.
Nikki: Katherine may be down, but she's not out. Believe me, when she's through with her, Jill will wish she had never even met the enemy, let alone slept with him.
Jill: Honey, let's get something straight once and for all, okay? I was not plotting with Tucker to take over Chancellor.
Cane: Okay, I want you to answer my question-- are you involved with him? Yes or no?
Jill: (Sighs) The man has control of the company. Yes, I intend to work with him.
Cane: And what about Katherine?
Jill: What about her?
Cane: What about her? How do you think she feels about you cooperating with this man?
Jill: (Laughs) Why don't you ask her?
Cane: (Sighs) Jill, I don't understand. How could you side with Tucker McCall over Katherine? How could you do it?
Tucker: (Sighs) So?
Kay: So?
Tucker: You're my mother.
Kay: So the tests say.
Tucker: What do you say? Do you have anything to say?
Kay: No, I don't.
Tucker: So finding out that I'm your son doesn't mean anything to you?
Kay: Nothing. Nothing.
Tucker: (Sighs) My time is valuable. You've wasted it.
Brock: Well, I had to try.
Kay: Don't let me keep you.
Tucker: I won't.
Brock: Hey. Come here. It's all right, Duchess.
Kay: (Whimpers)
Brock: Shh.
Kay: Oh.
Brock: It's all right.
Kay: (Sobbing)
Brock: Shh. It's all right.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Adam: I'm Adam Wilson, Victor Newman's son. I think we should talk.
Lauren: (Gasps) What?
Victor: I'm here because you have a magazine, and I have a story. Are you interested?
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