Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/21/10 -- Canada; Friday 1/22/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9320 ~ Kay Learns the Truth About Jill's Betrayal
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Ashley: Hey. I thought you might want some help managing this crisis.
Jack: Well, you thought right. There's enough fear and uncertainty in this building now that Tucker McCall has taken over Chancellor.
Ashley: Well, you know what we have to do. We have to assure everyone that it's not gonna change. He's not gonna ruin what Jabot stands for.
J.T.: Sorry to cut our meeting short, but my backup sitter's not answering her phone, and with Victoria overseas, it's, uh--
Tucker: Emergencies happen. Don't apologize. You're a dedicated family man. I respect that.
J.T.: Well, thanks for being understanding. Victor.
Victor: J.T.
Tucker: Well, well, well, isn't this a pleasant surprise?
Victor: Hello, Tucker.
Tucker: I thought you retired over there in, uh, Europe.
Victor: Why the hell would I retire, Tucker? A lot of unfinished business to take care of.
Noah: Thanks again for all the clothes and stuff you bought me.
Nikki: Oh, Honey, I was happy to do it. You needed pretty much everything after that fire.
Noah: (Sighs)
Nikki: Are you still thinking about that fight you had with Eden?
Noah: It's like nothing I said would have been right. And now she's leaving for Paris.
Nikki: When?
Noah: Today.
Nikki: Oh, that doesn't give you much time to fix things, does it?
Lauren: Any more texts from Noah?
Eden: I guess he finally gave up.
Lauren: Well, Honey, can you blame him? He's been trying to reach you for two days.
Eden: I don't know why. He obviously doesn't care about me. I mean, he practically pushed me to go to Paris.
Lauren: I-I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. You know, why don't you just call him? Patch things up.
Eden: If that's even possible.
Michael: The doorman said your car is on its way. It should be-- oh, any time now.
Eden: I guess this is it then.
Michael: Yeah, well, the magnanimous part of me says that I'm glad you're getting this opportunity. It'll be a great experience immersing yourself in another culture. And then there's the selfish part of me. The--
Eden: Yeah? What does he say?
Michael: Um, I'll miss you like crazy.
Eden: (Chuckles)
Lauren: And, you know, I know it's only a semester, but I don't know what I'm gonna do without you.
Eden: I'll miss you guys, too, and Fen. (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Michael: Quasi-parental units and all?
Eden: (Chuckles) In a lot of ways, you were-- you have been more like a real father to me than River ever was.
Lily: So I repeat, there is nothing to worry about.
Kay: Um, good.
Malcolm: Then why are we all here?
Lily: Well, we're just, um, waiting for one more guest before we say anything. (Chuckles)
Devon: And then you'll put us all out of our misery?
Lily: Yes, Devon. (Chuckles)
Brock: You doing okay?
Kay: Oh, it's so good to have you here. I'm gonna need everyone's strength to get through today.
Neil: So, Katherine, uh, the D.N.A. test results for you and Tucker--what time are they supposed to arrive?
Kay: Not soon enough. No, I-I take that back. I have no idea how I'm gonna feel once that lab report gets in my hands.
Jill: Katherine, it's urgent that I speak to you. There's something I need to tell you. Please?
(Doorbell rings)
Cane: Hey, hey. Come in. Come in.
Devon: Hey.
Cane: All right, everyone, uh, I think this is, uh...
Lily: (Clears throat)
Cane: Lily's time to tell you something.
Lily: Um, okay, so, uh, you know, lately, we've all had to deal with, you know, such sad, difficult things, so, um, Cane and I wanted to get everyone together to celebrate something good for a change.
Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, please.
Lily: So, uh, Mac, you want to tell 'em?
Mac: Well, I had my first ultrasound, and everything checked out perfectly.
Cane: In fact, uh...
Mac: Uh, yeah.
Cane: Twice.
Mac: More than perfectly.
Cane: As--perfectly. It was twice.
Malcolm: Wait, wait, wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait. Does that mean--
Lily: Yes, we're having twins!
Cane: We're having twins.
Jill: Oh!
Kay: (Laughs)
Brock: Wow.
Lily: Yeah, can you believe it?
Devon: Congratulations.
Kay: That's great.
Lily: Thanks.
Eden: Okay, promise me you're gonna draw me lots of pictures?
Lauren: (Chuckles) And you--you'd better keep my e-mail box full. Otherwise, you know, I may just have to fly over there and drag you home.
Eden: (Chuckles) You know, I-- I never met my real mother, but if I had to describe what I'd want her to be like...
Lauren: Eden.
Eden: (Sobs)
(Doorbell rings)
Michael: Oh, I'll get it.
Lauren: Maybe that's Noah.
Eden: Whatever.
Michael: Oh, Daisy, come in.
Daisy: Thanks. Lauren, uh, I saw this envelope sitting on your desk. I think you wanted to bring it home...
Lauren: Yeah.
Daisy: Last night.
Lauren: Thank you. I totally forgot with, you know, getting Eden ready. Thanks.
Daisy: Getting-- getting her ready?
Eden: I'm leaving to Paris in, like, ten minutes.
Daisy: Are you serious? You're actually going? Eden, that's awesome. I'm so excited for you.
Eden: Thanks.
Daisy: You know, I have Daniel's camera. I-I'll get a picture of the four of you, okay?
Michael: Oh, yeah.
Lauren: Oh, yeah. That's so thoughtful. Thanks.
Michael: Come here, son. Oh, you're such a midget. Come here. (Groans) Get up with us.
Daisy: (Singsongy) Say "Fromage," everyone.
Michael: Perfect.
(Camera beeps)
(Camera shutter clicks)
Michael: Ahh, well done.
Lauren: Oh, very nice.
(Doorbell rings)
Daisy: (Normal voice) Oh, I'll get it.
Michael: All right, hug Auntie again. Mm.
Eden: (Groans)
Daisy: Hey, Noah.
Noah: Hey. I'm glad I'm not too late.
Lauren: Um, Michael, Daisy...
Michael: Huh?
Lauren: Can I talk to you about something in the other room?
Daisy: Oh, sure.
Michael: What do I do with this? I found it.
Daisy: Bye, Eden. Have a fantastic time.
Michael: (Growls)
Lauren: Well...
Eden: Why'd you bother showing up? Don't you have baseball or something?
Noah: Look, I-I really blew it when I told you to go to Paris like it's no big deal. It totally is. I-I wish you weren't going. Not seeing you every day? I don't know how I'm gonna get through it. I mean it, Eden. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn't.
Eden: Hey, look, it's just for a few months, and--and maybe you can vi--come visit, like, over spring break.
Noah: Maybe.
Eden: (Sighs) Keep this for me.
Noah: No, that's-- that's the necklace your mom gave you.
Eden: Yeah, the one that you saved at the cemetery in Paris. You can take it out and look at it, and maybe you'll miss me less.
Noah: No way. But I'll take really good care of it until I see you again.
Eden: (Sighs)
(Telephone rings)
Eden: Hello? Okay, uh, thanks. Uh, tell him I'll be right out. Uh, the cab's here. I need to get to the airport.
Eden: I love you, Noah.
Noah: I love you more.
Devon: One baby is amazing, but twins?
Jill: Yeah.
Lily: (Laughs)
Malcolm: Bona fide miracle.
Lily: Thanks.
Neil: Watch out, Son. I don't know who to hug first!
Lily: (Laughs) Hug me!
Mac: (Laughs)
Kay: Oh, I am so proud of you, Mackenzie. The gift you're giving Lily and Cane, it's--it's overwhelming.
Mac: And if by that you mean it's a huge responsibility, you're right.
Kay: Mm.
Mac: But so far, so good.
Jill: I'm so happy for you!
Cane: A-and I would be honored if you would consider yourself the grandmother.
Jill: Oh, you bet I will.
Cane: Really?
Jill: Yes, absolutely.
Cane: All right, good. All right, um...
Jill: What? Oh, would you--
Cane: Go. Go. Go. Yeah.
Jill: You excuse me just one second? Katherine, Katherine...
Kay: Y-yes?
Jill: I have to talk to you.
Neil: Do you want me to give you a ride back to the office? I can do that if you want.
Kay: Um, um, I'll meet you there later, Neil. Um, business can wait.
Neil: You sure?
Kay: Enjoy family time. I insist.
Neil: Oh, well, thank you, Katherine. I appreciate that.
Jill: (Sighs)
Kay: Ironic, isn't it? (Chuckles) My family, uh, may also be growing. I--you know, decades after the fact, I may be, um, discovering that I have a son.
Ashley: So make phone calls, take people to lunch-- do whatever you have to do to assure our business partners that Jabot Cosmetics is as strong as ever.
Jack: And spread the word internally. We don't need our best and brightest leaving because they heard some crazy rumor.
Ashley: Battle stations, everyone. Thank you. What is that?
Jack: A friendly hello from Tucker McCall strategically designed to maximize panic. "To all Chancellor employees-- welcome to the family... blah, blah, blah, blah. There will be changes and hard decisions in the months to come, but for now, its business as usual."
Ashley: "Hard decisions"?
Jack: We both know what this means.
Ashley: Well, it could mean a-a lot of things, actually.
Jack: Tucker McCall is threatening to undo, to completely dismantle everything we spent our lives building.
Ashley: Not necessarily.
Jack: When was the last time you heard of a hostile takeover that was completely benign?
Ashley: Didn't we just tell our staff to assure everyone? Besides, that memo was sent to all Chancellor employees, not just Jabot. We had a terrific fourth quarter, Jack. Maybe he's gonna leave well enough alone.
Jack: Well, if you want to believe that, go ahead. I prefer to cultivate a healthy sense of paranoia.
Ashley: (Chuckles) Well, aren't you lucky, then, that you're about to be married to a very talented psychiatrist?
Jack: You know what? I am lucky...
Ashley: Anyway...
Jack: To have that woman in my life, particularly now.
Ashley: Yeah, uh, I might have to borrow her from you, actually, given Victor's attitude.
Jack: What's he done this time?
Ashley: He put me on notice. He's gonna fight me for the ranch.
Tucker: Hell of a thing you getting shot up like that. How's the, uh, ticker?
Victor: Thanks for asking, Tucker. The ticker's doing well.
Tucker: Glad to hear it.
Victor: Tucker, I saw your testimony before the senate panel investigating mortgage fraud. You took quite a spanking, didn't you? You did handle it well, though.
Tucker: Kind of got a little bit of that notoriety you had a few years back with that, uh, commercial bribery thing. (Chuckles) Those damn feds-- they just have no sense of humor.
Victor: I wasn't amused myself when I heard of your latest coup d'état.
Tucker: Well, I think we just got to the point of this meeting.
Victor: I just want you to know that I'm a very close friend of Katherine Chancellor's. I don't want her to be messed with.
Devon: Just two little eggs, the only ones you had, and now I'm gonna have two nieces.
Neil: Whoa, whoa. Wai--wait a minute, or two nephews.
Devon: That's--
Lily: Or--or one of each. (Laughs)
Cane: Ahh, how trippy would that be? Thank you. Thank you. Uh-huh. Maybe. Mwah!
Neil: Yes, Sir.
Malcolm: All right, you see this? This little snapshot right here? This is exactly why I came back to Genoa City-- to reconnect with my family and share this time with you.
Lily: Aw. Well, I am really glad that you could be here with us today, Malcolm-- especially today.
Malcolm: Me, too, because, um, well, I hope you don't mind, but I-I can't keep it to myself any longer. I'm engaged.
Lily: What? Oh, wow!
Malcolm: (Laughs)
Lily: That's amazing.
Malcolm: It's pretty huge. Yeah, I-I didn't want to say anything till I was sure she'd be able to come live with me. But she's a hell of a woman, and I'm sure you all will love her.
Devon: Good for you. Congratulations, man.
Lily: Yes, congratulations.
Malcolm: (Chuckles)
Lily: I'm so happy for you. (Laughs)
Neil: Malcolm? (Clears throat) What are you planning when she gets here?
Malcolm: Well, I haven't worked out details, but I'm thinking we'll probably get a house near here, help with the twins, like family should.
Neil: "Like family should"? Like that, huh?
Malcolm: Excuse me?
Neil: You see, you keep playing that family card as if you're somehow entitled to be part of this family. And I hate to break it to you, but it doesn't work that way. And now you're--you're saying that you're gonna move back to town with your fiancée, to take care of the twins without even a discussion?
Malcolm: All right, then. Let's discuss it, Neil. I'm willing.
Neil: I understand you’re wanting to reconnect. Maybe that's possible. But not like this. I'll be at the office if, uh, anybody needs me.
Mac: Surprised to see you here.
J.T.: Oh, hey, uh, yeah. The babysitter bailed on me. You know, it, uh, it happens. Oh, no, hold on, Buddy. That's hot. That's hot. Here. Drink your milk, okay?
Mac: (Chuckles)
J.T.: I do not know how single parents do this day in and day out.
Mac: Imagine having twins.
J.T.: Oh, are you kidding me? Two kids? No, I-I-I mean, I don't even want to imagine that.
Mac: (Chuckles) Well, Cane and Lily are gonna have to do more than just imagine it.
J.T.: Wait a minute. You're having twins?
Mac: Mm-hmm.
J.T.: Why didn't you say something?
Mac: Um, I wanted to, but then I felt like it was Lily's news, and she started telling people, so...
J.T.: God, you know, you're something else. I mean, you're giving those two an entire family. I-I don't know how many people would go through that.
Tucker: I had my eye on Chancellor for a long time. Apparently, so have you, considering Newman's interest in the I.P.O.
Victor: Katherine might have asked to participate. You gained control under false pretenses.
Tucker: You're here to champion a lost cause.
Victor: Are you really Katherine's son? Don't seem like her.
Tucker: Well, we'll see, won't we?
Kay: Well, thank you. Well, the test results should be here within the hour.
Nikki: (Sighs) I hate seeing you under all this stress.
Kay: Well, at least we don't have to worry about f-falsified tests. Going to have the confirmation of the three top D.N.A. labs in the country. I just refuse to believe that Tucker McCall could possibly be my son.
Nikki: This man has taken so much from you, and for what? For spite?
Kay: (Sighs) Well...
Nikki: I mean, what kind of a son does something that malicious?
Kay: Someone who was abandoned and ignored.
Nikki: But, Katherine, what else could you have done? You really didn't have a choice. Were you supposed to go to Brock's father and present him with another man's son to raise? He would have left you. You could have lost everything.
Kay: You know, Gary died so many, many years ago. I could have-- oh, God, I could have reached out then, ensure that baby that I gave up-- they could be happy, well-cared for, but... I did nothing-- nothing. I put it out of my mind. (Sighs) Oh, my God. I did nothing to attempt-- nothing to attempt to make that wrong a right.
Nikki: That does not excuse what this man did. He could have come to you. He could have been straightforward. No, instead, he steals your company out from under you, and I'm not gonna stand for it. Neither is Victor. There are so many people who are willing to fight for you. I don't care what these tests say. Tucker McCall is not gonna win.
Ashley: Take it or leave it. That's Victor's attitude. I can either cooperate or fight, but the way he sees it, the ranch is his.
Jack: Wait, wait, wait. I thought you signed papers.
Ashley: Oh, I did. I definitely did, and Michael Baldwin assured me the ranch was mine.
Jack: Oh, let me guess-- Victor had the papers drawn up. You signed them, he didn't-- classic "Mustache."
Ashley: Right, I know. But, you know, I-it's-- it's the principle here. Abby and Faith have a right to grow up at the ranch.
Jack: You want to fight this thing, there's only one way to do it-- hold your ground. Stay put. If you want that house for you and your daughters, I will do everything in my power to help you.
Michael: Fenmore asleep?
Lauren: Well, it took longer than usual. You know, he just-- thanks, Babe-- doesn't understand why Eden has to leave.
Noah: (Scoffs) I know just how he feels.
Michael: It'll fly by.
Lauren: Yeah, she'll be back before you know it.
Daisy: Until then, I volunteer to help take your mind off things. Just say the word.
Noah: Um, I'm gonna take off. Thanks for trying to cheer me up. I'll see you later.
(Door closes)
Daisy: Did I say something wrong?
Lauren: No, Honey. It was a really sweet offer. He's just-- he's missing Eden.
Kay: (Chuckles) What if Tucker McCall really is my son? For him to hate me so much to trick me like this-- it's my fault, Nikki. No, it is all my fault.
Nikki: Katherine, now is the time for you to lean on your friends. Let us be the strong ones for a change. There are so many people in this town who adore you, and they are quite willing to stand up and fight for you.
Kay: Well, that love, your love, means so much to me. Oh, Nikki, Nikki, if only you could have been my daughter, by some miraculous twist of fate. I-it's a fantasy, I know-- too much of a sweet coincidence to be true.
Nikki: Well, you and I don't need any D.N.A. to know that we will always stand by each other.
Kay: Mm.
Nikki: You are going to regain control of your company. Victor and I will see to that.
Kay: Oh, Nikki. One of the few bright spots in my life right now is the fact the two of you are back together again. It's where you've always belonged.
Nikki: Well, you had faith in us when no one else did.
Kay: (Chuckles)
(Doorbell rings)
Nikki: All right, you stay here.
Kay: Okay.
Nikki: I'll get that.
Man: Katherine Chancellor?
Nikki: Uh, no, but she's right here. I can sign for it. Thank you very much.
Nikki: Here it is.
Kay: Well, that's it, then. All three have confirmed it.
Nikki: What do you want to do?
Kay: I'll tell him myself.
Nikki: I know you will handle him exactly the way he deserves.
Tucker: Chancellor Industries is just another acquisition to me, the same way Jabot is to you, whenever you've been able to get your hands on it. No personal agendas there, right?
Victor: You know, Tucker, if this is strictly a business deal, why the hell don't you sell me half your stake in Katherine's company?
Tucker: Give up controlling interest? In exchange for what?
Victor: You name the price.
Tucker: Oh... um, no, no, no, no. I'm still basking in the glow of victory. A man's gotta enjoy himself sometime, hmm? When you're a self-made man like you and me.
Victor: Well, Tucker, don't ever say I didn't try to solve this problem in a civil manner. I'll see you around.
Brock: Hey, J.T.
J.T.: Hey, Brock.
Brock: How you doing?
J.T.: Good. How you doing?
Brock: I'm very well, thanks.
J.T.: Good. Have a seat. Uh, do you mind if I make a quick phone call first?
Mac: No, take your time. We're fine.
J.T.: All right, you're the best.
Brock: You are, you know. You're just such a loving, giving, generous person. I'd never want to change that about you.
Mac: But...
Brock: I'm concerned that, uh, you aren't thinking this through. You know, you'll be giving birth to two children, and then handing them over to another couple.
Mac: (Clears throat)
Brock: Are you really prepared for that sacrifice?
Malcolm: I n-never thought that sharing my own good news would make my brother react that way.
Cane: Malcolm, I don't think that Neil is reacting to the news of your engagement.
Malcolm: What then? I mean, clue me in.
Lily: (Sighs) You know, it has been really, really, you know, great seeing you again, because I have missed you so much. And, you know, you've always been one of my favorite people. But... (Sighs) I mean, that's my dad, you know? He is the one who has raised me. He is the one who's always been here for me. And, you know, you're talking about setting up house and-- and babysitting our kids, which is great...
Cane: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Lily: Because, you know, we--we'd love that. (Sighs) I just--I think that it's just too much too soon.
Devon: Yeah, she's right, man. I mean, you have to respect that.
Malcolm: (Sighs)
Ashley: You walked out?
Neil: Yeah. Not very gracious of me, huh?
Ashley: Well, I don't know. You did ask Malcolm to leave for Lily's sake, so no wonder you're kind of frustrated.
Neil: You know what, Ashley? I can't stand feeling this way. He's my brother. I ought to be happy for him. Why can't I be?
Ashley: When you found out about Lily's paternity, where was Malcolm?
Neil: He was gone.
Ashley: Well, no wonder. You still feel resentful.
Neil: (Sighs)
Ashley: You never had a chance to work things out. Here.
Neil: You know, when I heard about his latest plans, all I could think was, what a disaster it's gonna be. I can't keep putting my daughter in the middle of this thing. I gotta figure out a way to make things work.
Ashley: Well, you know what? I want to strangle Jack just about every other day, but whenever there's a crisis, he's the first one right next to me ready to do battle.
Neil: Yeah, well, I'm not too sure I can do that with Malcolm.
Ashley: Well, if you do everything you can to work things out and it doesn't, at least you know you tried.
Neil: You are absolutely golden. Thank you for that advice.
Ashley: Really?
Neil: Uh-huh.
Ashley: Well, I'm glad I could help.
(Door opens)
Jack: Get him on the phone for me.
Neil: Hey.
Ashley: Hi.
Jack: Hey, Neil. Any word on your friend Tucker, or did you need to see me about something?
Neil: No, no word. Your sister Ashley gave me exactly what I needed.
Ashley: Anytime.
Jill: If you only knew what this is doing to Katherine. Tucker, that company is her life.
Tucker: And she still owns a big stake in it.
Jill: (Sighs)
Tucker: She has a husband. She has family, friends, more money than God. Now that sounds like a life to me. How can she have all that and be that devastated?
Jill: (Scoffs) If you were really her son-- are you? Are you her son? Or is this some twisted way for you to get your kicks?
Tucker: I'm not playing around here. I promise you, I am Katherine's son.
Jill: And that gives you carte blanche to steal her company?
Tucker: Not steal, buy. I paid a fortune for my stake in that company. Now I'm gonna make it pay off. Now that I'm in charge, Chancellor is gonna thrive like never before.
Jill: (Sighs) Oh, my God. You are so callous about it.
Tucker: Darlin', its business. And by the by, you did the same when you had the chance.
Jill: Oh, for g--
Tucker: You couldn't wait to take over.
Jill: We all thought Katherine was dead then.
Tucker: Baby, why fight it? You and I, we're the same. We see an opportunity... (Inhales sharply) Grab it! We are not afraid to take risks.
Jill: And what about loyalty, huh? Doesn't loyalty count for anything?
Tucker: When has Katherine been so loyal to you? What has she done to earn this unwavering devotion?
[Jill remembering]
Kay: Nikki, if only you could have been my daughter by some miraculous twist of fate. I-it's a fantasy, I know-- too much of a sweet coincidence to be true.
Tucker: You're looking at a guy who appreciates you for the woman that you are.
Jill: (Sighs)
Tucker: Let's stay together. Let's stick this out, see what we got.
Jill: Tucker.
Ashley: (Gasps) Nikki.
Nikki: Oh, Ashley, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.
Ashley: What are you doing here?
Nikki: Noah needed some things, so I took him shopping.
Ashley: Oh, okay, well, thank you. I'll make sure everything gets put away.
Nikki: Oh, already done. He told me it would be all right.
Ashley: Noah did?
Nikki: Yeah, is there a problem?
Ashley: Um, no. No, I mean, you're welcome to visit Noah any time you like, but when you do, would you please just call first?
Nikki: Oh, my goodness. Don't be so prickly. I rang the doorbell. Nobody answered.
Ashley: Well, then how did you get in?
Nikki: I have my key.
Ashley: Well, I'd like the key back right now.
Nikki: I think that will have to be Victor's decision.
(Knock on door)
Jack: Well, I understand you had your fingers crossed when you gave my sister the ranch. I guess that Abbott heart isn't working quite as well as we hoped it would.
Victor: I'm here about Tucker McCall. Something needs to be done about him.
Mac: This will be Lily's family. I'm just helping her start it, and I would never have offered to be a surrogate if I wasn't 100% positive that I could handle it.
Brock: Okay, I just had to ask. As long as you're certain, then you have my full support.
J.T.: Got you a tea refill.
Mac: Thank you.
Brock: Look, I'm gonna head on out and, uh, check up on "The Duchess," see how she's holding up and all.
J.T.: (Chuckles)
Brock: J.T., sorry we didn't have more of a chance to chat.
J.T.: That's all right. Next time. Next time.
Brock: That sounds good. Okay.
J.T.: Okay.
Mac: Say, "Bye," Reed.
Reed: Bye!
Brock: Bye, son.
J.T.: Do you want me to take him?
Mac: No, he's fine, and, um, if you ever need help while Victoria's away and I'm available, I would be more than happy to sit with him.
J.T.: Listen, I'd be careful, 'cause I might just take you up on that.
Eden: Oh, my gosh, I can't believe this. May I call you "Tante Juliet?"
Juliet: Of course, my dear.
Eden: It's so great to be here. It really means a lot that you went through all the trouble to find me.
Juliet: Find you? It was the other way around, was it not? You contacted me first, asked to come to France for a visit, huh?
Eden: Sorry? No, I didn't. Before I got your letter, I didn't even know my mom had a sister.
Juliet: (Sighs)
Eden: That's so weird. If you didn't write to me, then who did?
Lauren: Boy... (Sighs) Three of us for dinner-- just three.
Michael: (Groans)
Lauren: That's gonna take some getting used to.
Michael: (Sighs)
Lauren: Do you remember when your sister first showed up on our doorstep?
Michael: Oh, yeah. "Hi, I'm your sister. Deal with it"-- chip on her shoulder the size of Cleveland.
Lauren: (Sighs) You know what? Even with all the ups and downs, I have really enjoyed having her with us.
Daisy: You miss her already? I do, too. I know how hard it's gonna be getting used to her being away.
Michael: Yeah, it is.
Daisy: I know I'm no substitute. Eden's your family. But still, just know I'm h-- I'm here to help. Whatever it is you need, you just have to ask.
Lauren: You are the sweetest girl.
Cane: Hey.
Neil: Hey.
Cane: Hey, come in.
Neil: Um, listen, you guys. I-I-I just wanted to apologize.
Devon: For what, man?
Neil: Well, I let my frustration with Malcolm get the best of me, and I'm sorry about that. That was wrong. I--you know, I never should have taken off the way I did.
Malcolm: If anyone ought to apologize, it ought to be me. Look, I'm the one who screwed up, Neil, not you, all right? There are some things that I'd like to say to you.
Neil: Wait. Please, wait. Uh, ca--let me go first. Um, ever since you came back to town, uh, I've been puttin' up walls. You know, I haven't really-- I haven't really given you a fair shake. So I'd like to start over.
Malcolm: (Sighs) You're the rock of this family, bro, all right? The one who held it together when Dru died, and that's some accomplishment. So if you feel disrespected in any way, I apologize. So from now on, I'll shut my mouth, quit crowding you, and earn my way back into this family.
Neil: I think it's time that we started working past our issues. Welcome back, little brother.
Ashley: Victor doesn't have any say in this, Nikki. It's my house. It's my key. Now hand it over right now.
Nikki: I don't think so.
Ashley: Oh, my God. You and Victor are-- are such a pair. I mean, really. You're just obnoxious and arrogant and double-dealing, and underhanded.
Nikki: Really? What--what do you mean by that?
Ashley: "What do I mean"? (Mockingly) "Ashley, I'm so self-sacrificing. Please go save Victor for me, because you're the only one who can." (Normal voice) And at the end of the day, look who he ends up with.
Nikki: You dumped him when his heart was practically in ribbons. And then, when he's barely on his feet, you have the audacity to come to him and ask him to give up this house to you?
Ashley: Well, you got this house when you divorced him, right? So what is it? You don't think that Abby and Faith have the right to the same upbringing as Victor's other children?
Nikki: You speak to Victor about this. I'm staying out of it.
Ashley: (Scoffs) The fact that you can say that with a straight face is hilarious.
Nikki: Okay, bye.
Ashley: No, you know, you want Victor? Gladly. You can have him. This is my daughter's home, and that you can't have.
Jack: So Tucker wouldn't play ball. I guess that shouldn't surprise us.
Victor: Mm-hmm. What do you say we put our differences aside and put that fool in his place?
Jack: For Katherine's sake, you got a partner.
Tucker: Pretty please?
Jill: Give me one good reason why I should take this back.
Tucker: Because it goes so well with the diamonds you threw at me.
Jill: Hey.
Tucker: Hmm?
Jill: (Sighs) You gonna be straight with me from now on?
Tucker: Cross my heart, Darlin'. And since you own the majority stake in that...
Kay: Tucker?
Jill: (Moans) (Chuckles)
Tucker: (Laughs) (Moans)
Jill: (Laughs)
Kay: So this-- this is where you have been all the time, knowing how anxious I was to get those test results?
Jill: This is not what it looks like.
Kay: Oh, shut up. Oh, for heaven sakes. I mean, I'm-- you take me for a fool?
Tucker: Katherine--
Kay: You shut up! You will never be my son. As for you, Jill, you were never my daughter.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jack: She's got two choices-- she can pay me the money she owes me, or she can go straight to jail.
Kay: You slept your way into this house, and now you have slept your way out!
Victor: I value your opinion, but I don't trust you.
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