Y&R Transcript Monday 1/18/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 1/18/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 1/19/10 -- USA


Episode # 9317 ~ Kay Learns How Deep Tucker's Deceit Runs

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Mac: You are grinning from ear to ear.

Cane: So are you. And--and--and so was Lily before she conked out from all the excitement. I--

Mac: Yeah, well, she better get all the rest she can, because one newborn is exhausting, but two?

Cane: I-I-I-I st--I st-- I still can't believe it. I wonder if they're gonna be identical. I mean, how am I-- (Chuckles) How am I gonna tell them apart?

Mac: I think that's gonna be the least of your problems.

Cane: (Sighs) Hey, listen, you know, if you're tired, I'll--I'll cover for you right now.

Mac: Lying on a table while a doctor rubbed cold gel on you.

Cane: Hey, you don't yourself. You are carrying two. It's--it's--its twins. It--it's a miracle. It's a miracle. Oh!

Mac: Well, it's your news, and I won't say a word until you and Lily say something first.

Cane: Okay. All right, listen, uh, I really have to show Katherine and Jill this.

Mac: Okay, they're gonna go crazy.

Cane: I know. I know.

Mac: They hover over me already.

Cane: Hey. Hey, you. Um, this lady, she's carrying very precious cargo. Take care of her, please. Please.

J.T.: (Chuckles) All right, you got it. Well, he seems happy.

Mac: Yeah, we just had the first ultrasound.

J.T.: Yeah? Everything good?

Mac: Better.

J.T.: That's great. That's great. I'm, uh, I'm happy for you guys.

Mac: Is something wrong?

J.T.: Yeah, you could say that. (Sighs) The, uh, man I work for, Tucker McCall, he took controlling interest of Chancellor Industries today.

Mac: That's not possible.

J.T.: Yeah, he pulled a fast one on Katherine.

Mac: How could you let that happen?

Michael: Tucker McCall is Katherine's son?

Nikki: So he says.

Kay: How do we prevent Tucker from taking possession of Chancellor Industries, Michael?

Michael: Uh, first thing, we examine the contract thoroughly.

Murphy: I thought it was ironclad.

Michael: No disrespect to Chancellor's attorneys, but if there's a loophole, I'll find it.

Kay: Well, I want to know-- so--as--as much as a dot missing over an "I."

Victor: Michael, I want you to know that my entire legal team is at your disposal, all right?

Michael: Yes, thank you, Victor. I'm gonna take you up on that. There's also an expert in New York I'd like to consult. You may have a case for misrepresentation based on fraud in the inducement. Uh, excuse me.

Nikki: Mm-hmm.

Michael: Yes, hi, uh, Chantal. Uh, there's a number I'd like you to look up.

Victor: Don't you worry about a thing. I'll do everything in my power to rectify this, okay?

Kay: God, thank you so much for rushing over.

Nikki: Well, we want to do anything we can to help.

Kay: Have, uh, have you seen that baby of yours?

Victor: No, not yet.

Kay: Well, we can handle things here for the moment. But, oh, you go and see that precious child.

Nikki: You go ahead. I'll stay with Katherine.

Victor: Keep me updated, okay?

Nikki: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Bye-bye.

Kay: Mm.

Ashley: (Sighs)

Neil: (Sighs)

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Neil: Uh, I-I-I'm sorry.

Ashley: Why are you sorry? I kissed you. Are you sorry I kissed you?

Neil: No, not at all. I'm just a little surprised, that's all. You know, Ashley, I-I thought there was something between us.

Ashley: Yeah, I did, too. I guess that's-- I guess that's why I kissed you.

Neil: Listen, I'd like to explore it, but--

Ashley: I know. Its bad timing, isn't it? It's bad.

Neil: Yeah. Do you--you understand?

Ashley: Yeah.

Neil: Because I've gotta put all my attention and focus on Chancellor Industries and helping out Katherine and-- do you know how angry-- how furious I am at Tucker McCall for making a fool out of me? For being such a thief that he is?

Ashley: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Neil: Yeah. (Sighs)

Jill: It's true, isn't it? All this time--all this time, you have just been using me to get to Katherine.

Tucker: You were never part of the plan, Darlin'.

Jill: Katherine put her life and her soul into Chancellor Industries. God, how could I have been so stupid? You told me that it had been a long time since you'd been serious about a woman. Must have been real easy to say that knowing I was gonna walk away and never talk to you again.

Tucker: You came on to me in my bar. You're an attractive woman. Why would I say no?

Jill: You just played me perfectly, didn't you?

Tucker: Darlin', this was in motion long before we met. I didn't need you. I was going to win anyway.

Jill: (Sighs)

Sharon: Adam, answer me. Can you look me in the eye and just say to me honestly, "No more secrets"?

Adam: Babe, listen. From the beginning, we knew this would not be easy. Listen, the--the family-- the whole world for that matter-- (Stammers) They're all against us, okay? You can't let Nick or Jack ruin what we have.

Sharon: I'm not even talking about anybody else. I'm just talking about you and me. I want the truth.

Adam: I swear, I'm not hiding anything.

Billy: Hi. Yes, I'm looking for some information on one of your former employees, Dr. Charles Taylor. Yes, I'll hold.

(Computer keys click)

You're Buckley's guy, right?

Jill: Oh, when I think how you manipulated us by persuading me that swapping stock was the smart move, by telling Neil he needed you to talk to Cell Tron so they'd do this deal. (Sighs)

Tucker: As I've said, I've done nothing illegal. I just gave myself a little gift. Chancellor Industries is an impressive company to have among my holdings.

Jill: Yeah, and it's your birthright, yes?

Tucker: Well, that puts a little bow on it.

Jill: Don't give me that. If you were really Katherine's son, you would have just gone to her and declared yourself. Nobody believes this outrageous claim. Everybody knows the baby Katherine gave up was a girl.

Tucker: Was it?

Jill: (Sighs)

Tucker: I've known for years that Katherine was my mother by blood. She's no mother anyone would want, from what I can tell.

Jill: (Sighs) No, you may have researched Katherine, but you don't know her.

Tucker: Ironic. You always hoped that you would be Katherine's daughter. I have no desire to call that woman "Mother."

Michael: Get back to me as soon as you can.

Murphy: So, uh, what's the skinny?

Michael: (Sighs) McCall has had this in the pipeline for years.

Murphy: (Sighs)

Michael: I'd be impressed if I weren't so angry. He buried his ownership of Cell Tron so deep, I doubt anyone who wasn't looking could have found it.

Kay: Oh, please, I gave him the chance to strike. And he, uh, did just that when I, uh, issued the public offering of Chancellor.

Nikki: Well, Katherine, you couldn't have known that.

Kay: None of us could.

Murphy: Distracting Katherine with that loudmouth Jo-Jo so he can move in for the kill. Man, I'd like to go over there and give him--

Kay: Stop now. Shh.

Nikki: You know, something about this has to be illegal, doesn't it?

Kay: Illegal? (Chuckles) Oh, please, I doubt it. Immoral? That's Tucker McCall's middle name.

Murphy: (Sighs)

Paul: I'm glad you could make it on short notice.

Heather: Oh, yeah, well, I'm always available these days. And the only man I am interested in spending time with is my dad.

Paul: (Chuckles) Well, I'm not sure if that's a compliment or a damn shame.

Heather: Probably a bit of both.

Paul: You'll move on when you're ready.

Heather: Yeah. (Clears throat) Yeah. You know, it was, um, it was bad enough when I found out that Adam cheated on me with Rafe, you know? But I told myself that he is who he is, and he couldn't help it. But now he's married Sharon, and it's all over the news, and it's like I'm constantly reminded of how stupid I was to fall in love with him.

Paul: You just opened your heart to the wrong person. Believe me, I know what that's like.

(Cell phone rings)

Paul: It's Nikki.

Heather: Oh, that's perfect timing.

Paul: (Chuckles) Hello?

Nikki: Hi, it's me.

Paul: Where are you?

Nikki: Uh, Genoa City. Victor and I returned this morning, but listen. There's an emergency with Katherine.

Paul: Is she all right?

Nikki: Physically, yes. But, um, can you come over to her place right now?

Paul: Um, hold on a second. Uh, listen, there's something going on with Katherine.

Heather: Okay, do you need to bail?

Paul: Do you mind?

Heather: No, no, it's-- that's fine.

Paul: Um, I'll be right there.

Ashley: Here you go.

Neil: Thank you. I appreciate that. Oh.

Ashley: You're welcome. It's a very special herbal blend, by the way. I drank it a lot when I was pregnant with Faith.

Neil: Really? Oh, nice.

Ashley: It's supposed to calm you. Yeah.

Neil: Will it make me forget?

Ashley: Mm, no. But when you're finished, we can read the tea leaves and see what's gonna happen in the future.

Neil: (Chuckles)

Faith: (Cries)

Ashley: Oh, did you wake up from your nap, Sweetheart? (Gasps) Hi, Sweetie.

Neil: (Sighs)

Ashley: Are you awake now? Look at my gorgeous girl!

Neil: Look at you.

Ashley: Look at my gorgeous girl.

Neil: May I?

Ashley: Sure.

Neil: Hi. What's up? Hi.

Ashley: She's so sweet.

Neil: How are you?

Ashley: (Gasps) Look at you.

Neil: I am a little bit rusty.

Ashley: Oh, it's like riding a bike.

Neil: Yeah, it is. Hi.

Ashley: You're gonna be holding Lily's baby soon, aren't you?

Neil: Yeah. Gosh, even though things look bleak all around me, holding your sweet little girl in my arms-- it gives me faith that the world isn't ending.

Ashley: I'd like to think it's just the beginning. (Chuckles)

Neil: (Chuckles) Yes. How are you, baby?

Victor: Well, hello there.

Billy: Hi.

Heather: Hello.

Billy: Uh, I don't want to cut in on your father/daughter time, but when your dad gets back, do you think I could have a word with him?

Heather: He, um, he left.

Billy: Oh. Well, maybe you can help me.

Heather: Is this about Adam?

Billy: Not directly. But what do you know about Dr. Charles Taylor?

Adam: Listen, I understand why you have doubts, okay? I-I hate it, but I understand it. I-I-I-I made some huge mistakes, things that I-- I wish I had never done.

Sharon: We both have.

Adam: Well, then... (Sighs) I thought the two of us were starting over again. You know, you and I?

Man: Excuse me. Mr. Newman?

Adam: Yes, Sir?

Man: This came by messenger for you and Mrs. Newman.

Adam: Thank you.

Sharon: What's that?

Adam: It's, uh, from, uh, Fenmore's boutique-- some gift cards.

Sharon: Oh, let me see.

Adam: Uh, I think it's from Lauren.

Sharon: "Sharon and Adam, hoping this will help replace some of the things lost in the fire. Lauren."

Adam: She didn't have to do that.

Sharon: Well, you know why she did.

Adam: Eden?

Sharon: Yeah. You know, she should have been more careful when she was blowing out the candles. Maybe next time, she'll pay more attention to what she's doing.

Adam: You know what? This--this is a perfect reminder. I mean, I-it was just stuff. Okay, I mean, that can be replaced. But, you know, what cannot be replaced I-is our love for one another, what we share between the two of us. (Sighs) I-I would give up everything that I have if you would just believe in me.

Sharon: I do.

Adam: Well, then none of it matters. Nothing else matters. The--the lies, the innuendos, it doesn't mean anything. Just believe in me.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Mac: Thank you, Murphy. I'll be home soon. Okay, bye.

J.T.: What'd he say?

Mac: Well, uh, Grandma is mad as hell, and the troops are rallying. Nikki and Victor stopped by earlier.

J.T.: (Sighs) I didn't even realize they were back in town. Hey, Mac, I hope you understand. I-I had no idea what Tucker was planning.

Mac: No, I know. I'm sorry that I-- I put that on you. I know you wouldn't hurt my grandmother.

J.T.: Yeah. I mean, I-I quit my job at Newman. I put my marriage at risk, all because I couldn't stand Victor's manipulations, and what happens? I go to work for the exact same kind of guy.

Mac: It's funny how that happens.

J.T.: (Sighs) So I'm turning in my resignation.

Mac: Are you sure you want to do that?

J.T.: (Sighs) Do you even have to ask?

Mac: Okay. McCall is a shark, but what billionaire isn't? Besides my grandmother. I think you should talk to him before you just quit.

J.T.: Oh, I did. I did. He said I got a bright future if I want to stay at the company.

Mac: Okay, so he sees your potential, which is a lot more than Victor ever did.

J.T.: What are you saying?

Mac: If this is your dream, maybe Tucker is the one that can make it come true.

J.T.: I can't believe I'm hearing this. I mean, I figured you'd hate the guy after what he did to your grandmother.

Mac: (Sighs) Nothing is ever that simple. Tucker McCall is also a great philanthropist. When we ran out of medical supplies at the refugee camp, he sent a plane full of every single thing that we needed. He saved thousands of lives. And maybe with you working for him, we'll see more of that Tucker and less of the other.

J.T.: You got a lot of faith in me.

Mac: I always have.

J.T.: So you think I should stay. (Sighs)

Mac: I am saying that you should think long and hard before you walk away.

J.T.: Could get even uglier. I mean, he's-- he's determined to take your grandmother down.

Mac: And that is what I don't get. I mean, business is business, right? So why is he making this personal?

J.T.: Well, to him, it is. He's claiming that he's Katherine's son.

Kay: I had a daughter.

Murphy: But you gave her up. It's in your book.

Paul: I-I can't apologize enough for telling you about Jo-Jo. This whole thing is my responsibility.

Kay: Oh, nonsense. Nonsense. It's not your fault at all. You were set up. We all were.

Michael: Well, Tucker had this carefully orchestrated. He had all the pieces in place to lead you straight to Jo-Jo's door. All he had to do was sit back and wait for you to find them.

Murphy: Hmm, talk about baiting the hook.

Paul: I promise you, I will get to the bottom of this.

Cane: Hey, Katherine! Oh, I'm sorry. You guys are working. You have a full house. I'll come back.

Kay: Just--no, Darling. Please stay. You may as well hear this now before it hits the news. Tucker McCall has gained controlling interest of Chancellor Industries.

Cane: What? How?

Michael: In short, a stock swap gone bad.

Cane: Well, I just met with Tucker yesterday, and I took a job at Chancellor.

Michael: Cane, you didn't sign a contract.

Cane: Yeah.

Kay: You now work for Tucker McCall.

Tucker: My adoptive parents were hardworking people. We didn't have much, but it wasn't like I lived in a cupboard under the stairs. My father's one big dream was that I would be the first one in my family to go to college. I couldn't stand the thought of spending the money that they scrimped and saved, so I audited a few classes, took odd jobs, ate at the mission, dreamt of traveling the world. End up in this little bar in London where this band played every Friday night. I talked them into letting me be their manager. Everyone thought it was a joke till I started getting 'em gigs. And that band became one of the biggest bands of the '70s.

Jill: And it all took off from there, didn't it? Everything you touched turned to gold-- your record company, the media, the airline.

Tucker: But I never stopped wondering about my birth mother. Why did she give me up? Was it hardship? Was she dead? I found out she was rich...

Jill: (Sighs)

Tucker: Powerful. She just didn't want me.

Jill: So you took control of Chancellor out of revenge.

Tucker: That, Darlin', was purely a business decision.

Jill: Oh, for God sake, don't insult my intelligence. You know that the Chancellor legacy means everything to Katherine, and you want to take it away from her. And God help me, I've been sleeping with the enemy. I've been complicit in taking her down. I've gotta talk to her about this. (Sighs)

(Knock on door)

Tucker: Ahh, that'll be the villagers with the pitchforks and the torches.

Nikki: You lying, scheming son of-- Jill?

Ashley: Would you like to hold your baby girl?

Victor: Of course I would. That's why I'm here-- to see my baby girl. Hi, baby. How are you? How are you, huh?

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Victor: Yes. Yes.

Ashley: When'd you get back in town?

Victor: Today.

Faith: (Fusses)

Ashley: Yeah?

Victor: Oh, Sweetheart.

Neil: Your daughter's absolutely beautiful, Victor.

Victor: Yes, she is so beautiful. She's so beautiful.

Ashley: Hi, Sweetie.

Victor: Baby. Baby, are you smiling at Mommy? Are you smiling at Mommy?

Ashley: (Chuckles) She just started smiling a while ago.

Victor: You're so gorgeous. Yes.

Ashley: You know what? I think she needs a diaper change.

Victor: Yes, I think so, too.

Ashley: I will be right back.

Victor: There we go.

Ashley: I know. I know. Come on, Sweetie.

Victor: What a beautiful baby. My goodness.

Neil: Yeah.

Victor: So, uh, why aren't you at, uh, Katherine's trying to fix the problem that you helped create?

Neil: I've been trying to fix the problem, Victor. This deal, by the way, was looked at very carefully.

Victor: Well, obviously, not carefully enough, Neil. She's in hot water. You brought that deal to her, didn't you?

Neil: I did bring that deal to her, and I'm well aware of what my part is in this. I'm doing everything I can to rectify matters.

Victor: Mm-hmm. And how do you think you're gonna rectify it being here?

Neil: I came over here because Ashley has a vested interest in Jabot. I wanted to tell her the news. That's all.

Victor: Huh. So, um, don't you think Katherine needs you more than Ashley does?

Billy: Well, you shouldn't have to eat alone.

Heather: So what is this? A pity lunch?

Billy: No, I don't do pity.

Heather: I heard you do just about everything.

Billy: (Chuckles) Eh, just about.

Heather: I never saw Dr. Taylor at the ranch, and Adam never mentioned him to me. And as I told you before, I have absolutely no interest in your tabloid crucifixion.

Billy: Well, I think there's a story here, and I bet you can use your connections to check up on Taylor for me.

Heather: There's no story. The police said his death was an accident.

Billy: Oh, and I guess it's just a coincidence that Taylor and "Junior" got into a fight right before Taylor died.

Heather: You read conspiracy into everything Newman-related.

Billy: You know, call me crazy, but I think Adam's hiding something. I don't know. Maybe it's his stellar record. What do you think?

Heather: I can't help you.

Billy: How hard is it to ask a couple of questions? I bet deep down inside, you really want to.

Heather: I shouldn't.

Billy: You know, beneath that ice queen exterior, I-I bet you want to.

Heather: "Ice queen"?

Billy: Yeah, ice queen.

Heather: Do you think I'm cold and heartless?

Billy: No, but I think you want me to think that. And I also think that you're really hot to get into bed with me on this and dig up some dirt on Adam.

Heather: All right, I'll make a few calls. But not here, because if we're gonna get into bed together, we should go somewhere private.

Billy: Oh.

Sharon: What do you think?

Adam: It's nice. Look, we can always come back and do this another time.

Sharon: And I'm gonna wear the same clothes every day? No, let's just get this done right now.

Adam: Sharon, hey. Come here. Talk to me.

Sharon: Okay, this thing with Dr. Taylor--

Adam: Look, I know I should have told you that I knew him, okay? It was a mistake. I am sure that I will ma-- I'm positive I will make more. But let's just--let's turn this into a good thing, okay? Now I know more about you. I know you want things straight. You don't want any surprises.

Sharon: It's just-- like I told you before, with Jack, there were so many lies and--

Adam: Hey, hey, hey. How many of us are in this marriage, okay? I'm not your ex-husband. Don't make me pay for his mistakes. I have enough of my own to pay for.

Sharon: (Chuckles) I know.

Adam: You are my wife, my lover, my Goddess, my partner...

Sharon: (Chuckles) What are you doing?

Adam: My--the sun, the moon, the stars.

Sharon: (Laughs) Adam, get up.

Adam: No. No, no, no. I am staying right here...

Sharon: (Laughs)

Adam: Until you promise to forgive me.

Sharon: Adam.

Adam: Say you'll forgive me.

Sharon: Okay, I forgive you. (Chuckles)

Adam: Good.

Mac: I'm so sorry this is happening to you. If there's anyone that doesn't deserve this, it's you.

Kay: Oh, I promise you, my dear, we are going to take Mr. McCall down a peg or two. It's certainly not over with yet.

Murphy: Boy, I sure wouldn't want to be on Katherine's bad side.

Cane: I'm gonna call. I'm gonna quit right now.

Kay: No. (Stammers) Uh, put it down. Put it down. You're not quitting. Mr. McCall may fire all of us, get rid of all of us, but you are gonna stay as long as you possibly can.

Cane: All right, listen, Katherine, I only took this job at Chancellor 'cause Jill and McCall said there'd be no drama.

Michael: Katherine still owns a large part of this company. It's important to have someone there looking after her interests.

Cane: Yeah, I just don't think McCall's gonna allow that.

Kay: Well, uh, make him fire you, and then pay you off.

Murphy: Yeah, I mean, don't make it easy.

Cane: Okay. All right, I'll stay for now... because you asked me.

Murphy: It's gonna be okay.

Kay: Thank you.

Mac: Hi, Dad. Yeah, no, I'm fine. Um, Grandma needs you.

Victor: Neil, I gotta ask you again. If you're so concerned about Katherine's business, why aren't you over there planning strategy?

Neil: Victor, I am working on the situation, all right? I'm about to head over there right now.

Victor: You've got to fix it.

Neil: I understand that, and I also understand that you care greatly for Katherine. But it's our business. I'll handle it.

Victor: All right. Just know that I promised her that I would help destroy that S.O.B.

Neil: Right.

Abby: Mom, Kaylie and Jeremy broke up. Uh-- Dad!

Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.

Abby: You're home!

Victor: Hi, my sweetheart.

Abby: When did you get here? A-are you staying?

Victor: I'm staying for good.

Abby: That's awesome. Things have really sucked since you left.

Victor: Really?

Ashley: Abby, Honey, your language.

Abby: Well, it's--it's true.

Victor: Well, I'm sorry to hear that, so we have to fix it.

Abby: (Chuckles)

Victor: Come here. (Chuckles) My goodness.

Tucker: I'm sure if you're finished chewing me out, Mrs. Newman would be glad to take over.

Jill: I was just leaving.

Tucker: Let me get the door.

Jill: Don't. Don't bother.

Tucker: May I get you something?

Nikki: No, thank you. I just wanted to see if I could find a thread of Katherine in you, but there's nothing.

Tucker: Oh, she's my birth mother. There's no doubt about it. It's easy enough to prove.

Nikki: I think it's very interesting that the most wonderful, compassionate, generous woman I know is surrounded by people who love her. You, on the other hand, are all alone. I'm sure you think you have won some great victory, stealing Chancellor Industries out from under her, but I promise you, one day, you will regret what you've done.

Tucker: Chancellor headquarters-- beautiful old building, isn't it?

J.T.: I remember showing that to you the first night you got into town. But, of course, at that point, you were probably already planning your takeover, right?

Tucker: I thought you were gone for the day.

J.T.: Is that why you hired me? Because you knew I was friends with the Chancellors?

Tucker: I hired you to help me navigate Genoa City. Now it turns out you got a pretty good head on your shoulders. Don't underestimate yourself, Hellstrom. You are a valuable member to my team.

J.T.: Well, I may not be a team player after all.

Tucker: Well, business isn't always pretty. If you can handle that, you're welcome to stay. If not, then good luck. No hard feelings.

Neil: All right, so let me understand this. What about good faith? Aren't we protected against opportunistic behavior?

Michael: Well, once both parties entered into the original agreement, there was a cooperative relationship, hence a disincentive to sharp practices. That's worth exploring.

Jill: I feel just horrible about this. I never saw this coming.

Kay: None of us did.

Jill: I would never knowingly put Chancellor in jeopardy.

Cane: I know that. We know that. We know that.

Kay: The thought never crossed my mind, Jill.

Jill: (Sighs)

Nikki: Any news?

Kay: Where'd you go?

Nikki: I went to confront Tucker.

Kay: Really?

Nikki: Apparently, Jill had the same idea. She was there when I arrived.

Kay: So what did the imposter have to say?

Jill: He's still claiming to be your son.

Nikki: Which is ridiculous. It's impossible.

Kay: Maybe not.

Murphy: What do you mean?

Kay: Well, I, uh, I've had a chance to, uh, think back to that time. And they, uh, they took the baby away from me as soon as it was born.

Mac: You never even got to hold your own baby?

Kay: I couldn't bear it. I just couldn't.

Therese: Um, can I have a glass of water, please? Thank you.

Paul: They say the spa here is excellent.

Therese: Oh, yes, it is.

Paul: You look like a different woman, Therese. Come into some cash lately?

Therese: What do you want?

Paul: The story you told-- the baby, the orphanage, the grey nuns, was any of it true? You know, I can have you arrested for fraud.

Therese: Well, I-- I just did what I had to do to survive.

Paul: I want the truth.

Sharon: Do you think he'd like it?

Adam: If it fits and it's clean, he'll love it.

Sharon: You know my son.

Adam: He's a boy, Sharon.

Sharon: So what about you?

Adam: I'm fine. I'm fine. Uh, no need to shop anymore. I'm exhausted. Shopping just--ugh.

Sharon: Okay, well, I just need to get a couple more things.

Adam: Yay.

Sharon: You know, today is a very special day.

Adam: The first and last day you ever get me to go shopping?

Sharon: No, it won't be the last.

Adam: (Chuckles)

Sharon: No, it is the first time that we had a spat as newlyweds.

Adam: And we celebrate this, why?

Sharon: I don't know-- 'cause we get to make up later?

Adam: How do we do that?

Sharon: Well, why don't we just leave these things here with the saleslady, and we'll go to the lingerie department?

Adam: You know, I just got my second wind. I could shop all day.

Sharon: (Giggles)

Adam: Come here.

Heather: All right, let me know if you hear anything at all on Dr. Taylor. Oh, no, it's--it's just a hunch. Okay, thanks. Bye. (Sighs)

Billy: Nothing.

Heather: Nothing so far. I don't know how you talked me into doing this.

Billy: Well, I am pretty irresistible.

Heather: I thought you were a pest.

Billy: Is that what you think? I don't believe you. Mnh-mnh.

Heather: Mnh-mnh?

Billy: Mnh-mnh.

Heather: Mnh-mnh. I think that you're the guy that parks in two parking spaces at the mall just so his car doesn't get scratched.

Billy: Well, that depends on the mall.

Heather: You're the guy that flirts with the checkout lady when there's an entire line of people behind you and all the other check stands are closed.

Billy: And I bet you're the girl that shrieks at the manager... (High-pitched, screechy voice) "Can we get another register open, please? We need another register open."

Heather: Well, somebody's gotta do it.

Billy: (Normal voice) Look, I owe you for making phone calls for me, and I don't like owing anybody.

Heather: Well, then, I'll collect right now.

Billy: Oh. Really? Okay. That's fine. How about this?

Heather: (Laughs)

Billy: (Growls)

Neil: Katherine, listen. I-I don't know what to say. I-I take full responsibility for all of this, and if you'd like, I'll--I'll hand in my resignation.

Kay: No, no, no. You are not-- no, you are not quitting. Now I-I-I don't want to hear anyone else at Chancellor apologize. It's no one's fault.

Jill: No, we were all fooled.

Kay: No, I can't blame you or Jill or anyone else at Chancellor, and I certainly don't expect you to hold yourselves more accountable than I hold myself.

Nikki: Paul, did you find anything?

Paul: I tracked down the nurse that was on duty the night that Charlotte brought in your baby.

Kay: The nurse that led us to--to Jo-Jo?

Paul: Yes, um, she confessed that she was paid to lie.

Jill: (Gasps)

Nikki: Oh, my God.

Paul: Look, I don't know how to say this, but, uh, it wasn't a girl that was brought in that night. The baby was a boy.

Kay: A boy?

Jill: Oh, my God, you had a son.

J.T.: Why didn't you tell me the truth?

Tucker: This deal was far too important to me. I didn't know if I could trust you. You are married to the daughter of Katherine's best friend.

J.T.: So why should I trust you now?

Tucker: I didn't lie to you. I just didn't tell you everything.

J.T.: You realize Katherine's not gonna give up without a fight.

Tucker: Ahh, well, I'm expecting a good old-fashioned, knock-down, drag-out, but she won't win. It'll get rough for a while.

J.T.: Where do I fit into all this?

Tucker: There's no one I'd rather have by my side.

J.T.: Y-you trust me even though you know I'm friends with Katherine?

Tucker: I'm a pretty good judge of character. I know that if you decide to stay, I'll have your loyalty, because that's the kind of man that you are. So what's it gonna be?

J.T.: I'll stay.

Paul: Therese says she knew the baby was a boy all along. She said long after the baby was born, she was contacted by a third party who said the records at the orphanage had been changed to say the baby was a girl and if anyone were to ask her, she was to agree.

Michael: Well, can anyone identify that person?

Paul: No, she-- she met him once, and it was dark. She--she couldn't give me a good description.

Neil: Well, what about a phone number? Did you get that?

Paul: Nothing. Nothing, Neil.

Jill: So we can't prove that any of this was engineered by Tucker.

Nikki: Oh, it was Tucker.

Murphy: Well, how do we know this Therese woman is telling the truth now?

Cane: Yeah, what if, uh, Tucker paid her to say the baby was a boy?

Murphy: Exactly my point.

Kay: I don't know what to believe anymore. Jo-Jo was a fake.

Mac: He could be a fake, too.

Kay: Well, I am done taking anyone's word, and I'm not going to believe anything until it's been checked out. Tucker is no longer calling the shots. From now on, I'm in charge.

Heather: (Chuckles)

Billy: You know, I got, um, to, uh--

Heather: It was a pleasure doing business with you. Um, you can see yourself out.

Billy: Thank you. (Chuckles)

Abby: One of the moms will drop us off and then pick us up right after the concert.

Ashley: Abby, I'm not comfortable with you being dropped off in Chicago at a concert without adult supervision. I'm sorry.

Abby: It's totally safe. I'm 15.

Ashley: (Sighs) Exactly.

Abby: You don't think I'm too young, do you?

Victor: My darling, I was on my own at 15, so, I mean, how much could possibly happen?

Ashley: You can't walk back in here and start changing the rules where Abby and Faith are concerned.

Abby: Mom!

Ashley: Go check on your little sister for me, please.

Abby: Why should I have to?

Ashley: Because I asked you.

Victor: Sweetheart, do as your mother asked, okay?

Abby: Oh, yeah, of course. Take her side.

Victor: Well, I see some things haven't changed.

Ashley: Apparently not, because you should have called before you came here. I think we talked about that.

(Front door closes)

Sharon: If he doesn't like it, I'll just return it.

Adam: I agree.

Sharon: Victor, hey. Welcome home.

Victor: Hi. Thank you. Last time I returned to Genoa City, you were the new master in this house, huh?

Adam: Dad, we're here as guests.

Sharon: Our house was damaged in a fire, so...

Victor: I see.

Sharon: Well, we'll put these things away.

Ashley: I invited them to stay here while their home is being repaired.

Victor: You invited them.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. Well, it's my home, so...

Victor: When I was gone, I realized that I made a mistake. I shouldn't have left this house in the divorce settlement.

Ashley: I thought we were past all that.

Victor: I realized this must mean more to me-- this ranch, this house, than it could possibly mean to you.

Ashley: (Sighs) Well, I've been living here quite a while with the girls.

Victor: I'll buy you a house anywhere, anyplace you want to go.

Ashley: You don't think the girls deserve to live here?

Victor: They can live here with me when they're with me, and otherwise, live with you.

Ashley: You agreed to this.

Victor: I changed my mind.

Ashley: Hmm.

Victor: Coming back to Genoa City, I have decided to take back my life, and I will start by retaking this house.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Daniel: Are you tracking this kid down because you want to make sure that he's okay, or is it because your "Bio clock" is ticking?

Man: You're in danger.

Chance: Who is this?

Kay: You're not my son.

Tucker: I know you want to believe that.

Kay: I want a D.N.A. test.

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