Y&R Transcript Friday 1/15/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 1/15/10 -- Canada; Monday 1/18/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9316 ~ Neil Brings Devastating News to the Abbotts

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Billy: So Dr. Charles Taylor.

Phyllis: Supposedly Adam's friend.

Billy: Well, we know that's a lie, because Adam doesn't have any friends.

Phyllis: That's right.

Billy: That's right.

Phyllis: He doesn't, or else they die.

Billy: Yeah. Okay, thank you.

Phyllis: For what? I didn't tell you anything.

Billy: Right. (Clears throat)

Phyllis: Right.

Billy: Okay. You have a good night.

Phyllis: You, too.

Billy: Okay.

Phyllis: Hey, Baby, um, this is your wife. I-I did something you won't be happy about possibly. Bye.

(Drops cell phone)

(Knock on door)

Nikki: Well, hello.

Phyllis: Hey, Nikki. Oh, welcome ho-- are--I thought you were in Belgium.

Nikki: We're back.

Phyllis: Oh, come in.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: That's great. So Victor, too, then?

Nikki: Yes, Victor, too.

Adam: Nick, put the phone down.

Nick: Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do about it?

Adam: I said put the—


Nick: (Grunts) I've been waiting for this.

Adam: (Grunts)

Nick: (Grunts)

Victor: What the hell is going on here?

Nick: (Breathing heavily)

Adam: (Breathing heavily)

Victor: You two are in charge of a multibillion-dollar corporation. This is how you behave?

Nick: There's a lot going on that you don't know.

Adam: Nick is spreading lies about me in the press.

Victor: Enough! You don't think I know what's going on? You two have been focusing on anything but business, and I won't stand for it.

Sharon: So Faith was born on the same night as my daughter, in the same place?

Ashley: I never realized you gave birth at Fairview, Sharon.

Sharon: I never even knew that you were there.

Ashley: Well, it wasn't common knowledge. I mean, my family knew, and, of course, Adam.

Sharon: Adam?

Ashley: Well, yeah. I mean, he--he very rarely left my side. He's the one that brought Dr. Taylor to see me.

Sharon: But Dr. Taylor was with me when I went into labor.

Ashley: Thank God you weren't alone when you were going through that.

Sharon: Were you alone?

Ashley: I thought you knew this. No. Adam delivered Faith, Sharon.

Sharon: Adam?!

Ashley: He never told you that?

Sharon: No. He never said anything.

Ashley: And neither did Jack.

Sharon: Jack?

Ashley: Well, he was with me when I checked myself into Fairview, and obviously, he knew about you, so he must have put 2 and 2 together.

(Doorbell rings)

Ashley: Hold on a second.

Jack: Hey, how's it going? I thought I'd drop by and see my little niece. I-I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?

Ashley: No.

Jack: You both look very serious. Is something wrong?

Murphy: Well, nothing's missing from upstairs.

Jill: Same here.

Murphy: Good. Now that Jo-Jo's gone, apparently without taking anything valuable, life can return to normal.

Jill: God, I wish I'd done some more investigation before I even mentioned her to Katherine.

Murphy: Well, your heart was in the right place, trying to find Katherine's daughter.

Jill: Yeah, but I'm afraid I did more harm than good. I mean, because Katherine will probably give up the search now, which means that she'll never come face-to-face with her own child.

Kay: Now I have owned this company outright for decades, and I've given it every fiber of my being. Why would you want to take my legacy from me?

Tucker: Times change. Legacies don't mean that much anymore.

Kay: To me, they do! You see, I-I thought you were my friend, my ally, and suddenly, you're neither of them.

Tucker: No, I'm your son.

Kay: That's preposterous.

Tucker: That's the same reaction I had, but it's true. Don't take my word for it.

Neil: Your word? We all know what that's worth, Tucker. J.T., did you know about this?

J.T.: No, I swear. Katherine, I had no idea. I never would have been a part of this.

Kay: I welcomed you into this company, and all these weeks, you were conspiring--

Tucker: Not weeks... years.

Kay: Listen to the pride in your voice. My God, it is disgusting what you have done-- disgusting! You've used the people who are close to me to cheat me out of my company?

Tucker: You still have significant ownership.

Kay: But you have controlling interest. But not for long. Did you think this... damnable lie that you're my son would distract me? Uh, confuse me? Well, you've got another thing coming. You... you are gonna have the fight of your life on your hands!

Neil: Well, it's about that time to call the attorneys, because this is fraud, plain and simple.

Tucker: Nothing I did was illegal. There were things I chose not to divulge.

Kay: Such as you're sole owner of Cell Tron?

Tucker: Then again, there were things that you kept from me my entire life!

Kay: Will you stop this bizarre b-- I have a daughter. You know that. You also knew that I was searching for-- Jo-Jo. You were responsible for her and the chaos that she put all of us through.

J.T.: Oh, tell me that's not true.

Tucker: Sleight of hand is sometimes a useful negotiating tactic.

Neil: Wow, man. That is unbelievably cruel.

Tucker: Well, you're no stranger to that game, Neil. You cut your teeth working for Victor Newman. Now that we're all going to be working together--

Kay: The hell we are. Oh, the hell we are. I'm gonna see you in prison first.

Tucker: (Chuckles) Well, until and unless that happens, I retain controlling interest in Chancellor Industries, which will now operate as a division under Tucker McCall, unlimited. Would you like to notify your subordinates, or shall I?

Ashley: So you did know that Sharon and I were at Fairview at the same time?

Jack: Yeah, of course.

Sharon: Why didn't you ever say anything?

Jack: When you were at Fairview, you made it very clear-- no visits, no phone calls. You cut off all communication with me.

Sharon: Okay, what about afterwards?

Jack: Afterwards, I felt it only fair to Ashley that she decide who does and doesn't know that she had a breakdown.

Ashley: Okay, I get that, but after you told me that Sharon had lost the baby, I mean... (Sighs) Why didn't you tell me when or where?

Jack: Sis, there was a lot I didn't tell you. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you could have handled the whole truth, but I didn't want to take that chance.

(Doorbell rings)

Ashley: (Sighs) Excuse me.

Billy: Hey.

Ashley: Hey.

Billy: Do you have a minute?

Ashley: Um, sure.

Billy: All right, well, um, I just wanted to ask you a few questions about somebody that you had a, uh--

Ashley: Yeah?

Billy: Hey, Sharon and Jack.

Sharon: Ashley, I'll-- I'll talk to you later.

Jack: So... whose life are you ruining now?

Billy: Oh, I think you're gonna particularly like this story, Jack.

Jack: Gee, I have a hard time believing that.

Billy: You know, you have a hard time believing in anything that I do.

Ashley: Seriously, do you two ever, ever stop?

Billy: No, no, it--it's okay. I'm gonna leave. I can come back another time.

Ashley: No, no, no, no. No, stay put. I want to hear what you have to say, okay?

(Cell phone rings)

Ashley: Don't move. Hey, Neil. Is your meeting over?

Neil: Yeah. Uh, listen, I need to talk to you-- Jack and Billy, too, if we can locate 'em.

Ashley: Oh, yeah, I can. They're right here in front of me at the ranch.

Neil: I'm on my way.

Ashley: Okay.

Nikki: Summer's doing so well.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah. She's come a long way. She has a long way to go.

Nikki: Yeah. I hope you realize that Victor regrets very much what happened.

Phyllis: Yeah, I know. I remember him in the hospital with her. I'm also sure it hit him hard when he realized that he indirectly put her there. But I'm not sure if anything's changed with him. I mean, do you think he's any less controlling or vengeful?

Nikki: Actually, I do.

Phyllis: I wish I could believe that. And if I could, it'd be a lot easier to forgive him.

Nikki: Phyllis, you don't have to forgive him.

Phyllis: I do have to forgive him, Nikki. I do. He's the grandfather of my daughter. And my husband needs his father in his life.

Nikki: I think it's good you realize that.

Phyllis: Well, I mean, yeah, I realize that, but realizing it and living with it are two different things, right? No offense, but I think I liked him better when he was living in Belgium.

Nikki: Well, he's back, and he's going to be a big part of your life. You're family. You're stuck with him. Now how are we gonna make that work?

Nick: You knew exactly where things stood between Adam and me when you decided to promote him.

Adam: (Sniffs)

Victor: You knew what I expected of you.

Nick: So everything's forgotten? Everything that he did?

Victor: It's not only what he did. He was manipulated by Jack Abbott. You know that. Abbott bragged about it.

Adam: So Jack comes clean now that everything's out in the open? That figures.

Nick: I'm sure it took a lot of convincing to get you to go along with the plan.

Victor: That's neither here nor there. Nicholas, I gave you instructions to give your brother Adam a chance to prove himself.

Victor: You defied my order.

Nick: I'm protecting you...

Adam: (Scoffs)

Nick: And this company.

Victor: Is that what you're doing? Or are you fighting over Sharon?

Adam: Nicholas refuses to accept the fact that I have genuine feelings for Sharon.

Victor: You just happened to fall in love with your brother's ex-wife? Is that it?

Adam: Yes.

Victor: And then you live on my property, right under your brother's nose?

Adam: That is temporary. Did you not hear our house burned down, Dad?

Victor: You bet it is temporary! Everything you guys have done is temporary. It'll be undone by me.

Nick: The only thing that needs undoing is your decision to promote "Machiavelli."

Victor: Is that what you're doing? You're giving your father an ultimatum? Either you or your brother? Is that it?

Nick: Clearly, something must change. I can't continue to run this company with someone this antagonistic.

Victor: You don't worry about that, Son. I will retake control of this company.

Adam: You know, Dad, actually, it's-- it's a relief. It's nice to have you back. And this-- this will not happen again.

Victor: See to it.

Nick: So how was Belgium?

Victor: We'll discuss that later. Take the afternoon off.

Nick: Would you like me to catch you up on anything?

Victor: No.

(Office door closes)

Murphy: Jill, tell her the good news.

Kay: Later.

Jill: Jo-Jo is gone.

Kay: Of course. She would be.

Jill: (Scoffs)

Kay: What if it's true?

Jill: No, no, no. She is not your daughter.

Kay: I know that. Oh, God. What have I done?

Murphy: What's wrong?

Kay: How can I tell you?

Nikki: Katherine?

Kay: Oh!

Nikki: Oh, good, you are here. I just let myself in.

Kay: Oh, thank God. Nikki, you're here. My Darling.

Nikki: Oh, Katherine.

Kay: I'm so glad, so glad, so glad. Oh.

Nikki: What? What? What? What's happened?

Kay: Oh, well, I'm-- I made a terrible mistake. I bought a company today with the shares of Chancellor that was secretly owned by Tucker McCall.

Jill: No, that's impossible.

Nikki: Well, why is that so terrible?

Kay: Well, combined, he has all the shares.

Jill: That would mean he does. He has a majority stake.

Nikki: Oh, my God, no.

Kay: Yes.

Murphy: But can't you cancel the sale?

Kay: Oh, Neil's looking into that now, but... (Sighs) I mean, the man has been planning that all these years. As though that's not enough... (Scoffs) He claims to be my son.

Murphy: Wha--

Nikki: What?

Jill: What?

Kay: Well, uh, no. The child I gave up for adoption-- he says it's him. Now that is--is nonsense. That's totally insane.

[Jill remembering]

Jill: Oh, diamond earrings.

Jill: I have to wonder, Tucker McCall, are you too good to be true?

Tucker: Most definitely.

Kay: Oh, I know you told me not to trust him. (Sighs) I wish to God I had listened.

Murphy: (Sighs)

Tucker: Let's talk tomorrow when you've had a chance to cool off.

J.T.: No, this is our last conversation.

Tucker: You're friends with Neil. You're close to Katherine.

J.T.: Which is why you hired me.

Tucker: Not true.

J.T.: You used me to hurt people I care about. You're no better than-- you know what? I have zero interest in screwing people over for a living.

Tucker: And I respect that. I tried to keep you out of this as much as possible. I never once asked you to lie or to do anything that you might look back on with regret. Could Victor Newman say the same?

Ashley: Hi.

Neil: Hi.

Ashley: Is everything okay?

Billy: Hey, what's going on?

Neil: As of this morning, controlling interest in Chancellor Industries, and therefore Jabot, has passed to Tucker McCall.

Jack: Wai--wait. How's that even possible? I don't know what to tell you. Everything seemed pretty straightforward, all right? There wasn't a single red flag.

Jack: The hell there wasn't. It was obvious to anyone who was paying attention that Tucker McCall saw himself as the boss. You should have heard him talking to me at the club the other day. He'd already crowned himself king. And there sitting next to him was smiling Jill, who was either clueless or in on it.

Billy: Hey, Jack, Mom had nothing to do with this, okay? But what about J.T.? He's the one working for McCall.

Neil: No, no, no, no, no. J.T.--he was blindsided, okay? We all were, and we shouldn't have been. And you're right, Jack, it was up to me-- me, to do more digging.

Jack: Yeah, maybe you and Katherine were a little too star struck.

Ashley: Oh, stop it, Jack. It's not Neil's fault. It's Tucker McCall's. I know it's devastating to think of Jabot in the hands of somebody like that, somebody who doesn't have any integrity at all.

Jack: It's one thing ceding control of Jabot to Katherine, who loved Dad, who cared about his memory. Now what do we have? A billionaire who's bored with skydiving?

Neil: Katherine is not gonna take this lying down. That's for damn sure. I'm gonna get back to her. I'm very sorry for the bad news.

Billy: Okay, uh, you know, won't even go through.

Jack: They're not gonna find any loopholes in that deal.

Ashley: McCall obviously set this trap very carefully.

Jack: Yeah, it makes you wonder who he had working on the inside.

Billy: Hey, Jack, I'm telling you. Mom would never go against Katherine, okay?

Jack: You didn't see your mom with him in the club the other day, all chummy. Either she is in on it, or he just played her for the biggest fool in the world.

Kay: (Sighs) And Jo-Jo was working for Tucker.

Nikki: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Who is Jo-Jo?

Murphy: This woman was pretending to be Katherine's long-lost daughter.

Kay: She had this entire household in an uproar. And God help me, I was so distraught that I gave Tucker free rein to handle the merger. You know, Jill warned me that he was dangerous. I-I don't know if she'll ever forgive me, because Chancellor was her future, and all I did was just give it away, give it away.

Nikki: I-I'll be right back.

Murphy: (Sighs)

Nikki: What are you doing? Leaving?

Jill: There's something I need to take care of.

Nikki: Now?!

Jill: Yes, now. It can't wait.

Nikki: Don't you want to help Katherine?

Jill: I am helping Katherine, in my own way.

Nikki: What, by leaving? She needs you here.

Jill: She has you.

Nikki: (Scoffs)

Phyllis: Hey, Baby. Get my message? I guess I don't have to ask, do I?

Nick: For the record, Adam threw the first punch.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'm sure he did. Um, I have a suggestion-- why don't we, um, delegate the person who goes after Adam to, um, somebody who doesn't have anything better to do in their life?

(Ice pack crackles)

Nick: Billy Abbott?

Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, that's a good idea. I should have thought of that.

Nick: (Chuckles) You sicced Billy on Adam, didn't you.

Phyllis: Just--I-- I may have mentioned something about, uh, Dr. Taylor.

Nick: Oh, okay.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Well, I'm glad. Good.

Phyllis: "Good"?

Nick: Yeah. I already decided it's time to unleash the hounds.

Phyllis: Really? Well, maybe you shouldn't mention that to your dad. He's back in town, you know.

Nick: Yeah, I know. He walked in on me and Adam beating the crap out of each other in his office.

Phyllis: Was he upset?

Nick: Yeah. And, uh, we both got demoted.

Phyllis: It's amazing. He didn't happen to mention anything like, "Oh, Son, I'm really sorry that I contributed to your daughter being in the hospital, al-almost getting killed," did he?

Nick: Uh, no, that never came up. (Sighs)

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Are you gonna be okay with this, being face-to-face with him again?

Phyllis: I don't know. I thought I was, but I don't know. I'm not sure.

Sharon: Adam?

Adam: Hi.

Sharon: Oh, no. Nick?

Adam: (Sniffles) Yeah, at his best. Um, Dad's here. He's back.

Sharon: He is?

Adam: Yeah, at least, uh, at least Nick and I can keep our distance now. (Sniffles) That's the good news.

Sharon: There's bad news?

Adam: Yeah, he's upset with us-- well, with me. He thinks that getting married was a big mistake. Sharon?

Sharon: Something's bothering me, too, Adam.

Kay: How'd the Abbotts take it?

Neil: Well, how do you think? I mean, seriously, Jack is out for blood, obviously. And--and Ashley is-- I-- (sighs)

Kay: Oh, that poor Darling. She must be heartbroken.

Neil: (Sighs)

Kay: John Abbott's legacy in the hands of a stranger.

Neil: Katherine, I will never, ever forgive myself for letting my guard down.

Kay: Oh, stop it. Stop blaming yourself.

Neil: No, no, no, no, no, no. All--all my years working with Victor Newman, and I-I-I-I should have seen this coming from a-- a mile away.

Kay: (Scoffs)

Neil: Katherine, listen to me, all right? We are not-- we are not gonna waste our time dwelling on mistakes, all right? No, no, no, no. Instead, we are going to be busy beating this guy at his own game and taking your company back.

(Cell phone rings)


Victor: Hello, my love.

Nikki: Hi. I have terrible news.

Victor: What is it?

Nikki: Tucker McCall tricked Katherine into giving up controlling interest of Chancellor Industries.

Victor: When did this happen?

Nikki: This morning. And to make things worse, he's claiming to be her long-lost son.

Victor: (Sighs)

Tucker: I put you in a hell of a tight spot. I know that, and I regret it. The only way to avoid it completely would have been not to hire you.

J.T.: Yeah, and you shouldn't have. You said yourself you knew I wouldn't want any part of this deal.

Tucker: The deal would have gone forward with our without you, as I told you before. It was in the works long before you signed on. Now it's done.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Tucker: It's behind us. You have a bright future looking forward--

J.T.: If I can get over the fact that I can't trust you, is that it?

Tucker: Did you think I would ask your blessing on every negotiation?

J.T.: I thought you were a man of your word. My mistake.

Tucker: J.T. don’t deny yourself this opportunity. That would be the real mistake.

Adam: Wait a second. What--what--what's going on, Sharon? What, is this the-- about the fight with Nick? Or wh--

Sharon: No, it has nothing to do with Nick. I just-- I feel like I'm in the same situation again. This is how I felt when I was with Jack.

Adam: (Scoffs) What?

Sharon: You're keeping things from me, like he used to.

Adam: You asked me questions this morning about Dr. Taylor, and I answered them as best I could. I--

Sharon: Dr. Taylor, who delivered my baby. But you knew that, didn't you? I mean, even before yesterday when I told you about it, because you were there that night with Ashley. So why didn't you tell me about that?

Adam: Sharon, have a seat. (Sighs) Yes, I know all about the night that you lost your baby. It's not like I was hiding it from you.

Sharon: Yes, that is exactly what you did.

Adam: Well, wh-- what was I supposed to say? When we first started to get to know one another and--and--and talk, you were grieving for your baby. Was I supposed to bring up Ashley and her baby?

Sharon: No, but, I mean, as we got closer--

Adam: Sharon, you never talk about that night. You never talk about that night.

Sharon: I told you that Dr. Taylor delivered my baby.

Adam: Right, and in the next breath, you said that he had died, and that-- that's where my head went. I mean, forget about everything else. I-I-I-I don't understand. This is--this is what you're upset about? I-I-it's ironic, because, you know, I mean, I'm purposely not bringing something up so that it doesn't upset you, and that in and of itself upsets you.

Sharon: You're not telling me everything.

Adam: Why do you say that?

Sharon: Maybe it's because somebody died, and I don't really know why.

Jack: Well, trust me, word will soon be out at Jabot. That's gonna cause some panic.

Billy: People are gonna start jumping ship.

Ashley: You know what? I'm gonna call the lab. I'm gonna tell them that we are doing everything we can to ensure stability.

Billy: That's a good idea. Do you want me to handle the sales staff?

Jack: Well, would you look at this. "Team Abbott," back in action.

Ashley: Yeah, well, there's your silver lining.

Jack: Yeah.

Ashley: Hey, Jack, I want to know everything you know when you know it, okay?

Jack: Yeah.

Ashley: All right, take care.

Billy: Bye.

Ashley: Bye. (Sighs) Look at you. You just slept through the whole thing, didn't you, Sweetie? It's gonna be a long time before you have to worry about Jabot. Hopefully, there'll still be a Jabot for you to worry about.

(Doorbell rings)

Ashley: (Sighs) What now? (Sighs)

Ashley: Hi.

Phyllis: I-I don't want you to hate him. I don't hate him.

Nick: (Sighs) Well, don't think that I've completely forgiven him, all right? All I have to do is picture Summer in that hospital bed, and...

Phyllis: I know.

Nick: (Sighs) Just-- look, what good would it do to completely shut him off or just start screaming at him?

Phyllis: Well, I don't want to do that, either. But our lives are so enmeshed. I mean, we're here on the property with him all the time. I mean, we talked about moving before.

Nick: No, Dad doesn't even live here anymore. I mean--

Phyllis: I know. I know he doesn't live here. I mean, other people live here. But he can come by to the stables whenever he wants. I mean, he could drop by whenever he wants.

Nick: I-- (sighs) Don't you think that's gonna get easier?

Phyllis: No. (Sighs) I think it's gonna be worse. I mean, when he was in the hospital, he was on the verge of dying. I made allowances. You know what I mean? But now he's fine, and he's walking around like there's no problem, and he's back to normal, whereas Summer has mountains to climb still. We don't have to make a big issue of it. We could just move, say it's time, because it is time. We can go house-hunting now.

Nick: I'm sorry, but I just--I can't do that.

J.T.: Listen, I-I know it's the middle of the night in Dubai, but, um, things are kind of bad here. I screwed up, Victoria. Tucker had a hidden agenda. I-I never saw it coming.

Automated voice: Message erased.

J.T.: Hey, um, have Mac give me a call when she gets in.

Adam: What are you accusing me of?

Sharon: It just seems like it's so easy for you to hide things from me, like its second nature or something.

Adam: I explained to you why I didn't tell you.

Sharon: Okay, but, yeah, you and Jack-- you both have these perfectly logical explanations for everything, and you know what? I really want to believe it.

Adam: Wait, you said Jack, and Jack knew that Ashley was at Fairview and he didn't say anything to you. Listen I-I-I-I know that this feels like déją vu to you and-- and you feel like you're married to the same man all over again. Baby, I am not Jack.

Sharon: (Sighs) I-I don't know. Maybe I can't trust my instincts anymore.

Adam: No. No, don't say that, Sharon. Do not say that. You were just getting stronger. You can't-- Nick and Jack and Phyllis, you can't let them get in your head like that. I mean, they're telling you you're making the wrong choices. You don't know what you're doing. I mean, they try and tell you that I don't love you. Sharon, I love you.

Sharon: Can you swear to me that there are no more secrets?

Phyllis: You said before we could move.

Nick: I know I did. Things are different now.

Phyllis: How are they different?

Nick: Dad's giving Adam a second chance. Now I don't know if that's wishful thinking or not, but Dad has blinders on. If I move away now, Adam will swoop right in and take full advantage.

Phyllis: Like he did with Sharon?

Nick: No, that's not what this is about.

Phyllis: It's not? Because you said yourself that your dad doesn't even live here anymore. But Sharon does. Maybe that's why you don't want to leave.

Nick: (Sighs) I'm gonna go change.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Billy: I'm gonna put my other story on hold. There's gotta be something worth printing about old Tucker McCall.

Jack: No, stop the presses.

Billy: Uh, what?

Jack: Let's not show Tucker our hand right away. He certainly didn't.

Billy: Well, not to everyone, but you saw through him.

Jack: I don't want him seeing through me just yet. Besides, this isn't the first time I've had to fend off a takeover.

Billy: Okay, look, Jack, I am perfectly willing to follow your lead. I just don't want to be your age when we make our first move.

Jack: Being quick on the draw only helps if your aim is dead-on. We may only get one shot. Let's hit him between the eyes.

Jill: (Sighs) What the hell? Katherine's son?!

Tucker: Well, at least we don't have to do this in public.

Jill: "This"? And what is "This," huh? Is this where you tell me it was all a game? Where you were just using me? You son of a bitch!

Neil: Ashley, I-I had to come back. You know, when I saw that look on your face when I told you the news, do you understand that it killed me inside?

Ashley: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel worse than you already do.

Neil: No, no, no, that-- that's not what I'm saying. I--what the hell am I saying? I, um, I mean, really, th-th-this is the worst possible timing. Ashley, do you understand that I-I would do absolutely anything-- anything to fix this for you? And its not-- that's not guilt talking. It--but don't get me wrong. I do feel guilty. I really do. It's just--it's--it's-- it's more than that. A-and it's probably the last thing that you-- that you want to hear right now, but honestly, I feel that... I... can't believe I'm saying it.

Ashley: You're not really saying it. (Chuckles) Um, and that's okay. I mean, you know, you don't need to.

Nikki: Look who's here.

Kay: Victor! Oh, God. Oh, oh, oh.

Victor: (Chuckles)

Kay: Well, uh, so you've heard. Uh, the news will be all over the globe soon. I've been taken in. (Chuckles)

Victor: Don't you let those bastards get you down.

Kay: Well, that's exactly what he claims he is...

Victor: Mm.

Kay: My bastard son.

Victor: (Chuckles)

Murphy: Oh, but that makes no sense, because the child she gave up was a daughter.

Victor: We'll find her. But before we do that, we'll take care of Tucker McCall.

Kay: "We"?

Victor: All my resources will be at your disposal.

Kay: (Sighs) Dear, dear, dear friend. Dear friend, dear friend, dear friend. Oh, thank you.

Victor: And I promise you, once we're through with that man, he'll wish he'd never been born, to you or anyone else.

Murphy: (Sighs)

Kay: He won't know what he's got himself into, will he?

Victor: No, he won't.

Kay: Thank you.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jill: He's still claiming to be your son.

Nikki: It impossible.

Kay: Maybe not.

Billy: I also think that you're really hot to get into bed with me on this and dig up some dirt on Adam.

Heather: If we're gonna get into bed together, we should go somewhere private.

Victor: Surprised to see you here, Neil.

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